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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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we news will analyze the guests of the project this week and we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. we continue the politclub program on stresa tv channel, our guest is anatoliy. deputy general director of the company that deals with rev, an aviation expert, so let's talk about what can be done with the ukrainian military-industrial complex, this is an important topic, i think, because we understand without our weapons we won't be able to do much, we hear all the time from the allies: here you can shoot, here you can't shoot, here you can here, well, if we had our own weapons, we wouldn't ask, well actually yes, if we are talking about our own capabilities, then there is no need to ask anyone for permission. and it should
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be noted, in principle, that during these two years we managed to reach, well, get such certain opportunities and increase our opportunities, taking into account our own developments, taking into account the scaling of some areas of military production of weapons, but there is a significant the problem is components and financing, because we understand that the state does not have enough financing, so we need to look for financing. at the expense of, for example, our western partners, and this is the main task now, so that in addition to the fact that we need help, and this really cannot be refused, and it must be asked for, for example, there are high-tech shock weapons, there is heavy equipment , planes, then these are the same attacks and heimers, that’s all we need, because we can’t produce it so quickly, we we can produce a... means of radio-electronic
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warfare, we can- we can produce some means of armored vehicles, we have directions, for example, very good in uavs of different, different ranges, but there is also a need for such equipment, and there are already positive points, regarding, for example, financing from europe, ukrainian companies, which will then be able to supply their products directly to the military, by the way, i understand that at the defense forum in... in brussels, which we attended, just about this was said, if we talk about the main directions, tell me it's simple for us, what is being discussed right now, let's start with what, in fact, i would like to compare two such significant forums, at which i happened to be in warsaw last year and in brussels this year, and there is a significant there is a difference in communication with our western partners, there is a significant difference in communication with european companies. that produce
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weapons, for example, if even last year there was an offer from european companies, for example, buy this, buy this, now there were real examples suitable manufacturers of certain equipment and say, can you put on our electronic warfare equipment, we can, okay, let's go, representatives of some countries come and say, and we can finance, do you have what you have there? so that we can procure and transfer it for the military directly to the military units. and moreover, it should be noted here that europe understands that we are a little ahead in some areas of military armament, because we are here at ground zero, so to speak, and we receive 24x7 information, and we try to as soon as possible to improve some of our products, and due to this we are ahead of some western developments.
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but i would like to draw attention to the fact that we need to collaborate with western companies here, that they actually have a lot to offer us, what type of collaboration, so that they have their own production here, we can talk about placing, for example, some means of production and there are already certain conversations when it is proposed to open production on the territory of ukraine at the expense of supplying a complete set of equipment for production there are means and then to be able to... do this in ukraine and these are positive points in principle, and here again we can return to the fact that we can make compatible products, then, kotor, which after our victory, after the end wars, can be sold all over the world, i again want to draw your attention to the fact that some of the tools currently produced by ukraine are dual purpose, they are dual -purpose, and we must not forget that the same reconnaissance uavs that fly in our country at long distances , they can conduct reconnaissance of forest fires, they can guard borders they can be engaged
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in monitoring some nature reserves and so on, that is, we can say the same about the means of radio-electronic warfare , in fact, that legislatively... it will be difficult to equalize the possibilities of using uav means, nevertheless, let's be frank, because there is a ban on the use of firearms, but murders still happen, the same will happen now with fpv drones, this is a very powerful tool, and in order to, for example, before, a sniper had to sit down 3 km away and aim at the gate there, and now it is enough to sit 15 km away and it is not necessary to be in direct line of sight, you understand, that is, you can... it will already be, well, it will already be high-tech , and here we are actually saying that it will be necessary
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to understand that it will have to be protected somehow even the speeches of some political figures, even the speeches at the stadium of some stars so that some drones did not fly in, did not film it, then did not sell these videos. it is also necessary, it will be possible to regulate at the expense of means of radio-electronic warfare, and here we are talking about the fact that we have a significant opportunity, in ukraine, let's start with the fact that there have been a lot of opportunities since 1991, and now we have another opportunity that can help ukraine significantly improve its position in the world, both economically and politically, due to the fact that well, most countries, let's say japan, korea, they became high-tech after the war, and that is, we are talking about the fact that... there is now an opportunity, and this opportunity must not be lost, must not be lost, and we have a chance, and we must take it to stimulate, that is, that our state managers, who we have in the state, helped us to more actively work on this topic here, but if we talk about
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enthusiasm, really, how much enthusiasm is there in the west right now specifically for the ukrainian military-industrial complex, and again, returning to, for example, mine... meetings, even , when the representatives came here to ukraine, they were very actively interested and collected information, it is clear that they also collect information, but they still treat ukrainian engineers with more respect, in fact there is potential and development in this direction, and, for example, some western companies offer already compatible work, offer their software or offer their developments there in artificial intelligence in order to implement on... our means, and there is interest, and there is interest at the level, i would note that in fact there is level, it is clear that if before we looked at us and what you can do, now they see that we can actually do something and quite very powerfully, by the way, about
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artificial intelligence, i always have the impression that we with you we are watching the last war of the 20th century, with participation there a large number of military personnel, with the participation of traditional military te. there are techniques, tanks, armored personnel carriers, and we are already the russian-ukrainian war has literally turned into a war of drones, before our eyes, literally in a few months, but if artificial intelligence will develop, maybe it will all change in an absolutely drastic way, maybe we are not the we are engaged in, well, let's start with the fact that, taking into account the number of attacks that are falling on us from russia, we need to oppose technologies, technologies that will help to perform more tasks or a smaller number of people, and we are actually talking about artificial intelligence, about algorithms that would help us solve certain areas of the problem, if we say that we need two or three fpv drones to destroy a tank, then we can say that , for example, 12 fp drones, which will
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independently perform the task, will be performed at the expense of one operator, and not 12 pilots, and here we are talking about what is already here ... the ability to work resistant to means of radio-electronic warfare, not interfered by others there factors that may interfere and that is worked out automatically, moreover, we can talk about what can take off, for example, a large drone that will patrol a certain area of ​​​​the territory and will send, for example, on a task or one intelligence officer, and then, well, in principle, here it looks like some kind of fiction, but let's go back to those videos that we... when the ground drones that provide the logistics there are knocked out by, for example, air drones, so we're already in this war, the war, this is the beginning of that war, so who was watching terminator when there it begins yes, this is it, you see, because in fact there is a need for counteraction, and this counteraction
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will increasingly be such a push for high technology, and unlike our western partners, who are very cautious about artificial intelligence and are afraid if russia starts using artificial for nuclear missiles, then it will terrify them, but unlike them, we went deeper into it and we started. to work, because this will significantly help us fight the enemy. well, that's a good question, by the way, because we really do say that we are we talk about the regulation of artificial intelligence there, and the use of drones at the level of domestic legislation, but how to limit it at the level of international relations, when countries like russia and china can simply not recognize general principles and calmly use anything, well, they don’t use, they are also developing a nuclear program there, the same korea, you understand, that is... here again i think that this is another side that we need, that we need
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to talk about, because we see unification countries like russia, iran, korea, that is, it is the creation of such a terrorist hub, which has become much larger than it was even in soviet times, because if we said in soviet times, it was mostly such military consultants there, in yemen, there, somewhere in egypt, there was still something during the soviet times, now it is an open war against the west and on the territory of ukraine. well, still, when we talk about their level of weaponry, it is not very high-tech, neither iran nor north korea look such centers of high technology, they have classic weapons, but they are somehow not very new. a classic weapon that was obtained from soviet times. during soviet times, iran also received weapons from the americans during soviet times. a lot, well, iran , yes, it still has f4s still flying there and quite
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such good planes in fact, but if we talk about russian weapons, well, i keep saying, and there are simply a lot of them, they are not so technological, they are not so super, as it seems in fact, because the su-35, the modernization of the su-27, if we are talking about the strategic aviation of the russian federation, the russian federation cannot build strategic aircraft, this is all a military-industrial complex, marshal ustina in that. in fact, they recently showed komsomolsk on the amur a plant for the production of dry dry su-35 and su-57, and a question arises in the 18th year, a large article from the head of shop 45 of the same plant regarding the fact that they finally established the production of assembly line production of su-57 aircraft 35 there is a question su-35 it was issued since soviet times, and what did you have that was lost,
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that you had to rebuild this line again, if the plant is still in place, everything is in place, in fact, if we are talking about a certain time there before 2008, russia was then actively declining with the production of some aircraft, after 2008 until the 14th year they made great progress, in fact, it is again due to western components, they... could fill and produce a certain number of aircraft, and in principle, that jump they have now they are using it, since 2014 it has gradually decreased and, for example , back in the 16th there 18th last year they could produce 10 aircraft of each type there, now we are talking about the fact that they are able to produce 5/35 su34 and 1/2 su57, that's all? because they can't get some high-tech components, they have engines with engines for
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each plane with engines, they have a big problem, because let's go back to soviet times, the soviet union got the first 40 jet engines from great britain, and from there the history of the creation jet engines, the jet engine on the su-57 was ignition during presentation by the indian delegation, the second su 57 crashed in the... the result of the control system being incorrect, which led to the activation of some of the controls, led to the downing of this aircraft, so we are saying that there are technological problems that they cannot decide, they cannot decide, for example, increasing the service life of some engines for strategic aviation, for tactical aviation, well, what is an engine that can only fly for a thousand hours, it is nothing, and strategic aviation is the tu-160 and high tech years, the engine can only fly for 300 hours, this is not enough, that is, and it has to
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be thrown out and new ones inserted, and they cannot make them, and that is why the cannibalism begins, further even deeper, the tu-160 series was released from some aircraft, as well as on the tu-22m3, the auxiliary power plant, which is responsible for providing electrical power to start the engines, does not fit each aircraft from each aircraft, i.e. we are not talking about serial production, i.e. there are certain batches that were compatible with each other , certain parties do not fit, and we say that aviation cabunism will already be harder and over time, what they are trying to do now, what they have done four. which were shown there were modernized, they installed liquid crystal screens, and they think that due to this they updated, that is, you press this button on the display, and they start the mechanisms of the 80s, they have radio stations for pilots, rescue stations, radio stations that from 57 year, just a repackaged new plastic
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case, so actually, i say, they just have a lot of it, they throw us people, they can afford. to bomb your belgorod with your bombs and the east is a constant rise of missiles, this is also the problem of aviation catapults that they have on planes, which are also old, they were developed in the 80s and 70s, and they have not changed, they put these catapults on planes modern, su-34, su-35, and by the way, if we talk about components, how do you explain the fact that recently american and european politicians began to reproach china that its products are dual-purpose. just the idea to restore the russian language military-technical complex, what can china supply that is critical for the russian military industry? most of the tools that were produced at one time in china were copied well by the chinese, and there is a large nomenclature base of high-tech elements that china still produces, due to copying, in the west or in
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the soviet union? in the west, in the west, a large number, well, we know the same one there. is made in china, you think they didn't copy sweat, so there are actually a lot of elements that china at one time copied and they make copies, well, of course, there are representatives of the chinese industry who make good things, and there are those who do, which do not work very long, as a result of which we see, for example, when these same korean missiles deviated significantly from the course, fell somewhere else, but did not work. well , in the same way, we see when the same kha-1 missiles take off from the plane, they simply do not release the wings, do not release the engine, and the bombs fall directly on the territory of the russian federation, which is exactly why we we see, remember the first massive shelling, most of the planes fired from the caspian sea area, now that we have engelsk,
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vologadonsk, even voronezh, tu-22m3 are flying in from crimea, well, of course , tu-23. because they produce x22 missiles, which are x-22 or x32, which have a shorter range than x101 missiles, and x55, x101 increased the explosive part, added a second part, why did they develop something more substantial, resistant to further damage, for example, more interesting means of navigation , they will make it so that there is more explosion and one rocket, that is, we see that now as before flew out 14, 15, 16 years ago. 1995 - now two take off from aleni, five take off from engels, because they have greater explosive capabilities of these seven than 14 used to have, so it is possible, because they understand that they still have to fight with nato, he has to protect these planes that can launch missiles at a distance of 400 km, you understand, that is, what was the point
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of using them, it is like using strategic ballistic nuclear missiles against ukraine. which can fly across the atlantic, but they would use them in ukraine, but they also use these missiles x101, x55, which, in principle, can fly from the caspian sea to london or porizhe dreamed of by medvedev, but if the west succeeds in influencing china, will this really reduce the capabilities of the russian military-industrial complex or not, but from a practical point of view, they will bypass without china their components, will they not do? they will not do without chinese components, they will try to look for an opportunity again, well, they are doing it now, they still through bypass companies, the same chinese companies of the same name, purchase a large number of european and american companies that deliver imports , gray imports, well, let's remember the soviet times, when they imported a bunch of various
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japanese tape recorders and other things, but bypassing any possibilities, that is... farcists, they worked and will to work, and they have very good, good opportunities, good experience, so in fact, what was in small numbers and only started in soviet times, these tools are now quite widespread, even in information warfare, let's be frank, the russians now have many more tools than they had during the soviet union, well , because completely different technologies have appeared, it is not a matter of speaking on the radio and... goebbels would have all these technologies, i have, by the way, i'm joking, that probably goebbels worked somewhere in the kremlin bunkers for some time after the war, if goebbels had all the technologists. we didn't even learn yesterday how the war was lost, but we were sure that everything was won a long time ago, but in any case, listen, information war, information war, we even win wars on the battlefield, and
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not for newspaper headlines, that is clear, and not always, not always, because in fact, the informational component is very important, and we can say that the informational component can lead to certain economic difficulties in any state, with the correct formulation , informational there. the influence of messages and everything else, so in fact, we see, for example, what happened in the united states before the elections, we see what is happening in europe now, that is , there is still, come on, russia is actively influencing the information space of europe, and the united states and a large number of countries. well , the question here is how much it can be countered given that we are dealing with an authoritarian country where people generally mostly trust the official media versus democratic countries where people are looking for different points of view, well... i mean that for example some of the same new york times articles have been surprising me lately, you know, because when the new york times writes that our f-16 trainee pilots
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are learning english, well, learning aviation english, there is such an aviation english, which implies a set of terminology that pilots communicate with each other, communicate with ground services, communicate in short phrases, this is probably civil aviation pilots, the first thing they do, who fly on international flights, and military pilots do not really need it , right? i understand aviation english, military aviation english , it is necessary because we are transitioning to a new type of aircraft and there is a certain, well, there was, i mean , it was not needed before, well, yes, so for example, when they ask me, what about the feet, imperial system, i say, well, listen, in 2003, we already flew by feet, when i flew, we already then, when we flew abroad, we already flew by these, that is, we did not have a question about these lists, well, i in the military, you are not in the military. and it would have been all over, well, when we flew there to ramstein, when we flew to natsivsk, and i have an aviation english kao certificate, that is , i have this certificate, i understand that there are certain ones,
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and therefore it is different for civil aviation military, is it the same certificate? no, it's different because it is certain terminologies that are required for the military are a little different, well, if we are talking about yekau, it is generally for civil aviation, but it does not surprise you that, in principle , our military pilots did not pass this aviation english when... they studied at the relevant universities where in kropyvnytskyi and, well , kharkiv aviation yes, well, i graduated in 2001, we studied english and studied well according to our profile, i think that in principle, taking into account the majority of pilots, they communicate quite well, it’s the same plane, if a person there may not know somewhere english to calmly work as an engineer at an enterprise. if you don't know something, well, if you don't know something , you'll click something, that's why i'm trying, it's not a joke,
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i just want to understand the level of qualification, so i agree that when we read texts like this in the new york times, i it's also surprising, no, she talked to the romanians there, and let 's be honest, it was an article from the romanian air base, which was... recently opened to train pilots there, and about this air base, about this aviation sites, there were long negotiations, whether it is necessary, whether ukrainians will study there, because in fact the pilot retraining program for the f-16 is designed for two years, there are from the combat management officers of the technical staff, pilots who have combat experience, pilots without experience , cadets who have just graduated, for example, there is going on...
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something is already flying there, you understand, that is , someone can already fly, well, someone there has already heard , in fact, the issue here is that some information is quite sensitive, and here it is necessary to keep the information silence in these matters, i i keep saying that as soon as the f-16s appear , you... are guaranteed to see them on the battlefield. by the way, about another story with foreign specialists, how important it really is, we heard that taurus, let's say, ukraine can't get it, because it needs foreign management, it's true, taurus, the carrier of taurus is the swedish saab, gripon , well, that's why, or we have to redo ours. dry, which will carry them, the f16 can't, because the f16 is jasams, we
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need another plane, and this is... the gripon, sweden once promised when they will join the nato, then they will give us these planes, i have, in principle, i mean, i have a problem with the carrier, well carriers really, because here we still need to get carriers that will be able to perform this task, because it is not enough to get weapons, it is necessary carriers, well, what would happen, what would happen to the attack missiles, if we didn't have launchers, here we are talking about the fact that, in fact, well, the taurus is actually a very good missile, it is modular, it can perform various functions , well, again, let's get to what configuration these missiles will be handed over to us, for what, to destroy with an electromagnetic pulse a certain radio control of the enemy, or after all , something more significant, which will knock out equipment or some kind of armor there? thank you for these detailed explanations, you explained a lot that we
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did not know, that i. did not want to understand anatoliy hrabchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company involved, an aviation expert. fm. galicia listen to yours. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring them already, assina, you have a bone marrow dr. tice and get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for
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if you want to understand how... today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings to all viewers of espresso, time with. to know about the main news at this hour, i will start with this: mykhailo drapaty became the new commander of the kharkiv group of troops, he replaced yuriy galushkin against the background of the russian offensive. it was reported in the operational-strategic grouping of khortyts troops. drapati also remains in the post of deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. it's temporary.


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