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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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the largest infrastructural direction, this is the direction of the yehodyn crossing point, in fact, in recent days we have seen a significant decrease in queues, so while we are happy that the border is unblocked, we understand at the same time that this situation is shaky, considering that the interests of farmers can in the fall, if the prices will not correspond to their products, then they can block the border again, because it is the fastest. way is to squeeze out additional funds for their products, although the polish protesters have not officially confirmed whether they have reached a compromise with the local authorities and whether they will restore the border blockade, ukrainian trucks are currently moving unhindered, but if polish farmers feel that the local authorities do not hear them, then they will be able to restore the border blockade again, and then everything depends on how radical the polish government will be, or will be ready to quickly unblock...
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the border by force or will again look for long ways of understanding. natalya stare pravo, nazar melnyk, spresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. congratulations to everyone from espresso, i remind you.
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an air alert continues throughout ukraine and i call on all our viewers to follow the example of the espresso team to stay in safe places and news for your attention: the new commander mykhailo drapaty became the kharkiv troop group, he took office instead of yury galushkin against the backdrop of the russian offensive , the operational-strategic group of the khortytsia troops reported. drapat also remains in the post of deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. a warehouse with ammunition exploded in the temporarily occupied sorokino in the luhansk region, the regional military administration reported. this is already the third emergency situation in the body of the enemy during the week. from now on, the occupiers have a limited supply of ammunition in the area, and theirs the shortage should affect the offensive actions of the russians - the regional military administration added. minus one more alligator, soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized division. reptiles destroyed
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a russian combat helicopter k-52, this was reported in the ground forces, the helicopter was shot down by fighters of the anti-aircraft missile artillery division. let me remind you that the cost of one such helicopter is more than 16 million dollars. missing twins were found in volyn. this was reported to the regional police. three-year-old children were walking in the yard of their own house, after which they disappeared from sight. parents tried to find. little one on their own, but eventually called the police. half a thousand people joined the search, a three-year-old girl was found in the bushes. she was scared. her brother was found only in the morning. the boy was a few kilometers from home, he was very cold. the children are currently in the hospital. a large-scale fire broke out in the kharkiv region in the village of vasishchevo, a warehouse building was engulfed. the fire covered an area of ​​one and a half. m2 reported in
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the state emergency service. a few hours later, firefighters extinguished the fire. fortunately, no one was hurt. reasons ignition is set. delivered drugs to the prison. the police detained a 48-year-old man in vinnytsia region. according to the case file , the suspect hid the narcotic substances in the parcel and tried to give it to an acquaintance. during the search, the intruder was found. psychotropic drugs, electronic scales and cold weapons. the court chose a preventive measure for the man in the form of detention, he faces up to 10 years in prison. an illegal exchange point in the lviv region was exposed as a financial company that converted virtual funds into hryvnias and then withdrew cash. about this reported to the bureau of economic security applications for the exchange of cryptocurrency into cash. extras
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received in social networks. assets were withdrawn through a sanctioned russian platform. during the searches, law enforcement officers seized more than uah 13 million in cash, as well as five keys to... togamanians blocked more than uah 28 million in virtual accounts. the israel defense forces advanced to jabalia in the northern gaza strip. this is reported by the israeli media. according to local residents. tanks are currently moving towards the center of the largest of the eight refugee camps in smuz goats it is reported that tank shells fell in the center of the camp, airstrikes destroyed several houses. they said in rafah. about heavy shelling and airstrikes on the eastern part of the city. greeted with flowers and song, teresa and maria met the representatives of ukraine at
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eurovision 2024 at the central railway station . alyona alyona returned by holm kyiv train, and jerry hell went to the cannes festival. alon's parents arranged a surprise for alon, they came personally. meet the singer with a performance at a song contest, the singer is satisfied, she says, she came with very good impressions and noted that thanks to the competition, doet was able to draw attention to ukraine once again. alyona alyona brought many souvenirs from sweden, she will arrange a sale of them in the near future. yes, we are satisfied, first of all, with the fact that we were given the second, second serial number, this is the first, secondly, with the fact that... we won two years ago, it was unreal just to break through, and with the way the jury gave us such points, you saw everything yourself, accordingly, that we entered the top three, it's just wow, it's an indicator that everyone ukrainians know how to unite, and what our song was about was about unification, it
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worked, people united and gave us third place, every day people with reduced mobility face various obstacles on the street, in transport and in food establishments . trained people in wheelchairs from five regions of ukraine have already checked lviv institutions for accessibility and will later provide recommendations on creating a barrier-free space. how it was, my colleagues will tell. 10 people in wheelchairs checked lviv institutions for accessibility. for residents from lviv, ternopil, rivne, volyn and ivano-frankivsk regions completed online training. this practice was organized by a public organization. the all-ukrainian association of persons with disabilities, a group of active rehabilitation, so that the participants could expertly conduct barrier-free audits in their communities. this event is a practicum, in fact, which completes our training cycle, which has been going on for almost more than a month, it was in an online format, where we
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actually learned together what accessibility is, what norms govern accessibility, and how to actually arrange inclusive barrier-free spaces, both inside buildings and in the open air, so to speak. the inspection of establishments was carried out on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex, at the request of the residents themselves, who want to make their establishments accessible to everyone. in particular, the auditors inspected a bookstore, a science museum, and food establishments. they say that the space must meet the requirements of safety and accessibility for all groups of the population with reduced mobility. these are people with disabilities, impaired vision, hearing, and the elderly. parents with baby carriages, what we saw, almost everything is fine, there are no indicators for people with visual impairments, there are no tactile strips, there are no certain contrasting elements so that people can see where the entrance door is, yes, well, so at some points we will work and we will
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to provide recommendations accordingly to the owners to make this space truly barrier-free, and we hope that after that we will be able to provide professional services, conduct surveys in... all cities of ukraine and accordingly make our common space more accessible and safe, interesting and so for him to be useful for all citizens of our society. participants carefully inspect and measure the height of the racks, the width of the entrance passages, the presence of handrails and ramps, audiovisual elements and tactile plates. there is not enough space to turn around, you can't drive at an angle to move to... the toilet, there is none nearby, neither one, nor the other, a garbage can, here you have to push your foot to open it, yes. vasyl is one of the participants of the training course on accessibility, the man came for the audit from the volyn region, he says,
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kolisny has been in the chair for more than 11 years, for personal he uses his own car for comfort. however , there are also problems here, in particular with the availability of parking spaces. i need. there was still a meter near the driver's side for me to change seats, move to the car, fold my seat, throw it in the car, in fact there are no such places, or if i leave a place for myself to... change, someone always parks in such a way that i i can't get into the car, there are still cases where there is a parking space, but to leave it, for example, there are no steps to the facility. after the audit, the participants will prepare reports and hand them over to the owners of the establishments practical recommendations for creating a barrier-free space. they all hope that the number of available locations for all categories of the population will increase in the future in the cities of ukraine. that's what they are for. advise business and government institutions. natalya stareprava, nazar melnyk,
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espresso tv channel. the newsroom is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world. i will talk about the main thing already at 16. you can also read more about the important things on our website "espresso tv". subscribe to our channels in social networks. calling all viewers of espresso support our youtube channel. and later on the air , meet my colleagues marta liyarnyk and antina burkovska. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimming course from rozpakuy tv. order in time at a special price of only uah 999.
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uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order simply. then now there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, all this you do it in one go, with strong saws, just look how quickly they handle even thick branches, strong saws are easy to use and mobile, once you're done, and unlike standard circular saws, strong saws are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 900 to uah 99 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful strong saws, what you need, call, the information day of the tv channel continues, but there is an air alarm throughout the country, so dear tv viewers, do not neglect her, the enemy raised
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the sky, carried daggers, yes, well, we understand that there is an extremely powerful escalation now. along the front line, the enemy opened an additional section of the front in the north of the kharkiv region, and an important message from the head of the kharkiv regional military administration sina gubov. consequently, the gray zone and the front line in the kharkiv region have increased, the russian military is deliberately trying to stretch it, attacking in small groups in new directions. direct speech, the head of the kharkiv military regional administration. our enemy soldiers in those directions have been holding back about 15 enemy units for the last time. attacks, the situation is quite difficult, but absolutely all enemy attacks are repelled, there is an increase in the gray zone, an increase in the front line, because the enemy is deliberately trying to stretch them, attacking in small groups in new directions. the situation is difficult, according to the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, but it is fully controlled by the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine.
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well, in the meantime, we are adding otar dovzhenko, creative director of lvivsky, to ether media form. mr. otare, welcome to the airwaves. glory to ukraine. hello everybody. let's talk about the forum, shall we? every year, madiyaniks try to gather in one place in order to share experience, in order to understand how we can work in wartime conditions, how we should do it correctly, correctly, yes, because there are certain moments, yes, when journalists, well, you know, don't quite understand, so what do they. can show what they cannot show, plus there is a certain problem with access to certain information, well, this is all clear in the military time, but we would like to ask for the first time, well, first of all, how this media forum will take place, taking into account the wartime conditions, yes, we know that most likely there will be certain such shelters, yes, where it is possible to place fewer people , but
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nevertheless, i think it will be no less useful for media people, so you have my word. during the war , in fact, we slightly changed its mission, but rather the function of the conference, if before that we tried to gather media people so that they could exchange experience, and the forum was primarily for ukrainian media people got to know each other and talked with foreign media people, now we invite foreigners, and actually the language of the conference is... working english, we invite foreigners so that they can exchange ideas with ukrainian opinion leaders, media people, and researchers about what in general is happening, how should we perceive this civilizational conflict, part of which is russian aggression against ukraine, eh, how
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to resist, actually, last year we already held a conference in such a... special format, this year it will be the same, of course, due to security reasons, we have to hold it in a shelter, and it will actually be held in an underground parking lot, and we have put a lot of effort into ensuring the safety of our participants, and we would like foreign guests who will be enough... this year, many not only got to know ukrainian colleagues, but also saw with their own eyes what it was like, actually not far from the location where the forum was held . of a russian missile that destroyed an apartment building, and i think it has to make an impression on foreign guests, we don't
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want to scare them in any way or upset them, but we want them to see with their own eyes what it is like when there is a war going on in the country, for many of them it will be their first visit to ukraine, or in general, or during the war, and our secret... mission, our secret hope that every person who will be at the conference will go home to his country with the desire to help ukraine and help the world support to increase. yes, this is an extremely important initiative, and the key story is this attract as many media people as possible, western, yes, adequate, and establish further cooperation. we understand that very often... well , we do not succeed in achieving what we would like to achieve, yes, because, well, whether we want it or not, but the interest or the exclusivity of russian aggression, it is
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something in a couple of years, so to speak, well, unfortunately in western society, it has fallen somewhat, it's true, obviously, like any story, any event that unfolds for such a long time, the interest of foreigners. their media is decreasing, on the other hand we don't need to dramatize it, instead we need to look for stories, themes, heroes, ways of interpreting the situation that we can offer to foreign media so that they find this relevance, well, in addition, exactly what you started with, the problems access, and access problems to ukrainian speakers, to event venues. to the front-line zone, we need to talk again and again about how to provide the world media with the opportunity to tell in that format, in that mode, and
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with those accents, with those certain topics, sub-themes, characters and so on that they consider adequate for their audience, within reason, obviously, we should not open all the doors to them and let them in there... on the front line, relatively speaking, in the trenches, but on the other hand, unfortunately, there were many examples when people who came to ukraine to tell the story of our war faced closed doors, misunderstanding, or such demands that demotivated them, and this is what we will also discuss at this conference, thinking about how to tell a story about... us it was easier for the world, but the other day there was another such joint event, i would say such a media event, it was a journalism conference, and there
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they raised questions about how our ukrainian media currently show the problems of the tsc and sp, and there was a phrase from the spokesman of the general staff dmytro lykhovia about the fact that we have a certain bias and there is no such, you know, equivalent... coverage of the positive and negative work of the tsc, because we are increasingly focusing on negativity in the media, so some videos that reach us from tiktok from telegrams, from other social networks, but we do not have an adequate response from the employees of the tcc and the actual military leadership of the country, accordingly, this vacuum that is formed is filled by some such videos, and there is a certain distortion of one-sidedness in this regard, and what do you think, how can it be corrected and whether in principle... we can still correct the attitude towards the employees of the tsk at this stage, because in ukrainian society there is such, you know, a very directly negative attitude and how can we media people work in these conditions in order to
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reach our military management, so that they come to meet us, so that we can also show their positive work. well, i would n't generalize like that, it seems to me, at least from what i see in the media, that i have recently seen quite a lot of... does not rule out criticism, fair criticism for some kind of abuse, but at the same time it is obvious that this demonization of task workers must somehow be neutralized and destroyed, it is very dangerous, of course, that all this goes to the international media. the space where it is served with sauce ukrainian men do not want to defend the homeland, here i would say, i apologize, but in the ukrainian forces, in the ukrainian
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defense forces. more than a million people, men and women, are serving, this is almost as many as in all the armies of the european union taken together, realistically, well, we have to start with this, the fact that a lot of ukrainians are already defending, or are still preparing to defend the country, there are people who do not want to serve, there are people who are not yet ready to serve, obviously yes, this is ours it is a big problem, it is not worth simplifying it, so to speak, it is not necessary to mow everyone under the same roof, it is necessary to talk about it carefully, thoughtfully and the like, avoiding all clichés, yes, obviously, i absolutely agree with the opinion that positive examples should be highlighted more works, and stories, experiences of those people who volunteer to serve, overcome fear there.
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overcome some personal difficulties, and go to the army or to combat posts or not to combat posts. at the same time, it is very important here that what we tell in the media corresponds reality, because recently there was a history of a big wave of positive materials about military recruiting, you know what i 'm talking about, that is lobby x and the like, after which people started writing that, excuse me, please, but recruiting is recruiting, but a person , who received a position there from the military unit to the position of a programmer, conditionally speaking, they are sent to the infantry and the like, it is very important that the practice we are writing about does not differ from theory and ideology, and this is already a matter for the military leadership , golden words, so that practice is not differed, that is, so that what we depict
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does not differ from reality. and so marta touched on an extremely important topic, well, if we are talking about a wider format, the european federation of journalists called to consider the possibility of closing the telethon, now i will quote, so to speak, part of the statement of the european federation of journalists, the fact that several main tv channels of ukraine continue to broadcast joint news releases 24 hours a day seriously reduces the quantity and quality of information, as a result, the data showed that over the past year... views of the telethon dropped noticeably, and ukrainians turned to anonymous telegram channels to clean up what is perceived as real news in quotation marks, end of quote. what should we do with the telethon, because it portrays what they want, er, so to speak, within the limits of its editorial policy, which is determined, usually not by society, but by appropriately trained people, i will not be here anymore, so to speak , to pretend, well, but people are tired of
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this... varnished, i will not tell the truth or a half-truth or a third of the truth, i promise you in fact, i will not agree that the telethon, well, i will not agree with the generalization that the telethon is not covered as it is, because in the pool of six tv channels that uh, that produce it, there are very professional editors who just cover everything is as it is, and this is exactly the idea of ​​a telethon, that it... deals only with propaganda, embellishment and lulling, which is common among those people who, as a rule, do not watch it, which in principle, well, is also symptomatic, if many people do not watch the telethon, but they don't like him, so something is fundamentally wrong with this marathon, the problem with the marathon is not that it is engaged in disinformation or propaganda, the main problem is that it is not really needed and that
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money is spent on it from... budget, because the reasons for which the tv channels united and forced them to broadcast their products on each other's broadcasts are no longer valid, there is no such need, only the authorities have a need, therefore i absolutely agree that the telethon should be rounded off and these tv channels should just give back their frequencies, give them the opportunity to work on their channels, within their budgets and sources of finance, so they... some of them may be unhappy about this, because they are used to receiving budget money, well, budget money for creating socially important content can be distributed in a different way, well, it goes without saying that in the end it is already ridiculous, we have been talking about it for the third year, but it is necessary to cancel the unfair deprivation of the air of three channels, including yours, and because actually...


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