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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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from the broadcast of mavic, directly on the armor, from the trenches, and that means they understand the whole situation. mr. viktor, thank you very much for what you are doing with your brothers for our safety, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that this was viktor petrovych, a soldier of the 87th separate airmobile brigade, which operates in the kuplin direction. i remind you once again about the collection for this brigade, then on youtube you can see the cure codes like this. count funds to support the brigade, more international and economic news further on the big air basil is winter, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. well, thank you very much to serhiy zagorets, thank you to his guest, these were the military results of the day, and now i will announce the collection and ask you to join in, so we are asking you...
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to finance this need, we have a collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone actions in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions, if i say that these are hot directions, then i think i will not tell you anything new and will not reveal big secrets, it is really hot there, the enemy is on the move and the armed forces of ukraine are restraining and counterattack, conduct, as they say, everyday wars, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone. and what de facto and deyurani, well deyura is always ours, but de facto neither ours nor yours, and it is also difficult to work there, it is open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield , damaged military equipment, in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as mnemonic hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment,
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we need to collect 630 00 hryvnias, i just looked, we have already, you have already managed to collect 176,293 hryvnias, thank you for every hryvnia, join us, during our broadcast you will see this qr -code, well, now we will talk about the situation in the kharkiv region, artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council , is in touch with us, mr. artem, greetings to you, greetings to the studios, greetings to ukrainians. i'm glad to see you, but now i'll see you, i've already heard and now i'll see you, so the russians fired border area, it was about the fact that there are wounded as a result of enemy shelling, and the enemy was targeting in vovchansk and liptsiy, please tell me more about this particular situation with the consequences of an enemy attack on civilians, and it is also possible that there were other attacks, which are mentioned somewhere i have not... read, so as of now, what is
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the situation regarding the consequences of enemy attacks and do they continue constantly, or is it, again , a certain period of time when it is possible to provide help, to evacuate people somewhere, or does it happen with great frequency, be please, well, look, i would separate what concerns the border and those places where attacks are currently taking place, it applies there, well, if... such a large populated point, it is vovchansk, there lybtsi always go there constant chaotic shelling, well, i think that all ukrainians have already seen these shots there in ovchansk, how the population is being evacuated there under shelling, they saw it all, but today the enemy shelled once again the inhabited putzkilka closer to kharkiv, i know they shelled a lot there, got into farm, was unfortunately the deceased. men and three men wounded,
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well, what you can find out for sure right now is that it is very close to the city of kharkiv, in principle, well, it is also a nearby suburb, er, the enemy is having nightmares every day, cabs are also flying there, we all see from the news, and there are rockets, er, this is ordinary terror, unfortunately, almost every day, even... easter was no exception, there is nothing sacred about them, well, i'm saying that as far as the border area is concerned, there is, in principle, constant shelling , and they will be there all the time, unfortunately, from what practice shows, that's why, in my opinion, there in in the ten-kilometer zone, the civilian population in general cannot do anything, well, in fact, i already know personal stories, well, because of certain sources
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of contacts that i have, that people were again encircled, people who were not encircled, in occupation, people who were in the occupation, now they got caught again. and here again, simply , is it possible to clarify the question, if it is known, and what the representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces write about the enemy's offensive was known in advance , they were preparing for this, more qualitatively, not more qualitatively, then already the question is again related to the military component, and the issue of evacuating people, could it have been considered earlier, so that people do not end up in the occupation suddenly, as it actually happened, i am there, well, it is sudden... i mean quickly, not for a second, obviously, but still, and the evacuation is now, i read today that the russians attacked the policemen who were trying to evacuate local residents, i did not write here what means of defeat, whether they were mortars, or it was small arms, it's hard for me to say what
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were there, or drones, that were used there, well, but this is a question of evacuation in advance, as far as it was possible, or is there no information about it? are the conversations not going on, is it impossible to find out, because again, people are going through what they went through, well, relatively speaking, went through for a long time, starting with 204 february 22, and it came back again, well, actually, to be honest, well everyone knew, everyone was preparing, i know for sure, that there would be a possible offensive, there might be taxes , there were some different options, but what an offensive everyone knew that there would be kharkiv oblast , units, combat-ready units were drawn up. as far as the military formations are concerned, you see that the enemy is basically being held by the troops, they have bitten into the same vovchansk and are holding the defense, they are not letting him go further, but as for the evacuation, the evacuation of the population, well, i think, it’s just, well, i don’t know, maybe carelessness,
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maybe, i think, some most likely incompetence, because, well, with the presence of such information , a safe was not organized. safe evacuation of the population, now on all the footage, probably also of the world media, we see how the population is being evacuated under shelling, why couldn’t this have been done when there was no such massive shelling, when the enemy did not immediately attack, today i also saw according to the footage, the head of the military health administration is going there to vovchansk and uh... there, as if to say , to organize the evacuation of the population, well, it should be done quietly until the critical moment, the critical situation has not yet arisen, and now well well, it's kind of very strange it looks to say the least, not to say something ruder, but i have acquaintances,
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some acquaintances of my wives, that wife abroad, but the husband found himself in the occupation again, and that for the first time... it's all a miracle, his no enemies, well, i hope that everything will be fine, but we read: the enemy, the russians captured civilians from the vovchan community, here i am leading to the point that, you know, you can say that, but these people did not want to go, they are zhduns , well, now it is customary to say so, and such people actually exist, there are scumbags who point to ukrainian positions, there are scumbags who try poisoning the food and treating the ukrainian military, there is also such a thing, well, that is, let's not talk about the fact that such a thing does not exist, everything is perfect here, the country of pink ponies, but no, absolutely, there are different ones. people, but there are people who are for ukraine, who are patriots who came to the liberated territories, who survived the occupation, and now find themselves in the occupation again, plus they are taken prisoner, because they understand that these people pose a danger to the occupiers themselves , and here the question now is whether these people will survive, and of course, we will not solve this question now,
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but there must be some kind of responsibility, and the position, legal responsibility, criminal, maybe i don't know, administrative for people who didn't fulfill... her duties, because the question: well, people didn't want to leave, listen, a lot people who are now being sent to the front, maybe they don't want to fight either, but there is no choice, you have, by law, a military obligation, if you have been recognized as suitable there and there are many nuances, you go to the front, not all people who are now are fighting, they would like to be there, but these are such, well, there are such circumstances, then there are such circumstances that people need to save people's lives, they need to be taken out, whether you want it or not, well, starting on may 18, people's cars will be taken away, and well , they don't want it either, but this is a war, and maybe nowhere in the law is it written that you have to to evacuate, but this is war, these are the laws of war, so in your opinion, should someone be held accountable for this, and moreover, it is somehow so tangible that this should not happen again, because the enemy can also creep into different regions of ukraine, and we understand that such things
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can happen again, well i think definitely that here, the one who was responsible for this direction, directly, well, should bear, at least, well, pay. his position, as a minimum, and as a maximum, well, there should be an investigation, well , what is there, maybe it was some kind of, well , specific negligence, what is it, as far as the official is concerned, that is, unequivocally. there should be an investigation and, according to the results of the investigation, some actions should be taken, and as for the immediate population, well, i tell you, as a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, as someone who was there in the settlements near balaklia, then that is occupied, i will tell you that, well, in principle, the population there can be divided into several categories, there are really people, they say, you said dunes, everything is clear with them plus or minus, they are waiting for an incomprehensible russian measure. regardless of the fact that there is a different category of population that flies into their house, it is , let's say, elderly people, or people who
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simply have nowhere, who simply have nowhere to go, then the government should work with these people, and work with the following in a way, why do people not want to leave, because they are afraid of it, that they will be taken away, thrown somewhere there and at will, it is not known where they will live, how to live, what to live for, well, it's full. lack of information, then the authorities must organize the process in such a way and carry out explanatory work among the population that they will not be left to their own devices, that they will specifically go to prepared places, that the authorities will provide everything necessary, that they will not be left to their own devices arbitrarily, and when people will understand that their state needs them, that it will take care of them in the circumstances, then i think that they will be more willing to leave, because there will be some
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clarity, and of course, wherever the pensioner goes, she understands that she lives in her house, it has been there for many decades , and there they will take her somewhere or throw her out, or what she will do at all is unknown, you know, just to the point here, as a military man, you surely know better than me, do you remember this revelation from the wagnerian who talked about how they were given orders just all to nothing, as he said when they threw. with grenades in the basement, where there were many people, i think that among those people too, perhaps there was some greed, no one was interested in it, no one knows what the task is now before those military men who enter kharkiv oblast, whether at all they will deal with what they will find out, you are a zhdun, you are not a zhdun, you love putin or you hate him, well , that is, it is a risk to life in any case, no one will find out how you feel about pushkin, and if people want to stretch the front there, and in general, the goal was understood that the goal is the city of kharkiv and no one will be too concerned about what to do with the people there some settlement that entered. rosin, well, it's just a danger, even again, regardless of how you treat
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these, these occupiers, i thank you very much for your comments, thank you for your frankness, in fact, it's important now to speak as much as possible, as frankly as possible about those things that need to be corrected, artem revchuk was with us, a deputy of the kharkiv city council, again we do not reveal any secrets, but again there are moments that need to be talked about, and because mistakes happen, well, let's say , was the solution the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , the commander of the kharkiv operational-strategic group of troops was removed and mykhailo dropatoy, a combat brigadier general, who at one time still visited mariupol in the 14th year, was appointed in his place, so there were obviously problems, yes, because people so quickly they do not change urgently, if there are no problems, obviously somewhere people may not have met the level, were not ready, could not make certain decisions, could not take certain measures, did not have enough skills, abilities. and whatever oh my god this is a war, you can change people in positions, the question is that exactly the same should be
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the responsibility not only of the military, who somewhere did not cope with something and immediately, thank god, there is someone to replace, thank god that there are people with experience , thank god that there are combat men who have combat experience, who can act adequately, react quickly in certain actions, because you understand the risks of letting the enemy break through the front, thank god that we have soldiers, who can act correctly in crisis situations, command correctly and execute commands. it is also correct, which is the most important thing, and therefore, well, obviously, the same story should be with people who hold either administrative or elected positions, because life is rare - it is also responsibility, and it is already the third year, already the third year has passed, as it turns out vateri to work and talk about the war, and you understand very well, having talked with soldiers and local people, that the presence of people on the territory makes it much more difficult for civilians, i mean people, makes it much more difficult to conduct hostilities. this is it that's what the book says, so of course i think that for sure, well, it's too late to fix something, but
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for sure some decisions must be made, a decision must be made once and for all that if you have to evacuate, you have to evacuate, prepare places for people, know where to take them, by the way, evacuation is taking place in sumy oblast, we will talk about it now, one second, i will add alyona yatsina to the conversation, she is a journalist, mrs. alyona, i congratulate you. greetings, actually, since i was talking about the evacuation here, we were just now discussing with mr ravchuk described the situation in kharkiv oblast, when people were not evacuated, now we have to do it under shelling and at risk of life for... the people themselves, and for the police, and for volunteers, or whoever is involved in this evacuation, well, i read that it is working in sumy oblast evacuation bus in velikopyserivska hromada, then to continue the topic of evacuation , please tell us what it is and whether this work is really being carried out in sumy oblast, at least knowing that the enemy is doing the same actions that he is currently doing in kharkiv oblast, under certain conditions, and can
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to start in sumy oblast as well, actually we already saw something similar in velikopyserivsk community just a month ago, please. yes, unfortunately, there are such fears in some communities, evacuation is currently taking place in velikoppiserivsk, it actually resumed, after all the events of march, today they announced the evacuation of the population again, and six people came on this bus that took people out of the community in the morning. that is, just as evacuation is voluntary, people are given the opportunity to leave the community from the settlement themselves . which pyseryvka, not from the nearby villages, and them they are taken to one of the villages of the okhtyr district, which is located a little further from the border in another community. actually, tomorrow there will be an evacuation in the city of bilopil, and there is also an opportunity to leave the border villages of the bilopil community, the recording is currently underway,
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if people from the bilopil community want to leave, they should write to the head of the community, yuri zarka, in his telegram. or in some other way, through officials, to inform about your desire to evacuate, and tomorrow a convoy of buses will leave from there, people will be taken to sumi, who have the possibility of places to stay in the sums, for example, somewhere with their relatives they are encouraged to stay there, if not, people will be organized accommodation, from what the head of the bilopol community actually says, people will be taken away for a short time. somewhere up to a month, but they are still offered to leave. forced evacuation of children continues in the middenobuda community, which is one of the northern communities of sumy oblast. and children are forcibly evacuated there. as of yesterday , there were 170 children still on the territory of the community who are subject to mandatory evacuation. from
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what we know, in seredinobud itself - this is a city on the samisin border, i.e. there , the crossing point to russia is right in the city, on the street, so at least four children remained there, two of them were promised to be taken out by their parents in the near future, one child they cannot reach, they cannot find this family, and one more child, seven "i refused evacuation in writing, that is, we understand perfectly well, god forbid, of course, but this is a war and we are dealing with an enemy who has resources, at least... human ones for sure, and technical ones too, pulls of different quality, but pulls , then people obviously need to understand, especially after experiencing february 24, 2022, seeing what is happening now in kharkiv oblast, and that there will not be a three-story line of defense on the border, and it has been explained why this cannot happen,
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that is, people clearly understand , that in any case they may end up in the occupation literally, well, that's how it was. and is it, well, you know, now i will once again repeat what we said with kharkiv, because there are people from the category of zhduns, i don't really like this word, well, all people must be treated with respect, if, well, if they not traitors to ukraine, yes, but there are people, perhaps, who are waiting for the enemy, well, there are different people there, it’s that, but the main thing is that they talk to these people, because i want to write to telegram, that’s one thing, is it possible to talk with these people, explain what can happen and understand their logic. why not, well, that is, you write on a piece of paper: i don't want to, if the enemy comes tomorrow, okay, we communicate a lot with these people, in fact, almost everyone has the same reason, if they are older people, they say, i have nowhere to go , i can not live when i leave my own home, why,
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because a person has a garden, a person has a house, usually there are some benefits, a subsidy for... to maintain and pay for communal services and people receive a pension, which is usually enough to buy bread and some very necessary medicines, in fact everything, that is, but there are still those who keep farms, who keep small animals, they generally say to them, we have nowhere to go, we will not leave our small animals, we will not leave our building there, because where are we to live, whom we need to take where and who needs us where, this is our own. what people say, and everyone hopes that the enemy will not come to them after all, you know, here it's just , well, people in the comments, our broadcast on youtube, by the way, i'm asking you... like, share, comment, our broadcasts, very, very important, yes, and, but people also write that internally displaced persons, or people
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who were evacuated, well, actually, they are also self-employed, they rent housing themselves, pay for it, get sick, get strokes, and everything its broken, you just know, to the word that billions are allocated for many and necessary things, and very often not critically needed, at the same time here i don't have a clear understanding, i've never heard the numbers, how much is allocated, let's say for evacuation, arrangement, at least a month for life, well, for sure some such mobile shelters and some shelters, well, places, as it was done in the lviv region, well, it was possible to build or attract, well, well, it will not be solved in one day, but as for fortification, well, of course, we do not name any locations on the map, geo-positions are not we surrender, but we saw that not everything turned out like that in kharkiv oblast, well, because of that we know and as expected, there are some complaints, some of them are true, some of them are true, it’s hard to say, but there are fortifications, there are defense lines somewhere, they are cool, a little further, well, not everything is perfect,
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but this is a lesson, and a lesson for, let’s say , sumy oblast, which is not currently in such a situation as kharkiv oblast, but any region bordering russia may find itself in such a situation in a certain time, whether this work is being carried out again and whether according to your information as journalists, perhaps you found out , some conclusions have been drawn from the kharkiv region, and maybe some lessons and because communication between the management can be, it is normal, and it is right to change something in the course of actions, the main thing is to change something and draw the right conclusions from all this, please, from what we see, at the moment we do not have the opportunity openly to communicate with the leadership of the region, at least, it is a non-contact and closed environment as much as possible, there is no communication with the media, with journalists, it is impossible. getting an answer to a query is not an opportunity to get some kind of comment or answer to a question, that is, in general the maximum policy of closure, so have they decided something for the better, there is still
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no such understanding, regarding the fortifications of the defense lines themselves, we see, and in principle all residents of the region see it, that they are being built, but in kharkiv oblast today the situation is such that our defense forces they do not occupy those that have been built yet, because the enemy has not yet reached them. in sumy oblast, the actual situation, i think, is no different, the construction of large, beautiful fortifications close to the border, or much closer, which i would like to see, is it is impossible, because this zone is under constant shelling, under constant observation of the russians, that is, it is a 24-hour observation from drones, which also takes place. and artillery, mortars, the same fpv drones, that is why it is
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dangerous to build fortifications there, import equipment, import people, as our authorities explain again. well, there is, let's say, such a case of chornihiv oblast listened to the person who was directly engaged in this work, they wanted to build closer, but the work of drones 7-8 km from the border is one thing, the second is shelling constant, mortars, well, mainly mines. resets were also possible, and it was equipment that suffered, people suffered first of all and civilians, those who built and the military, so of course, well, there is a certain logic, but the enemy is still better to pull it in and break it, well, but again, that’s it military science and already in principle explained to everyone who wanted to receive this explanation, why it is possible this way, but otherwise it is not possible, and because we literally have almost no time left, i just want to say that to influence you, by the way , i won't be superfluous to you ask questions regarding the openness of the authorities, well, i think that there should still be some contact in the border region, at least some briefings periodically, because this is how i see
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kharkiv oblast, odesa oblast, kyiv oblast, but actually the representatives of the authorities, although they conduct some briefings in case of , you don't have that, no, there is nothing, complete secrecy, no briefings, the last briefing i remember was in march of this year, when sumy region itself was heavily shelled, and we as media workers. the regions simply demanded that the authorities come to us, explain, give some comments, and in a week, after a week of active shelling, then a briefing was held, it was not very informative, the comments differed from what was actually happening, from what was filmed by the camera crews, from what people were watching, and unfortunately , the situation remains critical with informing the population, because on... about some events, explosions, about the consequences for the civilian population on the border, we learn from our own sources, then we confirm somehow with the communities or with
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the law enforcement officers, and... because we we have such suspicions that we may not find out about anything at all, because everything, except which, which weapons are used, and from time to time we do not know about the consequences, thank you for the conversation and for the work, first of all, your very thank you, yana and i, a journalist from sumy oblast, talked about the situation in this border region, that today... there are evacuations going on there, and now let me remind you of the collection, by the way, since my last announcement about the collection, we have already collected almost 800 uah, it's actually very cool, thank you, so let's join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment operates mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, in the open in all weathers day and night, so for emergency
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recovery and recovery. on the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmp, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, so we need uah 630,000, and we have already collected more than uah 1,822. well, it's two o'clock now the great ether starts, i must say, a magic word, literally in a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine, well actually, during the next hour we talked about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morshchavka, also sports news from yevhen pastukhov, we already know the name of the new champion of ukraine in football, professionally, well and also nudes from natalka didenko, well, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news,
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more than 1,700 people participated. who were evacuated from the border of kharkiv oblast, law enforcement officers continue to take out civilians from tsirkonivska, lypetska and vovchanska communities. this was reported to the national police of ukraine. law enforcement officers urge people to leave, contact the special police line 12, or the evacuation hotline. i also urge you to do this, life is worth saving in this rather difficult situation, a critically difficult situation. held in a basement in the vovchan community in kharkiv region, the russian army took local residents prisoner during their criminal offensive, exactly what they did before and are doing again, unfortunately, nothing has changed, and it would be obvious. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. the occupiers forced people to provide medical aid to the soldiers and threatened to shoot them if they refused, where some of the local residents managed
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to escape from the enemy. they didn't let out the basement, but this morning a soldier came in and said: we're leaving the way we came, and they took the wounded, and we 're running and running at this moment, there are still people there, and that means they didn't just take you, there are a lot of them , there is a family, a tape about a tape about ukrainian writers of the era of the shot bucket . a new one was released on may 9 the ukrainian film the house of the word is an endless novel, and today there is a special screening in lviv with the director taras tomenko, who actually made this film, our correspondent kateryna oliynyk is there, katya, answer, please tell us about the atmosphere, how the team prepared for the premiere ery, well, actually about the action that you are watching now.
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come out to vasya, vasya, read the news further, yes, well, our conversation with kateryna is somewhat delayed, although regarding this, regarding this movie, my... whom i trust, said that it is worth going down is a really, really cool job not to be missed. and then about the evacuation, the white angels are evacuating people from krasnohorivka in donetsk region, to the sound of explosions, this time they managed to evacuate three people, among them an 88-year-old woman who suffered a concussion. the day before, six enemy bombs exploded near her house.


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