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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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of ukraine, we observe a moment of silence, the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russia's war against ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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a drone hit a fuel train in volgograd, russia. the rr soldiers captured people from vovchanskyi. what do those who managed to escape say? and that today they are starting to evacuate people from villages near the border in sumy oblast. does this mean that here too? expect an attack in the coming days. this is the freedom of the morning, my name is kateryna nekrecha and we are starting. due to a drone attack at the kutluban station in the volgograd region of russia, nine train cars got off the rails. the russian telegram channel baza writes about it. according to the reports of the state agency rian novosti, as a result of the collision of wagons , a tank with diesel fuel and a wagon with lumber were on fire. he published footage of what the situation looks like on the railway. russian
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pro-war telegram channel ridovka. they show overturned wagons, machinery and people who are clearing the debris. the russian ministry of emergency situations, as they write the russian media reported that the fire was extinguished, but the cause of the fire was not explained. the russian ministry of defense also does not write anything about the drone attack on the fuel train. russian forces continue to advance near vovchansk, analysts of the deep state monitoring project write. continue on the outskirts of the city. fighters of the russian volunteer corps, who are participating in the battles in the kharkiv region, published a video with the description that the russian army is trying to gain a foothold at the meat processing plant located on one of the outer streets of vovchansk. rdk is a subdivision in the international legion of the armed forces, created mostly from russian citizens who decided to fight on the side of ukraine. the local authorities confirm that on the outskirts of the city, shooting battles in the ukrainian general staff are called zachi. they said that the ukrainian military is pushing
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the russians. at the same time, the general staff reports that fighting has begun for the village of staritsa, northwest of vovchansk. this is how the map of hostilities in kharkiv oblast looks now from the deep state project. against the background of the breakthrough of russian forces in the north of the kharkiv region, president volodymyr zelenskyy about a replacement command, reported in this direction that brigadier general mykhailo is now responsible for the defense of kharkiv oblast. pati, who participated in the defense of mariupol in the 14th year, led, he led the 58th separate motorized infantry brigade, was one of the commanders of the operation to liberate the city of kherson. well , the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office stated that the residents of the vovchan community were forcibly kept in the basement by the russian military. on may 11, russian forces captured several locals, yesterday some of them...
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managed to break out of this captivity, social media journalists spoke with these people, and people say that they were not tortured, but the occupiers shot at a volunteer who tried to evacuate, we sat with them in the basement, in the basement, they could have shot us, but how they were leaving, he too recognized her and let her pass, and they would also have shot the wounded and wrapped their legs with bandages, they did not let her out of the basement, but this morning... a soldier came and said: we are leaving the way we came, and they took the wounded, and we are running away at this moment, there are still people left, there are still people there, and there is also a family, a family, and there is also a woman, ninka, who is a volunteer, ugh. they didn't threaten you with death, well, they heard that they should be shot, they should be shot, and there or there . we saw the evidence in the commentary for
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the public, people are talking about the fact that the russian military - vovchansk captured local civilians, here we just saw those people who managed to escape from this capture, and further on the air we will talk and talk a lot about the situation in the kharkiv region, you can write in the comments my thoughts on this and my general mood regarding the situation in the region, in general, moreover, we will talk about the situation in sumy oblast today, because the evacuation of several communities on the border between sumy oblast and the russian federation has begun there, no, one of the issues of this program - is it to wait for the offensive of russian forces in sumy oblast as well, well, now more than 30,000 russian troops are participating in the offensive on kharkiv oblast, but
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there is no threat of an assault on kharkiv itself, about this in an interview with the french news agency fp oleksandr lytvynenko, secretary of the national security and defense council, said. in general, as before... russia has concentrated about 50,000 soldiers in the nsdc on the border with the kharkiv region. meanwhile, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg sinygubov, against the background of criticism regarding the lack of fortification , instructed to hold a meeting where all participants in the construction of fortification structures in the region will report on the completed works. today, i instructed the relevant deputy to gather all the contractors who worked and continue to work on the construction of fortifications. each of them should report at the working group meeting on transparency and accountability. i would like to note that some military personnel complained on social networks that the first line of fortification and mines in the kharkiv region simply did not exist, so they say that the russian forces freely entered the gray zone. on the other hand, on our broadcast the day before
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, the head of the vovchan city military administration noted that there are fortifications around the city on the border with russia, but perhaps they are not dense enough, because erecting... them during constant shelling was not easy, he also added that perhaps the construction was not so dense. kyrylo sazonov, a political scientist, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine of the 41st separate mechanized brigade, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, glad to see you. mutually, kirill, let's start with the global issue, and does it really look like the russian forces are now concentrated. most of their efforts are precisely in the kharkiv direction, what can one say in general about the situation at the front today? well, i wouldn't say that they concentrated entirely on kharkiv region, we have arta working very loudly all night, and yesterday there were also cabs, and
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a lot of cassettes are arriving, and the enemy is trying to storm chasivyar no less than yesterday, the day before yesterday or a week ago , it's very hot here and i think that the guys on... the pokrovsky direction next to us and on lumansky, it's a different flag, it's not quiet at all either, i think, well , i'm not an employee of gur, i'm not an employee of the general staff, but i believe that the seizure of donbas, the seizure of the donetsk region for russia at the moment is a priority. and if we talk about the offensive in the kharkiv region, and the situation around vovchansk, yes, because there is also a version. that thanks to this offensive, russian forces want to reach the border with the donetsk region in this way, do you relate this? i believe that the offensive in the kharkiv region is already slowing down, they did almost everything they could near vovchask,
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so they have some more reserves to transfer and will try to advance a little where they will be given, but now it seems to me that there will be more attention... on kupianskyi the direction where we worked until the end of march, and again in donetsk region, this is the direction of pokrovsk, the direction of kostyantynivka. if we talk about the strategic goal then, why are the russian forces now fighting for vovchanchansk, can you explain it, that is, what could be, what could be the global goal of the russian army there? first, it is a bridgehead near the har'. this is very important for them, because from these positions it is quite close to kharkiv and you can work very well on it by art, it does not require any large logistical scales for them, because it is close to the provision of the group
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that will enter the vovchanskyi district, under vovchanskyi we have already repelled it, it works as a buffer zone for them for the third time... further from bilhorod, this is also important, and they hope with the help of information operations to attract attention again and spread the word that we have successes, the ukrainian army will not be able to resist. therefore, let's force ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table. the west must stop supplying weapons, because you see, ukraine will not pull out. they will also try to demoralize us. and to hope that ukraine, that our command will be forced from the east to transfer some reserves to the north and thus free their hands a little here. i think so. kirill, in your opinion, the attack on kharkiv. is directly now among the goals of the russian army, do they have such a goal and do
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they have such resources? i'm sorry, i can't hear you , but you said that the goal of the russian federation forces is to get closer to kharkiv in order to shell, and is the goal to capture the city of kharkiv, or to try to capture it, in your opinion? it seems to me that this is not a goal, but a dream the russians have such a way to seize kharkiv, it is unreal, with the resources they have, to seize a million-strong city, a city, well, it is impossible, you saw how much they fought to completely destroy it and enter avdiivka, how much time, strength , resources were spent on bakhmut, on soledar, i.e. completely destroyed cities, small, small, they are now fighting for the chasivary, we are holding it for a month, and they do not have special prospects, well, so far they have not advanced, they tried to take it in they tried to take him in the forehead. but nothing happened, it’s a small town, it had about 11,000 inhabitants before the war, it’s small, but
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imagine the storming of kharkiv, it’s unreal, huh, but can you still give your assessment at such a moment, thanks to which the advance of russian forces in kharkiv oblast is going like this pace, because it is noted that their offensive began there on may 10, we see information about the loss there. villages, that is, what gives such and such an opportunity is the fact that they have many people, there, a lot of equipment, the fact that they are shelling, i cannot say, because i am not in kharkiv region, i don't see the situation, but what can i say from the time of yar about what is happening there, it needs someone, then there, uh, in your opinion, is there a likely attack of russian forces on sumy region, because we know that there the local authorities have begun the evacuation of several border settlements, is it possible that... russian forces will act more actively from there? it is also difficult to tell me, well, you
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are asking questions in a direction that i have nothing to do with, it seems to me that small raids are also possible in sumy oblast, resources there is no global operational-tactical offensive for such an offensive, there are resources for raids, for raids in the border regions, the fact that the kadyrov units were transferred there , akhmat says rather than the fact that they will try to keep our troops there, to keep them under tension, but no offensive will be, because akhmat has never shown himself as a combat unit that seriously advances somewhere, they are more on the second line, more repression against the civilian population, in combat operations, they enter very, very reluctantly, this is not a brave assault unit, and that is why what is there akhmat to me it seems nothing like that... it is important that this will not happen, kirill, i understand that you
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are not in the kharkiv region, yes, but in general, well, you heard about the information that there are many complaints, let's say, about fortifications, about fortifications , and they are talking about it these days, and in general, can you really explain how these fortifications are and what type they are, how they are built, because there is an argument there in the general staff, including this opinion has been published, and the authorities are officially talking about the fact that the for... is not being built there on the first second line next to there by the russian forces and especially there on the border, because both people and engineering equipment are under fire, and this is an important goal for the russian army, if we talk about such a close line to the enemy, what fortifications are being built in how many kilometers and what is included in this concept of fortification, this only there is something poured with concrete, but are there other various structures there, trenches there and so on? of course there are cries, but we understand that, of course, a soldier
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must dig into the ground immediately, no matter where you find yourself, it was in the 22nd, it was very good to see that you found yourself, immediately dig, dig, because it your life, because it will start flying into you, you have to hide somewhere, but actually, well, i'll tell you about the things you bought, for example, about chasyk, the car... even the jeep you drive is a target, it's always a target for drones , for artillery, for mortars, er, er, difficult, the truck is also a target, even more so. attractive, well, consider that if they hit a car that moves quickly, that transports something, if such construction equipment turns out to be in position, it will start building something, when it can reach it, or a mortar or a drone, of course there will be destroy immediately, so of course we want to dig three stories into the ground along the border, put up concrete structures, but unfortunately, this is unrealistic,
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we will lose workers, we will lose equipment immediately. ugh, that's why such fortifications are built further in the rear, where there is not enough enemy shelling, unfortunately, this is so, that's why it 's called, probably in this language, when the general staff says, they retreated to prepared positions there, this is also what is being said, well, this is so that civilians can understand what this means, i told you, it was really being built, i heard many positions, but they are not the most zero, it is impossible to build there, there are your shovels and you, well, the kharkiv authorities promised the regional that there will be a public report on the fortification. we will wait for that, and in the meantime we discuss with the experts what it all means. kyrylo sazonov, political scientist and serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest on our broadcast, thank you for this inclusion. next, we again talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, and we are joined by denys yaroslavskyi, commander of the reconnaissance battalion of the combat brigade. denis, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining,
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despite the connection, and you are in kharkiv oblast, i understand correctly, in vovchansk. they just left vovchansk, completed their combat duty, and then they left, but at least somehow they are catching communication, because there is no radio communication everywhere. denys, tell me what is the situation in ovchansk on the outskirts, are russian troops present in the city, are the battles directly taking place in the city, and how do you manage to contain them? yesterday and this morning from 4 in the morning, vovchansk was completely covered from four o'clock. somewhere up to 15 during the 30 minutes, the trso was completely covered with smoke bombs, that is, the whole city was smoking, bakhmut reminded me of this in the worst times, when everything, everything was in smoke, not in fog, in smoke, that is, the city was under daily fire from enemy anti-aircraft guns and smoke bombs, i so i think there are 30-40 kabs per day, they are shooting, that is, we
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understand it, now we... we are watching the movement of enemy units, let's call it that, three to five people, we are watching those who are trying to enter the city, three, five , these are groups that move, that's how we see them we are trying to eliminate, but, but there are such, such, such groups, the official position is that there is no one, i will not dispute the official position, there is one thing, huh, but... denis, tell me how to restrain it in general, with what means, people, arms, to the ukrainian forces for this offensive, which has been unfolding since may 10 in the kharkiv region and specifically in vovchansk? i believe that special attention should be paid to vovchansk now. i don't quite understand why the governor's demonstrative visits and
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photo-taking are taking place in the city center, that everything is calm there, everything is under control. i do not want turn. to you on the air after some time and say: i told you, i warned you, i don't want that, but i believe that now the enemy will try to destroy vavchansk, as they destroyed bakhmut and capture vovchansk. i believe that now it is necessary to strengthen the defense of vovchansk, because really, really , you will hear, just hear me, it is necessary to strengthen the defense of vovchansk, so that later we do not sing letters, songs, vovchansk fortress. if i note here that these days there is a lot of information around vovchansk magazine. they film the evacuation and hear what it's like there the situation, and people are telling and the testimonies are direct, there are also testimonies that civilians were captured and some managed to escape, what do you know about this, are russian forces holding people captive somewhere in vovchanchansk, do you know anything about it? i don't know, today we saw civilians there, some
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women, some other people there, two or three people moving around civilly with carts, with wheelbarrows, it's simple. i don't understand what they are doing there, well, i didn't understand it in principle, no , no, it doesn't work in bakhmut, but yes civilians are weeds, well, i personally don’t know anything, but there are civilians, and they live there for some reason, well, they don’t leave the city, i believe that they are probably the same civilians who lived during the previous occupation of vovchansk, and for them there is no difference, it will be the ukrainian army or the russian army, they lived under the russian army, i would not rule out such cases, denys, i just note that the rfe /rl correspondent was also filming. evacuation and our other colleagues from other media and in those reports, people there have very different stories and some are simply brought to tears and he says he will die there in his house in his house and that's all, that is, we have to consider different options here. i want to ask you about the following, your post on facebook made a lot of noise about fortifications being unprepared, you wrote about minefields, please tell me
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what the situation is with this, do you really think that everything is not prepared, because there are already and the answer in principle from the general staff that the first line, the first or second line of defense is not being built there, it is impossible to build fortifications due to shelling due to the threat to lives and for engineering equipment, let me tell you briefly, we... saw directly how on the 9th, at 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning, two enemy motaligs broke through the chain link, which arseniy petrovych had also arranged, and simply entered the armor and got off the infantry dismounted and went in the direction of the city, and so they drove across the state border and drove calmly, i have two options: either there are no mines there at all, or they knew where there are no mines, i did not check this minefield, but i saw this picture and the same they passed if it concerns, can or can't you build? yes i heard that one the version that it is impossible to build, well, let's then look at our enemy, our enemy, when he captures the borders, in two days he
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digs such trenches for himself there, in which you can run, and in another two weeks he digs such structures there for himself, in which you can already live in comfortable conditions, and they do all this in the captured territories, under our flamethrowers, mortars, rszosh and hammer attacks, he does all this, so if... he does what we can't do, then let's here is this, and what is impossible, well you can't wait, you can't fight, but we can see the result, denis, i'll note here, i'll add that journalist yuriy botusov mentioned on his channel live that he didn't see the same fortifications near vovchansk, but there are at least a few minefields , but according to his information there is, and i will also note for the audience that in khakov they promise to prepare a report on the construction of fortifications, this was reported by the head of ova oleg synigubov, he even promised... to make a public report, so we will wait for public official information, you i thank you for what was told about the situation in vovchansk, denys yaroslavskyi, commander of the reconnaissance battalion of the combat brigade, was a guest of svoboda
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ranok. and in the meantime, us secretary of state anthony blinken arrived on an unannounced visit to kyiv to send, i quote: a powerful signal of support. at a time when ukraine was faced with the following, with the offensive of russian forces in the north of kharkiv region, this is how the website writes about this visit. the us state department said blinkin will discuss changes on the battlefield, the impact of us aid, long-term security commitments and the economic restoration of ukraine. blinken's visit includes talks with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, prime minister denys shmyhal and minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. blinken is sure that ukraine is able to effectively hold the front, to hold the front in the east, and this is how he commented on the offensive of the russian army in the kharkiv region, and the actual reasons why it became possible, but his british colleague calls on the background of increasing attacks to do everything possible to help ukraine. more on the reaction of
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top foreign officials to the ongoing fighting currently in the north-east of ukraine, our european correspondent of radio liberty, zoryana stepanenko, will tell. russian troops are having tactical success in the kharkiv region, according to the analysts of the institute for the study of war, and according to the way events are unfolding in this region. are now closely watched in many western capitals. in an interview with sky news, britain's top diplomat called russia's offensive in kharkiv oblast an extremely dangerous moment and called for doing everything possible to support ukraine. i remembered the stories with the provision of military aid, where britain was leader, supplying tanks, long-range artillery, allocating an aid package for this year and the next, and encouraging others to follow this example. this only emphasizes that this is an unjustified, illegal intrusion. putin into an independent, sovereign country, and now he has again invaded it from the north of kharkiv. we must do everything possible to help ukrainians. that is why it is so important that we have given a package of £3 billion a year
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and we have said that this will continue year on year. delay in aid package from united states had its price - secretary of state antony blinken said in an interview with cbs news the other day. the us is now doing everything possible to speed up the delivery of aid, the official added. he called the moment difficult, but at the same time expressed confidence that the ukrainian troops on the eastern lines of defense will stand. ukraine can effectively hold the front line in the east. it can continue to maintain the advantages gained for itself in the black sea. it exports through the black sea as much as it exported feeding the world before the russian invasion, and also keeps russian troops are under tension, including in crimea, so that it will be more difficult for them to continue this aggression. the german chancellor, who previously urged europe not to wait until the no. weapons, and to share stocks with ukraine now with a visit to sweden, there he talks about helping kyiv with his colleagues from the scandinavian countries, as well as iceland and norway. meanwhile, the head of the romanian government.
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commenting on the transfer of the patriot system to ukraine, noted that the head of the romanian defense ministry is not too fond of such an idea. from brussels zoryana stepanenko, marek hayduk, radio liberty. by the way, it’s interesting, write in the comments, in your opinion, and as an international community, ukrainian partners should support the official kyiv, the ukrainian army so that ukraine, even against the background of these new offensives of russian forces, can withstand, for example, the adviser to the president of estonia on issues national security claims that... the estonian government is seriously considering sending its military, for example, to the west of ukraine, in order to free up the ukrainian military to fight in hot spots, well what do you think of this idea and what do you think, whether the international community will really dare to take such important radical actions, well, let's go back to the situation in the north, the evacuation of the population will begin today from the two cities of the sumy region, bilopylla and vorozhba,
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the order on... this was signed by the chief of the regional military administration, volodymyr artyukh, and he explains that this is an early voluntary evacuation from where the number of shelling actually increased. at the moment, communities are continuing to notify the population about the evacuation of the residents of bilopil and fortune-telling, especially families from children who wish to evacuate should contact elders and heads of communities, people are planned to be accommodated in compact housing in the region. and in the khotyn community, in the sumy region, in the village of kindrativka, the evacuation was announced two weeks ago. 50 people left there, and another 100 people are still staying, planting gardens, taking care of livestock, our colleagues from the media border asked people why they still don't go and are they not afraid, well, they carry bread, the main thing is bread, bread, then milk they drive us, who has cows here, that's how they drive here to the store, that's how people they are dismantled, there are shellings in the burial ground, that is the most
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terrible thing... the mortars that hit, the artillery hits far away, and the mortars hit the village, and where do they go to give us a house like ours, and where are they going, and where are the emergency ones, and where is the guarantee that they will not arrive, we are joined by vadym mysnyk, spokesman for the siversk operational-tactical group of troops, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning! tell us what the situation is in sumy region, why is this evacuation of people taking place, or according to your information , is the russian army preparing an offensive there? situation tense, the enemy continues shelling the border settlements, we counted and recorded over the past day. in
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chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast, 55 shellings were carried out, the tactics are the same, and the active use of sabotage and intelligence groups by the enemy continues, so the evacuation that you showed in the story has been carried out for more than a month now, we are trying specifically from the border settlements from the five-kilometer zone and other settlements that are exposed to enemy fire to evacuate the civilian population, because first of all they suffer and the enemy carries out such terrorist attacks on the civilian population. vadim, do you have any information on whether the number of russian troops on the border with sumy region has increased, for example, and whether there is any equipment there, whether there is a certain movement there, or do you notice any preparations of the russian army there? of course, we
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are considering any options for the development of further events, we know that the enemy was charging certain units for this, increasing its presence on the border with ukraine, we are monitoring these movements of units of personnel, equipment, they overturn, in particular, the border, the border in sumy oblast with the russian federation, it is 500.10 km, so it is very much like that, well, a large area, let's say so, and we, we monitor, exactly where the concentrations of the enemy's forces take place, where they carry out the biggest attacks, and where they are trying to scout our defenses, using drg, that is, we are preparing for any reconnaissance, and if there is an attempt...


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