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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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they almost did not change their language, in fact we understand that this is such a big potemkin village, you know, this is a very important topic that deserves a separate broadcast, and i hope that in our other broadcasts of the atp and espressa tv channels, we will discuss this topic in more detail, the topic crimean tatar language and ukrainian language, suppression of these languages ​​on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. thank you very much sir. the head of the national advocacy department of the almenda civic education center was with us on the air, we talked about education in crimea, more precisely about ukrainian education for the residents of crimea, it is still available, it is still possible, and we believe that the best crimean schoolchildren actually come to ukrainian universities and study, if only the ukrainian state would help this. stay with us, we will meet with... already
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next week korushkenja, goodbye, see this week in the program collaborators, sellers from kyrylivka, who is actively russifying the village? zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka, together with russia, we are one, friendly forever, and why are car races organized with russian rags? our coordinated we only go forward with work. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about selling souls from kyrylivka. part of the zaporizhia region has been under russian occupation since 2022 , including the resort village of kyrylivka. remember, this is the warm sea of ​​azov with jellyfish, and these shrimps are honey. baklava,
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corn on the beach, the whole family is on vacation, you inflate the mattress as a group and go swimming. in the evening, there will definitely be a fabulous sunset and attractions. these warm memories are forever with us, and we will definitely create new ones in ukrainian kyrylivka. meanwhile, unfortunately, the small resort village is occupied. melitopol district, which includes kyrylivka, was under the threat of occupation from the first days of the great war. already in the evening of february 24 , russian tanks were standing at the entrance to melitopol. after short street battles on february 25, melitopol was occupied. the russian administration and tricolors appeared there on state buildings, and later russian armored personnel carriers began to enter kyrylivka little by little. the local authorities did not cooperate with the invaders, so the occupiers began to look for their intercessors and put them in positions. this is andrii anatoliyovych nazarenko. the rashists appointed him the new head of the so-called military-civilian administration. kirillovka
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appoint andriy anatoliyovych nazarenko to the post of acting head of the administration of kyryliv village settlement of the military-civilian administration of the city of melitopol of the zaporizhzhya administration. please love and respect. locals gave nazarenko the nickname prawn because business activities he conducted during the holiday seasons. he bought shrimp, and then hired vendors to sell them on the beaches. the collaborator also owned the hotel he created. actually on the territory of their household. when the russian army entered the settlement, nazarenko immediately changed his shoes to the valinkas, let the invaders live in his mini-hotel, but they deprived him of his position. from march 3, 2023, as a result of the signing of the decree of the governor of the zaporizhia region, kyrylivka will continue its development in part of the melitopol city district of the zaporizhzhia region of the russian federation. by
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development, this traitor means the theft of property and the rewriting of business on the russian side, because according to the locals who left for the territory under the control of ukraine, their houses and recreation centers are now being redecorated for loyal pro- russian residents, special attention is paid to those plots whose owners entered to lavzsu. zaporizhzhia region, the village of kyrylivka together with russia, we are one, friendly forever, so friendly that they call to write denunciations in the best soviet traditions, on those fellow villagers who are waiting for the armed forces of ukraine and the return of ukraine. on the official telegram channel of the fake military-civilian administration of kyrylivka, posts are regularly posted with a call to lay down so -called zhduns... by zhduns, the orcs mean
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ukrainian patriots, and in order to intimidate people even more, they post such videos behind the heads of deactivate the zhdun. she informed about the deployment locations of military personnel. in addition to handing over patriots to russian barbarians and misappropriating property, the temporary head of kyrylivka hung out everywhere russian flags. conducts propaganda in favor of russia, awards other traitors with non-existent orders, diplomas and grants. there are places for deployment of the russian military, this traitor of ukraine must bear responsibility for his actions and will already be in a ukrainian prison as a prisoner waiting for russia to remember him and ask for an exchange. she choreographed the ukrainian folk choir, then danced to the russian balalaika.
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meet alla viktorivna vankevich, in the past, the director of the number one cultural center in kyrylivka. until february 24 organized national celebrations in the village. and conducted the berehynia ukrainian choir. i will ask her, i will ask her, do not scold me, my dear. in general, she worked in the field of culture for 24 years. it would seem that such a spiritual person should have loved and respected the ukrainian cultural heritage for so many years. but the russian bear and the balalaika turned out to be cuter than the ukrainian melody. love for everything russian first began to appear. on her page in the russian odnoklassniki network, where vankevich posted parades of helpless in 2017 regiment and when kyrylivka was occupied, alla wore a kokoshnyk instead of a wreath. propaganda media wrote about her that from the first days of the so-called liberation, alla
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viktorivna, without a moment's doubt, performed her work duties in full, not paying attention to the side views and superstitions from the unaware residents of the village. z... and this is the head of kyrylivka, andriy nazarenko, whom i talked about earlier, who awarded her a medal for services to the zaporizhzhia region. the occupiers left her as the director of the cultural center. indeed, to work there there is no one except vankevich. you can regularly see such job ads on the kyrylivka website. as a cultural figure, this traitor regularly visits russian fanatics. here she is in st. petersburg , improving her qualifications in the field of cinema. is being fined with bondarchuk and yakubovych, it would be better to remember the ukrainian repertoire and national anthem, why organize a celebration in a ukrainian prison. this is another traitor, ex-detat of the kyriliv settlement council oleksandr viktorovych syomov, born in 1967. since
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2015, he began to engage in political activity. first, he became a deputy of the yakymiv district council from the opposition block party. at the time of his election, he was a member of this already banned organization. of the party in 2017, he completed the mandate of a deputy of the yakymivska district council and was elected to the kirillivsk settlement council in the pre-elections. according to the information of my colleagues , while honestly in office, he repeatedly spread russian propaganda on his pages in social networks. at the local elections in 2020, he again became a deputy of the kyryliv settlement community as a self-nominated candidate. after starting of the full-scale invasion, syomov went over to the side of the enemy and was appointed to a position by the occupiers. of the occupation authority, recruited teachers to schools, persuaded local people to cooperate with the occupiers, and demonstrated loyalty to russia in every possible way. here is syomov taking part in a car race in honor of may 9
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and shaking hands with a russian soldier. thanks to our coordinated work, we are only moving forward, the development of our territory will continue, everyone will feel significant for their country. in the service of the occupiers, syomov distributed humanitarian aid in the village and was engaged in the holding of the so-called referendum, demanded money from farmers for cultivating the land, in case of refusal, threatened with reprisals by russian military personnel. russians searched one of the farmers at the instruction of syomov. they took away the car, money and locked them up in katyvna for a few days. inhabitants of atmanay can rightfully be proud of their history and modern achievements, believe in its future and create it with their work. our law enforcement agencies collected evidence regarding
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the collaborative activities of this traitor and sent the case to court. september 19, 2023 in 2015, the leninskyi district court of the city of zaporizhzhia recognized the former deputy of kyrylivska village. council found oleksandr syomov guilty and sentenced him in absentia to seven years of imprisonment. this seller did not have long to hide behind russian skirts. and finally, i will tell you about... yuriy balanin. until february 24, he served in the ukrainian police, took an oath of loyalty to ukraine, then went into business. they say he bought a recreation center on fedotova kosa in kyrylivka, until suddenly the war started. and balabin decided to put on the uniform again, but already russian model. locals say that with the arrival of the invaders, balabin met them and received them in his house at a sumptuous table. for such a warm welcome, the traitor was appointed chief of the village police. but not for long, in the summer of 2023, he was removed from his
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post. realizing that a court and a cage await him in ukraine, the seller tried to leave the occupied territories. one problem: the policeman was not given the right to travel. they say that yuriy balabin made three attempts to leave the occupation through the crimea to russia and three times he was returned to the post block, because he goes through the no-go lists. yuri, i want. to inform you, we in ukraine are waiting for you very much, you can even not take your things, they give you pajamas and a brush in the prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time.
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening! on espresso. congratulations to all, shakhtar-champion, dynamo second, kryvbas third. and then there are a lot of intrigues, and today we will talk about it all with the team of the football format, i am oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi. andriyu, hello, i was expecting such a resolution two rounds before the finish line. greeting, sasha, greetings to our fans, greetings to everyone who follows our project, follows ukrainian football, in particular. who followed the ukrainian classic championship, well , to a large extent, all the intrigue that
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should have been, it was present in this match, the match actually turned out to be interesting, there are nuances, of course, what we will talk about, there are flaws, there is a lack, and there is, well, what needs to be emphasized, let's then briefly remind that shakhtar-dynamo played on saturday, shakhtar won thanks to a penalty, which realized by georgy sudakov, but if you look at the statistics, well... in plus or minus, it was an even match, the first half was for shakhtar, especially until the 15th minute, but then dynamo still tried to score in the second half, it looked better there from corners in general , the score was 10:1, but it did not lead to a goal, well , the score was the minimum victory of the donetsk miner in the championship classic in the first half . scoreboard, as i said valery labanov. score in favor of donetsk miner, definitely in the favorite position shakhtar approached this match and it was definitely easier for shakhtar, who has
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such great performers, having +4 from kyiv dynamo, and psychologically and emotionally, there was definitely no need to take risks, so for miner it was half-raised in fact , the championship, well, this donetsk team took advantage, it is called donetsk, although it has not represented donetsk for a long time, it now plays in lviv, and this team has now become 15 champions, 16 titles with kyiv dynamo, now the champion has one more title, well , you know, when we saw the starting lineups, it was definitely not only us, but everyone was surprised, where is andriy yarmulenko, let's see the starting lineup of dynamo, plus or minus , all the positions were expected there, but oh well there in the defense they chose dyachuk, there mikhalka or an orphan, but the winger was not voloshyn, oh, it was voloshyn, not andriy yarmolenko, this was actually very strange, but look, here we need to emphasize that what andriy armolenko was not. in the starting lineup, it was definitely agreed with coaching staff, because andriy armolenko has such a status that he himself determines when
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he should start or not start, at what minute, or not start at all, so andriy yarmolenko, who was not 100% physically ready, nevertheless how joker was supposed to strengthen the game of kyiv during the match. this is how we see this starting line-up, in which there was no place for andriy yarmolenko, because andriy left himself in the reserve precisely at his own, so to speak, request, desire, and to a large extent he understood that he was ready... roughly speaking, at half-time, he will be able to be 100% his best option at half-time, that's why it just so happened that the penalties that decide the fate of the championship, well, those are the penalties that... the greater fate of the championship, the fate of this result, it is he led to the eastern , well, the championship title of the donetsk miner and left kyiv dynamo without a chance for this season, well, here he lost somewhere, what exactly were those penalties, that was what decided the fate not only of this confrontation, not only of this duel, but of everything championship about the penalty, in particular about
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whether andriy yormolenko was ready to play all 90 minutes, maybe he wasn't ready, but after the match he told us a little differently. the leader of dynamo, listen, there was a championship game, and i think that in the first, in the first half, it was an absolutely even, even game, and regarding the penalty, i think that it was not there, i do not know, i am still this i didn't watch the episode, but as yevcharenko said, first the ball hit him in the chest, then in the hand, that's how they interpret it in the new way. according to the rules, it seems to me that it is not a penalty, but it is not i know, i have to watch it again, i also want to ask, it’s at the end of the match, the incident, the brazilians got a little carried away, but listen, this is football, these are emotions, i think the fans, the fans missed such emotions, nobody wanted to give in, congratulations , thank you, and yes, about what? it's just
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that brazilians have emotions, and brazilians have emotions, and ukrainians have emotions, that's why it's football, nobody wants to concede, we understood how important this game is, that's why it's normal. max, max, well done, max gives, gave everything on the football field, sometimes, sometimes it is difficult to control oneself, when, when there is no energy left at all, emotions, that's why, of course. it's good that he listens to the elders and didn't do anything, nothing extra, you can say that, that's why everyone, everyone, i think that today we did not deserve to lose, it was, it was an interesting game, the boys gave, gave all their strength, and this was visible in the locker room, he wants to ask the fans,
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they are interested in why they did not start at the base, well, this question should be asked of the head coach, he chooses... the lineup, he chooses the tactics for game, because, as i said, how much time the coaching staff will allocate to me, i will play as much and i will give as much strength, so not for independence 10 minutes or 90, i will go out and give the maximum of what i have, it was not related to any medical indications, you see, so it is possible that he really agreed on... what will happen in the second half, but everything did not turn out exactly as he wanted, well, i am also convinced that his words are now worth no less than head coach oleksandr shovkovskyi, well here is the lack of ethics from dario sirna, i would like to note again, a person gives an interview, he approaches, interrupts him from the interview, and if it is a live broadcast, and if it is , well, i honestly do not understand, well, you
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i saw yarmalenko before the match, i saw andrii during the match, you will see him after the match, well, you stay at... home anyway, so i honestly don’t understand this, well, yarmulenko even got a little confused, forgot, and his they asked about what happened to maksym dyachuk, it was maksym dyachuk who was targeted the most, i think it's a good thing that dyachuk was restrained, but it's strange that vanat didn't react to these runs of ginalda and marlon gomez, if vanat had reacted, there was a commotion, oh, god forbid, like for sure, like shakhtar dnipro a year ago, i i think that... i was so devastated right at the end of the match, it's just that ginalda went out there to eat, roughly speaking, and in general, the brazilian fathers, who are now identified with the current miner, they are very strange, i don't think that directly fans like them and their behavior and before and after and during the match, and now this fight, they don't know anything about donetsk, about shakhtar, about the confrontation with dynamo kyiv, they just dance their
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dances there, and basically everything they give to the miner, these dances and emotions, which... are inappropriate at the moment, because the country is under shelling, there donetsk is constantly under shelling, but they are having fun, to be honest, well, they won, they won for themselves, you need to be more modest, eginald, for example, nothing at all did not do it for the championship title, but the red just earned it and misses the next ones matches and so on, that's why he's only hitting on the status of a miner, just his behavior, now on the contrary, it spoils even the impression that was left after this victory, let's then move on to the composition of the miner, which is you. .. the starters are mostly ukrainians, only azarov plays on the left in defense and here is kevin, the only brazilian who started, all the rest are our ukrainian boys, and you see, they were chosen after all. kryski ivanne stepanenko, maryno pushych for cargo dynamo. well, for ukrainians, it is very nice that in fact, especially there for bondar, for riznyk, for bondarenko, for young guys,
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for sudakov, for hemp, for young people, for sikan, danya, it is actually nice for them, because this is their title, they are just starting, that , that mykola matvienko was crying, i honestly don't know, maybe he was crying, because he is now fighting for the title of premier league champion, not with arsenal, but with man city, that's why he probably cried, and taras, well, he's getting in shape, and it's the same here itself. pushych himself will not decide whether stepenenko will start or not, taras is already here tells pushych who to put, him or kryskiv, kryskiv, who came out and could, in principle, disrupt the championship, at least the current championship, because he definitely fouled, the overlay was 100% in the episode with bialski, just why the referees decided not to notice, this is a question for the referees, but they are not in a position to talk about it right now, because there is no rule in ukraine right now, as... from which he flies a meter and a half before the ball to
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his feet buyalskyi, just buyalskyi played so elegantly, if he had gone more decisively, it would be a terrible injury and, well, the removal of the screams, clearly, why didn't the referee stop it, because a dangerous game is not the fact that you have to kill a person, it's just a dangerous game, the fact itself, and the risk of causing an injury, well, that's the point , what is really the case here...skyi simply avoided a fracture on experience, maybe there he would have said goodbye to his football career in principle after such an intention that kryskyi had in this episode, well, again, we are talking now about modern interpretations and still we consider this as a complex attack, therefore, to be honest, i don't understand why the referee, and he and the referee varu, and everyone now , how many more there are than football players, fans, now who is answering now and then, but no one for some reason paid attention to the fact that there was a foul that preceded already the situation in... the penalty area, when the ball hit vicherenkov from the chest, well, look, we definitely have a question about kryskyi, well , i also have a question about boyadskyi, after all, he was not caught, why did he at the end of this he played
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that he was in great pain and lay down, if he could didn't lie and this penalty wouldn't have happened at all , he would have left the defense and we wouldn't have played 11 on 10, but 11 on 11, the captain of the team, i just think that he got really scared, got scared, that's why he fell, that's why he started to perform somewhere, got scared, that's why that there is a line in fact. there was only one thing, that yes, now there is a var and we would have figured it out without him, if he understood that the dynamics are attacking, the game is going on, therefore , without a doubt, the captain especially needs to gain experience and help, because in reality one was not enough, which in the end - the rest led to the appointment of a penalty, well sudakov converted the penalty again after the implementation by burzhchan, for some reason he gave this corner to sudakov, he directly opened it, where sudakov punched, that's a very strange decision of bushchan, maybe he wanted to outwit himself, but he outwitted himself, well, what about us.. . in the stands, they saw this moment, then they thought that he was specially luring in that corner and would simply catch it, he also, let's say, chose a leveling of another level, and this moment was an episode that the hand was unambiguous, but a close
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distance, that from chest hit the ball in the hand, let's listen to kostyantyn vyvcharenko, his opinion, are such penalties worth it or not? the second half, i think we lost completely, and they, and the penalty is... was very controversial, because it was hit first in the chest, and then touching the hand and sorry for the distance, which was minimal, so i think that it the referee's mistake, but he didn't explain in any way, he said that the penalty was overplayed, and in the second half we beat the miner completely, but nothing changed, we, we should have won and er... er, because the victory was more important to us , well, we can only wait for this communiqué from the referees' committee, how they will explain these episodes there, episodes, well, several,
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three of which are the most vivid, this is a penalty that i didn't want to earn, sudakov fell and received a yellow card in the simulation, then this overlay on boyalsky, well, the penalty from the chest, the distance to vyvcharenko, well, and i would also say that this is why the var referees did not recommend anyone else to remove ginnalda after this clash. for example, this is also a question, well, actually, all these questions, they are strange, they remain, and again we we are talking about the fact that these sons of former arbitrators, they also have an image in such a way, as if only they know how to judge and what should be reported there, what is not needed and so on, so to be honest with me, all these images are not really like, and not last names should still serve the matches, good qualified referees, if we are talking about a good... qualified championship, again , there are much more questions than answers, but there are such sharp ones that you still need to find these , maybe not easy, but the answers, well, we will actually wait to see how they will explain,
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well... we understand that they will explain everything soon, it's nice that plus or minus all the decisions were correct, that's why you already mentioned the youth of the miner, and the quite young goalkeeper dmytro riznyk, but dmytro for this is only his first championship, unlike valery bondar himself, who already won titles there with fonseka, with kastru, and with yavičevich, and here he wins the championship with every coach, and for dmytro riznyk it is the first championship and after the match he cried emotionally very much, and he explained why that was his reaction. and how important this title is for him, well, the emotions were such, i wanted to convey it, but well, i have such a situation in the family, maybe you know, i think that my brother is mortal, so he did not wait for this, we talked about it before how he died, that's why it was so emotionally very sharp and hard for me, that's why for my brother, yes, yes, yes, for my brother, that's why i don't know if it's a victory. well, of course
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, this is a reminder that there is a war going on in our country, but what if our guys are on the front lines, not ours the military, that is why we would not have gathered here now if we had not played this match, so i thank all the military for giving us the opportunity to play and to exist as a nation at all, you understand, our team has already become the champion and more than once, so we had a great experience, personally, i wasn't worried there, i knew that our... team was very strong and i was confident in them, we came out today and played well. well, condolences once again to dmytro riznyk, serhii, the older brother, who, he said, was such a support for him, a mentor and died, and to all the defenders of ukraine, his memory is bright. and that's it look, here is dmytro riznyk, this season is his first to fight for the championship, well, i think shakhtar should not have any special questions, in terms of goalkeeping, there went trubin, a player,
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about the same level at the moment. in a huge way, dmytro riznyk, in fact, well, it almost did not affect, if the loss, like a transfer to a top club, to benfica, trubin, it seemed that after all , it would take some time for riznyk to adapt there, in general, the impression is that in he has a champion character, a champion spirit in him, if on what genetic level, and what's more, now the question is, well, it's clear that both lunin and trubin get into the national team, but we still need a third goalkeeper, bushan is in full order. in full order, and only here is the coaching staff, only perhaps there is intuition, a keen eye should suggest which of these super goalkeepers to take as the third, because here the point is that it is difficult to say at all who is the best now, that lunin, it is clear that he , his team there is the champion of spain and rubin plays there in the final of the champions league, he is always super there rivals in benfica, and benfica went far in the eurocups, but our championship there is inferior to the one mentioned above,
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so it will still be very difficult to determine. with the third goalkeeper for the european championship, we will watch it there, especially since you see, lunin will have an important super match on june 1, and the team will most likely gather around that date and maybe he will call everyone there, i mean trubin, bushchan and riznyk , and then it will be determined as soon as it is ready, as well, well , yes, yes, so it will be in fact, and what in our goalkeepers are in such a great condition now, it also inspires and stimulates us. again before the european championship, because we understand that in fact, as it was before, historically, it has traditionally been the case that the goalkeeper is half the team, and we have such great goalkeepers that, in principle, we just don't worry about this one position, there are other questions, there are other options, but in terms of goalkeepers , we have a top squad, look, i want to touch on another topic, well, the miner is the champion, that's all great, but in terms of young players, there was a generation there were bondar, konoplya, sikan, then
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they pulled themselves up. sudakov, bondarenko, kryskiv, but this season, tsukanov has made several substitutions, and now we haven’t seen him for a long time, and someone from the youth, will the miner produce someone from the academy, will there be a change, sudakov will go there, will he go there bondarenko, bondar, this is the question. well, you see, the miner has a different, so to speak, vector, as the miners say, they took half of latin america wholesale, look how many brazilians there are, that's why they don't even focus on young ukrainians, because now again...


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