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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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manages all this, then he is rebuilding the authoritarian model that exists in russia, but there is one nuance: you ask, is there excessive influence of the administration? er, from the point of view of the constitution and democracy, it is so excessive, and from the point of view of the result for the survival of ukraine, i do not see any results of their intervention at all, because of the systematic work to transfer the economy to reality. there was no war and no help to the armed forces of ukraine from the office of the president before the war and there is none now. yuriy, tell me where the border is, where the office of the president is interfere in during war, martial law in some processes, and where he should not interfere, conditionally speaking, where this power is appropriate, in terms of application, and where it is inappropriate and a threat to democracy? when such questions arise, i recommend opening the constitution. everything
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is written about ukraine, it is written there that the president is responsible for international policy and there is no end to the work there, because this multi-month failure of western aid is exactly what the president and his team did not do. the next function of the president is to lead the defense ukraine during wartime. for this , the tool of this leadership is the position of the supreme commander, at this position, of course , he can... call, for example, the minister or the prime minister of ukraine and ask, so why are there no fortification lines, so why are there no drones, so and why is the production of missiles not launched, and why and there are so many such whys, but instead we see that the interests of the office are manifested in a completely different way, they are mainly reduced to sweet, economic and often suspiciously smelling of corruption issues, but not at all... what worries the armed forces. well, by
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the way, what worries the armed forces, the armed forces is worried about the situation in the kharkiv direction, and this situation remains quite difficult, the enemy has wedged itself into our defenses and is having tactical success in the vovchansk area. this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the russians brought up to five battalions to the attack on the city, not counting their own losses, only killed in this direction , the zaharniki lost more than a day. to the soldiers, and president zelenskyi in yesterday's address stated about the brutal battles on a large scale part of the border strip in the kharkiv region, the occupiers' efforts to gain a foothold in some forces. let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said. our task is obvious, we must inflict the greatest possible losses on the occupier. in particular , the situation on the outskirts of the city of vovchansk is extremely difficult. under constant russian fire and
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the counterattacks of our military in the city continue, local residents are being helped, and it is very important that everyone who is directly there, in kharkiv oblast, in the military forces, should show maximum efficiency now in security forces, in local authorities, in communities. against the background of what he says, the evidence that in some areas of the front russian columns entered the territory of ukraine on a march without meeting resistance, well, at least the analysts identified the area of ​​the ukrainian settlement of strelecha, which is several hundred meters from the border and 52 km from kharkiv , well, this means, yuriy vitalivych, that obviously these areas were not too fortified there, if they marched into the territory of ukraine, and the question arises, where were they and whether where, where are those fortifications. you know, i would like
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to answer not only by criticizing the president, unfortunately, i will have to criticize, but first of all i started with what i am worthy of with him, first of all, as they say in odesa, the us panic, no military disaster it did not take place either by widowhood or under the ravages of time, it is not happening now and near vovchensk, russians. they obviously took a plan to split the armed forces of ukraine, they are advancing on the zaporozhye offensive, they are advancing in the area of ​​maryanka, they are advancing in the area of ​​avdiyivka, they are advancing in the area chasvoy yar, and now they have opened another front near vovchansk with a direction to kharkiv, i suspect that next they will open the same front in sumy oblast, and then they will look for the place that is the weakest on us and from which they can... wedge the most into the territory
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of ukraine, why is it dangerous? the stretching of the ukrainian troops is dangerous, because, unfortunately, we had a mobilization. it is the unloved child of all powerful politicians, despite the fact that according to the constitution, this is the exclusive function of the president, setting volumes, deadlines and order of mobilization, he removed himself from it, the law, which was left to say, dangled in the parliament for four months, turned into a show, and in fact i do not see that he did anything special for the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, which do not have a kit, i have no right to say which , but... believe me, they are very high, and today at spshka, that is, at the advanced observation point zero, instead of five people, sometimes it is twice and not four days, as it was before the rotation, literally up to 10 days, such a problem with people, so if this narrow
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to stretch the ukrainian defense line, it becomes even thinner, without mobilization, this is the problem, now... secondly, why did you show the footage and the russians were walking as if on a walk, and with a mass of troops, which is not even disguised. recalling my experience of the four-month war in bakhmut, for us, for our pilots, such a crowd of the enemy in an open area would have been simply happiness, we would have bombarded them with drops from maviks and fivishkas from kamikaze. and none of them would be left, we hunted for 10 people, maybe two or three were not turned in, but such a huge group, marching so calmly, this is a challenge, what does it mean? this means that our defenders do not have enough drones, to put it mildly, today's post by mr.
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butusov, who is right there, confirms this, he asks all mayors to immediately allocate funds for the purchase of drones, and then the question arises. yes, but what is happening near kharkiv? my point is this: the public outrage is so great because it is obvious, from all the facts, that our government has not learned a single lesson from its own insane behavior in 21-22. what do i mean? then, in the 19th year, poroshenko's team left them the finished missile and artillery programs. and funds for their production, these are ukrainian rockets for 100 km, 300 km, and even 500 km, plus bohddan's dove for 40 km, in the 19th year, until the very 22nd year, our government changed all this to asphalt , i
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will tell you right away that in the last year before the war, when all the western allies were already warning us about the inevitability of the war, when they were showing where and how much they would go... boroga they buried 13 billion dollars in the asphalt, well , if i'm not mistaken, in hryvnias to our the audience understood that it was 234 billion hryvnias. 200, well more than 200 billion hryvnias, so okay, now look, now i have in my hands a certificate from the law enforcement agencies stating that one of the participants in the large construction project, as the opposition from... was earning 10% from it in cash, that is, the company motorway south received 50 billion uah from the state and 5 billion depended on various prices for sand, for tar, for fictitious leases for its front companies,
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took them out of there in cash and took them somewhere on the mountain, who headed this company? this one the company is headed by boyko, oleksandr leonidovych, well, that is... this is some pound, which, no, this is a very serious businessman who is still continuing road and now fortification construction, and i say once again, it is documented here in every direction, which is not you will take direction, bitumen emulsion, rent, diesel fuel, everywhere he created his own companies, screwed up at 10% and transferred to cash, but whose is this, whose data is this? those who have access to investigative actions, well, it means that these are law enforcement data, that is, what the opposition said before the war, that the authorities exchanged the development of the army for shadow revenues from large-scale theft, they were not just words of the opposition, but clearly established
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data, look here already, there are even payments here, everything is established here, but that was before the war, well, you know, even i thought, let’s c... we will figure it out later, because we are in huge trouble, and now we need to look for points of unity, but it turns out that nothing has changed for the authorities, in the 22nd year, the big construction was closed, all the funds went to the armed forces, finally. already in the 23rd year in the past on road construction was again allocated 44 billion, and this year another 17, in total it is again 1.5 billion dollars, and i have a question: is it worth it to repair the road for 369 million uah from kharkov to vovchansk and also to rebuild the bridge that moscow , fleeing from our territory, they blew themselves up behind them, isn't it so good for him? russian soldiers are now marching without encountering minefields. now
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let me defend the armed forces and even the president a little from those who say that there are no fortifications and so on and so further. in fact, fortification lines are not built 3, 4, 5, and sometimes 7 km from the border, because there are russian guns on the border, they hit at least 15 km, and therefore it is unwise to put trenches under this fire. trenches are usually dotted. further, well, for example, 10 km, 15, and some, well, both bloggers and the military, claim that they are there, and the russians did not go there, that is, they passed through what, in military terms it is called the strip of providing the main line of defense , but the security band is so called because it has ensured the enemy's access to the main fortifications, what does this mean, mined, where are the mines, why? these figures are so frankly calmly walking on the roads, why do they reach vovchansk, where are the mines and most importantly, where is
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the impression of fire, if not from our artillery, then at least from our fpv kamikaze drones. i will repeat once again that such a target at any part of the front near maryenka, evdiyivka, bakhmut, the left bank of the dnieper, for our drone operators, is simply gold, it does not exist here. and here we come to the second question. let's finish with fortifications, and maybe money there is no fortification, maybe the west is to blame again, the congress, the senate, the bundestag, who else is there? no, according to the prime minister's statements for fortification, the government has allocated this year, i'm sorry, i'm spying, again, 1.6, no, i'm sorry, 1 billion dollars, i'm talking in dollars, because... it will be comparable to western equipment and everything else, that is , 38 billion uah have been allocated again, which means 1 billion
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dollars, but before the fractification, it’s not just digging a trench 10 km deep in zavchanchansk, let’s make it simple for our viewers, i won’t be playing with the military there with some knowledge, because i am not a specialized military officer, i am a reserve officer who left, spent my one and a half years in the infantry and the last... in bakhmut as an operator, and nevertheless, it is obvious to me what a fortification line is, it is a trench, it is needed to dig, but the kharkiv administration received money from the cabinet of ministers only in february and spent it on unknown people, the mass media are already writing about it today, these are companies with signs of efficiency, everything is repeated in the same way as on this highway in the south, i.e. .. put down, they pretend they've done earthworks, but the real excavation is a trench,
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it's concrete, it's a floor, it's survival pods made of steel, it's underground concrete storage for personnel and ammunition, it's minefields in front, it's anti-tank ditches and dragon's teeth in front and on the sides, and it's definitely an uh-reconnaissance drone you... you have a mavik or a tenic mavik, it's a strike drone, it's an fpv of kamikaze drones, it's a radio electronic intelligence that flies at you, and it's a radio complex of radio electronic warfare , as big as bukovel, which covers 20 km, or a trench, which covers 300 m. today, while preparing for you, i calculated how much of this good is needed for the entire front. the length of our front is 1,500 km, this... the area of ​​responsibility of the battalion according to the statute is 5 km, it is clear that it
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is now larger, but the battalions are also incomplete, nevertheless, we have roughly 300 battalions, each battalion needs 40 day mavics, 20 nights, it’s 25.5 million dollars for everyone, for 300, fp 40 per day, if there are more hot fights, if it’s shorter, it’s on average, it’s 144. per month, strikers, somewhere 10 that can drop mines right on those marching orcs or their tanks, that's another 150 million, guys. bukovel, which covers 20 km, 50 million, 100 pieces, 50 million. trenches, if they cover 300 m, then 500 of them are needed, yes, this is another 20 million. in total, sergey, 415 million dollars, and uet allocated for a billion for fortification, one and a half for drones, then i have
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a question, why then do the fighters say that they dig the trenches themselves, i am the best man, two shovels? everyone else is turning to mayors and volunteers, give the drones, then where did they go, president promised a million drones, yes, we remember, prime minister shmyhal said that 300,000 have already been paid for the troops, and the european solidarity faction received an answer from the ministry of defense that the troops came with funds from the state and local budgets, as well as large donors . in total, 145 00, of which i want to say that poroshenko personally brought 15 00 troops, that is, tell me what is happening, poroshenko is not a poor man, but he, well, this is some kind of distortion, he brought 10% of the drones to a private donor who
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supports armed forces from the first day of the war, and... the entire state together with all the cities brought half less than the prime minister promises, and six times less than the president promises. what am i leading all this to? this, by the way, echoes your first question to our viewers, about the system of government. it seems to me that this is not the first, unfortunately, not the second, but many, many times repeated conclusion. unfortunately, the populists are in the elections. always very interesting, often even so funny, and then this laughter turns into tragedy and tears. populists essentially do not have any state management experience, and therefore are unable to build any system of transferring the economy to the rail of war. sergey, can you explain to me why
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the number min is responsible for the fractionation. i don't know, but it is. but tell me who is actually responsible for the construction and distribution of drones, who and what does the prime minister do? therefore, we urgently need to eliminate the wartime economy management system for the armed forces. pay attention, the russians changed the minister of defense, and it's not just like that, it's a serious bell, they appointed instead of such a balabol of a parade of the soviet type. they appointed a person with economic experience, who worked out the transfer of russia's system under sanctions to internal development, well , in our opinion, he put the economy on the rails of war, it is often said in our country, he was the curator of the production of shaheds and other drones, and now he has become the minister of defense, what that means
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is that he was delegated by putin to create a war economy to support the army. aggressors, this is one option, the second option, for example, was during the second world war in america, president roosevelt issued a decree and created a special council for the military, military economy, it was subordinate to him, had colossal money, had to pour it into any enterprise that switched to the production of products needed by the military, this is the second option, but there was one responsible one. there was a government and its leader, churchill, who also led all the economic military processes in britain from the 39th to the victorious 45th, this is also the third option, we have the fourth option, no one is responsible for the economy of the war, but everyone is doing something together, the ministers does registers, makes drones, for some reason builds
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fortifications, builds mines of strategic industries. makes money, when you look at the budget, the sea, and when you look at facebook, you see such a sea of ​​requests to donate to support the one, second, fifth, tenth military organization, but look, yuriy vitalivych, one of those who should who could do this according to the functionality, it was the same kubrakov, oleksandr kubrakov, who was dismissed, he had the status of vice prime minister, he united these two ministries. infrastructure, regional of development and there, well, such a complicated name, but well, the lion's share of this money, for sure, was mastered by this ministry, and there is already an agency still in recovery. ukraine is included in this competence, this is autodor and the region is so for me, and here is what happened with kubrakov in this situation, kubrakov comes, they say to him, listen, we
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will remove you, shmyhal did not talk to him, zelensky did not talk to him spoke, he did not come to the committee, he was left there, some german delegation went to meet him, reached halfway to kyiv, they they say, but kubrakov is no one anymore, that is, turn back, what is it at all? was rejected, because i still can't understand and there are no clear explanations, and why he was fired, he was engaged in the wrong thing, or the wrong way, or with the wrong things, or both with those and with those, well, first of all, i don't agree that the ministry, which consists of regional development, that is, community development support, and the former autodor, whatever they call him now, should be responsible for the war, well that... the owl on the globe is not stretching, i think that we would have such a person it is obvious to be the prime minister, but the prime minister is not capable
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of performing this function, he is, he is not the prime minister, he is yermak's stooge in the prime minister's office, and pinchuk, for that matter so to take akhmetov or whom, this is already free time, look, the problem is that he fulfills all the instructions, which method is given to him by the president's office, although, that's why he is already the prime minister for the fifth year, but why the armed forces constantly lack trenches, body armor, and spare parts for, and most importantly, there are no ukrainian missiles, ukrainian drones and of ukrainian components for various western equipment, okay, then you say kubrakov, but really our system was built so senselessly from populists without any experience that at the beginning of the war it was this ministry that was supposed to build
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roads and repair damaged houses, and to cover the power plant, they engaged in the import of e-e shells and military equipment, then they engaged in other e-e, well, not unusual for this ministry. for example, the shelter of energy facilities, well, what kind of cholera is this it's not the ministry of energy, the former autodor, that no one can explain, because in that team there is no order, no rules, there is just vasya, you will deal with the covering of the power plant today, petya will come up to you and he will tell you what she said oksana, that's how they built it, as a result, to put it mildly, we're not doing very well with the shelters, so they are now, when the shelters... don't save, they say that we're not here, we're not here , this is how it always works, if there is no order and system, then there are no people responsible for failures exists, and this is the whole claim of society,
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and i, for example, do not get tired of repeating, president zelenskyi is a legitimate president and after the 21st, he is also the president of a warring country, which means my president, but i want to hear who answered for the obvious failures before the war and during the war, and from... tens of billions of dollars were engaged in this: a 10% kickback for the authorities, how much they took offshore, i can't tell you, and
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kuberko was the best, he was praised by the president, he was praised prime minister, and everything was fine, but as soon as the war started, really kubrakov put an end to this whole story, moreover, he established personal relations with the american embassy and representatives of our main strategic ally. and from that moment, when this dereiban scheme ended, from that moment suddenly he became unloved, because 10% stopped dripping, and then he became the enemy of those who decided not to leave this place, and this place is so sweet in their vision, no because it is necessary to help the armed forces, and because in their imagination it is a billion-dollar flow for fortification, for restoration, and soon they say, there will be peace already. mr. yarmak is already telling us that peace is coming. accordingly, it is necessary to occupy this key place immediately, because kubrakov
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does not allow to do what... that he led before the war, as a result of his, i apologize for the rudeness, well, let's not be rude, his friends in large-scale construction, which, one of them sits in the office of the president, another sits in the ministry of defense, and the third sits in oil and gas, created what they think is an elegant move, when the parliament removed a person who stopped playing their mafia rules that's the whole truth about kubrakov's resignation. you will find out how it will end when one of these three dignitaries is appointed in his place. do you think that kirill can be appointed to tymoshenko in the ministry of defense, he will pretend to be engaged in fortifications, but in the status of an adviser, so as not to sign anything, which means that he will not be responsible for anything. i believe that kyril tymoshenko is really needed there for the fortifications, but as an enlisted lieutenant of the engineering corps. to personally
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get on the yug freeway equipment, to lead it column, to stand under mihaikov and personally dig day and night, including under fire, then the fortifications will be real, and when he will be sitting in kyiv as an adviser, and uncle mykola will dig with a shovel as usual, then in our fratification will be like in kharkiv, but look, yuriy vitalivych, you are talking about the fact that someone should be responsible, but as far as i understand, monopower... presupposes monoresponsibility, well, that is, it is absolutely obvious, and this monoresponsibility is not between kyril tymoshenko and kubrakov, this is mu to the responsibility, well, at least among two people, zelensky, he is constitutional, well , constitutional, but not with such wide powers, the fair who manages his office, well, that is, when it comes to who is responsible for this, well, the answer is already obvious, who cares, let's divide, there is political responsibility and here you are right about
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everything. the country with a monomajority is answered by president zelensky, because he is the first in the history of the country, the first time, even kuchma did not have this, and yanukovych did not, they divided there the majority in the parliament is with various parties, sometimes with communists, sometimes with different strangely named parties, but this one has full control over the government, full control over the parliament, single-person, not like it was in the days of poroshenko or yushchenko, a coalition, but a single-person, complete control over the courts, complete control over her... lord, over the law enforcement officers, and most importantly - a total monopoly over mass media, because you and i do not appear in digital format, we can only be seen on the internet, all this means that freedom the word that was present since the time of yushchenko, well, in a completely european format, now they have again shrunk to the volumes, well,
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let's say, heaps of the second convocation. or the second prizol, that is, political responsibility in such a format, when you own all the power, belongs exclusively to president zelensky, and he will bear political responsibility in the next elections, and i am sure that he will lose them, well, there is also legal responsibility, and here sergey, you are wrong, there is no collective legal responsibility, everyone is responsible for their own, in this case this government took into account how much there were problems in yanukovych's entourage and in his person. how much money was taken from them and how many assets were seized and given to the state, and i will remind you that it was billions, and well, for example, the odessa oil refinery, there is a stadium in kharkiv, 1.5 billion dollars of money in kyiv, that is, these were colossal funds , what they did, they came up with this chapito called advisors, tell me, you remember the government, under which
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class. therefore, see that we do not talk about bad things for so long, i will say what we say, we, the opposition, have been saying for the past six months, we are ready to support the current president in everything that is necessary for the survival of the country and , first of all, in support of the armed forces, we are always ready to share everything we have for ukraine, i responsibly declare that our party, everyone who can...


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