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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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having reached the final of the cup of ukraine, well, here it is definitely a match from one match to the final, so it is clear that shakhtar remains the nominal favorite, but vorsla still spends the whole season for this match, and therefore will be trained specifically for this duel for this duel, and has a good chance, as i believe vorsla, to choose the cup of ukraine this season. about the fact that cup matches are really something else, that, well, one game can turn out as you like, said serhiy konovalov, ex-player of the ukrainian national team, dynamo, and let him let's listen, and i want to ask, you are from poltava, poltava vorska reached the final of the cup, does it have a chance in the match with miner? i believe that the cup is, well, people who have not played football will sometimes not understand this, but you know, there are such football players, well, a sign, i don't know, the championship is one thing, the cup is... another and there were examples of those
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the lviv carpathians, who played in the first league, the team won the union cup, here too, the cup is different, and here you have to play one match, and you can give everything you have, and it will remain for many years, who more he wants, he will win, well, in principle , he explained everything as it really is, because... i also mentioned the carpathians, we mentioned vorska, we will mention tavria, which won the cup of ukraine, and there are especially many such examples in the world. well, yes, that's why in the final of the cup, as a rule, the favorite is only nominal, the game will only decide and the result will only decide, again, from the point of view of motivation, it is undoubtedly much greater in the poltava team, because shakhtar is already the champion, shakhtar rather will play in the champions league group after all, and the only thing that there are a lot of young footballers of donetsk miner who are motivated, who still don't
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have many titles in their collection in their cv, but for vorsla - in general, for many, this is the match of his entire career, so i think that vorsla will give his all in order to win the cup of ukraine, after all, many shakhtar footballers already have a cup and there will be cups of ukraine, but for vorsla footballers, this may be the only and last chance of their entire football life. let's see the history of confrontations and what it really is, if you take it the last eight games, the miner's advantage is simply minimal. there were four victories of shakhtar, three victories of vorskla and, well, one draw, although if we remember even those defeats of vorsla, here is the last defeat 0:1, where shakhtar, here is the dismissal of zubkov, there shakhtar played just fought back in the second half, we also remember there 3:2 a year ago at the lviv arena, where only the referee's decision made such a score, so the match is expected to be quite difficult, in my opinion, we can see that in fact these teams traditionally play with a knife, there are no defeats, neither from the side of the miner, nor from the side vorsla, i understand... that it is the same here, that
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no defeat should be expected in the final of the cup, well, again, we remember 2009, in fact, we can bring it here under traditions, after all, in this confrontation, vorsla adjusted and managed , again, being a clear outsider, to beat shakhtar donetsk, the winner of the uefa cup, well, there is such a bridge that currently connects vorskyi and shakhtar, it is dmytro riznyk, and he also played in the final of the ukrainian cup against dynamo, it was a magical series penalty shootout, where everyone scored. almost except for a few football players, and let's listen to dmytro riznyk, what he thinks about the game against his friends, mine is, let's say, the first team i played, which grew me, so i will have a warm relationship with them, but we have two different teams, too, this is football, as they say there are no friends in football, so behind the football field, there are warm words, hugs, and so on. everyone wants to lift the cup,
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you understand, that's why we will play for victory, the cup is on wednesday, will marino pushych ask you in the povorska consultation? no, i don't ask, they know everything themselves, we have a very cool one the coaching staff, that's why they know everything in advance, well, here's a great coaching staff and not a small coaching staff, so they probably have to do their job, well, although we can remember the first interviews of pushych there, when he is there after two or three months of work, he himself there he admitted that he did not know many people there by name and even more so. by the names of the football players, maybe you have already studied it, yes, we are waiting for this game, on wednesday we will also make a report on the match, we will show everything that happened until after the game, and be sure to subscribe to our social networks, football format, espresso tv channel, if you watch us on youtube and facebook, like us, comments are open, ask questions there, we will definitely answer, because as i say, i was at the shakhtar-dynamo match, where there are fans, they always come , they say that they are watching what... wishes
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are expressed to us, we should listen to this, andrii malinovskyi was with you, i am oleksandr vashchuk, cheer for yours and see you soon. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the place events live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svoboda live is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, my name is kateryna
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galko and this is our exclusive conversation with the ex-prime minister of the republic of moldova. let's start. mrs. natalya, you held the post of prime minister at that time. moldova at that time , and did you see a threat to moldova at that time as well? of course, from the very beginning, we believed that this russian invasion of ukraine was a flagrant violation of international law. we supported ukraine from the first day, we knew about the intelligence, we knew the information that the war could start, so we prepared in case of unforeseen circumstances, but at the same time, until the last minute, we did not think that such a major
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full-scale war, the largest in europe since world war ii, could happen very close to ukraine. therefore, of course, we mobilized the entire society for support of ukraine. first of all, they helped the influx of refugees, but then, of course, through humanitarian support, support for green belts for ukrainian goods, etc. also, of course, we had to focus on minimizing the impact of war on our citizens, even though we don't have an actual war. we are participating in a hybrid war, we have seen rather tragic economic consequences, therefore, at the same time as helping the ukrainian people, we were also focused on helping the moldovan people. how
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did the attitude and scope of assistance change during your tenure. first of all let me name the contacts between people, because i think... that is the most important thing, i think there were many ukrainians who discovered moldovans and many moldovans who discovered ukrainians, and i know very beautiful stories about , how people come together, about how people start to cooperate, whether it's mayors or local authorities or businessmen, i know that ukrainians have started businesses here, started new lives, and i think we've seen a high appreciation of how moldovan society has responded on the... refugee crisis, you know before the war, at the unhcr, the high commissioner for refugees, you know, thought that we could take a maximum of 25 thousand people, but as the whole society mobilized and we
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saw people taking people into their homes, we saw a lot of volunteers, we we have seen how the private sector contributes, we have seen how almost all sectors of society are involved. thanks to this, we were able to accept 125,000 refugees at the height of the crisis, which is five times more than our total estimated capacity. and you know, we've seen a lot such human stories. of course, this affects society as a whole. you know, i think a lot of people are starting to wonder about our real selves. in addition, our security strategy, for example, was updated for the first time, the threat from russia was mentioned in an official document of this kind, and we saw, we
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saw how people, for example, began to question our neutrality, maybe showed more support, for example , joining nato. they are still less than 50% because neutrality has long been used as a concept to help us get rid of it russian troops. of course, we now see that it doesn't work that way. consequently, we are observing profound changes, both in contacts between people and in the attitude of society. moldova and ukraine simultaneously began their journey to the european union. how difficult was this path for your country? but what are the biggest challenges now? i think it was a natural way, as for...
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we said that we would apply for eu membership by the end of the mandate in 2024, actually the 25th year. so, you know, we thought it was natural to apply for candidate status the next step to our association agreement and our own process. and we have always talked with the eu about the fact that our neighbors should not mean our exclusion from the status of a potential candidate. now we have seen that the war in ukraine has brought us very close to our european partners, and this applies to the architecture of the entire european project. for ukraine to win, so we didn't see it as a hard way, we didn't
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see it as a change of course, and we're grateful that our european partners saw, saw our point of view, and when i say ours, i mean i mean ukraine and moldova. the russian federation still has a significant influence on life in moldova, how can its influence be reduced. the thing that i would like everyone to understand is that you know, it's like 2014 in ukraine, you know, we need time to change some of these situations, and you know, i was talking about the attitude of the society, but we see now, a lot of instability, we're seeing steps in one direction and then steps back, so we're still i... i mentioned hybrid warfare, because we're still seeing a lot of misinformation,
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propaganda, hybrid means, cyber attacks, etc., and we know, and our people know, what russian propaganda is, how it works, makes people disillusioned with democracy and how democracy works, or disillusioned with the speed of european integration, or disillusioned, for example , in the speed economy we still have to deal with this, and we only began to strengthen our resilience, and our tools to combat this disinformation, after the full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022 .
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so, we look forward to the sequel of our partnership in this. the regions of transnistria and gagauzia remain a major unsolved problem. how do you assess such a threat and what do you see as the ways of development of events. yes, of course we have this frozen conflict. and i mentioned to you that we strongly insisted on neutrality, because we wanted
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the russian troops to leave. in 1992, at the osce summit in istanbul, russia undertook to withdraw its troops, but it never did. now we see a very interesting kind of balance, because now, you know, both moldova and ukraine are making some efforts. in transnistria has a very small russian contingent, and you know, now we see that the border is closed. the transnistrian region is very dependent on trade with the eu, because now the majority of their trade is also with the european union. and it's the power of a kind of economic pull factors,
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so we see on the one hand this kind of more extremist formation, but then we also see. and we understand that in fact the benefits, even for people living in the transnistria region, may actually be more moderate, and heading west, but a lot will depend, and of course we are aware of this from the outcome of the war in ukraine. and probably the final decision and troop withdrawal should be part of a larger deal. from the point of view of the gagauz autonomous region, it is an autonomous region. i believe that our challenges here are more related to working with people there so that they understand how things are in reality. and there is also a larger
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russian-speaking population there, so you know, they are very much in favor. from the content seen in russian, and we need to create better content in russian, but pro-european, so that explain the values ​​that european civilization upholds. because there are many projects and investments in the gagauz autonomous region, also from our european partners, so the problem is to capture certain ones. so i am sure and i hope that by improving communication, by increasing resistance
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to these tools of hybrid warfare, we will be able to make sure that we maintain our pro-european path. by the way, the eu ambassador noted that there are options for the development of events, when moldova will become part of the union, while without these regions, what do you think about this? well, we saw the example of cyprus, i think, also during the european political summit. at the summit of the european political community in bulboat , mr borel even said that we must not let this stop us. but at the same time, of course, we want the reintegration of the country and the support of all people in joining the eu, because this is actually a project of peace, it is a project
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of democracy, it is a project of human rights and freedom. so, with these values ​​comes economic prosperity, so we must persevere and be sure that such attractiveness will also work for european integration, whether you see the possibility of moldova's conflict with the russian federation, whether moldova is ready for such a conflict, and whether you have the resources to fight it. as i have already mentioned, we are in a hybrid war. and the real problem is our resistance to these methods, because if moldova changes its course by political means, then in fact no missiles need to be prepared. so it is equally
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dangerous. so, the next few months are going to be very important to... tell people what 's going on and make sure that even even though, you know, there's heightened anxiety, and you know, there's this disillusionment created by the russian propaganda, you know, we need to persevere and we need to make sure that we continue our pro-european path. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at
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espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. disciplinary cases are not on time, how does the vrp sabotage the cleaning of the system? exempts judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. but who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges? the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. congratulations, this is a program of judicial control, and as always, we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend. how a new ukraine is being formed judiciary? why does the supreme council of justice leave unscrupulous servants of themis in their positions? who sabotages system cleanup and reboot? about all this today, but... first, traditionally, to the news. detectives of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine conducted a search in the house of
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lyudmyla kropyvna, a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, who is suspected of illegal enrichment. at the end of 2021 , a house of 260 m2 in elite kozyna in the kyiv region and 20 acres of precious the ground beneath it. the market value of such an estate with a swimming pool, a gazebo and... but according to the contract of purchase and sale, nettle real estate cost eight times cheaper. everything points to the fact that the judge hid the real amount of money she paid for the house, because she would never have been able to explain the purchase with official income. it should be noted that the acquisition of the estate coincides in time with the period when nettle began to consider the case regarding the alienation of shares of the poltava gzk from the international company ferexpa in favor of kremlin businessmen babakova ginner. in the end, the northern commercial court of appeal, and in particular lyudmila kropyvna, legalized the raider seizure of assets. this decision was later overturned by the grand chamber of the supreme court.
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at the same time, they began to investigate where the judge had the funds for the house that was being sold for 1 million dollars. and was there a bribe? kropyvna believes that during the search of her estate the detectives made a violation and filed a corresponding complaint with the supreme council of justice. the third disciplinary chamber of the supreme council'. justice finally sent for release the judge of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. according to the law enforcement officers, she called on the employees of the berdyansk district court, where she used to work, to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them, and those who refused, she handed over to the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to the mangusha district. the russians killed these military personnel . today i heard information that three people from azov escaped from mariupol can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in
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mind. larisa bogomolova was detained by law enforcement last year in august, but all this time she remained an active judge and continued to receive a considerable judge's remuneration. the final decision on the dismissal of bogomolova must now be made by the entire composition of the supreme council of justice. the judicial system of ukraine is in the mode of a total reboot, there is a lot of work. the higher qualification commission works tirelessly to conduct competitions for positions and assessing the suitability of the current servants of themis. it's so exhausting that lately interviews are going on in 7 minutes, judges with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origin remain in their seats. the supreme council of justice, which restored its... disciplinary function six months ago, is still unable to process a significant volume of complaints from judges, so those involved in criminal cases of corruption, treason and even murder are not released and for years receive
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millions from the state budget, which does not make the higher the council of justice is actually sabotaging consideration of important disciplinary cases, and those it considers, it amnesties a lot, actually exempting judges from responsibility. instead of being fired. thus, the supreme council of justice decided not to prosecute serhiy kovganych, judge of the tolchyn district court of the vinnytsia region. last year in march , the man was stopped by the patrol police because he exceeded the permissible speed twice. the judge argued with the police, denied everything, lectured them and even threatened them. i didn't break anything. i'll tell you one more time. i, as a judge, you can pass anything you want today. you send me this resolution, i send it. i will complain to the court and collect moral damages from you, personally from you, you know that i work as a judge, what does it matter, i told you, i showed you, as a judge, i showed you
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the judge's certificate, despite this, you detained me and used special means. despite the request of the patrol officers to wait for the protocol to be drawn up, the judge got into the car and drove away from the scene of the incident, and he no longer drove at the policeman's feet. instead, the disciplinary chamber of the vrp decided that there were no grounds to prosecute judge kovganych. as a result, the policeman is given 3 years of probation for handcuffing him not according to the procedure, but... they consider a disciplinary complaint and close the case, they do not prosecute at all, they do not even give a warning, that is, the supreme council of justice is updated, shout to everyone society and all judges, wave your police ids in front of the police, tell them how to live, drive 60 km per hour faster than the speed limit, and you it won't be anything, it's a wild absolute story, the updated high council of justice is still here.
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does not consider disciplinary cases against judges of the liquidated most corrupt and scandalous court of the country, the district administrative court of kyiv. figures in criminal proceedings on grand corruption, the creation of a criminal group for the purpose of seizing power, and holders of russian passports are still considered acting judges. every month, the state spends millions on their maintenance. moreover, the supreme council of justice itself does not implement its own regulations, because they defined that the priority cases for them, and they wrote it down in the regulations , are cases that have a high public resonance and cases that can end in the judge's dismissal. and there are such cases in relation to oask judges, for example, several dozen, at least 65, those that we know about, very likely, much more, only now they began to open disciplinary cases against individual judges of the district administrative court of the city of kyiv, in fact
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they did not fulfill . its own regulation, in which it is written that such cases should be considered priority, on the contrary, they prioritize complaints, allegedly those that are rubbish, as they call them, meanwhile , the term of prosecution for disciplinary cases is only 3 years, so hundreds of cases regarding maidan judges were closed due to the expiration of the time limits, the supreme council of justice did not have enough time to consider these complaints, now they themselves have determined that such complaints are a priority, so god forbid that this should not happen, because... it has been going on for more than a year, for about six months complaints have been considered again by the supreme council of justice, which again there will not be enough time to consider those complaints that are , well, key for society, the same judges asku, the same princes, the same, well, absolutely obvious cases, but in addition to the super obvious, there are also very important ones, such as in the 130s, about driving, such as many other things, violations of the process, violations of
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human rights, which should be considered by the supreme council. this is serhii burlakov, a member of the supreme council of justice, a judge of the civil court of cassation, part of the supreme court, and he plays one of the key roles in unsmearing judges from responsibility, the record holder simply for , firstly, closing cases, and secondly, for not holding judges accountable where they should be held accountable. burlakov is closely associated with kharkiv millionaire and deputy of the ninth convocation oleksandr feldman, a former member. already banned pro-russian party opz. burlakov, most interestingly, traveled to the russian federation as a judge, had connections with the pro-russian deputy and businessman svyatash in kharkiv. and he has such a colorful biography. in 2018, burlakov managed bulgarian company, and according to the declaration , he did not receive anything for it. this is a very strange story, because in fact he agreed to provide serious services, to manage the company. her, but
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he did it for free, or he was only listed in the registers as a nominal manager, and this is also a question of his integrity, or he actually received some funds, but hid them. the fortunes of the burlakov family did not match the official income. for example, in 2018, the judge's mother was able to purchase an apartment with an area of ​​almost 40 m2 in boryspil of the kyiv region, having as of 2017 an income of uah 29. and another 217 hryvnias of savings. serhii burlakov forgot to indicate the price of this apartment of his mother, however, we are sure that the real estate cost exactly 29 hryvnias more expensive. similarly, burlakov does not declare the value of a plot of land with an area of ​​more than 1.m2 in the kharkiv region and more than 60,000 square meters.


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