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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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news editors, who have prepared relevant and fresh information about what you need to know as of this moment, we pass the floor to our colleague ania eva melnyk. anya, we congratulate you, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you colleagues, muscovites killed two people in the kharkiv region, and in this issue i will also tell about the unofficial details of the visit of us secretary of state antony blinken to kyiv. be with us. american military aid to ukraine is on its way, us secretary of state anthony said blinken said at a meeting with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi during his visit to kyiv. let me remind you that last month , the congress on... finally approved a package of military
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aid for our country worth 61 billion dollars. war is war, and lunch is on schedule. us secretary of state anthony blinken decided to have lunch after meeting with president zelensky. for this, i chose one of the kyiv pizzerias. he was joined by his ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba. the interior of the institution is made in a patriotic style. but what status clients ordered the film crew did not managed to fix. the russians killed two people in the vovchan community in the kharkiv region. an 83-year-old man in the village of gatishche and a woman in vovchansk were fatally wounded. the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, said. also, rescuers and the police managed to evacuate more than 7.5 thousand residents from the border of kharkiv region. more than uah 5 million in damages, six
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foreign citizens, ukraine extradited to the czech republic, it is about participants of an international fraudulent call center, the prosecutor general's office reported, the group worked in odesa, the suspects called citizens of the czech republic and introduced themselves as technical support of the country's people's bank. in particular, people were persuaded to protect the allegedly compromised account and transfer money to... another bank account, which was prepared in advance by the offenders. crazy wedding in transcarpathia. law enforcement officers detained three people who tried to cross the border to slovakia on foot. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. the unknown persons turned out to be citizens of the czech republic. foreigners came to of ukraine for the wedding of friends. they quarreled with the newlyweds there. and the hotel administration,
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since they had already spent all the money, they decided to return home on foot outside the checkpoint, so as not to get lost, they walked along the railway tracks, where they were detained. helped migrants to cross the border without hindrance. the law enforcement officers detained the organizer of illegal transportation, the state border service reported, the perpetrator was helping clients get medical certificates. certificates giving the right to leave ukraine. therefore, one of men of draft age created a legend that he accompanies a sick mother for treatment. the offender paid uah 11,000 to the organizer for such documents, and the offender was detained while receiving the funds. they sold trophy sniper weapons and explosives to bandits. sbu detained five black gunmen. preliminary three suspects
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were abducted by law enforcement officers in donetsk region, they were selling weapons of war from front-line territories. during the searches , an arsenal of grenades, kalashnikov assault rifles , and grenade launchers were found in the possession of the suspects. another cache with weapons and ammunition was found in kharkiv region. this underground was arranged by the driver of one of the local military units. almost a million hryvnias were stolen during the repair of the southern bridge, it was reported in kyiv. to the prosecutor's office, during the renovation of expansion joints, the workers unjustifiably changed the material for performing the work. such conditions are not specified in the contract with the contractor, the material that was replaced does not differ in quality from that which was already laid, but the new one is much more expensive. this led to additional costs. currently, the law enforcement officers are identifying the participants involved in the fraud. in...
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a real river formed in the middle of the capital, a pipe of the heat pipe broke through. my colleague dmytro didora is at the scene. dmitry, my congratulations, tell me and our viewers what? what happened, what are the consequences and when will the specialists repair the heat pipe? i congratulate annoyeva, i also congratulate our viewers, you can see behind me, this is the same hole that was formed as a result of the fact that one of the pipes burst in the case during the hydraulic tests. eyewitnesses posted a video on the network that was formed at the station on the libyan square. like that an improvised river, it obstructed traffic, it was closed soon after, now traffic on this street is also prohibited, the police here surrounded the entire perimeter around the repair works, and now traffic on this section, it
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is blocked, what happened at the lybitzka metro station, let's hear further in a straight line speech such cases happen, unfortunately, on the one hand. but fortunately, because due to the fact that we will see the place of damage, we will be able to replace the most vulnerable area, then in winter we will not have serious problems, the damage is further, those 300 meters from here, behind i just can't imagine where the water went and the soil and asphalt surface were washed away, according to people who... saw the incident with their own eyes, first water started pouring out of the sewer hatch, then the asphalt surface collapsed, now kyiv is working here thermoenergo, about 10 cars are involved, we can see that the water is being pumped out, now
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specialists, and that they are expanding the diameter of this hole in order to reach and localize it. this gap is where the accident happened, and petro pantileev claimed today, the deputy head of the kmda that traffic will be restored tomorrow, but it will be restored in a reduced manner, only two lanes of asphalt pavement will work, but they promised that the traffic itself will be restored, now a number of routes are also delayed, the 2m bus stopped at this particular section, which now duplicates traffic closed in kyiv-pasranka emphasized that the movement of buses will be organized from the house of music, it is opposite this place, where the breakthrough happened, the bus will then move along mccain street, filatov street and mikhnovskyi boulevard, then it will already be on its way
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a closed section of the metro, kyivpastran residents were also warned that a number of buses and trolleybuses have changed their route, so they asked to review on... their website or in their social networks how exactly the movement of this transport will take place. this is the current situation on lybitsky square, where a heat pipe burst and a gap formed in the asphalt. anya thanks for the work and information. dmytro didora, correspondent of espresso, about the situation in the capital, where the pipe of the heating line burst. and i urge viewers of espresso to join the collection for the repair of the heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver in combat zone
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mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 13,000 with your help there are already 206 00 in the accounts, every hryvnia is important, you can see all the details on the screen, join our gathering, these are the things at the moment, the news editor is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, we will tell you more news in the next release at 4 p.m., and always about... the most important thing you can read on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and i urge all viewers of espresso to support our youtube channel. and then eterespresso will be continued by my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi. thank you ania
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vymelnyk. thanks to the news editors for being informative. espresso tv channel in rozpala will inform you in the end, what we are doing live on the most important events of this day. an important message from our general staff is the state of affairs in almost all areas of the front. at 1 p.m., fighting continues today, the greatest activity of the occupiers is recorded in the kharkiv, kramatorsk and pokrovsky directions. the situation in kharkiv oblast. in the direction of kharkiv, the enemy made eight attacks in the directions of deep slobozhanske, shebekino. russian federation vovchansk, borysivka, bezseli, and also unsuccessfully tried to advance towards the lipetsi and boring. since the beginning of the day, there have been six combat clashes in the kupinsky direction. one combat clash was recorded in the lymansky direction, in kramatorsk. the number of enemy attacks increased to eight, and accordingly, in the kurakhiv direction
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, the defense forces successfully repelled six enemy attacks, the enemy operated in the directions of marinka-georgiivka and the glorious novomykhaivka. we will now talk more about this and not only with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. we will talk about today's visit of anthony blinkham, in particular, and not only about that. mr. yevgeny, welcome to espresso. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day, well, to raise, let's say, the morale of the ukrainians, antony blinken arrived, at least that's what the western media write, about the fact that this unannounced visit took place precisely because the russians began an offensive on the northern border of kharkiv oblast, well and in fact, a high-ranking official of the united states personally came to kyiv to express his support, but we understand, not with unified slogans, that's how things should be. to help ukrainians, and zelenskyi has already stated that they expect help from the united states, and
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blinkin, in turn, said that this help is on the way, how would you outline the main messages that we need to read between the lines? the main message is that magical thinking still prevails in washington, where it is evident that a visit by the secretary of state of the united states to... can stop the russian offensive in kharkiv oblast. it does not. this offensive will be stopped or has already been stopped by the ukrainian military. and we have to understand this. and the united states should be quite clearly aware that the fluctuations of their position along with political expediency for a long time, the refusal to implement the law on lendlis, which was. at one time rather pathetically decided, certain doubts and hesitations, in fact, as well as the reluctance
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of the united states to act in such a way that would lead to the defeat of russia as such, significantly increase the number of victims among ukrainian defenders and among the civilian population, this, unfortunately, is real at the moment, it does not mean that ukraine should not be grateful. to the united states, the united states systematically supports us, and this is also true, but if we are talking to partners, strategic partners, then we must tell the truth, no matter how difficult and unpleasant it may be. by the way, pentagon spokeswoman sabrina sinah admitted during the briefing that the delay in approving military aid packages for ukraine from of the united states caused problems at the front. what do you think, if we hadn't... dragged on for six months with this help from the states, they would, they, i mean the rashists,
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they would have dared this offensive in kharkiv region, which is happening now. history does not have a conventional way. we don't know what would happen if. we know that bipartisan support for ukraine disappeared for a certain time, and now it has reappeared. and ukraine has accordingly. how to react to it. ukraine, at the moment, is a point in the struggle between good and evil, which actually, at times, as scalpel, reveals the plans of the rashists regarding not only ukraine, but also the entire european continent. you see, and ms. pritzker, there was a very, very interesting delegation, i do... but i think that blinkin's visit is not, well, not the event that
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should stop everything and that should just turn the situation around, no, no will be, the situation depends primarily on our defenders, but the role of the united states in this matter is really significant, and this is a real fact. mr. professor, look, i would like to... well, i understand that you are not a military expert, but why now in your opinion, the enemy has started its offensive actions in the kharkiv region, aiming both at kharkiv and kharkiv. north, as well as sumy oblast. why now? so, what can be the political version? the political version is absolutely simple and obvious. russia is trying to make an informational attack on the peace summit, which will be held in switzerland on june 15-16. that is, russia will try
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to demonstrate that its actions are such that... deprive the peace summit of logic, that is, why discuss the terms of a peace treaty with russia, if russia advances. i think we are a week after vladimir putin's visit to sijipin, when the moscow dictator will take a shortcut to the board of his chinese suzerain, we will be convinced that russia does not plan to participate in the peace summit, this ... of course, it will be worse if we find out , that china also does not plan to be there, then it will be a significant problem for us, that is true, and you feel that there may be certain changes in the official or unofficial position of beijing, yes, in particular , taking into account xi jinping's several-day visit to the european continent, france, serbia-hungary, and also, in my opinion, it is
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possible, well, the strongest message from xi jinping, he did not... go to any party in the russian federation, nor to putin's self-coronation, nor did he go to may 9. well, suzern can't go to vasal's coronation. even if mr. gondyaev is present there, who only did not kiss putin's slipper during this ceremony. well, that, that doesn't fit the logic of china, where. the desire to save face and the intention to save face, they are always, well enough, i would say, decisive for politics. sydzepin in europe acted very carefully, you know, uh, a clear calculation, a clear informational reason, or the anniversary of the establishment, the round anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, or like in belgrade 25
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years since the bombing of the chinese embassy. the capital of yugoslavia then, now serbia, it's all very, very interesting stuff, and china has demonstrated a fairly high class of its diplomacy, which was answered jointly by, you see, emmanuel macron and ursula fonderlein, although, well, i'm sure xi knew about the presence of mrs. fonderlajen, he couldn't, well... i don't, i don't think that it came as a surprise to him, i think that he just realized that it is more profitable for him to discuss key issues behind closed doors with the european union in exactly this format, with the formal ursula vonlein and the informal leader that emmanuel macron is today in the de facto european union. mr.
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yevgeny, look at the peace summit, there is a lot of talk about it, a lot. expectations , various expert circles say that the practical part of the peace process may begin in june negotiations, ukrainian intelligence in the person of skibitskyi says that real negotiations are possible at some table, so in the second half of the 25th year, because in the given conditions, with the given resources, ukraine will not be able to defeat russia on the field, they are only fighting like this, well and the status quo russia will want to secure by the time we sit down at this table. negotiations, and what will this summit give us in general, that is, it is to check how the countries of the world will react to possible concessions from ukraine, whether they will somehow incline us to these concessions, or for what purpose, just would like to understand what practically we will get from this summit, in my opinion,
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the peace summit in switzerland is a litmus test, it is so global, and it must be treated like that, so there is no point in praying for a litmus test, it is absolutely clear. i think that it is necessary to take a serious and conscious approach to what is happening, and to understand that if there are less than 100 states participating in this summit, and the heads of state, speakers of parliaments, and foreign ministers , and ambassadors will also be counted, it does not matter , well representatives, if there are 100 or more states, ukraine will have a moral. to say that the majority of the world community supports the peace plan of volodymyr zelenskyi is our unconditional success in foreign policy, but if this does not happen... then there will be problems, if china and india are not present, it is not clear to me personally who will represent the opinion of the global south , the position of the global
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rooster, that is, without the presence of representatives of india and china, it will be, in fact, well, i would say, medush sovoychik is like this, and this is not the best situation for us, but i... well, i urge you not to have exaggerated expectations, so that later there will be no despair and disappointment, that we, we thought that on june 15-16 they would come to an agreement and the war would stop, no, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no, because it is others are working, and we must show and prove and use this peace summit, in particular to show that ukraine is waging a war for independence and that... a war for independence is beneficial to the world, and that russia can be dismantled, its political superstructure removed ,
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and leave it in the current economic sense, that is, ukraine should emphasize we don't have any expansionist plans for a single centimeter of russian land, let them sort themselves out among themselves, then, we don't have such plans, we want to restore... our own borders, and not seize some russian territory, mr. professor, very, ugh , mr. professor, we lack, yes, the last, the last, we lack an anti-colonial message, we must emphasize that we are waging a war against our former metropolis, which wants to destroy us, because there are dozens of countries in the world that waged anti-colonial wars, i agree. we with you, professor, in your opinion, what is currently lacking in the sanctions policy towards the russian federation, we understand that something more needs to be done, because the old plan
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of the state department, it is about the sanctions plan, it did not work, and now we see the strengthening of the ministry defense of the russian federation, as economists and cyberneticians understand that this is also a rather serious signal. the practical dimension is lacking. sanctions against rosatom, sanctions against russian metallurgists, sanctions against russian oil and gas, if countries, we must say that any trade with russia is criminal, and those who supply russia directly or through third hands with electronic equipment for missiles are actually murderers and therefore should be closed. for these companies in the ukrainian embassies and say: we know that you sell it to russia, and either you will
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stop it, or we will appear in the media of your countries and say that you are the murderers of hundreds of ukrainian children, so first closed, then open , with a short thinking time, but available, otherwise it won't... be to work, ukraine has a moral right to show a strong position, because more than 800 days ago, let's say 820, the general chorus of voices said: "you will collapse after the first blow of moscow." we did not fall apart, we continue to put up effective resistance, and ukraine must capitalize politically on the growth of its own influence. and be clear and convincing to our partners anywhere in the world. we thank you. evgeny magda, the executive director of the institute of world
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politics, was on the air of espresso, analyzing geopolitical events around us, yes, they talked, in particular, about the peace summit and antony blinken's unannounced visit, which is currently taking place in the ukrainian capital. well, we will now take a short break, after which we will talk about the situation in sumy. yes, the interview of kirill bodanov, it shook us so much in the aspect that there are certain threats for sumy oblast as well, we will talk about it literally in a few minutes, so wait, be with an espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but if you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, there is a solution, garden trimmers recors unpack the tv, have time to order for a special price. at a price of only 999 hryvnias. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places. near fences, along the line of paths, near the sidewalk,
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free delivery, check with consultants: cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one move, with strong saws, just look how quickly they handle even thick branches, strong saws are easy to use and mobile, once you're done , and unlike standard overall saws, saws strong so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999. with the possibility of free delivery. strong saws. whatever you need, call. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. well, now sumy is in touch with us viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. glory to ukraine, viktor. glory to the heroes, good health to you. well, now i'm quoting the head of the main department.


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