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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people. and those who care about espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the biggest talker format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 8 p.m. in the project
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, velikiy lviv speaks on the air of the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, up to holy victory everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares. heals, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together, friends, we are coming back , lesya vakulyuk wrote, andriy saichuk, good morning to all those whom i have not yet greeted, thank you for joining us, good morning, we also say... yevgenia virlych,
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editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city, she also joins our broadcast, we are glad to see you, ms. yevgenia, it is good to see you, how kherson oblast survived this night, please tell us, well, traditionally with shelling, very powerful shelling was also yesterday afternoon, approximately in the evening , from what people heard and reported to us by the sound, it was ballistics, as well... just the day before yesterday in the evening, if we talk about the emergency turning off of the light that swept through the whole of ukraine, then in kherson it was, let's say, the norm of life, because after after shelling , the light goes out almost immediately in some areas, in some places in the whole city, so the night was actually quite loud, and we are waiting for the morning assembly, but what is happening in the occupied areas? parts of the kherson region, what
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news from there? the occupiers are very dissatisfied with the fact that ours managed to gain a foothold on nestryga a few weeks ago, this is an island of nestryga on the dnieper, there were reports about this, rather fierce fighting is going on at what is called our krynk bridgehead a little further, the situation is just as difficult in... . that, judging by everything, the occupiers are trying to make this very territory the territory of military operations, military operations, that is why their main activity is skadovsk, genichesk, the former skadovsky skadovsky genicheskyi district, that's how it will be right, that's why they actively sow propaganda there, they they just withdrew from the inauguration of their unrecognized president and... and now they are actively
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intensifying the terror of the local population again, i will not give details here, because they asked, well, it’s not that people don’t talk in detail, but very asked to talk about the fact that the terror of the local population continues, one can only imagine, given what we saw when bucha was de-occupied, and what stories were revealed there about how the occupiers treated our people, now we see what is happening in kharkiv oblast and we also saw what happened in kharkiv oblast in izyum, which was left behind by the occupiers, so you can also imagine all these terrible stories that are going on right now in the occupied territories, you mentioned skadovsk, and again about skadovsk, the continuation of the story that a few months ago thundered, i know that... you were very
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outraged by this story to such an extent that you wrote an appeal to the national council and not only, in my opinion, to some commission on journalistic ethics. the women's quarter or what it is called correctly, i just don't watch them, so i don't know, but i watched this issue because there were images of people who come from skadovsk, iryna gatun, her name seems to be yes, iryna gatun, she said then, of course, that she was not the only one, that there was a whole team there, because someone else. wrote this script, she said that she the immigrant from siskadovska, uh, so to speak, they laughed at the fact that immigrants are not good at speaking ukrainian, so i saw on your page again that you were indignant because this
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iryna gatun gave an interview again, we can listen to this piece now, and it was this piece that outraged you, the journalist decided to ask her how she lives after this. scandal, let's see, your name exploded very loudly on the network after the number in the 95th quarter about, we will not, why we decided not to comment at all, we and this take it away, please, i don't want, i don't want, but how is your career going after that, are you invited to play in plays somewhere in the 95th quarter, did you continue or did you fire us , we continue to work, but i don't want to adequate people know and understand this. life, i personally did not want to offend anyone, in the quarter i continue to work, no matter how you want it, in the theater i continue to work, no matter how you
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want it, so what about the list of peacekeepers, i somehow managed to remove my name from there, or if they already bring you, then you are already there, and what does it affect at all? well, that's how it is, somehow, you wrote a post about how you would rather ask me about this topic, so mrs. evgenia, we give you a platform and ask you about this topic, how do you like ir's answers in general. negatu and her reaction and, by the way, what about the list of peacekeepers, how does it happen there, when a person is already included, then what happens next with his name? well, first of all, thank you for giving me a platform, and actually that's why i wrote that if they are already asking about the scandal
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one person who took part in it, then it would be good to ask another, well, for some reason they didn't drink it, actually about the peacemaker well, it's still there... iryna gatun and mr. velikiy are also there, the actor who played with her, nothing has changed. i can see from the reaction of ms. iryna shuit that it is unpleasant. however, again, this phrase that adequate people understood, all others are probably inadequate, well, who knows. actually, in my opinion, this scandal and the attitude towards her changed a lot, so she continues to play, unfortunately, the reputation institute did not work at all here, but she became less in... the information space, because before the scandal she was quite a lot, really a lot in various shows and so on, it became less, that is , after all, somewhere the reputation institute worked, as much as it was painful to remember all this, it still is, that is , i think that it is a little easier for me, i still
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not from skadovsk, yes, but i survived the occupation, i know what it is, and i know how difficult it is to accept such things, and in fact, if the lady had simply apologized without all these additional pro... the adequacy of those who understood was would be much easier, and well, we are all human, we can all make some mistakes, that's normal, but those apologies that were, well, maybe they even hit more than the number itself, and actually i am very pleased that this story still resonates in the information space, despite the fact that four months have passed, and since the new year, that this story is all it is heard in the information space that it is not disappearing anywhere, that is , people... remember, it hurts people, because actually it was not only about people from skadovsk, they generally called skadovsk the east of ukraine, even though it is the south , that is, the people of the east have also joined, they are in pain much longer, and in general, this story should have some kind
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of continuation, the institution of reputation should still work, or the actors should apologize properly to those whom they offended and actually continue in... pretending, both of them are on peacekeepers, i know , that a person can be removed from the peacekeeper if it is proved that he is innocent, they are entered there manually, uh, if it is proved that the person is not guilty of anything, or er... somehow atoned for his guilt, he will be removed, but lately , what i was looking at, they are both still there, you know, i am not from skadovsk, i am i am not from kherson oblast, i was not in the occupation, my house was in the occupation, i was lucky, but i still dislike this story, and actually this kind of apology is unpleasant, because it is an apology without an apology, that is, in this apology it is said that you are just idiots , misunderstood. and we just wanted to make a fun joke, absolutely, i have
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a short question, after all, to ms. evgenia, ms. evgenia, 160 different objects of toponymy were renamed in kherson, i would like to note that one of the alleys that bore the name , it seems, now izhudkovsky, mayakovsky, now bears the name of augusta virlych. and that's your grandfather, right? am i not wrong? yes, that is absolutely true. how do you know that some kind of historical justice returns to the streets, wants a beaten and cut person. yes, he will tell about his grandfather. very nice of you to ask that. in fact, when the renaming of our family was going on, a lot of people turned to me, because my grandfather lived a rather complicated and at the same time interesting life. he died in 2017, he was a prisoner
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of the constabulary, he, he was in soviet exile, he was released from there in 1954 on the so-called anniversary of friendship, what the russians call the friendship of the ukrainian and russian people, the three-year anniversary of the pereyaslav council, and since then he has been engaged in local studies and engaged in very, very hard work, it was more difficult... times, because he collected the history of the repressed, he studied the history of the region, then he became one of the active participants of the people's movement of ukraine in the kherson region, the memorial society. after ukraine gained independence, he was engaged in issues of the famine, coverage of stories repressed, he did a lot, a lot, a lot, and actually even was. is a righteous man of ukraine, his family, our family, saved jews during the second world war.
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a lot can be said about him, an honorary citizen of kherson, and actually i, i wanted one of the objects to bear his name, here it is, he is about my age, in my opinion, maybe a little older in the photo, but i didn't want any such discussions or anything else, in the end, i was persuaded to submit to... the city military administration from the foundation in his name, we founded the foundation in his name, which included both his relatives and his students, just people who studied the history of the region based on his materials, we submitted such a request, and with such an opinion: it will be, it will be, it will not be , will not be, but people gladly supported it, almost 60% of the votes were in favor of renaming it after his name, and i am very pleased that the alley in the very heart of the city, which faces... the windows of the premises where he worked, well so it happened, i don't know what the logic was, or someone suggested this very
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lane, something happened like that, now it has a name grandpa, one of the city's schools is located there, and i'm very, very pleased, er, i'm glad that there is some kind of historical justice, and it works, it's a pity that it takes so long to do this, well, but nevertheless, mrs. evgenia, thank you, you are beautiful. that this education has not disappeared, it continues, yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city, was with us, dear friends, we are moving on, and now we are moving to kharkiv oblast, which is suffering from the attack of muscovites, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council and an employee of the center for strategic communications and information security is with us, mr. serhiy, good. morning, as it is in kharkiv oblast, please tell me, good morning, how the night passed, the night passed, thank god,
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we perfectly understand that all this time hostilities have been going on, well, first of all, in the direction of volcha, in the direction of livtsi, the russians are trying to advance, our military gives them a worthy reward, and of course our policemen, rescuers, volunteers, they occupy... the evacuation of residents of the most dangerous communities and regional the administration here receives them, places them, and so on. are trying to set up in other regions, in fact, it is certain that everyone is watching how the events are developing now in ovchansk, which is the latest news report, well , the fighting is going on, the fighting is going on on the northern outskirts of the city, this is the latest information, of course we
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see that the russians want to capture volchansk again, it was in february of the 22nd year. we see that they want to go to the july church line, as it was in february 22, this will give them the opportunity to terrorize the city again barrel and jet artillery, i mean kharkiv, and well, this is what they are trying to achieve in the obvious, of course no one announces the plans, of course they say through their propaganda that they want to capture kharkiv, but we understand, so to speak, that rather after all, they... are planning, or do they have a great desire, to return to the situation there in the spring of 22, when they could destroy northern saltivka daily and virtually with impunity and beat, well, other parts of the city, too from the various types of weapons that they had, well, let's say
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unavailable for shelling of kharkiv after the liberation of kharkiv region, in particular the northern part. residents of vovchansk say that this offensive and what is happening is much worse than what happened in 2022, a town where 17 lived, now there are several hundred left, those older people who stubbornly stood their ground and said, that they will not leave their native land, they are evacuating, looking at these shots, my heart breaks, because these are older grandparents, either bedridden or those with walkers. they can only move in old age and are forced to to leave their homes, because it is simply dangerous to stay there in those homes, mr. sergiu, of course, yes, in the frame, the ones we see are mostly elderly people, older people, and the reason is very simple, because those who are younger , those who are more mobile, they usually left these
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dangerous communities in their own vehicles, the police and volunteers, they are already evacuating... people, well, it is precisely from this category of citizens, and the cruelty of the russians about what they are telling, of course, it has increased significantly , because they must be trying to get revenge for their failure there in the spring and fall of the 22nd year, when they were expelled first from a partial area from the north of the region, then from almost the entire region, and it is worth understanding that when the russians fled in... the 22nd year, most of the collaborators, who worked for them, who was loyal to the russian authorities, the russian occupier, she also went to the territory of russia, and there remained people who were waiting for liberation, waiting for ukraine, and the russians also understand this, and they, if they are there in the 22nd year had any illusions that they would be met here
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with bread and salt, now it’s just a completely different mood, the mood of the invaders, and not that of the liberators, as they might have felt after listening to russian propaganda back then, so of course there are reports of people being cruel to the civilian population in those populated areas points, and people who escaped from under occupation, they escaped with injuries, including from small arms, uh, from which the russians shot at them, they are kept there, kept and kept in... basements and someone managed , but we know that someone is actually being held hostage there now, we cannot talk about the number of these people, because there is no such information, but those who escaped, they tell that this is exactly what is happening there, there is so much talk about the construction, the construction of digitization fortifications in kharkiv
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oblast, which president zelenskyy, i will remind you, called exemplary, a few months ago for other oblasts in... it seems that 8 billion uah were laid through some companies, or will they discuss it now in kharkiv in what way, if possible briefly? well, let's say it's such a simple story, i would n't venture to comment on it now, because we have, so to speak, contact with the military, they basically say that if we're talking about the third line of fortifications there, which is occupied by the 92nd brigade, then ... in principle , there are no special complaints there, and it should be borne in mind that there cannot be fortifications on the border itself, because when ... building fortifications, one must first of all focus on the landscape of the area there, and not on the state border. this is such logic, unfortunately, and secondly, thirdly, no
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we must forget that from the end of the 22nd year , in fact, the same border areas, in particular vovchanskyi, were under constant shelling from artillery and cabs, so of course the mini-barriers, if they were there...were not, well, we can't say in which battalion they were there, but they actually also suffered from these shellings, the russians were preparing. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, for the opportunity to talk about what is happening in kharkiv , kharkiv oblast, we wish you a peaceful day, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, an employee of the center for strategic communications and information security was with us, we are going for a short break, then we will continue, oderka bila, a volunteer from dnipro, will be with us , please stay. respect the traditions and be proud of your culture with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern
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with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is a way from scratch. our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we are calling on everyone to join nato in raising from scratch to life atvs for the 93rd brigade cold ravine in the direction of chasiv. friends, we are coming back and now dnipropetrovsk region is in touch with us. odarka bila is a volunteer from dnipro, we are joining eter. good morning, ms. odarko, please tell me how the night went in dnipropetrovsk region? no, just a second, because we have some problems with the sound, you can hear us, but we are watching you. if they don't hear,
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let's try now, please, and yes, now we hear, good morning, yes, thank god, this night passed without any casualties, but we, as a region, and i personally do not remember the day, whenever drones were launched in our area, whether by artillery or drones, and this night was no exception, because... there was a direct attack by drones, the night before, unfortunately, we have one man wounded and also killed, so, unfortunately, our situation remains that every day and every night our area is under fire, apart from constant shelling, now we have added power cuts, and it probably also adds...
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or shall we say, selects the mood, which is not very much anyway, how people react to these turning off the lights, it's clear that we're already used to it, but it's better to get used to something good than something that makes our life worse, and you know, it's still a warm season, yes, more or less a normal reaction, at least here and there dnipro, what i see, according to my colleagues. uh, i know, but people are a little afraid of the heating season and are already thinking about it, while we have shutdown schedules mainly at night, so in general, let’s say, people’s lives are not affected much during the day, but for example, for entrepreneurs, we received a message that the schedules will operate around the clock, that is , during the day they can be turned off specifically
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for... industrial enterprises, as for the population, i repeat, this is only as of now at night time, mrs. oddarka, there is literally a minute left, what kind of conflict was there, someone in a t-shirt with the inscription "ukhyland " tried to enter the shopping mall, dnipro, and you know about this story, to be very brief, yes, i know about this story, i prepared a corresponding parliamentary request, and it is actually very big. because it's not, it's not petty hooliganism, i am convinced that this is a purposeful action, because there is, you understand, a change of concepts and an attempt to build such and such an image, as if positive of this hooligan, although in fact we perfectly understand that there is a certain large-scale war going on in our country, and these jokes, like some try to write it off as a joke, they
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are completely inappropriate. and not only the person who wears this t-shirt should be held responsible, but also the business that prints in such quantities, that is, sold, this t-shirt is sold for sale in to one of the malls and shopping and entertainment centers of dnipro, that's right, it's absolutely true, at first it was exclusively online sales, and as we could see, as i personally watched from different cities of ukraine on different internet sites, and then. it got to the point that in one of the shopping centers they started selling t-shirts on just such an island, this whole story is complex and complex and about patriotism, both real and not real, and about maybe some kind of pacifist movement in ukraine, or just about people who do not they love ukraine, or about bad mobilization, yes a lot has come together in this whole t-shirt now, ms. odarka, thank you very much for the conversation, udarka bila, a volunteer from dnipro, joined us,
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dear friends, well... and we are approaching 8:00 in the morning, which means that there is already a fresh selection of news , and kateryna shirokopoyas is ready to tell you what happened there in ukraine and the world. katya, you have a word. greetings lasya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you about the next explosions in russia, as well as the construction of fortifications in kharkiv. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the number has increased wounded as a result of the russian attack on the center of kharkiv. a total of 21 people were injured, including three children. previously, the enemy hit the shevchenkiv district of the city with four aerial bombs. damaged


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