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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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such a consumerist attitude, i will express my observations as a simple person, quite often i see a small business that opens, well , there in one of the districts of kyiv, have i observed this phenomenon for several years in lviv, well, no more than six months, and here is this point, this location or that cafeteria or some store that sells a variety of goods, well , the point is closed for six months, and this person may have received a grant. from international partners, the funds were debited, but the business plan turned out to be ineffective, well, the business closed, and by the way, just in the first four months of the current year , almost 31 thousand fops suspended their activities, and the capital is the leader in closing small businesses, by the way, i want to say that as for coffee shops, there are a lot of them, but my district is not quite in the center and, but for example, i need to repair clothes or shoes, i can't find elbow pads. some
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small business, where it used to be, it ’s gone, that is, well, it’s trivial to sew some sneakers or my own bag, i can’t, that is , relatively speaking, there are many coffee shops, well , maybe it’s cool, maybe it’s easier to do, but not on one square meter, but not on one square meter, but let's say that there used to be a household building and where people with such simple needs were served, well, for example, i don't have that within a radius of several kilometers, well, banal, that is, maybe people sometimes need to look for such businesses, to do things differently, to attract people. with this too, by the way, there are problems, it is clear that now there is a big problem with attracting people to the market, especially men, for example, well, we also understand, but these are predicted things, plus you are before this is what i said, prices are rising, people have less money, by the way, i want to tell you about the price, i couldn't understand why, for about a week and a half, here is such an onion in one of the chains of large stores, but there are no more such onions, i think , where the onions were distributed, it turns out that this harvest is ending, yes, indeed, onions are one of the first, traditionally, in fact, they are more expensive, because... what is more difficult to store them than,
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for example, carrots or beets, well, but we say everything - also about certain economic victories, about 60,000 ukrainian families got a chance to rebuild their own, well, all thanks to the national compensation program, which is called, i have repeatedly talked about it in the column, is recovery, well, the initiative was launched a year ago, let's watch a story about such successes, interesting stories, let's see. irpin is a city that was 70% destroyed by the russians, but now life is raging here, because irpin has become a leader in reconstruction under the restoration program, the amount of compensation here has reached 2 billion hryvnias. in the irpin territorial community , 6,514 applications were considered during the year, and in the end, almost 400 applicants received funds for the construction of their
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homes, 92% of everything has already been processed according to various programs, 82% of the programs have been processed with a certificate, of course there are, because people return and of course they are added, because every day one, two, three applications are added to us, there is a recovery , as a separate service , was put into operation in may 2023, it all started with a service for receiving financial assistance for repairs of damaged housing. primarily with an urgent cost of up to uah 200,000. the next step was compensation for destroyed homes, we are talking about residential ones certificates that can be exchanged for a new home in any corner of ukraine. over time , payments for capital repairs became possible, and soon compensations will also come to those who did not wait and completed the work at their own expense. and already developed checklists are appropriate, there is a possibility of a technical one developed by the ministry of digital transformation. i
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hope that it will happen, sources of funding will be found, and the start of this component, which is currently maximally prepared for its implementation. most of the appeals were recorded from residents kharkiv, donetsk, mykolaiv and kyiv regions. kharkiv oblast and kyiv oblast became the leaders among requests for restoration. they began to actively use it from the very beginning. we created commissions in each community that inspected. who helped people implement this program, receive funds, inspect their destroyed, damaged property, and why we created precisely in each community, because, unfortunately, the enemy continues to shell. soon, the developers promise to add several more functions in order to support as many ukrainians as possible in the difficult process reconstruction of their own homes. the team is currently working on a compensation program for rebuilding on their own land and compensation for those who lost their homes. in
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the temporarily occupied territories, it is not for nothing here, we show the city of melitopol, a pilot project took place, it was successful, that is, we are absolutely sure that this experience can now be spread to... cities located in the temporarily occupied territories, programs similar to there is currently no recovery in the world , the amount of compensation paid per year exceeded uah 11 billion for the repair or purchase of new housing instead of the one destroyed as a result of hostilities. well, this is where i think it's a really interesting initiative, and even despite the fact that people in some places invested their own money so as not to stay. at one or another time of the year without execution, without a roof, the funds are returned, apply through the action, write applications, and the funds will definitely be returned, well, at least it is happening right now, was the last information from vasyl from the world of money, but i am sure of you it will still be interesting about
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culture, about the weather and there will be a lot of interesting things, probably your colleague, serhii rudenko will continue with his announcement, and i will say goodbye, the big broadcast is going on, watch us! lina chehchenina , our tv viewer, is ready to talk about news from the cultural sphere, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, i congratulate our female viewers, the cannes film festival is starting, and the golden dzig award has announced the nominees, i will tell you who they are in a second. well, about the cannes film festival, you can already watch the broadcast, which is about to start, somewhere on youtube, it is usually a red carpet and the opening, well, on the red carpet we can
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see different dresses, traditionally, but at the opening, maybe they will remember us again, i will remind you that last time kateryn danyov recited a poem by lesya ukrainka, and now... on the screen you can see excerpts from the tapes , which will be shown in the main competition, well, first of all , there is a film called megalopolis by francis ford coppola, and this film, as you can see, is already epic enough, it will tell about the future, as the architect wants, plans to rebuild anew in some another way, it is a big city, also david cronenberg will be shown in savan, it's such a bodiho. what is it called, yes, such a fantasy, if you like such gloomy movies, then of course you should come here, well, the kindness of yorgos lanthimos will show you too, i think this is one of the most anticipated films, because yorgos lanthimos, he is a greek director, very
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recently at the oscars, he received a lot of awards for the poor creatures, for this film, which in the ukrainian box office was simply incredibly successful, considering the fact that... that there was no dubbing in general, only in the original language you could see this film and it was very well attended , and i hope that the new film, emma stone is also there, will be successful, and especially i'm waiting, well i'm waiting, because i'm not in cannes, i can't wait, i'm waiting for a rental, the film penelope, paolo serentino, an italian director, one of my favorites, which is usually marked by an incredibly beautiful picture, philosophical reflections. and humor at the same time, well, let's wait, one of my favorites, you see, we have a favorite director, yes, you can watch it again his films, while we are waiting for others, but i will say that among our representatives, it must be stated that there will be serhiy loznytsia, to
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whom there is a very ambiguous attitude after the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he is even called a russian canned food, especially oksana zabushko is trying when she went to berlin . she wrote a whole long post on facebook about the fact that she interviewed people there, and she found out that serhiy loznytsia is traveling around the world in a film industry and defends ukrainian, russian culture in ukraine, and here he is, after all, he at the same time, he withdrew from the european film academy at the beginning of the invasion, saying that it did not respond strongly enough to russian aggression, but he also agreed to participate. in such a film festival with the name from lviv to the urals, which caused great indignation within the ukrainian film community, here he will present his film invasion, which is about the invasion of russia, but it is rumored that the director did not appear in ukraine
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for filming, that he, as in his previous documentary films maidan, for example, he used and taken by other people. video and then he himself edited, came up with a different concept, this is his style of work, and they will also show the occupation of myroslav slaboshpytskyi, i am personally very much looking forward to it, he is one of... my favorite ukrainian directors, he filmed a tribe, and for a long time he did nothing does not shoot, now he will show his tape, i am more than sure that she is talented, but there is the producer oleksandr odnyansky, whom we also know, our compatriot, who was our manager, television, film, but later moved to russia, also became a film and television manager there, and began to shoot a huge number of propaganda series and films, so he is a rather ambiguous figure, so what, while we wait, who will win there at the cannes film festival, i will tell you about the golden dziga, probably what the largest film award in
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ukraine has finally announced the nominees, that is, the lists of films, actors, and actresses from which the winner will be chosen. candidates for the best film are: 20 days in mariupol by mstislav chernova, dovbush, olesya sanina, la palisade, by filipp sotnichenko, one of these perhaps the most difficult films ever made. lessons of tolerance by arkadiylyuk, which was released recently, and what about katya, kristina tynkevych, a film that received quite a lot of awards, now we see dovbysh, of course, this is one of the most technological films that were released in our country, you know , oles sanin definitely tried his best on the tubes and various other complex filming, here you see the palisade, philip sotnychenko, let's say, was the director. a promising young director, and here he is the film gave these hopes, many people appreciated it,
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arkady nepytalyuk, who constantly takes care of the topic of tolerance, in its various manifestations, made such a film, it is not an lgbt comedy, as many think, it is a family, family comedy, it is a comedy about family values, i absolutely agree with this, well, how is katya, the main character, i will definitely not spoil it for you, because there is such an important moment. happens somewhere already in the second half of the film, and because, probably, you have to say that this film, which shows the difficult choice that a woman has to make, well, we can also quickly see who we have nominated for the best male and female role, the best male role, now we see novruz pashaev, who played ulya polisiadi, a policeman, he and a colleague are investigating a murder. his colleague, well, in general, the film tells in particular about the last case of the death penalty in ukraine, which was abolished in
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the early 90s, serhiy strelnikov, who played dovbush in dovbush and oleksandr yarem from tolerance lessons, and the female roles are anastasia karpenko, from how are katya, elena uzlyuk, lessons of tolerance and ksenia khizhnyak, who starred in yanina's film. well, i will. thank you ren for your stories, lina chenina, our art viewer. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers. watch ukrainian cinema. i only support lina chechenina. we watch ukrainian movies and ukrainian television, in particular the espresso channel. stay with us. i say goodbye to you. just now about the weather from natalka didenko, at 8 p.m., the verdict program, take care and stay with our tv channel. it will be interesting,
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synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, before we talk about the weather expected on may 15th, yes, it's already midday tomorrow. in may, we will turn our eyes to the incredible luxurious beauty, to chestnuts, now is the time that they simply bloom everywhere, mostly white, sometimes pink, well, in a word, without chestnuts, it is generally very difficult for us to imagine our life in spring, eh, and so we will talk a little - about chestnuts not only from such an aesthetic point of view, but also, so to speak, from a scientific point of view, in general, when they appeared, and especially... interestingly, here is such a fact, when in the spring they they bloom so beautifully, in autumn their
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leaves become wrinkled and rusty, and why does this happen at all, and this disease does not exist only in kyiv chestnuts or in ukrainian chestnuts, it is unfortunately widespread throughout europe, and it was first recorded in 1985 in macedonia, and then it spread almost all over europe, an offender that causes... such damage and destroys our golden ones, they are called bitter chestnuts, by the way, the name is the passing chestnut moth, it certainly sounds more beautiful in latin, cameraria. business, in polish in general very funny, this larva that destroys our chestnuts is called a shrotuvik, it turns out to be a podlamil, it makes special burrows, penetrates the plant and from those burrows begins to destroy the leaves of chestnuts, and mine and burrow practically mean the same thing, that's why it's called transient, and therefore these larvae are also called miners. treatment for this mud
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is very expensive, because you have to treat every tree, and it is clear that now during the war, well, it is clear... not before that, there is still an option in autumn to rake the fallen leaves away from the tree, and for now this miner lives and in we are not bad, and practically all over europe, this adult moth, how does it spread, when it is already 3-4 mm, that is, when it is an adult, it cannot fly by itself, it eats so much that it simply pulls in its stomach and it slow-moving, so people themselves transport it by rail or by motor vehicle, just like that... it is a fleeting moth, it is still very , very far before the rusty leaves, so far we are enjoying the luxurious spring of our beloved chestnuts. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. for several days , not just activation was observed, but such very serious, powerful geomagnetic
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activity, magnetic storms, now it is a little on the decline, of course certain fluctuations still remain, but already strongly. or moderate magnetic storms are not expected tomorrow, well, finally we are moving to the weather that will cover the entire territory of ukraine tomorrow, i want to say right away that tomorrow will still be cold, but we will look separately, as always, by region, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine it is expected the weather is mostly dry, there will be a lot of sunshine and the air temperature is quite high, +17 + 21°, 21 is more applies to transcarpathia, it will be the warmest there. in the north of ukraine , it will be cold tomorrow, +13-+16°, maximum without significant precipitation, however, there is a chance of light rain in the sumy oblast. in the eastern part of ukraine tomorrow, the weather will be wet, it will occasionally rain, perhaps even with thunderstorms, the southeast wind will reach strong gusts and the air temperature in the east will be +14, +16°. in
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the central part of ukraine, the weather will vary, there is a possibility. periodic rains, but they will rather pass in dnipropetrovsk region and poltava region, finally the territory of the center, it is possible that the atmospheric front will simply be limited to moist clouds, and 13-17° of heat only tomorrow in the central part of ukraine. in the south, there is also clear uneasiness, +16-+19° and also periodic rains, possibly with thunderstorms. in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow , the air temperature will still be low, +12 -14 ° c... no significant precipitation is expected, the southeast wind will be moderate, but already from may 16 and until the end of the week, the air temperature will gradually rise throughout ukraine the temperature will warm up by the end of the week the air temperature will reach 18-23° everywhere. keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts
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on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations, this is the beraber program together with the crimean-tatar language, it is hosted by gulsum khalilova, my colleague from the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and i, andriy yanitsky from the espresso tv channel, we are here together today, because this is a joint project about the main news from crimea. yes it is a joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel of the atp salam aleykum and the tv channel, we are happy to welcome everyone viewers of our tv channels selyamalikum once again, and while we are now connecting our guest to our broadcast, with whom we will talk about what happened this week
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in the temporarily occupied crimea and not only, i want to say that for the sake of deoccupation. of the crimean peninsula, now our guys are in the south and are doing everything to defeat the russian occupier, to defeat the enemy, this is the crimean tatar battalion named after noman chilyabikhan, 48th oshb, so support our guys, you can by the qr code that is now see on your screens they are now in need of fpf drones and have announced this... fundraiser so anyone who can support please support our guys who are on the southern front by the qr code you see now, well and we about... during this hour with military experts and other experts who will connect to our broadcast, we will talk about crimea and talk about the latest events that happened during this
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week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and even now we are ready to introduce our guest, and this is mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, a military political commentator of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, vasyl molikovoy. mr. oleksandr, how did you remember this week, how did the occupiers remember this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operational news do we currently have, well, in principle, of course, it is the destruction of thursday's ship, a high-speed ship, which took place on this weeks, a fairly successful destruction of another combat unit and... which reminds the russians what's in store for them there is no peaceful place, that is, it is a dangerous bridge for them, and besides
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everything else, it should be noted that the russians have recently been trying to pay more attention to strengthening the defense of the kerch bridge, in order to create such conditions for its protection, both by air and along sea lines, but also... they fail to do so, and therefore every time we see either the effective action of our naval drones, or the air component and the complete, complete inactivity of their air defense. that's exactly what we can do to pay attention, i think, in the following weeks we will see the corresponding practice, as well as the objects of the corresponding functionality. mr. alexander, i think i read that this time the innovations were applied by ours. defense forces and as if a missile was installed on the drone that can shoot down air targets, is it just
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a scarecrow for the occupiers so far, and in reality this did not happen, or was something like that observed? i don't think it's just a scarecrow because it's an experimental element and we 've seen it a while back on our marine drones as well type flamethrower systems were installed. and on the one hand at long distances they are ineffective, they have a low point, quite low such accuracy, but if we are talking about practice during the landing before landing on the coast, this can be the effect of such intimidation, such fire impact, if we are talking about approach approach with a large object such as a large amphibious ship or frigate. or corvet, and these systems can be effective at a distance of less than 500 m, so in principle it made sense if we
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we are talking about the use of a suitable means of destruction, a missile means of destruction, or the destruction of air targets, this can also be effective in the long run, if the algorithm is worked out, the test itself is very important here, that is, the fact that it can be used... it is possible in such a complex ? yes, in theory quite, but there should be tests to highlight all the pros, all the cons, ah, see what the efficiency is, and after that really every such maritime drone, if it's an effective concept, it can use given means of defeat not only in order to inflict some blows there, no. not so much striking as defense because it's the air component like the mi-28 helicopter strike as an option, and the mi-8, the k-52,
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that's the main element that the russians use to intercept our naval drones, they they are trying to hide them with helicopters, attack helicopters, the destruction of the attack helicopter, after the attack helicopter is destroyed, also the destruction of some surface... object, there, for example, the same corvette or missile boat, well, it's actually a bonus, full house, let's call it that. so that our defense forces will be able to implement this experiment and it will no longer be an experiment, but a common practice of application, to ask a question, i just have a lot of questions for you, but i read in the news that... transportation of military equipment, that they, well, either they seriously already believe that it is very vulnerable,
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or they ... started using that the land route that was being built, but what happens now, there is no point in hitting the kerch bridge, or is it still our desired goal? well, i'll say this, well, let's say tomorrow someone will build a house on the khreschatyk, right on the khreschatyk, right on the car part, to block the passage, some kind of high-rise building. on 16 floors, well , it will be a legal building, it is a self- build, an illegal building, it is an illegal building, indeed, so is the kerch bridge, it is an illegal building and one way or another it must be to destroy, this is the first point, precisely the fact, legality, it is absent, it is absent, and the second point, very important, i do not know where these axles of the group are from, they drew
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conclusions from the fact that... the kerch bridge is not used for transportation military cargo, equipment, ammunition, everything else. there is such a concept as material and technical support. what is material and technical support? this is a complex of material means that are used to provide vision. it can be starting with a mechanized one components, tanks, bbm, artillery, ammunition, of course, starting from... ban from the 152-caliber projectile and powder charge and ending with the banal cartridge for small arms of various calibers, elementary, elementary vodka and stew, if they are already being carried , then this is already the case, i.e. if we perceive vodka as a civilian cargo, this does not mean that it is a civilian cargo, in the same way, if we see that a passenger car is arriving there and so on, this does not
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mean that there specifically civilians. and not personnel for rotation and so on. fuel and lubricants, which are transported across the kerch bridge in large quantities by tankers, are not for the purpose of delivering milk to consumers throughout the crimea next month, yes, on trucks, no, it is not for milk, it is exactly fuel and lubricants for that , to refuel russian tanks and armored fighting vehicles, so the kerch... bridge, it remained an important logistical artery, and it remains, and another very interesting point, for some reason all these autumn groups, they use it as a proof satellite images from a long distance are not detailed in their vision of the situation, but for some reason they do not turn to the crimean monitoring groups that operate specifically in the crimea, and which constantly record, as dokarchis. or
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directly through the kerch bridge itself , fuel and bridging materials are transported not only there, namely equipment, howitzers, towed howitzers, equipment, bmp, armored combat vehicles, t-62 tanks, for example, and so on, for some reason they do not record this in they do not show in their reports, the impression is that they are allegedly trying to somehow distort the reality, which is happening now with the supply of material and technical equipment. supply to the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, which was, and remains, the main logistical transit hub for the supply of the russian southern occupation group of troops. well, you know, mr. oleksandr, it looks more like a propagandistic throw-in, and if we talk about other routes, logistical routes of the russian occupiers, as far as i know, they still haven't... sified this
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artery through rostov-nadana, mariupol, berdyansk and so on. yes, she is still full doesn't work, it's true. there is no full possibility of ensuring those volumes of supply, which they would try to fully compensate in the event that the kershchen bridge is non-functional. therefore, yes, kerschen bridge, it continues to be the main logistical artery through. where the main cargoes of logistical support of the russian occupying forces go, everything else already on the mainland, this is as an addition, as a kind of plus, which can more or less satisfy the needs of this large number of forces and means, i will remind that only in the south.


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