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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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the dnipro was included with us. dear friends, well , we are approaching 8:00 in the morning, which means that there is already a fresh selection of news, and kateryna shirokpoyas is ready to announce it to you, what happened there in ukraine and the world. katya, you have a word. congratulations, lasya, congratulations andria. in a moment i will tell you about the next explosions in the russian region, as well as the construction of fortifications in the kharkiv region. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the number of injured as a result of the russian attack on the center of kharkiv has increased. in total, 21 were injured person, among them three children. previously, the enemy hit the shevchenkiv district of the city with four aerial bombs. damaged
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residential buildings, 15 garages and a non-residential building, this was reported to the regional police. subsequently, the occupiers shelled the salttiv district, where they recorded a hit in an open area, and also discovered an unexploded rocket between two cars. meanwhile , ukrainian defenders in the kharkiv region, in order to save the lives of the military, quoting the general staff, moved to more advantageous positions, we are talking about separate areas in the district. lukintsiv and vovchanska. in general, according to the information of the military, our defenders managed to repulse 11 enemy attacks in four directions. the fighting continues. over 300 fortifications were built in kharkiv oblast within two years. the regional military administration is convinced of this. officials note that the military was responsible for the construction of facilities 5 km from the front line. i am responsible for this
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and i give you the answer that more than 300 objects, which were built in 23 and 24 in 23 and 24, in 23 the distance was more or less 12-13 km there, in 24, which were being built, there were more than 20 km, defense mines and dsst'. special transport services, who said that it was not possible to build from zero, in all, not in all cases, we will not comment at the moment, because it will all be destroyed at once, well zero is zero, so yes, ova was really responsible, to put it simply, for the second and third line, and right there mykhailo volodymyrovych, if he said what he says, that we have more than 300 objects, during a briefing for journalists after the meeting of the working group called transparency and accountability of kharkiv officials.
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regional military administration complained that very few companies are willing to build fortifications without full advance payment, which is why the dubious origin of the companies was not key in determining the contractor. and for some , the feedback in certain areas of life is not good, for others it is good, but the question is how a person works, so here, for example, there is still a moment of volunteering, a volunteer can be... an athlete, excuse me, a nurse, a prosecutor , a judge, a politician, a convicted person, but everyone works forward to victory, so if you dig for feedback, everyone has some questionable feedback, even each of us has our own skeleton, let's now analyze the facts, well, the facts, i tell you, the facts, there is a director who turned to hov, offered his comrades, they looked, okay, all of us fuses are provided for in the contract, more on them... it concerns some kind of reputation
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story, because this is the field of activity. during the day, the enemy shelled six settlements in zaporozhye, in particular, the occupiers fired a salvo from a jet system at malynivtsi, alevadny and robotyn. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the russians also attacked populated areas with drones and artillery. fortunately, no one was hurt. explosions also rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol. russian air defense allegedly shot down several missiles in the area of ​​balbec airport. the rescuers also extinguished the fire caused by falling debris in the area of ​​the village of polyushko, informed the head of the occupation of sevastopol mykhailo razvozhaev. instead, local telegram channels reported the overlap traffic on the crimean bridge. two explosions rang out in the rostov region, there were two wires. they attacked the fuel base,
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the governor of the region informed. it was also loud in belgorod oblast. the occupiers allegedly destroyed several air targets, and the debris hit a residential building. still dubova, probably this is a consequence of the unsuccessful operation of the russian air defense, also damaged power lines, two people were previously injured. the united states plans to send one more patriot battery to ukraine, and will also transfer radars, it is written in seen by bloomberg. the agency assumes that the us will allocate funds for the air defense system from the recently approved aid package. european partners also plan to send additional air defense systems to ukraine. concerned again in the organization of the united nations are worried about the escalation of attacks on the energy infrastructure of ukraine. this was stated by the director of the coordination of humanitarian
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affairs, lisa dowten. in the last two months alone, russia has struck 388 strikes on ukrainian energy. since the end of february, russia has carried out almost 400 strikes on more than 130 energy infrastructure facilities and thermal power plants, dams and power transmission systems. these attacks destroyed almost all of ukraine's thermal energy. only on april 27 , four tess were damaged. on may 8, russia attacked two more hydroelectric plants, which are no longer working. all this is done by a country that called itself a friend of the un charter. emergency power outage schedules were introduced the night before due to nighttime cooling. currently, there is a shortage of capacity at the stations, said the head of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi. according to him, electricity can be compensated through
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commercial imports, or consumption restrictions for industrial consumers. however , sometimes the company is forced to attract restrictions for the public as well. every day , people with reduced mobility face various obstacles on the street, in transport, in food establishments, they, like all people, want access everywhere, universal design can help here, it is architectural interior and exterior conveniences for all categories of the population. educated people in wheelchairs with five oblasts of ukraine have already checked the lviv facilities for availability and will later provide recommendations on their establishment. barrier-free space, as it was, our team learned. 10 people in wheelchairs checked lviv institutions for accessibility. for this purpose, residents from lviv, ternopil, rivne, volyn and ivano-frankivsk regions underwent online training. this practice
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was organized by the public organization all-ukrainian association of persons with disabilities, a group of active rehabilitation. for participants could expertly conduct barrier-free audits. in their communities. this event is a practicum, in fact, which concludes our training cycle, which has been going on for almost more than a month, it was in an online format, where we actually learned together what accessibility is, what norms regulate accessibility, and how to actually arrange an inclusive bar outdoor spaces, both inside buildings and in the open air, so to speak. the inspection of establishments was carried out on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex, at the request of the residents themselves. who want to do their institutions are accessible to everyone, the auditors in particular inspected the bookstore, science museum, food establishments, they say that the space must meet the requirements of safety and accessibility for all groups of the population with limited mobility, i.e. people with disabilities, impaired vision, hearing, the
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elderly, parents with baby strollers , what we saw, almost everything is fine, there are no, however, indicators for people with visual impairments, there are no tactile noises. there are no certain contrasting elements so that people can see where the front door is, yes, so we will work on some points and will provide recommendations accordingly to the owners to make this space truly barrier-free, and we hope that after that we will be able to provide professional services, conduct surveys in all cities of ukraine and accordingly make our common space more accessible and safe, interesting and so that it was... was useful for all citizens of our society. participants carefully inspect and measure the height of the racks, the width of the entrance passages, the presence of handrails and ramps, audiovisual elements and tactile plates. there is not enough room to turn around, you cannot drive up
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at an angle, to move to the toilet, there is neither one nor the other nearby. trash, here you have to click on... to open it, vasyl is one of the participants of the training course on accessibility, the man came for the audit from the volyn region, he says, kolisny has been in a wheelchair for more than 11 years, for his personal. comfortably uses his own car, but even here there are problems, in particular with the availability of parking spaces. i need at least another meter near the driver's side so that i can change my seat, move into the car, fold my seat, throw it in the car, actually such places there is none, or if i leave a place for myself to move, someone always parks in such a way that i cannot move to the car, there are also cases when there is a parking space, but... to leave it, for example, there are no downgrades to the institution . after the audit, the participants will prepare
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reports and give the owners of establishments practical recommendations for creating a barrier-free space. they all hope that the number of available locations for all categories of the population will increase in the future in the cities of ukraine. for this, they are ready to advise business and government institutions natalya stareprava, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. we have an urgent collection. we are asking you to join the collection for a reliable off-road vehicle to carry out missions by reconnaissance units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in extremely difficult conditions without a reliable car at the front. the suv carries personnel , ammunition, and drones are launched from them. they are like an island of life where everything around is destroyed. the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine - this is good news. it is currently being repaired and equipped. worse that left redeem and transfer to the front. in general, our goal is uah 3,000. i believe that the amount
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is sufficient for us to close this collection together. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you at 10 o'clock. later , my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy seichuk will be waiting for you on the air. don't switch.
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dear friends, we are back in the ether, we continue our marathon, you are watching espresso, who is watching us on tv , well, who may want to watch us, but not knows how to find us, can find us on youtube, subscribe to our social networks and thus be with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are in this studio. we work for you until 12 o'clock, we will continue our roll call and we will also talk about
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what is happening at the front, but now i want to remind you that we have a collection for espresso, a huge collection of 4 million hryvnias we need to collect and i hope that together with you we will do it as soon as possible, these two days are going well, the two days i mean monday and tuesday, monday 70. 9 thousand, tuesday 61 thousand, the pace dropped a little, but nevertheless, i hope that we will level it together with you. what we are gathering for, what you see on the screen, is a military man who is being evacuated on a quad bike, and it is quad bikes that are needed by the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these atvs will not only evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield, but you can also use atvs to deliver ammunition, which is very... which our military needs very much in order to defend the country from the enemy, you are now on your
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on the screens you see qr codes, card numbers are indicated under the qr codes, the card number is also indicated on the title, also follow our broadcast, because while we are talking with our guests, the qr code appears during this time, join in with your donations, and also under our youtube broadcast, under the description , all the details are also indicated, if suddenly... you got distracted, didn't see the qr code, didn't have time to scan it, didn't have time to write down the card number, you can go to youtube, find , youtube channel, you can subscribe on him, you can. put a favorite under our youtube broadcast and you can find a description under this youtube broadcast, and if you didn't have time to do it right now, you can watch our broadcast again already in the recording and there again find all the necessary details, for every hryvnia we are extremely we are glad, moreover, that we will soon have half a million hryvnias, 449 thousand as
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of this morning, this amount was, and therefore 51 00 from half a million us from... i hope that this amount, while i was making this announcement, has changed, and yes, that’s how it is, we already have 452 in our account, thank you to all those who responded so quickly and efficiently, well, we’re including serhii brachuk, the spokesperson, in our conversation, yes, they tell us that he is not there yet, well, we are waiting for his appearance on our airwaves, especially since we want to ask him about the hot events in odessa. there is some strange, confusing story with the fact that a man in a military uniform attacked a girl and beat her, what was the reason for the beating and is this man in a military uniform really a military man, maybe mr. serhii knows more details, there is one more story, by the way, that is also complicated, although i don't know, it is not very complicated, but
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it seems that everything with it is quite simple, the son of judge yevgeny yevheniya. he is yevgeny ablov, who was the right -hand man of pavel vovk, a judge, scandalously famous, ugh, and who has some incredible fortunes declared, there are all kinds of porsches, the mayor and whatnot, well, they are from odessa, so this is the son of this yevheny ablo ivan, he is suspected, he was detained, he himself , more precisely, surrendered, it is suspected that he stabbed his friend, they had a fight somewhere there. with a kitchen knife, and he did it this year on new year's eve, ugh, well, they had some kind of drunk sportsman igor gergel, gergel, and he ran away from the scene of the crime, so there was some kind of bail there, too something, well, in a word, the fact that journalists have now seen him, he is calmly walking around
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odessa, calmly drinking coffee and so on, and in general in principle. it doesn't bother with anything, so to speak, you know, and it doesn't steam, but what? no, well, maybe he is steaming somewhere in the bath, well, maybe in sauni, and somewhere there, but here, so that’s the story, well, why not, you know, when blinkin was there, you know, he said that ukraine needs to overcome corruption, and he clarified what corruption is from the point of view from the point of view of the united states of america and blinken, it is not that in principle there are any corrupt people, they certainly exist everywhere, but when... blinkin said that there are people in ukraine for whom the law is not written, that is, there are the law is for, as those people say, fools, because who is a fool, in principle, in today's current situation to the state system of ukraine, you must ask , of course, volodymyr zelenskyi, he is probably better versed in these issues, but i risk omitting that a log in our system
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is a state one, it is actually quite a defined term, it is... a person who is law-abiding, law , abiding citizen, there is such an expression in the english language, a law-abiding citizen, that is , a law-abiding citizen for such, as it seems to me, ivan ablov and his father, who in principle should be the leaders of this law and the right for all equal, they for these people they are just idiots, but they, instead, are people... for them the law is not written, for them there are some other laws of their own, this is my theory, you know, this term idiot, which i borrowed somewhere from some russian , probably gangster, prison vocabulary, well, but he basically got used to it, you just have to understand what it is about, well, well, that's
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the story, well, blinkin says that and not only blinkin, britzkir says about it. the same one who was sent to oversee how we master american and european aid here, she too what ms. prytsker says about this show, the very paradigm of ukrainian thinking regarding corruption must change, not that corruption, i don’t know, when he brought candy to the doctor or took it to school, i don’t know, for repairs or on or with congratulated the teacher with flowers, well, it's just bad taste, well, but in the end, it's what it is, that's why we have it. it will not be excluded from the european union, but in principle, if there are people for whom the law is not written, there is no equality before the law, that is the main thing, as well as... and the absence of inevitability of punishment, that is the main thing is that the journalists now went to this place, looked at what is happening in dubai, ugh, all those heroes of the corruption scandals of the past
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years, all of them have 20 different apartments in elite penthouses and live in dubai, and you know it’s normal, listen, it ’s not far from dubai must, that moment that we included for evgenia virlych, where this iryna gatun, the actress of the 95th quarter, who joked about the siskadov woman, there is some kind of party, and everyone is happy, and everyone is so young, smiling, and everything is fine, everyone is kyrylo, and kyrylo tymoshenko, for example, how many they didn't talk about the fact that there were all these scandals and so on, he stayed somewhere like that for six months, he said, listen, sit there, there at that country house, you'll go there just for a ride with... or what he was bragging about
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his wife, well, in short, you can go to dubai there , hang out with normal guys, so don’t comment on anything, and then we ’ll put you back in a new way somewhere on some streams, well , somehow it looks so visible, and my god, again, those companies affiliated with tymoshenko are already shooting these videos by order of the state where... well, you know this story, when they took it clip, i.e., an old commercial made by the jeep company, the ones that produce cars, american, they did it at the super bowl, that is, it is a car company in general, but they took this topic, they showed it, well, that is, in principle, everything is very simple there , maybe you have seen this clip, that is , this is this, this is this, that is, they show children of all ages, mothers, or... there, but there are no mothers, because there are no fathers, they, they, they are in the army, they are somewhere at war , this is the united states, showing flags, showing a school, showing children
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watching tv by themselves, something else, all very it's simple, and then this moment, and and and they fly in, they fly in, and here we are now showing, yes, that, that, that, that, that, that, that's that, that's the original, that, and then here they are about... just ordinary life, and the ordinary life of people, a sad dog, uh, an american swing, here, uh, children are swimming, somewhere they are smiling, something else, oh, but, but a very poignant thing that, something like that gives birth, very poignant, you know , that's all, and, and, and in principle, we see that in fact they miss... a father or a mother who is in the army, that's it, but everything is like that, you know, without exaggeration, without additives, as the poles say
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, it's done, and here we see the father, and here we see a jeep, because this is an advertisement for a car, in fact, people, it's just an advertisement for a car, it's a commercial advertisement, it's the heroes being met, they've arrived , and here they go. and the car, they're promoting the car, but i don't know why, but it 's breathtaking because it's somehow really filmed, that is, because there's a car by a car, but it's real emotions, it's really what's experienced, and at the end idea, writes that jeep, we, we are proud, we are proud that we sell cars for our army, it is literally, that is, to steal an idea, that's not all, it's commercial advertising, which. you perceive it as not really advertising, but patriotism, pure patriotism, and vice versa, that is, the video that was made on the order of the state in order to develop
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patriotism, it was simply copied one to one to everything that the americans had, in that company tymoshenko, who has some kind of relationship there, and accordingly, this is not a state order, they copied it down to the exactness of the storyboard, they even remade the same swing, which is not typical at all for... i don't know ukraine, i don't see such swings in principle in our country, that is, everything is very, very, there the dog also lies sad, and children are also bathed, only light-skinned ones, for some reason, there is something else, and - but, but it doesn't stick, it doesn't stick, there's just a feeling that it's a cheap commercial advertisement, as if at the end they'll say, and you don't need to overpay for this washing powder is cheaper, or this shampoo, and... i don't know, some kind of intellectual nonsense, which was demonstrated, but that's all about the fact that tymoshenko is being asked, like, how come, you stolen completely, he says, this is a non-judgmental
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matter. and it is not reprehensible, probably there will not be a jeep to protest there, you know, to make big plans there, as they say they regretted the old ideas, the old advertising for the sake of the ukrainian victory there, relatively speaking, but the question is that for such people it seems to me , there are simply no people, how should i say it, first of all, they are, i agree with whom i said, victoria sumara also wrote there... that for these people there is simply no, they do not feel, they do not feel, what this war is about , what this state is fighting for, that's why they don't can convey this emotion, this is my impression, they copied the footage, they did not copy the emotion, thank you for your attention, dear friends, serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, cannot be contacted, something must
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have happened, because mr. serhiy always... . is joining our airwaves, maybe we'll try to contact him later, if it works out, by the time these 10 or 15 minutes have passed, you've already added 10,000 to our account, thank you to everyone who responded, the collection is ongoing, so join us, we will now go to a short break, then we will return and then we will be able to listen to interesting conversations, we will talk with an artillery officer of the fourth brigade. rubish, volodymyr nazarenko of the national guard of ukraine, well, you can, who hasn't yet thrown in a few hryvnias for our military on atvs, you can do it, we'll be back after a break. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn.
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