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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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uah with the possibility of free delivery , powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. this night, the drones of the security service of ukraine successfully targeted enemy targets in the belgorod and lipetsk regions of russia. this is reported by the ukrainian media with reference to sources in the sbu. it is known that the russians complained about the series all night long in local pubs. explosions in the area
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of ​​the oil depot in the belgorod region, the authorities of the lipetsk region confirmed the fire at the yelska substation. meanwhile ukrainian intelligence officers learned the names of russian pilots who bombard the territory of ukraine with cruise missiles from strategic aircraft. this was reported on the official page of the main directorate of intelligence. operatives and analysts identified the personnel of units involved in missile attacks on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine. in the message, emphasize that it is these pilots who are responsible for numerous victims due to the criminal missile terror that they carry out from the territory of the russian federation. an agent was detained in rivne the fsb, which was preparing missile and drone strikes of the aggressor against the military and critical infrastructure of the region. a former crimean, who lived in rivne for a long time, recorded the locations of the defense forces on... his mobile phone.
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he was also interested in military hospitals and the movement of convoys with military equipment. even before 2022 , he was recruited during a trip to the occupied crimea. the agent is now in custody, facing life in prison. on the border with hungary, the body of another drowned man was recovered from the tisza river. according to the information of the state pardon service, the military saw how a dead man in a wetsuit. carried by the current. the drowned man was a 42-year-old resident of the city of khust. in general, this is already the 29th death in the tisza river on the border with hungary and romania, the state border service noted. emergency workers rescued an elderly woman in bilopilla, sumy oblast. an enemy shell hit her in the house and destroyed the wall. this is reported in the state service for emergency situations. a local resident
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born in 1993 was sleeping in her room at the time of the attack. after the explosion, she was buried under the rubble. the rescuers succeeded quickly free the woman fortunately, she did not need medical help. and during the day, the enemy shelled 30 settlements in kharkiv region with artillery and mortars. the local regional military administration reports that there is damage to residential buildings and an educational institution. eight people were injured. the population continues to be evacuated from the frontline areas. more than 500 people have already been transported. and we convert our people into donations for our defenders due to enemy shelling. join the collection and you for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone. just not. in any weather, day and
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night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed that will deliver to the combat zone , mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumatic-hydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment. in general, our goal is uah 630,000. thanks to you we have already managed to collect more than uah 165, so... let's not delay, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on your screens. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi will soon visit madrid, where he will sign a bilateral security agreement with spain. this will happen during a meeting with prime minister pedro sanchez - reports the spanish publication elpais. according to journalists, this agreement will be similar to those that kyiv has already signed with great britain and germany. france, italy, denmark and
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canada. negotiations on signing an agreement with spain started at the beginning of march this year. premiers of the three baltic states. in estonia, latvia and lithuania will meet in vilnius, where they will discuss, in particular , security issues and joint actions to support ukraine. this was said by the head of the estonian government, kaia kalas. a week earlier, the three leaders had already met for negotiations in riga. german chancellor olaf scholz was also present at the meeting. the special representative of the government of china for eurasia lihui held the third round at the beginning of may. negotiations on political settlement of the war in ukraine, the ministry of foreign affairs of china reports this. from may 3 to 9, the official visited turkey, egypt, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. later, he also spoke by phone with representatives of the governments of brazil, south africa, indonesia, and
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kazakhstan. the chinese foreign ministry insists that negotiations are the only possible way to resolve the war. therefore, the parties to the conflict must create conditions for recovery. can dialogue and contribute to de-escalation and the achievement of the regime cease-fire. well, the legal committee of the parliament of georgia supported the scandalous draft law on foreign agents, which is being prepared for voting in the third reading. deputies did it with record speed. it only took one minute to review. local publications write about it. meanwhile, a protest against the adoption of the draft law continues in front of the parliament. the protesters call the document. atorsky and see a russian trace in it. the police pushed the protesters away from the official entrances of the parliament so that they could get there pro-government deputies. footage of protesters being beaten by security forces appeared on the network, after the committee's vote, the tension subsided. the police
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took away the special forces, on the spot, for now, groups of protesters remain. despite the fact that he was dismissed from the army, he returned to the front in the 22nd, and when he completely lost his health, he found himself in a peaceful life, nowadays serhiy fabrika teaches civilians to fight, and he also sews nightclothes for the wounded. our journalists know the story of the veteran from kirovohrad oblast. serhiy is an electrician by profession. the war for him began in in 2014, but within a year, the wounded fighter was disabled, and after a full-scale invasion, he went to the front. and again. i avoided death, the mine suffered a multi-fragmented explosive injury, at that moment i joked that my head and heart remained intact, but this time it was a bit of a joke, there is no shelf there,
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the jokes have changed a bit, because this time only my heart and tongue remained intact . after returning home, the veteran will be interested. all with airsoft, now with the help of the game he teaches civilians the techniques of fighting, he invested a million hryvnias in weapons and ammunition, the land he received as a participant in hostilities, turned into a training ground. to date, we have 70 drives, different, different systems, different countries, well, the most common systems in our country are basically present in me. and a number of machine guns, samples of both the post-soviet army and now nato weapons, machine guns and more, in order to be useful to the army, serhiy sews nights for the wounded, for his brothers in his native battalion he has already sewn
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a knife for two hundred, many people sew knives in our country, than mine differ from others, first of all, i don't put them in a tablet, why, because what the tablet is folded... it lies upright in the bag, and so it can stay there, in this form you attach it to the armor. serhiy fabrika is sure that the task of his generation is to win this war. for this, everyone should join the fight. it's not you, it's not high words, it's, well, you really have to live somewhere. other owners will come here, and they will come if we don't. us, we will return in the 33rd 32nd year, they have drawn conclusions from all that, they will not allow such a mistake, they will knock us all out already, already in ukraine it is ok, the last
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a chance, there will be no more, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates. on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow. keep yourselves. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, for these two hours we will talk about the most important events of this week, this day, about what happened, about what the trends of the following days and weeks should be , well, and our first interlocutor, the founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010
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, lieutenant general ihor romanenko. congratulations, mr. igor. i congratulate you. well, let's start with what is happening in kharkiv oblast, what are the enemy's tactical goals, what can he succeed in, how can we stop him from doing so on this part of the front. please explain to us. judging by the introduction of hostilities, that's right. active actions are taking place there on the part of the old people, as you know, the enemy has launched an attack in the area north of kharkiv, these are four villages, shooters and three more, and in the north-eastern direction, this is vavchanchank and sila gatishe, west of vovchansk, the enemy was acting to the west. used the equipment of several battalions, before that it carried out
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a fire attack and advanced for the time being somewhere in different directions along this line of contact from three to 5 km and is trying to gain a foothold in this territory, which before that was, let's say, defined as a gray zone. the defense forces of ukraine have transferred reserves to this direction and are trying to disrupt the enemy's plans, respectively, and first to stabilize the situation, and then, depending on the forces to be used there, to restore, let's say, the state at the beginning of these hostilities, in general there were three... options for the direction of kharkiv and the kharkiv direction, the first is that the enemy
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planned and general skibitskyi, the representative of the main directorate of intelligence, spoke to organize appropriate actions against the city directly, for this a grouping of enemy troops with about 150,000 weapons of equipment, which is not currently observed in this direction, and therefore about... such actions on the current time, well, there is no point in talking, the second option is that the enemy, for this you need from 50 thousand, in this whole direction somewhere 55 thousand are concentrated, but there are not enough separate forces to make the so-called border strip, or putin characterized it as sanitary, i.e. which... further from the border to move our troops 75
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km from the border there they are building an airfield close to it, well, taking everything into account, it means to carry out this kind of tasks, for which there are still not enough forces in full , but well, the question is perhaps in time, and now exactly what is happening now is most likely... the order of kaboem, the purpose of which is to capture the territory, push back our troops, and also withdraw part of the forces from the eastern front in order to weaken the potential of military operations of the defense forces of ukraine in this direction. but what is happening around vovchansk, in your opinion, is precisely the desire to capture this very city, and what it gives the russians. it is included, the capture of this city is included in what we are talking about
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using combat intelligence, finding some weak points, er, capture a place in order to make it a basis for further advancement, if not advancement, then er , build your defense system by capturing these territories. which you and i are talking about in order to continue to influence, or if they add reserves, forces, for this we need additional forces, everyone should receive peace. in order to carry out artillery shelling and influence the nearest objects, to enable their artillery, this is within a radius of 20 km, to actively act on our facilities in this area. mr. igor, how do you assess the situation in
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the donbas region? she is heavy, er, the enemy has had enough. more forces in order to organize offensive actions, unfortunately, at the tactical level, but offensive actions, as far as possible, the defense force is trying to stabilize, this means stopping the advance of the enemy's actions, and therefore this kind of intensive combat operations are conducted primarily in the vakhmutsky directions , avdiivskyi and southern shimarinki. and in general, the near future, that is, until the end of may, the beginning of june, the parties organizationally plan to complete the task: the enemy, carrying out its strategic defense operation, will gather forces in order to start the second stage
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of actions in this direction, which our president spoke about, the defense forces, will they be able to gather the appropriate... forces to organize the defense system, that would disrupt these plans, that is, the strategic factor of time is at work. please tell me, mr. igor, how you generally consider the possibility of any retaliatory actions on the part of the ukrainian defense forces, or do they fit into your idea of ​​these actions in the answer to those blows that were inflicted, let's say, on belgorod oblast today? certainly, this kind of action should be carried out in order to... weaken the potential in these directions of the enemy, and we already understand how many launches, missile weapons, actions of enemy aviation and so on take place from these territories, that means in the best way, in the best possible way for defeating, countermeasures for striking
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these territories, where there are airplanes, flying machines for... the enemy, where the launchers are located, where their artillery and manpower are located on the airfields, questions in terms of how many and what means for this we have, and with this there is a question, well, in terms of personnel, it is known that from the 18th the law on mobilization will come into force, well, it is trying within the framework of the current legislation, which means to carry out these measures, but they don't spend as much. it is fast and effective, as we would like to replenish our brigades, especially those that conduct combat operations directly on the line of sight, in general, in general, if we talk about the border regions of ukraine, about the kharkiv region, about sumy, what should be the approaches of the ukrainian state to the further provision of normal life
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and development of these areas in the future, because even if we imagine in some foreseeable future the cessation of hostilities between russia and ukraine, our border will still not be in any obvious security, the question is normal, as you say, lives can be ensured only by the appropriate results of the conduct of hostilities, and they are now in a difficult situation with us, and we do not have enough strength to stabilize the situation, that is, to stop the actual advance of the enemy, he if... the tactical distance is kilometers there, but it is advancing, and after that, depending on the capabilities of the defense forces of ukraine, i.e., the reserves, which we have significantly, we do not observe now, we can talk about de-occupation actions, and at the expense of their carrying out and the results of successful actions of this kind can be
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said about your definition of normal actions. area of ​​life, as far as it is possible to believe that the help that ukraine is currently receiving from the united states can significantly change the situation at the front, can we really say that all the main problems arose precisely in connection with this failed aid, not only, this primarily concerns weapons and equipment, but we were late and still have not completed the task in terms of personnel, that is, the mobilization of it... in the third year of waging a large-scale war, these are latecomers actions and very difficult conditions will now have to be decided. it is a matter of correcting this strategic error. in addition , you showed the engineering equipment, the following, it is necessary to make
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falsifications in such conditions, to build in the defense system, there is also a big delay with this, and not the efforts if, but this could also significantly weaken the potential of an offensive action, the question is not only that the first lines in the defense system can be the engineering troops, or... the servicemen of the defense forces of ukraine themselves, but the powerful support of both state and private structures in this, and involved in this, in the construction of the farcification, all the necessary border forces and not only throughout the country, only such powerful and fast help, well, will contribute to stopping the advance of the enemy. and tell me, mr. igor, what really happened with fortifications? this is also important to understand, the partitioning had to be done since the beginning of july last year, that is, by june it was already clear that
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the counteroffensive actions were unsuccessful, did not achieve their goals, there are no forces to carry them out, and these forces can be gathered in full only by resources in one direction, and we operated in the zaporozhye direction, ocho. these general zuluzhnyi as far as two melitopol-berdyansk and general syrsky, well, with the control of the president, i would say so, were acting in the bahamian direction, that's already three, and in the fall, in august, a fourth kherson direction was added, that is, the resource collected was not fully collected for one, it was divided into four, obviously this meant that there would be no success in july either. it was clear, it was known, and it was necessary to stop, to move to strategic defense with the urgent construction of fortifications and a defense system. we
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are six months late, these fortifications have actually been engaged in since the beginning of this year, and we have the consequences of this, and do you understand why? because it was calculated to stretch the front or for what? but on the other hand, well, the russians stretched the fronts, got a similar result. because a timely decision was made in july, by the way, nato representatives advised not to distribute their resources, collected at least on one, on these three, and then on four directions, but the decision was made by the relevant military and political leadership, and we have such consequences. do you think it will be possible to stop the enemy in the kharkiv direction, is it possible? talk about the fact that these are still local battles? well, you and i have analyzed the situation, decided on three options, so far that these are battles at the tactical level, but they
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can grow according to the second option to this sanitary zone, because the enemy is forming for this and already has significant forces at the present time, which cannot be said about our side. therefore , the time factor requires great efforts on our part and the allies to gather such resources in order to stop the further advance of the enemy, including on such important defense objects as kharkiv, sums, well, a number of others, by the way, another question is that these resources, they form two armies, i.e. 14 divisions, 16 brigades, armies, and that they will be according to the plans that have become known, that is, kharkiv and sumy from the point of view of such approaches, then
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you can think about their military leadership to put pressure, for example, on the same kharkiv direction, and hit someone else, where to transfer these resources, the reserves they are accumulating, thank you very much, mr. igor, igor romanenko, founder of the charitable fund we will close the sky of ukraine. deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was on our air in 2006-2010. and now to ukraine's foreign policy, we will talk with tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community of kyiv region. greetings mr. tibor. good evening, mr. vitaliy. well, the reason for our conversation was the fact that the president of ukraine , according to the information of his press service, had a rather detailed conversation with the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. this is such an unusual contact, because... viktor orban does not talk that often, what do you associate this revival of hungarian-ukrainian contacts with, and these are the positive comments i would make regarding the conversation between the president of ukraine and the prime minister
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of hungary well, contacts are indeed working and the working group is working, and here in this regard ukraine has done a lot with the adoption of laws on national minorities, and until now this issue, unfortunately, is still open exclusively from the hungarian side, and the main goal, why our president spoke with the prime minister. of hungary, this is the invitation of hungary, the invitation of the hungarian leadership to the swiss peace forum, which is soon to be held in the first half of june this year. well, if the president talked to the prime minister, it means that gorchyna in principle, i am ready to take part, did orban just want a special invitation? so can it be considered? well, unfortunately, not quite so. the fact
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is that orban stated that he constantly advocates for peace, he is for peace and he supports all shady initiatives that are related to peace, but unfortunately, this has nothing to do with our interests of ukraine, because orban unequivocally advocates racist interests, he in general. does not understand what is happening in ukraine, and he is the only leader in europe who has not yet visited kyiv since the beginning of the full-scale racist aggression, and what about the fact that you ask that it is as if it is self-evident that hungary will take part in the peace summit, well , god forbid that it will take part, but one of
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the state secretaries. after this phone conversation , he noticed in the hungarian pro-government press that he did not understand the meaning of this peace forum at all, if russia was not there and what was there to be negotiated about, it became known already during the stay of the president of the people's republic of china, xijin ping, in budapest , that hungary leans more towards chinese than ukrainian. this of the plan to end the war, if viktor orbán arrives in switzerland, can the president of hungary arrive in switzerland, we do not know how it will look in practice, then in principle, in your opinion, in this situation it can be said that the hungarian representative he will represent the chinese plan there, most of all he will present his plan,
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which is very close to the chinese plan , he talked about it, and indeed you correctly mentioned at the press conference of the joint press conference er on thursday night orban that really it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table and about the peace initiative, but he did not specify it at all, i am afraid... that if even hungary someone takes part, regardless of whether it is orbán, or szijjártó, or the president of hungary, i think , that once again there will only be empty such populist statements, allegedly that they support peace, but
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unfortunately, this will have nothing to do with our ukrainian position. if we talk at all about how the foreign policy of hungary is changing in connection with this visit the head of the people's republic of china, it is obvious that he came to beijing for a reason, however, such visits are not accidental, of course, you are 100% right, mr. vitaliy, but it is very interesting that what is characteristic of authoritarian regimes, hungary, even in this press conference. there was not even a press release, exactly what was agreed about these 18 so-called points between hungary and china, and literally an hour and a half later in the hungarian press appeared an investigation carried out by marton tompos, the head of the momentum party, who translated from the chinese press what these 18 points, sorry, it's just not...


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