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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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we moved, the whole group is alive, well, it was probably one of the most difficult tasks. there is a saying: since the appearance of the bow and arrow, nothing has changed the nature of war as much as the appearance of a flying machine over the battlefield, this saying is more than 100 years old, because we are talking about manned aviation. in today's conditions, we are witnessing a new breakthrough in eras, when a flying machine no longer needs the presence of a person on board, and therefore can perform a completely different range of tasks. technology and people, people and technology, self-combination of these factors is the key to success on the battlefield, and whoever understands this has a chance to win. technology has made war a public affair. anyone who has access to the internet and the appropriate desire can see what is happening in the war zone. so i remind you, this is not the final and it is definitely not a hit parade. this is a review of the official military video. we like, repost and write comments. see you next week,
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goodbye, i welcome you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur and today we will talk about the attack on kharkiv. direction, about the prospect of an offensive in the sumy direction in sumy region, as stated by kyrylo budanov, the head of ukrainian intelligence, and the presence and condition of fortifications. the russian army began an offensive in the kharkiv region in two directions along the travyansky reservoir, in the direction of the village of liptsia, along the siverskyi donetsk river, near vovchansk. during the four days of the offensive, russian troops were able to capture approximately 10 small villages near the border, advancing approximately 5-6 km deep into ukrainian territory. and 30 km
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wide. according to the ukrainian syntproekt deep state as of yesterday, russian troops advanced near vovchansk. fighting is currently going on outside the city, and lukyantsi are occupied in the deep village of lukyaniv. and by opening an additional direction for the offensive, russia is trying to divert ukrainian resources from other areas of the front line. this, in particular, is stated in the current report of british intelligence. evacuation from the border communities of kharkiv oblast continues these days, as of today, more than 7 thousand people in kharkiv created a special point for those who need help with evacuation. see what's happening there today. think about it, a person lives like a fish in water, because he lives there, and then the fisherman asked him to the shore. and she hasn't died yet, and she's not alive anymore. so i am now with me. tens will do this on the eighth. why did they stand behind my son, he is over... 20 years old
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in 3 days, exactly under these cabs, cabs, planes fly like rooks, and cabs, and this one, and hails, and cabs, then drones, zrevchatki they throw things at people's houses, that's it, that's all, you know, it's incomprehensible to the mind, people have all grown up, they're obliged, today they're taking them out, young people are shaking, they've been wiped off. we are drunk god damn it, why explain why peaceful people are suffering, why, i wish our guys ukraine, beat the russian bastards, beat their brains with putin's shit, they are now doing this with us, i came in, i i say saboteurs, an old man and an old woman were shot in the yard, for what, for what?
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the policemen are taking everyone away, bald people, people are running, they are smearing like that, because they are afraid, and they are flying bombs at us, they are hitting us with a hail of bullets, the policemen are taking away mustaches under fire, under fire, they grab people in cars and old people are under fire, how many are lying there old men, soon he is wandering under shelling, those who are in bed, a backpack, here are documents are taken away. everything remained there, i'm sorry, it's such a beautiful garden, good people, we were all friendly, a festive garden. the ukrainian military and political leadership says that the situation in the kharkiv region is difficult but under control, but some senior officers express concerns about the potential. in
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the line of defense due to the numerical superiority of the russian troops and their willingness to put up with heavy losses, the american edition politiko writes about this, in particular, against the background of the offensive in the kharkiv region in ukraine, they talked about... the quality and presence of fortifications in this direction, for example, the commander of the intelligence unit of the armed forces of ukraine, denys yaroslavskyi, said the day before that due to the lack of fortification in the kharkiv region, the armed forces of ukraine are again losing people and territory, as was the case in 2022 . the head of the kharkiv region, oleh sinygubov, in response to such requests the day before, said that in the near future the local authorities will prepare a report on the construction of fortifications in the region. yet there was no such report. but is there any reason to doubt the dishonest use of money for fortification, we will also talk about this right now . solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy, voice faction and representative of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, joins our broadcast. good evening, good evening, greetings. solimi, let's start with fortifications.
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some affirmatively state that there are no fortifications, others answer them that it was simply impossible to build them there 10-8 km from the border. i just saw it. interview with the ukrainian service bbc oleg synegubov, he stated that the oda was engaged in the construction of the third and possibly partly the second line of defense there, do i understand correctly that there is no first line of defense in ukraine, and vovchansk is the first line of defense, or how to understand it at all? look, in fact, everyone is partly right here, and i find it very surprising that the prime minister or the prime minister and the defense minister does not comment on the situation with everyone in a fortifying way. buildings, by the way, if you remember, there was a whole such departure of my colleagues , servants of the people, i remember, i even remember that then, it seems, they canceled the meeting in the verkhovna rada, and david arahamya explained why, because the deputies went to the front to control the fortifications, fortification
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structures, it is absolutely true, i want to tell you that the first line, or there as we would call it, would be zero it's 5-7 km there, it's clear that the border itself was really not built. civilians, military units were responsible for this, which were responsible for that other section of the border, and this includes the border service, and the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, and they very often built this with their own resource resources, resources with the help of communities, local authorities, who helped as they tried to build, but of course it does not look like there we have to declare seven, seven obstacles, dragon's teeth, some... dear, then anti-tank ditches there and so on. mostly it was mining, it was created natural and unnatural obstacles. we understand that it cannot be a solid line along the border, in principle, because it is impossible there and there is little need, because there is an understanding of where they come from, how they enter, for example,
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the derga, when we talk about the derga, how the columns of tanks and troops entered, at one time during the occupation two years ago, all these things were partially worked out somewhere, somewhere. worse, somewhere better, somewhere, well, somewhere in any way, somewhere in ukrainian, i would even say so, and it was very painful for me to see, literally in front of your broadcast, when they were lying, i think the bags were lying, yes, judging by the fact that it was a study area, and they treated it with care, there is nothing new in this, it is certainly the second and third line, which is already on the line, the second the line there is the sixth-seventh kilometer, the third line is already 15-18 or even more, that is, there are very strange, very strange lines of fortifications that are built by real civilians, very often quite far, more than 18 km from the border, often they were to be built, or were they built together with the decision of the military
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command of the sectors responsible for these areas of holding areas, holding the border, that is, it was not supposed to be chaos, this determines everything. military command, then it was broken up and so-called lines were formed, that's why i don't support the story there minus three floors down, a concrete structure on the very border, for this there were other other obstacles and , of course, mining, it should have been one of the basic things that had to be carried out on the steeper, it's not just a scandal of anti-gagation structures, and not all, unfortunately, losing counter-information. the war that has been going on in our country for several days, because society is one, alone is storming from what is being fought back and are we, are we protected by lines of defense, what is their logic, and why do we have a conditional gray zone in principle, as such, 5 km away from the border, why do people have to,
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for example, forcibly evacuate, what is being done today in sumy oblast is the right thing, and we know that there are villages in sumy oblast where in general the last inhabitants of the villages were killed, this literally happened two months ago, if, if i am not mistaken. er, and the evacuation should have been carried out even then, so it hurts me to understand and know that even as a citizen on deputation, i have to call the military and ask how it really is. which the situation with the front, instead of hearing very different informational narratives, what the muscovites will use, what is happening with us in the kharkiv region, whether the troops are going to kharkiv, whether they have a strategy for sums, whether we have nothing else for 3-4 days, this we even hear this on the air, but it seems to me that this is one of the biggest, biggest problems and understanding, in principle, if we knew it, what forces and means we used and kept as of three days ago at the border. kysk and sumy oblasts, because of the conventional tro brigade, or one
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mechanized brigade that could be on the retreat, this is not enough, well, these are obvious things, i do not claim that there was such a number there, this is my assumption, but for a very long time, i would say that this direction was disturbed for a very long time , and this information is not from the last month, not two months , or even three, i just want to add here that the day before, the representative of the ukrainian intelligence andriy yusev stated that... they knew that the intelligence knew that a russian offensive was being prepared, that they discovered a concentration of russian troops, informed everyone about it institutions are necessary, but as we can see, the evacuation of civilians has already begun, well, literally under fire, i don’t know, they knew, they were preparing, they knew they were not preparing, here somehow i don’t fully understand, in fact, i think that today we a very democratic country, and even when we have an obligation 5 km to the border to evacuate people, and we still ask people if we are ready to evacuate, we must do it by force, the free part of the government and it must be done forcibly, not right
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at the height of the shelling, i i believe that we are late with this , that is why sumyshchyna, for example, is not doing this ahead of time, as you can see, and this is a huge lesson, well, it is different, when they knew and when gur knows, comments on the issue, we understand that yes, these such and such offensive actions, they take away our reserves, tie up our reserves, they divert to... attention, they take over the main fate of our forces and means, and they make this direction one of the most active on the front today, although all others are also very active, but additional attention is directed there, additional forces and means, then i have a question then, why where are ours, where are our actions, what were the actions taken before that, so that there would not be such chaos, information and on the battlefield, because how can i say that the situation is difficult under control. it's already, it's already a meme, which is not correct, yes, it's already a meme, the situation is difficult,
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but controlled, it's already a mess and chaos, no one knows how to explain when the head of the administration says one thing, the president another, a bunch of sradkoms say third, fourth, fifth, public organizations, journalists others, but look at what other situation has arisen against the background of this offensive and these questions about fortification, this is even a representative of the opposition, in particular petro poroshenko, i see him, his statements are spreading very actively, well, he also... separate media contribute to this , but nevertheless, he declares that 369 million hryvnias were spent on the vovchansk-kharkov road in the 23rd year, in principle, i checked, this tender was really transparent, and what question can arise now that in the 23rd in that year, roads were built there, but fortifications were not built there was money for the road, there was no money for fortification, it was safe to build the road, fortification turns out to be dangerous, so what would you answer here? in the face of criticism, why they built roads and not built fortifications, especially to vovchansk, i would force the head
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of the administration to publicly list all the expenses, and the work done, the work of the third line and the road, if it was done, if these roads were local importance and the obtodor responsible for these roads, so it was a day after his statement, yes yesterday, he promised to prepare a report, oleg sinygubov promised to prepare the report as follows. but it is being prepared in less than an hour, we have seen well the journalistic investigations, and under such a condition of failure, simple respect, but there must be people to leave their positions and move on, because mistake after mistake is very expensive, we see the mood and disruption of the entire society, i want to emphasize once again that the first or second line of defense, not the third, first or second, was built by the military with its own forces, means, capabilities, involvement of communities and local self-government bodies, or joined? it is difficult for me to comment on the kharkiv community or the kharkiv region, which could allocate funds for this, but where
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is the result of the third line, what happened there, well, we will see, judging by this report, but once again returning to the situation on the front, not only in terms of fortification, it will be very interesting to observe, by the way, the work of the muscovites in the information department, in particular regarding the appointment of general drapatoy as the commander of the kharkiv grouping, at first it was quite strange their hysteria and... and such toxicity towards mr. general, but in in the end, they understand that a person has appointed a professional, and a worthy answer will be found to them in response to their offensive, that is why there are such very, very strange and interesting informational narratives in our informational field today in relation to kharkiv oblast. you mentioned journalistic investigations, well, i just have to clarify here that on the eve of the edition of ukranian pravda , the head of the anti-corruption, anti-corruption center of mezh, martyna bohuslavets, published a blog, she analyzed the public
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expenses of the kharkiv ova for building fortification and found that a significant part of the funds, in particular for supplies. they received companies that have a rather dubious origin and signs of efficiency, i asked this very question to your colleague on the committee, roman kostenko, the day before, he said, well, maybe this is a standard situation during the war, a company that never did anything like that there, but during the war , she repurposed herself and suddenly started trading in wood, he assumed that this could be the case, and i understand that it seems suspicious to you, it seems suspicious to me, i i understand why roman says that... because he is a representative of the military sphere, and i, as a person who would work in the odesa regional state administration, would know well how closely the heads of the administration work together with the head of the afrodors, so not knowing about which names won, how much money went where and how it was spent, well, you know, it sounds quite comical, everyone knew everything, understood who the money was given to,
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and believe the company, which was created three months ago, it is not just difficult to win, i do not know supply. carrots for children at school, not to mention the fact that you will win 750 million jobs in the front line, one of the largest regions of ukraine, so let mr. president not cheat and exhibit faster and explain it to the president and society, what happened to the standers, what jobs were performed, and why these people, ranging from those who have cases with a judge, ending with problems there with physical violence and with their previous business histories. what did they do, how did they win these tenders. say anything please, solomiya, will this issue be considered by the committee, or if you said that it was the responsibility of the military, will you also demand some kind of report from the military leadership? i think that we will invite the military leadership to talk about what is happening in principle, starting from the chertnihiv region, ending with the odesa region, with the first and second line
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of fratification structures, in fact, we already had such a discussion back in the winter that... mr. naev, the general reported to us on certain areas of the front, and we already had many questions at that time, but it was difficult to explain to the society at that time that what, too, when we talk about the teeth, the dragon and all that we see in the picture is conventionally beautiful, it is all the third line, the first line in fact, well, it is very difficult to check, well, as we can see, that words are not true, unfortunately, do you allow that a re-occupation can happen now? vovchanska, and i am very afraid of such assessments, i still hope for the most professional of our defense forces and parpato, i have high hopes for this command, so i am not ready at the moment to make any assumptions, this is a very expensive price for this, uh, uh, the american institute for the study of war, in its
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report yesterday states or warns that if the russian troops can advance literally. 10 km from its current positions, then kharkiv may be in the artillery’s range, well , by and large , hail will reach kharkiv, kharkiv, and do you allow it and what do you think, or should it be foreseen now, maybe local government or central government, because if it happens, then me i understand, well, it will be very difficult to stay in place, maybe there will be a question of evacuation, well, the jet system will be forgotten and so on. can work there up to 60 km, we do not see this, in principle, the russians will definitely have no problems with this, the first, second, is how they use cabs, which, in which they have a lot of cabs and fabs, this is an absolutely devastating story, that when artillery can be killed or equipment with drones, and countered, then the question is what to do, how do you counter act and
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have anti-aircraft defenses and knock out planes that pose a threat. to the city of kharkiv, this a huge question, but judging from us , by the way, again from the population of kharkiv, some people ask if the yanchyns should leave, what is going on, others say, where will we come from the cossacks, that is , such an informational chaos, in fact, it seems to me , that he first of all needs an explanation, a clear articulation, but those people whom people trust so that there is no such thing as a total duck, it's one and two, well , unfortunately, we clearly understand that kharkiv can succumb... conditional scenario, unfortunately, kherson, and the constant shelling and actually halting the life of the city, primarily electricity. electricity, which is in question for the whole of ukraine today, so all plans must be worked out and , unfortunately, including the worst ones. solomiya, thank
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you very much, solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy, voice faction and representative of the committee on defense security and intelligence, we talked about the situation in the kharkiv region, about the threat to kharkiv, and we also talked with the people, with the residents of kharkiv, who in them waiting through the possible the offensive of russian troops in the region, their advance. so listen to what the people of kharkiv have to say. i really look at the fact that you have to be ready for anything. how are you, have you prepared? buckwheat from the 14th. buckwheat has been lying around since the 14th year, and it will kill you to prepare like that, we have to run to the subway before you reach it. has your everyday life somehow changed in connection with the situation in kharkiv? i have changed a lot, because i came here from near donetsk. we are just a bunch of people.
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honestly, the situation is getting worse, life is going on at the moment, in the morning... i woke up, everything is fine, we live, i just went to a nearby bar, and there is no place there, there is no place there, there are points of invincibility, we go there, if anything, suddenly the power banks are always charged, there is always water in baklashkas, no problem, i am sure that kharkiv will not surrender, 100%, our kharkiv residents will not surrender, 100% our kharkiv residents will not surrender, the lights are turned off. in the evening, as a rule, when the lights are turned off in an emergency, it does not run, trolleybuses do not run, the subway does not run, and i made a small solar panel, very
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small, unfortunately, i do not have a photo with me, but i made a small one, i have friends, well, i do not plan to evacuate, i am very worried about our boys, i think our boys are still our boys, i think everything will be fine, everything will be fine, they will knock out these bastards, i myself from... saltovki, such an area is very damaged, problems with electricity, i study online, it is difficult, three days ago, it was postponed to 6 o'clock in the evening, but there was no light either, there was an alarm of 13 hours in kharkiv, the longest, and therefore i could not neither in the morning nor in the evening, that's why she sat down and practiced under the candlelight, we live on no on on the top floor, there is no balcony frame, there are no windows, it is not cold now, but in winter it was also a little cold, you can feel
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inside, what is this restlessness, so blow up , well, nothing, summer is good, nothing, it is good that it is summer, the sun is warming us too we are glad that they are alive, because some did not wake up, to whom there were flights, and we, thank god, live, work, breathe, well, i want to partially, i already mentioned that oleg synigubov, the head of the kharkiv region, gave an interview to the bbc , he was specifically asked about whether there is a threat to kharkiv, he said that from his point of view there is no threat to the city now, and also journalists asked him about fortifications, and he said that the military administration was building the third and partly the second line of defense, and during during the construction of these fortifications , more than 30 pieces of equipment were destroyed and four people were killed and more than 15 people were injured,
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according to sinyohobov, during the construction of the fortification. we will return to this topic later, but later we will talk about how far russian troops can go during the next offensive. well, for example, the head in an interview with the new york times newspaper, kyrylo budanov, head of the intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, said that the russian troops could start in the coming days. a new offensive in the sumy region. the situation of the armed forces of ukraine near kharkov, where the russian army continues to try to advance towards vovchansk , budanom called extremely difficult, as the ukrainian military lacks men. commander gur also agreed with the assessments of most experts that one of the tasks of the russian offensive near kharkov is to exhaust ukrainian reserves and distract them from other areas of the front, in particular in the donetsk region, is mentioned in yar times. as budanov said, to find new forces for the armed forces. now it is very difficult and that all the troops are either in the direction of kharkiv or in chasovoy yar, unfortunately, budanov said, we have no one left, no one in reserve, no reserve, and
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he assumed that during the offensive... for several days, ukrainian forces will be able to stabilize the front near kharkov, and however, after that , the russian troops may launch a new offensive already in the sumy oblast, so what are the expectations for sumy oblast, we will talk about it now, my colleague alyona yatsina, a correspondent of radio liberty, joins our broadcast, alyona, hello, congratulations, this is alyona, we talked with the first speaker about the state of fortification in kharkiv oblast, but you are actively working in sumy oblast , and what do the military tell you about the state of fortification of sumy? the military has really different opinions about this, some say that everything is fine, and with such fortifications you can fight, you can defend yourself, some are very critical and say that it is not built that way, it is not there built, and i would like more, but do your interlocutors, again the military and possibly representatives of the local authorities, the military administration, admit that
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sumy oblast... some part of sumy oblast may be occupied in the near future, if, for example, this offensive begins, which announced budanov. all the sources we talk to, both official and less official, say about the same thing. we are not talking about the occupation or capture of some territories and cities yet, we are talking about the threat of the drg, the threat of increased shelling, as well as it is possible, let's say, an attack on... sumy oblast in a mirror format to the actions of the legion of freedom of russia, which in particular took place in march of this year from the territory of sumy oblast, when these military formations entered the territory of the russian federation, in fact approximately the same we can also expect from the russian army, this is what they are talking about, and we actually see from open sources that there are certain russian groups on
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the opposite side of the velyk pseriv community and opposite the communities of the sumy district, but from what is visible, at least on the map with that which our interlocutors say, these groups are not large and capable of actually seizing territories and occupying something. well, you see, we, we just talked about kharkiv oblast, and there we see that actually in unison with the offensive on vovchansk , the evacuation from vovchansk began, it looks like... people were not really prepared for this offensive, in sumy oblast, i i understand that the situation is a little different, because there the evacuation has been taking place for the last days or maybe even weeks, to be precise, the authorities announced the evacuation back on july 23 year, but it was at the level of an announcement, that is , the authorities called on people living in border villages in a five-kilometer zone to leave, now
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it is already happening... a month has been going on even a little longer, since the beginning of april, the forced evacuation of children from two communities, these are medrenobutsk and velikopyserivska, the evacuation from the khotyn community has been going on for a week, and today is the second day of the renewed evacuation of all people from the velikopyserivska community, yesterday, for example, six people came for this evacuation, and today it began evacuation from bilopil and the villages that are closer to the border in... the community, despite the fact that somewhere around 70 people had previously signed up for this evacuation, 28 came, six of them were children with their parents, all the rest were elderly people. i understand that we have some kind of video, from sumy oblast, which we can now show how the evacuation is taking place. yes, at least we worked there today, talked to people, the evacuation itself took place a little...


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