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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio. kateryna shiropoyas works. at night , during an air raid in sumy , a loud explosion rang out. this is reported by the public. the air force warned of the threat of ballistic missiles being used by the occupiers. the consequences of the impact are currently being clarified. and the number of wounded as a result of the russian attack on the center of kharkiv increased. a total of 21 people were injured. among them are three children. previously, the enemy hit the shevchenkiv district with four aerial bombs. city, damaged
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residential buildings, 15 garages and non-residential buildings building. this was reported to the regional police. subsequently, the occupiers shelled the salttiv district of the kharkiv region. actually, they recorded a hit in an open area there, and also found an unexploded rocket between two cars. meanwhile, in the kharkiv region, ukrainian defenders are working to save the lives of the military, we quote. the general staff moved to more favorable positions, it is about separate areas in the lukyantsiv and vovchansk districts. in general, according to the military , our defenders managed to repulse 11 enemy attacks in four directions. the fighting continues. explosions rang out in temporarily occupied sevastopol. russian air defense allegedly shot down several missiles in the area of ​​belbek tako airport. rescuers extinguished
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the fire caused by falling debris in the area of ​​the village of polyushko, informed the head of the occupation of sevastopol mykhailo razvazhaev. instead, local telegram channels reported the closure of traffic on the crimean bridge. and in the morning there were several aerial targets in russia, allegedly destroyed by air defense forces on the ice near belgorod. according to the information of the local authorities , the debris hit a residential building in the village of dubove, probably as a result of an accident. work of russian air defense, power lines were also damaged, two people were previously wounded. for more than a month, gennadiy dykiy, as the mayor of white tserkva, has been serving in the ranks of the zsu. during this time , local deputies visited the mayor at least twice, brought a car, a printer, as well as sweets and other products. dykiy himself talks about this in his social networks, but he did not say a word about where.
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serves and what position he holds, it is interesting that some help was bought for the taxes of the citizens of bilotserkiv. more details in my story colleagues we thank the taxpayers of the bilosivkiv community for such a wonderful gift. this video was published by the mayor of the city, gennady dykiy, on facebook shortly after he announced that he had been mobilized in the armed forces. assistance to the military unit. where he currently serves, were brought by white church deputies yuriy petryk, andriy korol, volodymyr vovkotrup, oleg denysenko, anatoly lyashenko, oleksandr balanovskyi and nazar kovalenko. believe me, he will transport any materials. i will show you after the war. thank you. thank you. as mykola, a member of the city council, explains gopainych, the issue of allocating aid to the military is always considered behind closed doors, and the corresponding draft decisions. is not
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published on the website of the bmr, but he does not recall that in the session hall support for the dnipropetrovsk regiment, in which officer dykiy is fighting, was voiced. to be honest, i would be ashamed, like other deputies, when material aid is provided to military units, to ask any questions, there was a phrase dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment, i don't remember such a thing, that is, they didn't announce to whom exactly they would go transfer certain bones. this is me , or was this car purchased with signatures ? these are my guesses, that we allocated funds later by some internal orders specifically for this military unit, now from relatives and relatives, as well as from the military personnel themselves, questions arise, why one can give that aid, and others who also have great needs for one or another military means do not allocate one or another material aid to them in order to find out... in what
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way the mobilization of the mayor of the city took place, he he himself came to the bilotserkiv tsk, he was served with a summons, does he pass the vlk at all? we asked the head of the local military. but he gained water like a freak. the bilotserki rtc of the tsp refuses to grant you the specified request to provide public information. instead, the ground forces assured us that hennadiy dyky was called up for military service on mobilization and enrolled in the a-1964 unit. and this, according to open data , was formed by the 1039 dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment. is part of the east command, area of ​​responsibility which has five regions, including kharkiv region. according to the order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, all servicemen called up for military service on mobilization must undergo appropriate training in
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training centers. however , the mayor did not specify how many days such preparation lasted, however, as his lawyer roman teticalo stated, during the review of the criminal case in the vax. as of april 10, gennadiy anatoliyovych was already in the combat zone, but here is a video message about joining the lavzsu city the chairman made public on march 30, that is, in fact , it turns out that it took only 11 days to improve the skills of an air defense officer. regarding his possibility, despite the fact that he is called to be mobilized to take part in the court session in the mode of appearance, for example, in connection with this... he wrote to me in a statement from the court that he is in the immediate zone of hostilities, is under direct fire, the internet is unstable and describes why he cannot participate in the vkz regime. describes on the second page all of however, reliability all information is checked by themis and on may 13
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it will probably become known whether the criminal proceedings regarding the abuse of power or official position will be stopped by the bilotserkiv city. chaired by yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. attention, we have an urgent collection. the espresso tv channel asks you to join the collection for a reliable off-road vehicle for missions by reconnaissance units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no reliable car at the front, and you yourself know this without me. an suv transports personnel and ammunition, drones are launched from them, it is like an island of life where everything around has been destroyed, the necessary specific car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains for us and you to buy it and hand it over to the front in general, the goal is uah 3,000, which is not so much, you and
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i closed much larger fees, now you can see all the necessary details on your screens, so please scan and go! more than 300 fortifications were built in kharkiv oblast within two years, in this convince the regional military administration. officials note that during the construction of facilities 5 km from the front line, the military was responsible. i am responsible for this and i am giving you the answer that there are more than 300 objects that... would have been built in 23 and 24 years. in the year 23, the distance was more or less 12-13 km, in the year 24, which was built there, it was more than 20 km.
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the ministry of defense and the state security service, the state service of special transport, who said that it was not possible to build from zero, in all, but not all cases, we will not comment at the moment, therefore that it will all be destroyed at once. that is why ova was really responsible, to put it simply, for the second and third lines, and right there mikhail volodymyrovych, if he were to say, what he says, that we have more than 300 objects. emergency power outage schedules were introduced the night before due to significant cooling. currently, there is a shortage of capacity at the stations, said the head of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi. according to him, electricity can be compensated by commercial imports. or consumption restrictions for industrial consumers, but sometimes the company necessarily involves restrictions for the population as well. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ateru broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. a short video on
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the hot topic of the shorts section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. be there every day. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you in less than an hour. then my colleagues will be waiting for you on the air.
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last minutes of preparation for the race, servicemen and veterans from the nezla rehabilitation center. change into t-shirts, put on running numbers and warm up. defender oleksandr ryasny, one
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of those who will overcome the symbolic distance of 70 m on a prosthesis. in september of last year, a man lost his leg after being wounded in the zaporozhye direction. it's very cool, you can really feel the people, such emotions can be said to be cultural. the impressions are wonderful, the emotions are so good. thanks for the support, any motivation? so of course you want to run, because that's all i have an educational protest, i want to run this marathon in the future, at least a kilometer to begin with, and then 10. this is the second offline running event organized by nova poshta together with newran since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. the half-marathon under the slogan "don't stop" was dedicated to all ukrainians who bring our victory closer every day. this is a marathon of unity of all ukrainians. 300 runners joined today. from all over the country, residents of kyiv, kharkiv, and poltava came today to
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support and thank the defenders and defenders we transfer all the initial contributions that we have collected to the nezlamnyi rehabilitation center. on the first day, the organizers held children's races for 100 and 500 m, and already on may 12, the participants ran for 21, 10 and 5 km. more than 3,000 ukrainians took part in the sporting event. among them are veterans with prostheses , volunteers, professional runners and amateurs. famous chef yevhen klopotenko also tried his hand. it is important to show that you don't just sit at home and donate money there or do nothing, but you stood up, ran 5 km, this physical exertion, you feel that support is important for you, you show it with your body and organism and with the money you pay for the contribution to participate in this, so it is super important, also the participants ran a distance of... this is a special race of length in 1 km, dedicated to everyone who in difficult
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battles chooses the freedom and independence of ukraine. i wanted to thank all the soldiers who defend our country and all those who are now at the front, for those who cannot, and for all those who somehow give themselves to our victory. it was it's difficult, because i really don't like cardio, but for the sake of the zsu, you can run. and thanks to the event , they collected. 2 million uah and all the funds will be transferred by the organizers to the physical rehabilitation and adaptation of the military from the center of nezlamni, the next marathon nova poshta plans to hold in kyiv in the fall. good morning. to everyone who watches the espresso tv channel, my name is andriy saichuk and the 812th day
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of the russian large-scale tour has already begun in our country, we, let me remind you, the spreso tv channel have been working for you all these 800 days for 12 days in order to talk about what is happening in ukraine, in the world and in order for ukraine to remain a democracy in ukraine, by the way, you know that yesterday secretary of state blinkin, the american united... in kyiv, and it is important that blinkin, by the way, in addition to playing rocking in the free world in kyiv, in a kyiv bar on the guitar, because he is so young... plays extensively in italy, but he also met with many representatives of public organizations and government officials, and of course, everywhere he emphasized that it is extremely important for ukraine not to to become the second russia, and for this , ukraine needs to remain a democratic country, and it needs to make many more reforms, despite the fact that there is
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a brutal war in ukraine. this is what state secretary blinkin emphasized, and speaking about... the basis of democracy, he spoke about the rule of law, the fight against corruption, freedom of the media, and we are proud to be part of these processes and represent ukraine precisely as a western european state, well, our strength, the power of the word, the power of the truth, it is there, it is amplified by our audience, so what thank you for watching espresso, i don't know, we are being watched a little, although i know that ... there are blackouts now, the power outages are so preventive, because the system was rebooted after the russian attacks, well, but the americans are already preparing to send us another patriot battery, so let's hope that the gradual situation evens out closer to the fall, and that's really the most important thing. viktor dudukalov is already with us, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council
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. mr. victor, i congratulate you, good morning. congratulations, congratulations, good, well. of course, i would like to ask first of all the news from berdyansk, there is no good news, because, well, berdyansk has been under occupation for more than two years, today we have another rotation of occupying police units, because there is a new wave, there are reports of a new wave of illegal searches, illegal arrests from my hometown, actually people, well... the latest trend, unfortunately, people are detained and searched solely because of their position, but because people are ukrainians and call themselves ukrainians, ukrainians, and recognize themselves as ukrainians in society, and for that they are simply defined as enemies, so to speak, there inside the occupation, and sent to the basement,
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where they are subjected to torture and for days, well , for many days, they do not tell their relatives where they are. what is their fate. the occupiers spent the may holidays, they had a lot of days off in the occupying authorities and all others, nothing worked, accordingly , many people could not receive either help or services of any kind, because they just had a victory frenzy there, and as predicted, pobedabesiya, they celebrated everything online, no , no, we have no real offline events on may 9. it was not, because the occupiers fear for their safety, the resistance does not sleep, the occupiers are afraid, we are happy about it, but unfortunately, unfortunately, the repressions are not decreasing. petro andlyuchenko, you write about the fact that in berdyansk at the port , salaries are not paid for more than two months, and people are even on strike. this is a very interesting point about the port and a very interesting hype
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about it that has spread on the network, but... here we define the first point: that they do not pay wages at the port, that they do not they pay their salaries not only in the port, but also to many of the so-called budget employees, this is not news, this is an absolutely standard situation, in the occupiers, this, well, it is the norm, because two, three months, at least, in almost every in the field, they delay or do not pay salaries, and then they just throw people for this money, regarding the strike in the port, a little... exaggerated, because i will say that the strike there was more in local chats, and not exactly at work in the port , because there are not so many civilians left to work there, because they were cut down at one time the occupiers, on the one hand, and on the other hand, all these citizens who came there on rostov numbers and are standing under the office
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of the port administration, they would in no way give space... to the residents to hold some kind of strike, the fsb officers would be there immediately and the rosgvardiya, whatever this strike or rally, or whatever, will be overcome very quickly, that is why we have the dissatisfaction of the port workers, we have a strike in the chats, we have non-payment of wages, but we cannot determine that the port has simply stopped, because , as i already said, and there are so many civilians, and there mostly the whole army. it works in the port, and today grain trucks enter and leave full of its property and grain, therefore the port generally continues to work and... the occupiers do not care about the locals, their maidans there and so on, so there cannot be any such open resistance there , we admit it. the occupiers
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announced the opening of the holiday season in berdyansk, i understand that the past two years were not successful here, and no one simply came, what this year, and the occupiers do not just announce the opening of the season, they announce half a million tourists. and this is a very serious indicator, realistically, which, well, they could encroach on such an indicator only before a full-scale invasion, only when trains were going to berdyansk, from kyiv, from ivano-frankivsk, from lviv and from other cities, and only when there was a real a working resort, when we had a water park, when we had a dolphinarium, a zoo. large-scale, maximally large-scale, all these establishments are really cool, today there is none of the above, there is no
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consumer who will go to this sea of ​​ours, which is all covered with rebs, rails and anti-aircraft the defense of the coast, where the majority is sold today, the majority of the resort business and... the bants say that it is necessary to open about 20 establishments and, next to that , to conduct incredible total inspections of their so-called readiness for these establishments, that is, we understand that there is no consumer, transport there is no resort to our resort, and there is none at all, well, there is peace and freedom, there is a curfew, there is a lot of military, there is a lot of total control, so what kind of resort are we talking about, i still do not understand, and we are predicting what two or three, a maximum of 5,00 tourists, as on the 23rd and 22nd, is the maximum that the occupiers can count on. that's all. also,
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i wanted to say something that i don’t know, but in reality in russia, they think so, listen, where are we going to rest in berdyansk, or after all, maybe in sevastopol, where recently a bunch of rockets flew by literally tonight, well there is basically a choice. but berdyanets seems to me to be a worse option in any case, and they, well, they say there that it's a little dangerous here, of course, we have rockets are flying and bullets are whistling, that is, they are doing a little bit for themselves, they are determining the space for maneuver, so if no one comes, then we think that we already have a mask for the future, for the future, so yes, they have such there is such a moment when they say, yes, well , it is dangerous, they may not come, but we calculate that 5,000... well, it will come , it will come, so to speak, by the way, about
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it will come, the residents of berdyansk are talking about the prices for funeral services , and for some reason they have grown terribly, and, for example, that is, they cost mostly. complex number three, i 'm just looking at the price tags here, the berdyan morgue is full, now, and what's the reason for this, i don't know, they write, and it's very, very, very expensive to bury a person, yes, yes, expensive, expensive in fact everything , absolutely everything, ritual services are incredible, because there are two such components, certain services that... at one time people could get simply, well, for free or tacitly from communal structures, today the occupiers define them as
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collaborators, define them as those who you have to pay officially or in your pocket, but ritual services take money for these services and, accordingly, they transfer this money, this is the first moment, the second moment, this is a story with queues everywhere. unfortunately also applies to dead people, i said about the holidays for a reason, the holidays determined such a history and situation that if a person died somewhere between may 5 and may 9, then it was possible to bury him only somewhere yesterday, the 14th, or the day before yesterday, the 13th -oh, because nothing works and the morgue is full, this and this is very very... you know, it looks harmonious in general occupation mode of work, they simply do not strain, they have holidays in the may half-moon.
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holidays before that there were some other half-moons there too, a week or so they spend more time there, and they artificially form all the queues, that's all the price increases, and then corruption begins, and corruption, by the way, there it is a more serious component, which determines the growth of all these prices and services, therefore, both funeral services and medical services, all services related to any officials, bureaucratic services. there are queues everywhere, there are walkers everywhere who are faster than you they will do it for money, if you want license plates for a car, please pay, please pay for these services so that they will be done for you faster, if you want to issue a passport faster, give a thousand or two rubles so that you can enter the passport desk from another door, without standing in line and so on, if you want to bury, pay, everything is paid, everything is expensive, because they put everything there on such economic rails, but
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i repeat, it's all... it's done in the dark, it's all without taxes, it's all without any accounting, it's corruption component, well, there is just piracy today in the 21st century, in the 24th year, on it is a great pity, and we still have such a situation, and people are forced to survive there without money, without income, and pay more than they paid for all this before the war. a gray zone of such lawlessness has formed in all the temporarily occupied territories where... russia came, viktor dudukalov was with us, thank you very much for the conversation, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, we are now going on a short break, then we will visit kherson, evgenia virlych will be in touch with us, editor-in-chief of cavuon city.
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two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at espresso dinner. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important - every thursday at 25.


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