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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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of course, we are considering any options for the development of further events, we know that the enemy was charging certain units on this, increasing its presence on the border with ukraine, we are monitoring these movements of units of personnel, equipment, they are transferring, in particular , the border, the border in sumy region. with the russian federation, it is 560 km, so it is a very large area, let’s say so, and for us, we monitor exactly where the concentrations of the enemy’s forces take place, where they carry out the most attacks and where they try to reconnoitre our defenses, using drg, that is, we are preparing for any intelligence, and if there is an attempt... to
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penetrate into the territory of ukraine, to carry out offensive actions, we will give an answer, and speaking generally on the northern border, how many russian forces are concentrated there, are there you have such calculations and such numbers, again, is there any other activity noticed there, let's say? we do not name specific figures, because... they change, as i already said, these dynamics are happening, but at the moment, if you expect a large-scale offensive, there is no critical accumulation of enemy forces, if they resort to provocative attempts to penetrate the territory of ukraine, they can do this, we will fight back in this case, that is, in principle, the entire northern border, as far as... i understand, he is so at risk
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in this sense, and given the accumulation of russian forces there, of course, for several months now, as their military objective, in addition to terrorizing the local population, the military objective is to restrain our combat units, combat forces, so that we cannot them transfer to the hotter areas of the front, that is , to the east and to the south of our country. there are battles, vadim, but president zelenskyi in his address the day before mentioned about sabotage groups in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, how many there are, how often they try to enter or enter ukrainian territory, and what their goal is, well, their very goal is them they are probing our defenses, trying, trying to find out what our strengths are. this is
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the work of subversive groups, in addition, they destroy the local population, cases when they also fire at civilian transport, people, people as well, our local natural features should be taken into account, because here there are continuous forest areas, there are rivers, this is very good for subversive groups, well, it plays into their hands. but we know about it and yes, but we know it and we actively use our tactical methods, which, in order to counter this, of course, we detect them and repel them, that is, we actively use technical means, this is intelligence observation and unmanned aerial vehicles and all technical, optical and observational means so on. vadim, i thank you for connecting. what you inform is important,
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vadym mysnyk, the spokesman of the siversk operational-tactical group of troops, was a guest of freedom morning and we talked about the situation on the northern border. and then let's talk about mobilization, i know, i understand, i see from the comments and your views that this topic is interesting, sensitive, there are a lot of questions, here is another factor of this topic, and this is economy booking, so there are no decisions about economy booking. mobilization has not been approved yet, but the discussion is about it a reason is needed, oleksandr kornienko, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada, said. according to him, the issue of economic reservation creates a dividing line in society between the rich and the poor. kornienko emphasized that, at the same time, businesses and manufacturers have questions about how to maintain production in the absence of professionals who have worked there for years and are now going to the front. we must all together, those who... support this idea and those who do not
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support it, have a discussion and give an answer to the question: will it not happen that only those who have income will be reserved and we will add another line to all the injustices of reservation. the division of society into rich and poor. the business hopes that the government will consider its views on the reservation. this was stated by the executive director of the european business association, anna derevyanko, in an interview with ukrainian radio. she says that there is an acute problem of shortage of personnel in ukraine. the required positions can be any: drivers, combine harvesters. agriculture cannot find people at all. marketing, management in our association more than 900 member companies and 90%. of them have mobilized workers, on average 10-15%, and 90% of companies complain that they have a shortage of personnel, these are international companies that have never had problems with recruitment, but now they say that they cannot afford high salaries find people
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davyd arkhamiya, the head of the servant of the people faction and a member of the national security and defense committee, said that the verkhovna rada is considering two models of economic reservation from mobilization. according to him, the first model foresees... taxes on the salary of a conscript must amount to more than uah 35,000. this amount should be enough to receive one ukrainian soldier. another option, according to arahamia, provides for a quota for enterprises with the possibility of booking 10% of their employees. for example, the manager must pay each of them the minimum wage of a military man, conditionally 20 thousand hryvnias, for each of them, rahamiya suggests. however, he himself points out that the issue of... justice is not resolved, yaroslav zheleznyak, a popular mp from the votes party, first deputy chairman of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy, congratulations yaroslav, thank you for joining, let's talk about where to get money to replenish the budget to pay the salaries of the ukrainian military? good
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morning, ask, i will ask, let's start with the economic reservation, well, it appears again, you know, in the information wave due to the statements of your colleagues, deputies. and this is such a logical decision to collect money in the budget, the only decision, or is it more, maybe even now the issue of preserving rare personnel for certain productions, so because they heard mr. kornienko say that these are two factors of the problem, and the budget and the actual preservation of rare personnel? let's make a few points: first, i don't know that anyone in the parliament would currently discuss any format. changes in reservation, moreover, regardless of who relates to it, yes, there are supporters, there are opponents of this idea, but i am more than convinced that a vote in the parliament, such an idea would not pass, from different points of view, but well i'm not
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i see a lot of support for this among my fellow mps from different factions, why did david say that, well david? speaking, the generator of random phrases is well known, so maybe it was another random statement. in any case, for the supporters of this idea, the good news is that the government can do it by its own decree. moreover, they have already developed such resolutions several times, why did they not adopt them? probably, here the answer should be sought in the political plane, and not in the practical one. therefore, it is not a question of the verkhovna rada, it is a question of the government. which is endowed by all powers to determine such reservation format as they consider as an executive branch of government as necessary. is there a fiscal part of the idea, that is, will it bring money to the budget? it will surely bring,
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we have such a modern genius in our pubes. rostislav shurma is responsible for the economy, well, more for thefts, but also for the economy in the president's office. well, he counted something like 200-300 billion there, well, i don’t know, it’s definitely some cosmic number, which i think that his or the calculator is stuck on an additional zeros, or they simply do not know how to count other people's money, i do not think that this will significantly increase the income in the budget from the point of view that we introduced it and it will be filled from these economic reservations. some additional revenue, on the other hand, it's really a job preservation story, again, i'm not going to comment on the moral part, the philosophical part, the practical part of this right now, but there are a lot of businesses that have been addressing one way or
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another for over for two years and they say give the state some kind of model with which we can reserve at least the most valuable personnel, for example, in the same agrarian sector there is currently a shortage of professions, they are tractor drivers, and well, because they are frankly needed at the front, that is why they undergo training for a long enough time and therefore when they are called up, well, this creates a problem, conditionally for sowing, this balance between the request of business, the request of the state, and the state, as you know, we do not have enough people for the army, therefore, accordingly, the parliament adopted a law on mobilization, and there is a kind of balance between the moral-ethical and financial part of politics, well, he... will still be sought, and once again, i do not think that anyone in the parliament
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is seriously discussing this, except for david, because well, this is not a matter for the parliament, it is a matter for the government, in the government has every opportunity to accept it, why doesn't it do it, well, you have to ask for sure, starting with our e-e ministers, who are supposedly responsible for the economy, are engaged in some kind of cashback-type nonsense and ending with the prime minister, well, nevertheless we heard the statement. from karnienko, araham, vol i wonder if they just sound like that, or if some kind of solution is really being sought in the middle to balance that with david it just sounded like that, or the reaction to the journalists’ questions, the carnienko is already a reactionary reaction, sorry for kalamburg on david’s statement, we will be glad to see on the air and we invite mr. rahami and mr. kornienko from time to time, it is not so easy for them to appear on the air, but these questions are also important to ask them, i want to ask you... about one more way, probably, to fill the budget, the cabinet of ministers registered a draft law in the parliament, which provides
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a significant increase in excise duties on fuel, this was reported by the representative of the government in the parliament , taras melnychuk, well, for example, for 100 liters of gas , it now costs €70, but it will be €277, gasoline is now €215, it can be €359, and diesel is €140. or maybe 330, it can really significantly replenish the ukrainian budget, and how then will prices for ukrainians rise? for fuel, there are two, even three, questions, whether or not under the question, firstly, we have a euro obligation to comply with our rates for not only gasoline, by the way, in the same draft law, if i'm not mistaken, there is also alcohol, there is a separate draft law on cucumbers for european ones, it does not need to be done right away, european rates are quite minimal. even according to the directive, they are high enough, you just partially named them there, but gradually we have to
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move in this direction, otherwise, when ukraine becomes a member of the european union, we will be quite uncompetitive, and other countries will not be competitive in these goods and this creates smuggling there, well, in short, that is exactly why we should gradually increase our bids to the european ones, this normal. process, it has been going on in our country for at least 10 years, well, that is , even before that we had a scale by which rates were increased, it’s just that this scale ended in 2024, now there will be a continuation, and any increase in excise taxes, again anyway, it will be gradual, that is , every year the excise tax will be gradually, gradually increased, it is in euros, accordingly, it depends. well, from the exchange rate
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of the hryvnia to euro ratio, but there it is conventionally 15-20%, it is usually there, if we take the same tobacco, will this budget be filled, yes will fill the budget, or will it fill the budget, or not completely, but we have every penny now going to the salaries of the army, so knowing that we have a deficit gap of 300-400 billion, well, of course. and this is help, this is one of the factors, and this is because as for me, well, look, i am a driver, and therefore i understand what it is like when gasoline prices rise, let's be frank, we have july 1 last year prices were significantly increased due to the return of full taxation, in our country instead of 7% vat , 20% was returned, accordingly, a full excise tax. i will say here, not as a driver, but as a cyclist, i
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have not seen a decrease in the number of cars on the road, nor have i seen a decrease in their speed, moreover, one of the counterarguments, well, conditionally opponents, yes increase, is that it will affect inflation, with all due respect, inflation has been falling for the last six months, it's now 3.2%, well, that's enough, low inflation, even compared to europe, i'm not defending this in this case, that... or more gas prices, don't get me wrong , but somehow it is an adequate gradual increase in excise taxes normally. in the comments, you can rate what you heard on this broadcast, be sure to subscribe, like, see you tomorrow.
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a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only half. dear friends, here we are, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, continuing the marathon on espresso, let me remind you, today we work in this studio for you until 12, and we still have a huge list of guests and interesting topics, 30 00 for you and me today's morning was collected, and now we will talk with natalia pipa, a people's deputy of ukraine, and you continue to report, now let's see a qr code in the corner. and ms. natalie, we say good afternoon. good day, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start with cultural news, after all, it seems to me that your profile is more in the verkhovna rada. and, you know, the main thing, i think, is the cultural news that in ukraine, in ukraine, creative people can earn enough
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money, even during the war, good money, i would say. and now i'm talking about the director and screenwriter the servant of the people oleksiy kiryushchenko, who has now become a co-owner of lenergo, and he sells electricity to various regions of ukraine, has already sold almost a billion hryvnias. i think where did the simple screenwriter and director of the servant of the people and the 95th quarter get so much electricity, and now i have a suspicion, he simply did not throw away the old batteries, like all of us, but collected them. enterprise, it's just a coincidence, the state and communal coincidences make it happen, i think it's just like in the movies, just like in the movies, you see, the 95th quarter
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turned out to be a reality for two people, the main character of this series and for the screenwriter too, and for... this team in the end too, but for ukraine, a slightly different story turned out, a big war happened here, well, that's another story, but you know , i wanted to move on from all this to more important matters, it means that now we also learn from the investigations of journalists that, for example, uah 8 billion, which were allocated to build fortifications in the kharkiv region, which the president zelensky several months ago he called... exemplary preparation for these fortifications and said that other regions should learn what is powerful, now it turns out that all this was done through... different laying companies, through fops, and then hundreds of millions of hryvnias were made because of some scams, that is, hertz
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industry and so on and the like, the mezh anti-corruption center writes about this, maybe they actually used them well, maybe they didn’t steal anything at all, and all this was done in order to simply get the money faster, we don't know, but the fact is that these 8 billion were mastered and... now the military is not very satisfied, who are now holding back the russian offensive with their heroism, how can we really be very soft here and appropriately soft for this , as far as i am concerned about the heroism of the military, who are only dissatisfied, satisfied, every conscious person is not satisfied, and not only in ukraine, because it is difficult for you and me to assess, because we do not have an audit, from what and how it happened, and when we mention keryushchenko, we are talking about. .. well, there are serious problems in public administration, it has been proven that those states that are successful are those that hire people who pass the competition and are the best, and not someone who is a brother-in-law or
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a screenwriter, that is the main problem, well , if we were to demand even more tax for each fortification structure, but the problem , that this is a large number, not just a human life, this is a large number of human lives, and the breakthroughs that are now restraining, and somewhere not... and where the countryside, well, it is put on the head when they prove that the first and second line of defense , as they say, did not exist at all, was not mining, well if we have the third year of a large-scale invasion and 10 more like 10 years of war, so it doesn't really go to the head, but also well, it's the leadership, but the middle, well, it's also the people who saw, who knew, the fact that they are law enforcement agencies now... well, now we are bringing more and more people to justice, and those people are sitting who have never been sitting before, so this is one side of the coin, and the other side of the coin that we have
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there was not enough preparation, what actually with in the fall, after the actually unsuccessful counteroffensive, it was possible to build fortifications, it was possible to concrete more and differently, well, in this there is a big problem of the ability of those who make decisions and... in fact, it is very important to us, with what heroic efforts we preserve our statehood, well honestly, we are all in a very difficult situation now, and almost everyone who depends on this state, it is now putting a lot of effort into its continued existence, but there is a part of people who are not for their own state, where someone lives last afternoon and him it doesn't matter what happens after that, yes... but even in the flood, that is, this is what we have to continue to press, and the fact that international partners are coming to us, the fact that arms deliveries are going, er, it's, well, honestly , it gives such a chance,
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a light of hope, and i believe that we will still reach, save the state, but after that we still need us, those people who developed this state are becoming fewer and fewer, and this is a crazy challenge for us , and you know, by the way, also... speaking briefly about cultural news, kyrylo tymoshenko, who somehow spent a little time in the shadows, and now he has returned to the ministry of defense, so his campaign was distinguished again by the fact that they made a video for the ministry of defense on the order of state funds, and there the journalists analyzed it, in particular there from the insider, for example, that it is a complete and almost exact copy of the advertising video of jeep, an american company of its time. and tymoshenko himself, as far as i understand, said that it is not a criminal matter that they simply stole it, and i don't even know how
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to formulate the question here, it's just some, can you call it hellish trash or something it's too early, just like, why is this tymoshenko where she is, why did she spin the rada channel, what 's going on with the rada channel, why is ukraine in the end... called a hybrid regime now, for example, in the lists of economists, no one cares at all , that in europe, except for us, belarus and bosnia, there are no countries that are marked by a hybrid regime, well, belarus is authoritarian, and it is worrying, but to cross this line, this border for people who, well, do not realize what ukraine is and what statehood is, is very complicated, and what tymoshenko is doing. and about the mentioned video, it is clear that i am not i know how it is with copyrights, whether the american company will find out the rights, and that is, we have to look here, then it will be even
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more difficult. can it become even more expensive, and the people who make the decisions should bear the responsibility, that is, we really have no other way but to squeeze those who make such, not only stupid, but rather unworthy and unworthy difficult decisions, that's why we have to, we can only push and understand that uh, that we have to find some way out, because there is no other way, and we see that where the public reacts where the mass media often show, the public reacts, there are changes, this is the way, but why someone comes up with such stupid ideas and implements them is a much more difficult question and in particular to those who elected those people who make such decisions, you know, yes, the public is reacting, and both the media and journalists are reacting, well , in fact, tetyana nikolayenko wrote well about the fact that our colleague, journalist, investigator, about the fact that she moderated
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this thursday... the conversation of journalists of regional media on the investigation corruption cases and writes that, in essence , such a system has now been formed that the regional government, that is, now there is real feudalism in ukraine, in fact, they have unlimited, uncontrolled power now in the conditions of the fact that we have a state of war, they can easily close any what information on any tenders, if journalists dig something up, they accuse journalists of what they told. and pso, work for the enemy, and here she even quotes arguments in the duka, if you had not gotten off your anti-corruption, we would have stolen a little, but we would have already completed it, and because of you nothing has been completed, and a subpoena shines for a very long tongue, and there is every chance that the local vityuk, you know this general and the sbu, will not be sent to the front, but the journalist will be, and the matter is not so much a possible story, a subpoena, as in that , that some felt that they took god
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forbid, this is the situation in the country now, and it is much worse than in kyiv, than in the center, it is this, this, and the corruption that is now sprouting from the inside, and that, and that, it is not even a matter of corruption, corruption - it's half trouble, in lawlessness, lawlessness and cancellation democracy and decentralization, the state of war for every country is difficult, if we analyze the history of the previous ones, and north... south korea, the wars that were, so, well, if you are going through hell, the main thing is not to stop, and in we have no other way but not to stop, talk about what this government is doing wrong, talk to the voters who own this government, reach out to them, keep going, go out and change, we have no other way, once ours, and first of all, the ukrainian insurgent army, which
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by the incredible scale of its life... and heroism, and intelligence, and we, i think that today we are rethinking, in fact, how the upa could fight at all, where to fight, where they played resources, they had no recognized borders, they had no international aid, but they somehow miraculously did, and they dreamed of this independence that we have today, and it is very important for us to keep it and realize it, and therefore, the complexity of the processes is there, but for me, ukrainians are often divided into ukrainians. but we are still citizens of ukraine, and here we are talking about this component, how people from little russia become ukrainians, this is a part is changing, but it is changing very slowly, and what is in the mass media and what people say to each other is the humanitarian component, because when we talk about culture, it is not about art, but it is against behavior, and that's exactly why i personally work with the humanitarian direction and with education, because this is what brings changes in
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the long term. appointed a new minister of defense, a russian economist, and he said: the economy is not important for russia, our cultural code and identity are important, i think there is something to learn from moskal, in which in fact, there is no identity, no cultural all that, but, but, but they understand, mrs. natalya, thank you for the conversation, nataliya pipa, people's deputy of ukraine was with us, well, now we watch the news, we watch the news, kateryna sherokopoi appears on the screens and her word. greetings colleagues, we will tell you in a moment. we will urgently talk about the most important events for this hour. news time on the tv channel.


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