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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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hryvnias for our defenders for atvs, which will help save the lives of our military, and now we observe a moment of silence, in honor of the lives of those ukrainians, civilians and military, whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, a moment of silence, in honor of the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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in the morning, the lights are turned off again in ukraine, write in the comments where you are watching us from and whether you have it, in crimea they write about explosions at the airfield. belbek near moscow, meanwhile fire at the substation at the progresa plant, the armed forces of ukraine were forced to withdraw near vovchansk in the kharkiv region. my name is oleg galiy, you are watching the project svoboda ranok. let's start. explosions in the occupied crimea rang out around two in the morning today. the krymskyr telegram channel, with reference to eyewitnesses, reports on explosions near the belbek airfield. people heard loud explosions, later sounds similar to detonation and saw a surge in the area of ​​the airfield. the second wave
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of explosions was heard about half an hour later in the occupied yevpatoria and bagchesaray districts. the head of the occupation of sevastopol, mykhailo rozvazhaev, wrote about the work of the air defense forces and the fall of rocket fragments in the private sector of the city. well, the crimean wind monitoring group showed in satellite images three probable places of fire in the area of ​​the runway and aircraft parking places. we cannot promptly check this information in the conditions of war. in the morning, the russian ministry of defense wrote about the destruction of 10 atakams missiles over crimea. ukraine. the party has not yet commented on the explosions in crimea. but in russia itself, in the meantime , they are reporting an attack by drones on fuel base in the proletar district of the rostov region. the governor of the region says that there were two explosions, but they say that the fuel did not catch fire. the russian ministry of defense reported the destruction of 14 drones over the kursk, bryansk, and belgorod regions, but not a word about rostov. in the suburbs of moscow, meanwhile, in balashis , it happened the night before. fire at the electrical substation
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of the military unit of the fsb, the russian telegram channel astra writes and publishes a video from there. in the same place, the telegram channel writes, there is a progress plant production of military equipment. the fire was officially reported in the local administration, the cause was called a short circuit, although in russian telegram channels they write in particular about the probable arson. the russian army fired a rocket from a helicopter at the village of dmytrivka in the velikopyseriv community in the sumy region. this is to the border. with russia, and also remotely detonated a mined road on the territory of ukraine, which leads to the checkpoint in the town of seredyna buda. this is reported by local journalists of the kordon media project. in general, according to sumy of the regional military administration, during the day russian forces fired 48 times on the border of the sumy oblast. a total of 237 explosions were recorded. meanwhile , people are being evacuated from the city of bilopil, in the 10-kilometer border zone. yesterday, 30 people left, six of them - this is not forced, but
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an early voluntary evacuation, as the regional authorities emphasize. it was announced due to increased shelling of the border areas except bilopol. evacuation was also announced in another border town in sumy oblast, this is fortune telling. they take people to sumy. regional government assures that they are placed in comfortable conditions. and the first time it came to me, the windows and doors flew out, and the second time it came, it already burned, everything burned. there are four men left on my street and they are all leaving , many of them are leaving, let's hope for the good truth and that the victory of these braggarts is worse than the braggarts, the germans did not do this, what they are doing is unscrupulous, in these seconds , a correspondent of radio svoboda joins our broadcast. i congratulate you, how did sumyshchyna survive
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the last day and how is the situation with the light affected the situation in the region? congratulations, sumy has not lived a day. calm down, the number of shelling in our country has increased significantly, there were more than 300 shellings during this day, in sumy people also heard explosions at night, but it was an echo from the border, regarding the evacuation, it is ongoing, there will also be an evacuation this morning, clarification, i want to say a little to what was heard in the studio, according to fortune-telling , there is no evacuation yet, that is, it has been announced, but people have not yet been evacuated, in the same way, people are being evacuated from bilopol, unfortunately, to... not a comfortable one, but compact accommodation for the first month, where they will be provided with free housing, these are dormitories in sumy, after that it is not known at all what will happen to these people, we also managed to clarify, this morning, yesterday
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the road that was demined in the middle of the city, the russians used three fpv drones that were dropped right on the territory of ukraine, and thus they managed to detonate... those mines that our defenders laid, undermining the checkpoint, which is located in the very city of buda, on the border. alyona, i would like to clarify, it is clear that the evacuation is what now there is, it is voluntary and premature, yes, at least the regional government of sumy oblast emphasizes. and what are your feelings, is it actually necessary to somehow strengthen evacuation measures, in particular, to make it compulsory in order to save as many people as possible, because from the footage you send to radio svoboda, from what other journalists publish . not everyone is ready to leave their homes, and there are people who continue to stay there despite the danger and despite the threat, the forced evacuation is different from the one that is now happening with a lot of bureaucratic precisely the processes, because in case of forced evacuation
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, the authorities must provide people with travel, transport and housing in safe other regions of ukraine, that is, the issue here is more in the organization. at the level of this, it happens at the state level, not at the level of the region, from what is happening now, there are those people who do not want to leave, because they understand that they do not have the financial ability to provide for themselves and are worried about what will happen to them there is nowhere to return at all, so we can see even from the forced evacuation of children that is taking place in two communities, for the second month already, velikopserivska and seredinobutska communities, in velikopyserivka. there are six children left , as of this morning, by mid-morning there will be 160, and they, well, if the parents, some refuse to evacuate in writing, some say that yes, fine, we will go, but a little later, that is, forcibly evacuate people by force,
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if we are talking about it we say, it is actually impossible, if the state provided a little better conditions, a little clearer for people who still want you... i think that there would be more people willing to do it, but for now we have what we have sumy is a border zone, and as a general feeling now after, for example , the leader gurbudanov said that russia may have plans to attack the sumy region as well. how is the mood among the population, do they understand the level of the threat in general, or is it still under the constant shelling of life and now, let's say, the level of feeling of this threat has not changed? if we are talking about those people who live on the border and... are under fire every day, then they, in principle, nothing has changed in general, they say about that if it happens, if the shelling increases, or their house is hit directly, they will have nowhere to live, then they will leave, as for the sums, the situation here is interesting,
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panic is spreading in waves, that is, from statement to statement, as we gossip among ourselves , already yesterday, for example, mr. budanov made one statement for... for colleagues, let's say, foreign, one statement for colleagues who are inside ukraine, and these statements were slightly different in their content, and from what we see in open sources, in particular on the dps map, for what we do for with the help of autumn, we observe from satellites what is happening in the neighboring territory of russia, we see that there are small groups on the territory. okhty, opposite the okhtyr district, it is there near grayvoron, in particular, and about what all the experts are telling us, that if there will be any combat operations, then these will be very similar mirror actions to what happened in march forces of the legion of freedom
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of russia, from the territory of the sumy oblast to the territory of the russian federation, actually now the russian army can do approximately the same thing. already in relation to ukraine, already on our territory, we will see what happens, in any case , there are groups, but they are not as big as they were, for example, in february 22. thank you, alyona, alyona yatsina, rfe/rl's correspondent on the situation in sumy oblast, and it must be emphasized that in fact, only official sources, in particular the general staff, can officially say what the military situation is like. alyona reports from the spot about what she managed to see and, in fact, after communicating with people, she will tell. well, i will remind you that in in the comments, you can write what the situation is like in your region, whether there is light or not, how safe it is. this situation, it is important for us to understand what is happening, for us to understand what we need to talk about in the broadcast, well
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, dmytro lantushenko is also joining us at this moment, he is the head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigades, my greetings, greetings. dmitri, thank you for joining in, please tell us what is happening at the borders as of today sumshchyna, what situation do you record and how high is the threat from russian forces now? well, let's go. yes, i will start with statistics, in recent days the number of shellings, i mean, the intensity has increased, if we recorded there a few weeks ago, it is approximately from 30 to 50 shellings in sumy oblast every day, then for yesterday we recorded 73 shellings , and it must be understood that in terms of explosions, it is more than 300, it is mortar shelling, it is also artillery shelling, it is rocket- bombing, fpv, drones, lancets. but actually any spectrum of capabilities of the russian federation of our enemy is used on
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the border of sumy oblast. of course, 90% of all this falls on the border areas. the hottest destinations are bilopolsk hromada, khotynsk hromada, pyserivsk hromada. the enemy is also active in shelling, i emphasize in the north of the sumy region. however, well, actually, you will ask me, yes, and today the defense forces, again. i emphasize, they do not record any gatherings or groups of the enemy that would really pose a threat to escalation on the border of sumy oblast or a possible breakthrough on the border of sumy oblast. we are completely rejuvenating the existing situation. our daily intelligence reports several times a day about the number of personnel, about the number of armored vehicles, about general preparation for possible escalations, so we absolutely have everything. and the defense forces today are 100% ready for any encounter with the enemy or
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any real adequate responses to what the enemy is planning on the border with sumy oblast. let me ask you then, if you say so with confidence about what actually the ukrainian side is ready for any development of events. what is the situation with the fortifications, because the ukrainian authorities, the president and other representatives, in particular, the deputies, visited the border conditionally in kharkiv on several occasions. in order to check how the construction of fortifications is going, today we have a lot of comments from the same military, that somewhere there the fortifications were not prepared, somewhere they are so dense, somewhere they are not there at all, that in sumy region, like sumy region, let's say so, dug in as much as these the fortifications are powerful, how they are placed, whether the territories that should be mined are mined, so calm down, what about those viewers who are watching us and asking questions in this context: how is it in sumy oblast? sumyshchyna is actively preparing for defense, this also applies to...mining territories, i attend meetings in which the support forces of the 117th
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brigade are present there, i see the number of areas, yes in kilometers of mined territories, believe me, this is enough to the enemy there did not have the opportunity to advance to the territory of sumshchyna, as for the fortification, then there are indeed several lines of defense, of course we understand that the border is, if there is a direct ground zero with... between the sumy and the kursk belgorod regions, and this is being built with certain conditions, certain restrictions, so that from our side we are also responsible, and from their side , drones, mortars, and artillery shells are flying at our support forces, at those people who are building fortifications, so there are certain restrictions on security issues, and as for the border communities, they are really, well, in principle, being built up with... in the plan fortifications, literally yesterday i was on one of the hot, let’s say, areas
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of sumy region, there is a lot of equipment in the area of ​​responsibility of the 117th brigade, and they are expanding, building dugouts, a lot of people are involved, i really hope that the defense forces will use these dugouts will not be needed, but they are there, and people who somehow cross the sumy region, travel between the sumy region, they... see that fortifications are being built, mr. dmytro, another short question about subversive and reconnaissance groups, how much they were activated during last day in particular, in sumy oblast, do you record or not record, and these groups are... a few people each, is it possible that russia is changing its tactics in the direction of using these groups on the border with ukraine as well? russia is constantly combining, it can be several people, it can be two, two or three people there who are trying to inflame the situation there, and in the last, in the last couple of days, the defense forces did not record the case of
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the drg event, but on last week they were, they were adequately provided with a cutoff from z'. on the side of the defense forces of the sumy region, again after all, we have constant communication with the border guards and the police with the voluntary formations of territorial communities located in the respective territories, so we are ready, we respond, and they do not have such an attempt to go there every day, or it was carried by some systemic threatening nature, yesterday there were no attempts by the derg to enter the territory of the sumy region. thank you for joining, dmytro lantushenko, this is the head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade, told about the situation in sumy oblast, as of now it is controlled and calm, at least that is what the teroborony brigade declares. thank you. if you are watching us from sumy oblast, please write whether you really see the construction of these fortifications, what is the overall security situation in
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the region, especially if you are the ones who were forced to leave the region and are now in other cities, i have attention residents of sumy oblast. write in what conditions you are now, in fact, have you been provided with everything you need, what was promised, well, what about ukrainian the military carried out a maneuver and moved from some positions in the area of ​​the village of lukyantsi and the city of vovchansk in the direction of kharkiv. the general staff of ukraine informed about this in an evening address. during the day , 11 etachs of russian forces were repulsed there. in separate areas in lukyantsi and vovchansk districts, as a result of fire and assault actions of the enemy to preserve the lives of our servicemen. and avoiding losses, units maneuvered and moved to more advantageous positions. the fighting continues, ukrainian units are not giving in to the russians for the occupiers to gain a foothold. counterattack actions are being carried out, the enemy is under constant fire control of artillery and units of unmanned aerial vehicles of the defense forces. i will note that analysts of the deep state project
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wrote about the occupation of lukyantsi by russian forces even the day before. and the russian ministry of defense announced the day before that it was captured in the garhiv direction. the village of bugrovatka, it is southwest of vovchansk. meanwhile, russian forces continue to attack the city of kharkiv itself, seven airstrikes hit the residential sector, in particular, a high-rise building was hit, but without catching fire, 18 people were injured, among them a 12-year-old girl. it blew, the dust flew, somehow, that's how we live. well, look, they hit him a little bit, nothing, he'll survive. telegram the tlk group was notified that cabs, we moved to the bathroom and everything, and just then we heard a whistle and then we heard an explosion, it shook a little, well, it shook normally, but we thought that it was not in our house, we thought that it was somewhere nearby, well, we are from the other side, that's why nothing happened to us, everything is fine with us. in the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office was informed
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about 20 damaged high-rise buildings, an educational institution, destroyed garages and cars in the shevchenkiv district of kharkiv as a result. the strikes of the russian federation have destroyed the heat supply system, mayor ihor terekhov said, and people will be evicted from the damaged building because of the cracks, he said. well, in these seconds, we are adding a representative of kharkiv region to our broadcast as well, in order to understand what the situation is there, we are establishing a connection, in the meantime, if you are from kharkiv, write what you think about the situation, what is it like in your place, and the most important question is also the issue of the light in your region, because we understand... the situation can be complicated when the shelling is constant and there is still no electricity supply, and it may not be clear how to act, so write how you actually are in these conditions and how you manage to survive to kharkiv oblast, we will return in a few seconds, even minutes, and in the meantime , people are being evacuated to kharkiv from the border region of vovchansk, for which battles are already ongoing, the local
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authorities, at first, when the situation worsened , more than 700 people, but there are also many who left the shelling in his own transport for people. who will need help , there is a special point in kharkiv, where everyone who left is registered, medicines and basic necessities are provided, and they also help with resettlement. almost 200 people have already been accommodated in kharkiv hostels and they continue to arrive. radio liberty correspondents visited this transit hub, and this is what they heard from residents of vovchansk and nearby villages. it is a man living from a fish in the water, because it lives there, and then the fisherman threw it out ashore. and she hasn’t died yet, and she’s not alive anymore, that’s how it is with me now, in my eighties, i did something like that, in which they stood behind my son, he aged 20. 5 years in 3 days, precisely under the mouthguards, mouthguards, airplanes , as hail, flying, policemen under fire, taking out
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mustaches, under fire, grabbing people in cars and old men under fire, there are so many old men lying there, soon wandering under fire, this is how ms. valentina describes the last three days she spent in vovchansk, the day before in the morning , after the projectile shattered her an apartment in the center of the town, a woman with her son dared to leave, windows were broken, it shattered everything, a projectile came to us, there are documents, medicine, i am hypertensive, but nothing, i still stayed at home. currently, the woman, along with hundreds of former residents of vovchansk and the surrounding border villages, is in a transit point in kharkiv. volunteers and the police take everyone who needs help to this humanitarian hub. people... tell similar stories, they stayed at home until the end, because they did not believe in a new offensive, and they did not hear from the authorities warnings about the aggravation of the situation in the border areas, they bombed for two nights so
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that we are near the station there, with you, by the way, they are standing there, explode all around, everything is on fire, houses are on fire, there was smoke, smoke, how many houses there, nothing can be seen , there was no world anymore. we don't have a tv, how do we know who is warning what, the shelling has stopped and the smoke has gone all around, everyone is leaving, there have already been rumors, i was in the occupation for 100 days, the second time i was in the occupation i just didn't make a mistake, we love our land , and loved their home and loved, tried hard i endured until the end, as much as i had the strength, i felt very sorry for my mother, a volunteer from... reassures me despite the rumors that there is nowhere to accommodate the evacuated people and it will be necessary to rent accommodation at my own expense, there are free places in hostels, both in kharkiv itself and
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in the nearest safe settlements of the region. however, they admit that it is quite a challenge to accommodate people with pets and livestock nowadays, and even they are not refused. animals, cats, parrots, dogs are being taken away, today a person will come who is being taken away with two cows. even such, where she is, that is don't graze a cow in a hostel, there are beautiful places in the region, socially active people who accept such people, ukrainians, they are the only ones in fact, she was abandoned, i sheltered her, she is now afraid that i will not abandon her, she is attached to me come on, they started bugging from the 10th, it's impossible, absolutely impossible, horror, they shot a thousand times around the 10th, i think i've lost my way. in the morning, when they started shooting , it is called a cannonade, it is not just a separate, all the time, the roar is continuous, i live on the outskirts, well, across the river, three starts already, there is no one in the center
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not one, probably alive, one stupid head did, first that transnistria, then georgia, then syria, now they have taken up ukraine, oksana necheporenko from kharkiv for radio liberty. i see that in the comments under the broadcast you are very actively commenting on the events taking place in ukraine and in general what you think about the history we are discussing, it is important for us to understand what you actually think about it. ivan sokol, director of the department of civil protection of the kharkiv regional military administration, in these seconds joins our broadcast, ivan, i welcome you. greetings, good, please tell me briefly, first of all, has the number of victims changed as a result of yesterday's attack specifically on kharkiv, in what condition are they and where? at the moment it is known about 21 injured people, among them three children, yesterday also late in the evening there was another explosion in the city of kharkiv and one child was also damaged, it
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was also a residential building, it was on the street, please tell me what happened to the light now in the kharkiv region, have they become more frequent? blackout, because since yesterday ukrenergo reports that the situation is difficult in the power system and... blackouts have started across the country, the situation remains difficult in the kharkiv region, blackout schedules are also working, and at the moment everything is going according to the schedules. i also want to ask you about the city itself, in view of the offensive of the russian forces of the russian army in the vovchansk region, in particular, whether the regional authorities began to record, perhaps, how migration from the region is taking place, whether more people began to leave, for example from kharkov itself, compared to what... before, do people still not feel this danger so much and there are no strong changes in kharkov in this regard? i
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drove around the city of kharkiv in the morning, i want to say. the fact that there are a little fewer cars, but there are traffic jams and a lot of cars and a lot of people, so i record such a critical movement of people from the city of kharkiv, well , now the authorities do not record this, besides , evacuated people who evacuate from the territory hostilities, show all desire to stay in kharkiv. it is also important, perhaps from the last ones it is not known whether the regional military administration plans to expand the geography of the regions from which there will be voluntary, first of all, and then forced evacuation, in particular, those that are closest to the combat zone. at the moment, in fact , mandatory evacuation has been declared along the demarcation line and the border, regarding the forced evacuation of children, the issue of possible forced evacuation from the 30-kilometer zone is being considered, but in view of how the operational situation on the line will develop collisions will be accepted one or the other appropriate solutions. ivan, i have
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one more question in conclusion, considering... the construction of fortifications to the authorities, in general, not only to the regional, kharkiv, to the ukrainian authorities in general, there are a lot of comments, if we take this story as an example, let's explain it like this , does the regional military administration of kharkiv today have a developed mechanism, perhaps together with the military, with the central government, in the event that russian forces can potentially actively advance and try, i don’t know , to take more large cities there, to reach somewhere there is close to the regional center, to the semi-surrounding ones, i.e. have mechanisms been developed, how to act in case the situation worsens. yes, of course, the kharkiv regional military administration has developed, together with international organizations, the volunteer sector, and authorities of all levels, from regional, place, to local, district, appropriate plans have been developed, everyone, everyone, each mechanism knows what functions are entrusted to it , appropriate reservations were made, we did not refer to that information as for that for
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to... to that information from which it is necessary to be afraid, but accordingly , appropriate plans were developed in advance just in case, and now even the evacuation is all planned and done according to previously developed plans, so that is, in case the situation worsens, there is an understanding of how to act. i thank you, it is important because the audience is asking, it is our task to ask these questions, ivan sokol, director of the department of civil protection of the kharkiv regional military administration about the situation in the region was a guest. our broadcast. i know that these are difficult times, your soldiers, your citizens, especially on the northeast, in kharkiv, is suffering a lot, but they should know, you should know, that the united states is with you, a large part of the world is with you, and they are fighting not only for a free ukraine, but also for the free world. and the free world is with you too.
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this is not a musical pause in the freedom of the morning, you didn't think so, it is really united states secretary of state antony blinkin with a guitar in his hands in a kyiv bar talking about support for ukraine. blinkin sang nikayang's rocking in the free world on stage. this is a rock anthem released in 1989 before the fall. berlin wall. during his visit to kyiv, blinken announced the conclusion of a 10-year security agreement with ukraine. according to him, if russia or someone else attacks ukraine, the united states will immediately cooperate with ukraine at the highest level to coordinate actions on how the country can repel the threat. they also want to strengthen the military-industrial complex so that ukraine can produce artillery shells, air defense equipment and other weapons. well, to our
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broadcast. ivan stupak joins. mr. ivan, i congratulate you. congratulations, thank you very much invitation. thank you for joining. we want to discuss many events. first of all, i would like to start with what is happening in crimea today. astra, with reference to local residents, writes that there were about 20 rockets in the belbek airfield area. the official ministry of defense of russia claims a different number of downed missiles. russia, today, it does not control the security situation on the occupied peninsula at all, if we are talking specifically about the air and sea drones there. how do you rate it? come on, we won't to underestimate the russian federation, because we saw how they can learn, can adapt, it will be well said correctly, please remember the excalibur projectiles, high precision, how they adapted and reduced their effectiveness, it is most likely correct to formulate as follows: ukraine found opportunities, found loopholes, how to bypass the air defense systems of the russian federation, not always, but there are such moments, that
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's why. attacks on crimea and about belbek.


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