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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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traveller, bam and savings. unseen classics in underwear never, or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? a tractor in a poly-hole, why are we for peace? saturdays every week. the club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. in
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a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on an atv for the 93rd brigade of the cold gorge in the direction of chasiv yat.
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the information day of the tv channel continues, of course, we talk primarily about the situation on the front line and try to analyze the situation on the newly opened sections of the front line, in particular, when we talk about kharkiv oblast, an important message from british intelligence, i am quoting now part of the intelligence review of the ministry of defense of great britain for today , hence the newly formed northern group russian interventionists were taken under their wing. control of several villages and towns in the kharkiv region, and the cross-border city of vovchansk, which is almost certainly russia's closest target, is currently fighting, i quote, i quote the british verbatim: by opening an additional direction for the offensive, russia is almost certainly trying to divert ukrainian resources from other areas of the front line and pose a threat to kharkiv, ukraine's second-largest city, the british review said. analysts themselves consider it unlikely that russia increased. sufficient
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combat power to seize the city without involving additional forces in this region, well , the state department of the united states of america previously stated that the russian invaders will try to advance in the kharkiv region, but the american side does not see any serious breakthroughs in this area. kharkiv and the region also need two patriots, zelensky said this at a meeting with united states secretary of state antony blinken today, i will remind you, antony blinken from neogolo. came to the ukrainian capital for a visit and says about what zelensky says about what indicated that air defense is the biggest deficit for us, and the biggest problem, right now we really need two patriots for kharkiv and the region, says the president, because the people there are under attack and they are very worried about it. well, in turn, blinkin pointed out that ukraine is currently going through difficult times, but the aid agreed in the united states is on its way, and some means of defense
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will still be delivered, well, we will now have the opportunity to add to our ether nin yarosh, the leading specialist in program policy of the un world food program, who is in kharkiv, mrs. nino, we welcome you, glory to ukraine, good day, i greet you from the city of kharkiv, today we are with you in a location where, with the help of volunteers and many international and ukrainian organizations organized evacuation. people from the directions of vovchansky and lipetsk, and people here, when they evacuate, they have the opportunity to receive various types of humanitarian aid, including food kits, hygiene kits, pillows, blankets, as well as primarily to receive financial assistance, which will enable people to have resources for their lives for a certain time, in addition... i want to note
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that this center also provides people with the opportunity to settle in kharkiv and the kharkiv region and accommodate these people and delivery. these people to the place of temporary deployment, i want to present to you a little the format of work that our organization has, the universal food program, and to introduce you a little to this area, where we are now with you. as you can see, right now, a large number of people are on location, and i want to show you what type of humanitarian aid the people who are in the shortest time are getting , you see. there 's stews and bread, which is the first response to the needs that people have, and you can see that a lot of organizations are here, and you can see that you can get a hot lunch and sign up, as
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i mentioned, for financial assistance. the world food program provides assistance for three months in the amount of uah 3,600 every month. and this is where people can get this help, the organization is supported by various volunteer groups, and people come here by bus to register, it doesn't take a lot of time, so i think it's the most convenient for people to get such a complex, in fact, when you evacuate from hot spots in our region. let me ask you, how many people have already contacted you and directly from those areas of northern kharkiv oblast, where the fighting is now going on? thanks for your question, to date, since the weekend and to date , about 2,00 people have contacted us, who, as
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i have already mentioned, i also received registration for financial assistance, people will be able to receive money within a week after. during the registration process, as i have already mentioned, they received food kits and kits for basic necessities for living. dear ms. jarosz, well, speaking of money, what is the situation, for example, with additional payments for people who were forced to evacuate. to date , the world food program pays uah 3,600 for three months, that is, in general , a person receives uah 10,800 in financial assistance from the organization, this is the generally accepted amount between un agencies and other non-governmental organizations to cover the basic needs
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of people who are in a hidden situation. and what is needed for this, does a person have to have a certain residence permit in the places where the fighting is going on now, or? must somehow prove his need to receive such assistance, and where to call, announce, be good numbers, maybe someone will write it down so that people can simply find their way around better, maybe not everyone even has access to the internet, is it meant there, do they use certain social networks? i want to point out that this aid, it is directly organized for the people who were evacuated, organized with the support of the authorities. of the kharkiv region and the humanitarian center, that is , people come to this location in evacuated buses brought by volunteers, that is, to prove that they came from somewhere, we don't need it anymore, because we understand that these people got
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off the evacuation bus, of course we get information directly from people already when they submit their documents, in order to receive financial assistance. for our organization, it is enough to have a person's current phone number, their id number, identification code, and, of course, their first and last name. if i-bank has a bank code, it speeds up the receiving procedure. a person receives a financial payment with fersten union transfers that can be received in any branch of the new post office, ukrposhta and any bank, this is not a problem. i want to note that this type of financial assistance is directed directly to response, rapid response for people who are in a state of transit, evacuation, that is why this assistance is organized locationally and in places where we can
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make sure that people are evacuating and can come here and receive such help, inform. people, they will actually be brought here by volunteers, that is why we need to prove in no way where they are from arrived, what we see for ourselves, that in general the place of registration. of course, we are looking at people, as already mentioned, directly from those northern parts of the region, from where people are currently being actively evacuated. thank you, ms. nino, nina yarosh, the leading specialist in program policy of the un world food program was on our air, explained how assistance is currently being provided to people who are currently being evacuated from those regions, those settlements, where hostilities continue, active on the north of kharkiv oblast, well... i'm here i would like to remind you that let 's help everyone in our place with what we
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can, yes, thank you to all the charitable organizations that help with evacuation, that help with housing, that help with food, food and so on, but let's not forget also that it is necessary to help our military, who are now holding a peaceful sky above us, and our task is to do it constantly, not to forget to do it, to do it regularly. but with small donations, large donations, different ones, the amount does not matter, your involvement in this process is important, so we are asking you in clino to help us purchase everything we need for our military, we currently have a goal to purchase atvs for the evacuation of wounded for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar, this is the yar of old times, it is a very hot point of the front, so we ask you not to be indifferent, well, we are going now for a short break, we will... after it continue the information day of the tv channel, so stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so
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is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, goy. and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle
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is to know how hard victory is given. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation united around you. information is in progress. the day of the tv channel, well, the united states secretary of state anthony blinken arrived in kyiv with an unannounced visit, yes, i quote, our president has already met with blinkin, and there are important signals from the american official, i quote: we admire your strength, your leadership and stability, we know that these are difficult times, and we also know that aid has already been agreed,
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it is already on its way, it will soon arrive in ukraine and help you in your case. to fight against russian aggression on the battlefield. blinkin also added that the united states, like many other partners of ukraine, are confident that ukraine will achieve victory on the battlefield. instead, our head of state reminded blinkin that we need at least two batteries of patriot air defense systems to protect kharkiv oblast. i am quoting the ukrainian president now. i want discuss with you some, in my opinion, very important issues. first. the package decision is key for us so that it arrives as soon as possible. secondly, this is air defense, this is our biggest deficit. i think that is the biggest problem. well, according to the president, two patriot batteries are needed today for kharkiv and kharkiv region. people are under fire, they are worried, they are under russian attacks.
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let's not hope that an american official will react appropriately and be able to convince as president joseph biden. yes and the relevant american officials, in order for them to start moving a little faster, when we talk about air defense packages, this is critically important, it is not only about the situation on the battlefield, but as volodymyr zelenskyy rightly noted, it is about improving certain, so to speak say, moods in society, in particular in those territories where additional sections of the front are currently open to the enemy, and we also understand that the alarming situation nearby is not abating. who cares, the united states is troubled by the tzahal military operation in the city rafah in southern gaza and cannot support it until they are convinced that israel has a plan to protect civilians. we will talk more about the situation there with yevhen korniychuk, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine in israel, mr. yevhen, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you. glory. well, we congratulate you on the
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independence day of the state of israel, we understand that it is an extremely important holiday. but given the current military-terrorist situation, how does the state of israel celebrate its holiday? see, this holiday is divided into two israelis first, they celebrate the day of remembrance of those who died for the independence of israel. and this day was celebrated yesterday, well, they celebrated it, it's not a holiday, it's a day of mourning, candles were lit, a siren sounded. throughout the country, and cars stopped on all highways, paying tribute to those who died defending israel since its independence. i remind you that today is the 76th anniversary of israel's independence, and very little time of these 76 years israel spent in peace, a time of peace,
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in fact constant terrorist threats, massive attacks from neighbors. that is, this country, which is used to war, which is currently also in a state of war. the differences are certainly big, as there was no traditional air parade over the main cities, fireworks were banned in order not to annoy the population and cause anxiety among the population, as people are used to sirens. and explosions, and certainly this, this is not positive for them today, well , unlike other holidays, because the military operation... which began on october 7 during the attack of hamas on israel from the gas sector has not ended, the security limits are certainly
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unprecedented, people celebrate mostly at home, no barbecues, as it mostly always happened in the central park of tel aviv . is not observed in jerusalem, they lit torches in jerusalem, and also lit 12 torches in the cities close to the gas sector, where the atrocities of hamas took place, this is near zderet, they paid their respects to the dead, and also remembered those israeli citizens who are still there, are keep by hamas, well, as hostages who have not yet been released. by the way, i wanted to, yes. permit me, i would like to ask, how
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do israelis generally feel about netanyahu's policy and how do they perceive israel's strategy in this war, because now we saw even at the eurovision contest, how the world perceived israel ambiguously in this contest, although we we understand that israel is a victim of this war, which was attacked. yes, but now the situation in this, i would say, part of the world is not so clear-cut, and israel is currently having problems with by this, how do the israelis perceive the policy of their government? israelis support the policy of the authorities regarding the end of hostilities in rafah, a successful one, meaning the destruction of the entire hamas military group, and thus the salvation of the world. community, which is felt, does not affect the position of israeli citizens. moreover, they, in their absolute majority , support the government and the military in ensuring that
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the operation is completed as soon as possible, and the hostages are released as quickly and efficiently as possible. you understand that actually the military speak about it openly, that the goals set by the government and the military command. before the idf, well, it is very difficult to do, because first you have to destroy all of hamas, you have to release all the hostages and cause minimal casualties among the civilian population, and all three tasks, they contradict each other, because they cannot be done in a filigree way all at once, you understand, this , it is actually very difficult. therefore, the world's outrage is understandable, since the number of people who died in the sector. number of civilians is approaching 35 000, and this is a huge number, and we are talking about the excessive use of force during
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the operation, but the military has no choice, because they are defending their country, and the small number of fighters who are hiding behind civilians now remains in rafah itself. it was reported today that over the past two days, about 400,000 civilians... were resettled, resettled from rafah to the north in the camps that the israeli government created for civilians, and we certainly discussed this with government ministers, that this should have been done from the very beginning days of surgery, then, of course, the victims would have been less, but it happened, as it happened, and the families of the hostages will not stop their camp in the future. in the center of tel aviv, they destroyed a non-vetted town and people gather every day to support them and honor the memory of the dead and
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support the idea of ​​releasing all the hostages, that is, this problem is still there, and in this sense the opinion of the world community does not bypass the local in fact, that is, you can understand them too, but we understand the problem that exists in the world with the question of excess. or not excessive the use of force in relation to the civilian population, how to do it otherwise, is simply practically impossible, since hamas usually hides behind civilians and uses them as animals, as fodder, mr. ambassador, well, we understand that there is a position of this or that abstract world community, but there is a position of the united states, and we understand that the united states is a faithful and reliable ally, not only for the state of israel, but also for ukraine and for them. and other countries, yes, but there is such a story that the operation in rafah in the sector gaza, well, the united states is not very
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supportive, having... some skepticism or pessimism about the results and the consequences, because according to secretary of state anthony blinkin, it will not lead to the destruction of hamas, and we understand that this operation is still hanging over shadow or ghost of iran, we understand that iran resorted to extremely brutal bombings of the state of israel. how do you now assess the explosion of a dangerous situation? indeed, we in the ... feel loose criticism among civilians, the civilian population, the american government, who refused to provide the necessary weapons to continue the operation in rafah, this happened officially, there was a message from the american president on this matter last week. well, actually a few things happened that had never happened before. for example, the americans refused to promise a palestinian resolution in the un security council. that
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the last time was during the time of obama, secondly, the americans for the first time imposed sanctions against a separate unit of the tzahal, this has never happened either, and of course, the israelis criticize openly in the press and on the streets, you you can hear criticism from the american government, which has always been an unreserved partner of israel in any anti-rorist activities. organizations, again, it is difficult to say how events will develop, i think that from a military point of view, probably technically, what the israelis have planned can be done, but it is impossible to say what casualties among the civilian population it will lead to, so it is clear that the warnings of the world society are absolutely understandable, and thorough, and to resettle the civilian population
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it was necessary to write off the gas sector. the beginning of the operation, what was not done, and of course, the problem exists, but you have to see with your own eyes the parents and relatives, those people who are still in captivity, it is difficult to look at them, and for us as ukrainians, i think that it is more understandable, better than the other. finally, mr. ambassador, i would like to clarify to what extent there are prospects for deepening and strengthening what is called military-security cooperation between. ukraine, the state of israel. we have a minute and a half. it is developing quite successfully here. and i, on sorry, i can't go into details, but in the last, most recent time, in the last 2.5 years, the impetus for this cooperation was actually given, it was the aggression of hamas against israel. that is , israeli society and politicians clearly understood that we have a common enemy and that we must act together against those you... who
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exist, i also wanted to say, if i may, one sentence about celebrating the day of the righteous of the world, and to say that for the first time since during the independence of ukraine, a street was opened in jerusalem named after the ukrainians, the stepanyuks, the righteous of the world, who saved the jewish family during world war ii. that is , this is a significant event, i believe, for both our peoples, and i think that similar decisions of the israeli government and local governments will continue and will promote cooperation between our peoples. we also hope, mr. yevhen, yevhen korniychuk, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine in israel, was on the etheres presso, thank you for the inclusion, and we will pass the floor to our colleagues from the news editorial office, who prepared
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the current one. up-to-date information on what you need to know right now we pass the floor to our colleague ania eva melnyk. anya, we congratulate you, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you, colleagues, muscovites killed two people in the kharkiv region, and in this issue i will also tell you about the unofficial details of the visit of us secretary of state anthony blinken to kyiv, be yourself. us military aid to ukraine is on its way, us secretary of state anthony blinken said at a meeting with ukrainian president volodyr zelenskyi during his visit to kyiv. let me remind you, last month congress nare'.


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