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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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energy, this is more or less normal, if they just help us with money, then the question arises for us, where should this money go, whether for the development of our defense industry, or for us to burn electricity with you, brewing for ourselves coffee in the morning, ironing shirts not at night or during the day, but in the evening or when it is convenient for us and so on, that's all the whole veto. we definitely have to raise tariffs, we definitely have to increase them by tying them to zoning, because i want to emphasize once again, for everyone ethers, i am addressing all of you, you understand, we create load peaks, we create them, and you and i, when we do as we are used to doing without war, now, if we are hit on the distribution boards. networks a couple more times,
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we will not have this help either, you understand , that is, what we are currently providing, now we have the kharkiv and sumy regions sagging, people there are currently under fire, so i am turning to you, dear colleagues, i am turning to you to you viewers, change your consumer habits, change them, go out in the evening with children outside, it's summer, because... now everything you consume in the evening costs the state at least uah 10 per kilowatt-hour. yes, mr. andriy, we understand that the situation is difficult, on the other hand, we also do not forget that we are a socially oriented state, we remember very well how certain power generation facilities ended up in private hands, yes, well accordingly, we would also wait for the other one, i can please those who are thinking about the oligarchs and so on. you can not
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worry, now we have a basic generation - this atomic nuclear power plants, they belong to the state, therefore, apart from the forbidden, no private offices receive anything, so do not worry, the oligarchs have nothing, by the way, if we talk about the same oligarchs, that is, on the contrary, they should be given a lot, that they wind farms are now being built, solar power plants and so on, but the people who talk about it need to think, for example, about the solar panels there. put something on your balcony, if you want to criticize it, and at the same time have a cup of coffee in the morning and so on, then accumulate your solar energy and well, that's how we invested as a ukrainian nation, we invested in generation facilities, so with our labor, oil and so on, well, let's also be frank, well, we knew this topic about energy, we invested, but you and i ate it, we have nuclear plants. we delegated, we delegated
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the authority to use certain processes in our state, that is, it is such a, you know, global discussion, if it will increase in price, then how much, so warn our viewers, if it will increase and by how much, well you enrolled me in the oligarchs, thank you, although i own, received or inherited and created, built those electrical generation facilities. which we are talking about, and it is quite logical, so the price should be social, well, taking into account sociality, i will not argue with you, because, for example, my mother has every right to say all those words that you are saying to me now, therefore, i will calmly tell you on behalf of my mother, my dear mother, do not worry, now, if this is done, then the state will have money in order not to spoil you, that will be enough, and if it won't be like that. then i
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will send you some expensive money and i will supply you with solar panels, now at the expense of how much it should become more expensive, and depending on how the situation will be, if we are not given help in money, but will be, for example, help provided by gas-electric plants, then we also have the second point, because the generation of electricity from natural gas can be at approximately the same prices as we have, that is, i have experience when at one time a business bought these gas-electric plants and generates electricity for itself at 2 ,73, 3.50 each, there are some that generate depending on the capacity and coefficients, then they generate 8 hryvnias each, so if we talk about how much energy will be raised for household consumers, if the state, which we have delegated our votes with you, will make gas-electric distributed generation, then i think that the increase will be no more or less than 4 hryvnias. if it comes to its senses, this is
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the state itself and starts to install gas-electric power stations very quickly, if it does not come to its senses, and we will continue to receive this assistance, well, then i in... advise everyone simply check your generators already, because if the increase is higher, i too, like you, will ask, and what are you doing, the state, because for 8 hryvnias, i can generate electricity for myself, thank you, andriy zakrevskyi , the chairman of the board of the oil and gas association of ukraine, an energy expert was in touch with us, we are now going on a short break and a guest will appear in our studio with whom we will talk about an important topic that i will not say, you will see. yourself in just a few minutes, so stay with us. thinking about a new mattress, but this is what stops you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not
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a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming. they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we they came, because they knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we
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are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation. which has united around you, thank you for waiting, the information day of the tv channel continues, but... there are a lot of events today, the enemy is raging in the north of kharkiv region, our soldiers are holding the defense, at the same time we will talk about the situation inside our state, in particular, when we talk about the rehabilitation of our military, the use of the latest technologies and efforts to literally lift people to their feet, that is, the topic is extremely difficult, complicated, but there is a positive experience, iryna zaslavets, the head of the anbroken project and the director of the development of the first... tmo of lviv, glory to ukraine, are guests in our studio, ms. iryna, congratulations, congratulations, well, let’s start by watching the story of
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our colleague kateryna oliynyk, about the largest center of prosthetics and orthotics in ukraine, which just recently started its work, i think that our viewers it's interesting to see how he looks, we 'll show them all this, tell them, and then we'll discuss it all with you, a month and a half ago nine-year-old mykhailik was protested, now the boys. learns to walk confidently with a new limb. at the regen they discovered that i had a hook, bones, and had to take away my leg. maybe you can walk freely and your hands won't be busy. mykhailik is one of the first patients of the new prosthetics and orthotics center, which opened in lviv. the facility was opened on the basis of the nezlamni rehabilitation center. here will install lower tv prostheses free of charge. khintsivok for military and civilian ukrainians. more than 50 people
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engaged in prosthetics in ukraine have already been studied, and tens of thousands of people need to be prosthetics, so this will be the largest educational hub that will share knowledge throughout ukraine and produce the best specialists. the center is unique for ukraine in terms of speed of construction and in terms of the function it will perform. the center has rooms for taking measurements, making installations. and fitting rooms artificial limbs, also equipped a walking laboratory, an auditorium for specialist training and a courtyard for patients to rest, all of which were built in just four months. the area of ​​this center is 100 m2, the center itself is built in a circular manner, that is, we have a building like the one we have, which goes into a circle, and each room has its own function and is divided in such a way that the prosthetist can use it conveniently. to be carried out by this particular workshop for the manufacture of prostheses, that is, all processes in us originate gradually and
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all processes take place in different premises according to the head of the center , vladyslav sikhovsky, 10 prosthetists will be able to work at the same time in the workshop. there is a catastrophic lack of such specialists in ukraine, which is why new specialists will be regularly trained here. foreign colleagues will come, well, as far as i know, from the 20th of may of this month, our studies will begin, but it will be for... for the second category, it is a german school, german teachers are coming, well, i am at the moment i'm studying for the third category in yuman steel schools, that's why we are waiting for teachers, we will study. the opening of such a center was financed by the german government and the german society for international cooperation. over a thousand prostheses are planned to be manufactured and installed here in a year. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. iryna zaslavets, manager, is in the espresso studio. from the development of the first tmo of lviv, so we are talking
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about an extremely important initiative, so we understand that, on the one hand, it is a lot, yes , more than 1,200 patients every year, that is, it is close to more than 100 people every month, who may be which can get the most important, yes, that is , a chance, whether to move, whether i don't know, complex complex. very topic, but the main thing is that this work has been started, and accordingly, what technologies will you use, yes, because we are used to hearing, at least so, that abroad western specialists or western prosthetics can do something at an extremely high level, what technologies are in ukraine, what technologies will be used in vanbroken and so on, you know, we can definitely talk about the fact that everything is done in ukraine that is done abroad, all those high technologies that we can see. in the united states, in germany, in great britain, they are all available to ukrainians in ukraine, the only question is how
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large a volume of services we can provide, because the question is not only in the components for prostheses, which we get the best from the same factories , which are used all over the world, the question is the number of specialists who can install these prostheses, because our prosthetics and orthotics center is designed for a total of 40 workplaces, and 40 people will be able to work there. but the question is that in ukraine does not have such a number of prosthetists as to be able to provide all the necessary assistance to the number of patients who need it, and the main goal, in particular, in addition to... the installation and manufacture of these prostheses, we will have the training of specialists, during the year of work, the last work of the nezlamni center and our prosthetic workshop, we have already trained 51 specialists from all over ukraine, that is, this means that specialists from germany, great britain, the united states, israel and other various countries come to us, and we
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conduct training at our base, which specialists from all over ukraine gather, because these are different categories. for each protest, you need to undergo training, and there is such a nuance that, for example, even if a person collects money, or there will be funds in a prosthetic company for some kind of prosthesis, but none of the specialists will have a certificate that he can this particular to put a prosthesis, because he was trained to install this particular type of prosthesis, then this protest cannot even be purchased, so it is also a very extensive system of training. different types subspecies, categories, and for the last year, more than a year, such trainings have been taking place, and now they are already starting to take place in our new center, on may 21 the next wave of human study training will start, training from german specialists, the most authoritative in the world, and actually speaking, our specialists, as well as
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specialists from other prosthetic enterprises who joined this training, will be able to undergo it at our base, therefore... it is very important, when we talk about 1,200 prostheses per year, we must understand that there must also be specialists who can set them, and this is a question of a lack of specialists not only in the center of nezlamnaya, a question of a lack of specialists throughout ukraine, and i would like to emphasize that the possibilities now allow us to do much more than the possibilities of the human factor, which are constantly limited in that plan, what is needed... to spend some time to prepare people, and this is such a constant process of professional growth, but if, for example, someone looks at us from sculptors, from dental technicians, from those people who once worked with anatomy of the human body and understands this, please come to our center, contact us and we are ready to teach, because teaching, you know,
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in general, the training of prosthetists is a story of 5 years, but... we are now talking about the fact that to learn together with practical work, that is , a person works and simultaneously undergoes various studies and thus, you know, in practice, it should be engineers, or i don’t know, there are people who prefer to work with plastics, anatomy and so on and so forth, you know, it can be different because we have a prosthetist, a sculptor, and we also have a prosthetist, physical therapist. the head of the center of prosthetics and orthotics now, that is, young, talented, ambitious, we are talking about the fact that we are looking for women, because the issue of mobilization, if it is very urgent, and we understand that there is currently a great lack
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of male labor, and if there are women, women sculptors. women dental technicians, women engineers who, we are talking about 3d printing and 3d printing of prostheses, if there is such a desire, come to us, let's talk, show what we do, how it all works, and maybe among these viewers, which now we are being watched, there will be those who will become part of our team, we are having a conversation with iryna zaslavets, the head of the anbroken project and the director of the development of the first tmo, but we want to say that now... in ukraine, the air alarm is the third in a day due to fly mig 31k you see a red card, now we will allow ourselves to continue with ms. irina for a few more minutes and after that our film crew will also go down to the shelter. mrs. irina, but look, if we are talking about people, for example, who themselves underwent this process of prosthetics, how much i know that among working prosthetists,
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there is even a person who once also went through the process of standing on his own feet, so who... became, then, as a soldier, became a prosthetist. this specialist, we really hope that he will join our team, but you know, there is also the issue of the fact that a person who is an amputee and is a patient of the center, by the time the person is discharged from the military, it takes, it takes a period time, and you know, we are very open to the fact that people who have amputations, people who have such injuries and are also looking for themselves in this. in life for employment, because it is very important to show by example that with a prosthesis life continues, and you can run, you can lead. an active lifestyle can be completely restored, we can see this by the example of this very yana, who ran 5 km of the boston marathon, for
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this you need strength, desire, we have our ambassador volodymyr rudkovskiy, who yesterday also ran a marathon at the marathon distance in lviv, and people who set an example show that life is possible with prostheses and... our patients go to the front and fight with prostheses, then send us videos of how they are in the trenches with prostheses, we literally just corrected the prosthesis of a soldier with the call sign lyon, in general, extraordinary strength the guy, when the full-scale outbreak began, he was abroad, he came to ukraine and he went to fight, lost a limb, had a prosthesis here, went to the front again, fought there, but... the fact is that prosthetics are also all questions are not resolved, unfortunately, because sometimes neuromas or osteophytes appear in people at the amputation site, these are growths on
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the bones, and such patients need repeated correction, so lyon came to us again, we re-prosthetized him and he is going there to the front again. cool story, but unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to finish sooner, our colleagues will continue to work for you, iryna zaslavets, manager. acton broken and director of development for the development of the first tmo of lviv, antin and i are saying goodbye to you for today, so now the air anxiety, our colleagues are moving to the studio in a shelter, from there the news release will be released, which will soon be prepared by our colleagues from the news editorial office, well, we say goodbye to you for today, take care and see you tomorrow, half a year ago in polish... at which border the movement of ukrainian trucks was actually frozen. polish protesters began blocking the border on november 6, 2023,
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at three main checkpoints: yagodin-dorogutsk, ravarutska-grebene, krakowiec-korchova. and on november 23, the same action took place at the fourth point pass: medica shigini. the main demand of the polish protesters was as follows: ban the import of ukrainian agricultural products, cancel transport. visa-free for ukrainians, as well as to cancel the so -called green course on the territory of poland, because, according to the poles, such conditions for ukraine created unhealthy competition between the parties. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, kyiv received a temporary transport visa-free regime and the abolition of customs duties on ukrainian goods to the eu, in order to at least somehow save the state's economy, because sea and air routes for ukraine were blocked. you make us a powerful competition. you are a huge competition for us, for you, ukrainians, they have created all the conditions in poland, privileges, you are not even a member of the european union, instead , the ukrainians do not respond to us with mutual
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compliance, it looks like you are just drinking our blood, that is why our carriers are blocking cordon, so that you do not drink it to the end. in the first months, the border was blocked by a small group of polish carriers, led by a representative of the confederation party, rafal meckler. it was this party that opposed it. accession of ukraine to the eu, later in the winter polish farmers also joined the blockade. protesters promised to allow military and humanitarian goods to ukraine. however, already at the beginning of december, ukrainian volunteers began to strike. critically important goods for the armed forces were delayed at the border. thousands of ukrainian carriers actually became hostages at the border. queues of trucks reached dozens of kilometers. ukrainian drivers were waiting in front of the border. for more than two weeks, supplies of food and fuel water were running out, the situation was bad access to a toilet and a shower, and while the blockade lasted, winter had already come, and in such conditions
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ukrainian drivers spent the night in their cars, in khurdelitsa and moroz, at least three ukrainian transporters died during the blockade at the border, we have no leverage, only that the only thing we can do is go to the police, talk to them, there are no protesters. it makes sense, they contact us there and that and that and that's it, i think it's paid for, there's nothing to talk to you about, the only thing is that we can also block the roads with the police, but the police can see if we want there are 20-30 people there, immediately two more crews of some kind of assistance are approaching, and they are consulting there and kind of letting us go, that is, until we are, if we don’t walk, we are reluctant to appear, we walk, we achieve something, at least one car to the house, most of our compatriots were shocked by the shots with scattered ukrainian grain. the first such incident happened on february 11 near the yagodin dorogusk checkpoint. there, the poles stopped a sealed ukrainian truck and
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killed it. ukrainian grain was not spilled. such cases happened several more times. usually these cargoes went in transit to other european countries. in general, more than 180 tons of ukrainian grain were scattered throughout the blockade. according to the all-ukrainian agrarian council, during the blockade, ukraine did not receive uah 8 billion in customs payments, and business lost more than eur 15 billion. meanwhile, the polish government could not do anything about the protests of its people. the previous prime minister of poland , mateusz murawiecki, even supported a return to the military system, which was more beneficial to the poles. when is the chair of the prime minister a more pro-ukrainian donald tusk was elected to poland, there were no successful steps towards unblocking the border, only in april of this year his words had a significant impact. we cannot harm ukraine in any way in a situation where the fate of the war is being decided. i don't
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think anyone is decent. in poland wants to weaken ukraine today, so for now i am counting on prudence and refusal of such a form of protest. so far, the villagers have not experienced any ill treatment from the police or public services. i would like it to continue like this. blocking the border subsided, then gained new momentum. the protesters said that if the polish government does not listen to them, they will resume the blockade. meanwhile, from the first days of blocking the border, the ukrainian government called on the polish authorities to intervene in this situation and also sought a compromise with their polish colleagues. the blockade of the border by poland has long gone beyond the grain blockade. today, this blockade threatens ukraine's national security, threatens the supply of weapons and equipment for our security and defense sector , and the supply of critically needed fuel. and the issue of blocking the border should be resolved much earlier than march 28, the date when
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it should have taken place. joint meeting of the governments of ukraine and poland. from the end of march , large-scale negotiations between the agricultural association of ukraine and poland regarding the transit of products and the unblocking of roads began. accordingly, it even stabilized the situation on the border. the parties agreed to exchange data every month to monitor the situation. and these associations were absolutely interested in unblocking the border, because everyone was losing, because it was people and exports. of polish products, in particular dairy products to ukraine, it far exceeds the import of ukrainian agricultural and agricultural products to poland. protesters began to unblock the checkpoints from april 20, already on april 25 it became known that the polish government approved an order that defines a plan to help polish farmers. on april 29, the poles unlocked the last checkpoint. when
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polish farmers started their actions from the block. on february 9, they covered six directions, six checkpoints, practically at some even making it impossible to travel at all, as it was in the direction of the jagodyn and ravoruska checkpoints, when they did not let a single truck through in the direction of poland, in other directions it could be several trucks per hour, and then we also saw an increase in queues, of course, and when having unblocked last week the largest infrastructural... direction, this is the direction of the yagody checkpoint, in fact, in recent days we have seen a significant decrease in queues. so that, rejoicing that the border is unblocked, we understand, at the same time, that this situation is shaky, considering the fact that the interests of farmers may be in the fall, as the prices will not respond to their products, well, then they may block the border again, because this is the fastest way to
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knock out additional... funds for their products, although the polish protesters have not officially confirmed whether they have reached a compromise with the local authorities and whether they will resume the blockade of the border, and currently ukrainian trucks are moving unimpeded, but if the polish farmers feel that the local authorities do not hear them, then they will be able to resume the blockade again the border, and then everything depends on how radical the polish government will be, whether it will be ready to unblock the border quickly by force, or will again look for ways of understanding. natalya stareprava, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. greetings to everyone from espresso, i remind you that
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throughout the territory. countries air alarm and


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