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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:29pm EEST

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they have not officially confirmed whether they found a compromise with the local authorities and whether they will restore the border blockade, but currently ukrainian trucks are moving freely, but if polish farmers feel that the local authorities do not hear them, then they may well restore the border blockade again, and then everything depends on , how radical the polish government will be, whether it will be ready to unblock the border quickly by force, or whether it will once again look for long ways of understanding. natalya stareprava, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. congratulations to everyone from espresso, i remind you that after the entire territory of ukraine air alert and...
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take care of yourself and your relatives, as well as news on espresso for your attention. over 1,700 people were evacuated by the police from the border of the kharkiv region. law enforcement officers continue to deport civilians from the terkonivska, lipotka, and vovchan territorial communities, the national police said. law enforcement officers urge people to leave, contact the police hotline 102, or the evacuation hotline. held in a basement in the vovchan community in kharkiv oblast , the russian army took local residents in captivity. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. the occupiers forced people to provide medical aid to the soldiers and threatened to shoot, some managed to escape. they didn't let the cellar out, but this morning a soldier came in and said: we're leaving the same way we came. they took away the wounded, and we
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are running and running at this moment, there are still people left there, there are still people there, and that is, they didn't just take you, no, there is more, there is a family, a family, white angels evacuate people from krasnohorivka in donetsk region, to the sound of explosions this time managed to evacuate three residents, among them an 88-year-old woman who received a concussion, six enemy shells exploded near her house the day before. the regional police reported, it was also possible to evacuate the couple, now people are safe. elections during wartime are impossible in terms of ensuring electoral rights and normal democratic procedures. experts note that millions of military personnel and refugees will not be able to exercise their right to vote, because of this it is currently impossible to organize free, fair and democratic elections, and the main thing is factor without'. in conditions of full-scale
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russian aggression, it is impossible to guarantee it at the polling stations. when the state cannot ensure the implementation of electoral rights in compliance with the specified international standards, in particular during martial law, elections are not held in the vast majority of democratic countries. i emphasize democratic countries. it is the democratic character, which is based on... the key principles of electoral law, free, equal, secret expression of will, and allows to do this, so that the true will of the people is embodied in the form of time in order to book him, and only after updating the vlk, he is immediately issued a combat summons, and this is the problem, in order to train an international driver, you need code 95, adr, the driver needs it. to tell all the rules of paying for
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roads, crossing borders, confirming documentary transportation, it takes about six months. volodymyr zelenskyi had a telephone conversation with the prime ministers of sweden and luxembourg, this was reported in the president's office, and discussed defense support for ukraine, in particular strengthening air defense. it also became known that sweden and... will take part in the peace summit to be held in june. sweden is ready to deploy nuclear weapons in the event of war - said prime minister ulf kristerson. according to him, if the worst happens, democratic countries should be able to defend themselves against states that may threaten to use nuclear weapons. at the same time, he added that sweden's membership in nato and its defense prevent
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such a situation. a student protest march took place in tbilisi the day before final vote. on the bill on foreign agents. this bill requires organizations that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence or face fines. western countries and the georgian opposition condemn this law and consider it a copy of the russian one. i personally should be at university right now, as should my friends, but we students think it 's okay to protest. situations - this is correct, because when we have such a law, when we have such a government, there is no time for university, or study, or college or anything like that, even the children who study at school, and they prove their point here to show that this country is not russia. four
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terrorist attacks were planned. on may 9, the sbu detained a group of russian intelligence in kyiv. enemy agents installed explosive devices in construction hypermarkets and in one of the cafes. the suspects disguised the homemade explosives in speed tea packages. all devices were to be detonated during peak hours shops the enemy's main goal is to inflict maximum damage on the civilian population. the counter-intelligence of the security service established that the curator of the terrorist attacks in the russian federation was yuriy syzov, an employee of gru, who serves in the military unit under the number 9215. he personally gave instructions to recruited agents and even recorded video instructions for installing an explosive device in one of the stores of the same chain in the moscow region. this is how things are at the moment, i remind you that
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an air alert continues throughout the territory of ukraine. take an example from the team espresso, stay safe and see you at 6 p.m., because the newsroom is preparing the final issue and also more about the important you. you can always read espresso tv on our website, subscribe to our channels on social networks and i encourage all viewers to support our youtube channel, see you at 18 in the morning and a productive afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose the mattrik topper, which comes
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family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. congratulations to our viewers on the air of the tv channel with you, i am artem lagotenko, today we will talk about a very difficult topic, about captivity by the russian occupiers, about our children, who were kidnapped by these terrorists and about what is currently happening in the temporarily occupied territories, we will talk about this very an unusual and extraordinary guest, but before introducing her to you, i suggest you watch a short story. lyudmila huseynova, activist and public figure from donetsk region.
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in 2014, she worked as a safety engineer at a poultry farm in novoazovsk. from the beginning during russia's war against ukraine, she took care of a children's orphanage in primorsk. in october 2019 , militants detained her at work. the reason was the pro-ukrainian position in social networks and denunciations of colleagues. the russians held the woman in a secret prison, isolation, where she was brutally tortured. after 40 days, she was transferred to donetsk pre-trial detention center and accused of espionage. the occupiers illegally detained lyudmila huseynova for three long years. she and 107 other kremlin guards were released from captivity on october 17, 2022. mrs. lyudmila, i welcome you to us in the studio. thank you for taking the time and... the energy to come here and talk about what 's going to happen now, and before we get started, i'd like
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to ask you what kind of badge you have, it's two badges, and one badge i was given to new york this year, when we traveled with a delegation, spoke at the un, and talked about what is happening in ukraine, talked about what is happening in... the occupied territories and asked everyone to support our women, who are still are tortured in these prisons and demand that the whole world demand their release. and that's it the second badge was an event together with the public association family of prisoners, and we support this public organization, and there was a rally and... in support of prisoners, and i already received this second badge from this
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association. mrs. ludmila, i understand that you are now very actively engaged in the issue of our prisoners. yes, because i know how many people are left there, how many women are left, and it's a very painful subject for me, because i know some of these women, because i know the terrible, inhuman conditions in... they they are kept there, and because i know the terrible, cruel torture they go through, and for me this is a very painful topic, and i will honestly, frankly say that when a miracle happened for us a year and a half ago, we no longer expected that we will be released, but it happened, and i had very high hopes that this was the first step, and we would already be releasing our civilian prisoners and prisoners of war. but you see, a year and a half have passed, not a single civilian woman has been
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released since then, and it is a very big trouble for me, personal trouble, but i believe that together we will be able to achieve their release, we will wait for them, and you work in the sam ukraine organization, yes, yes, tell us a little about what kind of organization it is, it is a unique organization in ukraine, and... and an organization that brings together women survivors of sexual violence, related, conflict-related, any kind of violence, we know there are a lot of them. and we know that at least 80%, and even 90% of people who were captured, they were tortured, they experienced sexual violence, etc. these women united them iryna dovgan. and her name became known back in the distant 14th year, she became the first such
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famous person, and saved. her photo, when the photo was taken, she is tied to a pillar in the center of donetsk, and she is still afraid to remember what happened in those days, but she did not immediately, after several years, find her strength and unite around her women who also survived captivity, already since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, these are very scary numbers, but very ... there have been many women who have suffered sexual violence from the de-occupied territories, and we know how many there are actually a lot of them now. can you share with us what the numbers are? i can say that our organization now unites almost 50 women, these are women who
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are no longer afraid to talk about it, at least in our circle, but we know that there are a lot of women who ... look at our organization, who apply to other public organizations, to psychologists, for support, for help, and these are very large numbers, i cannot say the exact number, it is impossible to say it now, i know for sure that there are those who are still silent, i know for sure that such women, men, and a terrible story. with children, but maybe they will be able to talk, find the strength to talk about it in 10 years or 20 years, and such an example is in the balkan countries, i know for sure that what is happening now in the occupied territories, territories, and we we don't know the exact numbers, we don't know the exact names, but what is happening,
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these crimes reach us. about some, we know exactly where and with whom it happened, but these people still remain under occupation, they do not have any support, neither psychological nor medical, of course not legal, but the time will come, our territories will be occupied, the time will come, our people will be released from captivity, and i really hope that they will have the strength not to remain silent, but to demand the punishment of those criminals. those russian soldiers who did this to them, is there systematic state work in ukraine with the help of rehabilitation of people who suffered from the violent actions of the russian occupiers, you know, this work, it is now being created together with us, and it is very, very correct
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that it is created together with us, together with by those people who survived, who found themselves. the strength to fight, who found the strength to help and grow in the post-traumatic, to do, to grow post-traumatic growth occurs, and there is strength to help others. the unique story is that right now, this pilot project is starting to work to support people who have suffered from sexual violence related to... the conflict, this has never happened in the world before the hostilities have ended , the war has not ended , there is already targeted to targeted help for people who have experienced it, this not only some material aid, not only psychological support, not only medical support, this recognition of such people
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means that the state knows about them, the state understands the terrible problem. problem, and i would like this crime to be separated in our criminal code, and that these executioners, they were convicted not just for violating the rules of war, it turns out that there are such, such violations of the rules of war, and they were convicted precisely for sexual violence during military operations, relative to civilian people. tell me, please, are we talking about women, or about men and children equally, we are talking about women, and about men, and about children, and so on. it so happened that women were the first to find the strength to speak, to fight and help each other, to help
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others, but i know that now men are also finding strength in themselves, and i want to support them, and i want to appeal to society, so that there was no such relation to what happened to these people, to what happened to all of us, in our society an opinion is formed, that a sexual crime is just rape, no, i already said that at least 80% of people who survived captivity, they are subjected to terrible torture there, they are stripped there, they are mocked, they are beaten, they are tortured with electric current, including through the genitals, all these types that i... told you now, this is sexual violence related to the conflict, if a person
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was undressed, groomed, touched during the crossing of roadblocks, enemy roadblocks, this there is also sexual violence associated with conflict, mrs. lyudmila, you spent three terrible years in the hell of russian captivity, is that correct? i understand that the activity you are doing now is in a certain sense rehabilitation and finding yourself in this life after what happened? maybe yes, maybe yes, you know, all these three years and 13 days, it's really, it's a terrible ordeal, and my only dream was to see my family again and again to be a free person, i really wanted to stand, i really wanted
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not to be broken, and during terrible torture i thought, well, my body is free, they can do whatever they want, but my thoughts are my thoughts, my thoughts are free, and i thought, but i dreamed of how i would be free, that i would to do, it was empowering, it was reassuring, but at the time the doors opened, i didn't know it was an exchange, i was just told to gather for 20 minutes for a meeting, bring everything i needed, one woman who stayed there, she is still there, she is like a heart... she felt that it was an exchange, and she just cried and asked me not to forget those who is now left there in the moonlight, because this is
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oblivion, it gives me strength, this is the desire to see these women free, i cannot say that i will see them healthy, because i know what they are doing to them there, but i want them to see them alive, and that's empowering, and that's the understanding that i'm kind of...not here, but i'm doing everything i can to get them released. our viewers have just had the opportunity to see footage from a terrible place, a torture chamber called isolation. mrs. lyudmila, i know that you had to visit there, i want to see you now to talk to you about this period, it is my duty as a journalist to ask sometimes difficult and difficult questions, but... if you decide that you do not want to answer, then i think our viewers will understand you, and please tell me how you ended up in isolation and what exactly was done to you there,
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they brought me there on the first evening of my detention and took me on the road even then, put a bag on my head, handcuffs on my hands, and i didn't see anything anymore, i didn't know where i was going take before that, i saw the story of asiyev on the internet, and he was already there released at that time, and i have already read about what kind of city this is, these are the most terrible, probably 50 days of my life. and for the longest time, you have no right there, the guards are exclusively men,
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on the second. on the floor above the cells, where they kept the hostages, the prisoners, on the second floor there were barracks for the militants, and these militants came after not very often, not every day, but after these, as they said, fighting, they came there to these barracks, there they drank, fought, they were taken there, for entertainment, for beatings. prisoners both women and men, you constantly hear terrible screams, and for the first few days these screams simply make your heart stop, in the cell there is 24-hour video surveillance of you, you have to stand from 10 to 6 in the morning to 10 in the evening, you are not allowed to sit down,
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you have to sit down so... a bag on your head, as soon as someone knocks on the door, or they just knock, they knock on the door, you don't see the sun, you don't see the sky, because the windows are painted with white paint, they beat you if you do something wrong, or stood in a corner under this camera, or once i just... couldn't resist, it was impossible to stand, and i climbed on this the upper berth and i were simply thrown from there, the punishment can also be put in a glass, the so- called, it is a very tight corner like this, it is closed by an iron door, you cannot breathe, you cannot move and you can stand like that, you lose time. your body does not
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belong to you, they can do anything with you . all. then you were brought to sizo donetsk, right? yes, then after 50 days i was transferred to the donetsk sizo, and you know, when i went there, i was even happy, i thought that there could not be such conditions in the sizo as... i could not even imagine, that in the 201st century can people live like this, exist like this, because this is not life, and politicians were kept together with criminals, i was placed in the largest cell in terms of the number of people, but it was very small, and when you get up, there is simply no city there, and nothing to do with you ...
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because these criminals, they served to a greater extent, women, were in the so -called militia, and when they receive you in the cell, they ask under which article, under which article you were brought, and they know that there is already an article there for extremism, for espionage, for terrorism, and when you name it, they immediately they put a stigma that one, one more scum appeared in the cell and... the appropriate attitude, ms. lyudmila, please tell me about these torture centers, these so-called sizos, is the treatment of women different from the treatment of men? you know, i didn't feel it.


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