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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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chiefs, this is andriy removich belausov, besides, he is a person who advocates maximum taxes, maximum taxation, i would even say, not taxes, but the responsibility of big business, and he was really very, very yes, well, always negatively perceived for that in these circles, in addition, belausov is a person, i would say that he is the embodiment of a household plan. he himself is such a personification of the government plan, and even if you listen to his direct speech, it is always his constructions, they are something between a report at a plenum and a lecture in university, this is really very, very characteristic of him, because actually imagining someone else and some other intonation with such... ideas would be very, very difficult, in
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my opinion, and he is really different, he is really different from that , what it is today, what the economic bloc of the government of the russian federation was in the previous iteration, that is, it is a person of a slightly different type, it is this soviet nomenclature, it is the elite, it is intelligence and understanding that really, well, some such things as there are golden toilets or something, it's not what you need. your attention, you will it is good to serve the tsar, the tsar will give it to you anyway, or i don’t know, the leader, or the general secretary, well, in this internal, let’s say russian space, it is very actively told that bilausov is the person who reported to the tsar that 90, no , even there 100%, he said, something of the elements of drones is done by...
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don, and therefore technically russia is not sovereign, and here it is as if he was the first to dare to say that it is necessary to be economically more sovereign, as far as legends are all, as far as where there is objective reality, and actually, well, how is it may affect the course of the war in the future, the course of what will be done in russia, in relation to the war, in relation to the military-industrial complex. well, in the case of bilausov, indeed, for the 23rd year, he was fully responsible for everything that happens with unmanned systems in russia, this is such a really interesting position, it was about the fact that the influence will increase, but of course, really, well, i personally could not imagine himself in the place of the minister of defense, although now we see it as a result, the fact that he reported like this, yes, he reported it like that, well, but here it is still a matter of so are you ready? to listen to you in such
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a case, because we perfectly remember how, for example, denys manturov, at certain meetings, who was previously responsible for the ministry of industry and trade, now also received a promotion, well, that is, that there are those in those terms and those demands that he sets putin in front of the ministry of industry and trade, it is impossible, putin openly shouted at him, and that is, there are records of these meetings, there are records of what the reaction was in the case of bilaus. when he reports something to putin, putin, well, i would say, yes, very carefully summarizes what bilausov reports, and the point here is not that bilausov says some such ingenious things, which, well, no one knew without him, well, it was already known that many elements of what russia needs now, which, well, i would even say, the absolute majority of these elements, are not what is produced in russia, surprise surprise, but putin and bilausov were, were... at zero and were in the previous
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iteration under the previous government, under the previous government, very close, that is, there is personal trust here, there is personal trust to bilausov as an economist, there is personal trust in bilausov as an auditor, and there is personal trust in bilausov as a person, i would say that for putin it is a kind of compensatory factor, that is, bilausov is some kind of biographical model for him, but... not for him today's model, but for him the model of the soviet kadebshnik, that is, a person from an ideal biography, a person with such an outstanding father, who was brought up in the appropriate traditions and who, as we heard today at his speech, that you can make mistakes, you can't lie and so on, timur and his team, well, somewhere like , well, it's actually some kind of, you know, irony to a certain extent, when putin tries to revive... er, the soviet union, and the first
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thing he revives is practically the soviet elite, well, that is, the hereditary soviet elite, he brings them closer to him, puts them in power, and i ... for him, this is also a revival of a certain soviet normality of the soviet union, i.e. the soviet union must be governed by the communist party and its elite, and it is governed, but it is also interesting, what can we expect from the relations of bilausov and, for example, rostyekh and his manager chimezov, who are actually responsible for rearmament, they also receive these contracts, well, because... it is no coincidence that they all mention, and piskov mentioned that the share of military expenditures in the economy has increased very much, it must be said, not only the share in the economy has reached 6.7%, in the russian economy, these are purely
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military expenditures, but the budget also increased, a third of the russian budget goes to these expenditures, that is, it is a redirection of flows, and here it looks like bilausov is now... managing this redirection or not, or what? well, he will really manage the technical ones processes related to this redirection, he will report to the tsar or the head of the communist party for the result, but in the case of relations with chemizov, in the case of what will happen there, well, for me it is difficult to predict now, but i am sure that they will just have to to find a balance, and this search for a balance will not be... very simple, and now what is happening, for example, around the ministry of defense, well, that is, what we saw about ivanov, what we saw yesterday, with the myself, a personnel officer of the ministry of defense, i think that this is not the end, because here it really is
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there will be mad resistance, and this resistance will be broken, but i think that this resistance will be, well , yes by the standards, and ... the resistance that verv can be, so really mad, but by the standards of it being some kind of imbalance of the system , well , at the moment i don't see such a prospect, can i be wrong about this, yes i can, only time will tell here, but in fact here it is important to look at the whole connection, that is, manturov, who was responsible for the ministry of industry and trade for many years, has now been promoted , bilausev received this position in the ministry of defense, and what we see, we we see oleksii. dyumin as the curator of the defense industry from the administration of the president of the russian federation, that is, this group is a group of people who are personally loyal to putin, who are tangential to this military-technical
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topic, and for whom this loyalty to putin personally is such a thing that stands, well, as they say, at the head of the corner, so here in fact, well , we can... state that a certain such reinforcement has been received, and with this reinforcement we still need to decide how we will need to act, how we will need to act in the shortest possible time, so that in medium-term perspective we did not face the consequences of such work, which can be demonstrated in three, these are the persons i named. well, in addition, this is a change in the generation of the russian elite, in principle, because... shoigu is a person who was put in office during yeltsin's time, that is, he is a person who came to power, well, let's say, in parallel with putin , and now we see people who came to power entirely thanks to putin, and
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the same story with patrushev, where he went, it is unclear and unclear who, what is his weight now, you somehow understand for yourself, but what's next with patrushev, well, i see it for myself... i see it this way, you mentioned that the children have grown up, but i also wanted to say that the children have grown up, patrushev jr. also took a good position, deputy head of the government, patrushev sr. went to work as an assistant in the presidential administration, someone will say that this is not enough for patrushev sr., but i will say that it is not the person who decorates the place, that is, on the contrary, that it is not the place that decorates this particular person, because... well, let's remember, for example, his work , work with the security council of the russian federation, well i.e. what is the security council in general, well, it seemed, but under patrushevo, it became such a center
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of coordination of all actions around the power component of the actions of the russian federation, both internally, both against its own people, and against other nations, as well as against us, in the case... . patrushev and the elder, as putin's assistant, i immediately thought that when i saw this appointment, piskov commented that he would somehow be related to... shipbuilding, well, because his first education patrushev has to do this some relationship, and secondly, that he will have the opportunity of public, public speaking. i think that patrushev's functionality will not be limited to this, and my first thought when i mentioned these assistants to the president, i remembered vladyslav surkov, who supervised all the negotiation tracks and negotiation processes from russia, when it concerned tkg. when it concerned the normandy four, generated certain meanings for the occupied
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territories, generated certain meanings for the negotiations, this seems to me to be patrushev's scenario, but the scenario in that case, no if we get minsk-3, we won't get minsk-3, in any case, it's already history for us, it's history for patrushev, in the event that we find ourselves in an istanbul-2 situation, or if we find ourselves in a situation that is also not, well, it is not fully explained, it is not fully known, but in the situation of 2020, the beginning of 2020, all these, all these events around oman and so on, i think that we will still see many, many such moves from patrushev, which he is used to, and we must also not forget that, as we can see, bortnikov retained his position, but in my personal opinion, it is not for long, but in any case, patrushev his... control over the fsb and his influence on the fsb, he retained it, and this also causes some
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concern, and i think that this spike in control over the fsb, which is maintained, and this traditional functionality for assistants to the president of the russian federation, which may actually be different, but this is the experience that sometimes an assistant is more than just an assistant, it's actually interesting, and it will be necessary to monitor very carefully... firstly, public manifestations mykola platonych, and secondly, it will be necessary to very carefully monitor what will happen, specifically around the actions of the fsb, both against us as a state and on the territory of our state, and against our image as a state, especially on the eve of the peace summit , especially regarding our overall image as a partner, as a partner you can rely on. and so on, and from these actions we will be able to understand how many percent of his
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influence and how many percent of his really very dangerous influence on us he kept patrushev sr. well, actually, if patrushev is an assistant, then it is quite possible that this means that putin himself will not lead the security forces, but , well, he twisted his hands, but i want to return to this opinion that you expressed at the beginning, about , that this is essentially... a transition to such a bigger war, let's just see how russian propagandists comment on it on the air, because this is the opinion they also have very much, the minister of defense is put in this position under the current geopolitical circumstances with in anticipation of a possible war, and not to provide housing, with taking into account a possible war, that now we don't seem to have a war, we have a special military operation, that's what i mean, andriy. rymovych bilousov, as a person who will be able to optimize this huge machine, and
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continuing andrii's words, we very often receive technological challenges during svo and respond to them. the situation must be changed, we must challenge them. andrii rymovych bilousov. vladimir vladimirovich putin appointed the ministry of defense for the future war, which i immediately say may be cold, but it... may not be cold, it's a matter of time, and unfortunately, the price we will all pay for this, a victory in a special military operation, and what victory is, will be told by our elected president, because we gave him this mandate in including for him to say: this is a victory, thank you volodymyr volodymyrovych, we have won, but it will not end there, well, that is, the russians, you see, this is how putin is preparing for... the expansion of the war, i thank maria kucharenko for
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the opinions she actually expressed, very interesting, well, we will follow exactly how this new defense minister will work and how exactly the rejuvenation and changes of the russian elite will take place, so let's see. oh, there aren't any potatoes, you'll bring it, already, aschin, have it with the tripe of dr. tice and get up to work again, have with the tripe. galicia listen to yours. laughter, physical
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what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and... he who saves one life, saves the whole world. may 14 - the day of remembrance of ukrainians who saved jews during the second world war. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares,
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treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who... cover the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. see this week in the collaborators program. sellers from kyrylivka. who is actively russifying the village? zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are united, friendly forever. but why are car races organized with russian rags? thanks thanks to our coordinated work, we are only moving forward. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and havens, went to serve rashish occupiers. today's issue is about selling souls from kyrylivka. part of the zaporizhia region has been under russian occupation since 2022, including the resort
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village of kyrylivka. remember, this is the warm sea of ​​azov with jellyfish, and these shrimps... honey, baklava, corn on the beach, the whole family is on vacation, you inflate a mattress as a group and go swimming. in the evening , there will definitely be a fabulous sunset and attractions. these warm memories are forever with us, and we will definitely create new ones in ukrainian kyrylivka. and for now, unfortunately, a small resort the village is occupied. melitopol district, which includes kyrylivka, was under the threat of occupation from the first days of the great war. already in the evening of february 24. russian tanks stood at the entrance to melitopol. after short street battles on february 25, melitopol was occupied. the russian administration and tricolors on state buildings appeared there. and already. later, russian beters began to visit kyrylivka little by little. the local authorities did not cooperate with the invaders, so the occupiers began to look for their intercessors and put them in positions. it
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nazarenko andrii anatoliyovych. the rashists appointed him the new head of the so-called military-civilian administration of kyrylivka. appoint andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko to the post of acting head of the administration of kyryliv village of the military-civilian administration of the city of melitopol zaporizhzhia. administration, please love and respect. locals gave nazarenko the nickname shrimp because of the entrepreneurial activities he conducted during the holiday seasons. he bought shrimp, and then hired salesmen to sell them them on the beaches. also, the collaborator owned a hotel, which he actually created on the territory of his household. when the russian army entered the settlement, nazarenko immediately put on his wellies and let the invaders live in his mini-hotel. they are from ... from march 3, 2023, as a result of the signing of the decree of the governor of the zaporizhia region, kyrylivka
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will continue its development as part of the melitopol city district of the zaporizhia region of the russian federation. by development , this traitor means the theft of property and the rewriting of business on russian soil, after all, according to the locals who... moved to the territory under the control of ukraine, their houses and recreation centers are now being redecorated for loyal pro-russian residents, special attention is being paid to those plots whose owners joined the lavzsu. zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are united, friendly forever. they are so friendly that they call to write denunciations in the best soviet traditions on those fellow villagers who are waiting for the armed forces and the return of ukraine. on the official
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telegram channel of the feykova military-civilian the administration of kyrylivka regularly posts posts with a call to lay down so-called zhduns. by the orcs, they mean ukrainian patriots. and in order to intimidate people even more , such videos are posted with the heading "deactivate the stalker". she informed about the deployment locations of military personnel. in addition to surrendering patriots to russian barbarians and appropriating property, the temporary head of kyrylivka hung russian flags everywhere. conducts propaganda in favor of russia, awards other traitors with non-existent orders and diplomas. provides places for deployment of russians military, this traitor of ukraine must bear responsibility for his actions and will already be in a ukrainian prison as a prisoner
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waiting for russia to remember him and ask for an exchange. she choreographed the ukrainian folk choir, then danced to the russian balalaika. meet alla viktorivna vankevich, in the past, the director of the number one cultural center in kyrylivka. until february 24, she organized national celebrations. in the village and conducted the ukrainian choir bereginya, i will ask her, i will ask her, do not scold me, my dear. in general, she worked in the field of culture for 24 years, it would seem that such a spiritual person should have loved and respected the ukrainian cultural heritage for so many years, but the russian bear and the balalaika turned out to be cuter than the ukrainian melody. love for everything russian first began. to appear on her page in the russian odnoklassniki network, where vankevich posted advice from the bespertny regiment in 2017. and when kyrylivka
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was occupied, alla wore a kokoshnyk instead of a wreath. the propaganda media wrote about her that from the first days of the so-called liberation, without a moment's hesitation, alla viktorivna fulfills her work duties to the full extent, not paying attention to the sidelong glances and superstitions from the unaware residents of the village. for this, the head of kyrylivka, andriy nazarenko, whom i talked about earlier, awarded her with a medal for services to the zaporizhzhia region. the occupiers left her as the director of the cultural center. however, there is no one to work there except vankevich. you can regularly see such job ads on the kyrylivka website. as a cultural figure, this traitor regularly follows the russians fanatics here she is in st. petersburg , improving her qualifications in the field of cinema. taking a photo with bondarchuk and yakubovych, i would rather remember the ukrainian repertoire and anthem. she has yet to organize a celebration in a ukrainian prison. this is another one.
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oleksandr viktorovych syomov, ex-detat of the kyriliv settlement council, born in 1967. since 2015, he began to engage in political activity. first, he became a deputy of the yakymiv district council from the opposition block party. at the time of the ceremony, he was a member of this already banned party. in 2017, he made a power of attorney a deputy of the yakymivska district council and was elected to the kirillivsk settlement council in the pre-elections. according to the information of my colleagues, i am honestly in office. repeatedly spread russian propaganda on his pages in social networks. at the local elections in 2020, he again became a deputy of the kyryliv settlement community as a self-nominated candidate. after the start of the full-scale invasion, syomov went over to the side of the enemy and was appointed by the occupiers to the position of chairman of the atmanai village council, as chairman. he was engaged in organization work of the occupation authority, recruited teachers to schools, persuaded local people to cooperate with
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the occupiers and... in every possible way demonstrated his loyalty to russia, here syomov is taking part in a car race in honor of may 9 and shaking hands with a russian soldier. thanks to our coordinated work, we are only moving forward, the development of our territory will continue, everyone will feel significant for their country. syomov distributed humanitarian aid in the village and held a so-called referendum, demanded money from farmers for cultivating the land, in in case of refusal, he threatened with reprisals from the russian military. on the instructions of syomov , the russians searched one of the farmers, took a car, money and locked them up in katyvna for a few days. residents of atmanay can rightly be proud of their history and modern
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achievements, believe in... our law enforcement agencies collected evidence regarding the collaborative activities of this traitor and sent the case to court. on september 19, 2023, the leninskyi district court of the city of zaporizhzhia recognized the former deputy of kyrylivska settlement the council found oleksandr somov guilty and sentenced him in absentia to seven years in prison. this seller did not have long to hide behind russian skirts. and finally. to you about yuriy balanin. until february 24, he served in the ukrainian police, took an oath of loyalty to ukraine, then went into business. they say he bought a recreation center on fedotova kosa in kyrylivka, until suddenly the war started. and balabin again decided to put on a uniform, which, however, was already of the russian model. locals say that with the arrival of the occupiers, balabin met them and welcomed them into his house a sumptuous table for such a warm welcome , the traitor was appointed police chief.
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lyshcha kyrylivka, but not for long, in the summer of 2023 , his own people removed him from his position. realizing that a court and a cage await him in ukraine, the seller tried to leave the occupied territories. one problem, the right on the road was not given to the policeman. it is said that yuriy balabin made three attempts to leave the occupation through crimea to russia, and three times he was returned to the post block, because he is on the no-go lists. want to inform you, we are in we are very much waiting for you in ukraine, you can even not take your things, they give you pajamas and a brush in the prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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evacuation of the civilian population in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast. how many were evacuated and where are people being resettled. muscovites dropped aerial bombs on kharkiv, what is known about the victims and the peace summit is expanding. what other countries will take part in it? the news editor will tell you about the most important things for today. yanava melnyk. congratulations. 17 people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on the center of har'.


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