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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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these forces are gathered in full volume only in terms of resources for one direction, and we operated in zaporizhzhia directed by the direction. these general zaluzhnyi up to two militopol-berdyansk and general syrskyi, well, with the control of the president, i would say so, introduced actions in the bahamud direction, that’s already three, and in august , a fourth kherson direction was added, i.e. the resource of her... collected not in full by one, divided into four. of course, this meant that there would be no success, and in july, it was clear, it was known, and it was necessary to stop, move to strategic defense with urgent construction of fortifications and defense systems. we are six months late, these fortifications have actually been engaged in since the beginning of this year, and we have the consequences of this, and do you understand why? because it was decided
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to stretch the front or for what, but on the other hand, well, the russians stretched the fronts, they got a similar result, because the decision was made in july, by the way, nato representatives advised not to spread their resources, collected even though b on one, on these three, and then four directions, but the decision was made by the relevant military and political. leadership and we have such consequences, do you think it will be possible to stop the enemy in the kharkiv direction, can we say that these are local battles for now? well, you and i analyzed the situation, we determined three options, so far these are battles at the tactical level, but they can grow according to the second option to this sanitary zone. because the enemy is forming for this and
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already has significant forces at the present time, which cannot be said about our side, therefore the time factor requires great efforts on our part and allies in order to collect such resources in order to stop the further advance of the enemy, including on such important defense objects as kharkiv, sums, well a number of others, by the way, there is still a question... that these resources , they are forming two armies, that is, 14 divisions, 16 brigades, two armies, and that they will be according to the plans that have become known, that is , kharkiv and sumy, from the point of view of such approaches, one can think, and the military leadership , so that they press, for example, in the same kharkiv direction, and strike in the other direction, where i will roll over. these
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resources and reserves that they accumulate. thank you very much, mr. igor. ihor romanenko, founder of the close the sky of ukraine charitable fund. the deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was on our air in 2006-2010. and now to the foreign policy of ukraine, we will talk with the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region, tibor tompa. greetings mr. tibor. good evening, mr. vitaliy. well, the reason for our conversation was the fact that the president of ukraine has had enough. in detail, according to his press service, he spoke with by the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán, this is such an unusual contact, because volodymyr zelenskyi and viktor orbán do not talk that often, what do you associate this revival of hungarian-ukrainian contacts with, and these are the positive comments i would say about the conversation of the president of ukraine and the prime minister of hungary. well, contacts really work and the working group, and here in this regard. ukraine
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has done a lot with the adoption of laws on national minorities, and until now this issue, unfortunately, is still open from exclusively hungarian parties, and the main purpose of our president's conversation with the prime minister of hungary is to invite hungary, to invite the hungarian leadership to the swiss forum. peace, which should soon take place in the first half of june this year. well, if the president talked to the prime minister, it means that gorchyna is ready to participate in principle, it's just that orban wanted a special invitation. so can it be considered? unfortunately, not quite so, the fact is that orbán stated that he is constantly on the side of peace, he is for peace and... he
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supports all those other initiatives related to peace, but, unfortunately, it has nothing to do with our interests in ukraine, because orban unequivocally defends racist interests, he does not understand what is happening in ukraine at all, and he is the only leader in europe who has not yet visited kyiv since the beginning of the full-scale racist aggression, and what about the fact that you ask, that it is supposed to be self-evident, that the hungarians. will participate in the peace summit, well, god forbid that she will participate, but one of the state secretaries after this telephone conversation in to the hungarian pro-government press, he noted that he did not understand the point of this
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peace forum at all, if russia would not be there and what was there to be negotiated about, but already during the stay... of the president of the people's republic of china xijin pinh in budapest, it became known that hungary is more inclined to the chinese than to the ukrainian plan to end the war, if viktor orbán comes to switzerland, maybe the president of hungary will come to switzerland, we do not know how it will look in practice, then in principle, what do you think in this situation will be possible to say that the hungarian representative will be there'. to present exactly the chinese plan, uh, most of all he will present his plan, which is very close to the chinese plan, he talked about this, and indeed you correctly mentioned at the press conference, the joint press conference
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uh, on thursday night orban, that it is really necessary to sit down at the negotiating table. and about the peace initiative, but he didn't specify it at all, i'm afraid that if even hungary someone participates, regardless of whether it's orbán or szijjártó or the president of hungary, i think that again there will be only empty words, such populist statements, allegedly that they support ee... peace, but really, it will have nothing to do with our ukrainian position, unfortunately. if we talk at all about how the foreign policy of hungary is changing, in connection with this visit of the president of the people
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's republic of china, it is obvious that he came to beijing for a reason, however, such visits are not accidental, of course, you are 100% right, sir, but it is very interesting what is characteristic of authoritarian regimes, hungary even in this press conference, there was not even a press release, exactly what was agreed about these 18 so-called points between hungary and china, and literally an hour and a half later in the hungarian press there appeared an investigation carried out by marton tompos, the head of the momentum party, which from the chinese press . translated, what are these 18 points, forgive me, this is just neo-colonialism, neo-colonialism in europe, that is, in fact , hungary is becoming a colony of china, i will give only one fact, there is talk of the construction
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of a railway that will connect there the chinese port that greece and europe privatized will pass through serbia and hungary, so the hungarian economists calculated that this railway would pay off for hungary in 257 years, why all this to orben, why should he buy, let's say, russian gas, which more expensive than the gas that can be bought at sports markets, why should he build the chinese railway, which will not pay off, what is the point of his activity of this type at all, well, total politicking, forgive me. orbán is an autocrat, a dictator of europe, and he is, for today day is isolated as much as possible, in fact no one welcomes him in europe, in fact all these connections with him to date are simply at
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zero, or below zero, and he openly declared that he will support china, the so-called open door. east, and it was not for nothing that china called hungary a partner of four seasons after this visit, imagine, such... partners in china are only six countries, that is , one of them is hungary, its next such partners are venezuela, belarus, ethiopia, uzbekistan and this is pakistan, that is what kind of turn did orbán-hungary put in international politics today, i.e. there is no serbia, for example, because among these countries, the serbia that xizen ping also visited is absolutely not, absolutely not, well... i think that serbia is just does not yet attract such an authoritarian dictator
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as orbán, and in fact hungary is the only country in europe besides belarus that can count on such a high honor from sidzimpin, so it turns out that in order to be friends with china, it is necessary to establish such a regime absolute personal power, unfortunately, it turns out that way, and orbán already has considerable experience in this, he is already in charge. and such authoritarianism began in 2010, that is, in 14 years , he had already gained such, unfortunately, negative experience and actually isolated all of hungary from the civilized world. it does not seem to you that now we can talk about a greater growth of such oppositional sentiments in the country compared to what we saw a few years ago. can we say that a new generation of hungarians is emerging, which is already wary of orbán's experiments?
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thank god, yes, you have russia, very well known everyone, a new leader appeared, peter magyar, he is a former, very close to the hungarian government, to the ruling party fidesz, even to orbán, and he was the first to break away from fidesz, and today he already has a rating. 24%, orbán's, unfortunately, is still high, somewhere more than 35 to 40%, suitable, but with these very pictures that you are showing, it is very clear that the support is very, very large, and what is very important, peter magyar - significant support in the province, and the province is basically always a support for orbán, even eastern hungary, this is exactly... this is the most backward region in hungary, by the way, he gathers
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a huge number of people there in support, well , let's see what will happen in the upcoming municipal elections and in the elections of the european parliament in hungary, i really hope that it is still the opposition part of hungarian society for the first time in 14 years. may have a majority, a majority in the parliament, i mean in the municipal ones, well, if this happens, it will be a certain signal for viktor orbán, there is already a certain signal today, because today, even in hungary, it reaches such maximum isolationism, budapest'. he still does not appear at all and appears only in
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small, i would say, villages, where he simply surrounds himself with the closest such supporters, and what, by the way, is also very interesting is that he began to speak less on radio and television. i understand that an important part of this election cycle... that there will be televised debates, i understand that there have been no high profile representatives of fidesz, fidesz for many years, so how can it be that in a european country that is a member of the european union, pre-election debates are not held and the government does not want to participate in them, of course not, by the way, orban has not taken any part for more than 10 years in no debate, he is, again, an ardent populist. he is very afraid of losing his reputation, and he has something to be afraid of, and peter
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magyar, by the way, has already stated that he will definitely initiate this debate on hungarian television, well, on orban media, there is a large part of it in hungary of orbán's media, but even i would say that there is already a separate such touch, a positive touch, i recently saw... on one of such a very popular resource that is closer to orbán, materials criticizing him began to appear there. government, so this is already the first such correct sign, well, in principle , we can say that what is happening in hungary is what happens in other such states with an authoritarian system, to a certain extent, when the anti-corruption investigation itself begins, then people start to think that they can somehow not so vote, right? definitely, definitely,
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because precisely on these corruption scandals that were opened, which to date... appeared, well, imagine, over the last 10 years, in fact, 40% of the subsidies that came from the european union, in fact, all of them were connected with corruption, connected with people close to orban and his family. well, this is a well-known fact, the truth is, why did people never react to it when it was written about for decades, i would say verticalized corruption, which is... connected with the interests of the immediate environment of the prime minister, er, there is, you know, such a great positive, thank god, in ukraine , civil society, surprisingly, is much more developed than in hungary, it has historical roots, in hungary, in fact, it only budapest and a few large cities,
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because there is no such oppression, serfdom, as was the case in hungary.' country, well , the russian empire may be an exception, but i do not consider the russian empire to be a european state, that is why this, unfortunately, echo of serfdom, echo of such isolationism, monolingualism, this makes itself felt, we can hope that these contacts between the president of ukraine and the prime minister of hungary will continue. and that viktor orban will pay more attention there to the evaluation of ukrainian views on events, well , these contacts can continue, but i do not believe orban, because again, i watched orban's press, and he still believes that even the new law has been adopted
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he does not return anything about national minorities, that is , he again... on the old record, and again he uses this issue purely to strengthen their dictatorial regime, so here, unfortunately, we do not need to count on the positive, we need to do our own thing, do our own euro-atlantic movement, resist the strong european states and not pay attention to orbán, i think that kava is still... . will be found for him, thank you, mr. tsibor, tsibor tompa, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region, we will be on the phone for a few minutes, but please don't switch, no, no, no, the verdict from serhiy rudenko, from now on new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your... opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, shot svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, at your church. because in your house they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, for you. pray we didn't give up, because we knew you were already somewhere near, half the battle is knowing how hard
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it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so... when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than the family, we, the nation that has united around you, continue the poliktu program on the espresso channel, 219 days of war in the middle east. and our guest, aryeh zayden, reserve lieutenant of the israel defense forces, political scientist. congratulations, mr. aryeh. i congratulate you. so we are literally with
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you on the verge of a possible battle for rafah, the last city in the gaza strip, which is still is under the control of the terrorist organization hamas. prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu speaks about the need to continue this operation. the united states is trying to prevent israel from carrying out this operation, but a few hours ago they stopped. that the united states is even willing to provide israel with information on the whereabouts of key leaders of the hamas terrorist group, unless there is an assault on rafah, what do you think will happen? when the americans talk about storming rafah, they mean what we will do with tsa, we will do to zrapakho, the same thing that he did to gaza, and benjamin netanyahu and other representatives of the government do not no... talk to them about this, that it will not happen, that is, there is some alleged, some misunderstanding between the two leaders, when one doesn't want
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there to be some big tragedy before his election, joe biden, who should stop it, and the other leader, who doesn't want there to be an election in his country, wants to show all his electorate that he is so... ready after all to go to such a large-scale operation, which is necessary, and which they need from him colleagues, other ministers on whom he depends in today's government, what will happen in reality, most likely in reality the operation will be limited, as it looks now, and there will be limited actions. every time in a different district, when civilians leave each such district, and only there the operation will be carried out, how effective it will be, the big
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question is whether the fighting is going on, the fighting will be going on, it is clear that the militants will be destroyed, but will it really be destroyed all these battalions and their commanders, this is not a fact at all, and therefore yes, we continue to exist, it is not clear enough... the understandable efforts of both leaders to pass through the cracks, but the question arises as to how much these efforts will contribute to the destruction of hamas as a force that continues to, well, by and large , control gas, we will not hide it , yes, at today’s stage and you even know this, this is probably not even a military issue, it is more a political one, the military strength of hamas has been destroyed, if we are talking about... four battalions, this is exactly the military
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strength that was at the beginning of the war, of course , that the underground fortresses, even those that remain, do not have the same influence today as they did before, but it is only in that layer, ah, military, when we ... move to politics and administration, it is clear that at that the moment when the taz will not be present and there will be no other administrative, other administrative institution that will replace hamas, hamas will return completely to governance, even if ah, he, i don’t know, won’t call himself that, so it won’t be hamas people are different, although i can't see it. no reason whymat didn't talk about that he is, and in this way he will emphasize that he did not win in this and that round of the war and will continue to try to defeat israel and... at
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the end of it all will come to a situation when this nazi invader will be trapped and destroyed. yes, in that regard, no, no, no, the military will not solve, will not solve this, it is simply impossible, this issue is political, administrative, and you can see that at this stage today, danyamin netanyahu is not quite ready for a solution, for a solution of this problem, as it is proposed to him, another world, that is, to recognize that palestinian state state will exist, but i understand that there are more and more voices in israel who say that we should simply distance ourselves from them, provide ourselves with security, let them live their lives there, but there is another issue here, they can live their lives, but together with this meaning of their lives will be the destruction of israel, well , by and large, russia lives its own life, only the meaning of the existence of the russian state is the expansion of its territory, ukraine does not interfere with russia's life, it's just that russia is sure that sooner or later ukraine won't be late, it's absolutely the same
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situation can happen again. the situation is absolutely the same and even it is not new, they existed like this for 17 years and the meaning was the destruction of israel, the zionist enigma, as they call it and so on, the entire culture, the entire education was built, everywhere was built to prepare new ideologically, the new generation, so ideologically, completely agrees with the fact that israel is the enemy, just as we see today in the russian federation, yes, ukraine, the nazis, must be destroyed and so on, and so on, and so on further, in that regard, yes, every terrorist organization, i will not, whether it is the state, or it, let's say this, every, every society that is governed by leaders who choose terrorist activity, and not the development of their economy and the development of their state, will it be a state that it recognizes, recognizes
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the russian one... we are at a dead end at this stage, there is no solution today, so it is clear that there are even more people who are talking about this in israeli society, that the issue must be resolved, and together however... in political terms, the government today is in a situation where he doesn't have to listen to what his people are saying, they still have at least three, a little less than three years, and 64 seats out of 120, and a serious coalition, well organized, and none of the players on that in that platform
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of the coalition. there is no sense and desire to leave or destroy this coalition, and it doesn't matter what kind of rhetoric i use, do you think that there will be no elections if the hostilities end ? unfortunately, no, in order for there to be elections, it is necessary that it really turned out to be more than 5 or 8% of the entire population on the street, that is, there must, must, must be a consensus and not only of people who go out, but also, as it was once, if you remember, about a year ago, when this reform was legal, and one day in the morning, trade unions, businesses, and other organizations together at a general press conference said that they
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were suspending all economic activity. in israel, while benjamin netanyahu, then it was on ae against the backdrop of the dismissal of the minister of oboro, the minister of defense, we all demanded, we all demanded that he be returned, and so it is was, but if it happens again and there is a demand that there be an election now, then yes, but in my opinion it will not happen, unfortunately, 43 minutes ago you for... the day of commemoration of the fallen in wars began, the first such a day since october 7, i wanted to ask you in general to tell our tv viewers how this day of remembrance of the dead is celebrated in israel, because ukraine will also have to create, obviously, during the hostilities, if they drag on for years to come, and after the war, such a tradition, given the number of people already died at the front.


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