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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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muscovites are advancing on kharkiv oblast, so the police are taking civilians away. how many people were evacuated from the border. the first full-fledged underground school appeared in kharkiv, our soldiers destroyed another enemy. alligator espresso editors talk about the main news for today. annaeva melnyk is with you, my greetings. police evacuated more than 1,700 people from the border of the kharkiv region. law enforcement officers continue to deport civilians from the terkonivska, lipetsk, and vovchan territorial communities, the national police said. law enforcement officers urge people to leave, contact the police hotline 102 or the evacuation hotline. currently
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, we continue to work in the city of vovchansk, there are still people here, together with the national, that is, the police, we are organizing the evacuation, approximately 200 people still have to leave, the enemy is shelling the entire city, effectively destroying our civilian infrastructure, our soldiers are holding the enemy back on all approaches to the city itself , received received russian in the basement of the vovchan community in kharkiv oblast the army captured local residents during the offensive , this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office, the occupiers forced people to provide medical aid to the soldiers and threatened to shoot them, some managed to escape, they were not allowed to leave the basement, and this morning a soldier came in and said: we are leaving as came and took away the wounded, and at this moment we are running and running away.
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the first full-fledged underground school in ukraine was opened in kharkiv. the city hall decided to build because, due to constant shelling, the children have been studying from home for the third year. it was arranged in 15 million dollars. let's see how the class goes in the material of my colleagues. the elementary school teacher says that she has more than 30 first-graders, eight of them came to classes in the underground school today, all the others continue to study online. we turn on the cameras, and this is how we do it, questions online, questions offline, that is, we communicate in two ways. ms. natalia shares that after online lessons, children have to be taught how to hold. hand, how to sit
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at a desk and how to hold a pen, but her students are conscientious, even when studying from home. i walked along i saw a fox selling tricks in the bazaar, but high school students are happy that they will have time to see their friends before graduation. diving and teachers, we all see each other, we have a good time, there is time to communicate with friends, with peers, with teachers, to acquire some knowledge, i like it, well, although today is the first day, but i like it, somehow so immediately, how, as a native school, in general, when we somehow meet, it is generally perceived as some kind of party, because we see each other much more often, it is somehow more pleasant. say goodbye
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everyone was sad, somehow they paid more. unlike the first-year students, the graduates studied online in kharkiv for the third year in a row due to constant shelling. wonderful, beautiful, i can't even find the words, so today, i'm glad to meet together in class like this. we hold conferences in zoom, and we hold additional ones, so we communicate very often, see each other, but this is completely different. currently , almost 250 children are studying in... in two shifts: they are junior high school students and graduates, they study from home several days a week, the rest at underground school. we study first-fourth grades according to the sanitary regulations, 30 minutes, 40 minutes and senior grades 45 minutes, three basic lessons for our first-fourth grade children, and our seniors study four basic lessons. the local
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government plans to open more such schools in the city. from kharkiv for espresso tv channel. white angels are evacuating people. from krasnohorivka in donetsk region. under the sounds of explosions , three people were rescued this time, including an 88-year-old woman who suffered a concussion. the day before, six exploded near her house enemy shells, the regional police reported. it was also possible to evacuate the couple. for now, people are safe. mykhailo drapaty became the new commander of the kharkiv troop group. he took office instead of yury galushkin amid the offensive. russians, reported in the operational-strategic grouping of khurtyts troops. drapati also remains in the post of deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. minus another alligator: soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized
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brigade destroyed a russian combat helicopter k-52. this was reported in the ground forces. the helicopter was shot down by fighters of the anti-aircraft missile artillery division. let me remind you, the cost of one such helicopter. more than 16 million dollars. wholesale is cheaper. nine smugglers were discovered near the ukrainian-romanian border. this was reported to the state border service on the bus. in addition to the men, there was also a driver and a guide who was supposed to transport customers to a neighboring country. each of them paid about 10,000 euros for such a trip. law enforcement officers detained the perpetrators. four were planned terrorist attacks on may 9 in kyiv. the sbu detained a group of russian intelligence. enemy agents installed explosive devices in construction hypermarkets and in one of the cafes. the suspects disguised the homemade explosives in
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speed tea packages. all devices were to be detonated during peak shopping hours. the enemy's main goal is to inflict maximum damage on the civilian population. the counter-intelligence of the security service established that the curator of the terrorist attacks in the russian federation was yuriy syzov, an employee of gru, who is serving in the military unit under the number 92154. he personally gave instructions to recruited agents and even recorded video instructions for installing an explosive device in one of the stores of the same chain in the moscow region. zelenskyy held a telephone conversation with the prime ministers of sweden and luxembourg, the president's office reported on this, and discussed defense support for ukraine, in particular strengthening air defense. it also became known that sweden and luxembourg will take part in the peace summit, which
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will be held in june. a student protest march was held in tbilisi the day before final vote on the draft law on foreigners. agents, this draft law requires organizations that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence, otherwise they face fines. western countries and the georgian opposition condemn this law and consider it a copy of the russian one. i personally should be at university right now, as should my friends, but we students think we should protest. not for college or anything like that, even kids who are in school and they're proving it here his point of view to show that this country is not russia. elections during wartime are impossible in
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terms of ensuring electoral rights and normal democratic procedures. experts note that millions of military personnel and refugees will not be able to use the option. right, because of this, it is currently unrealistic to organize free, fair and democratic elections, and the most important thing is the security factor, in the conditions of full-scale russian aggression, it is impossible to guarantee it at the polling stations, when the state cannot ensure the implementation of electoral rights in compliance of the specified international standards, in particular during martial law, in the vast majority of democratic countries. introduce, i emphasize democratic countries, precisely the democratic character, which is based on the key principles of electoral law, free, equal, secret expression of will, and allows to do this, so that the true will
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of the people is embodied in the formed authorities. at this moment, the news editor has told about the most important thing, tomorrow will be a new day, we will tell you all about other events, we will be waiting for you in this studio at 2 p.m., don't delay further, vasyl sima's big broadcast. problems with the frontal joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of longit joints, these are packets of collagen and vitamin c to restore joint cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joint. and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints - facilitates motor functions. with dolgit joints, move
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appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and. another feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there is a liver? hello holk, and what for bile? hello hall, it protects the liver and gallbladder. hello hall, with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine!
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greetings, greetings to you, dear tv viewers, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zma, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues together with you will talk about the most important things, we will, we will have inclusion from kharkiv region, we will talk about the humanitarian and social situation in the territory of this region, which is active today. attacks the enemy, advancing, trying advance on kharkiv from the north, we will also talk about the situation in sumy region, evacuation measures are ongoing there, the enemy is also shelling the border areas. shchyna in the same way as the settlements in the kharkiv region are shelled, in this dimension humanitarian and social, evacuation, assistance to the local population, what are the threats, what are the losses, what are the risks, we will talk about all this in detail, also today, money during the war, the world there is a lot of important and interesting information about ukraine with yuriy fizar, why they decided to meet and talk again chinese people's
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the republic and the united states of america, that they will discuss all this during the next hour and 4 minutes, but now serhiy zurets will talk about the military, front-line, component of the situation in kharkiv oblast, the defensive operation of the armed forces of ukraine and the offensive actions of the enemy. the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about two sections of the front, exactly what is happening on north of kharkiv. and related to this in a certain way the actions in the kupyan direction, and also, if there is time left, about the change of the minister of defense in russia. more on that in a moment. i will start our column with a number of details related to the enemy's attempt to advance deep into our
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defenses in several areas in the kharkiv region. it started on may 11, and today. the general staff reported in the morning that the enemy is currently having tactical success, and therefore measures are planned to destroy the enemy who has wedged into our defenses, the deployment of reserves for stabilization of the situation, the enemy is conducting combat operations with units from the zahid group, which unites enemy forces deployed in three regions, i.e. bryansk, kursk and belgohorod regions, and now just from the belgohorod region, this group counts 35,000 in depth, is trying to advance towards the kharkiv region, and there are two sections here, one direction is to the north of the settlement of liptsi, we can see it now on the infographic of liptsi, it is such a transport junction, an important transport junction, and actually it is there also connected with the control of the dam of the travin
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reservoir, this is an important area, and currently there is fighting near the village. deep, deep, despite the name, this is the height in front of lyptsy, and now the enemy has not succeeded in occupying this village, the infantry is fighting there, and the second direction is, if we can see on the map, these are villages near vovchansk, to which the enemy is advancing from north from the west, in particular there from the river siverskyi donetsk, here about 3.5 km from the border, in the morning the general staff also reported that... the army used about five battalions for combat operations in the vovchan direction, the enemy did not count its own losses, and then at 2 p.m. the general staff announced that the reserves created in advance had been moved to reinforce the troops in the kharkiv direction, and depending on the development of the situation, the build-up the reserves will continue, the troops are provided with the necessary
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number of means of impression, the general staff reported this, now we know that... in these directions, in particular, 92 assault brigades, 57 separately mechanized, 42 mechanized brigades, there are units artillery, and also in the kharkiv direction , the commander of the kharkiv operational-tactical group has been changed, now it is headed by mykhailo drapaty, who also remains in the position of deputy chief of the general staff, of course there are questions about fortification in these areas, there were such separate emotional... statements from on the part of our military, and today the head of the state intelligence service, oleksandr yakovets , explained how the various lines are equipped, he said that the so-called front edge is at a distance of one and a half to 6 km, that is is equipped by the units themselves, because with the engineering means of the senior commander there
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, it is quite safe to take these measures, but there are other lines there, the second and third, which are actually equipped and... in order to conduct combat operations on them and to confirm this, to things, a video from the 92nd separate assault brigade, where the military explained that these boundaries are really well created, there are concrete shelters that are well prepared to protect our soldiers there, and of course there are questions about mining these areas, i i think there are opportunities now remote... directions where the enemy can advance with the use of our artillery, and we understand that now the enemy is targeting several goals, in particular. to increase the front line, to force our armed forces to use reserves on a longer length of the front, and secondly , to try to create some sanitary zone
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near kharkiv in order to be able to shell our city with barrel artillery, and actually, i think that all these actions of the enemy are or something else, especially from the point of view of the attack on vovchan, aimed at synchronize somehow. combat operations and enemy pressure, in particular with actions in the kupyansk direction, where the enemy has been unsuccessfully trying to penetrate our defense line there for a long time, now the situation in all areas of the front remains extremely complex and dynamic, but we can see that now in the kharkiv direction measures to stabilize the situation and additional forces and means directed there, and what is happening in the kupyan direction, as far as it is felt on this part of the front, we are for... now we will talk with our guests, viktor petrovich joins us, he is a soldier of the 77th separate airmobile brigade, which is currently operating in the kupinsky direction, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, i am glad
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to see and hear, if you can hear me now, good evening, i can hear you well, i would like to start our conversation first of all with a collection for your brigade, now we will ask our directors to show a qr code that the audience can use in order to provide support financial support for your brigade, as i understand, it is primarily for automotive equipment, on rap means, now they tell me that now the code will appear, and it can be used to support your brigade, in particular, i will personally transfer a little money before the broadcast to at least buy something faster, and now i would like to ask you what the current situation is in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade ? what happened yesterday and today within the limits of what is possible, and are there any changes in the dynamics of actions in your area, in particular in the direction of kupina, thank you very much
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and please let us know about the situation in the area of ​​our responsibility, our brigade, already about three weeks pass constant assaults. the enemy is constantly trying to push us, literally in the first week there were very massive assaults, in fact very massive assaults with the use of a large number of armored vehicles, there could be four infantry vehicles at a time, they dropped landings there, also supported the infantry with fire for that , to advance. to our positions, tanks also approached with direct fire, worked on our positions, well, but
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they suffered a lot of losses, because literally there in the first week they lost eight infantry fighting vehicles, they also lost four tanks, and now their losses are increasing, that is, every day they lose there... and armored infantry vehicles and also lose tanks, in fact, every day, and therefore, let's say, it becomes more difficult for them, they , they take turns, then they are landed by landing with bmp, then they try to storm there in small groups in a larger order, sometimes it can be seen that, well , frankly, some assault groups are allowed to eat meat. it is obvious that these days we brought in, well, let's say, a certain number of those who do not feel sorry for such servicemen, who are it's not a shame to let them go, and they
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literally let them die, that's how you see it when the artillery is working on them against the advancing ones, when they are working on them in the pv, eh, and at the same time they continue to go. somehow it looks surreal, because it is obvious that they would have already fled, if there were not two or three men standing behind them, who are pushing them into the back, that is why the situation is so tense at the moment, and in recent days the assaults have also continued, their , in particular, our compatriots say, very effective s... they are very effective they use these weapons against the enemy, and right now the artillery is also working well and in
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warehouses with ammunition. and according to the advancing manpower of the enemy, well, that is , the guys are now trying to prevent the assaulters from reaching the positions of our brigade, that is , they are trying to destroy them even before they reach, reach, land, they are also actively destroying skits, this very effectively stops the assaults, by the way, we are already showing several videos here from... from the work of your drone operators, your crew, i would like to ask how much the load has increased now on your operators, because literally a month ago, in some areas , it was said that 10 drones per day is normal, but now they are already talking about the fact that, relatively speaking, 40 drones per day and 20 at night, this is already the new norm, the load on your operators is different on your part of the front. it happens, depending on
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the intensity of the assault, well, it can be 400 fpv per week, plus, well, it’s only ee, let’s say, means of roti-impact unmanned systems, yes, that is, it is the level of brigade use there, and there is also units, in fact, each battalion has its own units with fpv drones. which are also used every time during assaults, that is, yes, we really use them very actively, and well, in fact, they are very effective, fividrons, you have seen such a cut and it happens all the time, that is , they advance and constantly work drones, and literally the enemy does not even succeed often to get to our positions, and if they even get there, they get there in... uh, well, let's say, with
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contusions, with some shrapnel wounds, they get there with conditionally out of ten there are three or four of them, so fp is very effective in repelling attacks, and especially if it's a bp there or some other means of mechanization, yes, they are also very good at destroying them. i will remind you again about the collection for the 77th separate air mobile brigade, and we are collecting precisely for reb equipment and automotive equipment, but we are not collecting for drones. combat tasks, or after all, slaves and automobile equipment are now more needed than fivishki,
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well, we alternate. let's put it this way, it's all necessary, there are never enough fives, well , it seems to me that you can use them as much as you can, you can actually use them, because the enemy has a lot of manpower, he does not spare it, and equipment as well, well, yes it is obvious that he does not regret it, because we have destroyed a lot of it recently, but so the provision, let's say, has increased by half a dozen, and in particular, the state also joins in. it happens that, for example, not quite complete fi sets come from the state, well, for example, there is no initiation fee without such, and we already have to finish these drones to a combat condition by our own efforts, but nevertheless, 50 percent is provided by the state itself, so we collect for fpv, there are also initiation boards, and for various things like that, because by ourselves... by ourselves
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the nature of drones is such that it is very difficult to provide all the details to the state, because there are very, very many nuances of initiation fees and the like, that is why we also collect fpv drones, we have a lot of fees, just now so relevant to be cars because also such consumables for... and it is necessary to deliver attack aircraft to the positions, and it is necessary to bring personnel to the positions, deliver them bc, well, that’s all, respectively, cars, cars, and also reb, reb also works very efficiently, which is important, isn’t it only we use fpodrede, forof also uses, and our...


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