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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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i believe my ears, and so to speak, i am a witness, i am a witness to these words, and that's exactly why those deputies who voted for the separation of ministries are waiting with great anticipation for when it will happen, and even more so for some discussions about the candidates, because, in fact, i would have voted with great pleasure , if we are talking about the ministry of infrastructure, i would be happy to vote for... the same kobrakov to work in this particular field, he is very good at it , and i can only thank him there, really starting with work with ukraavtor and then with the ministry of infrastructure and then with this large ministry, but unfortunately, as practice shows, when such ministries are created, i don’t want to say that they are not monsters, perhaps, but such big super giants of the ministry, then there is always some direction that is less... of the minister's priorities, or he
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simply, well, somehow, professionally did not deal with it before, it really falls out, and to expect that this can be handled by a department or some single deputy, well, it turns out that what can't , and eh, well, then these separations begin again, by the way, you remember the same thing happened with the ministry of agrarian policy, when it was united first with the ministry of economy, and then we have to do land reform, we don't have a ministry, but they made a ministry . thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr. yaroslav, what do you think of the attempts to reformat or create another center of government, i don't understand to the end, i also don't understand, because in 30 years of journalism i have seen these reformats, regrouping of state secretaries, non-state secretaries, very there were many different movements in the government, but everything came back to one thing in the end, we
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haven't had a minister of culture for six months, we can't appoint, informational, months, i count months, nine, well in nine months a new minister of culture and information policy should have been born by now, there is a war going on, and the question is, why do we not have a head of the ministry in this war, if we count on information policy, well, that is, i have many questions, obviously you have, how to a people's deputy and to one of the leaders... faction voice no less questions about this? look, it seems to me that our government is pushing the problem. mr. kubrakovo was fired because they wanted to fire him. everything else is, to be honest, for me extremely incomprehensible creativity, which is nothing but strange movements, and a heroic solution to the problem, which is just as heroic. it was created
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literally a year ago, it doesn’t look like it, so i’m sorry, if we have problems with regional politics, then literally two days later i saw a message on the internet, well, photos from the regional forum, and there they directly stated about some successes at the level of the country's top officials, who recently also talked about problems in regional politics, but once again i am more than convinced that i am a failure. who was fired because there was such a political will, not at the level of the faction, i do not want to offend the servant of the people faction here, but i would like to remind you that even maryana bezvukla could not be fired from the position of deputy, a position that no one needed, by the way, the deputy head of the profile committee, so believe the amnesty activists that they were able to convince everyone in one day, to fire the deputy prime minister as a whole, well, excuse me, i have probably been in politics long enough to be at such a level in a fairy tale... believe me, i will
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neither criticize nor defend mr. kubrako, i will say only one thing, i have not seen such a sharp the reaction of international partners to personnel decisions in ukraine, this will have consequences, and not because, as some media and telegram channels write, there is the closeness of mr. kubrakov to some ministries, oh, look, embassies, simply because in this ministry one way or another... a huge pile projects that involved a large number of donors, and when they learn about it from the internet, well, to put it mildly, it does not strengthen ukraine's ability to further attract money, how will the current government come out of this, well, i think that today at a closed meeting, in including yesterday, they should have given some kind of answer to this, publicly, i understand that we won't hear it for a long time, now, as far as... the reformation of the cabinet
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of ministers is concerned, i am sincerely convinced that any association of 'the union of the ministry is an exceptional folly, which ends... with the fact that we simply spend state funds on accountants, lawyers, and a bunch of notary procedures because we unite them for a year, then just as heroically separate them for a year. examples of modernity, the ministry of economy, agrarian policy, the ministry of energy, ecology, the ministry of information policy, culture, the ministry of infrastructure and regional policy, and you can continue, i am not surprised. that now the ministry of infrastructure will attach to some deputy prime minister, well, it will be as logical as all the other mistakes he made government. i don't want to disappoint government officials or our tv viewers, but the number
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of officials on whom we then spend money from the state budget, due to the fact that we combine some ministries, changes by exactly one position. this position is called a minister, well, that's about it. 60-70 thousand hryvnias, this is all the savings, we will spend much more on notary services for everything else. now about the center of government. the idea has been discussed for a long time, if you can invest in 30 seconds, because we have a timing, it has a certain logic, but it is a significant increase of the prime minister, i do not believe that the office of the president would give the prime minister such powers, well, at least all the actions were the opposite. thank you, mr. yaroslav. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for participating in the program, evgenia kravchuk, oleksiy kucherenko and yaroslav zheleznyak were guests of our program today. during this broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether ukraine should ask its partners to deploy troops on the territory of the ukrainian state. so,
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the results of our tv poll on the screen: 94% yes, 8%, 6% no, on youtube we have the results are as follows. yes 92%, 8% no, friends, please subscribe to our social media pages, our youtube and also facebook, read our news on espresso tv website, we are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , the most up-to-date information from ukraine, the world, as well as front-line chronicles, everything is on our website, in addition, do not forget to like this video so that it advances in the youtube trends, on this, friends, i put a full stop, it was program verdict pre serhiy ordenko, i wish you good night and all the best, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, allergies,
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no leo will overcome t3 lev, leo neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on dolgit cream 150 g. 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great aether. my name is vasyl zemaye, we are starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time.
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presenters, who have become similar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me. my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, about what a dream world, norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with
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mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, i greet you, dear tv viewers, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zmay, for the next hour and 40 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things, we will, we will have inclusion from the kharkiv region, let's talk about the humanitarian, more social situation in the territory of this region, which is being actively attacked today the enemy is advancing, trying to attack kharkiv from the north, we will also talk about the situation in sumy oblast, evacuation measures are ongoing there, the enemy is also shelling the border areas of sumy oblast, just as they are shelling populated areas in kharkiv oblast. in this humanitarian and social dimension, evacuation, assistance to the local population, what are the threats,
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what are the losses, what are the risks, we will talk about all this in detail, also today money during the war, the world about ukraine with yuri fizar, a lot of important and interesting information, why they decided to meet again and to talk the people's republic of china and the united states of america, that they will discuss all this during the next next again for an hour and 45 minutes, but now about the military front component. serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day, will talk about the situation in the kharkiv region of the defense operation of the armed forces of ukraine and the offensive actions of the enemy. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today in one of our columns we will talk about two areas of the front, precisely what is happening north of kharkiv and related to this in a certain way the actions in kupyansk. direction and also, if there is time, about the change of the minister of defense in russia, about
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that in a moment. i will start our column with a number of details concerning the enemy's attempt to advance deep into our defenses in several areas in the kharkiv region, it began on may 11, and today the general staff reported in the morning that the enemy... has tactical success and therefore measures to destroy it are planned of the enemy, who wedged into our defense, the deployment of reserves to stabilize the situation continues. the enemy is conducting combat operations with units from the zahid group, which unites enemy forces stationed in three regions, i.e. bryansk, kursk and belgorod regions, and now just from the belgorod region, this group, which counts 35,000 in depth, is trying ... to advance towards the kharkiv region, and there are two sections here,
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one direction is to the north of the settlement of liptsi, now we see it on infographics of liptsi, this is such a transport junction, an important transport junction, and it is actually there, it is also connected with the control of the dam of the travin reservoir, this is an important section, and now, so far , fighting is going on there near the village of hlyboke, deep as despite the name of this... position in front of the lipets, and now the enemy has not succeeded in occupying this village, there are infantry operations going on there, and the second direction is, if we can see on the map, these are villages near vovchansk, to which the enemy is advancing from the north from the west , in particular there from the river siverskyi donetsk, here from the border about 3.5 km, in the morning the general staff also reported that the occupying army had used about five battalions for their actions in the vovchan direction, the enemy did not count their own losses, and then at 2 p.m.
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the general staff reported that for reinforcement of troops in the kharkiv direction , reserves created in advance have been moved and, depending on the development of the situation, the increase of reserves will continue, the troops are provided with the necessary number of means of impression, the general staff reported about this, now we know that 92 assault troops, in particular, have been transferred to these directions. 57 separately the mechanized 42nd mechanized brigade , artillery units there, and also in the kharkiv direction, the commander of the kharkiv operational-tactical group has now been changed. it is managed by mykhailo drapaty, who also remains in the position of deputy chief of the general staff. of course, there are questions about fortification in these areas, there were such separate emotional statements on the part of our military, and today the head of the state intelligence service oleksandr yakovets explained how the various borders are equipped, he
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said that the so-called front edge on the distance there is from one and a half to 6 km. this is what is equipped by the units themselves, because with the engineering means of the senior commander there , it is not dangerous enough to do these measures, but there are other lines there, the second and third, which are actually equipped and ready to conduct combat operations on them, and to confirm this there is, by the way, a video from the 92nd separate assault brigade, where the military explained that these borders are really well created, there are concreted shelters, which, well... are decently prepared to protect our soldiers there. also, of course, there are questions about mining of these areas. i think that now there are possibilities of remote mining of those semi- directions where the enemy can advance with the use of our artillery. and we understand that now the enemy is aiming for
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several goals, in particular, to increase the front line, to force ours. the armed forces to use reserves on a longer length of the front, secondly, efforts to create some sanitary zone near kharkiv in order to be able to shell our city with barrel artillery, well, actually, i think that all these actions of the enemy are otherwise, especially from the point of view of the offensive on vovchansk, directed at somehow synchronizing the enemy's combat operations and pressure, in particular with... the actions in the kupyansk direction, where the enemy has been unsuccessfully trying to penetrate our defense line for a long time , now the situation in all parts of the front remains extremely complex and dynamic, but we can see that measures have been taken in the kharkiv direction to stabilize the situation and additional forces and means have been directed there, while what is happening in the kupyan direction
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as far as it is felt on this part of the front, we will now talk with our guest, viktor will join us. petrovych, he is a soldier of the 77th separate airmobile brigade, which is currently operating in the kupinsky direction. mr. victor, i greet you, glad to see and hear, if you can hear me now. good evening, i can hear you well. i would first like to start our conversation with the collection for your brigade. now we will ask our directors to show a qr code that the audience can use to ensure support, financial support of your brigade, as i understand. first of all, this is for automotive equipment, for reb tools, now they tell me that the code will appear now, and it can be used to support your brigade, in particular, i personally will literally transfer a little money before the broadcast to at least buy something sooner , and now i would like to ask you what the current situation is in the area
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of ​​responsibility of your brigade, what happened yesterday and today within the limits of the possible and... and are there any changes in the dynamics of actions in your area, in particular in the kupyan direction? thank you very much for the donation and i also ask everyone to inform us about the situation, in the area of ​​our responsibility of our brigade , constant assaults have been going on for about three weeks, the enemy is constantly trying to ... press us, literally in the first week, there were very massive assaults, in fact, very mass assaults using a large number of armored vehicles, there could be four armored infantry vehicles there now, they were dropping landings there, also supporting the infantry with fire in order
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to advance on our positions, also there... that were coming in direct fire, working on our positions, well, but they suffered a lot of losses, because literally in the first week there, they lost eight bmps, they also lost four tanks, and now their losses are increasing, that is, every day they also lose armored vehicles there the infantry also loses one... the same tanks practically every day, and therefore, let's say, it becomes more difficult for them, they rotate it, then they land by landing with... frankly, they let me eat meat
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some assault groups obviously brought in, well , let's say a certain number of those who don't feel sorry for such servicemen, those who don't mind letting them go, and they literally let them die. it can be seen from this or that, when the artillery is working on them against the attackers, when they are working on them in the pv, well , at the same time, they continue to go, somehow it comes out surrealistic, because it is obvious that they would have already possibly fled, if it were not behind them there were two or three more men standing there, who were pushing them... i'm kicking them, that's why the situation is like this at the moment is tense, and in recent days the assaults have also continued,
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our comrades in particular are killing them, very effective weapons, they use these weapons very effectively against the enemy, and right now the artillery is also working well, both in terms of warehouses with ammunition, and in terms of the advancing manpower of the enemy ... well, that is , now the guys are trying to prevent the stormers from reaching the positions of our brigade, that is , they are trying to destroy them even before they reach, reach, disembark, they are also actively destroying skits, this very effectively stops the assaults, by the way, we here we are already showing several videos of the work of your operators... your crew, i would like to ask how much the load on your operators has increased now, because literally a month ago in some areas it was said that 10 and a half drones per day
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is normal, but now they are already talking about the fact that , relatively speaking, 40 drones a day and 20 at night, this is already the new norm, what kind of load is placed on your operators in your area of ​​the front, it happens in different ways, depending on the intensity of the assault, well that's it. .. can be and 400 fpv per week, plus, well, this is only, let’s say, means of routine strike unmanned systems, yes, that is, it is the level of brigade use there, and there are also units, in fact, that in each, in each battalion there are units with fpv drones, which are also used. once during assaults, that is, yes, we really use them very actively, and in fact they are very effective, fpv drones, you have seen such
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a cut, and it happens all the time, that is , they attack and constantly operate fpv drones, and literally the enemy does not even succeed often reach our positions, and if they even reach, then they reach, well, let's say with contusions, with which... with shrapnel wounds, they reach there with conditionally with 10 there , three or four reach there, so it is the fpv that is very effective in repelling attacks, and especially also if it's bmps there or some other means of mechanization, yes, they are also very well destroyed by our spv drones. mr. viktor, i will remind you again about... the breakdown for the 77th separate airmobile brigade and we are collecting precisely for reb means and automotive equipment, but not for drones we gather, does this mean that
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the supply of drones has already been ensured and, in principle , they are enough to carry out combat tasks, or are the slaves and automotive equipment now more necessary than fivishki? well, we take turns, let's say, it's all necessary, enough of them. it doesn’t happen, it seems to me that they can be used, no matter how many there are, they can actually be used, because the enemy has a lot of manpower, he does not spare it, and the equipment as well, well, it is so obvious that he does not spare, because we've destroyed a lot of it lately, but yes the provision, let's say, has increased with half-years, and in particular the state also joins in, it happens that the state comes there... for example, not quite complete fpv sets, well, for example, there is no initiation fee, no such thing, and already on their own we have to
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finish these drones to... combat condition, but none the less, well, 50 percent is provided by the state itself, so we also collect for fpv, there are also initiation boards, and various things like that, because the nature itself, that's them pivitroni , it is such that it is very difficult to provide all the details precisely to the state, because there are very, very many nuances of initiation payments and the like. that's why we also collect drones for fpv, we have a lot of collections, it's just that now it's so important to have cars, because there are also such consumables in the war, and we need to bring attack aircraft to the positions, and we need to bring the personnel to the positions , give them a ride, well, that’s all cars, cars, and also the reb, the reb also
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works very efficiently, what’s important is that it’s not only us who use fpovrody, forog also uses it, and our repivtsi have bought some equipment that is quite effective at landing enemy fpvs and they can't fly to our positions, this is a very serious support for the infantry. mr. viktor, i would like to ask you as a specialist about the refinement of fpvidrons at the expense of the machine one. which allows you to hit the target there at the final part of the trajectory despite the presence of reb means, has this story acquired a mass character of this nature, or is it still an artificial solution and so far it is not mass? well look, at the moment i can't say for the use in our lane of responsibility, so far, these tsartanka eyes have not reached us, but when we have them, well, let's say
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we used the experience. question, then we will be able to say, at the moment i do not have such information, and the last question is about staffing, does direct recruiting work in the brigade, is there an opportunity for people who want to be drone operators to get directly into your brigade? yes, of course, you can contact us on the social network of the 77th air mobile brigade, we have phones, recruiters who, well, and in particular the company of unmanned attack systems are also looking for people vacancies, that is, of course we are recruiting, we are working on it, we need people, we need a lot of people, because the enemy is actually attacking very actively and taking very heavy losses, well
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, but accordingly and... we need more people, even, well, i would say that, well, i can't just say that we have small losses there, well, i can't say that, because i know these people who die there, yes, well, everyone for me, every such person, is the universe, yes, i can't say that two people died there, it's a small loss, but that's not it less, we are working very efficiently now, and now it seems to me that in order to... serve, it is just the golden time, because i take care as much as possible, in our brigade they take care of the personnel as much as possible, we come and fight them off as efficiently as possible, and we only have combat troops there commanders, combat commanders of platoons, companies, battalion commanders, we also have combat men who have passed the way and seen. the war there not
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only from the broadcast of mavik, but directly on the armor, from the trenches, well, that is, they understand the whole situation. mr. victor, thank you very much for that you are doing with your brothers for our safety, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that it was viktor petrovych, a soldier of the 87th cream airmobile brigade, who operates in the kupinsky direction, i will once again remind you about the collection for this brigade, later on youtube. can see qr-codes and transfer funds to support the brigade, more international and economic news, more on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. well, thank you very much serhiy zagorets, thank you to his guest, these were the military results of the day, and now i will announce
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collection and i am asking you to join, therefore. we ask you to...


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