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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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pour on his feet and just send him to sizo, because what this man did during martial law, it does not fit at all within the framework of the law, in general, within the framework of common sense, when a person attacks policemen, representatives of authorities and threatens with weapons, this is not forgiven in any country at all, and even more so in a country that is waging war, because god knows what... what kind of person and why did she suddenly decide that she is above the law, above the police, above the law a police officer to use a weapon, in other words this story is very strange, but we will keep an eye on this story, i mentioned it because it caused quite a stir in social networks, it was said that at the beginning of the war, it seems that this person was defending the breweries there, and even earlier he had... a relationship with certain
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illegal devices, well, in a word, this story should obviously not be forgotten by us, because this story is about how strong the government is, how much the government can use force in order to put people like milestone of people in place well, the very end of our program, another insult from quarter 95, from the organization that once ruled. the current president of ukraine, so the 95th quarter got into another scandal, this time with a number about the head of the rivne central committee, do you remember this video, which was quite actively circulated by the mass media on telegram channels, when he was the head of the rivne central committee, there he was kissing with different girls who work in the tcc and went to his office, and this hidden camera filmed everything, so they... in the quarter decided to spread this
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story to the head of the rivne tsk, and what actually came out of all this, we will see now, and then continue. oleksandr viktorovych, i apologize for interrupting, regarding that issue, i have one proposal, please offer it. that's not bad, and you also asked me to clarify, to remind you, yes, yes, yes, i am aware of this problem, we are working on it, well, quarter 95 was always distinguished by the fact that they never felt this difference between its humor or there satire and between what they do. because what they are
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are doing - this is some kind of pitrasianism, and in such a worst version of execution, because after this number was released, and this plot was disseminated in various mass media, in telegram channels, there was quite an active social network, in social networks there was just a flurry of negative comments , a flurry, and commentators are saying that the company, zelenskyi's former company and the company that is now managed by... his closest, is managed by his closest friends, that they discredit the armed forces of ukraine, because during the war, the use of uniforms, military forms, in particular on the stage, especially for creating such numbers, it is not at all appropriate, because what the military writes, which must eventually be adopted, the appropriate legislation, which would not allow civilians to wear pixels in the first place. did not allow
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discrediting this form, because for this form people risk their lives and people fight for ukraine, they shed. blood on different fronts, eastern, southern, and these people deserve some respect, including that they wear this uniform. well, such an unfortunate joke came out in the quarter of 95, it's not the first time do they do this, or in the days when zelenskyy was not the president of ukraine, remember, in vilnius they performed at some festival there and compared ukraine with prostitutes, it happened to them before, that is, it is not the same as... 95 -th quarter has always done a high-quality and good job, there were no questions for them, questions now arise for them, why they try to violate these boundaries, which are painful enough for a part of society, are painful for those who fight, for those who who lost
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their relatives, why are they trying now to use military uniforms in order to to create some parody numbers that actually, well, it's... not the level of humor or the level of irony or satire that should be during the war, and even more so, it's not the kind of situation that you need to laugh at, because laugh nothing, it's all very flat, the humor is flat, sorry, and here i have to say that uh, i think that the quarter of 95 has to eventually come to some definite conclusions, well... we, friends, will make up our poll results, because today we asked you about this, whether you consider the excessive influence of the office of the president of ukraine on other branches of government in state, we see the results of the television survey 96, yes, 4%, no. on youtube, we have
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the following ratio: 93%, yes, 7% no, you see, friends, most of you believe that the influence of the president's office on other branches of government in ukraine is excessive, and this is a sample of our viewers and tv viewers. friends, do not forget to subscribe to our pages on youtube, on facebook, go to our site on espresso tv, we have the most prompt information, we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we have almost everything on our site, well and please don't forget put. like this video so that it will be seen by many more viewers than there would be less without your liking, we will appreciate it. i'm putting an end to this, it was the verdict preview program serhiy rudenko, i 'm saying goodbye to you, see you tomorrow until 8:00 p.m., take care of yourself
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and your family, goodbye. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may for fen 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project for the council. freedom top guests every day - this is the shipping district of kherson, inclusion live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and... more feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso .
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, greetings you, dear tv viewers, this is a big ether on the spress tv channel, my name is vasyl zmay, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things, we will have an inclusion from kharkiv region, we will talk about the humanitarian situation, more and social in the territory of this region, which today is actively attacked by the enemy, advancing and trying to advance from
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the north to kharkiv, we will also talk about the situation in sumy oblast, evacuation measures are ongoing there, the enemy is also shelling the border sumy oblast, just as they are shelling populated areas in kharkiv oblast, in this humanitarian and social dimension, evacuation and assistance to the local population, what are the threats, what are the losses, what are the risks, we will talk about all this in detail. also today , money during the war, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, a lot of important and interesting information, why the people's republic of china and the united states of america decided to meet and talk again, that they will discuss all this during the next, next again hour 45 minutes, but serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries column, will now talk about the military, front-line component of the situation in kharkiv region, the defense operation of the armed forces of ukraine and the offensive actions of the enemy. we will talk about two sections
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of the front, precisely what is happening north of kharkiv and related to this in a certain way the actions in the kupyansk direction, and also, if we leave time for the change of the defense minister in russia, about that in a moment. i will begin our column with a number of details that relate to the effort the enemy to advance deep into our defenses in several areas in the kharkiv region, it started on may 11, and today the general staff reported in the morning that the enemy is currently having tactical success and therefore measures are planned to destroy the enemy who has wedged into our defenses, the deployment of reserves to stabilize the situation is underway . the enemy is conducting combat operations with units from the zahid group, which
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unites enemy forces deployed in three regions, these are the bryansk, kurd and belgorod regions, and now it is precisely this group from the belgohorod region that counts 35 thousand in depth, is trying to advance towards the kharkiv region, and there are two sections here, one direction is to the north of the settlement of liptsi, now... we can see it on the infographic of liptsi, it is such a transport interchange, an important transport intersection, and actually it is there, it is also connected with the control of the dam of the travin reservoir, this is an important area, and currently there are hostilities going on near the village, deep, deep, despite the name, this is the height in front of liptsi, and now the enemy is occupying it the village did not succeed, there are combat operations of the infantry, and the second direction is, if we... see on the map, these are the villages near vovchansk, to which the enemy is advancing from the north from the west,
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in particular there from the river siverskyi donetsk, here about 3.5 km from the border. in the morning, the general staff also reported that the occupying army had deployed about five battalions for hostilities in the vovchanchan direction, the enemy was not counting its own losses, and then at 2 p.m. the general staff reported that to strengthen... troops in the kharkiv direction had been moved reserves created in advance, and depending on development the situation, the build-up of reserves will continue, the troops are provided with the necessary number of means of impression, the general staff reported this, now we know that, in particular, 92 assault brigades, 57 separate mechanized brigades, 42 mechanized brigades, artillery units there, and also in the kharkiv direction have been transferred to these directions the operational-tactical commander was changed. kharkiv group, now it is managed by mykhailo drapaty, who also
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remains in the post of deputy chief of the general staff. of course, there are questions about fortification in these areas, there were such separate emotional statements from our military, and today the head of the state special service oleksandr yakovets explained how the various borders are equipped, he said that the so-called front edge of the navy. there from one and a half to 6 km, this is what is equipped by the units themselves, because with the engineering means of the senior chief there , it is not dangerous to do these measures, but there are other works. which are actually equipped and ready to conduct combat operations on them, and to confirm this, there is a video from the 92nd separate assault brigade, where the military explained that these borders are really well created, there are concreted shelters, which are decently prepared to protect
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our soldiers there, and of course there are also questions about mining these areas. i think that now there are opportunities for remote mining of those directions, directions where the enemy can advance, using our artillery, and we understand that now the enemy has several goals, in particular, to increase the front line, to force our armed forces to use reserves on a longer length of the front, secondly - efforts to create some sort of sanitary zone near kharkiv in order to be able to... shell our city with barrel artillery, well, actually, i think that all these actions of the enemy in one way or another, especially from the point of view of the offensive on vovchanske, are aimed at somehow to synchronize combat actions and enemy pressure, in particular with actions in the kupyan direction, where the enemy has been unsuccessfully
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trying to penetrate our defense line for a long time, now the situation on all areas of the front remains: extremely complex, dynamic, but we can see that now on in the kharkiv direction, measures were taken to stabilize the situation and additional forces and means were directed there, and what is happening in the kupyan direction, as far as it is felt on this part of the front, we will now talk with our guest, viktor petrovych joins us, he is a soldier of the 77th separate airmobile brigade, which is currently operating in the kupinsky direction. mr. victor, i greet you, glad to see and hear if you can hear me now. good evening, i can hear you well, i would like to start our conversation first with the collection for your brigade, now we let's ask our directors to show a qr code that the audience can use in order to provide support, financial support for your team, as i understand it, first of all, it is for automotive equipment, for rap equipment, now
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they tell me that this code will appear and ... and this can be used to support your brigade, in particular, i personally transferred a little money just before the broadcast in order to at least buy something faster, and now i would like to ask you what the current situation is in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, what happened yesterday and today within limits possible, and are there any changes in the dynamics of actions in your area, in particular in the kupina direction, thank you very much for the donation and... i also ask everyone to give us information about the situation in the area of ​​our responsibility of our brigade for about three weeks now assaults, the enemy is constantly trying to push us, literally in the first week there were very
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massive assaults, in fact very massive assaults with the use of a large. the number of armored vehicles, there could be four armored infantry vehicles at a time, they dropped there landing forces, they also supported the infantry with fire in order to advance on our positions, tanks also approached with direct fire, worked on our positions, well, but they suffered a lot of losses, because... well, literally in the first week there, they lost eight bmp, they also lost four tanks, and now their losses are increasing, that is , every day they lose armored infantry vehicles there, and they also lose tanks, in fact
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, every day, and therefore, let’s say, it becomes more difficult for them, they alternate between ... is landed landing with bmp, then tries to storm there in small groups in a hasty order, sometimes it is seen that some assault groups are openly attacking the meat, it is obvious that they were brought in, well, let's say a certain number of those who do not feel sorry for such servicemen, it’s not a pity to let them go, and they literally... they let them go, well, everything is visible in one way or another, when they have artillery working on the attackers, when fpv are working on them. well, at the same time , they continue to go, somehow that’s how it is looks all realistic, so it is obvious that they would
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they might have run away, if there weren't two or three men standing behind them who were pushing them in the back, that's why the situation is so tense at the moment, and the assaults have also continued in recent days, they are being killed, in particular, by our... weapons, they use these weapons very effectively against the enemy, and right now the artillery is also working well, both in terms of warehouses with ammunition and the advancing manpower of the enemy, well, that is , the guys are now trying to prevent the stormers from getting to the positions of our brigade, that is, to destroy them. tries them even before they catch up, reach, land, also with whales, but they actively destroy them, this very
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effectively stops the assaults, by the way, we are already showing several videos here, from the work of your drone operators, your brigade, i wanted i would like to ask how much the load on your operators has increased now, because literally a month ago, in certain areas , it was said that well... per day is normal, and now they are already talking about the fact that, relatively speaking, 40 drones during the day and 20 at night, this is already a new norm, what a load on yours of operators falls on your section of the front, it happens in different ways, depending on the intensity of the assault, well, it can be 400 fpv per week, plus, well, this is only, let's say , means of roti-impact drones. that is, it is the level of brigade use there, and there are also units, in fact, each, in
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each battalion has its own units with fpv drones, which are also used every time during assaults, that is, yes, we really use them very actively, and in fact, they are very effective , fividrons, have you seen such a ... cut and it happens all the time, that is, they advance and constantly fire, and literally the enemy often does not even manage to reach our positions, and if they even reach, they reach already with contusions, with some shrapnel wounds, they reach there with conditionally from 10 there , three or four reach there , that's why fp is very effective in... so to repel attacks, and especially also if it's bmpp there or some other means of mechanization, yes, they are
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also very well destroyed by our drones. mr. viktor, i will remind you again about the selection for the 77th separate airmobile brigade and we are collecting just for reb's means and for automotive equipment, but we don't collect for drones, or does that mean? that the supply of drones has already been ensured and, in principle, they are enough to carry out combat tasks, or are fish and automotive equipment now more necessary than fivishki? well, we alternate, let's say, it's all needed, there are never enough fives, it seems to me that you can use them as much as you can, you can actually use as many of them, because the enemy has a lot of manpower. he does not spare her, and the technique too, well, it is so obvious that he does not spare, because we have destroyed a lot of it recently, but so the provision, let's say,
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has increased by half a dozen, and in particular the state also joins in, it happens that from the state there come, for example, not quite complete fi sets, well, for example, there are free initiations without such, and already to please by own efforts. to complete these drones to a combat condition, but nevertheless, 50 percent is provided by the state, that is why we also collect for fpv, there are also initiation fees, and for various things like that, because precisely, the very nature of otkhivdrones, it is like that, which is very difficult everyone the details must be provided by the state, because there are very, very many nuances, there are vindictiveness. these and the like, that's why we also collect drones for fpv, we have a lot of collections, it's just that now it's so important to have
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cars, because they are also such a consumable for it, and we need to bring attack aircraft to the positions, and it is necessary to bring the personnel to the positions, give them a ride to the bk, well, that’s all , respectively, cars, cars, and also the reb, the reb also works very efficiently, which is important, it’s not only us who use fidrods, forog is also using it, and our orebovs have bought some equipment that is very effective in planting enemies and they cannot fly to our positions, this is a very serious support for the infantry. mr. victor, i would like to ask you as an expert about the improvement of semi-drones due to that machine vision, which allows you to hit the target there at the end of the trajectory despite the presence of the means of the rep. has this story acquired such a mass character, or is it still
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an artificial solution. and so far it's not massive, well look, i can't say for now use in our area of ​​responsibility, so far these tsartankas have not reached us, but when we already have, well, let's say experience of use, then we will be able to say, at the moment, i do not have such information, and the last question is about replenishment. personnel, is there direct recruitment in the brigade, is it possible for people who want to be doron operators to get directly into your brigade? yes, of course, you can contact us on the social network of the 77th separate aeromobile brigade, we have phones, recruiters who, well, and in particular the company
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strike drones. complexes is also looking for people, there are vacancies, that is, of course we are recruiting, we are working on it, we need people, we need a lot of people, because the enemy is actually attacking very actively and taking very heavy losses, well , but accordingly we need more people, even well, i would say , that i can't just say that we have small losses there, but i can't say that because... that i know these people who are dying there, and, well, each one for me, each one like that man is the universe, but i cannot say that there are two of them people were killed, these are small losses, but nevertheless, we are working very effectively now, and now it seems to me that in order to go serve, it is just the golden time, because they take care as much as possible, in our brigade they take care of personnel as much as possible, in assaults
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as much as possible we repel them effectively, and we only have combat commanders there , platoon commanders, battalion commanders, and battalion commanders, and we also have combat people who have passed the way and seen the war there not only from the bavik broadcast, but directly on the armor from the trenches, well, that is, they understand everything the situation mr. viktor, thank you very much for what you are doing with your brothers for our safety, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that it was viktor petrovych, a soldier of the 77th separate airmobile brigade, who operates in the kupinsky direction, i will once again remind collection for this brigade, then on youtube you can see qr-codes and transfer funds to support the brigade, and more international and economic news later on
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, so i'll leave. thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day, and now i am i will announce a fundraiser and ask you to participate, so we are asking you to finance this need, we have a fundraiser for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone on solidarsky and'. military directions, if i say that these are hot directions, then i think i will not tell you anything new, and i will not reveal big secrets, it is really hot there, the enemy is on the move and the armed forces of ukraine are holding back, and counterattacking, leading, as it were they say, everyday wars, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line, or in the gray zone, the one that, de facto, is deyura, well deyura, it is always ours, but de facto neither ours nor
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yours, and there is also a composition there. to work, it's just heaven, for any.


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