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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. us secretary of state anthony blinkin arrived in ukraine. the purpose of the visit is to send the son. a signal of reassurance for ukrainians, reuters reported, this is the first visit by a high-ranking united states official to ukraine since congress passed a long-awaited $61 billion military aid package to ukraine last month. the united states of america will allocate a new aid package to ukraine in the next few days. this was reported by the adviser to the us president. with
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homeland security jake sullivan. he did not provide details, nor did he provide a list of items that will be included in the new package. however , he noted that american military aid is already in ukraine. some of this equipment is already on display, some will appear on display this week. i don't want to say that all the billion dollar equipment is on the battlefield, but what you will see is constant. flowed week after week. a powerful explosion rang out in kharkiv in the morning, as the mayor said igor terekhov flew by in the kyiv district, where there are many high-rise buildings. currently, there are no data on the victims. the investigation of the impact site is ongoing. experts will still find out what exactly kharkiv was hit with. and the defense forces of ukraine repelled 13 enemy attacks during the day in the kharkiv direction.
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this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. according to their data, ukrainian defenders are combing the urban development of vovchansk. fighting continues in the city, but the situation is under control. the general staff clarifies that in order to preserve the lives of our defenders on some areas of the front, the defense forces changed their positions due to active enemy fire. more than 6,000 people have already been evacuated from the border settlements of kharkiv oblast. 700 inhabitants, of whom 535 are children. this was reported in the state emergency service. psychologists of the state service for emergency situations are already working with people who have been forced to leave their homes due to russian aggression. rescuers call on the local population not to delay and evacuate from the border villages and towns of kharkiv oblast. in kharkivska regional military administration.
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will report on the construction of fortifications on the border with russia, contractors and relevant officials will talk about the work done, oleg synigubov, the head of the regional military administration, said. according to him, the authorities will hold a briefing for journalists after the meeting. as you know, after the offensive in the kharkiv region , the russians managed to penetrate a number of border forces. one of the reasons is the lack of high-quality defense structures. the ministry of defense denied this. regarding the fortification of kharkiv oblast, today instructed the relevant deputy to gather all the contractors who worked and continue to work on the construction of fortifications, each of them must report at the meeting of the working group on transparency and accountability, after which the results of the meeting will be publicly communicated at a press briefing, where each representative of the mass media will be able to ask additional questions, always ready.
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to public reaction. the first full-fledged underground school in ukraine was opened in kharkiv. the city hall decided on construction, because because children have been studying from home for the third year under constant shelling. the arrangement cost 15 million dollars. let's see how the lesson is going on in our story. ms. natalia is a primary school teacher, she says, she has more than 30 first graders. eight of them came to... classes in the underground school today, all the others continue to study online. we turn on the cameras, and this is how we do it, questions online, questions offline, that is, we communicate in two ways. ms. nataliya shares that after online lessons , children have to be taught how to hold hands, how sitting at a desk and how to hold a pen, but her students are conscientious even when they are studying.
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a fox was seen from the house near the bazaar. kytrynka sells, but high school students are happy that they will have time to see their friends at least before graduation, there is lively communication with teachers, we all see each other, we have a good time, there is time to communicate with friends, with peers, with teachers, to acquire some knowledge, i i like it, although today is the first day, but i like it, somehow, right away. unlike first-year students, graduates are already
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for the third year in a row, we studied online in kharkiv due to constant shelling, wonderful, beautiful, i can't even find the words, it's so nice to meet together today. we hold conferences in zoom, and we hold additional ones, so we communicate very often, see each other, but this is completely different. currently , almost 250 children are studying at the school in two shifts: they are students of younger classes and graduates. a few days a week they study from home, the rest in an underground school. we study grades one to four, according to sanitary regulations, for 30 minutes. 40 minutes and older classes are 45 minutes, three basic lessons for children in our first-fourth grades, and our seniors study four basic lessons. the local government plans to open more such schools in the city. from kharkiv for espresso tv channel. and all our people, because of
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enemy shelling, are converted into donations for our defenders. join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone. in the soledar and zaporizhzhya directions , the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather during the day and at night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment. in general, our... uah 63,000. thanks to you, we have already collected almost uah 200,000. so don't delay, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on your screens. and within a month, ukraine will receive the first f-16 fighters from denmark. she stated this
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prime minister of denmark mette frederiksen. the official did not specify their number. in general, let me remind you, denmark must transfer 19 blames to ukraine. and in lviv, a special screening of the ukrainian film house of words, an endless novel, directed by taras tomenko, was held . it is a film about writers and poets of the shot revival. the film features the characters of mykola khvylovy, povlotyna and volodymyr syusyura. the team worked on the film for more than 12 years, most of the scenes were shot in kyiv and kharkiv. the estimate of the tape is 60 million hryvnias, half of which was allocated by the state cinema. the ukrainian film will be in theaters for another week. this house, i played a cook who worked in this house, is an image, it does not
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belong to a documentary, it is artistic, fictitious, but beautiful, an image that is very, very relevant for us these days. the viewer must live this whole story, must understand who we are, where we are going, what our future is, what our roots are, the best blossom of the ukrainian cast was filmed: nina naboka, andriy isayenko, slava dovzhenko. on may 14, we celebrate memorial day ukrainians who saved jews from terror during world war ii. war, this is how we express our respect for the righteous ukrainians who, at the risk of their lives, helped the jews during the holocaust, noted that ukraine ranks fourth in the world after poland, the netherlands and france in terms of the number of righteous people of the world, officially known
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about more than 2,600 ukrainians. the verkhovna rada of 2021 decided to honor the day of remembrance. for now, that's all the news for this hour, for more, stay tuned to our website, and also in our social networks. further. my colleagues lesya vokulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air, don't switch.
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for today, you know, the beginning of the information day, well, not to immerse yourself in
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information, not to follow what is happening in ukraine and the world, and all that is happening on the front, well, it is literally impossible, i think, for all conscious citizens of ukraine , in this mode, the marathon mode, we live not only journalists, not only us media representatives, but also of course you, our viewers, who of course want to be keep abreast of events and in this way influence the situation in the world. increase, because the fate of the entire world and the democratic world, in particular, to which ukraine belongs, is largely being decided in ukraine today. so, today we consider the 811 days of the russian large-scale invasion to be our sad cure, but there is also good news, of course, we will also talk about them today, and we will start with a roll call of the regions, and this is the front-line chernihiv region, which, i am sure, is now carefully watching events in kharkiv, where rather unexpectedly russian troops. intervened with that side of the front, which was not hoped for until the end. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate
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you. oleksiy maslov, contact us. greetings , good morning. how is the morning in chernihiv oblast, what is the situation now, how was the night? an alarming situation, as always, as, unfortunately, always, during this time of a full-scale invasion. and, er, that the days are shelling. the enemy of the border community and during the past day there was shelling with cluster munitions in the city of snovsk, which is the center of the border community of snovsk, which borders the russian federation, so during this shelling there was four people were injured, such information is currently available, about 10 houses in this city were damaged. damaged cars, there are other damages, and here i am saying, four civilians were injured,
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two women and two men, public journalists went there, talked to witnesses of this shelling, this shelling happened yesterday around 11 o'clock in the morning, and once again we see that this blow was struck, well, in the border community, the enemy cannot fail to see, cannot fail to know. where he shoots, especially with the use of the use of these, obviously, reactive systems of salvo fire, among other things, in the fact that it was the rszzvs that were used, russians or pro-russian contributors in social networks actually admit to this, i follow some of them, they wrote like that, and almost cynically, they are almost ashamed that they are writing that today... the chernihiv region, for example, chernihiv and sumy, were shelled with anti-aircraft missiles, at the moment they wrote
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exactly the resource i am talking about, and this resource is preserved, if possible to name schizophrenic, so is the structure of the consciousness of these people, on the one hand, they are in these same resources, they write about, whisper, one might say, about the fact that we do not strike, russian troops do not strike at the civilian population, but only where there is military...objects and right away they write that we are shelling the chernihiv region with mlrs, that's what they write, but if we talk about the threat level in general, then of course...that it is high, no need, no you need to lull yourself, let's say, with some such things detached from reality, recently, relatively military analyst kostyantyn mashovets wrote that according to his calculations and according to his data, the grouping of troops that we call the north is actually
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russian, located along the northern and northeastern border of ukraine. russia, then several more are concentrated there on the part of the enemy, it is conditionally possible to single out a few more subgroups, and one of them is the one located on the territory of the bryansk region and , accordingly, not far from the borders of chernihiv oblast with russia, so he roughly determines the number of enemy troops there , it's close 8,500 personnel, and of course military equipment, that is, we must be prepared for all kinds of provocations and open attacks, this is unlikely, well, simply from the point of view of a healthy population, it is unlikely level 22 invasion , but nevertheless the shelling we see happening now. chernivtsi region remembers
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not a short, but terrible period of occupation in the 22nd year, when almost the entire region was captured. except for the big cities, which were kept in a deaf defense, it is now a lesson of what is happening in the kharkiv region, what is it like for chernihiv, is there much talk now, are there enough fortifications, what are the opinions on this now? yes, now there is a lot of talk about it, a lot of discussion on social networks and a view, let's say, very critical, let's call it that. that is, i would first of all highlight those statements that belong to, well, people who are more or less competent, that is, they are military, or people who have combat experience, or active volunteers who constantly cooperate with the military, that is, they understand more or less what they talk and write about is the experience of kharkiv oblast and the experience
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of this invasion across the border and nearby. and other settlements near kharkiv itself, then this forces us to rethink what is in chernihiv oblast, and there are a lot of such opinions or demands to revise in general what was said about the level of training right here in chernihiv oblast, about the level , in particular fortifications and mining, i.e. is the territory of chernihiv oblast sufficiently fortified in case of such incidents. or invasions of the enemy, that is, we have heard assurances many times during this time that the territory of chernihiv oblast is sufficiently fortified, but, as the contributors i am talking about note, we have heard the same about kharkiv oblast, but we see , that not everything was like that, not quite everything was like that, to say the least,
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as reality has shown, now a lot of voices are heard and posts are seen about the fact that... that after all, some kind of more thorough control is needed, that is, there is such a paradox here , which on the one hand we have to believe undoubtedly the military, we have to trust the military and political leadership, but when we see that reality does not always coincide with their statements, then we need to somehow rethink all of this, and how exactly this is already a question for the whole society, for its institution as a whole , visited chernihivska? region zuzana chapotova, the president of slovakia at the end of her term, visited chernihiv oblast, how was her visit, what was it about? yes, zuzana chaputova visited chernihiv oblast, indeed, and the fact is that slovakia, like many other countries are partners, not
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only specifically, not only of the whole of ukraine, but also specifically of the chernihiv region. and zuzana chaputova mentioned, mentioned, and the participants of this meeting also mentioned all the moments of help from slovakia, including slovakia, and it was especially emphasized that this country provided us with help in the form of modular towns for people who lost their homes as a result of russia's military aggression, and accordingly, that is, aid. first of all, the twist, as we now see on the video, is the visit of one from the modular towns of these, which were provided with the help of slovak partners, and this is one of the main directions of such assistance was provided , well, in fact, in all conceivable directions of history. well, mr. oleksii, thank you very much for the conversation, oleksii maslov, a journalist
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from chernihiv was in touch with us, thank you for this conversation and we wish a peaceful day to all residents of chernihiv and the region, now we will go for a short break and then visit kherson region. the main event of world boxing , only for the first time the invincible usyk and fury will determine the first absolute since 2000 heavyweight champion of the world. cheer for the ukrainian on may 18 exclusively on mego. fm. galicia listen to yours. kratal contains
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at the center of the main, ask for the country magazine at the points of sale. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson, live streaming. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast. of time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests studios, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike
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is the way from zero to our life. on this at the stage of the war, a quad bike is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from the ground zero. we encourage everyone to join natom in gathering from scratch to life. on atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yarik in the direction of chasiv yat. good morning, dear friends, we are returning to the air, we continue our roll call and now we will move with you to kherson region, there were shelling again, we will ask oleksandr telokonnikov, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, what are the consequences, mr. oleksandr, actually, how did it go night and what a morning on to the people of kherson region, please tell them good morning, last night the russians carried out an airstrike on kherson, luckily... they hit the yard of one of the administration buildings without any casualties, and shrapnel damaged this building and a nearby high-rise building. in general
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, 10 settlements in the right-bank kherson region were shelled , including in kherson more than 10 private houses, one multi-apartment, there is damage to private cars, power lines, yesterday, unfortunately, a man died in kyzomys, the throne flew in. according to the previous one information, the house caught fire, and the man, unfortunately, died in the house, as well as another victim in the engineer's truck, and in total, two victims who were injured, one, one, unfortunately, died as a result of russian aggression, and mr. oleksandr,
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mykhailo drapaty, a general who helped liberate kherson oblast two years ago, less than two years ago, became the head of the new forces in the kharkiv direction, and what can you say about that, maybe you are familiar with general drapaty? yes, i know the general personally, and he is a very respectable person here in the kherson region, and in principle in the military circle, i am sure of this. i gave my life to this man, he takes care of himself and commands himself, if i served in the armed forces, he is really such a person with a capital letter and letters, and here he is very well respected among the military and among such people even soldiers, he constantly communicates, communicated , i have never been here
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exactly... from the bottom to the top so far, so he is a very respectable person among the army, it is interesting about drapatov that he actually became the head of the kharkiv direction now, starting in the 14th year as a battalion commander of the 72nd glorious separate mechanized brigade, and it was he who participated in the liberation of mariupol in the 14th year and more. since then he proved himself very well, then he studied at the military academy itself and eventually became already during this war, the great war, he rose to the rank of brigade commander, and then the commander of the entire front, well, i still wanted to ask about the situation with in
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the dnieper delta. on the bridgehead, what can you say about the activities of the ukrainian marines, from the fact that what is known well, apart from what is known, unfortunately, i can't say much, this is more a question for the military, we know that our soldiers continue to hold, continue to destroy the enemy, who is constantly attacking, for nothing, this piece of land, and... a lot of russians died there, who are constantly trying to carry out meat assaults, and there is also a lot of equipment, as it remains there, they cannot take it, because our operators of unmanned aerial vehicles and artillery constantly destroy the enemy who tries to approach, well, of course those guys who are there, they are too
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constantly destroy the enemy on ours. from informal conversations, what comes out, from official publications there in the same new york times, for example, we know that the bridgehead itself is on the left bank, it enjoys a bad reputation among marines, and obviously everything is absolutely logical and understandable in principle, there is no normal way to get there and there is no normal way to get there with a report, for example, wounded, and they often say: that it is a one-way ticket, one-way, and therefore we still do not know who lost us, we all understand that in the russians suffered great losses, which losses in us, at what price is this bridgehead obtained and what is the logic of obtaining it now? in your opinion, should we ask this question to the command and hope, or are we right to ask such questions to the command and hope for some clear answers.


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