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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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well, literally in a moment i will tell you in detail about the most important news as of this moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. and of course, in the focus of our attention, kharkiv oblast , the number of victims in kharkiv increased to 17, among them a 12-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl. the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, reported that six wounded were hospitalized. the occupiers struck first. throughout the city , guided aerial bombs were aimed at high-rise buildings and garages. a fire broke out on the spot, and the facade was also damaged of the neighboring apartment building. the russians killed two people in the vovchan community in the kharkiv region. an 83-year-old man in the village of gatishche and a woman in vovchansk were fatally wounded. this was reported by the head of the regional military administration for... oleg
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seniguv, rescuers and the police also managed to evacuate more than 7.5 thousand residents from the border of the kharkiv region. and the armed forces withdrew from the position in the lukyantsiv district in the north of the kharkiv region, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported. just now units our troops repel enemy attacks from the russian side of shibykin in the direction of vovchansk. at the same time , the arrest of city police on the northern outskirts of the city continues. and the threatening situation in sumy oblast, so there is news from there as well. evacuation in this region continues, rescuers are evacuating residents of front-line settlements. this was reported in the state emergency service . first of all, those willing to evacuate are brought to places of temporary residence. volunteers and psychologists work there. and
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rescuers provide people with social and medical assistance people have now arrived by bus, social workers are working with them behind my back, they will be registered for cash assistance, they will now be given humanitarian aid, they will be accommodated, there are absolutely all conditions here, and you can spend the night here. there are shower cabins here, there is a canteen with free food, in the morning they are already moving on, by evacuation routes, and before i tell you about antony blinken’s visit, i will briefly give information about the situation in kharkiv oblast, by the way, you can read more about it at website on our platform in on our news platform, a russian serviceman on tuesday the 14th.
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shot a resident of the village of staritsa at close range, and a criminal case has been opened in kharkiv oblast for violating the laws and customs of war . this is reported by the prosecutor general's office. also, this ukrainian killed by the enemy was 46 years old, and a civilian also disappeared during the armed attack of the occupiers. nothing is known about his whereabouts at the moment. the security guard has several versions of his disappearance, among them illegal imprisonment or murder. that is, the enemy, having returned to kharkiv oblast, continues to do the same things he did there until he was expelled from there by the armed forces of ukraine. and ukraine needs at least two petrio systems to protect kharkiv - said president volodymyr zelenskyy during a meeting with united states secretary of state anthony blinken. he, in turn, assured: american military aid to ukraine is already on the way, and washington's support for kyiv is unwavering and comprehensive. let me remind you that... last month, the congress
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the united states of america finally approved a package of military aid for our country worth 61 billion dollars. some aid has already arrived, more support will follow, and it will have a real impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many other partners of ukraine, are convinced that you will succeed in this battle. we are also determined that over time in... ukraine will stand firmly on its feet in military, economic, and democratic terms, because a strong, successful, prosperous, free ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future, and for all this the united states is and will remain a loyal partner. we have a huge shortage of air defense equipment. i think this is our biggest problem. and yes, we really need today for this... protection for
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kharkiv, for the region that is often attacked, because all the civilians are under attack there, and all the people live under russian missiles, and it continues at the moment. briefing of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the secretary of state of the united states of america antony blinken, we are monitoring their statements and will definitely let you know about them. helped migrants to cross the border without hindrance. law enforcement officers detained the organizer of illegal transportation, the state border service of ukraine reported. the perpetrator helped clients obtain medical certificates that give them the right to leave ukraine. hence. a legend was created for one of the men of draft age, as if he was accompanying a sick mother for treatment. for such documents, the violator paid the organizer uah 11. the evildoer was detained while he was receiving the funds. well
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, a real river has formed in the center of the capital of ukraine. the pipe of the heat pipe broke. the local teploenergo conducted hydraulic tests to identify weak ones. part of the heating line, so it broke on antonovycha street, as they say, a blind spot was discovered, repairmen managed to localize the water break in an hour, now they started repairing the heating line. such cases happen, unfortunately, on the one hand, but fortunately, because due to the fact that we will see the place of damage, we will be able to the most vulnerable to replace the site, we won't have it in the winter. serious problems, the approach is further, 300 meters from here, and behind me it was simply changed, the water went there and the soil and asphalt surface were simply washed away. on may 14, in ukraine, for the fourth time, at the state
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level, the memory of people who saved jews during the second world war is commemorated. officially there are more than 2,500 ukrainian rescuers, but many still remain. unrecognized and unknown about the righteous people of the world in the material of emma stadnyk. from 5 to 6 million. exactly that many jews, according to various estimates, died during world war ii. only on the territory of ukraine during the german occupation of 1941-1944 were killed more than 15 million jews. since 1963, israel has awarded those who saved jews in those years. honorary title of righteous among the nations. this recognition. provided by a special commission consisting of historians, lawyers and holocaust survivors. the righteous people of the world are given a name medal, a certificate, and the right to inscribe their name on the wall of honor in the garden of the righteous in jerusalem. they will also receive an honorarium israeli citizenship, and in the event of their death - memorial citizenship. for the first time , ukrainians received this title in 1991. according to
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the righteous people of the world, our country ranks fourth after poland, the netherlands and france. according to the data of the israeli embassy, ​​as of january 2021, 2,673 citizens of ukraine have such a distinction, but these figures, as the director of the ukrainian institute for the study of the holocaust ihor shchupak claims, do not reflect the real picture of the rescue of jews. one of the main symbols of the holocaust and a mass grave for many jews plasterer in two days, on september 29 and 30 , the germans killed almost 34,000 jews who lived in kyiv. it was impossible to leave the city, so all that remained was to hide. fighting continued for two years, until the soviet army began to move. kyiv. over 100,000 people, including jews, roma, ukrainian nationalists, and soviet soldiers, were killed in the babyn yar tract. the german administration, on pain of death, forbade helping jews in any way, but these prohibitions did not stop ukrainians. they saved the jews from the nazis, hid them or passed them off as
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their relatives. they provided temporary shelter, clothing, medicine and food. at the same time, they themselves risked not only their own lives, but also the lives of their relatives. not to forget those whose names are still unknown. in ukraine , a day of remembrance of ukrainians who saved jews during the second world war was introduced. a phrase from the talmud is written on the medal that the righteous will receive: he who saves one life saves the whole world. ema stednyk, espresso tv channel. well, we continue the great ether and the most interesting is ahead, yuriy fizar with news from around the world. next to me, yuriy dobrevechir, please have a word. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today. a lot of interesting things, again about aid to ukraine, because without it it is very difficult for us on the battlefield, jose borel said that the leadership of the european union should learn the language of strength, and russia was on fire again, it was burning somewhere,
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you will learn about this and other things in a moment , well, i'll start with this, nobody should... have excessive expectations, we don't negotiate about the end of the war. olaf scholz, the chancellor of germany has somewhat grounded the excessive expectations of some people and leaders. that arose regarding the peace summit scheduled for june 15-16 in switzerland, the bundeschancellor expressed his opinion in an interview with the german weekly stern. according to him, the meeting in bürgenstock will at best be the start of a process that can lead to direct negotiations between ukraine and russia. moreover, mr. scholz believes that during the summit they will talk about the safety of nuclear power plants and exports grain, about the exchange of captives and about the necessary taboo regarding. the use of nuclear weapons, while the head of the german government once again called on his western colleagues
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to provide more military aid to ukraine, especially air defense equipment, because according to olaf scholz, putin, here is a very short quote from him: obviously intends to destroy the infrastructure of ukraine. well, really, i myself sometimes think that in... our people, our leadership, sometimes there is such an overestimated expectation of this summit peace, which is planned in switzerland, that the peace summit will come, peace will be brought, well, you have to understand that they will talk about this peace there, but it will be very difficult to bring this peace exactly in this way, because we know who putin is, we know what he has in mind, and we know how he goes about it, through millions, thousands of deaths. at the same time, a person who does not want peace, first of all, will not be present at this summit, it is unlikely that any proposals
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will be made there that will make him stop this, but i read a statement today, even now i will not say for sure, well, a fairly respectable agency with reference to the fact that putin is moving his military machine to the rails of a long war, therefore, in order for this machine to stop, obviously a rather serious confrontation is needed, it will definitely not stop by itself, so it is not worth it to hope, but is this peace summit necessary? it is definitely needed, we need to gather people who support us, who are together and at least demonstrate how many of these people there are, what they are ready to do, the most important thing is that they voice what they are ready to do for this peace, there is simply no need, i say, there is no need to rise above the clouds somewhere and have such excessive expectations that this peace summit will actually be held in switzerland and the war will end, no, unfortunately, no, it will not end the war, and that is about it right. said mr. scholz, but i repeat myself again, he is very needed, let's move on,
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two more words about olaf scholz in the same interview with the stermn publication, he said that he does not mind remaining in the position of chancellor of germany for one more the period after the elections, which are scheduled in in the fall, and very interestingly he said, quote, now i would like to remain chancellor after this year - am i sure that i will stay? no, but i want to. well, good luck to mr. scholz and thank him for all the help and support we receive from him. let's go further. due to the delay in allocation of military and financial aid to ukraine by the congress of the united states of america, ukraine found itself in a hole. and now official washington is trying to help kyiv get out of this hole as soon as possible. he said this during a briefing in the white house advisor to the president of the united states. and for this, he says, the united states wants to speed up
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the supply of weapons and ammunition, while mr. advisor salvan explained that they will do this with the help of a package of so-called pdas, that is , weapons that are already in the warehouses of the pentagon, although he did not respond to the journalist's question about the intensity with which such deliveries will take place to ukraine, and by the way, jake salvan reported something very important for us, well, at least... i clicked on it and it concerns air defense systems, what exactly did jake say salvan, let's hear him directly. i talk to at least one ally every day about getting more patriot air defense batteries for ukraine. it looks like we got some good news from one of them recently, but aside from the patriots, we 're also looking at other systems as there are a number of alliance members who have and could have them. here is an intrigue, but it is good that there is another patriot,
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and it is good that he will come to ukraine, and by the way, this is one nuance, when i was watching this press briefing, one journalist still questioned mr. sullivan about the fact that he there slandered, he did not slander, he said, answering the question: we need this help to speed up this help in order to send something to ukraine every week, and one of the journalists present at the briefing. i kept trying to ask him if this means that every week the states will send a new package, but he never answered, refrained from this answer, but i would like to every week. but at least something and at least with some frequency. let's go further. finland will send the 24th package of military aid to ukraine. thus, the general the amount of aid to ukraine has already reached 2 billion euros, of course from finland. prime minister of finland petri orpo said this
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the day before during the press conference of the heads of government of northern europe and germany in sweden. at the same time, he added that this is not enough and called on his colleagues from other european countries to increase the amount of aid and do it as much as it will be necessary for the victory of ukraine, says the head of the finnish government. at the same time, mr. prime minister orpo called the situation on the fronts in ukraine critical, according to him, it is not critical only for ukraine, but also for european security. they understand, that's why they help. we thank you. the european union must learn to use the language of force in foreign policy. this was stated by the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, speaking at the hoover institute in the united states of america. according to the chief european diplomat, earlier the eu adhered to the course of excluding
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the use of force in european politics. because they believed in brussels - says mr. borel, which is based on mutuality. trade exclude the use of force in foreign policy, but the world has changed a lot in the last four years, he summarized and added a quote from josep borel: europe must learn to use the language of power, if we want to protect our values, we must perceive the world as it is, not as we want to see it. of course, we would like to see a world in which... there is no putin and in which there are no rashists, but in fact and unfortunately, they are in it, we were just talking to you yesterday that there is an exoplanet 12, 120 light years from the earth , much more than land, and there there is no putin, it’s just a very long way to fly there, and so let’s make our land better, how
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to say it correctly, so as not to voice the language of enmity, let’s make it livable, livable, yes... livable, well, let’s not do it again well , let's avoid it at enmity, although you all, all of you understand it well. the west needs to prepare for a long war in ukraine, as this war may, unfortunately, be a long one. foreign minister reci said this in an interview with polish radio radiot trujka pospolitoi, radoslav sikorskyi. according to him , wars like the russian one in ukraine can usually last for 10 years or even more. well, but at the same time... the head of the polish foreign policy department said that russia will not attack nato member countries, but will not attack only if the countries themselves are ready for a possible escalation of the situation in the future. at the same time , minister sikorsky emphasized that such a development cannot be completely ruled out, that is, that at some point putin may decide to attack nato. and no one is
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knows what's going on in his head. putin, so you must always be prepared for the fact that at some point what is going on in his head will come out, and what comes out can be very unpleasant. and, by the way, also about radoslav sikorsky, this is his quote from the same interview with radio truytsi, every politician thinks about different things, but something does not necessarily come out of it. yes, in this interview, radoslav sikorsky answered the journalist's question about whether he is thinking about participating in the upcoming presidential elections, which will be held next year, and it's interesting said, that is, you can think, but what comes out of it, well, sometimes it doesn't work out as you would like. putin will meet this week with the leader of the celestial empire xijin pin. a lot was said about it, there were many guesses,
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but today it was confirmed by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the celestial empire, ivan wenbi, during the briefing. later, the same was confirmed by putin's spokesman, dmitry piskov. the russian dictator will fly to beijing on may 16 for a two-day visit, i.e. the day after tomorrow, it will be his first trip abroad after the so-called inauguration according to information from the chinese foreign ministry, xijin pin plans to discuss with the leader of the terrorist country the issue of economic cooperation between russia and china, but also. there are international issues, in particular the russian war in ukraine, which mr. xi stubbornly calls a conflict, and putin - the so-called svo. obviously, for ukraine, this visit will not... have any significance, but rest assured, i will keep an eye on it, and if there is anything, well , at least a little interesting, you will be the first to learn about it in the world of
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ukraine. i will not hire russia. yes, the president of serbia, aleksandr vučić, answered a journalist's question about why he met in belgrade with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba and the first... at the same time, according to vučić, ukraine has never done anything bad for his country, let alone , he added, official kyiv did not recognize the independence of kosovo, and this, which serbia considers its sovereign territory, and the serbian leader also says, he considers it his duty. ask kyiv, then quote: not to be on the other side during the vote with issues of kosovo in the council of europe and at the general assembly, that's why he accepted a delegation from
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ukraine, but you understand, this is vučić's game, one day maybe a movie will be made in hollywood about it, that is, he says what someone wants to hear in a certain period of time, although on the other hand he is the president of the country and... so he does for his country what he thinks is important for the country at some particular period of time. but in georgia , georgian deputies fought today over the so-called law on foreign agents, which very much resembles russian. the real fight took place today in the walls of the highest legislative body of the country, where at that moment the meeting was going on, during which the ruling party "georgian dream" intended to seize... this law in the third and last reading. according to ekho kavkazu journalists, during the speech of one of the opposition parliamentarians, he was insulted by a colleague from the ruling faction,
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word for word, and a shoving started, which then turned into a fight, in which at least 20 deputies took part. well, there was this fight even before the parliament still passed in the third. reading this scandalous bill on foreign agents, as i said, it is very similar to the russian one, so that the pro-government faction does not speak there, and 84 deputies voted for this law, 30 against, that is, this push about the statements of the opposition that it is not worth to do this, that it can bring people to the streets, did not help, nevertheless, the georgian dream did what it wanted to do. well , this, as was commented on many times at the event, is a huge step back for georgia itself in its euro-atlantic aspirations,
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that is, if it wants to join the european union, it must meet the requirements and play according to the rules of the european union and play by the rules of the european union, and this law does not meet either the requirements or the rules, and by the way, they started at lunch mass protests did not start, they continued. there were protests on the streets of the capital of the country, the city of tbilisi, and even the protesters tried to storm the parliament building, there were clashes and fights with the law enforcement officers, the security forces pushed them back, and i suspect that at this moment it is the same now clashes continue, and for some reason i feel that these clashes may continue for the next few days, and maybe even more, because... well, people don't like this decision, people want to live in europe, this law does not lead them to europe, on the contrary, this law closes the door, well, it does not close, but opens
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the door for georgians to europe. well, it remains only to wish georgians strength. and finally, friendly, very friendly to ukraine drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, are now striking not only objects that are important for... the russian army of occupation, now they logistical goals are also impressive. iron birds hit a train carrying fuel at the kotluban station near volgograd. as a result of the explosion, the train derailed, and at least two fuel tanks caught fire, and fuel from others spilled onto the ground, as a result of which the grass caught fire and burned for a long time. it took a lot of time for the russian firefighters to at least localize it. to put out the fire later, but the railway workers will restore the full traffic of trains on this route for more than one day, since now only
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alone track, well, there will be other goals, logistical, non-logistic, and there will be victory. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, i'm starting to prepare for tomorrow right away, so that tomorrow i'll tell you the most important things that happened in the world, but we still have a lot of interesting things on the air, so you don't switch laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. due to the natural ingredients feminost uuro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro - urination under control. the main event of world boxing only on mego. the undefeated usyk and fury will determine
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two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search. decisions: the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapon. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. what to do when there is a liver?
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alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol, with care and respect, to the liver and gallbladder. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, here we go, and now it's time to talk about money, in wartime. oleksandr morchy, who is already next to me. oleksandr, good evening, please word. good evening, vasyl, i greet the audience, in the next few minutes i will tell you about international aid, it will continue, you will also find out what will happen to... prices in ukraine and about the losses of our economy due to the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border. the national bank has given specific figures, wait, everything is moment. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. let me start with a number that is important for strengthening the ukrainian economy. the european union has approved a plan for financial
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assistance to our country. it is about the amount of 50 billion


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