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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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position, unfortunately, will not have. if we talk at all about how the foreign policy of hungary is changing in connection with this visit of the head of the people's republic of china. it's obvious that he came to beijing for a reason, aren't such visits accidental? of course, you are 100% right, mr. vitaliy, but it is very interesting what is characteristic of authoritarian regimes, hungary. even at this press conference there was not even a press release, exactly what was agreed on these 18 so-called points between hungary and china, and literally an hour and a half ago, the hungarian press published an investigation by marton tompos, the head of the momentum party, who translated from the chinese press what these 18 points are, sorry, it's just not...
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colonialism, neo-colonialism in europe, that is , in fact, hungary becomes a colony of china, i will only mention one fact, there is talk of the construction of a railway that will connect the chinese port there, which greece privatized with europe, will pass through serbia and hungary, so hungarian economists have calculated that it will pay off this railway for hungary in 250.7 years, why is it all for orban, why should he buy, let's say, russian gas, which is more expensive than the gas that can be bought in sports markets, why should he build a chinese railway that will not pay off, what is the point of his activity of this type in general, well, total politicking, forgive me, orbán is an autocrat, a dictator of europe, and he is to blame for today... today he is as
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isolated as possible, in fact, no one welcomes him in europe, in fact, all these connections with by him to date simply at zero, or below zero, and he openly declared that he will support china, the so-called open door east, and it is not for nothing that china called hungary after... this visit is a partner of four seasons, imagine, china has only six such partners, that is, one of them hungary, its next such partners are venezuela, belarus, ethiopia, uzbekistan and pakistan, so in what order has orbán put hungary in international politics today, i.e. serbia is not there, for example, because. among these countries that
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serbia, which xizen ping also visited, absolutely not, absolutely not, well i think that serbia is just not yet drawn to such an authoritarian dictator as orban is, and in fact hungary is the only country in europe, apart from belarus, that can count on such a high honor from sidzimpin, yes so it turns out that in order to be friends with china, it is necessary to establish a regime of such absolute personal power. unfortunately, it turns out that way, and orbán already has considerable experience in this, he already leads and started such authoritarianism since 2010, that is, in 14 years he has already gained such unfortunately, the negative experience actually isolated all of hungary from the civilized world. you don't think we can talk about more growth now. such
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oppositional sentiments in the country compared to what we saw a few years ago, can we say that a new generation of hungarians is emerging, which already looks at orbán's experiments with apprehension? thank god, yes, you are right, it is very well known to everyone, a new leader has appeared, peter magyar, he used to be very close to the hungarian authorities, to fidesz , the ruling party, even to orbán, and he... the first of which broke away from fidesz and today he already has a rating of 24%, unfortunately orbán’s is still high, somewhere more than 35 to 40% is suitable, but it is very clear from these pictures that you are showing that the support very, very big , and what is very important, peter magyar has significant support about... and the province
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has always been a support for orbán, even eastern hungary - it is the most backward region in hungary, by the way, he gathers there. a huge number of the population in support, well, let's see what will happen in the near future municipal elections and the european parliament elections in hungary, i really hope that the opposition part of hungarian society can have a majority for the first time in 14 years, a majority in the parliament, i have ... well, if it happens, it will be a signal certain for viktor orbán? already today there is a certain signal, because today even in hungary it
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reaches such maximum isolationism, in budapest it does not appear at all and appears only in such... small, i would say, villages, where it simply surrounds himself with the closest such supporters, and that, by the way, it is also very interesting that he began to speak less on the radio and on television. i understand that an important part of this election cycle is that there will be debates on television, i understood that they were not attended. high-ranking representatives of fidesz, fidesz for many years, how can it be that pre-election debates are not held in a european country that is a member of the european union, and the authorities do not want to participate in them, of course not, by the way, orban for more than 10 years he has not taken any part in
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any debates, he is, again, an ardent populist, he is very afraid of losing his reputation, and he has... something to be afraid of, and peter magyar, by the way, has already stated that he will certainly initiate this debate on hungarian television, well, on orban media, there is a significant part of orban media in hungary, but even, i would say, there is already a separate such touch, a positive touch, i saw on one of them very recently a popular resource that is closer. to orban, there began to appear materials that criticize his rule, so this is already the first such correct sign. well, in principle , we can say that what happens in hungary is what happens in other such states with an authoritarian
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system, to a certain extent, when the anti-corruption investigation itself begins, then people start to think that maybe they are somehow voting wrong, right? definitely, definitely, because i... once on these corruption scandals that have been opened, that have appeared to date, well, imagine, over the last 10 years, in fact, 40% of the subsidies that came from of the european union, in fact, all of them were connected with corruption, connected with people close to orban and his family, well, this is a well-known fact, the truth is, why did people never react to this... when they wrote about it for decades, i would say verticalized corruption related to the interests of the prime minister's closest circle. er, there is, you know, such a great positive: thank god, in ukraine , civil society, surprisingly,
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is much more developed than in hungary, it has historical roots, in hungary, in fact, it is only budapest and several big cities. because serfdom was as dominant as it was in hungary in no european country, well , the russian empire might be an exception, but i do not consider the russian empire to be a european state, that is why this, unfortunately, echoes of serfdom, echoes such isolationism, monolingualism, this makes itself felt, we can hope that these contacts between the president of ukraine and the prime minister of hungary will continue and that viktor orbán will pay more attention to the assessment of ukrainian views on events? well, these contacts will be able to continue, but i do not believe orban,
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because again, i watched the press in orbanivsk, and he still believes that even the adopted... new law on nationals does not return anything, that is, he again old record, and again he uses this issue purely to... strengthen his dictatorial regime, so here, unfortunately, we don't need to count on the positive, we need to do our own thing, do our own euro-atlantic movement, resist a strong european state and not pay attention to orbán, i think there will still be coffee for him. thank you, mr. tsibor, tsibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region, was with us. connection, we are going to break for a few minutes now, but please do not switch, no, no, no,
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veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can you... express your opinion on malice of the day using a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy in the morning, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. we continue the flight program on the espresso tv channel, the 219th day of the war in the middle east. and our guest, aryeh zayden, reserve lieutenant of the israel defense forces, political scientist. congratulations, mr. aryeh. i congratulate you.
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good evening. so we are literally with you on the verge of a possible battle for rafah, the last city in the gas sector that is still under the control of the terrorist organization hamas. prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu speaks about the need to continue this operation. the united states is trying to prevent israel from carrying out this operation, but a few hours ago it became known that... the united states is even ready to provide israel with information about the location of key leaders of the terrorist group hamas, unless there is an assault on rafah, but what do you think will happen? uh, when the americans talk about storming rafah, they mean that we will do to rafah the same thing that they did to gaza, and benjamin netanyahu and other government representatives, no, they do not talk to them about this , that's right will not be, that is, there is some alleged
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misunderstanding between the two leaders, when one does not want that... that before his election, joe biden, there would be some great tragedy, which he should have stopped, and the other leader, who does not want to be elections in his country, benjamin netanyahu wants to show all his electorate that he is so ready to go to the same, to such a large-scale operation, which is necessary and which his colleagues, other ministers, need from him. on which he depends and in today's government, which will be in reality, most likely in in reality, the operation will be limited, as it looks now, and there will be limited actions every time in a different district, when the public will come out of each such district, and only there will be
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an operation, how effective it will be, the big question is, isn't it? battles are going on, battles will go on, it will be, it is clear that the militants will be destroyed, but whether all these battalions and their commanders will really be destroyed, this is not a fact at all, and therefore yes, we continue to exist, this is not quite understandable, well, efforts are understandable efforts both leaders pass come on crab, well, the question arises as to how much these efforts will generally contribute to the destruction of hamas as this force that continues to... by and large control gas, we will not hide it, so at today's stage, and you even know that, it is probably even the question is not a military one, but rather a political one, the military power of hamas has been destroyed, if we are talking about a war between two armies,
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left, four battalions are left, this is exactly the military power that was at the beginning. wars, of course - underground fortresses, even those that remain do not have the same influence today as they did before, but this is only in the military layer, when we move to politics and administration, it is clear that at that time, kolitsa will not be present and will not there will be some other administrative institution. that will replace hamas, hamas will return fully to rule, even if he, he, i don't know, won't call himself that, so it won't be hamas people, others, although i don't see any reason why the mat didn't say that it is he, and in this way he will emphasize that he did not
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win in this round of the war and will continue to try to defeat israel with... everything will come to a situation when this nazi invader will be trapped, will be destroyed, so in that plan, no, no, no, the military will not solve, will not solve this, it is simply impossible, this issue is political, administrative, and you can see that at this stage today, danyamin netanyahu is not quite ready to solve this problem, as he another world is proposed, that is, to recognize that the palestinian one state, state will exist, but i understand that there are more and more voices in israel who say that we should just distance ourselves from them, ensure our safety and let them live their lives there, but there is another question, they can live their life, but together with this meaning of their life will be the destruction of israel, well , by and large, russia lives its own life, only the meaning of the existence of the russian state is the expansion of its territory, ukraine does not interfere with
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russia's life, it's just that russia is sure that sooner or later ukraine won't be late, it's absolutely the same situation can happen again. absolutely the same situation and even it is not new, they existed like this for 17 years and the meaning was the destruction of israel, the zionist enigma speaks, that is what they call and so on, the entire culture, the entire education was built everywhere was built to prepare new ideologically, the new generation, so ideologically, completely agrees with the fact that israel is the enemy, just as we see with... in the russian federation, yes, ukraine, the nazis, it is necessary to destroy and so on, and so on, and so on, in that regard, yes, every terrorist organization, i will not, whether it is the state, or that... well, let's say this, every, every society that is governed by a leader that they choose terrorist activity, and not the development of their economy
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and the development of their state, whether it will be a state, as recognized by the un, the russian federation, or not recognized by the un, not completely recognized, fully recognized that it is the gas sector, that is not the case , in that sense, so that there is no difference, there is no difference, and again on... we are at a loss at this stage, there is no solution today, so it is clear that there are even more people in israeli society who say that the issue needs to be resolved, but at the same time, from a political point of view, the government is currently in such a situation that it is not must listen to what his people say in them at least. or three or less than three years, and 64 mandates and 120, and a serious coalition, well arranged, and none
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of the players on that, in that coalition site, have any sense or desire leave or destroy this coalition, and it doesn't matter what rhetoric they have, do you think that there will be no elections if the hostilities end, unfortunately, no, in order for there to be elections, it is necessary that it really turns out to be more than or 8% of the entire population on the street, that is, there must, must, must be a consensus and not only of people, citizens who go out, but also, as it happened once, if you remember, about a year ago, when there was this reform is legal, and in... one day in the morning both trade unions, and business, and other organizations, together at a press conference
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in general, they said that they were stopping all economic activity in israel, while benjamin netanyahu, then it was against the backdrop of the dismissal of the minister of the interior, the minister of the interior, everyone demanded, we all demanded that he be returned and... it was so, that if it happens again and there is a demand that there be an election now, then yes, but in my opinion it will not happen, unfortunately, 43 minutes ago in israel the day of remembrance of the fallen in wars began, the first such day since october 7 , i wanted to ask you to tell our tv viewers, how do you define in israel... this day of remembrance of the dead, because ukraine will also have to create, obviously, during the hostilities, if they drag on for the next years and after the war, that tradition,
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considering how many people have already died at the front, how many people may still die in the following years of the conflict, and how different is this day of remembrance from those days that took place in relatively peaceful times, it is clearly different, because... just 700 new families were added , and who were buried relatives and relatives over the past six months, and for israel, this is a very large number, and something like this happened only 20 years ago, when a year was destroyed by terrorists killed by terrorists. about 400, but there were also public, military, here we are 700, we talked only about the military, because today the military will not be lost, as well as people who died from the hands of the directions, and the hands
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of the thresholds, so yes, it is much more complicated, it more difficult for me, if even before i did not have enough time to go around and families with whom i was familiar, commanded or was under command. and them, children, sons, today, i don't even want to count how much time it takes, and that's why yes, it's hard, you have to choose every time you go to whom and who you support, and this is first of all, secondly, uh, it must be said here that the center of the whole, of this day is... the family itself, that is, the tragedy, the tragedy, the personal tragedy of the people, it is never some talk
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about... look how much we have done for the country , all for the country, yes, it doesn't matter, what is the price here, no, on the contrary, this day tells us, does not remind us, and focuses on what price we pay to be independent, and at the same time, after this day, after the day of remembrance, independence day starts right away, ah, and today this year, independence day will be very difficult, because celebrating the day independently. as it was before, when so far 133 hostages of captives are in hamas and there is no final victory, it does not seem possible, we do not call it a celebration, we call it, we celebrate this day, but no measures
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there will be no such entertainment. and people are also not in the mood to have fun like this, that's why the difference this year between what was before today, october 7, please tell me, mr. aria, and how do you generally assess this one, i would say massive anti-semitism company that we now see both in the united states and in europe, by and large we can say that we ... suddenly moved to the 1930s, when people noticed one thing, but stubbornly refused to notice another, and it was absolutely obvious that they did not accidentally do this they do, and because it corresponds to their political views, this is the reluctance to notice some tragedies, the desire to notice others, this is the struggle of narratives that has existed for at least 50 years since the beginning, mute in quotation marks
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with ... the path is terrorist, military, not peaceful, there are reasons for this, but it doesn't matter, one way or another, they have always chosen destructive chess and continue to choose it, and in that sense, from israel's side, we will lose. information war, but we do not explain well enough to the world how things look in reality, we make a lot of mistakes, and that is why we play into the hands of those people who base and expand the narrative of the gap. and
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so on, the communists, therefore, there is, in my opinion, a logical thing in that, this is a logical development of events, and exactly a logical development of events with the inefficient government that exists now, but not only he is to blame for the fact that we are not, uh, we can contrast, but... what can be done in this situation? do you see any moves that could make a difference? well, of course, yes first of all, the israeli society itself must decide where its border will be drawn, and this will be the first and foremost, probably the main sign that we
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are ending. this era, ah, not a solution to the conflict between the palestinians, and i'm not talking about whether to give or not to give and so on, first of all, we have to say that we are ready to solve it, and the problem is , that we are nobody, no government was ready to solve it, all eyes are on the fact that it is somehow by itself, ah, we will figure it out and we will, and the last 20 years, almost more... for 5 years the main vector of development and pattern was conflict management, no one said that the conflict should be resolved, everyone agreed that the conflict can be managed, and this is for us, and this and this is good for us, because all our enemies will fight among themselves, and we for now...


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