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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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on the trap, investigation of the country. when and how will crimea return to ukraine? interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat chubarov. how did the defense of kyiv actually take place? colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu. memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of the main. ask for country magazine at points of sale. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough yereo. reo is water for special medical purposes, i save myself reo, i save children reo, and i save myself reo. reo - water for special medical purposes.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts included. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you, more.
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we are 40k away from half a million in our atv fundraiser for which we need 4 million, so join us, the qr code will now appear in that corner of the screen, and then the card number will appear on the title, and we will talk in the meantime with volodymyr nazarenko, an officer artillery of the fourth brigade of the national guard rubizh, mr. volodymyr, good morning, good morning studio, good morning tv, tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. and we thank you for the opportunity that you can come to us on the air and tell our viewers the news from the direction where you are, if you can tell what direction it is, tell us, our team continues to perform tasks in the east in very hot mi, with for security reasons, i don't want to say the exact areas, the exact anchors, but we clearly understand what the enemy is pressing as hard as possible, and my comrades have to repel enemy attacks every day, are subjected to... shelling every day
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, there is contact every day, both artillery and shooting contact, and therefore our fighters, our heroes, both infantrymen, both machine gunners and mortarmen, artillerymen , tankers, every day do everything possible to grind the enemy, repulse enemy attacks, work on counter-battery work, destroy enemy guns, etc., you know, the other day there was information about the loss of manpower... russians something there 485 00 , if i am not mistaken, and this is quite a large number, i don’t know whether it is the killed or the killed and wounded who fell out of line from the battlefield, but looking at what is happening in the kharkiv region and reading the news that the russians are just pushing and shoving, listening to other soldiers from other directions, they again say that it is very huge. the number of manpower, in addition to the fact
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that they, they have a large number of weapons with which they attack our positions, according to your feelings, in your direction, how many russians are there now and how many of those russian weapons are itself, unfortunately, we can say that they have an advantage in the number of ammunition, in the number of guns, if we talk about artillery, but here it must be clearly understood that they are trying to work in extreme months not only because... bombing with squares, under adjustments with their copters, eagles, wings, drones, etc., and thus trying to adopt the tactics of the defense forces, the artillery of the defense forces, trying to bring every projectile to the targets, this is a certain danger, that is why it is important for us to have an advantage in accuracy, an advantage in ammunition, an advantage in the number of artillery, so that , after all, as soon as the enemy's cannon wakes up, they can suppress it, as for manpower, we clearly understand that we kill every day
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a number of orcs, and dozens, and more than dozens happen, especially when they try to storm, to no avail somewhere. accumulates and they begin to fly there, fire damage is inflicted on them, all units work on them, and artillery, mortars and pilots of strike drones, fpv drones, and anti-tankers, and with some kind of missiles, means, the enemy carries large daily losses, but we clearly see that the enemy has the opportunity to quickly renew and replenish their losses, and perhaps they have... quite at first glance unlimited reserves both in manpower and in equipment, so the situation is as tense as possible, the far rear , they are simply teeming with equipment and orc personnel, so there is a clear impression that the orcs simply have an unlimited number of manpower and
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ammunition, and moreover, unfortunately, they are learning every day, trying to reduce their losses every day, trying to do less dangerous for their actions and... they, unfortunately, try to protect their lives, but again, they are not very successful in this, because in those attempts of assaults, which are mostly repelled, which mostly do not bring them any results, they bear huge losses and in between to protect their lives and to storm, they still choose and including the tactics continue , including these meat assaults that took place in 22-23 years, mr. volodymyr, very briefly, or now the enemy is trying to use this window of opportunity, or it already is is closing and american aid is already coming in? i don't want to report how and how much is going, what means are available, but in any case, speaking for
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the artillery units, we understand very well that our priority is for the guns to speak their words at a critical moment, let's say so , our own and... stopped our fellow infantrymen with our firepower, so one way or another, and in the conditions when there was a delay from american help, our guns still worked, although, again, for the advantage, in order to liberate our territories, in order to crush the enemy, firepower and superiority ratio are critically important, we must understand that we can achieve superiority in firepower, due to accuracy, due to better technical characteristics, western artillery, realizing that the enemy simply has more, well , much more scrap metal, much more ammunition, that's why the guns are talking, but still the ammunition is not enough, enough is when there are no orcs, they are all destroyed and
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the ammunition is just lying around, mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for finding time for us, volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh was with us, gentlemen, we still have two minutes here, i wanted to say that blinkin, yesterday the state secretary i visited a pub in kyiv called barmen dictat, i think so, and there he even played one blues classic composition, which was also not chosen by chance, it was probably called, it's called rocking to the free world. i want to say that that's all, you explain, because not all people know english, in short. we fight for a free world , let's call it that, and you know it, the video and these pictures, the report from that bar, strongly divided ukrainian facebook, at least the active community, because a lot of people were indignant, saying, well, here we are on the offensive, tanks were not
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given, they got to know about this with help, he came to himself and on the guitar, i apologize, he is blabbing, so what is it, somehow, we have a non-celebratory mood. this message, well, in a word, writes, in particular, by the way, the correspondent of the voice of america, also about this, what, what, what, what really divided, the americans were also divided, in the same way, and about what, about what, in fact , many people say, what are our taxpayers spending on, such as taxes, money, so on and so on, so on and so forth further, but... but on the other hand, ukrainians also write en masse, saying, why did all this happen, how should we react to it? well, actually, i do, but there are other voices, i liked, for example, how volodymyr vyatrovych wrote, volodymyr yatrovych, well, i had andriy bondar, andriy bondar i'm a mander - he's a writer and
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the translator, for those who may not yet be familiar with this page of ukrainian literature, opens it only for himself, maybe he did not write it. one such thought, someone who does not want to listen to blinkin's blues, doomed to listen to lavrov's poetry, did not think that i would say this, but it seems to me that my facebook is from a madman, where does this mass spiritual ... pushkinism and whining come from and from whom, from smart people who put words together in a sentence, and with such latent sovietism, you look more like putin's detachments than mentally normal ukrainians, that's it wrote, it seems to me that any, but you see, this shows how much any contacts with the world, with people in the world, they act in one way or another to attract attention to ukraine, ukraine is once again heard in the media of other countries, even if it causes so... there, if even the americans were divided about whether blinkin should have played the guitar or not,
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the fact that blinkin came to ukraine is also a signal, a signal not only to the western world , that we remain with ukraine, a signal to putin that we remain in ukraine, and despite the fact that it is not always safe here, but we choose to even play the guitar, again, for example, the example of our girls, jerry hale and alona alona, ​​who suffered. a lot of hate before they went to the eurovision song contest, and the hate did not concern their number, their vocal data, but their appearance, because they were not like that, not like that, not like that, not like that weight, not what they wore, they should present themselves well in some crowns ukraine, but nevertheless the girls went, performed, took third place, it is possible a political decision, maybe not a political one, the number was strong, had some meaning, besides, the girls' team, the ukrainian team... which went, received a fine from, from - these
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eurovision organizers, for the fact that they, despite the fact that it was forbidden, despite the fact that, as alyona said, alyona, there was just some kind of euroshmon, they checked any food clothes, jewelry everything-everything-everything, so that there were no brands, no political appeals, nevertheless, they received a fine, well, we saw, we saw those chocolates, that's all... on video their team appeared, not the girls themselves , jerry hale and aleon alona, ​​but those who sat with them, those who went to support them, on their t-shirts was free azov steel, then the defenders of azovstal free azovstal defenders, that is, even so they used a few seconds before they appear. the camera points at them, runs over them, and they appear in the frame, we can show,
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no, there is such a short video, and actually on the t-shirts, there is an inscription that says that they received a summons, a fine, but they did their job, that well, dear friends, i thank you for what you are doing our business, oh, we can show a little bit about this moment, here he is, here he is, here are our t-shirts, our team got them. fine, but still, glad they were able to speak to the world literally in a few seconds, so blinken's speech, it's still good that he's there, that he's speaking in us and not somewhere else, i think if he performed in some britain, then no one would have mentioned ukraine then, because blinkin went to perform in britain. dear friends, i thank all those who join our gathering, we support you today morning already 15 00 collected. and we have 35 and a half thousand left, so that
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we already have half a million, half a million - this is an eighth of the amount that we need in general, from 4 million. so, you can still donate, after we return, after a short pauses, you can also drop in your donations. we will continue to talk with military expert serhiy zgurts, we will talk about what is happening in kharkiv region and what to expect from. stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then the strong files from unpack the tv exactly for you. they will easily cut trees and bushes. they are convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order simply. now there is a possibility of free delivery! check with the consultants: cut branches,
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for the liver and gallbladder. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings. and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not
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give up, because we knew that you... already somewhere nearby, half the battle is knowing how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we... a nation that united around you. dear friends, we are returning to ether, and now it's time to talk with a military expert, the director of the defense express company serhiy zgurets. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. well, first of all, what is your
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assessment of what is happening now in kharkiv oblast. tell me, please, well , in fact, the situation remains quite complicated, because yesterday we had a series of statements from the head of the group, kirill budanov, where he spoke about a certain expected stabilization with the blocking, advancing of the enemy, but this it was somewhere in the morning in the evening, we had a report from the general headquarters, which said that in certain areas near vavchansk, there near lukyanivtsi, er... the armed forces there moved to other positions to ensure the preservation of personnel, that is, in fact we can talk about the fact that the enemy is trying to push through our defenses in two directions, precisely in the direction of liptsi and in ovchansk itself, but in general, i think that
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now it is precisely the use of reserves on our part that makes this effort. stop the enemy, u in any case, we understand that now the enemy will implement a number of strategies, but to a large extent, in comparison with the first days of the fighting in this area, when the enemy was actively using armored vehicles, now we can see from the video what is being used, in particular, near the military is primarily manpower, sometimes it is used rather unorganized, because in these videos we see that these groups of russian military ... are moving there, rather unorganized, but in any case this advantage in the number of personnel composition is indicated, plus let's not forget that russia actively uses artillery. and first of all the aviation, which is actually destroying vovchansk according to the scheme, as it was in other areas, when the city is completely destroyed, and then the enemy tries
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to advance further, we expect that the enemy of vovchansk will probably coordinate these actions with combat operations near vovchansk in the kupyansk direction, so far such a rigid dependence has not gone unnoticed in the last two days, because in this area there is kupyansk, matchmaker cremina, dyne. which is large, but it does not exceed what was literally there a few weeks ago, that is, the enemy is being held there, so in any case, now the enemy is trying to use this direction both to withdraw our forces and to create information pretexts for certain information operations that are supposed to put pressure on the ukrainian population, i hope that now all measures will be found on the ukrainian side to ensure the blocking of the enemy's advance, but we just had volodymyr. nazarenko, brigade officer of the fourth artillerymen, said that when you look into the far rear of the enemy, you get the impression that they still have
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endless reserves of manpower and equipment, are they really endless, how many russians will be enough for this now, or are they still building up now its capabilities, well, when we talk about this northern direction, it is kursk , sumy, kursk. belgorod and bryansk regions, we know that the enemy has a total of 50,000 personnel concentrated there. on the kharkiv direction from the side of the belgorod region, our military the leaders have repeatedly talked about the fact that there are 3,000 personnel concentrated there, according to estimates of the ability of such actions there to ensure progress there in the direction of kharkiv or the surrounding areas. for kharkov, this is considered a minimal insufficient number, but for such disturbing attacks and the creation of conditional
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sanitary zones there, which the russian federation is entitled to, these forces may be sufficient in a certain way. when we generally assess the reserves there or the reserves of the russian federation, this is one of the most difficult issues. in general, in the publications that appeared there, that somewhere behind the oral cavity there is training there... of personnel, i think this is a certain exaggeration, more pragmatic assessments of operational-strategic reserves on the entire front line ranged from within the limits of two army corps there, i.e. within the limits of 60,000 enemy personnel, i.e., in fact , these 60,000 can be considered as a reserve for use by the enemy in those areas where there may be a penetration of our defenses, so far this is the northern direction, despite this media attention, it is not really so critical to say that there may be some qualitative changes on the part of the enemy, in relation to other areas of the front, when we talk about
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primarily the eastern direction, this is the direction of advancement there at the time of yar, avdiivka, marinka from the west of these settlements , then there actually, despite the activity of the enemy, also there, if there is an advance, then it is minimally measured. distances, and in fact i now think that the enemy will try to continue to operate along the whole broad line front, using these limited reserves, i repeat that now the enemy's reserves for any strategic breakthroughs simply do not exist, and also the issue that definitely remains super-urgent for us is, of course, gear-16s, there was such a strange wave of messages here, what seems to be the data... he was about to hand over f16 in june, there are 19 pieces, but then it turned out that it was simply a mistake, obviously with the translation, because the prime minister
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of denmark spoke about a few months, i.e. a few months , yes, and at the moment it is not clear again, nevertheless, we are very much waiting for these e-planes, i wanted to say about asking about something else, actually, about what... the russians are reporting a massive attack on sevastopol, now there is clarification that it is not about sevastopol, but about the belbek military airfield, we know well, and that apparently as many as 20 atakams were used to attack this airfield, and supposedly all of them were shot down, pachu, but something is still burning in the area of ​​the bilbek airfield, they write, well, in fact, we understand that the belbek airfield is used by the enemy there for basing and... helicopters for there certain actions using the jump airfield as such and strikes on the crimean peninsula have already happened repeatedly in our country on the part of the armed
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forces using different ones. medium impression, we know, first of all, about the potential of our long-range strike drones, which is increasing, and now we see an increase in the use of attackers in those areas that can significantly reduce russian combat capability, i will wait for further information about these today's attacks on belbek, to make such deep assessments and conclusions, but... we understand that increasing the number of attacks in the arsenals of the armed forces is an extremely positive moment. the problem is that this is a bit of a late delivery, shall we say, but in any case , better late than never. and now we also have to remember that it literally seems like yesterday that there was a statement by the former us deputy secretary of state victoria, who said that we will see new
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long-range weapons on the battlefield already in the summer. which were transferred to ukraine from the united states, we do not yet know what means of impression are in question, well, first of all, of course, we are talking about expanding the range of atks with a range of 300 km with different warheads, not only cluster, but also high-explosive ones, we also made assumptions there that these could be cruise missiles for f16 fighters, because this topic has been discussed one way or another over time because we still expect that the first f-16 fighters should arrive in the summer, but the issue with weapons, if we are talking about these missiles with a range of 370 km, or even more, then this is a significant strengthening for of our armed forces, but in any case so far this is the most so the long-range arm in the arsenal of the ukrainian army is the atakamsy up to 300 km and actually our long-range drones with a range of up to 1,500
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km. i also saw a publication on defense express, where it was even suggested that it is possible to think even about tamagavkas, cruise missiles, what do you think about it, mr. sergey, well, we considered different versions of what kind of long-range weapons it could be, i still- after all, this is what we did as such, one of the most popular versions using ground-launched tomahawks, this is what is used, in particular, by the american marine corps, there are such elaborate solutions , of course. this would also be an important addition, because relatively speaking, having cruise missiles with a range of up to 200 km there would significantly change the situation with minimizing the potential of the russian federation, we are talking about russian military facilities, industrial facilities, energy, but i still fear that the american side is unlikely to decide on such a step, the most important thing for us now is to get attackers, weapons, adequate weapons for
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the f-16, well, and the rules. supply of ammunition and possibly on the petrio complex, because yesterday , after a series of statements by blinkin in the foreign press, there was information in the american press that the americans are considering the possibility of handing us another patriot battery, so this reinforcement is now no less important than strengthening the shock component of the armed forces. mr. serhiy, thank you, serhii zurets, military expert, director of the defense express company, was with us, dear viewers, we are naked. we grant that the radio liberty project will continue to be on our airwaves svoboda ranok, and andrii saichuk and i will return to the air at 9:45 a.m. and we will have people's deputy of ukraine sofia fedina. we would also like to remind you that the collection is ongoing and we thank all our viewers who have already donated uah 18,000 for our defenders for atvs, which will help save the lives of our soldiers.
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well, now we... honor the lives of those ukrainians and civilians and soldiers whose lives were cut short by russian aggression with a moment of silence. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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