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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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because in fact he agreed to provide her with serious services, to manage the company, but he did it for free, or he was only listed in the registers as a nominal manager, and this is also a question of his integrity, or he actually received some funds, but hid them. the fortunes of the burlakov family did not match the official income. for example, in 2018, the judge's mother was able to purchase an apartment with an area of ​​almost 40 km in boryspil, kyiv region, having as of 2017 an income of uah 29 and another uah 217 in savings. serhii burlakov forgot to specify the cost of this mother's apartment, however, we are sure that the real estate was definitely more expensive, uah 29. similarly , burlakov does not declare the value of a land plot with an area of ​​more than 100 km in the kharkiv region and more than 60 thousand square meters. in the kirovohrad region, which
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his wife acquired earlier. huge questions about where the money came from to buy this property. burlakov was repeatedly spotted in alleged manipulations with the value of his property. in the declaration for 2017, as a candidate for the post of judge of the supreme court, he indicated ownership of corporate rights of three enterprises. the cost of just one of them reached over one hundred thousand hryvnias. at the request of the law, after being appointed to the position , burlakov got rid of them, he assures for... hryvnias, that is, he gave them practically for nothing, it looks like another attempt to hide real wealth. according to experts, burlakov is considered a creature of borys gulka, the head of the civil cassation court within the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the so -called judicial mafia, which has been destroying the judicial system of ukraine all these years. therefore, the only way to truly cleanse the courtroom authorities now to finally stop this circular guarantee. the ethics council and our international
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partners have drawn their own conclusions from this, but we need to draw our own conclusions from this, and if this continues, take away from judges the ability to determine and punish judges, because we already have this circular guarantee, sorry , it's long, it's been going on for years, decades, and citizens are suffering, ukraine is suffering. the dere foundation filed a complaint against the actions of serhii burlakov, a member of the vrp, however, taking into account the practice and consideration of complaints. for a quick decision on it until it is necessary. we, together with a group of experts, continue to monitor everything that is happening in the judicial system today, and we hope that the work on errors will not be delayed. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. join the ranks of the 100th separate
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mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, and rolls kilometers of roads. fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for two sisters and a brother who went missing in the kharkiv region, these are...
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nastya and eight-year-old artem morozovy. the connection with them was lost in august 2022 year, when they lived in kupyansk, which was still occupied at that time. and when the city was de-occupied, unfortunately, alina, nastya and artem were no longer there, and it was not possible to find out anything about them. therefore, their whereabouts are still unknown. and that's why i'm asking each of you, and especially the residents of kharkiv oblast. and kupyanska, if you know any information about alina, nastya and artem morozov, immediately report to the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the number 11630, the calls are free, and of course, please share this video in your on social networks, each of your likes, each of your reposts is really an invaluable contribution and a significant help in the search, because the more people ... this video, the
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more chances there will be to find the missing alina, nastya and artem. so let's not remain indifferent, and thank you in advance. one thing is clear: searching for children in the temporarily occupied territories is a very complicated process, and it may even seem to someone that it is almost impossible to find a child there, but this is not the case at all. in two years of full-scale war , the magnolia children's tracing service managed to find quite a few boys and girls who were considered missing during the occupation. one of such incredible and inspiring search stories is the story of 17-year-old nastya from the city. raisin, which is also in kharkiv oblast, and which was occupied in april 2022. now we will not show the photo of the girl, because fortunately she was found, but we will gladly tell her story, which has a happy ending. so, for
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help in the search , nastya's friend katya turned to us, who then asked to show this application of hers. that is, if you can get out to contact, then say that you are already. that you have food, water, drinking water, clothes and that you have a roof over your head, that everything is fine with you, please, just say this, that you are alive, and i will be the happiest. we immediately started a search for nastya and spread information about her on all available media resources, and fortunately, after some time the girl made herself known, she reported that she was alive, but together with her parents she was in the then still occupied territory, where almost... there was no mobile connection, and therefore she could not talk for so long nothing to report. of course, at that time the most important thing for us was that nastya got in touch, but at the same time we understood that the girl remained under occupation and in danger. and after the deoccupation of izyum, we managed
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to talk to the girl. hello. i'm fine. i am alive, healthy. my family and i have been here for about a month. home, to his home in his hometown of izyum, which cannot help but please. in turn, nastya's friend katya, who has been looking for nastya all this time with us, appeals to those who are currently looking for their relatives. he says that one must believe to the last and never lose hope. you don't give up, don't listen to anyone and keep believing in the best. i can say from my experience that... i waited seven months, long seven months, when various horrors were written on the internet, that there were many dead, that there was no city, i continued to believe, i already have friends who, with whom i messed up with their experiences, they already said, calm down there, maybe it’s too late, maybe not, it’s still okay, but no, i
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’ve written to everyone, lock everything, please, i’m to the last, i will believe that everything will be fine, everything will definitely be fine, this story is a clear testimony that there is a chance... to look for a missing child even in the most difficult situations, the main thing is not to lose hope, believe and act. so please go to the children's tracing service website. if you recognize someone, call our hotline 1163. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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the main event of world boxing only on megogo, the undefeated usyk and fury will determine the first absolute world champion since 2000. in the heavyweight division, cheer for the ukrainian on may 18, exclusively on mego. there are discounts, represented by coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us and what the world is like, now yuliy fizar, yuriy dobry will talk in more detail about what happened in the world evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during
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the war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhena postukhova, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina checheny for the information about... the cultures of the presenters, which have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts your assessment and forecast of development. events, want to understand how our today will affect
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our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, we are connected live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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congratulations, a new government is being appointed in russia, it is... not much different from what it was before, there are practically the same people, but putin
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unexpectedly offered a position to everyone minister of defense, a certain andrii bilousov, this is instead of shigu, who was in the same position for a very long time, 12 years, if not more, previously andrii bilousov held the position of first vice prime minister, in turn serhiy shuyguts became secretary of the security council instead of mykola patra. but patrushev himself now seems to be an assistant to the president, and according to dmitry piskov, valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. in principle, all these changes are interesting enough, we will talk about them now with maria kucherenko, she is an analyst of the come back alive fund, and she follows all the events that are happening very, very closely. in russia, and actually the changes that are taking place there, in particular in their elite, well
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, the russian propagandists themselves, well, frankly, were shocked by this new appointment and commented on it in this way, i listened, they said, please, to the comments of the russian pro. .. the news, of course, is sensational, unexpected, no one could have guessed. of course, a completely unexpected decision of the president. apparently, the destination it was a surprise for bilousov himself. he can be heard talking to the chairman of the upper chamber on his way to the meeting of the specialized committee of the federation council.
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well, you see, these are a little strange, these are the reactions, well, actually, maria kucherenko joins us, congratulations, maria, good day, well, you can’t seriously say that about the 37th year, but if it’s an official reaction, then let's see how the kremlin officially
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commented on why they made such a replacement. the president decided that the russian ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian. the ministry of defense should be absolutely open to innovation, to the implementation of all advanced ideas. that is why the president decided on the candidacy of andrii rymovych bilousov. as for the military component, this assignment will not change the current coordinate system in any way. the appointment of andrii bilousov, the first deputy head of the government, became a sensation in the kremlin , which is explained by the increase in spending on the power bloc from 3%, their share in the economy grew by 6-7%. peskov said that today he is winning on the battlefield the one most open to innovation. technocrat bilousov is just such a person. well
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, maria, they are talking about the fact that a person from the economy came, that a person who... is essentially a technocrat there, who is behind this appointment, and to what extent does their official comment coincide with the real motives of this appointment ? behind the appointment is putin's intention to fight for a long time, and to fight not only with us, but to fight with nato, and this is such an unfortunately unhappy prospect, and when it came to the appointment of bilousov and when... it was about the last appointments that went with him, that is, the story with manturov, that is, in general, such a fixation on the military-technical component, it is precisely about the fact that the russian federation, having launched this military-industrial machine, will not stop, and here it is really very important
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to understand that these are all motives related to corruption in the ministry of defense. stories about shoigu, his deputies, about timur ivanov, about whom everyone knew for many years that he was an outstanding and absolutely corrupt person, even by moscow standards. the story of yuri kuznytsova, who arrived yesterday, was the head of the main personnel department of the russian federation. it is not purely about corruption, although this motive is also there, it is also present. that's about the end of this iteration. which began with the so -called prigozhin march, continued with further processes that accompanied this so-called march, i mean personnel processes, and this iteration ended with the actual inauguration of putin, which was more like the coronation of the emperor, and now we see
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the completion of the complete completion of this cycle with appointment of a new minister of defense, we see... the end of this cycle with the appointment of oleksii dyumin to the presidential administration, and actually, putin needed all this with one main goal: to prove once again that he is still the arbiter between the towers, between the so-called towers the kremlin, i.e., when these first events took place and the media commenting and media coverage of what happened around prigozhin, gave the impression that allegedly... the shoigu and his group had prevailed, but of course the system could not allow such an imbalance. so what we see now was only a matter of time, unfortunately. well, by the way, it is interesting how exactly this story with the resignation of shoigu is being commented on, because, well, on the one hand, the word that the new appointee is not
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corrupt, well, it really sticks out in the comments. and on the other hand, it should be seen that actually only salov'ov rushed to say something good about shuigu, everyone, everything, everyone else somehow, well, not very directly, i would say, they defended him, but somehow very, very conditionally, well, let's see, i made such a selection precisely on this topic of corruption, because it's just interesting their reaction these, the economist scientist. a technocrat, a true patriot, a workaholic, absolutely free of corruption, the ministry of defense can be assumed to be in for a period of serious audit, a bet on maximum efficiency in...
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what about corruption in the ministry of defense under the chairmanship of shaigu? now came the period when the supreme commander decided. i thought, why didn't he notice his vice-billionaire? why didn't you notice? timur ivanov was declared for many years
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when specific questions arose. by the way, more there is no court decision. let me remind you that the investigation began under shoigu. ingratitude is not a russian trait, you will stop it. this is generally a very russian trait. first of all, cursing the one who left and adoring a new person seems to me to be an absolutely no-alternative solution, well, that is, yes, there are hints that now every penny must be checked, that is, well , probably before, every penny was not checked, well, on the other hand on the other hand, he is putin's appointee, well, that's all, and as if putin is responsible for everything, but... you know, what's interesting in this regard is that it means that after this prigozhin march and everything that happened around it, at a
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certain moment putin also lost trust in shaig, so it can be understood if he had to be replaced, well, and actually admit that the ministry of defense management was not effective, and what should shaigu do then, here the question is not... trust as such, here the question is that his subordinates, well, that is to say, chief gerasimov, they did not bring him the result he wanted, but do you remember the moment for example, when yerasimov was appointed commander of the united group, well that is, it was clear what to appoint next, well , only putin himself with shashkai on kane, ahead of vaiska, well, that is, it is not even a matter of trust or distrust of... ugh, it is a matter of total distrust of everyone who cannot provide for him the desired result, and we remember the desired result, what it was, well, that is, in the 22nd year, kyiv in 3 days
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and so on, there is no result, hence the actual reaction, and the fact that it happened now and that that, well, in my personal opinion, it was a matter of time, well, only i thought that it would happen in fact, the weakening of shoigu, and not from... completely removing him from, excuse me, the ministerial defense trough, and it was really a matter of time, because this distortion, the system, it cannot allow it, that is, if you are an arbiter in this system, you have to give everyone according to their merits, it looked like this after the so-called rebellion that the ministry of defense remained in favor, well, it shouldn't have been like that, and it caused. criticism from those who expected that all elements of the system would bear some responsibility, but now we see that they suffered, but again, the same shoigo,
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why i was actually skeptical about his resignation until it happened, i thought that there would be a story around his orders, around the weakening of the influence of his group, actually we see what total extrication of the shoigu from defensive streams. he is gone , and it is for the best for us, because, as piskov noted, after shvoigu's new appointment as secretary of the security council of the russian federation, he remains the curator of the federal service for military-technical cooperation of the russian federation, and it is very interesting that literally on the eve of poshoigu's decision , this service was taken out of the control of the ministry of defense, and now it is now subordinated to him personally. to the president of the russian federation, that is , such a bridgehead was created that, yes, you are left, well , without those flows, without that absolutely
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huge influence, which was, but... but we do, we remember that type of state, and what is it , well, the truth is there is no truth, children, but we leave you such and such a piece, well, that is, it will be enough for life, to say that it is not straight fallen, fallen, that's enough, but it won't be like before, well, what does bilausov imagine himself to be, what kind of person is he, what is his role in putin's system of power. and what is his role now after this appointment, because obviously it has changed, it has changed a lot, this is actually the person who will control, ah, i would say, the transition from the war economy, to the war economy, so this is the person, who all her life, all her career, she advocated the maximum nationalization of the economy, as we remember,
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his father... rym bilausov is a person who i did reforms with kosygin, and he really accepted this idea from childhood that what you have for the state, the main thing is the state, do it so that it is, well, not what is good for your state, but so that your state takes the place that she was appointed by her superiors, this is andriy removich belausov, besides, he is a person who... advocates maximum taxes, maximum taxation, i would even say, not taxes, but the responsibility of big business, and he was really very, very much in favor of it yes, well, it is always negatively perceived in these circles, besides, bilausov is a person, i would said that this is the embodiment of the government plan, but he himself is such a personification of the government plan,
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and even if you listen to him... his speech, his constructions are always something between a speech at a plenary session and a lecture at a university, that's really very, very much characterizes him, because actually to imagine someone else and some other intonation with such ideas would be very, very difficult, as far as i'm concerned, and he's really different, he's really different from ... what he is today, what was an economic block in the previous iteration of the government of the russian federation, that is, this is a person of a slightly different type, this is the soviet nomenclature, this is the elite, this is the understanding of this elitism, and the understanding that really, well, some such things, like there are golden toilets or something like that, it is not that, on why do you need to focus your attention, you will serve the tsar well, the tsar
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will give you anyway, or... i don't know, the leader or the general secretary, but in this internal, let's say, russian space, it is very actively being told that bilausov is that person , who reported to the king that 90, no, even there 100%, he said some elements of drones are made abroad, and therefore technically non-sovereign russia and here he is... as if he was the first to dare to say that it is necessary to be economically more sovereign, how much is all this legend, how much is there, objective reality, and actually, well , how it can affect the course of the war in the future, the course of what will be done in russia, in relation to the war, in relation to the military-industrial complex, well , in the case of bilausov, indeed, for the 23rd... year
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, he was fully responsible for everything, what is happening with unmanned systems in russia, this is such a really interesting position, it was about the fact that the influence will increase, but of course, really, well, i personally could not imagine him in the place of the minister of defense, although now we see it as a result, what he reported, yes, yes, that's how he reported it, well, but here the point is, are they ready to listen to you in such a case, because we perfectly remember how, for example,... denis manturov at certain meetings, who used to be responsible for the ministry of industry and trade, has now also received a promotion, that is, what is there in those terms and those demands that putin puts before the ministry of industry and trade are impossible, putin openly shouted at him, and that is, there are records of these meetings, there are records of what the reaction was, in the case of bilausov, when he reports something to putin, putin, well, i would say , yes... very carefully
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outlines what...


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