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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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evacuation of the civilian population in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, how many were evacuated and where people are being resettled. muscovites dropped aerial bombs on kharkiv, what is known about the victims and the peace summit is expanding, which other countries will take part in it? the news editor will tell you about the most important things for today. yana eva melnyk, my greetings. 17 people were injured as a result of the enemy attack on the center. among them is a 12-year-old boy and
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an eight-year-old girl, the head of the regional military administration oleg sinyohobov said. previously, the occupiers hit the the city with guided aerial bombs, targeting residential high-rise buildings and garages. a fire broke out on the spot, and the facade of a nearby apartment building was also damaged. ukraine needs at least two patriot systems to protect kharkiv - president volodymyr zelenskyy said during meetings with us secretary of state anthony blinken. he, in turn, assured that american military aid to ukraine is already on the way, washington's support for kyiv is unwavering and comprehensive. let me remind you that last month congress finally passed a military aid package for our country state for 61 billion dollars. some help has already arrived, more support will come in the future, and it will have a real impact.
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impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many other partners of ukraine, are convinced that you will succeed in this battle. we are also determined that, over time, ukraine will stand firmly on its feet, militarily, economically, democratically, because a strong, successful, prosperous, free ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future, and for everything the united states is and will remain a loyal partner. we have a huge air defense shortage, i think that's our biggest problem, and yes, we really need to strengthen defense today for kharkiv, for a region that is often hit, because all the civilians there are under attack, and all the people live under russian rockets war is war, and lunch is on schedule for us secretary of state anthony blinken after a meeting with the president. decided to have lunch,
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for this i chose one of the kyiv pizzerias, which was founded by a russian-ukrainian veteran war he was joined by his ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba. the interior of the institution is made in the style of patriotic military. france and south korea will participate in the peace summit. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. the head of state held phone conversations with the president. emmanuel macron and unsok. the leaders discussed the situation at the front and ukraine's needs, in particular strengthening air defense. let me remind you that the summit will be held in switzerland in june, where they will discuss ways to achieve peace in ukraine. the russians killed two people in vovchan community in kharkiv region. an 83-year-old man in the village of gatishche and a woman in vovchansk were fatally wounded. reported
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the head of the regional military administration oleg synyogov. also, rescuers and the police managed to evacuate more than 7,500 residents from the kharkiv region border. evacuation is also ongoing in sumy oblast. rescuers take out residents of front-line settlements. this was reported in the state emergency service . first of all, those willing to evacuate are brought to places of temporary residence. volunteers and psychologists work there. rescuers, people are provided with social and medical assistance. people have now arrived by bus, social workers are working with them behind my back, they will be registered for cash assistance, they will now be given humanitarian aid, they will now be accommodated, there are absolutely all conditions here, you can stay overnight here, there are showers here, here there is a canteen with free food.
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in the morning, they are already moving on along the evacuation routes. the armed forces withdrew from their positions in the lukyantsiv district in the north of kharkiv oblast, said the general. headquarters, units of our troops are repelling enemy attacks from the side of the russian shebekin in the direction of vovchansk, and at the same time , the clearing of urban buildings on the northern outskirts of the city continues. strengthening the economy: the european union adopted a plan for financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. this was announced by prime minister denys shmegal during the government meeting. according to him . already this month, ukraine will receive the first tranche, which will significantly strengthen our financial stability in the conditions of a full-scale crisis russian invasion. the council of the european union today approved the plan we developed, paving the way for the activation of all program options. thanks to the approval of the plan
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, ukraine will receive almost eur 1.9 billion in funding already this month. in general, this year we expect to receive 16 billion within the ucrain facility, and the total amount of support under this program is 50 billion euros for the next four years. protests in georgia flared up with renewed vigor after the georgian parliament passed the scandalous law on foreign agents on the streets after all clashes began in tbilisi. security forces detain protesters - echo of the caucasus reports that 84 deputies supported the scandalous initiative of the georgian dream. 30 opposition members voted. but against president solome zorabishvili had previously promised to veto the draft law, but the georgian dream has enough votes to overcome it. on may 14, we celebrate the day of remembrance of ukrainians who saved jews from terror during the second
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world war. on this occasion , a marathon of history was held in kyiv for several years hours, eyewitnesses of those events told real facts and testimonies about... such an event at the museum of the history of ukraine in the second world war was organized already in the sixth. currently, more than 25 ukrainians have been honored by israel with the high title of righteous among the nations. this is the fourth place among all countries in terms of the number of awarded. if in european countries the rescuer was threatened with a fine or imprisonment, then in ukraine it was. to shoot, so it is extremely important to talk about those people who did not break, i know that mom for her it is it was very important to save, that is
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, to prevent a person from dying if he is in trouble, father gathered us and said: shut up, the house, sorry, the house is a tire, for the reason that there will be neither we will not be there, and we have an urgent meeting, the espresso tv channel asks you to join it, so that our soldiers have a reliable suv to carry out their tasks, the car is needed by reconnaissance units in the zones of active hostilities, but the devil of reliable cars at the front is not. after all, they transport bc personnel and launch drones. a similar suv, already needed, already found and transported to ukraine. now it is being repaired and equipped, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. there are no small donations
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talk about the most important thing, we will analyze what is happening first of all, of course, on the front line, but not only the military, but also the humanitarian, social dimension, kharkiv region is under close attention, as they say, in focus on... attention today, once again , the situation at the front in the kharkiv direction, and the humanitarian situation, and the evacuation, and the threat, and the risks, the statements of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, general kyryl budanov, who also alarmed many of our viewers and readers, today we will talk about it, corruption scandals, and of course, why european journalists still call for disbanding the single marathon, about all this during the next hour, i will say it again 40.5 minutes, well, just now i am ready to add my colleague serhii zgurets to the conversation, he is the director
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of the defense express agency and the military results, serhii, congratulations, please take the floor, i understand that once again the key topic is the battle of kharkiv, absolutely correct, i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk about the fighting in the north of kharkiv in the evaluations of the head of the gur about... the promise of the usa to give us new long-range weapons and about the role of our snipers in the destruction of enemies on the battlefield. more on that in a moment. i will start our column with the situation on the front line, primarily in the north of kharkiv oblast, according to the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, kirill budanov, because today was really interesting, first thing in the morning there was a publication in the new york times, where journalists,
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referring to a conversation with general budanov, in extremely alarming tones they described that the situation in... the critical army of the russian federation is moving towards vovchansk and there was such a quote from budanov that it is very difficult to find new forces, all our troops are either here now or fighting for the city of chasivyar, and there was such a quote : i have used all i have, unfortunately we have nothing left in reserve, the enemy is about to launch an invasion of sumy, this, i quote the words of the general, according to the publication of the new york times, as reported by the magazines themselves. of this edition, but either not quite accurately transmitted, or the general for different audiences submits information with varying degrees of anxiety, because today general budanov also took part in a single telethon and said that the situation with the russian invasion of kharkiv oblast has stabilized, and to say that the enemy has significant success is not true, he said, and
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the enemy is blocked at those borders where he was able to get in and is now in progress. tion of the defense forces of ukraine with further stabilization and the beginning of pushing the enemy out of the borders of our country - said bodanov. let me remind you that we now have two directions where the enemy sought to advance, this is on lipka, to the north of kharkiv and a little further east is to vovchansk. these directions of the enemy's advance, by the way, were known even before the beginning of the enemy's active actions until may 10, about... as we understand, military intelligence informed our troops, but, as we can see, they did not take full advantage of this , in particular the leadership of kharkiv technical university, and now we are getting out of this situation, including the transfer of our additional forces to the kharkiv direction. as for sumy oblast,
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according to budanov, the russians really planned a similar... operation in this region, as of now they receive small groups of forces in the border area, this is the city of sujo from the russian federation, but the situation does not allow them to take active actions and start implementing their plan - explained budanov. at the same time, it should be remembered that the situation in the north of the kharkiv region continues to be difficult and quite dynamic, so we will of course follow these dynamics. realizing that now our forces, which have been transferred to this area, ensure the stabilization, well, the clearing of the same vovchansk, where the enemy is still the northern part of the city, and the topic of the defense of kharkiv also came up today during the meeting of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi with the us secretary of state anthony blinken, who is currently visiting
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kyiv, and there the topic related to the fact that ukraine currently has the largest deficit in anti-aircraft weapons . and that, among other things , two additional patriot anti-aircraft missile complexes are needed for the defense of kharkiv and the region . zelenskyi told blinken about this in a clear answer whether there would be such a supply, although he said that ukraine is now is going through tough times, that's for sure, and agreed us aid is on the way, and some defense equipment is about to be delivered or? hope, but in any case, other former us officials have talked about the united states giving us an unknown long-range weapon. the former us deputy secretary of state, victoria nulland, said about this in particular, she said that already in the summer
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we will see new long-range weapons on the battlefield. this type of weapon was not... named, but we can assume that it is several versions, first of all, in particular, of course akamsa with a range of 300 km, although there is already unconfirmed information that these missiles were included in the aid packages that were allocated in march 24, and the second option is actually a cruise missile for tactical aircraft hgm 158, this missile has different versions out there... the previous version out there has a range of 370 km, the most modern one has an impression range of as much as 900 km, we understand that... uh, it is unlikely that we will get a 900 km missile to f -16, but in any case this is the weapon we will have
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needed on the battlefield, and now we know that success on the battlefield is determined both by the weapons and the skill of our soldiers, and among them there are those who destroy enemy after enemy with surgical precision, because it is actually about our snipers, and now ... about current affairs, the progress of their preparation, about equipment, about best practices, we will talk with our guest, we are joined by yurii chornomorets, doctor of philosophy, volunteer and sniper, mr. yurii, i congratulate you, i am very glad to see and heard on our broadcast, i congratulate everyone, i will remind our viewers, that you traditionally actively help in the training of snipers for the armed forces. as a volunteer, you collect funds so that our snipers have the best and coolest sniper rifles, or the equipment that is needed on the battlefield, but you and i have not
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communicated on this topic for a long time, we had such a pause in the meeting for at least six months, and i wanted would now like to inquire if there are any current changes on the battlefield in the use of sniper groups or units in the defense forces that can really significantly change the situation on the field fight, are there any positive ones. things some kind of shift or maybe negative, what can we talk about now? we can say that the value of the 375 caliber is increasing, and we are very actively buying vitrex 375 caliber, cadex v200, everything we can get, because it allows the 375 cartridge, being 2.5 km from the enemy. hit the enemy very successfully, if you put a mark genesis sight on such a beautiful 375 caliber rifle and
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then work and have results accordingly, everyone really wants a 375 caliber now, everyone, let's say, they really have good qualifications, everyone is asking for this in the future, because, let's say... working with 308 caliber is very dangerous, working with 338 caliber is already half safe, half not, and accordingly everyone is asking for 375 caliber, well then what we can, we do, and there is a very high demand for good cartridges, including 338 caliber lapaam cartridges for rifles. where the enemy is trying to break through, and, let's say, where, well, there are not such a huge number of pyvidrons, in principle, there are
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moments when, let's say, for snipers there is favorable circumstances, and you can shoot continuously, a guy from the style border came to me today, who was sent to get cartridges and a scope there and for everything, and he said that on the first day of this offensive , the russians, and... he personally shot 80 times, his partner 70, and the russians did not understand why the enemy was falling, because such a shooting battle, the chaos there is so different, if, and in this chaos, it was possible to destroy a lot of manpower, and uh, if everyone acted like that, like them, they were accidentally left there, i don't understand why it was brought out at all in general, the entire steel border was removed for some reason, instead, they put up some tro there, and the tro did not pay attention to the place where the steel border told them that these areas are
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dangerous, that is where it is necessary, that is, to put up all the curtains, to do that , to do this, nothing was done, very illiterate, chaotic actions on the first day, well, now with the arrival of the scratchy, there is already hope that somehow all this will be blocked, well, there is a lot of work there... now there is a lot of special equipment, kraken, my guys with kraken work very professionally, cool, well, let's see what it will be possible to do, but in principle the situation is such that it could have been prevented, but someone missed something, someone misthought something, we still have a bureaucratic order in the papers and chaos in the real preparation for the real hostilities of the enemy, no one no thought and what to do if the enemy, for example, makes such and such a move, such and such a move, what will we do, how will we act, and then everything is in a chaotic order, some decisions, and if this... it's
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always half-baked , it is clear that mr. yuri, a little more about the interaction of fpv drones and the work of snipers, on the one hand, it seems that fpvs can displace snipers, doing some work for them, and on the other hand, vorochudrons, to be honest, there, especially in night conditions, can threaten snipers themselves, like this element of fpv does the use of drones affect the tactics of using snipers on our side on the enemy's side? side, well, here the point is that snipers need to be extremely careful, so, for example, i look at the statistics, how many cartridges are taken, how many are shot per day, and so on, it is clear that this the statistics have fallen, and the exceptions are just when such active maneuver actions are taking place, as here now, and let's say there is a lot of shooting in vogchansk, on the contrary, and here, if there are such
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intervals, when there is... the opportunity to shoot a lot, they must be used to the maximum , we are doing it, here we sent 500 cartridges to vovchansk yesterday, the day before yesterday, that is, we are doing everything we can, and accordingly, the idea in general is that groups of 6-10 snipers, but again, so that sniper pairs could act autonomously, together, because very often now it is necessary to act together, and at the same time... mandatory escort of fpv drone reconnaissance. very often, instead of shooting, the sniper controls the fpvers when he notices something. and accordingly, in our sniper groups, if there are six snipers, there should be four drone operators for this number, and half are aerial reconnaissance, half are those who use fpv. accordingly, it is clear that there is no way to do without fpv, it is clear that
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ships must be equipped with the best night vision devices in order to to move carefully at night, it is clear that you need such anti-thermal vision caps, it is best to have them, only the best ones, and accordingly then you have some chances to somehow work and so on, but this relationship between snipers and fpv, it arose a long time ago, we are among the first to develop it, it is rapidly developing. and accordingly , very often when the question arises of buying there, well, for example, we bought the third rifle, it was in the first assault battalion named after dmytro kotsyubail, a devinshi rifle, and here is this anniversary rifle, and the guys really wanted this rifle, because they have high-precision complexes of 375-caliber, 338-caliber, 50-caliber,
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and you can work with them. well, we still need a rifle, how to load from time to time, and accordingly, well, they wanted such a rifle to load, well, when the question arose, what are we already buying, there is already sponsorship money, guys, right away, maybe it’s better to buy fpv and so on , a rifle, you will have a rifle, and here is such a beautiful rifle, we will hand it over on thursdays, you see the name of dmytro katsyubail, we really... respect snipers of this very battalion, because they are brilliant, absolutely highly professional, who sometimes held the whole flank of the battalion with a sniper group, prevented the russians from retreating and so on, and very competently supported the assault actions, accordingly, this battalion is one of the few that knows how to storm competently and storm successfully , well, if you
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were to look for a link on your facebook or some more optimal ways on facebook and we also have paypal, we have accounts and please donate, now our main need is leva, let’s say cartridges in such hot spots , where there's an opportunity to shoot and we're trying our best to get guys to take advantage of that opportunity. and, accordingly, we shot down more of the enemy's manpower, and we are also trying to provide such rifles, with which you can also hit armored vehicles easily and work, let's say, highly efficiently, so i will be very grateful for your support, now, of course, the fees in ukraine are falling, but a huge work friends of ukraine and...


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