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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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congratulations, a new government is being appointed in russia, it is not much different from what it was before, there are practically the same people, but here... unexpectedly for everyone, they offered the position of minister of defense to a certain andrii bilousov, this instead of shigu, who for a very long time, well, for 12 years, if not more, he was in the same position. previously, andriy bilousov held the position of first vice prime minister, in turn , serhii shuyguts became the secretary of the security council instead of mykola patrushev, but patrushev himself now seems to be an assistant to the president. well, that's for
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according to dmitry piskov, valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. in principle, all these changes are quite interesting, we will talk about them now with maria kucherenko, she is an analyst of the come back alive fund, and she follows very closely all the events that are happening in russia, and actually the changes that are happening there, in particular. in their elite, well , the russian propagandists themselves, well, frankly, were shocked by this new appointment and commented on it in this way. please, comments of russian propagandists regarding resignations the news, of course, is sensational,
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unexpected, no one could have guessed. of course, the completely unexpected decision of the president, apparently, the appointment was a surprise for bilousov himself. you can hear how he is speaking to the speaker of the upper parliament matvienko on his way to the meeting of the specialized committee of the federation council. i see that all over the telegram there is an amazing fuss about the fact that russia is now experiencing a new year of 1937. these amazing smart people, that's what they called the reshuffle in the ministry of defense.
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such are the reactions, well, actually to us maria kucherenko joins in, congratulations, maria, good afternoon, well, you can't seriously say that about the 37th year, but if this is the official reaction, then let's see, the kremlin officially commented on why they made such a replacement. the president decided that the russian ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian. the ministry of defense should be absolutely open to innovation, to the implementation of all advanced ideas. that is why the president decided on the candidacy of andrii rymovych bilousov. as for the military component, this
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appointment will not be changed in any way current coordinate system. the appointment of putin, who became a sensation, to appoint the first deputy head of the government andrii bilousov in the kremlin, is explained by the increase in spending on the power bloc. their share in the economy grew from 3% to 6-7%. pyaskov said that the winner on the battlefield today is the one who is most open to innovation. technocrat bilousov is just such a person. well, maria, they are talking about the fact that a person from the economy came, that a person who is essentially a technocrat there, who is behind this appointment, and how official is this their comment coincides with the real motives of this appointment, behind the appointment is putin's intention to fight for a long time, and to fight not only with us, but to fight with nato, and... such
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, unfortunately, is not a happy prospect, both when it came to the appointment of bilousov and when it came to the last appointments that went with him, that is... with manturov, that is , in general, such a fixation on the military-technical component, it is precisely about the fact that the russian federation, having launched this military-industrial machine, it will not stop, and here it is really very it is important to understand that these are all motives related to corruption in the ministry of defense, there are stories about shoigu, his deputies, about timur and... about whom everyone has known for many years that he is an outstanding absolutely corrupt person, even by moscow standards. the story about yuri kuznytsov, which arrived yesterday, he was the head of the main personnel department of morf, it is not purely about corruption, although this motive
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is also there, it is also present, it is precisely about the completion of this iteration, which began with the so -called prigozhin march , about... continued by the subsequent processes that accompanied this so-called march, i mean personnel processes, and this iteration ended with the actual inauguration of putin, which was more like the coronation of the emperor, and now we see the completion, the complete completion of this cycle with the appointment of a new minister of defense, we see the end of this cycle with the appointment of oleksii dyumin to the presidential administration. and actually, putin needed all this with one main goal: to prove once again that he is still the arbiter between the towers, between the so-called kremlin towers. that is, when these first events took place, and the media commenting and
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the environment, that is, the media of what happened around prigozhin, it seemed that shoigu and his group had won the day, but... of course, the system could not allow such an imbalance, therefore what we see now was only a matter of time, unfortunately. well, by the way, it is interesting how exactly this story with the resignation of shoigu is being commented on, because , on the one hand, the word that the new appointee is not corrupt, well, it sticks out a lot in the comments, and on the other hand, it is necessary to see that actually rushed something good? talk about shuigu, only a nightingale, everyone, everything, everyone else somehow, well, not very directly, i would say, they defended him, but somehow so very, very so conditionally, well, let's see, i made such a selection just in time this corruption topic, because it is simply interesting their reactions, this,
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a learned economist, a technocrat, a true patriot, a workaholic, absolutely deprived. shoigu they fight with it. now the period has come when the supreme commander decided, you know, how the rocket is accelerated. first degree worked out, new tasks, working second degree. serhii kozhugidovych is getting promoted. you have to understand, you just have to
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understand. and don't get hysterical. there is no need to get hysterical. we should be grateful. robbed, robbed. and you can prove something, tell me. the mistake of the ministry of defense is the calculation that kyiv will capitulate in 2022, and kyiv surrendered, kyiv surrendered, why didn't he notice his deputy billionaire? why didn't you notice? timur ivanov has been declared for many years when specific questions have arisen. by the way, there is no solution yet court let me remind you that the investigation began under shoigu. ingratitude is not russian. cursing the one who left and adoring the new person, it seems to me absolutely . this is a very russian trait in general, first of all, a decision without alternative, well, that is, there
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are hints that now every penny must be checked, that is, well, probably before, every penny was not was checked well, on the other hand, this is putin's appointee, well , that's all and it's like putin is responsible for everything, but you know what's interesting in this regard, what does it mean... what after this prigozhin's march and everything that happened around it, at a certain moment putin also lost confidence in shaigu, so you can understand it if he had to be replaced, well , actually admit that the management of defense mines was not effective, and that then shaigu to do, here the question is not about trust as such, here the question is that his subordinates, well... they did not bring him the result he
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wanted, do you remember the moment, for example, when gerasimov was appointed commander of the united group , well, that is, it was clear that continue to appoint, well, only putin himself with a checker on his horse, the army is ahead, well, that is , it is not even a question of trust or distrust in shuigu, here it is a question of total distrust of everyone who cannot for... provide him with the desired result, but the necessary we remember the result, what it was, well, that is, it was in the 22nd year, kyiv in 3 days and so on, there is no result, hence the actual reaction, and the fact that it happened now and the fact that it is, well, on my personal i thought it was only a matter of time, but i thought that it would actually be a relaxation shoigu, and not completely removing him from, sorry, the ministerial defense trough. and it was really only a matter of time, because this distortion, the system, it cannot
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allow it, that is, if you are an arbiter in this system, you have to give everyone according to their merits, it looked like this, after the so-called mutiny, that the ministry of defense remained in favor , well, it was not supposed to be, and it caused a lot of criticism from those who expected that actually all the elements. systems will bear some responsibility, well now we see what they have borne, but again, the same shoigu, why was i actually skeptical about his resignation, until it happened, i thought that there would be a story around his orders, around the weakening of the influence of his group, actually we see that such a total extrication of shoigu from the defensive currents, his it did not happen, and it is not better for us, because, as pisok noted. after shvoigu's new appointment as secretary of the security council of the russian federation,
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he remains the curator of the federal service for military-technical cooperation of the russian federation, and it is very interesting that literally on the eve of poshoigu's decision, this service was removed from the control of the ministry of defense, and it is now uh, it now reports personally to the president of the russian federation, that is , such a bridgehead was being created, right. you are left, well , without those flows, without that absolutely huge influence that was, but we do remember that you are a deepstate, and that it is a deepstate and nowhere really, children, but we leave you such a piece, well, that is , it is enough for life, to say that it is not directly opala, opala, it is enough, but as before it won't be anymore, well, what about... bilausov still imagines himself, what kind of person is he, what is his role in putin's system of power, and what is his
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role now after this appointment, because it is obvious that it has changed, she has changed a lot, she is actually a person who will control, and i would say, the transition from a war economy to a war economy, that is , she is a person who all her... life, her entire career, she advocated the maximum nationalization of the economy, as we remember, his father, rem bilausov, is a person who made reforms with kosygin, and he really since childhood, i accepted this idea that what you have for the state, the main thing is the state, do it so that it is, well, not what is good for your state, but that your state occupies the place that you... determined for it by the senior leaders, this is andrii removich belausov, besides, he is a person who
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advocates maximum taxes, maximum taxation, i would even say, not taxes, but the responsibility of big business, and for that he was really very, very yes, well , always negatively perceived by these kolah, besides, belausov is a man, i would say that he is embodiment. plan, but he himself is the personification of the government plan, and even if you listen to his direct speech, it is always his constructions, they are something in between... some report at a plenum and a lecture at a university, but it is really very, very characterizes him that way, because actually imagining someone else and some other intonation with such ideas would be very, very difficult, in my opinion, and he is really different, he is really
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different from what he is today, what he was in the previous iteration of the economic bloc in... the government of the russian federation, that is, this is a person of a slightly different type, this is the soviet nomenclature, this is the elite, this is the understanding of this old age and the understanding that really, well, some such things, like there are golden toilets or something like that, this not what you need to focus your attention on, you will serve the tsar well, the tsar will give it to you anyway, or i don’t know, the leader or the general secretary, well, in... well, in this internal, let’s say, space, russian is very actively talked about there , that bilausov is the person who reported to the king that 90, no, not even there 100%, he said, some elements of drones are made abroad, and therefore
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technically russia is not sovereign, and here he is as if he was the first to dare to say it, that it is necessary to be economically more... sovereign, as far as legends are all, as far as objective reality, and actually, well, how it can affect the course of the war in the future, the course of what will be done in russia in relation to the war, in relation to the military-industrial complex, well, in the case of belousov, indeed, for the 23rd year, he was fully responsible for everything , what is happening with unmanned systems in of russia it's such a really interesting position, it was about the fact that the influence would increase, but of course, really, well, i personally could not imagine him in the position of the minister of defense, although now we see it as a result, what he reported, yes, yes , he reported it like that, well, but here the point is, are they ready to listen to you in such a case, because we perfectly
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remember how, for example, denys manturov at certain meetings, who used to answer... in return promptork has now also received a promotion, well, that is, what is there in those terms and those demands that putin puts before the ministry of industry and trade are impossible, putin openly shouted at him, and that is, there are records of these meetings, there are records of what the reaction was, in the case of bilausov, when he reports something to putin, putin, well, i would she said, yes, she very carefully summarizes what bilausov reports, and the point here is not that ... bilausov says some such brilliant things, which, well, no one knew without him, well, it was already known that many elements from what russia needs now, which, well, i would even say absolute most of these elements are not what is produced in russia, surprise-surprise, but putin and bilausov were, were at zero and
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were in the previous iteration under the previous government, under the previous government, very close, that is, there is personal trust here. there is personal trust in bilausov as an economist, there is personal trust in bilausov as an auditor, and there is personal trust in bilausov as a person. i would say that for putin this is a kind of compensator, that is, bilausov is a kind of biographical model for him, but not for him today's model, but for he is a model of the soviet kgbeshnik, that is , a person with an ideal biography, a person with such an outstanding father, who was brought up in... relevant traditions and who, as we heard today at his speech, that you can make mistakes, you can't lie and so next, timur and his team, well , it’s kind of like that, you know, it’s kind of ironic to a certain extent when putin tries to revive the soviet union, and the first thing he
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revives is practically the soviet elite, that is, the hereditary soviet elite he ... brings himself closer, puts her in power, and somehow for it is also the revival of a certain soviet normality of the soviet union, i.e. the soviet union must be governed by the communist party and its elite, and it is in charge, but it is also interesting, what can be expected then from the relations between bilausov and, for example, rostikh and his leader chimezov, who are actually responsible for rearmament. they also receive these contracts, well, because it is not by chance that they all mention, and piskov mentioned that the share of military expenditures in the economy has increased, it has increased very much, it must be said, not only the share in the economy has reached up to 6.7%, in the russian economy, this is purely military spending, but it also increased in
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the budget, a third of the russian budget goes to these expenses, that is, it is a redirection of flows, and here it looks like bilausov is now managing this redirection or not, or how ? well, he will really manage the technical processes related to this. redirection, he will report to the tsar or the head of the communist party for the result, but in the case of relations with chemizov in the case of what will happen there, well, it is difficult for me to predict now, but i am sure that they we will just have to find a balance, and this search for a balance will not be very easy, and now what is happening, for example, around the ministry of defense, well, that is, what we saw about ivanov, what we saw... but yesterday from by the same personnel of the ministry of defense, i think that this is not the end, because there will really
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be mad resistance here, and this resistance will be broken, but i think that this resistance will be, well , by the standards of the resistance that verev can be, so really mad , but according to the standards that it was some kind of imbalance of the system, well at the moment i don't see such a prospect - can i be wrong about this, yes i can, only time will tell, but in fact here it is important to look at the whole connection, i.e. manturov, who was responsible for the ministry of industry and trade for many years, has now been promoted, vilausov received this position in the ministry of defense, and what we see, we see oleksiy dyumin, as the curator of the defense industry from the administration of the president of the russian federation, that is, this cluster... this is such a cluster of people who are personally loyal to putin, who are tangential to this military-technical topics, and for whom this loyalty
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to putin personally is such a thing that stands, well, as they say, at the corner, so here in fact, well , we can state that a certain such reinforcement has been obtained, and we still have to decide on this reinforcement, as it will be necessary... to act, as it will be necessary to act in the shortest possible time, so that in the medium-term perspective we do not face the consequences of such work, which can be demonstrated in the three persons i have named. well, in addition, this is a change of generation of the russian elite, in principle, therefore that shoyugu is a person who was appointed to the post during yeltsin's time, that is, he is a person who came to power. well, let's say so, in parallel with putin, and now we see people who came to power entirely thanks to putin, and the same story with patrushev, where he went,
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it is unclear, and it is unclear what, what is his weight now, you are somehow for yourself you understand, what's next with patrushev, well, i see it this way for myself, you mentioned that the children have grown up, but i also wanted to say that the children have grown up, patrushev jr. also took a good position. the deputy head of the government, patrushev sr., went to become an assistant in the presidential administration, someone will say that this is not enough for patrushev sr., but i will say that it is not the person who decorates the place, that is, on the contrary, it is not the place that decorates this particular person, because let's remember, for example , his work is work with the security council. of the russian federation, that is, what is radbes anyway, well, it seemed, but under patrushev it became such a center of coordination of all actions around the power component of the actions
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of the russian federation, both internally, both against its own people, and against other peoples, as it's against us. in the case of patrushev and the elder, as putin's assistant, i immediately, what thought came to my mind when i saw this appointment, well, of course there is a sandbox... i commented that he would be somehow related to shipbuilding there, well, because first of all patrushev's education has something to do with this, and secondly, that he will have the opportunity to make public, public speeches, i think that patrushev's functionality will not be limited to this, and my first thought, when i mentioned these assistants to the president, i remembered vladyslav surkov, which from russia supervised all the negotiation tracks. negotiation processes, when it concerned the tcg, when it concerned the normandy four, generated certain meanings for the occupied territories, generated certain meanings for
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the negotiations, this is it, it seems to me... patrushev's scenario, but the scenario in the case, not if we get minsk- 3, we won't get minsk-3 in any case, it's already history for us, it's history for patrushev, in the event that we find ourselves in the situation of istanbul-2, or if we find ourselves in a situation that is also not well, it's not all the way clarified, it is not fully known, but in the situation of 2020, the beginning of 2020, all these... events around oman and so on, i think that we will see many, many such moves from patrushev, to which he is used to, and we should also not forget that, as we can see, bortnikov retained his position, but in my personal opinion, it is not for long, but in any case patrushev his control over the fsb and his influence on the fsb, he kept, and this also causes some concern, and
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i ... think that this spike in control over the fsb, which is preserved, and this traditional functionality for the assistants of the president of the russian federation, which may actually be different, but this is the experience that sometimes an assistant is more than just an assistant, it is actually interesting, and it will be necessary to very carefully monitor first of all public manifestations nikolay platonych, and secondly, it will be necessary to very carefully monitor what will happen. actually around the actions of the fsb both against us as a state and on the territory of our state, and against our image as a state, especially on the eve of the peace summit, especially as regards our image, as a partner, as such a partner on whom you can rely and so on, and from these actions we will be able to understand how many percent of our influence and how many percent
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of our partner. indeed , patrushev, senior, has maintained a very dangerous influence on us, but actually, if patrushev is an assistant, then it is quite possible that this means that putin himself will not lead the security forces, but his hands are his hands, but i want to return to this idea, which you expressed at the very beginning, that this is essentially a transition to such a larger war, that is let's just see how russian propagandists comment on it on the air, because this opinion is very much theirs too. the minister of defense is put in this position under the current geopolitical circumstances with the expectation of a possible war, and not to provide housing, taking into account the possibility of a war, that now we don’t seem to have a war, we have a special military operation, that’s what i mean, andriy rymovych bilousov, as a person who will be able to optimize this huge machine, and continuing andriy's words, we very
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often... during the svo receive technological challenges and we respond to them. the situation must be changed, we must challenge them. andrii rymovych bilousov. vladimir vladimirovich putin appointed the ministry of defense for the future war, which i immediately say may be cold, but it may not be cold. it's only a matter of time, and unfortunately, the price we will all pay for this is a victory in the special forces. this is a victory. thank you, volodymyr volodymyrovych, we won. but it will not end there. well, that is, russians, you see, this is how putin is preparing to expand the war. i thank you to maria kucharenko for the actually expressed thoughts, very interesting. well, we will follow
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how. how exactly will this new defense minister work and how exactly will the rejuvenation and changes of the russian elite take place, so we'll see. lakal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical. proved that lakalot fix protects the gums and fixes the denture five times more reliably, so lakat fix is ​​your choice, buy with a 30% discount in the podorozhnyk pharmacy chain. fm helicina. listen to yours.


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