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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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greetings to all espresso viewers, it's time to learn about the main events for this hour, i'm the announcer. so i'm starting this issue with this. the armed forces withdrew from their position in the lukyantsiv district in the north of kharkiv region. the general staff reported. just now, units of our troops are repelling enemy attacks from the russian side of shebekin in the direction of vovchansk. at the same time, the cleaning of urban buildings on the northern outskirts of vovchansk continues. russia may launch a new offensive in the sumy region. assumed the head of the main
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intelligence director kyrylo budanov in an interview with the new york times. according to his forecasts, the attacks in the kharkiv region will continue for another 3-4 days. next, the occupying forces will strike in the direction of sumy. at the same time, budanov assured that our defenders will be able to strengthen their positions and stabilize the front in the kharkiv region within the next few days. american military aid to ukraine is on its way. us secretary of state anthony blinken stated this at a meeting with the president of ukraine volodyr zelensky during his visit to kyiv. let me remind you that last month the congress finally approved a package of military aid for our country worth 61 billion dollars. some aid has already arrived, more support will follow, and it will have a real impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many others... with partners in ukraine
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, are convinced that you will succeed in this battle. we are also determined that over time ukraine will stand firmly on its own feet in the military, economic, and democratic terms, because it is strong, successful, a prosperous, free ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future, and for all this the united states is and will remain a loyal partner. helped evaders without hindrance. cross the border law enforcement officers detained the organizer of illegal transportation, the state border service reported. the perpetrator helped clients obtain medical certificates giving the right to leave ukraine. therefore, a legend was created for one of the men of military age. allegedly, he accompanies his sick mother on treatment. for such documents, the violator paid uah 11,000 to the organizer. the thief was detained while receiving the funds. more than
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uah 5 million in damages and six foreign citizens were extradited to the czech republic by ukraine, the participants of an international fraudulent call center, the prosecutor general's office reported. according to the investigation materials, the criminal group worked in odesa, the suspects called citizens of the czech republic and presented themselves as technical support of the people's bank of the country, in particular , they convinced people to protect the allegedly compromised account and transfer money. or to another bank account, it was prepared in advance by the offenders. in the czech republic, fraudsters will be prosecuted . they sold trophy, sniper weapons and explosives to bandits. sbu detained five black gunmen. previously, law enforcement officers exposed four suspects in donetsk region. they dropped combat weapons from the frontline areas. during the searches, an arsenal of grenades and kalashnikov assault rifles were found on the persons involved. and grenade launchers,
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another cache with weapons and ammunition was discovered in kharkiv region. this underground was arranged by the driver of one of the local military units. almost a million hryvnias were stolen during the repair of the southern bridge. this was reported in the kyiv prosecutor's office. during the renewal of expansion joints, the workers unreasonably changed the material for the work. such conditions are not specified in the contract with the contractor. the materials with which... were replaced do not differ in quality from what was already laid, but the new one is much more expensive. this led to additional costs. currently, the law enforcement officers are identifying the participants involved in machinations crazy wedding in transcarpathia. law enforcement officers detained three people who tried to cross the border to slovakia on foot. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. the unknown persons turned out to be citizens of the czech republic and'. zemtsi came to
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ukraine for the wedding of friends, there she quarreled with the newlyweds and the hotel administration, since all the funds had already been spent, then they decided to return home, on foot outside... checkpoints, walked along the railway tracks, and they were detained. in the center of the capital a real river formed, the pipe of the heat line burst, local teploenergo conducted hydraulic tests to identify weak sections of the heat line, so it burst onto antonovycha street. within an hour, the repairmen managed to localize the breach, and now they will begin repairs. every day, people with reduced mobility face various obstacles on the street, in transport, and in restaurants. people in wheelchairs from five regions of ukraine have already checked lviv institutions for accessibility and will later provide recommendations with
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creating a barrier-free space. let's see how it was. 10 people in wheelchairs checked lviv institutions for barrier-free accessibility, for this... residents from lviv, ternopil, rivne, volyn and ivano-frankivsk regions underwent online training. this practice was organized by the public organization all-ukrainian association of persons with disabilities, group of active rehabilitation, so that the participants could expertly conduct barrier-free audits in their communities. this event is a practicum, in fact, that completes ours the training cycle, which has been going on for almost more than a month, was in an online format, where we actually learned together what accessibility is, what norms regulate accessibility, and how to actually arrange inclusive barrier-free spaces, both inside buildings and in the open air, so to speak. the inspection of establishments was carried out on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex, at
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the request of the residents themselves, who want to make their establishments accessible to everyone. in particular, the auditors inspected a bookstore, a science museum, and food establishments. they say space has to meet the requirements of safety and accessibility for all groups of the population with low mobility, these are people with disabilities, impaired vision, hearing, the elderly, parents with baby strollers, what we saw, almost everything is fine, there are no, however, indicators for people with visual impairments, there are no tactile stripes, there are no certain contrasting elements so that people can see where the entrance door is, so we will work on some points and provide recommendations accordingly. to make this space truly barrier-free. and we we hope that after that we will be able to provide professional services, conduct surveys in all cities of ukraine and, accordingly, make our common space more accessible and safe, interesting and useful for all
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citizens of our society. the participants carefully inspect and measure the height of the racks, the width of the entrance passages, and the presence of nearby. and ramps, audiovisual elements and tactile plates. there is not enough space to turn around, you cannot approach at an angle. to move to the toilet, there is none nearby, neither one nor the other, dustbin, here you have to push your foot to open it, yes. vasyl is one of the participants of the training course on accessibility, the man came to the audit from the volyn region, he says, he has been in a wheelchair for more than one year. for years he has been using his own car for personal comfort, but even here there are problems, in particular with the availability of parking spaces, i need at least one more meter near the driver's side so that i can move, move into the car, fold my chair, throw it in the car, in fact
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there are no such places, or if i leave room for me to change seats, someone always parks in such a way that i cannot get into the car, there are also such cases that... there is a parking space, but to leave it, for example, there are no steps to the facility. after the audit, the participants will prepare reports and give the owners of establishments practical recommendations for creating a barrier-free space. they all hope that the number of accessible locations for all categories of the population will increase in the future in the cities of ukraine. for this, they are ready to advise business and government institutions. natalya stareprava, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in sirizon in the open air in any weather day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield
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of damaged military equipment, in particular , tanks, bmp apcs, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumatics, to the combat zone. hydraulic jacks for emergency repairs foreign technology. our goal is uah 63,000. with your help, there are already 205 00 on the accounts . you can see all the details on the screen. join this gathering. and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and i encourage all viewers to support our youtube channel. next , meet my colleagues marto liyarnyk and antin burkovsky on the air, and i will meet you at 3 p.m.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, what is the situation in the north of our country, on the northeast is extremely tense, there are signs of some stabilization in the kharkiv direction, but heavy fighting continues, and an important signal from the head of ukrainian military intelligence, general budanov, follows. russia planned the sums from the very beginning, so far the situation does not allow them to attack. we will not only talk about this in the next few hours. antin borkovskyi works live for you in the espresso studio. marto ulyarnyk. well, we are now adding oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political viewer of the group, to our ether information resistance. mr. oleksandr, we welcome you. glory to ukraine. glory to you, congratulations. well, the offensive in kharkiv region will last 3-4 days. after that, the enemy will try to go. in the direction of sumy, said general budanov. your comment, didn't we
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know that offensive actions against kharkiv region were being prepared? good question, good question. well, we heard about it from 2020 to the end of 2023, the beginning of the 24th, that the russians were preparing for this. and in principle, there should be nothing unclear for us, and for our general the headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine as well. and therefore, if we talk in general about the information wave that is happening around the events in the kharkiv region, i will say this, if you look at this situation with the eyes of a civilian, well, it seems that there is some kind of apocalypse and everything else, if you look at it with the eyes of a military person , which understands the tactics of conducting general military operations and so on, then we can say yes, it will probably piss someone off even now, but the russians... experienced a complete fiasco on may 10, why? because they used in two directions, in two
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locations, the format of two regiments, two divisions, and an incomplete set of motorized rifle divisions and two regiments. er, the regimental functional of the first day of the offensive operation is 6-8 km. the russians entered this facility just now 6-8 km from the border with...ukraine, despite the fact that they did not pass through defensive lines and borders, but rather through a gray zone. therefore , in principle, we can say that from the very beginning they already began to slow down the process of offensive actions in the direction of vovchansk, and also in the direction of liptsi, they did not achieve the set combat task in the first day, only now they are trying to achieve it on the fourth day, this all indicates that there is enough functionality and resources for something. they cannot have anything more, mr. oleksandr, let's
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go into more detail, if you will, about bohdanov's statement, so he says that this offensive in the kharkiv region, which is currently underway, will last another 3-4 days, this is a direct quote from budanov, after that, the occupiers will try to go to sumy, and this is where i would like to go into more detail stop, firstly, the resources that the enemy has to do this, and secondly, what might this offensive look like, will it be rapid? is it an attempt to capture some border area, or can they still try to advance closer to the regional center? well, which regional center, let's face it, they now have the opportunity to act in the border zone, in the border zone, what we are currently observing in the kharkiv region are the actions of the 44th army corps and the 11th army corps at the same time. the corps of their main two divisions, which are breakthrough, and this is basic
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the use of the resource of the belhorod border guard group, which has always been the largest of the three main border guard groups, the kursk, bryansk, and bilgorad border guard groups, even before the formation of the north troop group, so the largest, largest group operates here, border guard and... the main strike component of the north troop group, if we are talking about the sumy region and the immediately following amount, this is the same scarecrow as the offensive on kharkiv, we are now seeing the offensive on kharkiv. that is, they have already started hostilities in kharkiv, city battles, kharkiv is almost captured, no, what they have been talking about for months, during the last months, that the russians have the possibility of sabotage and terrorist activities of limited functionality in the border strip, we repeat what has been said many times, but to capture large cities
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such as kharkiv or sumy, there is no functionality in them, especially the fiyskkursk group, which is located. on the border of the sumy region, it is even smaller in terms of its total number and the forces and means at its disposal than the group of troops of belgorod and the 44th and 11th army corps were attached to it. look, mr. oleksandr, well, of course, i would not like to use you only as a commentator on the interview of general budanov, but, but, here is a direct quote, the extreme interview of budanov in the new york times. the situation is on the edge, with every hour this situation is approaching critical. you have a word: you don’t need to give me a word, you address first, for example, to mr. yusov or mr. skibytskyi, who are the official representatives of gurym of ukraine, and send them these phrases directly to them, they
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correspond to what mr. budanov said in an interview with the new york times. the new york times is a publication that, for example, i have been for a long time, no matter how many times they ask me for comments, by the way, i do not give them, because i despise this publication for the fact that they always twist those words , which we say, i really like the live air more than the comments of publications like the new york times, there is a live air, there is a live recording, and my words cannot be distorted, but here is what mr. budanov said and what he wrote the new york times is, to put it mildly not quite true. mr. oleksandr, we only support. your assessment of our work and the opportunity to work live, and martoylynyk and i also believe that the espresso tv channel and espresso news resources are cooler than any of the new york times, yes, but returning to the situation on the front line, there is a feeling that the enemy may try to transfer some additional resources, i don't know whether they will shoot from other areas of the front or not, whether it is possible that they
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have still there, so to speak, trained a couple of tens of thousands of their... recruits, well accordingly, there is information that our military, our generals are also considering the prospect, so to speak, of transferring part of our strategic reserve, or possibly transferring certain units from calmer areas of the front, if there is, of course, reason to talk about such things at the present moment, and in general , if we talk about the possibilities of strengthening their border resources, then ah... russians, they have not yet fully used the full potential of their 44th army corps, before the start of offensive actions, conditionally offensive actions, because this is not a full-fledged general offensive military operation, and what is happening in the kharkiv region, they used somewhere from 3,700 to 400 personnel from
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the 44th ak of the leningrad military district. the commander of which, by the way, was lapin, who was later appointed commander of the north troop group, and this is not yet their full, full potential, but what is the matter? the fact is that before the start of this operation, they were not able to fully staff their units and fully staff their units with equipment and mechanized components. the situation is the same with the 11th army corps , their potential is not fully used, and only partial units are used, there is also the possibility that the russians can use the units of the western army group to strengthen their actions in the kharkiv region, it is quite possible, that is to reinforce a group of troops, the north with these units, and probably it can amount to several thousand
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personnel, but now it is the russian troops, they are approaching from the gray zone from... to the borders of our defense, that is, where our positions are, where there are appropriate lines of protection, defensive lines, and there it will be difficult for them to advance without using the full extent of the general military functionality, and we can see this even now, their very entry into the depths of the territory of kharkiv region, and it is beginning to slow down, so either they will remain at the same level , using the potential that... they have the 44th and 11th ak, or they can really wait for some period when what is left of the 44th will be redeployed to the zelenograd military district, or... drag, well, for example, i don't even rule out that not from the group of troops west, but it could even be the group of troops center, units of the 41st combined arms army, precisely to
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the belgorod region, and from there already strengthen the kharkiv directions to vovchansk or lipetsk. liptsi, i'm sorry, let's talk about the reshuffle in the top management of the russian federation, ex-secretary of the security council patroshev was appointed as an assistant. shuigu, who was the minister of murder of the russian federation, has now become actually the secretary of the security council, what can you to tell you about the personnel reshuffle, how it can affect the course of the war, your position, i was most surprised by the fact that bilousov was appointed to the post of minister of defense, that is, he is a cybernetic economist, to put it mildly, he is far from military affairs, and ... rather, it is more for revision, there are two points here: either it is a revision and a rational approach to the use of the resource and budget allocated to the russian army,
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if it is so ideal, or if you look at things realistically, it is rather an idealization already of the very format of corruption schemes that existed during shoigu's time, that is, one of the two. and of course this person, she is not, the shoigu did not answer to the military, he did not understand military affairs, this one even more does not understand military affairs, but he will either be, which will be negative for us, he will more rationally use funds for those or other operations, or what would be the best option for us, he will be better than shoigu to corrupt the budget of the russian army, mr. alexander, well... i would also like to ask you about the situation in donbas in general, we understand that there are battles, and the battles are heavy, that is , they are not the first week, not the first month, but
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if we take the current situation now , taking into account the fact that the enemy is raising the stakes in the kharkiv direction for a reason, hoping so, maybe that certain or other steps will take place, perhaps not fully thought out steps, although i am more than sure that our general staff and the commander-in-chief are aware of all the threats, well, here is the question... of resources, equipment and so on and so forth, but if we are talking now about enemy attacks on on the donetsk front, as far as i understand, they are betting on one or another attempt to break through, the second half of may will see activation in several directions, the greatest activation may be in the area precisely in the krematorsk direction, this is again the chasovoyar district, it is also lymana-kupinska, the lymansky axis direction, kupinsky direction. they will also try to go to the stallion, they will try to break through the direction of yampolivka, it is also the second half of may, there is a concentration
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of relevant forces and means, and gradually they, well, if we are talking, for example, about chasivya, about whom against the background of the events in the kharkiv region, well, they almost forgot, he almost disappeared from the information space, although there are also assaults from the side quite constantly. of the russian occupation forces and in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, they are just gradually moving from the use of the prevailing infantry component to the increasing saturation of the mechanized component, which means that they will also use the mechanized component for breakthroughs in the near future, the end of may, the beginning of june, the same situation, this is also a turkish bridgehead, that is , they say it as the kromator direction or ee... the palovsk direction, the pokrovsk direction, and here, i would not distinguish between these directions, because the russians, they will now
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try to advance along the route n- 20 north, that is to exit at 0504, which leads through yar times, and also through yar times at 0.504 before exiting at h20, this will allow them to cover the turkish beachhead, although it is not easy, because ... the beachhead he as a defensive defensive location has been formed since 2014, and it is quite difficult for them, let's say yes, it is quite a difficult section of the combat zone, but everything points to the fact that they will try to break through the h-20, and also go to the ravine without even creating the conditions, for example, what conditions need to be created there, it is necessary to capture klyshchivka and andriivka, the southern flank, they haven't done it yet, but they are already concentrating their forces for the city... and the battles began with the assault itself, the city itself. if it is possible, please, very briefly about the situation near the robot, the russians are trying to get hold of the south.
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they have locations, especially in the school district the opportunity to enter the area of ​​shko, well, there is such a location that they cling to and use as its main position, but mostly still, if you characterize the events in the work area, well, it is more of a swing right now, although the russians are really pressing as much as possible, because for them it is the decision of this robotic performance that is a priority until the end. this year, in order to go completely to the battle line that they had as of the end of may 2023, this will allow them to already expand their priorities, or on in the orihiv direction, or to do it more carefully, for example, walk the field in the direction, walk the field. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information resistance group, was on the espress airwaves, thank him for his analysis, and i want to remind you
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that... now our help to our army is needed more than ever, so be please use this qr code that you see on our screen now, because this fee is actually to buy the evacuation quads, yes to be the opportunity to evacuate the wounded, to deliver ammunition, this collection is currently being carried out for the needs of the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine, so please, we hope that each of you will not change this collection due to your capabilities. we ask you to join, bank card numbers and qr codes you see now on your screens, we are going now for a short break, after it we return to the espresso studio, be with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from unpack tv exactly for you, they will cut trees and bushes with ease, they are convenient use for carpentry, this is
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wrote a children's poem here, listen to it, it's crazy. poli dir-dir, why did we freeze, every week the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv. and invited fact-based experts give his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on.


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