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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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conversations, what comes from official publications there, the same new york times, for example, we know that the bridgehead itself is on the left bank, it enjoys a bad reputation among marines, and obviously everything is absolutely logical and understandable in principle, there is no normal way to get there , and there is no normal way to get a report, for example, wounded, and it is often said that it is a one-way ticket. end, and therefore we still do not know what losses we have, we all understand that the russians have great losses, that they lost us, at what cost is this bridgehead and what is the logic of obtaining it now? in your opinion, should we ask this question to the command and hope, are we right to ask such questions to the command and hope for some clear answers, well , you know, i... i don't think i should
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ask the question to the command, so what do you know, the dnipro river, it is a natural barrier for the russians and, unfortunately, for us as well, but if we do nothing, the russians will do it, and this is logical, and we do not know if it were not bridgehead, maybe they would already be sitting somewhere in the garden, the same bridgehead... and they would try to do something from there, and it was next to kherson, and it would be our problem, so first of all, i sincerely thank our men, who are now on the left bank and are taking the brunt of the blow, which could pass through the same population center, where the grandparents are now on... well
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, this is the best explanation, at least, that i have heard in months, thank you for it, mr. oleksandr, what is happening in the occupied territories of the kherson region? it's a difficult situation there coastal areas, especially in the zones, ah , the humanitarian situation is critical, there, ah, it is very bad with medicines, there is no medical care, the medicines are only those that people have left from the moment when ah... this territory was not occupied, with products also, of course , there is no gas there, there is electricity here and there, but it is rarely turned off all the time, so the people who live in the coastal zone, especially live in a very critical condition, but people do not leave, people are afraid of torture, they are afraid of pressure from the russians, which are there all the time. threaten
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to evacuate or deport them, people do not know where to go, because those people who went to them say that they did not provide anything, did not help, they have to look for something themselves, and also a lot of people are afraid to go through the territory of russia and leave for ukraine, because there are also a lot of what... they are talking about the fact that it will take more than a week there, and it is not a fact that it will work, because you will be stopped at all checkpoints, because you do not have a russian passport there, a ukrainian passport, so, well, also passporting continues to take place all the time, in some settlements such tents were set up at points. where people
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are encouraged to sign a contract, to serve in the russian army, and that is why we believe that the mobilization process will intensify in the near future, unfortunately, on the left bank in the occupied territory, in principle, in ukraine, the kharistov region. although someone manages to break into the territory controlled by ukraine? yes, we constantly have such and such information. we constantly hear about people and ask them to contact us immediately when they enter the territory of ukraine, contact us on the hotline, we already help there if people mostly go there to the central regions of ukraine, because there we contact volunteers and local authorities to help them, and there we try to help them with all the questions they have, you know, one last thing: i will ask you about kherson itself , which
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is de-occupied, but constantly under fire, i came across a report about the market in kherson, which was under fire more than once. and about how it functions, and the most striking thing, when the journalist asks the sellers in that market, is actually that volunteer, known, who was not afraid during the occupation to collect money, all of ukraine knows him, recently he was somewhere in volyn, collecting money for the armed forces of ukraine, that's why the fact that the journalist asks sellers at the market about their goods and asks: where are your tomatoes from? the transfer woman says: from turkey, then she asks another seller, an uncle, and where do you get the potatoes you sell from, he says: khmelnytsk, and where does the other
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woman's meat come from, she asks, ivano-frankivsk says. well, in a word, it is not easy to sell kherson products on the market in kherson, moreover, a large part of... the country's production, was it transported precisely from the left bank? yes, it is, unfortunately, but we see that now due to the fact that demining has accelerated, thanks to the achievements of the authorities, we have increased to 1,300, the number of personnel who demines, before that there were 300, there were more than six months ago we addressed this issue. and now 280,000 hectares have been demined, of which 240 are agricultural land. we understand, everyone understands, that kherson oblast is an agrarian, agrarian region whose economy is built on
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farmers, and if we clear the mines quickly, we will restore the economy faster. and that's why we already see that much more will be sown and is being sown in winter, including five times more watermelons, and all this gives us hope that in the near future there will already be in the kherson markets kherson vegetables, although i want to say that maybe, this market had such tomatoes t... turkish stars, but in many markets i simply see that people are really already selling theirs, and in the same passage pokrovsky, which a year ago was completely, completely destroyed this settlement, now people have already set up greenhouses and are growing,
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resuming the cultivation of vegetables, so i believe that we are already seeing such improvements that both tomatoes and bitter gourds are here. most of them are from kherson, mr. oleksandr, thank you, kherson tomatoes and cucumbers are waiting for not only kherson region , they taste good all over ukraine, it was oleksandr tolkoniko, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, now we will move to the time of yara, we will ask how there is a situation there, in conclusion about vegetables, i somehow turned it on, found, i don’t know, i wasn’t specifically looking for it, i also happened to see the blog of a british woman who came out. married to a ukrainian and living now at this time, during a full-scale invasion, and writes such blogs in english, and they are more for brits or foreigners who know english, but it is also interesting to look at ukraine through the eyes of a foreigner who lives here, and she
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said , what do you know, dear british people, what you eat, the vegetables you eat are not vegetables, but in ukraine vegetables are extremely tasty, and i do not i know what... the secret is, maybe it's the climate, maybe it's the soil, but when you take that tomato, it really smells like a tomato and tastes like a tomato, and sometimes it's so interesting to look at your country through the eyes of a foreigner who shows some advantages , which do not seem obvious to you. dear friends, i will remind you that you are watching the espresso tv channel, i will remind you that you must support us, and for this you only need to put your finger in the ... like or like, as someone calls it, under our youtube broadcast, for you can subscribe to our youtube channel, find it on youtube, find, subscribe and watch our broadcasts, or you don’t have time to watch, you can
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watch all of this later in the recording, recordings of these broadcasts are also posted on our youtube channel, and also all exclusive materials, all exclusive look for the interview again on that. youtube channel, the more your likes, the more subscribers there will be, the greater the chance that the espresso tv channel will be visible, and accordingly, we will be able to spread the truth to... a larger number of people, well, we are transferred to the times of yar, serhii chaus, the head of the chasovo-yar city military administration is already with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning, this morning in chasovo yar, he is also good, the locals say, he woke up, he is alive, that means he is good, i agree, of course, but what kind of news and how many of those local ones are left to the timely
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yar? as of today, we have 671 people left in the city, these people, i remember that we spoke with you a few weeks ago, and there were about 800 people, if i am not mistaken, that is, people leave reluctantly. really reluctant they are leaving very slowly, but the main thing is that they understand that it is necessary to leave at the moment, that is why it is so slow, but the process continues and they are slowly leaving, they are leaving by themselves, they are leaving with relatives, they are leaving with animals, that is why the process is continuing, where are most of the residents now of the time gap, who were evacuated, where did they stay, where did they receive them? it's hard to say where the majority is, if you look, well, we
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base it on groups, in viber we have groups, they are called my chasivyar and then the name is the city itself. the largest community to date moment is kyiv, my time in kyiv, in addition to the group, we also have a hub there, so at the moment the greatest concentration is the capital. it happened because of centralized emigration, or after all, people themselves choose where it will be better, more comfortable for them to stay now during the war. you know, in this direction i can say, probably yes, no one, or rather, the majority, went somewhere with a purpose. a lot of people who left since the time of yar, they changed their location several times because... well, frankly, someone was looking for more cheap housing, someone was looking for a job, someone was looking for
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conditions for living or studying for their children, so among my acquaintances who left the city, and there are a lot of them, most of them changed more than one location, not one, not one city, but the and more than one area, is there any, i don’t know, communication between those people who have already left and those people who remain in time... the ravine and have not yet made the decision to evacuate, or is there such, perhaps, such communication somehow affected those people who remain under fire, risk their lives, the lives of their relatives, and they would simply know what it's like when you move somewhere, what difficulties you face, what you need to prepare for, well, let's start with the fact that there is actually no connection in the community, but... the main concentration of people is the point of obscurity, starling works there, and we
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have repeatedly tried to help people maintain contact with their relatives, when we find, we bring either a laptop to supplement the equipment that is there, or we simply find out phone numbers and we try to communicate with people, as an option we used when a woman... who left from the time of yar and well, she purposefully drove to one of the counters in irpin and we arranged such a small telecast, where she told her acquaintances, her friends, where she lives now, how she gets what she gets, that's why we've been working on this topic for a long time, but unfortunately, it's still very difficult to find this key. to our people, because i repeat again, most of them are elderly people, and
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they already, well, you know, how they chose their way, they see themselves only near their city, near their home, during this telebridge, what did people ask most of all from their fellow countrymen? you know, there were no more questions here, there were more stories. well , she walked around her shelter with a video, showed the conditions, showed her her forest, her room, the laundry room, well, i say, she walked through it. and made such a small video tour about your new life, and you know, we mostly see you like this in some, well, in such peaceful conditions, but here we can show mr. serhiy on his same video two days ago, if possible, and you comment on where it is and what is happening, yes... we are something without sound, the truth is, we are watching,
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this, this is the central part of the city, it was saturday, we arrived on the usual route, they brought bread to the community, well, they received information, well, they did not receive information, one of the local residents agreed that he probably still came to the idea that he would leave, uh, well, as they say, knowing the situation, when people agree today ... and tomorrow they start saying, you know, it was night quiet, i'll hold on a little longer, so here we pack up and go, and this is the moment that is shown in the video, we were taking a person who received burns, and unfortunately, the treatment does not give results, so we offered, the person agreed, we took her to kostyantynivka,
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to the city hospital, where this man is currently receiving treatment. well, god willing, it will be, as they say, on a healthy path. god willing, mr. serhiy, thank you for the story about how life is now in chasovoy yar. serhiy uchaus, head of chasovoyarsk city military administration, was with us, we are now, friends, going on a short break and then we will move to kupyan oblast, stay with us. gasoline. trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb,
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day . with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return. ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, meter by meter our native land, stand up to keep the line together, in shit. dear friends,
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we are back on the air, we continue our roll call, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working in the studio, we want to remind you that in we are collecting money and we want to thank you, because yesterday you collected 79 thousand, it's not bad, it's great. the amount of a few hundred separates us from having 80,000 per day, i hope that you and i will move at the same pace, let me remind you that we are collecting for quad bikes, collecting for the evacuation of the military, you can see now on your qr screens codes, join, please, we really need your help, because the amount of the collection is huge, 4 million uah for us and you. it is necessary to accumulate, but you and i are already gradually approaching at least the 10th part of this one the sum of some 11,000 thousand
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separates us from this mark, i hope that with these steps, little by little, we will collect those 4 million, and then our guys from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar will have atvs and these atvs will help evacuate wounded from the battlefield and deliver ammunition to the battlefield as well. so your every hryvnia, it is very important and it is very necessary, and the sooner we collect them, the sooner everything necessary will be with our defenders. well, you have to to say that anthony blinken, the united states secretary of state, had arrived on an unannounced visit to kyiv, came after blinken said that ukraine had an opportunity. front, it is obvious that he came, that is, the purpose of this visit, well , that is, what we, little
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experts with you, can comment on, is that, of course, this is a signal of such support for ukraine, that is, blinken dropped everything and flew to us from the united states, please demonstrate that he, that washington is with kyiv, that the united states supports ukraine, a signal of reassurance. as writes reuters for ukrainians, well, we actually see, we look at what is happening now on the kharkiv front. mick raine, a retired general and major general of australia, also writes that russia is now trying to use the window of opportunity that has opened due to the slow mobilization in ukraine, and primarily due to the fact that the united states delayed helping us. for more than six months, let's recall, but we did not have help from the americans, of course the possibilities with equipment, with shells, and
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now the russians are trying to use this window, and a certain person calls it a valuable tactical penetration for the russians that they are now managing to advance in the kharkiv region and... general rayyan says that this is forcing ukrainian troops to shift from the east to a new front, in fact, here and there, although the capture of kharkov, writes the australian general, will require much larger forces, nevertheless, er, nevertheless, this, this, this offensive is, there is one that worries, here, ah, well , but says the general. ryan, that in fact everything can end and nothing, yes in the last two years, the russians have mastered the art of conducting attacks that lead to nothing,
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the australian general quips. well, in a word, let's look at this, even the study of the war, in the meantime says that perhaps this whole offensive is not aimed at the russian attack on kharkiv, but at the creation of that buffer zone, about which the russians ... have been gossiping a lot lately sometimes in order to seem to show that they are protecting belgrade in this way, although i do not understand in what way it can protect belgorod at all, this is the so-called buffer zone, well, obviously move the same ones away from the border, for example, some gamers so that they simply do not fly to the russian belgorod, then listen, they are shelling themselves, even remembering this episode with their entrance blocked. where they imagined that something of ours had arrived, in fact their bomb went off, that's why we are such people and ukrainian weapons are not needed,
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well actually. yes, there is an interesting study, by the way, the russians, the russian journalists themselves , conducted about, they simply compared all of them, the fall entrances from the early days of putin's presidency, and they are all very, very similar, that's how these entrances are made, which may indicate an undermining from the inside, but we can't tell you whether it's really so, well but one of the versions was that it was just a cap that broke off in belgorod, then not in... the first time when those cabs break off, fall, by the way, i read that north korea has now handed over shells from the 70s to the muscovites, here they are, respectively are very dangerous, they are transported, for example, those wagons are only filled up to a third so that they are not detonated, because they detonate, well , the statistics are already known that more than 50%,
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for example, of korean missiles, there are a total of 50 of them... it seems that 50 were transferred, if i am not mistaken, then more than 25 of them did not explode or exploded in the air, well, that is , the quality of korean weapons is certainly not high, this is something that, of course, the russians also admit that western weapons are much better, they say just like that and say that they are an order of magnitude higher quality, well, the same with the muscovites they say , of course, and well, for example, a pro-ukrainian uniform, pro-ukrainian shoes, well, that's all, what we have, it is an order of magnitude better than... but of better quality, not to mention those rations, for example, those dry rations, the russians have legends about how delicious ukrainians are fed in the army, well , it is clear that they have a completely different another approach, you know, well, but they have been using it for a thousand years, it works like that, legends walk in them and still they agree to continue eating what is pushed to them, yes, that is, i
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will not only eat. i'm talking, but also about information, they consume it and still do not draw any conclusions, somehow they do not include something like critical thinking, analysis, comparison, well, listen, if they had turned on, they would not have been muscovites by now, they would have been someone else, like that , oh, yesterday i was still a muscovite, today critical thinking turned on, i’m dead, hooray, free udmurtia, well, for example, you know, well, no, they are not included yet, so far they are just muscovites. dear friends, we are slowly approaching 8:00 in the morning, at 8:00 in the morning, i will remind you that we have news as usual, and kateryna shirokopoyas leads them as usual, i want to say that we have about 4 thousand left, even a little less before so that we there were 4,000 uah, so 4 thousand in order to have 4,000 uah, and 4,000 uah is from the 4 million we need for our military, the tenth part, so join our collection,
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now you see full information on your screens, you see the numbers of cards, it is mono and private, scan which is more suitable for whom, write down the number of the one that is more suitable, i will also remind you that there is a description under our youtube broadcast, under the description there is all the necessary information about this collection and there is also a link to which actually it can be given, i.e. everything is necessary information for your convenience in any way is available from you tre. just a donation, and it doesn't have to be big, the main thing is that there are many of you, those who donate, such a simple, ordinary rule that each of us should have, wake up, donate to the army, you can and calmly that day to spend, of course, that the muscovites can make that day restless, well, but that is no longer up to us, and we cannot control it, but we can control it, but now it is just a few seconds until 8:00 in the morning, katerina
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shirokopois is already appearing on your... screens , we will watch and listen to news from her. katya, you have a word. congratulations to lesya, congratulations to andria. in a moment i will tell you about the arrivals in russia, the operational situation in kharkiv, as well as the new aid package from the united states of america. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. us secretary of state anthony blinken arrived in ukraine. the goal is to send a strong signal of reassurance to ukrainians. this was written in the publication roits. this is the first visit of a high-ranking us official to ukraine after past...


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