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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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former president donald trump has just under six months to convince american voters to vote for them on november 5. trump will spend some of that time in state or federal court, answering to four separate charges, including illegally storing national defense information and falsifying business records. trump says prosecutors are meddling in the election. everything was legal and they do it. because it's politics, they want biden elected, that's the only reason. the court appearances cut into the time trump can use on the campaign trail, but he says what he says is political deception is helping him with voters. this is a terrible, terrible thing that is happening in our country. i hope on november 5th, the most important day in the history of our country, in my opinion, election day, i hope that changes, because these people are... destroying our country, questioning
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the republican party nominated donald trump for president on their semi-virtual driving in 2020 north carolina. this year's republican convention will be held in july in wisconsin. before that, trump will need to choose his likely candidate for the position of vice president. among those he is believed to be considering are florida sen. marco rubio, ohio sen. james david vance, south carolina sen. tim scott and representative alice stefanik of new york. as the incumbent, joe biden has the advantage of events in the white house to hold voters' attention. during the election campaign, he increasingly sharply attacks trump and takes credit for strengthening the economy. the construction of new plants under our administration has more than doubled. meanwhile, donald trump still believes that windmills cause cancer. that's what he said, by the way,
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remember when he was trying to fight covid, he advised just injecting some uvena bleach. he missed, everything went by his hair. the democratic party last nominated biden for president at its semi-virtual convention in wisconsin in 2020. this year's congress of democratic party will take place in august in the state of illinois. biden is running again with vice president kamela harris, who campaigned to restore the federal constitution. protection of abortion rights was repealed in 2022 when the us supreme court overturned roe v. wade. donald trump was the president who took away the protections guaranteed by roe v. wade. joe biden will be the president who will restore those protections. before election day in november, biden and trump are scheduled to hold a debate. both say that it is up to them are ready the date is still unknown. iryna shynkarenko, scott stearns, voice of america. ukrainian
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victoria sparts won the primaries in the state of indiana. in november, she will fight for re-election to the congress. the american press calls her an unpredictable and colorful politician. sparts built its image , including due to the fact that it was born in the soviet union. at the start of russia's full-scale invasion , congress-women advocated support for ukraine, and in april it voted against funding kyiv. political portrait victoria sports from andrii borys. victoria sparts is the first and so far the only congresswoman from ukraine. this year, she is running for the third time for the house of representatives in the fifth congressional district of the state of indiana. on capitol hill, sparts' image is controversial. in the 22nd year, she topped the rating of the worst bosses in the house of representatives according to the version of the independent organization storm, due to the fact that her office left the largest number of employees. then she explained that her style is not suitable
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for everyone. manic behavior, she screams and curses, i call them fools and fools, based on interviews with half a dozen employees. we don't need politicians who lie and don't respect workers. this is an excerpt from the campaign video of chuck goodrich, spurs' opponent in the republican primaries that took place last week. he ultimately lost to her, winning 33% of the electoral vote to her 39. chuck goodrich is sports' opponent, a member of the indiana general assembly and well -connected to the party leadership in the state. she is very straightforward, she has created an image for herself freethinker, does what he thinks is best for his constituents, his constituency, and sometimes this leads to friction with the leadership. she didn't always get along with other members of her party, but she carved out a niche for herself and won elections effectively from first to. spurs in
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the duchy of kulgeiko was born in chernihiv oblast. during her student years , she met her future husband. from indiana and moved to the united states at the age of 22. when we moved to indiana, i didn't know many people, and then my distant relative introduced me to victoria. victoria smith, who was born in moscow, moved to america around the same time as her teska from ukraine. soon they became good friends - says smith. we went to... to various events together, our children went to dances together and to the same russian school, we were post-soviet children together, so to speak, she grew up in the 90s, in ukraine, i in russia, we apparently shared the same values. in public speeches, spars often
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mentions that she was born in ukraine, knows how the unfair socialist system works system and that will not allow something like this in america. mr. prosecutor general, you had a very sensitive speech about your grandparents who came here from belarus, lived in a country without a fair trial. i grew up in a very similar country, now it is ukraine. with the start of the full-scale russian invasion, spurs was one of the loudest advocates for ukraine. she appealed to the congress to help kyiv, stood next to... this is not a war, this is the genocide of the ukrainian people
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by a madman who cannot come to terms with the fact that ukrainians do not want socialism, the soviet union, communism, they want to be with the united states of america. but six months later , spards changed her focus, began to reproach the ukrainian authorities for corruption and emphasized the need for washington to control supplies for ukraine. when it came to a vote on additional funding for ukraine this year, she, like many other republicans, voted against it after her colleagues rejected her amendments. president biden and president zelensky failed. the ukrainian people, they were not ready to go to war, they didn't have a good strategy when the war started, they didn't fight hard enough to contain putin and he moved on and now we have a very serious war in europe. the supplemental funding bill does more than just
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provide euthanasia, and my amendment is very simple: the bill should not include a so-called unlimited check provision. we must not allow biden to increase spending on the presidential powers program. from 100 million dollars to 8 billion dollars, it is also in question on increasing the loan from four to eight billion. congress needs to do its job and not create loopholes for the president, no matter who is in that chair. the voice of america has repeatedly asked victoria spars to explain her position in more detail, but she has not yet found time for us. unfortunately, she did not get my vote. a ukrainian woman from indiana who previously voted for victoria spartz. she and many other ukrainians from indiana tried to influence the congressmen, but kyiv still supported them. to do this, they came to washington to meet with her, but in vain. we also said that we want her support, that more
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ukrainians in indiana want her to support ukraine. spurs ended up voting the way most of her constituents wanted, which are people with conservative views. explains indiana political scientist laura wilson. the changes we are seeing in the spurs' position reflect changes among many conservative americans. more attention is being paid to the issue of immigration and the concern of republicans that president biden is not addressing this issue adequately. there are concerns about how much we spend on foreign affairs. there is criticism of our participation in ukraine. in an interview with critics about her position on ukraine. she emphasized that she is an american politician, she said that she may have been born in another country, but she will work for the american people. andriy borys, kateryna lisonovo, voice of america. eurovision became an occasion to unite for the ukrainian community of los angeles. to support ukrainian
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contestants and vote for them, ukrainians decided to gather in one place and watch the contest together. with what emotions did you watch the voting in the story of khrystyna shevchen? about 150 ukrainians gathered in los angeles in the coria town area to watch the eurovision final, and they not only watch, but also vote, because this year in the usa it became possible to vote for eurovision contestants, let's see how it looks , this is a ukrainian billiards club in los angeles, this is where the eurovision screening takes place, everyone is looking forward to the performance of jerry hale and alyona alyona, the organizer of the event serhiy says, gathered to feel unity. many ukrainians come here, but they are all divided. losandes is very wide and there is no one commune where people know that okay, we are meeting here, or we are meeting here, so i came out to say that... people, we are meeting first, in ukrainian business, we support ukrainian business, secondly, we are going to
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eurovision, we support our girls who are performing, and who else will support us yours, please tell me it just tore me up, it just pumped me so emotionally because it's really, it's very well expressed, all these screens, all these actions, all these movements, it's all about us. entire families came to watch the situation, yulia kokhanova brought her daughter eva to the viewing so that she would not forget the ukrainian language and get acquainted with the competition. i decided that she is still at such an age that she should already understand what is happening, why this competition is important at all, and why we should support ukraine today and prepare and be here together. and i came here because i love ukraine very much, and i really want not to forget about it and remember ukrainian. during the breaks, the audience gets to know each other, play games and, of course,
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vote. at the end of the competition, when a country votes for another country, it's a lot of fun. i always love visions not only for the songs, but also for the tension that is at the end when you are among your own. and now comes the moment of voting. the announcement of the results of the jury's vote is full of moments of happiness. so is disappointment. how do you always dream that your neighbors will give you 12, but not all of them did, so she was disappointed. but when they announce the result of the audience voting, which elevates ukraine to the third position, there is complete euphoria. spectators say they are satisfied with such
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a result, but despite everything, they believe that the performance of jerry helt by alyona alyona was the brightest, and they also promise that such gatherings will become a tradition. from los angeles, khrystyna shevchenko, bohdan shevchenko for voa. the european union previously agreed to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets to supply weapons to ukraine. however, partners in washington, canada and great britain. urge european leaders to go further and completely seize the income of tsetrobank of moscow, whether russian funds will become an additional source of aid for ukraine, see in the material of the journalist of the voice of america, kateryna lisunova and in partnership with henry ridgeon. russia's central bank kept billions of dollars in cash and assets in western financial institutions and companies. these funds were frozen after full. of the large-scale invasion of ukraine, of which about 70%, which is more than 200 billion dollars, are stored in
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brussels, at the euro clear depository. the united states, along with britain and canada , are insisting that these assets be fully confiscated and handed over to kyiv to counter the russian invasion. but europe is more cautious. the ambassadors of the european union have so far agreed to withdraw only interest received from deposits from russian assets. they agreed on this at a meeting in brussels on may 8. the european union is not talking about the seizure of the principal amount, but about the use of interest, which can amount to seven or 8 billion dollars a year to help ukraine, this is a significant amount money, but this is a small amount compared to the damage that russia has caused in ukraine. this agreement should be finally signed at the meeting of the finance ministers of the european union this week. according to european officials, russia must directly pay for its crimes and the first payment. in the amount of a billion dollars should be spent on the purchase of weapons by the beginning of summer. in
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my opinion, these companies had two years to leave the russian market. if they stayed, they probably considered it normal to continue making money in russia, despite that she unleashed a brutal war of aggression against her neighbor. if they lose their money this way, it will be their fault. in europe, there are fears that the united states' plan to completely confiscate russian assets will cause a long legal drag. is also prompting other countries such as china to sell their investments in the euro, destabilizing the currency, and there are fears that moscow will retaliate and seize the assets of western companies still operating in the territory. available funds can be used not only for purchases in europe, but also abroad, because now it is really important that the weapons can be delivered as soon as possible. the representatives of the european union hope to agree on everything by next month, because already in june , hungary will take over the presidency of the eu council. budapest may block the agreement on
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the use of profits from russian assets if the agreement is not fully signed. viktor orban seeks to maintain close ties with russia. kateryna lisunova, henry ridgewell, voice of america. the family from khmelnytskyi has been waiting for the mariupol defender to return home for two years. the last one is small communication with the military before the departure of the zazovstali garrison. from may 22 of the year until today , the relatives have not received anything from their son and fiancé. no news, why the family was silent for two years, and now decided to speak, and what gives them the strength to have a mother, did the bride and groom tell tetyana kukuriitsa and serhiy ryvchinsky? grandfather put his soul and body into him, and if grandfather was alive, he would be very proud of him, the son
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of svitlana svidarska lop joined the azov regiment in december 2021, then. he was only 19. here is a photo of us before his service: you his country needs him near the military base. we didn't think much of that picture at the time, but when the full-scale invasion started, when it started, when this whole struggle started, looking through the pictures, we came across this one, and we saw that his country really needed him, and... and must he fulfilled his duties as a citizen and as a military man 100%. at the time of the full-scale invasion of russia, the son was in mariupol. this is a photo of the son of mariupol himself. on the second day of the full-scale invasion, my son turned 20, february 25, and in the morning we called, but he said that you know, i
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even forgot that today is my birthday, it was a very difficult night. very difficult morning, we still had a connection that day, then we lost the connection. during the time that her son was in mariupol, svitlana received only two phone calls and a few messages from him. he said that what he saw, what he had already gone through at that time, he had not seen in any movie, nor in any thriller, in any fantasy film, eh. it is impossible, unreal to see what was happening right there in mariupol, but he held on and his brothers held on to him. svitlana sviderska lop found out about polonsk from the news. we believed that, well, in the near future, our relatives would return, as they promised 3-4 months, but unfortunately this did not happen.
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there were no calls, no messages, no sms from son since he was in captivity. from the words of the freed brothers, svitlana only knows that her son is alive and is in the territory of russia, family and faith give the woman the strength to wait. in one of the conversations we talked with him, and i asked if you felt it you are my prayer, maybe i don't pray enough, maybe i need to pray more, but my son said that i feel your prayer. the son of svitlana sviderska lop has been in captivity for two years. the family was silent for these two years, but now they decided to speak. we must shout to the whole world that our relatives are still in captivity, and we need to look for levers of influence on russia, levers of influence on those negotiators who agree on exchanges, to seek some
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compromises in the exchanges themselves and for these exchanges to actually take place. therefore, we... must speak, we must shout to the whole world speak. every friday, svitlana and her family take part in the campaign: return the heroes from captivity. more than 90 such actions have already taken place in khmelnytskyi. having started holding these actions, we declared them indefinite, and once again i emphasize that, regardless of any season, weather conditions, we. such actions are taking place all over the country, the families of the prisoners also traveled abroad. this is another opportunity for them and the families of the missing. to remind that they are waiting, i waited for him from the army, waited for the rest and will wait for him from captivity, the main thing, when he was on forever, in that hell, he asked how i am, how
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my brothers and sisters are, and in whatever condition he returns, i will help him rehabilitate and return to a normal life, and this is one of the photos he also sent us. and his constant phrase: we do not give up, you hold on, well, as of today, i can clearly say that we relatives do not give up, and let those in captivity hold on and return home as soon as possible. according to the estimates of the association of families of defenders of azovstal, there are approximately 900 soldiers of the azov regiment in russian captivity. on the same we will say goodbye, have a good night and a peaceful morning, see you, there are discounts,
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represented by coco may discounts on eden, 20% in the pharmacies plantain, bam and oshkad, there are discounts represented by coco, may discounts on sstz. 15% in psarynyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the border crisis. between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities
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of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present. and to predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be dire. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio
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zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko, a new front in the kharkiv region. the russians have tactical success in the gray zone near vovchansk. how did the enemy manage to penetrate our defenses and is there a threat of a major breakthrough. preparation for a protracted war. instead of shoigu, mired in corruption scandals, putin appointed civilian technocrat bilousov as minister of defense. what has changed in the russian olympus of power. reformatting in... one of the president's favorites has lost an influential position in the cabinet of ministers, as evidenced by the resignation of kubrakov and plans to dismember the president's office. restoration.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine and the world and about our victory. the russians are storming the kharkiv region, the fortification of the front, for which oleksandr kubrakov was dismissed. we will talk about this and other things in the next section. hours with a politician, with our guest, former prosecutor general of ukraine yury lutsenko. however, before starting our long conversation with the former prosecutor general, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian soldiers hit russian equipment in the avdiiv direction. the explosive video was shown in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, as it was, let's see.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death
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to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working. live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please like this video, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this. do you think that the influence of the president's office on other branches of government, that is, in ukraine, is excessive? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you have your own a personal opinion that does not fit into such. or not, please write in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that the influence of the office of the president of ukraine is too excessive on other branches of government. 0800 211 381800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guest of our studio - this is yuriy
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lutsenko, of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian politician, statesman and former prosecutor general of ukraine. mr. yuri, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, as we ask our viewers and television viewers, how would you answer this question about the influence of the office of the president on the other branches of government? it is obvious that the horns and legs of democracy are left in ukraine, the fact that the president's office, which consists of yanukovych's people, acts as it did in yanukovych's time, is also obvious, because if tatar served... in yanukovych's team, he is the same now runs the courts if shurma worked at the party of regions, then he manages the economic processes and corruption related to it in the same way, if yarmak himself, a man with a rather dubious past and connections with russian pro-putin circles, manages all this. he
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is rebuilding the authoritarian model that exists in russia, but there is one nuance: you ask, is there excessive influence of the administration? er, from the point of view of the constitution and democracy it is so excessive, and from the point of view of the result for the survival of ukraine, i do not see any results of their intervention at all, because the systematic work on the transfer of the economy to the realities of war and aid to the armed forces of ukraine from... the president's office did not exist before the war and does not exist now. yuriyovych, tell me where is the limit, where should the office of the president interfere in times of war, martial law, in some processes, and where should he not interfere, conditionally speaking, where is this power appropriate, in terms of application, and where is it inappropriate and a threat to democracy? when such questions arise, i recommend opening the constitution.


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