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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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under this video on youtube, please find it and subscribe to roman bezsmertny's youtube channel. so, roman petrovych, today the secretary of state of the united states of america blinken arrived in kyiv on an unannounced visit. the secretary of state spoke about the fact that the united states of america will continue to support ukraine, and at a meeting at sikorsky university , he spoke about... a security agreement that will be signed by representatives of ukraine and , respectively, the united states of america, and blinken also said that the assistance , which yes waiting in ukraine will soon be in ukraine, and it will have a real impact on countering russian aggression. let's listen to what blinkin said during the meeting with zelensky.
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some aid has already arrived, more support will follow, and it will have a real impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many other partners of ukraine, are convinced that you will succeed in this battle. we are also determined that at times ukraine will stand firmly on its own feet, in military, economic, and democratic terms, because a strong, successful, prosperous, free ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future. and for all this, the united states is and will remain a loyal partner. we have a huge shortage of air defense equipment. i think this is our biggest problem. and yes, today we really need to strengthen the defense for kharkiv, for the region that is often hit, because all the civilians are under attack there, and all the people live under russian missiles. roman petrovich, as it should be.
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appreciate this visit - blinken, we know rather difficult situation in the east of ukraine, this is a sign of support from washington, or is it an attempt to make up for lost due to the position of the congress of the united states of america regarding aid to ukraine. mr. sergey, i would not combine this visit with the decision of the congress, the belated decision of the congress, but there are a few things. which the state department of the united states of america, he leads, and they must be solved, because they must be answered. first of all, it is the approach of the nato summit. it looks like the parties have quieted down and are waiting for some kind of miracle or surprise, but we we know very well that the best impromptu is the impromptu that is prepared, and it is so obvious that we must be ready for... who and what
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role will play, what the result will be, so that no curious statements appear, as it was in vilnius from any side, because this, that's why this is the number one question, the number two question, it's actually very clear now, how washington, kyiv, brussels, paris, london, berlin, they look at it differently on the strategy and tactics of the armed forces of ukraine in 2024 and in... 2025, whatever with a difference of a week, the statement of the adviser to the president of the united states of america, jake sullivan, that something should be thought of, that there should be some negotiations, and then we will give the necessary weapons next, and maybe in 2025 , ukraine should prepare for an offensive, and it would look even more strange in this time statements from berlin. it is obvious that these topics must
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be coordinated, because it actually depends on this, and what needs to be delivered, in what volumes, in what and at what level of readiness, and actually this was immediately manifested in the dialogue that we have just seen. the third question, actually, is yes the so-called security agreement. as we can see, it turned out to be the united states, where there are the most discussions. and this discussion is explained by the fact that... the ukrainian side, acting absolutely correctly, included in the text of this document all the materials that currently exist between the united states of america and israel, between the united states of america and taiwan, between the united states of america and the philippines, and the work turned out to be quite difficult, so it is necessary to advance here as well, because there are already up to a dozen documents, they are different. of different content,
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but in this case it is necessary to arrive at a certain result, and it is obvious that during today's meeting the same is true. certain issues of european politics initiated by paris, initiated by london and so on were discussed, which are ahead of washington in certain issues to date and are ahead for the reason that both president biden and his team, it is clear that they have to react to the course of the election a campaign that separates them from active action and interaction with... kyiv and with other partners, and here coordination is necessary, so that it does not happen that due to the speed of movement, either france or great britain, certain collisions arise. i 'm not talking about the fact that today this question is very demanding, which is related to
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the coordination of certain informational messages that sound, which are clearly not coordinated, and their nature is understandable in that they have become rare. contacts at this level between washington and kyiv, this is a complex of issues that must be paid attention to now. roman petrovych, in parallel with blinken's visit , information about the report of yermak's group and rasmussen, in which it is proposed that nato invite ukraine to join the alliance at the summit in washington this summer, the anniversary summit, and cement the commitment to accept kyiv into its ranks no later than that. july 28, the report also suggests that allies spend 0.25% of their gdp on military aid to ukraine and unlock $300 billion in frozen russian assets to support ukraine. blinkin said that the united states of america is bringing ukraine closer to
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nato and will introduce it to the alliance later. when it will happen, blinken did not say, but this is the date that yeermak erasmosen's group made public, july 28, how realistic it can be, how much the situation can change in general, that in two months at the summit of the alliance some cardinal decisions will be made that will affect including during the russian-ukrainian war. mr. serhiy, the question of ukraine's membership in nato and the washington summit itself, it is so surprising, actually, why i paid attention to it, because... that the course of events can be so fast and unexpected, that i do not rule out that not only the invitation may be, but also accelerated procedures related to ratification, therefore , in fact, you have
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to be ready for everything in this regard, and in fact, if we talk about the current aid and the prospects of aid to ukraine, then these questions are very close. connected, because it is not by chance that messages about defensive tactics or offensive tactics and so on pop up, because all this is connected with the volumes of supply in accordance with the strategy and tactics, it may happen that, including and two months before the summit, the situation will radically change, both on the eurasian continent and in ukraine's interaction with europeans. with regard to the assistance of the european community and individual states in ukraine, that the washington summit will have to catch up with the issue and distill it, fight for leadership with europe, and healthy leadership in this situation, firstly, secondly, if you look
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even at internal ukrainian documents, in particular , which operate within the framework of the ukraine-nato program, then there... the parameters of 2028 have already been defined, the preparation must be completed according to these documents until the end of 2025, and there are even points indicated there that must be fulfilled by the summer of 2028, so this is not a new date, it has already, let's say, appeared in circulation, including from the ukrainian side, but everything will depend on the actual interaction technique. and between both parties, moreover, it is necessary to understand very well that the answer to this question can in one way or another affect the results of the presidential race in the united states of america, and therefore, as it will affect, so it will return, let's say so, initiative and
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washington's leadership regarding the possibility of inviting ukraine to nato, however, i am very moved by these words. and especially rasmussen, because they seem to announce some serious progress. i am not saying that such a decision may be reached at this summit. but the fact that this is a very serious announced progress, by the way, which coincides with internal ukrainian normative and legal by-laws, is very important, and it is important that it sounds, in fact, during the visit, it only confirms our topic with you about , that this problem is discussed as the number one issue during the current visit of the secretary of state of the united states of america. roman petrovich, edition of... time writes that the head of the foreign ministry of great britain, david
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cameron, in closed negotiations with donald trump, a potential candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, says that he said that the new american aid will help ukraine hold the front line and provide the best possible conditions for concluding an agreement with the russian federation in january 25, i quote: what are the best conditions, the publication writes, with which can you as the president? to conclude an agreement in january, this is when both sides get their positions and pay the price for it, commenting on this article, british prime minister rishi sunak emphasized that london's position has not changed and that the british government is on the side of ukraine. what agreement did cameron talk about with trump that trump would negotiate with putin in case of victory in january 25th to end russia's war in ukraine? no, mr. serhiy, but... this is about creating conditions under which ukraine will dominate the war
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and the strength and results of battles. so, ah, david cameron talks about creating conditions under which the initiative, and, let's say, positional, tactical, and strategic, will be on the side of ukraine. moreover, the results of the situation on the front line. will benefit ukraine completely, this is what david cameron is talking about, and at the same time it is clear that having a dominant position, london allows the possibility of possible negotiations, who will initiate it, of course it will be decided by ukraine, including ukraine will determine possible intermediaries or, say, an organization that can conduct this conversation. the subtext of this article clearly suggests that aid
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to ukraine must be such that ukraine achieves its strategic outcome and forces the kremlin to accept ukraine's conditions. this is what is important to emphasize. it is not only the actual material, which is voiced, that speaks about it. this is also talked about, including materials in the guardian newspaper, including individual publications. british analysts have been writing about it for the past three months, and to their credit, that cameron is gradually changing his position, from that frightened gesture that nato should not shoot down russian planes and nato should not shoot at russian soldiers, it is clear how cameron's position is transforming quite strongly, this is explained by the fact that the united... and especially great britain pay enormous attention to aid to ukraine,
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moreover, i did not accidentally say that there is such a healthy leadership and competition for leadership between london and washington, regarding the amount of aid to ukraine. but here, judging by the information that comes from of the russian federation, putin is not inclined to collapse. war or sit there at the transition table, all these personnel reshuffles that he made after the so-called inauguration, after the fifth, the beginning of his fifth term in office, shows that he is trying to find the optimal formula for how to lead a long-term the war in ukraine, and , by the way, the spokesperson of the state department of the united states of america, vedant patel, also speaks about this, and... this too, as they believe in washington, shows that putin has no intention
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to end the war, let's hear what vedant patel had to say. we believe this is yet another indication that putin is desperate to continue his backdoor war against ukraine, despite the fact that it is causing significant damage to the russian economy and causing heavy losses to russian troops. he could have ended the war at any moment by withdrawing the troops instead of continuing to launch brutal attacks every day. roman petrovich, it would seem that he is in a russian gang, because it is a gang, and it lives by the rules of the gang, no, it does not matter who holds a position there, because in principle there is a nucleus there, an aggressive nucleus, which is waging war against ukraine, shoigu replaced the chair of the secretary
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of the security council, patrushev became just putin's assistant, the new one is... minister of defense andriy bilousov, who was once an economist, and now position of the ministry of defense, and yet, taking into account what putin is doing now, whether he really, firstly, has the ability to wage a long-term war, and secondly, whether this entire team of his is capable of any changes and to the strengthening of russia's position not only in ukraine, but and the world arena, because that's what it's about. mr. serhiy, this is the thesis that is being heard now from all the irons that the changes are aimed at waging a long-term war, i have the impression that it is said on purpose and said only for ukraine, the fact is that
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the conditions of how much russia will be able to wage war does not depend on russia. depend on the level of aid to ukraine, the implementation of sanctions, control over the implementation of sanctions, the elimination of those holes in the sanctions policy, the continuation of sanctions, aid to ukraine, the volume of aid and so on, compliance with already written plans, already drawn tactical tools and so on. this is what depends on the ability of the kremlin and the führer of moscow to wage war so much or so much. the point is, what and why did these changes happen? appearance is wrong. shoigu's removal is a failure of his quartermaster function, which was supposed to be performed by the ministry of defense. everyone
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knows perfectly well that there are quite a few directions that have failed, first of all, it is without... pilot aviation, then the entire missile complex, which barely scrapes by to be mocked over ukraine, i'm not talking about armored vehicles and so on, well, isn't it obvious that in the theater of military operations more and more equipment is appearing that has been simply lying on scrap metal for 20-30 years, so this proves that , that bilousov was not appointed, but... filmed, what a failure he is, now why is he in such a shape, well, where did you see, where did we all see, that the clique, his band, his gang, as you rightly say, threw people in the trash , they will be spun in this drum, transplanted from one place to another, let's think about it, secretary of the nsdc patrushev
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becomes an assistant, uh, what does that say, or a minister becomes a secretary. sovbezu what does it say? and about the fact that as they used to circulate in three groups, they rarely circulate, but they have already deflated, neither of them has the potential to perform this function, because the minister has to run, especially with that functionality, which is in totalitarian russia, from so understandable these changes, now does andrey bilousov save the situation, what kind of initiatives? was not attributed to him, in general, i am surprised by the fact that today the thesis that russia has appeared in the world able today in that moscow swamp to implement such a large-scale thing as self-sufficiency in everything. the fact is that there is only one modern principle of development: if you want to develop, be open. with
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the amount of sanctions and the increasing control over these sanctions, russia... will not be able to compete with the leading countries, especially with such a format as romstein, if all members of this club will fulfill, including obligations measures to help ukraine, including the policies of the european union, the united states, sanctions and so on. therefore, it seems to me, i am convinced of this, that too much attention is paid. this change, well, what can be the change in the situation in the gang, in the clique, they are cooing among themselves like pigeons, setting each other up, as usual. in such a totalitarian gang, they will destroy each other and finish each other, due to the fact that they do not have a solution to date, how to get out
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of the trap that they have so far created for themselves, as a gang, and for 140 million a russian, so from my point of view it would be now it was necessary to talk about how to increase pressure, how to implement sanctions, how to remove from the entourage of the führer and especially his international allies those countries that allow circumventing sanctions, from here we need to increase pressure on china, increase pressure on brazil, in fact, what we we have under the name brics to south africa, because it is through them or through their cracks that additional dual-use products get there, i am not talking about moscow's partners like the saudis, the emirates and so on, where additional diplomatic efforts are needed, that these channels to cover roman petrovych,
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sijin pin was on a european tour last week. for the first time, in 5 years, he traveled through several countries, france, hungary, he visited serbia, he did not... stop by brussels and he also did not stop by london and he did not stop by berlin either, these were also certain signs from siddharth about his visits, about the attitude towards our western partners, because he is in serbia, in serbia there he tried to complain about what happened a long time ago, and there a rocket hit the chinese embassy, ​​they say, look at that... the north atlantic alliance, but on may 16-17 , putin is going on his first visit abroad after the so-called election of the so-called
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president, and obviously xijinping will bring, or has already brought putin a message from macron, because he met with macron in xijinping. what do you think, after putin's visit to beijing, or? will the master of the kremlin receive certain signals from our western partners, because that is how i think diplomacy works now, western diplomacy in terms of influencing putin, well, first of all, it will be like that, because at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the diploma diplomatic relations between paris and beijing in its in the central part of his speech , president macron said that we have set the parameters and we expect
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to continue their implementation with you after your conversations, i will now say almost verbatim what was broadcast in paris, and the french president hinted at 15, well at that time the date of the visit of the moscow führer to beijing was meant as: now it has already been postponed to the 16th, well , it does not matter so much, from my point of view, while already in belgrade, svidzenpin sent the news, because it was felt by rhetoric from russia, but what is the situation about? the first is china's fulfillment of the sanctions conditions, and the attitude of paris will be determined from this. to beijing, but one thing must be added here: xijinping did not want to go to brussels, but brussels came to
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xijinping in paris, and the conversation between the three of them between ursula fondelein, president macron and xijinping was very heated, it was very emotional, and it continued in the corridors of the elysée palace, and it was noticed. journalists, how red and different xidenpin was hot. it is obvious that the inherent style of ursula fonden, where she was able to press and show all the violations that beijing allowed, supplying moscow with dual technologies, financing the military-industrial complex of russia, and in principle, both macron and ursula fonderlein stopped at the fact that mutually '. relations between beijing and the liquid european market will depend on the extent to which beijing will comply with further sanctions? pay
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attention, at this time, including in washington, the question of preparation is defined sanctions package against china. from my point of view, on the 16th-17th, all this will be announced in detail to the moscow führer. and the situation now looks like china has nowhere to go. he should narrow the kremlin's support. or another option, to go with another option, is... to normalize relations between moscow, beijing and tehran, in such a situation, both russia, and china, and tehran, and iran will fall into a complete blockade and isolation, as are europe and the united states states of america. from my point of view , this option can be considered, but it is not the main today , sidzenpin will not risk liquidity.
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the european market and american investments, which means that he will have a very difficult conversation with the moscow führer. but roman petrovich, i understand that the european market is quite important for sidzin pinya, because i looked, in germany alone, the trade turnover between germany and china amounted to 253 billion dollars last year, and it has a lot to lose. because if the united states of america and germany push, then there will be no remittances to china, considering the problems that china already has, and he has to choose here, or remain on the side of russia and take this so-called peacekeeping mission, which they invented on february 24 , 2023, this is some kind of incomprehensible peace plan,
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at least somehow. .. it's not a peace plan, it's just beijing's position there, well, it looks like this, that is, now, as far as i understand, european politicians are asking the rube question before xijinping, are you with us, or are you with putin? well, the situation looks even much worse for beijing, because the americans have already started to be pushed out at the public level donate chinese goods from europe, and it was easy. to such everyday rejection of chinese goods in europe, hence both leaders during the meeting in the lyceum palace made it clear to xi jinping that it is not only about some projects with serbia or hungary, because hungary is a member of the european union after all, all those outlined plans, in that including during the visit of the german chancellor to beijing, and three... by
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the prime ministers of european states since the new year only to china, they will never be implemented if china continues to to show such initiative, give help to russia, so it is obvious that beijing has a lot to think about, because indeed the european market is the most liquid, it is the most profitable for china, especially since today... in relation to china's investments in europe, they make up 3/4, if you measure these investment volumes, and in fact both leaders of xi jinping said: either we balance the economy, so we come to some kind of understanding, or we interrupt these contracts, moreover, europe has put to... very
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seriously, with regard to beijing, the requirements for the implementation of sanctions that china violates in trade with russia, and it was said absolutely frankly that europe does not claim to control the flow of raw materials there, which relate to russia's exports to china, but europe will not allow china to continued to export to russia dual technologies, and... machine tools, machines, which are then produced weapons, armaments and ammunition for the russian army. today, romana petrovychu, putin's assistant on international affairs, yuriy ushakov, said that china refused to participate in global peace summit in switzerland, we appreciate the wise, measured position of our chinese partners regarding china's non-participation.


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