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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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warehouse and ammunition, these are minefields in the front, these are anti-tank ditches and dragon's teeth in the front and on the sides, and this is definitely a mavik or mavik tenic type reconnaissance drone, this is a strike drone, this is an fpv of kamikaze drones, this is a radio electronic reconnaissance, what is flying at you, and this is a radio electronic warfare complex, as big as bukovel, which covers 20 km, or. which covers 300 m. today, while preparing for you, i calculated how much of this good is needed for the entire front. the length of our front is 1,500 km, the zone of responsibility of the battalion according to the charter is 5 km. it is clear that it is now larger, but the battalions are also incomplete. nevertheless, we have roughly 300 battalions, each battalion needs 40 day mavics. 20
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nights is 25.5 million dollars for everyone, for 300. fpv 40 per day, if hot, more fights, if, well, shorter, it's on average, it's 144 million per month, strikers, er, about 10, which can drop mines directly on such marching orks or on their tanks, this is another 150 million, bukovel-type rebs that cover 20 km, 50 million, 100 pieces, 50, trench rebs, if they cover 300 m, then 500 of them are needed, yes, that's more 20 million. in total, serhii, 415 million dollars, and the government has allocated one billion for fractionation, one and a half for drones. then i have a question, why then the fighters say that they dig the trenches themselves, i have two shovels, everyone else turns to the mayors and volunteers. give me drones, where
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did they go, the president promised a million drones, yes, we remember, prime minister shmyhal said that 300,000 had already been paid to the troops, and the european solidarity faction received an answer from the ministry of defense that the troops funds from the state and local budgets, and large donors also came in droves. i want to say that poroshenko personally brought 15,000 of them to the army, that is, tell me what is happening? poroshenko is not a poor man, but he, well, this is some distortion, he brought 10% of the drones to a private donor who has supported the armed forces since the first day of the war, the whole state together with all the cities... brought half less than
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the prime minister promises, and six times less than the president promises, what am i leading all this to? this, by the way, echoes your first question to our viewers about the system of government. it seems to me that this is not the first, unfortunately, not the second, but many, many times repeated conclusion. unfortunately, populists in elections are always very interesting, often even so funny. and then this laughter turns into tragedy and crying. populists essentially do not have any state management experience, and therefore are unable to build any system of transferring the economy to the rails of war. sergey, can you explain to me why the min of numbers is responsible for fractionation? i do not know. and tell me who is actually responsible construction and distribution. and who and what
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does the prime minister do? therefore, we urgently need to choose a wartime economic management system for the armed forces. pay attention: the russians have changed the minister of defense. and it's not just like that, it's a serious bell. they appointed instead of such a balabol of the parade soviet type, they appointed a person with economic experience. who developed the transfer of russia's system under sanctions to internal development, well , in our opinion, he put the economy on the rails of war, it is often said in our country, he was a curator the production of shaheeds and other drones, and now he has become the minister of defense, which means, it means that putin has delegated him to create a war economy to support the aggressor's army, this is one option, the second option, for example,
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was during the second world war in america, president roosevelt issued a decree and created a special council on the military economy. she. was subordinate to him, had colossal money, had to pour it into any enterprise that switched to the production of products needed by the military, this is the second option, but there was one person responsible, there was the government and its head churchill, who also led all the economic military processes in britain from the 39th to the victorious 45th, this is also the third option, we have the fourth option, he is not responsible for the war economy . no one, everyone is doing something together, mintsiy makes registers, makes drones, for some reason builds fortifications, the ministry of strategic industries builds rockets, makes money someday, you look at the budget, the sea,
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and when you look at facebook, you see such a sea of ​​requests to donate in support of one , of the second, fifth, tenth military body, but look, yury vitalivych, one of those... who should have done it, who functionally could definitely do it, it was the same kubrakov, oleksandr kubrakov, who was retired, in he had the status of vice prime minister, he united these two, the two ministries of infrastructure, regional development and there, well, such a complicated name, but well, the lion's share of this money was definitely mastered by this ministry, and there was also an agency for the restoration of ukraine this is where this competence comes in autodorus and lampreys. yes, and what happened to kubrakov in this situation? kubrakov comes, they say to him, listen, we will dismiss you, shmygal did not speak to him, zelensky did not speak to him, he did not come to the committee, he was dismissed there, some german delegation went to meet him, reached halfway to kyiv , and
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they say to him, but kubrakov is no one anymore, that is , turn back, that it was scrubbed at all, because i still can't understand and there are no clear explanations. what he was fired for, he was doing the wrong thing, or the wrong way, either not with those, or with those with those, well, first of all, i do not agree that the ministry of mines, which consists of regional development, that is, community development support, and the former autodor, whatever he is called now, should be responsible for war, well, it is an owl on a globe, it does not stretch, eh... it seems to me that such a person should obviously be our prime minister, but the prime minister is not capable of performing this function, he is, he is not is the prime minister, he is yermak's shmygal in the prime minister's office, and pinchuk, if to take akhmetov like that, it's already
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free time, look, the problem is that he carries out all the instructions that the office of the president gives him in an unconstitutional way, although, therefore, he is the fifth year in... and already the prime minister - minister, but that's why the armed forces constantly lack trenches, body armor, and spare parts for it, and the most important thing is that there are no ukrainian missiles, ukrainian drones, and ukrainian components for various western equipment, okay, uh, then you're talking about kubrakov , yes, indeed cuba, our system was so stupidly built with populists without any experience, that at the beginning of the war it was this ministry that was supposed to build roads and repair damaged houses, and even cover power plants, they engaged in the importation of shells and military equipment, then they engaged in
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other, well, not irrelevant matters for this ministry , for example, the shelter of energy facilities, well, what kind of cholera is this... it is not the ministry of energy, the former autodor, that no one can explain, because there is no order, no rules in that team, there is just vasya, you will do today cover of the power plant, petya will come up to you and he will tell you what oksana said, that's how they built it, as a result, to put it mildly, we are not very good with shelters, so they are now, when these shelters are not saved, they say , that we are not here, but we are not , that's right. always works, if there is no order and system, then those responsible for failures do not exist, and this is the whole claim of society, yes we, for example, i do not get tired of repeating, president zelensky is a legitimate president and after the 21st, he is the president of a warring country, which means my president,
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but i want to hear who was responsible for the obvious failures before the war and during the war, and the answer to this is the only marathon telling us yet another pinky. loved ones about the fact that we are about to be in the crimea again and we are about to have a victorious peace. but let's go back to kubrakov, and why was he removed? let's remember who kubrakov was before the war, before he? kubrakov was one of the main actors of the big construction, which was popularly called the big theft. and before his eyes, five monopolists, who between themselves squabbled over this colossal budget of tens of billions of dollars, were engaged in this, a 10% kickback for the authorities, how much they took offshore, i can't tell you, and kubarko was the best, he was praised by the president, he was praised prime minister. everything was fine, but as soon as the war began, kubrakov really stopped this whole story, moreover,
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he established personal relations with the american embassy and representatives of our main strategic ally, and from that moment on, when this scheme of dereyban ended, from that moment he suddenly became unloved, because 10% stopped dripping, and then he became the enemy of those who decided not to leave... this place, and this place is so sweet in their vision, not because it is necessary to help the zsu, and because in their imagination this is a billion-dollar flow for fortification, for restoration, and soon they say, there will be peace, mr. yarmak is already telling us that peace is coming, accordingly, we must immediately occupy this key place, because kubrakov does not allow to do what he led before the war, as a result of his... i apologize for the rudeness, well, let's not be rude, his friends in big construction, one
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of them sitting in the office of the president, another sitting in the ministry of defense, and the third sitting in oil and gas, created what they think is an elegant move, when parliament removed a man who stopped playing by their mafia rules, here's the whole truth about kubrakov's resignation, you will find out how it will end when... one of these three dignitaries is appointed in his place, do you think that kirill can be appointed, tymoshenko will pretend to be engaged in fortifications in the ministry of defense , but in advisor status, so as not to sign anything, which means that they will not be responsible for anything. i believe that kyril tymoshenko is really needed there, indeed for the fortifications, but as a commissioned lieutenant of the engineering forces, to personally sit on the equipment of the yug freeway. lead this column, stand under mihaikov and personally
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dig day and night, including under fire, then the fortifications will be real, and when he will be sitting in kyiv as an adviser, and uncle mykola will dig with a shovel as usual, then in we will have factions like in kharkov, but look, yury vitayovych, you are talking about the fact that someone should be responsible, but as far as i understand, mono-power implies mono-responsibility, well, that is absolutely obvious, and this... mono-responsibility is not between kirill tymoshenko and kubrakov, this is mono-responsibility, well, at least among the two people of zelensky, he is constitutional, well , constitutional, but not with such broad powers, the fair who manages him in the office, well, that is, when it comes to who is responsible for this, well the answer is already obvious, who? look, let's divide, there is political responsibility and here you are right, president zelensky is responsible for everything in the country with a monomajority, because he is the first... the first time, even kuchma did not have this and yanukovych did not, they shared the majority
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in the parliaments there with with different parties, sometimes with communists , then with different parties with strange names, but this one has full control over the government, full control over the parliament, one-man, not like it was in the days of poroshenko or yushchenko, a coalition, but one-person, complete control over the courts, complete control over her, gentlemen, over the law enforcement officers and most importantly - a total monopoly on mass media, because you and i do not appear in digital format, we can only be seen on the internet, all this means that freedom of speech , which has been present since the time of yushchenko, well, in a completely european format, has now again shrunk to the extent of, well , let's say a bunch of second convocation or second draft, that is, political responsibility. in such a format that you own everything power belongs exclusively to president zelensky, and he will bear political
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responsibility in the next elections, and i am sure that he will lose them, well, there is also legal responsibility, and here, serhiy, you are wrong, there is no collective legal responsibility, everyone is responsible for his own , in this case, this government took into account how many problems there were in yanukovych's entourage, and in him personally, how much money was taken from them and how many assets were seized and given to the state, and... i will remind you that it was billions and, well, for example , odessa an oil refinery, there is a stadium in kharkiv, 1.5 billion dollars of money, in kyiv, that is, these were colossal funds. what did they do? they came up with this chapito called advisers. tell me, do you remember the government under which colossal financial, economic, political, social processes were managed not by ministers, not even heads of administration,
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not heads of regional administrations, or advisers. what is the adviser responsible for? as soon as he came, he closed his mouth. the workplace was cleaned and left, for which he will be imprisoned, that is why they are all still there advisers, and holik, adviser, and tymoshenko, adviser, and, and the fair is responsible only for violins according to the law, therefore, see that we do not talk about bad things for so long, i will say what we say, we, the opposition, are already saying the last half a year, we are ready to support the current president in everything necessary for the country's survival, and first of all in supporting the armed forces. we are always ready to share everything we have for ukraine. i responsibly declare that our party, everyone who can, well, let's say, in terms of age and health, is at the front. we have more than a hundred dead. all of us, volunteers, do everything necessary to
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support the armed forces. but we suggest to the authorities, let's find that unity. which you, the government, are constantly talking about, let's do a very simple thing: parliamentary elections were held 5 years ago, according to the constitution, it has been a year since the extra parliament is in the hall, yes, parliamentary elections are prohibited during wartime, we know that, but that political choice not relevant anymore, right? accordingly, let's form a government in parliament, not on the basis party interest, it should no longer be the government. of the majority of the people's servants, it must be a government of professionals, which we call a government of national unity, which will not study, which will not talk nonsense, will not hold another truskavet school there, and from the first day every professional will join in his place without party representation over the one who knows better than anyone, are there such people in
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ukraine, yes there are, are there candidates for such prime ministers, yes there are, are there such people? the ministers of defense, economy, and infrastructure, yes, but today, unfortunately, they are not interested in it the president and the head of his office, and why is the president not interested, and why am i, i am listening to you now, why am i asking this question, because in the first days of the war, zelensky communicated with poroshenko, although it is clear that they did not have very good relations there in the 19th and 18th years, there were reasons for that, zelenskyi would offend a lot. and is offended, continues to be offended by poroshenko, it is obvious, poroshenko wants some kind of understanding with him, some kind of conversation, in the first days of the war, the great war, starting from february 25 or 24, 2022, such there was a dialogue, why is there no such dialogue now, and why did zelensky abandon this dialogue, in fact, the dialogue was only for the first 3-4 days, they really had several meetings, at which,
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well, as i was told, it was said, let's turn it over and start from a pure arch. because a country at war is a completely different country than it was before, let's forget about 144 criminal cases, which did not bring the country anything, and in addition do not have any legal grounds, let's go and so on, zelensky instead asked that you to me were advised at the beginning of the war, but then this contact was broken again, i even remember approximately when it was, it was around april, when... the ssu began to sweep out the occupiers from kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, etc., and zelenskyi he believed with his team that the victory was here, but he was not going to share it and is not going to. the matter lies in the personal character of volodymyr oleksandrovych. he wants to be on stage alone and he wants all the applause only for himself. what are we saying about
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poroshenko? let's talk about his team. where is bakanov, where is bohdan? where honcharuk, danylyuk are many, it’s all a dream, this team, rebyashapka, who left, came, who disappeared, everyone whom people start to recognize, disappears from the air, from the team, there should be only one on the stage, as ermak formulated, the greatest leader in modern times, it is a good idea to lead everything, and to receive all the applause, and at the same time, as time magazine found out, the leader has to manage everything , and this greatest and most influential person is not going to be divided between the two, and their logic is very simple: the west is interested in our victory not less than us and he will not let us fall, and this false message is where all the problems begin, because the west will certainly support ukraine,
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it will certainly give weapons and so on, but it will play according to its script, and it does not always include the phrase ukraine above all , well , because they have their own geopolitical, internal political, and even electoral interests, and at the same time, ukraine has not been able to establish a program that was already done a long time ago, i mean missiles, drones, artillery , well, what can i say, on the west can write off anything, that we don’t have enough shells, that we don’t have enough artillery, that they didn’t send us f-16s, but tell me, is it the west’s fault that with 1.5 billion in money, we don’t have drones for even half a billion, which would provide the entire front line, is the west to blame for the fact that it is allocated... a billion for fortification, as a result, we have, to put it mildly, imperfect defense units, and large-scale
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construction equipment does not take part in big fortification, nameless fops are pumping money again, so look, that's the problem if to admit someone to the government of national unity, i'm not even talking about poroshenko, anyone who won't say that's for sure... mr. yarmak, if such a person is admitted there, it will become clear that this pocketbook will be very weak, well, 5 billion stole the whole system of not just inefficiency, but the inefficiency that leads to global corruption during wartime, will come out at once. and that's why they are not capable of sharing power, and that's why i'm afraid that we have only one hope, it's illusory, but it's still there. let's just grit our teeth and say: until the end of the war, the president of ukraine zelensky okay. it
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will not work without yarmak. okay. but the parliament must elect a government of national unity. can this yermak-controlled parliament elect such a government? yes, maybe. i would like to remind you that turchynov was elected speaker by yanukovych's parliament. and yatsenyuk as prime minister. and many others. well then the situation. it was like that, or they would have been carried out on pitchforks there, or they would not have voted, but now there is no such thing, well, look, when you drive down the road and see a cemetery and sprinters, isn’t that the situation, and don’t the deputies live there, in now there are more arguments to say, listen, this is if lutsenko will propose, for example, a government of national trust or poroshenko, no, no, and we will go into that again in 2019, i am not talking about a party government of european solidarity and personally i am not going to be any government official ah... but i am talking about the government, which will be responsible to society and the armed forces, if this is not done, we, well
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, you remember how in football, the class interrupts, amateurs, that is, we are now engaged in amateurism, we have not built a systematic work , and against us a huge imperial, a dictatorial machine pumped with money and meat, which operates according to... the laws of the totalitarian system, and we are trying to stop it on horseback with cossack knighthood, well, it can be a year, it can be two with the help of the west, but then society feels that something is wrong here, and that is why this situation in kharkiv, i emphasize once again, there is no catastrophe there, most likely there are normal lines of defense in the depths, and there are no mines, and there are no drones. this is a manifestation of the fact that in kyiv there is no single integrated system of managing the war economy, and either we will create it, or the country will not exist. and you say the situation is not the same, but i say the situation
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is much worse than in the 14th year, because in the 14th year we cried over a hundred killed of the heavenly hundred. and now, no one has given us an honest number, but we all see it in cemeteries. therefore, i do not call for any radical actions. i just know that the deputy. sometimes they come to their homes, and party members, and majoritarians, and the electricity of society at these meetings, but with them it becomes more and more, i say once again, this is a meager chance for changes, a more significant chance there is a time when the western allies will get tired of this irresponsibility and corruption, and will still force us to create a responsible, official government of national unity. yuri tech, well, you knew zelensky before the war, and, well, if i knew him, of course, you were also a minister then, and then later, when you... put you in
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prison, i understand that you had some phone calls, he did, he called you in prison, what did he call, why were they calling, you called, look, well, you know zelensky as a person, he obviously remained the same somewhere volodymyr zelensky, as he was, just spent 5 years, which were already quite difficult, by the way, these five years, that is, it is not some kind of walk, there are hardly many in the world. presidents who ruled the country during the war, this and it is also a very big question, how people cope with it. you did not try to talk to him, to say that volodya, well , let's sit down, let's think about the future of the country, is there a permanent entrance only through one door, through the ermak, well, that is, he understands what is happening, is he not up to the end understand, i remained the prosecutor general for another three
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months under zelensky. he insisted so persistently that i should write a statement, i ask why, well, everyone wrote, i say, i was never like everyone else, i didn’t steal anything and i didn’t earn anything, so i’m not going to write, well, there you have it the term of office, in my opinion, was still long enough, he says, then i will have to remove you, i say, well, i will try, but in fact, according to the constitution, this is not included in the power of the president, so what should i do, i say ... everything is very simple, if the parliament will be elected without a majority for me, i will immediately write a statement, because no one needs a prosecutor general without a majority, i don’t need a chair, i just want to throw all the submissions in the trash, but then he agreed and said, everything is fine, in a month, so do it, and here we are we leave in such a normal mood, and what, i apologize, but i say that, well, it was agreed, because they really
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knew a lot, i say, what is your plan? i will show all of you how old professionals will treat me, how a neophyte will be applauded every day by the whole of ukraine, and i say, you understand that this is a sick enough body, if he applauds the doctor, then he has an appliqué, here we need to carry out serious operations, serious actions in order to achieve a serious result in three, four or five years, this is all nonsense, i will show you how every day. we will achieve a result and people will applaud it, but the desire for applause is the main thing for him as an artist. i emphasize, it is said to be positive, i have never seen or heard that he is particularly interested in money, but this can be attributed to the positive, however, his environment treats them in a completely different way, but he himself volodymyr oleksandrovich wants applause and wants
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simple applause, he doesn't want to line up. long strategy, he does not want to engage in two or three, sometimes five-way, and this leads him to these sad results. and then, when he remained in the narrow circle of yarmak and five managers, well, i think that he does not fully understand the situation that is developing in ukraine and at the front. with all due respect to the supreme commander, departure to the trenches is tako. persons, it is always a show off, well, zelenskyi was in kharkiv, he was at these fortifications, he said that they are 98% built, well, to put it mildly, maybe where he was, that's the way it is, well , yuriytavych, you were in power and held several positions that were quite serious, the minister of internal affairs, you were the prosecutor general, well, you all they all knew what was happening in the state, it was also impossible for you to be in any limited space at least,
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i don’t know, 50 sources of information from my friends, from my party members, from maidan activists, from journalists, from me appointed special civilian assistants, chiefs regional administrations, so that they could check with people, i went to receptions in the district center and sat for hours, listening to people, what they would tell me, look, this is a different style of leadership, there is a style of leadership , the authority of force, and now there is leadership. the power of authority that i saw under yushchenko and poroshenko, with different shades there, but it was exactly like that. when you know how to delegate authority to the strong prime minister yatsenyuk and are not afraid of it, when you delegate authority to the strong minister avakov, who criticizes you the president every day and even brings out demonstrations against you, but you seek an understanding with him, because you are a coalition.


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