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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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taught that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, value the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow soldiers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. stand down in the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there are a lot of events, but dear tv viewers, now to for your attention, we have prepared an extremely important plot, volunteer ivan haustu, together with the police , has been evacuating civilians from vovchansk for several days in a row, working under constant enemy fire, one of the stories about the danger people are in in the current plot, we are watching together there from the first tell me what it was? for
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the task and what happened, well, it turns out that since may 10, the police department is engaged in the evacuation of the local population from the city of vovchantsiv, since active hostilities have begun in the territory of the suburbs, and very many civilians expressed a desire to leave the city, but they do not have the opportunity to do it on their own, so we, our police department, came to the rescue, together with volunteers and the local administrator, the military administration, our the task of the policemen was to pick up people from the city itself and deliver them to a safe city, a place where they were already picked up by volunteers and taken to the place where they were settled, today it was usual to work out... applications for evacuation, but
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the address which was in the application, was on on the outskirts of the city, that is, the street where, well, it was shot at, as it turned out, by the military of the russian federation, i, together with the head of the district department, he was sitting next to the front passenger and the senior representative, who was behind. to me, left at the address to pick up an elderly grandmother, moving along the street, i won't even say the name now, it turns out, already in the city itself, moving along the street closer to the former shoe factory in vovchansk, we were already approaching the grandmother's house and in this a moment from the shoe factory... there was a bullet hit, ugh,
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uh, the previous sniper, we think, because the characteristic damage from the 7.62 caliber, ah, because it was the first hit, when the hit happened, well , there was no sound as such, but, well, visually we noticed, in the because of which we realized that this area was really being shot at, but we did not decide, well, we decided not to stop, and not to risk our lives, and in connection with this, a decision was made to flee from this place, to at the intersection, we immediately turned onto korolenko street, and at that moment, when we they were already returning, they opened on us from different sides, i don't understand where these soldiers were actually located, because i got the impression that they were sitting in the courtyards of houses that had already
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been abandoned, and from these... , we didn’t understand why, when we arrived at a safe place and inspected the car, we noticed characteristic entrance holes from 545-caliber bullets from a kalashnikov assault rifle, as well as from a large-caliber machine gun, because when we turned onto korolenko street at that moment we had a punctured right front wheel, well... i made a decision not to stop directly, since the car is armored and weighs 4 tons, well, stopping on the spot, it would be a fatal mistake for us, and on the punctured wheel, as much as possible drove, well , it was about 5-6 km, we drove, left the place, and after 5-6 km, the rubber did not hold up completely... it broke and we became the very
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disk of this wheel, however, as we were already more or less in a safe place, quickly transferred to a spare. and continued moving even before our place of deployment, that's how it happened. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. both t camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will be noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer at half price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. thanks to the fact that
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saves one life, saves the whole world. may 14. on the day of remembrance of ukrainians who saved jews during the second world war. see this week in the collaborators program. sellers from kyrylivka, who are actively russifying the village? zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are united, friendly forever. but why are car races organized from russia? the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his
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life. a ride to bka, a ride to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for early evacuation. we call on everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv ya . the russians attacked civilian infrastructure with drones on the border of chernihiv oblast. this is reported by the police. the enemy of the chernihiv region struck several drone strikes on civilian infrastructure in one of the villages of the novgorod-siversk community. fortunately, people are not suffered, well, now kharkiv and kharkiv oblast are under heavy scrutiny. in our studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine,
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lieutenant general of the militia in reserve. glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo. glory to the heroes . well, an extremely high-profile publication arrived, to which we cannot but... react, yes, in particular, martyna bohuslavets, the head of the mezh anti-corruption center, published a certain study when it comes to not fully thought out, as it seems, to everyone who can. .. get acquainted with the relevant text, not fully thought out contracts for the supply of wood for fortifications with companies with signs of fictitiousness, well, accordingly, that is, classically under direct contracts, without competitive procurement, we are talking about the kharkiv regional military administration, there is already information, so the head of the kharkiv ova sinigobov will hold relevant briefings and explain, well, but, but, but, that is, there were quite a few... well, i would say with elements of scandal, details, for example, information is given about
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one of the fops. three months after registration, the department makes a direct agreement with him contracts for the supply of wood worth millions of hryvnias. this fop was registered in july 23. well, he had executive enforcement for a fine. he was previously found guilty of stealing a pint of jack daniels from atb. i even somehow overestimated it. i thought one and a half liters and a half. liter of jack daniels, for you, stolen whiskey, this fop has done 100 hours of community service, well, you know, a successful businessman in quotes. mr. mykhailo, if we talk about the urgent analysis of who is responsible for those or other purchases and for certain control mechanisms, and in order for you to know, well, this is not a question of funds, it is a question of fulfilling the state weight of works, how should we deal with all this business , mr. anti, well... well, i think that isolated cases, let the law enforcement agencies sort it out, but we all have to
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understand the conditions in which the state lives, in which conditions the territorial military administrations and other state authorities carried out these defense structures, how they were built, delivered, because it is important here to preserve peace, and those who are guilty have definitely bear responsibility, regardless of when it will be, but now the main thing is to help the defense forces, not to sow panic, well, if we talk about defense structures in the kharkiv region, i talked to the military, and they clearly say that building them on the state border, it was practically impossible for the ukrainian-russian, because the russians brought artillery up close, which reaches 5-10 km. because of that , fortifications were built exactly at such a safe distance, because it is heavy equipment,
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it was built by civilians, approximately 10-15 km the first line of fortifications was built from the state border, everything else, of course , the military leadership should also figure out , moreover, military intelligence warned of such events, that is, the armed forces of ukraine almost to the day... knew when the russians would storm the borders of ukraine, and the fact that the russians did not immediately manage to advance deep into the territory, into the depth of the territory of the kharkiv region, indicates that our defense forces were ready for such a development of events. yes, mr. mykhailo, look, i would still like to discuss with you ambiguous statements coming from our european partners, and you know, it's already turning into something. show and some kalamburg, because one day there are some statements, then the next day other statements, and this
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is very confusing for ukrainians, i mean those ukrainians who are abroad, yes, that is, we have a certain decision of the ministry of foreign affairs, but we also have some very ambiguous, i would say, ambiguous statements of our partners, and until the end we do not understand how the process of returning men from border and whether it will happen in principle. in our studio, you have repeatedly talked about the fact that there are certain... registers that can be opened, where you can see who left and how. why do you think our government doesn't use this tool now to identify those people who have been living there abroad for a long time, and those who, for example, left during a full-scale invasion. well, first of all, i would like to say that the majority of ukrainian citizens who left our country because of a bad life are helping today ukraine, they will donate. they send funds to close family, relatives, who use this money to buy goods, services,
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etc., because of this, last year alone , our citizens sent more than 12, 12 billion dollars to ukraine, this, excuse me, is irreversible aid, it is irreversible investments, because when partners give us, they mostly lend, although there is a part of grant aid, because of that. these people need to say thank you, how can a difference be made here, if a person left before the start of a full-scale war, then that is one story, if a person illegally left in ukraine, i mean, a person has a military obligation, then these are already signs of a criminal offense, but, i emphasize, it is necessary to understand in each specific case, how the person left, whether there were fake documents and who forged them, how they crossed the border , how the border guards behaved, that there is no
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sign of a crime in their actions, including the customs officers, that is , it is a whole crime, including the customs officers, that is... a whole chain, but now it is very important that the ukrainian authorities take concrete steps in order to encourage people to return from abroad. the latest sociological studies show that, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people who want to return to ukraine, about half to half, this, this, this is little, this is less than it was a few months ago, this includes the first people put, it's security in... they put more than 30%, they put security and put almost the same figure, it's the creation of conditions, it's infrastructure, it's about kindergartens, schools, hospitals, that the ukrainian authorities should create approximate conditions such as are in europe, so that citizens have a place to return to, including provision of housing, because the majority of people left those territories that
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lost everything because of that, this is a very difficult issue, but what is important is that our consular sub... sections of the ministry of foreign affairs for across the border in various states helped our citizens, because it is their constitutional duty to protect the citizens of ukraine, wherever they are and whatever they have done there. next thing, we see that each european state of the european union behaves differently in relation to ukrainian refugees or those people who temporarily received asylum there. the european commissioner for refugees did not issue a letter. one document that would cancel the existing one, that ukrainians are under protection until may 2025, this applies to all countries, but the domestic governments of european states can make separate decisions regarding additional support and funds that are allocated nationally, or
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reductions, about such reductions already declared by some scandinavian states, switzerland. etc. germany, for example, said they were ready admit all men and they will be under the protection of german law if they are employed, then again this is an indication that they may be in that territory for a period of time, why? because germany has its quotas for the entry of citizens of other countries, i.e. migrants, and they decided that ukrainians are better. who are more honest, able to work than some citizens of other states who often came to germany, because of that this is a difficult issue, first of all for the authorities of ukraine, and it is necessary to do everything in order to create the conditions first of all, that is why we believe in the armed forces, because the security sector depends on them, we believe
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in the help of our partners, because the anti-aircraft anti-missile support system. support depends only on them, because of that it is a set of measures, and the rest is infrastructure, creating conditions, this is already the task of the ukrainian people, personnel, so we understand that the verkhovna rada voted in the second reading of the draft law that strengthens the extraordinary administrative responsibility of its financial dimensions, there there are also very interesting ones novelties in that draft law, well, it has, it is now under the signature of the president, and accordingly, mr. mykhailo, we would like to ask you, so how will... this mechanism for collecting fines for administrative violations, in particular in the sector that is called failure to update data, failure to pass the military medical board, and so on and so on down the list. well, first of all i want to say that until the second reading the draft law, because it has not yet become law, the president has not signed it, before the second reading it has become much
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better, we managed, as they say, to throw this criminal answer out of there. for violation of military records, failure to appear at the tsc, etc., but some fines, which before that were 300 uah, 700 uah, they increased to 17 thousand, there are 25 for untimely appearance, etc., there is one questionable thing that we discussed, especially those , who deal with the case, are lawyers, regarding absentee recruitment of an employee. tsc isp of the protocol on the administrative offense and the wine immediately issued a resolution, here it is doubtful, but... they followed the example of how administrative protocols and fines are collected or imposed today violation of traffic rules, there is also
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made without presence, video evidence, yes, there is an accounting system, and it is very important that the system has an evidence base, that is , there must be clear evidence that the potential... violator knew what he needed from to appear and for what time, this is clear, moreover, i am sure that there will be no mass issuing of fines, i will tell you why, now the oberig system is only being tested, the oberig is a system of accounting for all conscripts on the basis of the ministry of defense, it is a difficult process , charm base pulls up at least 15 other accounts, and it should be. compiled into one register and after that there will be a database for every military serviceman, tsk, sp, so loaded now and will be loaded so much
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in the near future that they will not have time, as they say, in the people, to sift through the entire database in order to , in order to bring the culprits to administrative responsibility, because of that there will be a certain kind of period, when by the end of the year, the database will be fixed and the tsc will process the data of those who voluntarily come in order to update the data, because the data update system is now the creation of an electronic cabinet at the request of the military conscript, excuse me, but the decision on a fine without a protocol, how to deal with that, well, i am very interested in such a thing the novel is also not easy, the new one... the draft law extends the period of administrative detention, accordingly, for violating the rules of military accounting, the police can detain for a period of up to three hours in order to draw up a report, and in
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cases necessary to establish the identity and /or clarify the circumstances of the violation for up to three hours days three days is still the good old pda, you know? well, i will tell you that even today there are such norms for establishing persons. or circumstances, or circumstances, the police have the right to detain up to three hours, if there are other more complicated cases, then even up to three days, there is nothing new here, i am more concerned, i am more concerned whether the employees of the tsc will have time to provide services to citizens who voluntarily wasting their time, they come to update the data, ugh, then in case... it is necessary to clarify certain certificates, come again, or enter them already in the electronic office, because of that, i am sure that many will voluntarily create an electronic
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office so that data can be updated remotely, administrative service centers will be overloaded, clearly, because most will still go there, because psychologically the appearance of conscription in the premises tck, this is already a certain psychological stress, and the following. it will be better to direct persons to conduct vlc, who are already overloaded with persons who have been injured, who have expired, and again the tsc must confirm, and persons who persons who became persons with disabilities of the second, third group during this wide... large-scale invasion must pass, they must also pass a medical examination again, and except in cases, it is clearly written there, except in cases where a person received a disability as
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a result of a military injury, or a person lacks limbs, one of the limbs, or one of the paired internal organs, because of which the vlcs will be so overloaded here anyway. that the additional number of people who will voluntarily go, they will not have time to process, that is until the end of this year, i will not envy those employees who will do this work, moreover, already 90% of our tsk sp is staffed by persons who have gone through combat operations, that is, these are the people who are not just office workers, these are the people , who passed through the front, were wounded, sometimes lightly... or those who volunteered after a serious injury, but only can perform this work, also, by the way, it is not easy, both psychologically and morally,
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because of that our... expect difficulties times, but today we see, i was in kyiv in one of the shopping centers of the city, i saw queues there, people occupy for two or three days, that is, these are those conscious ukrainians who just want to pass on time, ugh, and to understand that then there will be queues, but i will emphasize once again, and there are already queues, there are already queues, but by the way, the queues say, there are those people who have a reservation, or they have a postponement, yes, but... this is very good, because when they clarify their data, it will be easier and easier for them later, again to pass them, they will already be able to remotely through administrative service centers or through an electronic office in a few clips, as they say, and do all this work, because we have not yet tested this process as a state, but it went and... and i am sure that many
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problematic issues will be removed automatically, although i do not exclude that there will be new ones that we ourselves do not yet feel, because the process will not be easy, and especially from the vlk, whose work is also subject to complaints, but these are the people on whom the fate, the future fate of those conscripts depends, by the way, about motivation, we have three minutes, a law was passed that has to allocate an additional 70,000, yes, this is the right decision, on the other hand, we understand that these to get the money, and what are our government officials saying now, have they found where to get this money, will the military actually receive these additional payments in the end, clearly, 70,000, it was the verkhovna rada that prompted the cabinet of ministers to sign such an order, these are additional for those who today performs combat missions at zero.
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in addition to those 100, in addition to the monetary support of 22, 22 thousand plus, they will receive another 70, where to get the money? yes, it is necessary, this is the government's problem, we clearly indicated to them where to get money, we need to stimulate business development, not create nightmares it is still necessary to look for it where there are excise goods and where it is possible to increase revenue to the budget, that is, i am sure that funds will be found, because today the security and defense sector is the basis, it depends on those people how the state will live, how it will be the economy should work, that's why we believe in the armed forces of ukraine, and everyone at their workplace should do something to bring our victory closer. by the way, honor and praise, you work on the information front, i see how the espresso tv channel collects funds every day to help our military. yes, and by the way by the way, let's remind about the collection for the needs of the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine, now we are collecting 4
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million hryvnias to buy a quad bike. for the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, so please join our collection, we try to volunteer tirelessly, and we understand that only with your help we can collect, so close meetings, collect funds, buy everything necessary, so we encourage you to do this and continue to help us in this difficult task, yes, but very necessary for our armed forces. yes, mykhailo worked in our studio tsymvalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, lieutenant general of the militia in the reserve, well, that's important. a signal from our british friends, so the intelligence of great britain analyzed the offensive actions of the russian interventionists and explained why russia is attacking the kharkiv region, now i am quoting the british. russia is almost certainly trying to divert ukrainian resources from other areas of the front line and create a threat to kharkiv , ukraine's second largest city. at the same time, british analysts consider it unlikely that russia has built up enough combat power to seize cities without involving additional forces in this
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region. so what's up... today we say goodbye to you, our colleagues will continue to inform you about the main events, stay in touch with us as always, subscribe to our social networks, and watch espresso on tv or on youtube, this available to do right now, so be on the same page with us, as they say, take care, see you tomorrow, all the best. my greetings to everyone from espresso, yana yavomelnyk, and i will start this issue with what is currently happening in the kharkiv region. occupant.


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