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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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a simple question, can it stop putin, well, i think it is unlikely, as instructors, well, probably yes, definitely, but as for the combat contingents and in general the legal procedure of the legal grounds, the grounds of this, it seems to me that it is very difficult, not easy solution, so i don't think it can be implemented so quickly. thank you, mr. oleksiy, in advance. today, the national security adviser to the president of estonia, madisrol, stated that the estonian government is seriously discussing the possibility of sending troops to western ukraine to close the rear of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time , estonian defense minister hanno pevkur said that the idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine remains relevant, but there was no specific discussion on this topic in the estonian government. there is nothing new here - said the minister of defense of estonia, when france... came up with
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the idea to think about whether europe and the allies can do something more, this idea was voiced in various discussions, but it did not go anywhere, because currently there are no allies among the allies a clear understanding of what it will give, it is clear, ladies and gentlemen, what the question is whether to send troops to the territory of ukraine or not is up to our western partners, but in this situation, perhaps it is worth talking about the step itself... the step on the part of ukraine, the address of the president, the address of the parliament to our western partners, or ms. yevgenia, on the sidelines of the european institutions, such a question is being discussed in general and whether it is even possible for ukraine to publicly appeal to western partners, because in the end, in the current situation, we have nothing to lose and, on the contrary, we gain, because we are appealing to the world community, well eventually.
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the whole world should fight with such a big monster as the russian federation, not only ukraine? well, you understand that these statements on the part of france and estonia there are actually not so many countries, it is a certain, well, probing the ground as one of the allies will perceive it, because no one wants to do it and be the first or the only one, and in the end it is right and the defense minister said. that no one understands, well, what exactly it can bring, well, we imagine that 200 estonians come to us there, this is probably half of their military army, and that they are standing in lviv, can the commander-in-chief or the commander-in-chief, for example, somehow use it for military operations, we are talking about military operations, that’s right, we’re not just talking about putting someone in the barracks and eh, well... think, what will fly to them, and
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now there is a specific situation, there is an escalation in the kharkiv region, an acute situation in the kupinsky direction, in pokrovsky, as concretely , theoretically, i do not know how the decision is made, this continent can help in these directions, moreover, there some appeals for the parliament to do, i don't think that it is within the competence of the verkhovna rada, of course it should be checked, it is definitely within the competence of the military-political leader. bets, well , the head of the parliament is included in the bid, yes , i have not heard the question on the insert being discussed, at least that it was heard publicly, so let's still get out of reality and ask for and get what we can get, and now everyone is asking for artillery, well, i mean at the front, we are waiting for f-16 aircraft, air defense reinforcement and, of course, joint projects for the manufacture of our own weapons, this is already an introduction to yours. the
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wartime economy there. thank you, mrs. yevgenia, for the tip. and i want to add to the conversation yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the golos faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, since we ask our tv viewers and conduct a traditional poll among viewers and tv viewers, whether they think ukraine should beg. partners about introducing troops to territory of the ukrainian state, we did not start this discussion, this discussion was started by macron, and therefore we will simply continue this discussion and ask whether ukraine should initiate such an appeal or ask western partners in case of worsening of the situation, well, in particular on the eastern front. i think that this is a very difficult geopolitical issue, and here i completely agree with my colleague who spoke about it. that we must ask for everything
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necessary for victory, referring precisely to the fact that now the whole of europe ah... probably i will say correctly, and without exaggeration, the whole the democratic world is protected by our citizens, and whoever followed the course of the discussion, which sounded even between the representatives of the democratic party and the republican party, in particular the speaker of the house of representatives mr. johnson, it was precisely mitch macono, the leader in the senate, he stated this and the other many times. .. us officials that we should support ukraine and vote for everything necessary, including military aid, precisely so that the united states military does not have to fight on the same baltic front in the future, if god forbid will be, that is why i agree with the statement of some
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european politicians, mr. macron is probably the most vivid in his rhetoric, except for his this statement. he recently gave an interview for zaeconomist, which was quite resonant in europe, where he emphasized that the imaginary security of the european continent, which is already fragile, can collapse very quickly, and therefore it is necessary to help and think about strengthening precisely the military part . it is good that they declare, i think that ukraine should stand by its side on those theses that in there are us now, but the thesis. attracting partners to the peace summit, this is both european integration and integration into nato, and of course this is all necessary for the front, there is a long enough list, and the more, the better, and the faster, the better. thank you, mr. yaroslav, in
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the meantime, major personnel changes are taking place in russia, although these personnel changes are taking place in some small, conditional group of people who... uh, are fighting against ukraine, who are fighting against the whole world, the minister has been changed defense, shuigu went to the russian council federation, shaygu was replaced by andriy bilousov, an economist who was an economic adviser to putin, and putin, as western analysts say, seeks to create all the opportunities for the development of russia's military-industrial complex, for which, in fact, shoigun was not at all suitable. what bilousov himself, who is still a candidate, says. there for the position of minister of defense of the russian federation, let's listen, because we are talking about a state defense order and the fact that biluusov obviously has to restart this big military-industrial machine that is in russia, apparently, according to putin, should
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produce much more weapons than it currently has. let's listen to bilousov. i would like to highlight two key tasks that the president has set before me. the first is to ensure the full integration of the economy of the armed forces into the general economy, taking into account the objective increase in the scale of military expenditures, which have already exceeded 6.7% of the country's gdp. everything that is effective and advanced in the country must work for victory, so that the armed forces can fulfill their tasks. mr. oleksiy, russia makes it clear that they are in... is included in the arms race, and obviously the arms race is not with ukraine, but with the whole world, well, it is absolutely obvious, what can ukraine do to respond to russia? well, a few words about russia, about the fact that i understand
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the concept of bilousov and the reasons for his appointment, he proved in practice there in his country, after all, that it can be... the military industry can be this center of economic growth , and indeed he at one time, i read his history of relations with putin there, he convinced that it is necessary, well, actually, not to be sorry, not to be sorry and to invest military industry very large funds, they were too launched there, and they led to the rise of the economy in general and unconditional growth. and the quality, unfortunately, and the quantity of weapons that today we, first of all, the armed forces feel there, and what you see, and the missiles that should run out, as we expected, and other weapons should run out, it, as you can see, does not
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end, and unfortunately, planes fly and spare parts also appear for them, so how can ukraine respond, well, you know, here we have a discussion all the time about... the economy of martial law, wartime, i think that no one fully understands this, well , the same as energy, wartime, martial law, but nevertheless, i can say... that we have the economy is not of peacetime, but also of non-war time, you understand whether it can be and what it is to the end, well, as far as i am concerned, they do not understand to the end , and the maximum that they can do is the relocation of many of our enterprises, from kharkiv oblast, from sumy oblast, from other regions, approached there from the mykolaiv oblast, close to the front line, again... and there is a chance to really restart them, to bring them to new technological rails, but when
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i read banal things about the fact that in fact, in two years of war, we have not changed dramatically in drones, well, unfortunately, and there are calls all the time, and now there are calls for volunteers, for mayors of cities in any way, drones, drones, anything, but it's not our industry, not our state procurement. they cannot provide this quickly, well, questions arise, questions arise, what ukraine can really do, well, at least a plus, it is that our country did not fall the economy, and it shows certain growth, they are, well, at least deductions go to the budget, at least jobs are saved, and overpayments go to suppliers, that is... at least the economy is breathing, well, this is positive, at least, it is that what i see in two years of war, but
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a radical change in the model, well, unfortunately, i did not see, maybe yaroslav saw, or mrs. yevgenia, thank you, mrs. yevgenia, does ukraine need a wartime economy, or a war economy, as it is in of russia, and whether these changes are approaches to the economy and, accordingly, approaches politicians to economic policy? well, i think that society in general will not like it very much that we have such rules as in russia, and we are still a democratic country, despite martial law, yes, war and aggression, but let's really talk, what do we have we mean the wartime economy or the war economy, every hryvnia, every penny that the ukrainian budget earns, everything goes to the army, to the purchase of weapons, to salaries, well, that is, completely to... the provision of security and defense forces, we do not spend any funds we borrow, or
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we receive some kind of grant aid as an irrevocable grant, these are all customs duties, some excise duties, taxes and so on, that is, we no longer have a peaceful economy, because all our peaceful expenses are borrowed funds, which we will later be forgiven, we will still have to pay something , but with with with... the understanding is that we took them there on partnership terms, and regarding precisely military production, i will allow myself to disagree with my colleague here, because we have great breakthroughs precisely in drones, and when we are there we are happy and read the news there about the next nps, that's it ukrainian drones fly or ukrainian naval drones shoot down the black sea fleet by the number of drones. pv, that is , there will be a shortage of small drones, that’s why everyone says that there is an additional need now, but you know why
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there won’t be enough, because in fact the military industrial complex industry, including it is very good that these are also private manufacturers, such it should be, there are such all over the world, in america it is large private companies that produce weapons, we do not have enough of these funds, because we do not earn enough to buy all the weapons, which we produce in the country, but just for the 24th year there is not enough to... buy from, well, there or plan any longer contracts with ukrainian arms manufacturers, it is 10 billion dollars, well, if you multiply it like this, 390 billion uah is a large amount, it is obvious that can there be such an additional plan of cooperation with or the way of cooperation with partners is when they give money and we spend it in ukraine, of course it is more difficult to sell, especially to the americans, because they want the money to work in their economy , but for example with denmark. it's already the first one the contract or rather the memorandum has been signed, that is, they are allocating funds and these funds will be
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spent in ukraine, canada also allocated a small amount there, by the way, for drones for ukrainian manufacturers, of course this can be an additional way out so that we have more of our weapons and they were coming quickly, because you don’t have to think about how they are going through poland or where, and also these were workplaces, because actually in the sector... there in the military-industrial complex, if i’m not mistaken, 300,000 people are now working in this one too the number is constantly increasing. thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr. yaroslav, you can definitely say to what extent. it is expedient in the current conditions to reformat the economy, or is it necessary from the point of view of taxes, duties, various payments, i.e., to what extent can the military economy in war conditions be pivotal, since there is a constant need for weapons and there is a need for armaments, to what extent it can become a generator , which will constantly
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support our economy. that is, we can't constantly live at the expense of weapons there and other countries? well, look, first of all, at me it seems that when a discussion is raised about the imaginary war economy, then this discussion is out of date by the 80s, because thank god we are not in the situation in which countries were during the second world war, i will remind you, even the same great britain , they literally forced in... to kill domestic animals in order not to feed them, because there were limited resources that went there under a certain blockade, including to provide for the military, we have such a problem, as well as many other problems with limitations we don't have such resources and food resources, and this can be said about everything else, so the model
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that works for us now, i agree here, it is reasonable enough and... and all things being equal, i have never heard from either ukrainians, nor from any international experts, partners and world leaders there, conditionally, including in the military sphere, that we need to radically revise something, how the economy works now, there is our military industry, it is developing quite strongly at the levels that according to it tries often enough. to hit by russian missiles, they are being built, often underground facilities, there would be more of them and there would be more, probably the wealth would be better, but as it is, there is what we call a new sphere that has shown its effectiveness on the example of the black sea, the so-called miltec , these are the same drones, these are drones, these are many other things that,
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to put it mildly, surprised the world and for... even large countries with an absolute advantage in the fleet, such as russia, realized that a marine drone assembled somewhere in chernivtsi can very quickly change their situation of domination to specifically the perimeter of the sea, and this is what ukraine is doing. there is the production of banal projectiles, and here i have not heard from the manufacturers, and i sometimes have the opportunity to communicate with them in order to understand... that how can we help in the fact that they do not have enough hands, well, that is, we have, i don’t know , to collect people from the fields so that they do not sow or harvest, but send them to military industrial facilities, well, that is, first of all, we have already automated production, secondly, there are completely different problems, for example, the lack of gunpowder and
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something this is different, and here is exactly the most similar there is a fine line where we need to react very loudly, for example, today the law on the development of peacocks was signed, and if our tv viewer is thinking, well, what is the war and the peacocks, then there are certain varieties that are produced on the basis of which are produced, which are further used for explosives, things like that, well, we do it, frankly speaking in the parliament, here it seems to me that everyone joins in and, accordingly, where it is necessary, customs... we reduce it, we remove it where it is necessary, we deregulate it, but oh well that's what it's called military economy, but again, a colleague mentioned an example, and i also wanted to mention it, denmark, canada, i hope there are no other countries, why did these countries decide to go by the way of financing a defense order
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or certain orders in ukraine, yes, banal, because no one else... in the world is producing this, it shows that we have built this process effectively enough now, of course, it should be better, of course, there are many shortcomings, problems, we can talk about them for hours, but it's a fact on the scoreboard, forgive if the whole world understood that one way or another, but in ukraine it will be done faster, even than in the same germany, in denmark or even more so in the united states. we... we are not on an island, we have all the taxes and duties, they, too, actually go to war later, 99%. we have western aid. which finances all other expenses, we have military aid from many countries, the largest is the united states, but we must not forget about many of our other
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european and non-european partners, who give this help, so do we need to radically rebuild something? speaking an unpopular opinion, i consider the conversation about the military economy more fantasy and theoretical than practical, do we need to improve the existing processes? yes, of course you should. to do this , and you started this question just with the personnel changes, i don’t think that anything will change, i hope everything will change for the worse in rusna, but right away it is clear why it happened with our enemies, as well as with us, unfortunately, a huge the amount of the budget goes to the military, military needs, so they are respectively want to strengthen and strengthen controls over financial later. and the effectiveness of their use, i hope they will not succeed in all this. thank you, mr. yaroslav, but we are talking about personnel changes, of course in russia, because there,
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they are trying to redistribute positions in one circle, in one circle, in our country, the announced changes partially took place and in a very strange way, that oleksandr kubrakov, who was a vice-prime minister and a minister,... he found out about his dismissal from a decision of the verkhovna rada or from some committee meeting to which he was invited, he said about the fact that he does not understand what is happening, he did not speak with the prime minister, against the background of this they are talking about the fact that there will be some reforms in the government and the ministries will be divided again, which will then be reduced to a heap and there will be some the center of government, sir. for you, as a former minister and member of the government, you understand the logic of what is happening in the government, what function does the government currently perform, or
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is it the function that is simply prescribed in the constitution and everything is clear, are there any things happening that require additional explanation, well, how at least the prime minister of ukraine, if not the prime minister of ukraine, then president zelenskyi? well, of course, unfortunately, in this... decision, personnel and structural, i mean, again the separation of ministries, announced, personnel took place in our country, there are now two acting responsibilities in the ministry of agriculture, railway infrastructure, and here is the decision on separation itself, well, there is not yet, and from this i conclude that the government does not have a picture, eh, because if there was, then they would have instantly issued the corresponding resolutions, appointing acting and they would begin to divide, any division, redistribution
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of ministries is half a year of work, well, half a year is lost, it slows down the process categorically, and i, unfortunately, can state that as they were united without any logic, but no one will convince me that there was a minin at that time. structure, which is clear there, what it should do there , first of all, the railway, other infrastructure enterprises and united with the ministry, which should deal with regional policy, the same utility company, which has been completely forgotten, pay attention, because it is painful for me, the term housing and communal management has completely disappeared from the name of the ministry, and the state of problems there today is enormous, there is a complete backlog, primarily debt the disaster is accumulating, debts for gas, debts in the difference in tariffs and so on and so on. from what do i draw conclusions? kubrakov
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showed himself to be a good, perhaps, well, for the current ruling team, a manager who can build something, that is, in the position he headed there, this autodore, he showed that you can enter the program of large-scale construction, you can cut the ribbons, you can. i don't want to start roads there, but construction is always unclear estimates, someone is always dissatisfied, there are always accusations that kickbacks are laundering money, etc. roads or not, well, this is no longer a question for kubrakov, it is for the highest political leadership, what had to be built before the war, we will definitely do this analysis, well, we will return, we will not get anywhere, you understand, shelter. uh fortifications or roads or other things, and that ’s how it happened, kubrakov appointed, i don’t get into the internal kitchen, but from this resignation, well
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, it’s absolutely, well... wrong, it’s not state, it’s just that there was no application, the committee didn’t consider it, the government did not just submit a draft resolution that kubrakov should be fired, and the council for some reason began to worry about how they would divide the ministry back, although this is definitely not a matter for the council, because it is a matter for the government and the prime minister, you understand, to develop a management model, why, i think everyone already guesses what the problem is, it's... very such a case is not easy, but the fact that it will not add positivity at this moment is important, well, for me it is clear, i will give you a small example, it was created on april 8, oh, on may 8, a headquarters for preparing for winter was created, and the head of the headquarters was appointed , who do you think, who is the minister of vice prime minister kubrakov, the ninth,
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by the way, i am a member of that headquarters, as well... i myself am the first deputy head of the power and energy committee and i understand what needs to be done there. on may 9 , kubrakov is fired and as a result the headquarters, winter is approaching, the headquarters is not as if created, heads there is no headquarters for preparing for the winter, well , unfortunately, such a tragic situation, i am definitely not happy about it, personally, i do not have any antipathies, i liked him as a person, and i communicated with him, but the construction. i don’t understand everything, it’s some kind of child, well, child’s games, you understand, in such a difficult time, i’m sorry for my frankness, thank you, thank you, mr. oleksiy, ms. yevgenia, you know exactly why kubrakov was dismissed, you voted for oleksandr’s resignation , well, i did, i voted for resignation and when i voted, i rather supported it the decision to split the ministries so that there would be a separate ministry of regional policy,
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by the way, i absolutely agree with... my colleague kocherenko that housing and communal services is lost somewhere, and it should be, because the problems will only grow and the issue of preparing for winter is also the same, including and housing and communal services, which we need to reconfigure right now, about why this happened, it is fast, well, such is the political process, and it was part of the political process, but i am very much looking forward to the information. about separation ministries, i understand that they are looking for old legal entities, and also, well, i agree that there were mistakes in this unification, unification, the relevant ministry of our humanitarian policy committee also went through some processes of unification, then disunity union, i know how it affects, let's say, the working capacity of a legal entity, which is the ministry, and i will say that
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the humanitarian policy committee. very much against it, if somewhere the ministry of culture still wants to get caught up in something or disband, we didn't discuss it, but anyway the ministry must be preserved, i'm sorry, there was some sound or someone, mrs. yevgenia, but there was a formal appeal by the prime minister about the fact that the government plans to divide the ministry, or from them, there was nothing formal from the government, and it turns out. just an initiative, well , the group of deputies who developed the draft of this resolution and so quickly passed it through the hall, well , we had a meeting of the faction together with the prime minister, he is alive with flesh and blood, he said about it, i don't know if it do you consider it a formality or not, because it was not of course, it was formalized with some kind of letter , but i believe my eyes and ears, and i am a witness, a witness of these words, so to speak... well
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, that is exactly why the deputies who voted for the separation of the ministries are waiting with great anticipation when it will happen and even more so any discussions about the candidates, because actually i would be happy to vote, if we are talking about the ministry of infrastructure, i would be happy to vote for the same kobrakov, so that he would work in this particular field, he does it very well and i can only thank him. there, starting from work with ukraautor and then with the ministry of infrastructure and then with this big ministry, but unfortunately, as practice shows, when such ministries are created, i don’t want to say that they are not monsters, perhaps, but such big super giants of the ministry, then always some direction that is less...


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