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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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until now, what actually happened on the eve of all this, this personnel reshuffle, which putin is now trying to carry out, there was a victory parade, there was a so-called parade, where people gathered who have absolutely no idea what happened in may 1945 year, and here they are at all, because it started to snow during this parade, er... in a word, the whole situation was not as festive as that putin would have liked, but during this so-called parade, where oleksandr lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, also arrived, the first, it is meant putin began to say that we have nuclear weapons, and we will use them to deter the whole world, as if someone is threatening them there, instead of the fact that... that
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russia and belarus can use such weapons, nuclear, tactical weapons, suddenly the belarusian dictator began to speak, he said that it is necessary to train, and after returning from the parade in moscow, he said that it is like a kalashnikov assault rifle, one must be able to use it, this weapon must always be kept ready. let's listen to what lukashenko said. in order for the machine shot, in order for the machine gun to shoot, it must be kept in normal condition, checked, lubricated and do other things, and in order to be able to use it and shoot accurately, you need to train, this is our third training, i already told you about it today, the russians i don't know why we did it publicly, you see the situation, the escalation of tension continues, primarily from ukraine. two not quite
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young, to put it mildly, men believe that everyone is threatening them, two grandfathers who have already lived life, suddenly decided that everyone is threatening them, and they will now get nuclear tactical weapons, they will threaten them with it, but they want to threaten it, and this is actually already starting to take hold among the world elite and... moreover, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania gabrielus lasbergis is convinced that the nuclear blackmail of the russian dictator putin is a complete bluff, he said about it in an interview with the bbc, let's hear what lansbergis said. it was always a bluff, he has nothing to gain from it, he has something to lose. you know he has certain countries on his side now, at least he does in... believes that it has the support of china and
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the global south countries of africa and latin america. he'll lose it in an instant if he really goes for it. and by the way , not only the lithuanians are talking about this, china is also talking about it, and xi jinping has repeatedly expressed that nuclear weapons should not be used in the world, because if there is only one precedent, when the russian federation... gets a tactical nuclear weapon and tries to use it against some ee country, that would mean pandora's box will just open and everyone will realize that eh weapons of deterrence, nuclear weapons can turn into weapons of attack, and this is dangerous for the whole world, and especially for china, because they understand that in this situation they can also get a lot of conflicts around the er... actually the people's
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republic of china and xi jinping constantly convinces putin that it is not necessary to do this, against the background of this, the lithuanians are saying that you in ukraine have nothing to fear, we are ready to send you the military and for now with a training mission, the prime minister stated this in a comment to the financial times minister lithuania's ingrid šimonite, she says that if they didn't just think about us. if they were just thinking about russia's reaction, they wouldn't be able to send anything. every other week you hear that someone is going to be blown up with a nuclear weapon, that is, the world does not stop being afraid, and you know how there is such a good saying, if you are not going to shoot, then do not take the gun out of the holster all the time, but putin and lukashenko are doing what constantly pull pistols out of their holsters and try to scare someone, the world is not afraid of them, although the world is also different, like europe
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different, the same viktor orbán, prime minister of hungary, who last week met with the chinese leader xi jinping, who was... was in hungary for the first time after a five-year break from a european tour, actually what orbán said, orbán says , that europe suffers from direct participation in the so-called ukrainian crisis, well, he says so, the ukrainian crisis, in fact it is not the ukrainian crisis, it is russia's aggression against ukraine, well, orban decided to lick putin and it is called the ukrainian crisis, let's listen to what orban said, because this also... shows that one of ukraine's neighbors, western neighbors, is thinking about russia's war against ukraine, about putin's aggression against ukraine. we do not pass any weapons from the territory of hungary to ukraine, and we do not
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supply anything related to lethal weapons. so, those who support the war simply continue to suffer, because the war does not bring us any closer to victory. any side no to peace, it is impossible, so we must stop it, cease fire and start peace talks, in this hungary differs from the western community. it is very strange, hungary, the position of hungary differs from the position of the entire civilized world, but hungary takes loans from the european union, is part of the european union, has subsidies from the european union. it is under the umbrella of nato, and in this situation orban is sitting and pondering something about security and the fact that we have a special opinion about ukraine, so we have neighbors in the north, the republic of belarus, led by the self-proclaimed lukashenko, in the east
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and south in the east, the russian aggressor, and on in the west, orban, viktor orban, a country that is trying to tell us something about our... security, i wonder what he would say if russian troops stood on the border with hungary, how he would ask to protect the north atlantic alliance, or rather not ask , but to demand the protection of hungary, because hungary turns out to be a member of nato, and now he says that there is a ukrainian crisis, well, let the ukrainian crisis somehow escalate, and how can this crisis escalate if it is a war, a full-scale war of russia against ukraine, and in what... way should it resolve itself, as he says, in quotes, a crisis is not a crisis, the aggressor must be put in his place, and viktor orban, xi jinping, and other world leaders must understand this, because putin will not be punished for his crimes on the territory of the ukrainian
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state, he will to threaten the whole world, literally the whole world, no one understands how it will all end, although if we draw analogies. which were in history literally some 90 years ago in 1938, people also did not think that hitler would destroy europe, they did not think that they, that he would kill millions, tens of millions of people, that he will kill those nations and peoples who are not representatives of the nations of peoples that he does not like, he... that he is the master of the whole world, the world thought, well, he will play there with his territorial whims, that's all will stop, no, it hasn't stopped, obviously putin won't either, because what putin is doing is very reminiscent of what hitler did,
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although if in the version with hitler it was too late for the world to understand, i think that in today's world everyone understands , who putin is, everyone understands who he... can to stop it, for now it is being stopped by the armed forces of ukraine with the help of our western partners who provide us with weapons, but we all have to understand that putin is the latest hitler, and the more we speak on different information platforms, including foreign ones, on these analogies, on putin's threat, the more support we have, the more likely we are to get more protection.' assistance, including the troops, because it is clear that before zelenskyi’s official appeal, regarding the provision of a possible western aid, military aid or military contingents have not yet arrived, but it may also happen when the supreme commander
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of the armed forces of ukraine turns to the western world with a request to put putin in his place, there seems to be no doubt that he should be put in his place no, no, except that viktor orbán has it, but i think that it will come back to him quite hard. well, in the meantime, we've been watching... such a mini soap opera unfold before our very eyes, literally at the end of last week oleksandr kubrakov was dismissed from the post of deputy prime minister for the reconstruction of ukraine, minister of community development, territories and infrastructure, oleksandr kubrakov is a person who was one of the closest associates of volodymyr zelensky when the big construction began, and here he is. .. were fired, and it was suddenly not only for you and me, friends, but also for kubrakov himself, because
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kubrakov himself, who was summoned to a meeting of a committee, a specialized committee, in order to explain certain issues regarding his activities, he said that i will not come there, i did not have a conversation with the president, i did not have a conversation with the prime minister, what kubrakov wrote about his position on social networks. he writes that the resignation came as a surprise to him, but he was ready to report, i quote: i am always ready for an open dialogue and a detailed report on the work of the ministry in all areas under my responsibility, the leadership of the faction and the head of the government, denys shmyga, this decision is not with me. discussed, at the meeting of the faction and the profile committee, no was invited, says the former vice-prime minister. we had on the air... people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko, whom i asked, among other things, about what happened
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to kubrakov, why it happened, and how this personnel policy can be characterized, when he is just a vice-premier. he comes to a meeting of the verkhovna rada, they vote for his resignation, and he didn't even give any explanation to anyone, he was just a person in office, and the office was quite important even during the war, because he was from... the prime minister for reconstruction of ukraine, i.e., this is the deputy prime minister through whom aid comes for the restoration of certain infrastructural and civilian objects during the war, this is the deputy prime minister who must take care of the future restoration, plan and, accordingly, give certain conclusions about that , and what does ukraine need in order to recover, what resources are needed, what is needed, first of all? to do, what to do in the second place, so goncharenko, whom i asked
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about what this resignation was connected with, told me literally the following, let's listen, it all looks strange, there is only one result, but there is no there is no subjectivity either in the government or in the parliament, all decisions are made in the president's office, a command comes in, this command is quickly executed, there is no systematicity in this, then this is some kind of kindergarten, they united the ministry, united the ministry, simply , so that you understand, this is not such a simple process, this is millions of hryvnias, this is months of time, this is the fate of hundreds of thousands of people, and this is lost time for work, and this is during the war, i am afraid of such personnel policy, its complete lack of systemic policy , such a government policy scares, because in fact there is no government, this is the position of oleksiy honcharenko. well, it is not for nothing that we are asking you today, friends, about this, do you think that the influence of the office of the president on other
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branches of government is excessive, we continue this survey throughout our broadcast, our entire broadcast, and if you think that this influence of the office of the president is excessive on other branches of government, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, don't forget to like, click, support our stream, it allows us to just... watch this video on youtube, and if you watch us on tv, take to hold a smartphone or phone and vote, if you think that the influence of the president's office is excessive on other branches of government in ukraine, then 0.50 0800 donate, now i'm 0800 211 381, please display phone numbers on the screen, no 0800 211 3802, calls to these numbers. free of charge, vote, at the end we will sum up the results of this vote, why
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exactly are we talking about excessive powers, or excessive influence, in particular, of the office of the president on other branches of government, we are talking about the government and the verkhovna rada of ukraine, so that the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the conditions of a parliamentary-presidential republic is the central body that, among other things, forms the personnel policy of the government, that is, based on the proposal of a monomajority or a parliamentary majority. in accordance with the constitution, a government is formed, prime ministers are appointed, vice prime ministers and ministers are dismissed, and in this situation, when power in the country actually belongs to one... political group, because the verkhovna rada has a monomajority formed by servants people, accordingly, the government is also formed by this monomajority, well, this monomajority in was formed in 2019, because in the parliamentary elections of the 19th year, you remember, the servants of the people went for one passport, and this passport belonged to volodymyr zelenskyi, that is, everyone, everyone, everyone who entered
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the parliament should actually owe volodymyr zelensky, who promised new faces. and now we see that these new faces are not so new anymore, that it turns out that there is an expectation of diversification, that we can diversify the power, that new people will come and we will change everything, that this is not true, that there is a group of people in the office, which decides who to be a vice-prime minister, who doesn't want to be a vice-prime minister, they say that it seems that oleksandr kubrakov communicated quite actively with western embassies, in particular. with the embassy of the united states of america and the sleazy telegram channels there, for the past three or four days, they have been quite actively trying to humiliate him because he goes to someone, tells something, they called him a knocker there, they used some other terms there, that is , jargon, vulgar jargon is so criminal ,
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tried to stick to kubrakov, kubrakov resigned, and there is no question here nothing works. no one understands anything that happened, but i think that the answers to these questions, why kubrako left, will be when we get a new minister, and this minister will replace kubrakov, or is it the prime minister who will lead the recovery of ukraine, well, obviously the answer will lie in the destination that we will expect, and we must also remember that we are all there. expecting a new government reform, this was already announced by the representatives of the servants of the people faction, they say that they decided to divide the ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructure into two separate departments, before that they lumped these two departments together, now they are separating them, well, in a word, what ministries will these be, what will be
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the management structure, i think it will become known literally very soon. one more event, friends, which is enough. actively commented, well , at least in social networks and in the media in the electronic media, it is about how the police detained a man in a brewery who rushed at the policemen with a weapon, according to the information of the national police, on the evening of may 8, an inebriated 50-year-old man committed hooliganism in institution, when the police arrived on the call, he began to rush at the police, took out a gun, pointed at... the police, well , in short, he behaved very aggressively according to the information of the local mass media, it was a local criminal authority victor zhurevel, also known as viho , he was detained and declared a suspect. let's see how it all turned out. don't spit,
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my lord, listen to me, you're a moron or a moron. ass i said are you fools or have you calmed down, calm down, take your weapon, take your weapon, put your weapon on the ground, on the ground put it down, take it easy, take it easy, i beg you, the whole story in the breweries, when the criminal authority viho tries to prove something to the police and threatens the police, in principle, it should have ended in one way, that is, he should have been shot in the legs and it's easy to send it to sizo, because what
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this man did during martial law, it does not fit at all, not that in... within the framework of the law and generally within the framework of common sense, when a person attacks the police, representatives of the authorities authorities and threatens with weapons, this is not the case at all is forgiven in any country, and even more so in a country that is waging a war, because god knows what kind of person this is and why she suddenly decided that she is above the law, above her policemen, above the right of a policeman to use a weapon, in a word, this the story... is very strange, but we will follow this story, i mentioned it because it caused quite a stir in social networks, talking about the fact that it seems that this person at the beginning of the... war was defending the breweries there , and even earlier he had a relationship with some certain devices there illegal, well, this story, obviously
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, should not be forgotten by us, because this story is about how strong the government is, how much the government can use force in order to put people like viho in their place. well , the very end of our program is regular. for a slur from the 95th quarter, from the organization that was once managed by the current president of ukraine, so the 95th quarter got into another scandal, this time with a number about the head of the rivne tsk, remember this video, which was quite actively circulated by mass media on telegram channels, when he was the head of the rivne tcc, he kissed various working girls there. in the tsk and went to his office, and this hidden camera filmed everything, so they decided to spread this story to the head of the rivne tsk in the quarter, and what
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actually came out of all this, we will see now and then continue. oleksandr viktorovych, i apologize for interrupting, regarding that issue, i have one suggestion. offer, that's not bad, and you also asked me to clarify, to remind you, yes, yes, yes, i'm aware of this problem, we 're working on it, but the 95 block has always been distinguished by the fact that they never felt this... the difference between uh humor or satire and what they do , because what they are doing is some kind of pytrasianism,
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and in such a worst version of execution, because after this number was released, and this story was circulated in various mass media, in telegram channels, quite actively, in social networks, in social networks , just a flurry of negative comments, a flurry, and commentators... talk about the fact that the company, zelenskyi's former company and the company that is now managed by his closest friends are managed by his closest friends, that they discredit the armed forces of ukraine, because during the war, the use of uniforms, military uniforms, in particular on stage, moreover, for the creation of such numbers, it is not at all appropriate, because what the military writes must be finally adopted. the relevant legislation, which would not allow civilians to wear pixels in the first place, would not allow discrediting this
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uniform, because for this uniform people lay down their lives and people fight for ukraine, they shed blood on different fronts, eastern, southern, and these people deserve some respect, including the fact that they wear this uniform, well, so unfortunate. .. came out in the quarter of 1995, it is not the first time they have done this, or in the days when zelensky was not the president of ukraine, do you remember, in vilnius they performed at some festival there and compared ukraine with a prostitute, it happened with them before, that is it's not that the 95th quarter always made quality and good ones case, there were no questions for them, the questions now arise for them, why are they trying to violate these... borders that are painful enough for a part of society, are painful for those who fight, for those who have lost relatives, why they are trying
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to use the military uniform now to create some parody numbers, which actually, well, it's not the level of humor or the level of irony or satire that should be during war, and even more so, it's not the same situation, with what do you need ee... to laugh, because there's nothing to laugh at, it's all very flat, the humor is flat, sorry, and here i have to say that i think that the quarter of 95 should eventually come to some definite conclusions, well, we, friends, will beat up the results of our survey, because today we you were asked about whether you consider excessive influence of the office of the president of ukraine on other branches of government. in the state, we see the results of a television poll: 96% yes, 4% no. on youtube we have the following ratio: 93. yes 7% no,
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you see, friends, most of you think that the influence of the office of the president on others is excessive branches of government in ukraine, and this is a sample of our viewers and tv viewers, friends, do not forget to subscribe to our pages on youtube, on facebook, visit our website on espresso tv, we have the most prompt information, we work for you 24 hours a day , 7 days a week in... we have almost everything on our site, and please don't forget to like this video so that it will be seen by many more viewers than there would be less without your liking, we will thank you for that. i bet on that full stop, it was the verdict preview program and serhii ordenko, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 8:00 p.m., take care of yourself and your family, goodbye! oh,
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10:00 pm
greetings to all. old champion dynamo second, kryvbas third, then a lot of intrigues, and the football team will tell you all about it today format, i'm oleksandr vashchuk and andrii malinovskyi, hello andrii, i was expecting such a resolution two rounds before the finish line? greetings sershko, greetings to our fans, greetings to everyone who follows our project, follows ukrainian football, in particular, who followed the ukrainian classic championship, well , to a large extent, all the intrigue that should have been, it was present in this match, the match actually turned out to be interesting, there are nuances, of course, what we will talk about, there are flaws, there is a lack, and there is, well, what should be emphasized? let's be brief then let's remind you that shakhtar-dynamo played on saturday, shakhtar won thanks to a penalty shot by georgy sudakov, but if you look at the statistics, it was a plus-minus equal match, the first half was behind shakhtar, especially until the 15th minute, and then dynamo everything in the second half...


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