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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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well, they reached vovchansk, roman, they reached vovchansk, it's already, it's already more than 5 km from the border, 5 km to vovchansk, yes, look, you definitely need to expand the question and ask how it happened, but at the moment i see that sometimes a lot of treason unfolds in the mass media, that there is no line of defense there, that they could not have missed it, some military personnel tell, i will say this, that our main task now is to restrain the enemy and not to give it a chance. panic will break out there, because three battalions of five are small forces, and we have enough forces to restrain them, then liberate our villages, our settlements, but sometimes the russians also do everything in order to develop this panic, so that people think that there is something terrible with us there, see more time, it's bad that they entered our territory, there is nothing terrible, the battles are going on, general dropatiy is appointed, i think that this situation will now be bought there in this direction, there some someone says that... for them the task after
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vovchansk cut back to kupyansk, there is quite a large area, up to 40 km to them you have to go, it's an unrealistic way, so i think our commanders see it and they will stay where they are, roman, now about the fortifications, i don't know if this will be considered by your committee, but here, for example , martyna bohuslavets, she is the head of the mezh anti-corruption center, the executive director of the institute of legislative ideas, this is a public organization. she studied a number of documents of agreements, and she writes in the pages of ukrainian pravda, the column came out that hundreds of millions of hryvnias could probably be stolen on the construction of fortifications, and as a result the critical situation in the kharkiv region, where russia is actively advancing, it states that 270 million uah for wood were transferred to a number of fops, and all of them began to earn millions immediately a few months after registration, classically under direct contracts and without ... from
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competitive procurement, just to remove all unnecessary questions in society, whether or not the money on the fortifications was stolen or not, because now this topic is very relevant, well, depending on how the russian army will advance, whether will you raise this issue to the committees? look, well, a lot was probably stolen, so here too, the question, i think, is more for law enforcement agencies, who have to deal with it, we are people's deputies, not law enforcement agencies, an investigation is needed here, i think that now according to the application these... a criminal case may be opened against the journalist, and the law enforcement agencies must figure out what was stolen and what was not stolen. the question of the fops starting to make millions, er, it's suspicious, but i will say that during the war, at the beginning of the war, many new companies appeared, including arms production, which before that did not produce anything at all, but life happened in such a way that they had to open up and produce either weapons or copters there and also began to earn serious money. did they steal them,
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well, that needs to be figured out again, i think they earned them, so i think it's more a question for the law enforcement agencies, who , of course, having such information, have to deal with it, whether it was a consequence of the fact that russia invaded the kharkiv region, see if we are talking about strategy, and we have a war from the point of view of strategy, then there is no question of the presence or absence of any fortifications there, let's say, it does not affect the strategy, the russians, the russians need specific... directions that will help them in general there , or withdraw the troops, or make this sanitary zone, if they need a sanitary zone for the russians there 20 km near kharkov, then any fortifications will be there, they will throw meat and their own there, and they will try to make it, of course, the more we are fortified, the better ours, our defense will be better, so of course we have to do everything, and let the law enforcement agencies figure out who stole what, if they stole, let them react. well, you are representatives
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of the committee, you can contribute to this too, to control, at least maybe we will talk at the committee, yes, thank you very much, roman kostenko, people's deputy, voices faction, secretary secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, we talked about the situation in kharkiv oblast, where the russian army is advancing, thank you roman, well, we will talk about that later personnel changes in the russian government, maybe you will now say that why do we in ukraine need to know about personnel? changes in the russian government, but these are important personnel changes that may have a direct impact on the situation at the front. vladimir putin removed from his position the minister of defense sergei shoigu, instead it is proposed to appoint former deputy prime minister and putin's adviser on economic policy andrii bilousov as the new head of the russian ministry of defense. kremlin spokesman dmytro piskov explained this decision by the fact that the economy of force block needs to be integrated into the country's economy. according to him, under the leadership of civilians.
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an official of the ministry of defense should become open to innovations and implementations, as piskov of advanced ideas expressed. bilousov is an economist who has little to do with the army, defense or any military. for most of his life, he worked in the civil service, dealing with economic issues in one form or another, and the offer of the new minister of defense to andrei bilousov, according to the american institute for the study of war, is connected with a high level of corruption in the russian ministry of defense and indicates the kremlin's preparations for a protracted war with ukraine. what does this personnel rotation mean and what should be prepared for, we will talk about it now, he has already joined our broadcast. roman tsimbalyuk, journalist and own correspondent of union in moscow, 2008-22 . roman, good evening. hello. roman, but during your work in moscow, did you ever cross paths with bilousov? and he was never a public figure, never
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gave any press conferences or briefings. and actually, this purpose, it, what is interesting, what there were no bays at all. not in telegram, not even margarita simonyan, who is one of the most informed in this regard, who was the first to report that mishustina would be appointed not this time, but accordingly, when he was appointed the first time, because he was also a minister, he was, he was the head of the customs service, well, that is, not an unknown person at all, it was written about, but now this actually just says that this decision is completely one-man, and so he will... he will remain a man in a case, but they have pr for now who can these talking mouths on the federal channel to one or the other and the rest, then zakharova lavrov,
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well, it is like a single whole, directly putin, the person who kept the position of administrator of the telegram channel dmytro medvedev, well, and shaigu before that. it seems that shayga will be thrown out of the public space, he will go into the shadows more like this, but in fact, roman, i read like this, well, as far as i could , the telegram channels of otsikhbloggers, pro-war russian telegram channels, and it seems that they themselves do not fully understand, who is bilousov, why was he appointed, that is, you have right, that the news was unexpected even for this military community, which is called, it is interesting here, how this group... zet-nazis, how does it react in principle? well, first of all, everyone throws in the shoiga, everything that can be thrown is spoiled, rotten there and so on and so on. they also say that gerasimov must also be removed, by the way, this may happen, but a little later, i think. and an interesting point
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is that in this case, putin, he professes the principle of nato and has been appointing it for the last, well, more than 15 years. exclusively civilians, who are not has such cool connections in the ministry of defense, i understand that it is precisely in order to somehow shade these generals, to control them, and such an interesting moment, nobody really knows who belousov is, although, again, the institute for the study of war about what you said, well, the actual situation of a polybaai, the statements of putin himself say that this is how they are preparing. to the long war, but it seems to me that there is no news here as such, so i would note that this person held the position of the head of unmanned systems, that is, the direction, that is it seems to me that it is important to take into account, but i understand that andriy bilousov
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is very well-known in the circles of economists, and he is not just there, he is not a noun, he was a vice-prime minister, a vice-prime minister, he was putin's adviser on economic issues, and that's actually... well, what are we talking about, what can we really state, if we're serious, that the russian army, really, if it's no joke, a powerful army, one of the largest armies in the world, is led by an economist, that's what this shows, i think he will have carte blanche for further actions, so that a person who knows how to work the russian economy, it knows exactly where the money is, or remains, and it will be able to attract the necessary money. some resources actually for the production of weapons, well, for the war, that is probably his main task to saturate russian production with some technological solutions, and actually to put this on the flow, on the military rails, which is called,
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of course, it seems to me that this is also obvious here, then this is an alarming signal for ukraine, is n't it? did we have alarm signals, well , you know, roman, i'll say what i mean, c how about us, in our country they often make fun of these russian officials, but they say there is ubiquitous corruption, today... today or tomorrow they will not be there, they will rob themselves, and in general, today or tomorrow this army will collapse together with the country, and what i actually mean is that collapse is probably very far away, and on the contrary, putin is thinking about how to improve this army and state institutions under sanctions and put it all on rails, on military rails, so that this train goes even faster , well, or just drove, well, or just drove, okay, yes. there are, there are, there are things that we objectively we cannot influence, this is the impression, this is a personnel decision, it is generally here about, well
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, putin's decision, maybe there was a hint between the shustins, but it is clear, it is very narrow and narrow circle, and even now it is interesting who will remain in this narrow circle circle, the same patrushev will remain, who is an adept of nuclear war and so on, and so on, i think that it is clear that we must watch, we must study... the aggressor state, but we must ask ourselves the question of how we should be effective , and in our case it is clear on hope for biden and help the americans, but do certain things yourself, right now we have such a tension, it is true that in society, how has it been for two years, in kharkiv, not in the kharkiv region, there near vavshchansk, no fortifications were built, and someone says , that it was very close and they were shooting there, maybe it is so, but... i want to say that when the military says something about the lack of fortifications, it seems to me that in this
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state, in our state, the servicemen mean the absence fortifications to speak very loudly, not when the offensive began, but before that to demand from the commanders to stir up the public, because otherwise it is very strange, everyone was silent, silent, and here now the wave has gone, so who is responsible for this? well , transferring responsibility from military administrations to the military directly and vice versa, well, this cycle is probably an interesting story, but there is our army, on our citizens, well, i’m just saying that watching the russians is definitely interesting, it’s true, i mean it i also like to work, and i am not a supporter of these approaches, that they will still... still fall apart a little, they are ready to wage war, they have at the moment, in this plan, it is, if the scrap that
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vladimir putin made, and here you have to constantly think and count ahead and remind the officials, in general, i would them, to be honest, if it is proven that it was someone there who stole the money, well for it should be hanged on the gallows, to be honest, fair trials are better, roman, we do not call anyone... to hang and against various violent approaches, but the judicial system would not interfere fairly, but, but people who steal from a ukrainian soldier, that's it hyperbole was, they should know that they will be punished for this in such a way that they will not have this money on their side, if it is as it is, if it corresponds to reality, because here the story is like this, it, i mean... that we cannot, relatively speaking, one post on facebook to draw some conclusions and
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indeed military logic, as strange and scary as it sounds, sometimes requires that capital engineering structures must be built behind some cities with all the corresponding consequences for these cities, but it seems that putin was also dissatisfied with corruption in the ministry of defense to the russian and... to the minister of defense, roman, thank you very much, this is an important point and we really need to keep an eye on what is happening in russia, because it will also have some kind of effect on the situation at the front. roman tsymbalyuk, a journalist and own correspondent of union in moscow, was at radio svoboda from 2008 to 2022. that's all for us, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page on the internet, like this broadcast, this way you will support our work, and see you tomorrow. allergies, neche lev,
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overcame ci3 neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on estezefin 15% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, it's a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima and we're starting, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, a lot. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of loved ones
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presenters thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. that many have become familiar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day of the guests, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name. mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at
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espresso. pick up the wounded in time. the battlefield, it means saving his life, a lift for the bka, a lift for the boys, a quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chas iv. we are continuing the search for nine-year-old nikita nikolayev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement has been occupied since may 22 , but nikita disappeared already in may last year. that is, nothing is known about the fate of the child for exactly one year. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will
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be found. please look carefully at the photo again and remember. he has blue ones eyes and light blond hair, he looks like a nine-year-old boy. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630. calls are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service at telegram i also want to remind you that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy, also of the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region told in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we spoke with the man, and now
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i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking story. his ex-wife. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left home and left sashka with him. old woman great grandmother it was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year for sure, it is the beginning of the 23rd year, i found out that this is it, maybe she threw it on my grandmother's self-willed mountain. she left the house. for a long time, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, but soon the elderly woman died and
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the child was taken away by social services in the occupied territory. sasha was immediately taken out of lysichansky. all this from whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or whether the boy was taken to russia, it was not possible to find out the father at the moment, the husband, of course, turned to to the police, but so far... there is no lead to find out the whereabouts of the six-year-old son. i'm looking for my child, hrytsenko, oleksandr oleksiiovych, a request to someone there who cried for him. if anyone can tell me any signs that will be suitable, boy, be a weasel, i will be very grateful to you, i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to
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the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the boy looks 6-7 years old, he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is a very kind child. he is very attracted to people more, if anything, what he liked was to play there, well, like all children, but this child, she has cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such formulations, what words there are, if that makes sense some, sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which is why he can't always clearly formulate his thoughts, but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people, if suddenly... has anyone seen the boy, or knows where he might be now? call the magnolia child tracing hotline immediately by the short number 11630. calls from all
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ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. welcome to the air. chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service, i and host oleksiy kovalenko. russia continues its aggression against of ukraine, and the us expects that russian forces will try to advance in the kharkiv region in
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the coming weeks. this was stated by the chief deputy spokesperson of dajdep vedan patel during a briefing in washington. vodnochesh, according to a representative of the dazhdep, they do not expect russia to achieve significant success, and over time the arrival of additional military aid to kyiv from its partners will help kyiv to hold on . the united states will provide ukraine with a new security package help russia continues its aggression, and we expect that russia will try to advance in the direction of kharkiv. and it is possible that russia will make further progress in the coming weeks. we do not expect major breakthroughs. in addition, over time, additional aid receipts from the united states and further support from other partners will allow ukraine to continue to resist this type of
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aggression. we remain convinced that ukraine retains key advantages in this war, and that its army remains a brave and effective fighting force that inflicts significant losses of the russian army. united states policy that prohibits ukraine from using us-provided weapons on its territory. undermines ukraine's ability to defend itself against an attack by russian forces on the kharkiv region. george baros, an expert at the institute for the study of war, emphasizes this. in his opinion, the success of defense against a russian attack in this direction depends primarily on the ability of ukraine to overcome the threat of russian guided bombs. revoking the ban on the use of us-provided weapons against russian forces that threaten ukraine with russian torture, will increase ukraine's chances of defeating the russian operation in kharkiv. - says the analyst.
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ostap yarysh asked hanna shelest, a researcher at the center for european politics, who joined our briefing program, about the goals of the russian operation in the kharkiv region, how to address ukraine's ban on strikes by russian weapons on russian territory. i would rather associate the time of the offensive with the time gap that occurred due to the non-delivery of weapons, but they have already been promised and we understand that... some types of weapons are very quickly, and some projectiles got to the front very quickly, but the full package usually takes time, and accordingly the russian federation, the russian troops understand that this is a waiting time, this is their window of opportunity for a greater offensive in order to occupy more territories and occupy more favorable positions before these weapons get to ukraine, and accordingly ukraine will be able to better defend itself, and maybe go on a counteroffensive somewhere, and kharkiv... the region in this case is also not accidental, first of all, it is an opportunity to further stretch ukrainian forces, to actually open such a fourth, fifth front, depending on how we
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grind it. line of contact, or in order to prevent ukraine from liberating the small remnant of the kharkiv region that failed to de-occupy in 2022. hanna, i want to dwell on the report of the institute for the study of war, and they link these events in the kharkiv region, and also directly in essence link them with the prohibition of the west, in particular from the united states, to launch strikes on the territory. russia with western weapons. we understand that it is 40 km from kharkiv to the border, yes, here it is possible and enough, well, let’s say so, with small weapons, there is no need even for marches or attacks, but which were very worried when they were provided to ukraine, here and with much smaller weapons, and it would be possible to reach the russian territory, that concentration of troops , which was on the border, it was predicted, it was gathered for
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less than a month, we constantly discussed why, what kind of movement it was, and if ukraine had enough opportunities and permission to deliver, the same exactly what happened in mariupol, and berdyansk, when hit directly on the accumulation of weapons that were brought there for the southern front, then it is possible that at the moment the russians would have less technical capabilities, first of all , to carry out this attack. hanna, how to address ukraine? these attempts at self-restraint of the west, these narratives about the fear of escalation, what messages should be sent, is there any mechanism or perhaps some approach that ukraine can use to change this approach now? well, of course there is no universal solution, because we understand that for many, these are quite irrational statements, and accordingly, when emotions go, and not ratio, and well, it is very difficult
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to counteract this, what worked during the course? these two years, well, first of all, when ukraine clearly demonstrated that it uses western weapons only to kill military targets or those connected to the military. and let's remember the first deliveries to hymars, when ukraine demonstrated that it was only attacking warehouses, military equipment , etc. of course, weapons are only more expensive, but the same was the case with... the attack itself, and why will you strike? when ukraine demonstrated why it struck luhansk or berdyansk, it became easier: oh, yes, the question is whether we have enough, but you can give, so here is such an argument in action, it works very well, and so on ukraine can demonstrate, look at our goals, what we do, how we do it. you can watch the full interview of my colleague ostap yarysh with researcher hanna shelest on the air of the program
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briefing today. we continue. on average, two children per day have been killed or injured in ukraine since russia began a full-scale war. these assessments were shared by the regional director for europe and central asia of the united nations children's fund (unicef) , regina da domminikis. according to her, almost 2,000 children in ukraine have died or been injured since february 22. the organization notes that these are verified un figures, the real number of victims is probably much higher. until the end of the presidential elections the race in the usa between the democratic president joe biden and the candidate of the republican party donald trump is six months away. voice of america correspondent scott stearns will tell you what to expect from the ongoing election campaign. iryna shinkarenko will introduce its plot. president joe biden and former president donald trump
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have it left. just under six months to convince american voters to vote for them on november 5. trump will spend some of that time in state court or in in federal court, pleading guilty to four separate charges, including unlawful possession of national defense information and falsification of business documents. trump says prosecutors are meddling in the election. everything was legal and they do it because it's politics. they want ob'. biden, that's the only reason. the court appearances cut into the time trump can use on the campaign trail, but he says what he says is political deception is helping him with voters. it's terrible terrible thing that is happening in our country. i hope that on november 5, on the most important day in the history of our ukraine, in my opinion, on the day of the elections, i hope that this will change, because these people...


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