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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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you see how the shifting of these meanings was constantly going on, so that no one knew a word about the house, and therefore a huge thank you to the authors of the film for raising this topic now, so that people paid attention, approached the house of words, looked, and what happened, why is the information about him being hushed up, here is such interesting information in kharkiv, well, let's hope that this screening of this film will be successful in kharkiv, for those kharkiv residents who did not know about this story, did not know. because they did not have access to information, they did not know, because believed in actually made up stories about some young guardsmen and other all kinds of stories planted by the soviet union. mrs. halyna, thank you for the conversation, halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council was with us, we are going for a short break, we will return and we will have a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine yevhen ievliv with us. stay
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the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and the reverse. connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. well, dear friends, we are coming back and we will now speak with a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, yevhen ivlivy, we will talk about what is happening at the front, there is already... with
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us, mr. yevhen, good morning, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, can you tell me where you are and, if so, what news do you have there, eh? our unit is where it was, we are holding a defense strip in the direction of horliv, but due to a certain activation of hostilities, our defense strip has been cut a little short, and there is a certain area where the enemy is actively trying to storm and advance, but i would very much like you with the questions to be quite careful, because the dynamics of the battle is such that any little thing can be voiced by us, the enemy may not take advantage, it may play into the enemy's hand, so from what i can tell, while in my... circles, until retreated we dig in as deep as possible to protect ourselves from constant enemy embankments, artillery and so on, but the situation is quite difficult, mr. yevgeny, we understand that if there are any questions that you simply cannot answer, then you will tell us so, and i think ,
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that both we and our viewers will come to this with understanding, after all, you expected this offensive, as it looks now, or it... and you, you faced it, and you know, i will say this is not an isolated case, exactly this one, no matter how much you prepare, not always everything can go according to the plan that we, we understood, of course, that the enemy would attack, we understood that there would be artillery fire, as much as possible, as i said, dug in, but sometimes, i say, everything does not go according to plan, this is war and in general , assaults and offensives, these are substances where there are a lot of factors that can change, so i say, the enemy really created certain problems, you can see it not only from... words from the deepstate, but on we are standing at the border, and you can see from the news that the enemy's dhows are also going astray, these are all the last dhows, it was made from our positions by a unit of comrades, so i say, fighting back and fighting is something, but the enemy has pulled up a very large number of personnel and bka, and
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equipment, and they pour round the clock, no matter what, it is a residential building, whether there are people in the settlement or not, they just move everything and then go to... the stones are really destroyed on foot in full height. you know, just yesterday, it seems , cnn asked milovanov, the former minister, whether the delay in american aid played a role in that the russians are now advancing, i'll just redirect this question to you as well, you know, it's as obvious as possible, what played out, and the critical story on bikan, who is live for you? it is not admitted at the exact moment when it exists, but now, when we have been filled from the point of view of the bc, i will tell you that this is not even the help that came from the west, we were filled with the bc that we worked for and fought before this, i just understand that the command was preparing for the fact that the enemy would conduct an operation in the kharkiv direction, so i say, we are here
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we can't go around and say that the bk is not distributed like that, we were given less than what we needed or something else, but of course it affects us, because if we had something to do, you know, a military operation, it's not just the enemy sitting in our positions, they received an order and ran to the offensive, no, the preparation for the offensive is carried out for months, they pull up a certain amount of the side, pull up a certain amount of equipment, if we had long-range missiles, which could be accurately hit at a distance of 40- 50 km, we would these assaults and offensives of theirs could be thwarted simply by destroying their warehouses with bc, which our intelligence can see, by destroying their logistical arteries, we would significantly complicate this entire operation for them and in general could... enable it, let's say so, but we react relatively accordingly what we have, as far as we can with the same drones, we are already at a depth of 10-12 km there, we are analyzing as much as possible, but the 10-12 km line is already the line where the equipment has come to work, it's not that, it's no longer preparatory actions, it's a direct assault, and that's it
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at this depth, we try to sort them out as much as possible, so i say, the answer to your question, of course, is that it's as obvious as possible that any delay from any side, it weakens us, except... so what the russians bombard our positions with their weapons, our positions, our settlements, you say that the offensive is a preparation, how well have they prepared their composition, how well do they know how to fight, those whom they are now sending to war, and let's not directly such details, i will tell you what will fit i will prepare... they are preparing for the operation, they are much better than what was there a year and a half ago, and even if we compare it with avdiivka, then these are already slightly different actions, because avdiivka was still filled with meat, as of today they conduct, you know , as in military science, you need to conduct a certain art training there, after which the troops there go to storm this position,
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it is very difficult to call what they do even art training, because they simply burn a certain territory in front of them , where we don't even have anything to pay for hold on, you know, hails, sau, mortars, if you have a good basement somewhere, if it's a population. to the point, or dug in very well, this story can be endured, and when a village is destroyed simply by kabam, you just sit and wait until such and such a funnel is three by 3 m, until you become just a part of this funnel, and you all know that fabam and so that they are now... throwing up all the time, because what are they doing? they create a concrete desert, build a settlement just level with the ground and walk into a pile of construction debris, it cannot be called otherwise, that is, actually retreating slowly, this is already an achievement, as taras chmut said recently in an interview, we are waiting for it, maybe f16 will somehow help this situation, now it is... it seems that the news has been given, if i understand correctly , that f16 may appear within a month, meanwhile, everyone
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is also discussing the video released by the chinese, i just don’t know where it is, thousands of drones fly into the air at the same time, literally covering the sky with such a swarm, and china, china draws conclusions from this war, note that 70% of all. drones that are now produced in the world of chinese production, what news now from the war of drones in the ukrainian front? let me tell you, i informed you that we had operational communication with the guys from avdiyivka, when the 110 was stationed there, and even now there is no such activity of enemy drones on us, as there was on the guys in the avdiyivka direction, but the number of their drones, it has grown substantially, well, we can say that with the quantity... we understand even from these videos, from the videos before this one, that they have no problems with the quantity, they have problems with the quality of those
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who flies, but let's not forget, they are also learning, if six months ago it was possible to say that our guys are cool, professional, and the russians are quite far from that, then today this race is already underway, you know, not from the point of view of how much they are professional, and from the point of view, who is more likely to invent right here at the front line, or not so far in the rear, some latest technological breakthroughs, because every day, every week they improve their slaves, so does... us and everyone day we are trying to solve this issue so that to bypass their slaves and so on, and as long as you see videos there in telegram channels, on facebook, in any social networks, how enemy equipment burns, i will tell you, this is not just the result of professional activity, but it is the result of , that this week, conditionally , our guys invented some new technical solution, i say they are improving, they are right here, and of course the chinese in this regard have very serious production capabilities, but i will tell you that when this technology is rolled out in the war, then this end result... like this, for example, our crew is already working there today, it will still be much higher quality and more efficient than what was built at
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the factory, what did not pass the break-in, what did not pass the tests there by the guys and the war itself, i have something to ask you, mr. yevgeny , i remember how you and i talked about when the position of our military was full of rats, and they said how our soldiers are learning to coexist with these mice, with witches, from which they run away from... explosions and save themselves like this in a way and plus a warm winter. nataliya lelyukh is such a doctor, a volunteer who better known, probably, as dr. natasha, because she comes, she comes to these villages, towns that are under fire, that have been de-occupied and examines people there, and in addition, she is also engaged in delivering all kinds of medical drugs for our military, and in fact, yesterday she wrote the following post about the fact that she has 15 requests from the kharkiv direction, and only four of them have
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a delivery certificate, the rest must be delivered or wait for it to be clear where to send the pain-relieving anti-shock hemostatic drug. and there are also requests, she writes, for antibiotics for prevention of lyme disease, because ticks on plantings and buns, and also antifungal ointments, because sleeping in berets for 3-4 days is not good for the skin, and colds, gastritis and pain somewhere under the breastbone have not gone anywhere, he writes. doctor, i understand that, well, since she is a doctor, then our soldiers probably tell her about all their pains and sorrows, actually about ticks, about what, what does this military life on the front lines look like now? you know, first of all, everything, as they say, everything can be learned by comparison, and compare, for example, the time when, i i remember this one. when we talked with you, when we even had two positions with each other
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, we were mockingly showing off, who stuffed more mice, some stuffed half a bucket, and others a little more, this is a story, you understand, when i told you, to the enemy 400 m there is a transfer to the detachments, but there are no direct combats, but when a strip appears, where there are not direct combats, but where they just fire in hail both day and night, and the guys literally do not understand, even you know, as they say in the war, very many believed in god when the hail worked the square, where the guys just managed to lie down and all come out alive, that is... a little problem with ticks and mice, you know, they go to another level, but i want to tell you that there are really problems with ticks, they really climb a lot, bite and so on further, and precisely from what i will tell you in advance, from what is there about...problematics, because you understand, a person is a doctor, her focus is precisely on problems, and if the picture is there as a whole, it does not mean that in the dugout, simply if you listen to this speech, you can imagine that in the dugout in in principle, there are no healthy people, so in these conditions it is impossible to preserve your health as completely as possible, but i am saying that there are some questions that go to another level, when both day and night you understand that you can simply tear or burn, with from the point of view of what really causes guys to be eliminated
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and forced to go out there for a week for a week and a half or to dig in or something else allergies, allergies are also not very strong now... all the herbs that someone there does not tolerate are starting to bloom of this flower, the fluff was flying, u two of us fighters were really behind the fluff, they just got out of range, they were taken out of position, because people could not open their eyes from this fluff when the fluff was flying, so i say, these are these problems, these problems are there, and thank you god, there are such doctors who pay attention to this and closely monitor it, because frankly , you can’t get everything to the front, especially when you spend a week in positions where there is no internet, and a car drives up to you there, so at least ask the driver...
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i hope our viewers who are watching now, they understand how much our military needs our support, and how much that donation is compared to what our military is going through, it's like, you know, a small, small drop in what we can do, but it's very important, so don't forget to inform, dear friends, we are going for a short break, then we will return, we will talk with military expert serhiy zgurets about the situation at the front, stay with us. respect the traditions and be proud of your culture with unpack tv. we present the collection modern embroideries. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price, only from uah 299. men's and women's options - current trend colors with double sizes
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hulk, what about the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. he who saves one life saves the whole world. may 14 is the day of remembrance of ukrainians who saved jews during world war ii. see this week in the collaborators program. sellers from kyrylivka. who? the village is actively russifying. zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are one, friendly forever, and why are car races organized with russian rags. thanks to
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our coordinated work, we are only moving forward. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday at 5:45 p.m. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up suspension guys, the quad is the way to go from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yarik in the direction of chasiv. dear friends, we are returning to the ether and now we will talk with our military expert serhiy zgruts, director of the defense-express company. and you? time, you can still donate it to atvs for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, for which we are currently collecting money and
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we have about 92 00 left, so that we have the first, we had the first half a million, so join in, dear friends, now you see all the necessary details on your screens, mr. sergey, good morning, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers, mr. sergey, well , the first question that we have on the front is taking place, taking into account the escalation in the kharkiv region, can we say that this is a new front, is this an exaggeration or not? well, actually, now, if we are talking about the intensity of hostilities there, i have not yet had time to read the morning address of the headquarters, yesterday evening says that there are just over 1,500 clashes, that is, 150 combat clashes, that is, in fact, it says that the intensity is quite high. and when we talk about the situation in the kharkiv direction, it really looks so dangerous now, but given the past two days that
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the armed forces have carried out this threat, we know that there is a redeployment of individual brigades in these directions, we see that there is an active counterattack by the enemy using the artillery of our infantry units, and now we see that intense... enemy actions on these in this direction, it decreased, although there were 13 combat attacks there yesterday, but compared to other areas, in particular , the same pokrovsk and kurakhove, we see that these previous directions of the enemy's offensive for the enemy remain such a priority, and of course now all media attention is focused on the kharkiv direction, but i think that we will now see the dynamics within a few days, because in particular there are different assessments, different conclusions, there today the institute the study of the war there claims that, relatively speaking, the main task of the russian group there is to create a security zone there, which
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is manifested in the fact that in ovchansk itself , they destroyed a large number of bridges there, and relatively speaking, they want to gain a foothold there on the northern side, while our armed forces are there on the southern side. of the vovche river, which actually divides this vovchansk, but in any case , now all these conclusions are preliminary, i think, even premature, because i make for myself the conclusion that in any case this offensive in the north of kharkiv by the enemy will be closely related to the activation of actions in the kupinsky direction, because this area continues to be a high priority for the enemy, and we will see what will happen there precisely in village, just like kupyansk, fighting near vovchansk, something. to other areas of the front, in fact they all remain as dynamic as they have been for the last time, although
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there was such a certain lull near bakhmut a couple of days ago, and now activation again, and the enemy's attempts to break through to the yar times, so that in principle the dynamics remain as stable, understandable, except for the situation in the north of the kharkiv region, can we say that what happened in ovchansk, vovchansk yesterday... it was reported, that even as if the battle was already in the center, and then there was information that, on the contrary, the russians were already clearing out somewhere in the outskirts, what about the city now? well , there was no fighting in the center of vovchansk, there was information that there is a meat processing plant in the north of vovchansk, this is exactly the area right on north of vavchansk, yesterday there was an address by the head of the kharkiv military administration, where synigubov, where he just made an address from the north. part of vovchansk just behind the vovcha river, which crosses this city. and in the evening
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address of the general staff, it was said that... a cleanup is being carried out in vovchansk, which in principle corresponds to reality, because we saw there, in particular, the actions of the russian volunteer corps, which is operating there in the direction of this meat processing plant on armored personnel carriers 82 and, that is, actually now this zone is such where our units are operating, trying to push out the enemy, and in general the enemy continues offensive actions, the situation is extremely dynamic. in particular, yesterday the secretary of the national security council spoke about the fact that the enemy has more than 30,000 in this area and the enemy is trying to carry out attacks there, but he also spoke about the fact that there is no threat to the encirclement there or an offensive on kharkiv, this is yesterday's interview with oleksandr lytvynenko, one of the foreign mass media, but i repeat for... days now
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it is possible to draw preliminary conclusions only such general ones, now everyone is talking about fortifications, there were, there were not, and here it is important to say, not to go into the eyes of the showdowns connected with the complication of mutual suspicions there, still to emphasize the fact that now the general staff of the armed forces is taking measures to buy this threat, in including with personnel changes in the kharkiv otu, as we know and by... the redeployment of certain units to this area, a balance is extremely important here, because we understand the enemy's plan, if linguistically speaking, we transfer a larger number of forces to the kharkiv region, then thus we weaken other areas and in particular the same donbas direction, the eastern direction, and here it is extremely important to find that balance, the enemy will now force us to destroy this balance, and the task of the general staff is actually to find it. the optimal form
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of countering the enemy in several directions , including with the activation of the enemy, precisely in the north of the kharkiv region. if we talk about the kharkiv region, then what does the war research institute say about the creation of a buffer zone, what is the logic of this buffer zone, if it is really so? well, actually it's about relatively speaking, 10 km, which will allow the enemy to be more guaranteed. to terrorize kharkiv with the use of artillery, barrel artillery, this is what is now difficult for the enemy there, although the use of these and is-300 missiles, and cabs and other means of impression on kharkiv, this is what is happening, well, constantly, rather a conversation about the sanitary zone - this is precisely the reflection of this political task of putin, who spoke about such a need as one of the tasks for the armed forces of the russian
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federation. but in general, i think that the issue of one sanitary zone is too much a simplified explanation of the enemy's actions, i think that these are precisely three single tasks, in particular , the sanitary zone is conditional, the second is the expansion of the front line, the stretching of our forces and reserves, and the creation of additional advantages for conducting these hostilities in vyazka, vovchansk, kupyansk , because that direction is along the northern donets. to the south is of interest to the enemy in order, relatively speaking, to create a threat to dislodge our grouping between the rivers, the siv donets, the skol, where the movement towards the izyum, liman is what our armed forces are now effectively restraining, and the enemy wants to find the opportunities for a gap in our defense. mr. serhiy, thank you, serhii zurets, military expert, director of the defense express company, was with us, dear friends, next will be the radio liberty project svoboda ranok,
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we will return to the air at 9:4 a.m. well, let me remind you, we respect all of ukraine a moment of silence in memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russia's war against ukraine? let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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