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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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do you remember the government, under which colossal financial, economic, political, and social processes were managed not by ministers, not even by heads of administration, not by heads of regional administrations, by advisers, that's what an adviser is responsible for, he came, kept his mouth shut, a workplace cleaned up, left, what will he be imprisoned for, that's why they are all still councilors, and golik councilor, and tymoshenko, councilor, and, and i... is responsible only for violins according to the law, so see that we do not talk for so long about bad, i will say what we say, we the opposition say the last ones half a year, we are ready to support the current president in everything that is necessary for the survival of the country and, first of all, the support of the armed forces. we are always ready to share everything we have for ukraine. i responsibly declare that our party, everyone who can... already, well,
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let's say, in terms of age and health, is at the front. we have more than a hundred dead. all of us, volunteers, do everything necessary to support the armed forces. but we suggest to the authorities, let's find the unity that you, the authorities, are constantly talking about. let's do a very simple thing: an election of the parliament took place 5 years ago, according to the constitution, it is already a year. the extra parliament is in the hall, yes, parliamentary elections are prohibited during wartime, we know that, but that political choice is no longer relevant, right? accordingly, let's form a government in the parliament not on the basis of party interest, it should no longer be a government of a monomajority of servants of the people, it should be a government of professionals, which we call a government of national unity, which will not study, which will not gossip , will not conduct are on duty there
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schools in truskavets, and from the first day every professional in his place , without party representation, will participate in what he knows better than anyone, whether there are such people in ukraine, yes there are, whether there are candidates for such prime ministers, yes there are, whether there are such ministers of defense, economy, infrastructure, yes, but today, unfortunately, it is not of interest to the president and his head. and why is the president not interested, but why am i, i am listening to you now, why am i asking this question, because in the first days of the war, zelensky communicated with poroshenko, although it is clear that they did not have very good relations there in the 19th and 18th years, there were some reasons for that , zelensky was offended a lot and continues to be offended , it is obvious that poroshenko wants some kind of understanding with him, some kind of conversation, in the first days of the war, the great war, starting from...
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february 25 or 24, 2022, there was such a dialogue, why is there no such dialogue now, and why did zelensky refuse this dialogue? in fact, the dialogue was only for the first 3-4 days, they really had several meetings at which, as i was told, it was said: come on let's turn the page and start with a clean slate, because a country at war is a completely different country than before, let's forget about 144 criminal cases that did not bring anything to the country and do not have any legal grounds under them, come on and so on. zelensky, on the other hand, asked what you would advise me at the beginning of the war, but then this contact broke off again. i even remember approximately when it happened, it was around april, when the armed forces of ukraine began to sweep out the occupiers from kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region , etc., and zelensky and his team believed that what a victory, but he
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did not intend to share it and does not intend to share it, the matter lies in the personal character of volodymyr oleksandrovich, he wants to be alone on the stage and he wants all the applause only for himself, well , what are we talking about poroshenko, well, let's talk about him where is the team, where is bakanov, where is bohdan, where is honcharuk, well, danylyuk, there is a lot of it all, this is a dream, this is the team of the ruffian, who came and went, and where he disappeared from the air, who, everyone, people. begin to get to know, disappears from the air, from the team, there should be only one stage, like a fair formulated, the greatest leader of our time, and to lead everyone is a process, well, to receive all the applause, and to lead everything at the same time, as time magazine found out, the most influential leader, and this greatest and most influential two are not going to share, and their logic is very simple: west interested... in our victory
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no less than us, and he will not let us fall, and this false message is where all the problems begin, because the west will certainly support ukraine. he will definitely give weapons and so on, but he will play according to its scenario, and it does not always contain the phrase ukraine above all, well, because they have their own geopolitical, internal political, and even electoral interests, and at the same time, in more than two years, ukraine has not been able to establish a program that has long been done, i mean missiles, drones, artillery, well, what can i say, the west can be written off. whatever, that we don't have enough shells, that we don't have enough artillery, that they didn't send us f-16s, but tell me, is it the west's fault that with 1.5 billion in money, we don't have drones even for half a billion, which would provide the entire front line, is the west to blame for the fact that
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a billion is allocated for fortification, as a result, we have, to put it mildly, imperfect defense units, and the equipment of a large building. does not participate in the big fortification, nameless fops are pumping money again, so look, this is the problem, if anyone is allowed into the government of national unity, i'm not even talking about poroshenko, anyone who won't say yes, that's right, mr. yermak , if such a person is allowed there, it will become clear that this bill will be very large weak, well, they stole 5 billion. the whole system of not just inefficiency, but inefficiency that leads to global corruption, will come out immediately during the war, and therefore they are not able to share power, and therefore i am afraid that we have only one hope, it is illusory, but still
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it yes, let's just grit our teeth and say that until the end of the war, president of ukraine zelenskyi, okay, he won't work without the fair. ok, but the parliament has to elect a government of national unity, can this yermak-controlled parliament elect one government? yes, maybe, i want to remind you that the absolutely pro-yanukovych parliament elected both turchynov as speaker and yatsenyuk as prime minister, and many others, well, then the situation was like this, either they would have been put on the pitchforks there, or they voted, and now there is no such thing, well, you see, when you drive along the roads and see the cemetery, it's not the same situation. they now have more arguments to say, listen, this is if lutsenko will propose, for example, a government of national trust or poroshenko, no, no, but we will enter that year again in 2019, and i am not talking about the party government of european solidarity, and i personally do not intend to be any government official,
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but i am talking about a government that will be responsible to society and the armed forces, if this is not done, we, well... like in football, the ee class interrupts the amateurs, that is, we are now engaged in hobby, we did not build a system work, but against us is a huge imperial, dictatorial one pumped with money and meat, a machine that operates according to the laws of a totalitarian system, and we are trying to stop it on horseback with cossack chivalry, well, it can be a year, this you can have two with with the help of the west, but then the society feels that something is wrong here, and that is why i emphasize the situation in kharkiv once again, there is no catastrophe there, most likely there are normal lines of defense in the depths, and there are no mines, and there are no drones, this is a manifestation that in
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kyiv there is no single integral system of war economy management, and either we will create it, or the country will not exist, and you say the situation is not the same. and i say, the situation is much worse than in the 14th year, because in the 14th year we cried over 100 killed of the heavenly hundred, and now no one has given us an honest figure, but we all see it in cemeteries, so i do not call for any radical actions, i just know that deputies sometimes come to their homes, both party and majority, and the electricity of society at these meetings with them, it becomes more and more moreover, i say once again, this is a small chance for change, a more significant chance is when the western allies get tired of this irresponsibility and corruption, and still force us to create a responsible, serviceable government
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of national unity. yuriytavych, well, you knew zelenskyi before the war, well, if i did they knew him, of course, you were also a minister then, and later already... when yanukovych put you in prison, i understand that you had some phone calls, yes, he called you in prison, i they called you, why are they calling, they called you, look, well, you know zelensky as a person, and he obviously somehow remained the same volodymyr zelensky as he was, only he just passed 5 years that were already quite difficult, by the way, these five years, that is this is not a walk in the park, there are hardly many presidents in the world who ruled the country during war, this and this is also a very big question, how do people cope with it, you did not try to talk to him, to say that i own it, come on... let's sit down and think about the future of the country, whether there is permanent entry only
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through one the door through ermak, well, that is , he understands what is happening, or he does not fully understand, i remained the prosecutor general for another three months under zelensky, he insisted so persistently that i should write a statement, i ask why, well, everyone wrote, i say i was never like everyone else. i didn't steal anything and i didn't earn anything, so i'm not going to to write, well , in my opinion, your term of office was still long enough, he says: then i feel like removing you, i say, well , i'll try, but in fact, according to the constitution, this is not part of the president's authority, so what should i do? i say, everything is very simple, if the parliament is elected without a majority for me, i will immediately write a statement, because nobody needs a prosecutor general without a majority, i don't need a chair, i do. so all submissions will simply be thrown into the trash, but then he agreed and said everything is okay in a month
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, so we will do so, and here we go to to such a normal mood and what, well , i apologize, but i am talking about three, well , we agreed because they really knew a lot, i say, and what is your plan, i will show you all how i will be treated like an old professional, how i will be a neophyte , the whole of ukraine will applaud every day. and i say, you understand that this is a sick enough body, if he applauds the doctor, then he has an application, here we need to carry out serious operations, serious actions in order to achieve a serious result in three, four or five years, this is all nonsense, i will show , how every day we will achieve a result and people will follow it to applaud, but the desire for applause is the main thing for him as an artist, i emphasize the positive, i said... i have never seen or heard that he was particularly interested in money, but this
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can be attributed to the positive, although his environment is completely different from them bet, but volodymyr oleksandrovich himself wants applause, and he wants simple applause, he doesn't want to build long strategies, he doesn't want to deal with two, three, sometimes five-pointers, and this leads him to these sad results, eh, and then... when he remained in the narrow circle of yermak and five managers, well, i think that he does not fully understand the situation that is developing in ukraine and at the front. with all due respect to the supreme commander, going to the trenches of such a person is always a show-off. well, zelenskyi was in kharkiv, he was at these fortifications, he said that they were 98% built, to put it mildly, maybe where he was. yes, it is, yuriytovich, you were in power and in several positions, quite serious, such as the minister
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of internal affairs, you were the prosecutor general, well, you still knew what was happening in the state, it was also not that you lived in any limited space at all, at least, i don’t know, 50 sources of independent information from my friends, from my party members, from maidan activists, from journalists, from i appointed special civilians... leadership, the power of authority, which i saw under yushchenko and poroshenko, with different shades there, but it was exactly like that, when you know how to delegate full-time. strong prime minister yatsenyuk and do not be afraid of it when you delegate
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authority to the strong minister avakov, who the president criticizes you every day and even brings out demonstrations against you, but you seek an understanding with him, because you are a coalition, and you cannot say i will just take you down the aisle, but there is another thing when they say, everyone who does not applaud me, we will fire , it is absolutely unimportant, you are an effective manager, if you are not an effective one, we will fire you. and so, i say once again, i have no personal complaints against zelenskyi. he is not to blame for the fact that 73% were elected to office during the war. supreme commanding person who knew nothing about war, knew nothing about the economy and knew nothing about the state administration system, he is rather even a victim of this choice than, well, guilty, the whole question is only one serhii, will ukrainians draw a conclusion from this, forgive
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me for the experiment, i think that will they understand that if something hurts you go to the doctor if? if you want to build something, you go to a builder, and if you want to change something in the state, you go to a politician, because it is also a profession, it is also experience, knowledge, mistakes, achievements, if this conclusion is done, i am sure that we will find something to praise volodymyr oleksandrovych for, and something to imprison those who today do things for which we have to pay with blood for... at the very end of our conversation, i would like to mention nato, as it is not surprising now, because nato is making certain curtseys to ukraine, and the north atlantic alliance is saying that the representatives of the north atlantic alliance are saying that nato troops are in ukraine, but in the form of military specialists. this
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was stated in particular by the prime minister of poland, donald tusk he confirmed that in ukraine... there is already a certain number of such military specialists, let's listen. today, nato helps as much as possible. ukraine will not be able to cope without the help of the alliance. there are already some soldiers there. observers, engineers. we'll see how it goes, but you know nobody wants a direct conflict. yury vitaralovich, that's what military consultants are. yes, in the soviet union, too , this scheme was always working, but there is no address of zelensky’s public address to nato and to tell him to say, listen, well, we have problems at the front, let's send troops, maybe the alliance is waiting for such an invitation, then every country that is part of the alliance, not the alliance as a structure, but
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every country, well, france, for example, it sends a foreign legion here, and there is no such official appeal... why, if i may , i’ll make a little excuse, the french legion is probably good, but i’m not sure that among the command of our operational commands, there, for example, khortytsya or others, there are many people who can translate french crap on that landing, that is i doubt that we have many people who will be able to communicate linguistically with... with many different foreigners, i 'm just kidding, i think that we don't need foreign legionnaires from nato countries on the battlefield, in the infantry in tanks and with artillery. let's ask ourselves the question, what is our problem in this war? well,
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the number of enemy manpower immediately comes to mind. yes, they have more of it, today under half a million. and 200,000 more by august, putin plans to establish, but the defense of bakhmut, avdiivka, chasovoy yar, many of other heroic events on our front shows that we have learned to hold back three to four, sometimes even eight times, the greater number of enemy manpower, with the advent of drones and fpv, it has become such a ubiquitous partridge. then what is the advantage of the russians and they still move? since the resignation of general zaluzhnyi, we have already lost about 600 km. on the one hand, it is not so much, it is 0.10% of the country's territory, that is, putin has only a thousand years left to seize ukraine, at this rate. and on the other
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hand, well, these are serious things, because sooner or later they can lead to more serious ones. the advantage of the russians is in the air, they absolutely control the air, they are destroying our fortifications, our defense lines, our cities that we are defending, with missiles and guided aerial bombs, drones, and drones, we have already learned to fight with drones, and all kinds of reba, both the old bukovel and the new ipad developed by poroshenko's team are being shown today. what results, the main thing is that the government finances them and puts them on the entire front line, a lot of problems will disappear there, but russian planes take off in crimea for nowhere. for our air defense distance and throw missiles and guided aerial bombs at us. what to do with it? for this, it would be necessary to bring
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air defense to the front line. and they are concentrated around kyiv, around other regional centers and energy facilities. and it seems to me that this is precisely the answer to your question. it seems to me that it would be possible to invite nato countries to take control. give us a piece of our sovereign sky, we are a sovereign country, yes, we own the rights to our land, water and air, yes, i mean airspace, yes, let's vote then, or rather, the president will sign the appeal, the parliament will vote, this is a necessary condition, according to the constitution, for the introduction of a contingent of nato countries to control our air from russian missiles and others there , well, the shahediv of all this nonsense, for example, along the lines of kirovohrad, poltava, sumy, of course, not in donetsk, not in luhansk, not in zaporizhzhia,
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even there, it would relieve us of a huge burden, and the main thing is that this is a humanitarian mission , because in the end civilians suffer, but there is no such appeal, i cannot understand why, of course, consultations with these countries are needed so that this is not a simple declaration, but if in the west they speak... they give signals about readiness for such actions, and we do not do it at the same time, well , to be honest, i have only one answer, that means our government is preparing for some kind of quick option for ending hostilities, well, that is, you want to say that there are some negotiations going on for 30 seconds, i’m afraid that we have to closely follow the so-called peace initiatives of the office the president, because actually nobody... knows their content, so that we don't end up in istanbul again in 22nd year, where there was actually a capitulation, so the conclusion is that if 30 seconds, there is no catastrophe,
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the task of every ukrainian is to be either in the armed forces or for the armed forces, everything else is treason. thank you, it was yurii lutsenko, thank you for the conversation, friends, i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about the following: do you think the influence of the president's office on other branches of government, intermediate results of the survey: 96 % yes, 4% no. there are discounts, they represent coco discounts of may for tizin 20% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big... air, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war,
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right now and about we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now yuliy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yury, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talking about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, review of sports events from. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. great returns of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in
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evening prime time in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that on thursday at 21:15 velikiy lviv will be speaking in the project on the air of the tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. attack drone attacks on kyiv and... cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right
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to start negotiations on joining the eu. congratulations. portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. hello friends, this is the second part. on the verdict program, me my name is serhii rudenko, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. today we will talk about personnel reshuffles in ukraine, and not only in ukraine, because putin is trying to reshuffle the power bloc, which means during the russian-ukrainian war a change of allies, or rather, not even allies, but partners to others, why is
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this does putin what he wants to achieve as a result, we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes, today, as well usually on mondays i will have my comments on the events that are happening in the world and in ukraine, the world and how it affects ukrainian life. i would like to remind you that in addition to the live broadcast, we also work on the youtube and facebook platforms for those who are currently watching us live there. please don't forget to like our broadcast and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this. do you think the influence of the president's office on other branches of the ukrainian government is excessive? yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that the office of the president has excessive influence on other branches of government in ukraine (0800-2011). 381 no
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0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. literally a week ago, the so-called inauguration of the so-called president, the so- called putin, took place. on may 7, at five o'clock in the kremlin , putin was crowned, he wanted to say, inaugurated. everything, because what was happening and under the time of the so-called election campaign, and in the recognition of this election campaign, especially in the results of these elections, by part of the world, shows that putin is still perceived as the leader of russia, as a person who usurped power, but part of the world is still forced to ride his inauguration, to talk about the fact
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that, well... the elections were illegitimate, obviously, and they were not free, but putin is the leader of russia, well, in this situation , it seems to me that the west and our western partners, including should have added that putin is a self-proclaimed president, since the elections that took place in russia on march 17 were also held on the territory of the ukrainian state in the occupied regions of luhansk and donetsk. zaporizhzhia and kherson regions in the republic, the autonomous republic of crimea, which does not meet any international standards, and literally a week has passed since putin began, excuse me, to demonstrate how he manages the state, personnel changes, a change of prime minister, a new old prime minister prime minister, but the most important thing is that 6 days after this inauguration, putin announced
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on the replacement of the minister of defense. rather, the minister of attack of the russian federation. serhii shaigu - this olyanivod, who is a hero of the russian federation, the so-called hero of the russian federation, by the way, he received this title in 1999, and is a general, wears a general's uniform, and on victory day, may 9, on red square, he hosted a parade and gave a speech putin, you see, walks around in such a dapper manner... a general, he is not a general, he did not serve in the army, he did not lead the army properly, but he spent 12 years in the position of minister of defense, that is, a person who is completely out of the concept there is no green, what is the service, what is the army, but finally putin realized that he has nothing to do with it at all, he dismissed serhiy shoigu, a sharer, a man who is a war.


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