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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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well, ivan stupak joins our broadcast, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, congratulations, thank you very much for the invitation. thank you for joining us, there are many events we want to discuss, first of all i would like to start with what is happening in crimea today, astra , citing local residents, writes that there were about 20 missiles in the area of ​​the belbek airfield, the official russian ministry of defense declares about another number of downed missiles. russia, today, it does not control the security situation on the occupied peninsula, if we speak. precisely about the air and there about the sea drones, what do you think? come on, we will not underestimate the russian federation, because we have seen how they can learn, can adapt, it will be rightly said, please remember the excalibur projectiles, high precision, how they adapted and reduced their effectiveness, most likely correctly phrased yes: ukraine found opportunities, found loopholes, how to bypass the air defense system of the russian federation, not always, but... there are such moments, for example,
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regarding the latest attack on crimea and regarding bilbek, of course, the russians say there that we shot down everything there, the ulankas fell somewhere on a residential block, we liquidate everything there, that is all clear, but the most key such factor that reveals all this is the words of the russians themselves from the scene of the event, who say that they were still going on for a while, heard repeated explosions, repeated detonation, this means that... the flight took place over a military facility once, the military facility is not just some headquarters, but a storage place for some weapons, which detonated again, we don't know if they were airplanes are named after your colleagues, by the way, journalists who analyze satellite images, they say that as of this morning there are three more ignition points, where the fire is taking place right at the airfield, where there used to be a large number of planes, well, we have to wait a little time and i...
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i think that either from the journalists will be more information, or from our scouts, well , if the ukrainian side found these cracks in crimea, then if to russia itself, because almost every day there are reports of drone attacks on oil depots, some information is confirmed by the ukrainian side, some is not confirmed, yesterday the train in fact, according to channel telegrams, the one that was transporting fuel was also damaged and caught fire, in particular several wagons, so what about security in russia itself? well, it's difficult there, it's difficult there, see i'll explain, i'll explain how. that is, once again, there is a large number of law enforcement agencies, there is the police, there is the fsb, it is counter-intelligence, there is the russian guard, there are many private, private, semi-private organizations, militias that help there, there are many people who cooperate with the local, by the local security forces, and it is difficult to conduct, indeed, undeniably difficult carry out any subversive actions or regular detentions, phone traffic is constantly analyzed, and who was near the places is analyzed. important and key, and then
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these people are detained and interrogated. ukraine is trying, of course, to strike somewhere, wherever possible, precisely at military facilities. once again, these attacks are not always successful, i will give you the following approximate statistics from our military regarding the launch of drones on the territory of the russian federation. apart from being a very precious pleasure, it is always me i say, imagine one drone in the air, sometimes for the price, it's a mercedes gylin. new or bentley, well if depending on the distance where it flies, this is a very serious story in terms of the hit rate, in the best case it flies up to as many as 75% of our drones, well that’s about it, in the worst case 26, that is, in the best case 75, 2 /3, in the worst case, only a third will arrive, but for now, unfortunately, this is not enough to stop russian aggression, because they have the ability to recover, there are opportunities to take out their objects. for 1000 km plus there for
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ural, so far we can't get them, but work continues in this direction. ivan, what about the change of the minister of defense in the russian federation, which putin has already officially announced, to what extent it will change the approach to the security situation in the country, i.e. in russia itself, the security situation, in particular in the occupied crimea, or after all, this reshuffle of terms will greatly the amount will not change, and in terms of those groped there, as you say, already, let's put it this way, about... then it will not be possible to repair any of them, so let's for your respected viewers, so that we have to to divide the russian army, here are the salvophones with the general’s flags, the war will continue as it was previously planned, offensives, plans, maneuvers, bypasses, shelling, they have it all, because the leadership of the general staff has not changed, at least now, pit remains in office, the minister of defense has changed, he will take care of money... flows, all the money,
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administrative management, and the main goal is to make the system the most effective, even more effective, even more effectively kill ukrainians even more... more effectively capture cities, villages, destroy cities, villages, his main goal of this belarusian is to make the production of shells and rockets happen simply rhythmically, this is what shaigu could not cope with, to steal as little as possible, as much as possible, to make more money flowed into the ministry of economics, or rather into the ministry of defense, he is, by the way, a supporter of which theory, this is a kind of extremism, he says that and... in order to stimulate the development of the economy, even more money from the state must be poured into private enterprises , in order to they worked and more money circulated there, that is, that is what his purpose will be. mr. ivan, stay in touch with us, don't look anywhere, we will get back to talking to you. this morning , the dispatch center of ukrenergo implemented
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emergency power outages for industrial and household consumers in all regions of ukraine. the reason for this, as they explain, is a shortage of electricity there due to a cooling effect against the background of shelling from russia. also emergency power outages throughout ukraine. on the eve of the dinner the blackout schedule is now no, it was 90 in the morning, the light began to return in the homes of ukrainians, and our guest will join our broadcast in this regard, this is serhiy kovalenko, the general director of the company, it is clear, and you write in the comments what the situation is in your region, mr. i greet you, good morning, please tell me how much the deficit in the power system has increased since yesterday, because in the morning there was also a message about the actual power outage, well, look, there is already such a story here that we have evening, evening ... peaks and there is a morning peaks, of course, well, we can logically see that during this period, during this period, blackouts are in effect, here we also need to add such and such a thing, which was added for the first time yesterday evening, added to the population blackout, because industry has already been
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in blackout for almost a week, and this morning at this hour at 9 there 10 have already canceled emergency shutdowns for the population, but for... unfortunately, for the whole day, well, for the whole day, a shutdown is expected, that is, a deficit, a deficit in the system, it is, well , it is always there, and its size is already, well, in depending on its size, ukrenergo decides whether to shut down industry or shut down industry and the population. for which areas the situation is the most critical today, can you explain. thank you for the question, because there are always two questions, this is generation. and the second, the second issue is networks, the ability to transmit electricity, if we talk about the most difficult situation, then i would delete two regions, first of all it is kharkiv, why, because there is always a sufficiently large population there and no industry
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of electricity, there is always switching, because it is not yet possible to supply enough electricity to kharkiv due to network restrictions. second, the second composition, the difficult situation in dnipropetrovsk region, there are two areas, quite large, industrial, which are also under network restrictions, and it is impossible to supply them with the electricity that these consumers in this territory want to consume, as for the rest of ukraine, well, other other territory, then we can say that the situation is more or less the same, and if we talk about the shortage of electricity from the point from the point of view of the generation, well, taking into account. imports, then quite synchronously, quite synchronously, consumption restrictions are introduced. mr. serhiy, we literally have two more minutes and we have a few more important questions. first of all , briefly explain why the ukrainians did not warn in advance yesterday that there would be blackouts, because everyone was asking this question, and
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in particular, the city council there publishes the number of people who for for example , they got stuck in the letters, this is a good question, why, because consumption, well, consumption. it is quite such a quantity, which is quite enough no, well, it is not 100% predicted, because it is walking, and in my opinion, it simply did not expect that consumption would increase so much, that is, we were forced to carry out emergency restrictions for the population for several hours, of course, we are all waiting for those schemes that worked the last two years, when we have understandable deficits there, when nek brings restrictions to every ossr in the region. and already osr within the region or city balances at the expense of the plan, well, enough of the projected schedules. so the graphics, this is also an important issue, will they be there at all, will they not be, if they are, so when and whether, according to your forecasts, a conditionally complete blackout is expected, if there is no saving of electricity, if the situation
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does not improve and consumption increases? well, let's make it short, a total blackout, well, we've already discussed it several times, i don't see a total blackout at all, well... in theory, everything is possible, but until we see it, it's technically quite impossible, from the point of view of the graphs, i will say about us and about our regions, we developed these charts already in... summer, that is, we updated them there to make it more balanced, more, well, more so, well, mobile, mobile networks could do networks, whether they will be used or not, it depends on the shortage, i personally think that when it will be quite hot outside, we may face the application of these schedules, but it is not expected at the moment, thank you, well hell, at the moment, it is not expected at the moment, today for sure, well... it all depends on the ukrenergo team. today we see that in the morning there was an emergency for several hours, well literally for an hour
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and a half, for now, as long as there are restrictions on industry, we will see how it will grow whether consumption falls, well, during the day. i thank you for joining and explaining. serhiy kovalenko, general director of yasno. the guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation with the energy system and, in particular, how big the deficit is. and we return to the discussion of military topics in our studio, military analyst ivan stupa. remains in touch with us, mr. ivan, i also wanted to ask you about patrushev, actually, let's say he's in the status of putin's assistant, it's faster for him, i don't know, there's a promotion, demotion, or simply not to be thrown out of the system, but now he is an absolutely insignificant person for putin's staff there, you know, i consider it more than now, i will stand for now, as an administrative fiasco, he is bush, the director fsb, then head of the russian security council. he kept and directed all the security forces under him, and now on the assistant, even serhii shaigu, he
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held his own more in this turbulence in this large tornado cadre, and he, his entourage, shaigu, are now being burned, burned out, he held his own, but patrushev became an assistant president putin's shipbuilding, all that patrusha has in common with ships is that he, you see, was trained in this 40 years ago. the soviet shipbuilding institute, that 's all, then he went to the kgb, then he went to the fsb and that's it, but i want to draw your attention to an interesting appointment, many missed him, dmytro kozak, again appointed as the deputy head of putin's administration. i will remind your viewers that until the 22nd year, until the full scale, he took care of the problems of stuffing, precisely stuffing these lpr, dnr into composition of ukraine, minsk agreed. there are some peace talks, he was negotiating with the united states about ukraine, but on
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the very first day of the full scale, he completely disappeared from the radar, because the war had already begun, what peaceful victories, that's all, goodbye, and here's all this time about him nothing was heard at all , and now he is being reassigned again, so i am making a very cautious suggestion that the kremlin may once again need some mediation services from mr. kozak. interesting, interesting. actually information, will also try it in to investigate in the future, because various reports appear, in particular in telegram channels, that putin allegedly stated that negotiations with ukraine are possible there, but without the withdrawal of troops and the state of the front line, which is now, nevertheless, regarding kharkiv oblast, i also want to ask what the situation is now in vovchansk from what you observe and around the city, and what will be the development of events there, to what extent does russia now have the strength to exert even more pressure, or has it really slowed down offensive actions? well let's say, as of today, as far as we know, the general staff has released information that they were forced to withdraw to more, well,
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unfortunately, unpleasantly, more important lines, that is , retreat, that is, this means that the russians are increasing or their direct presence on the northern territory of the kharkiv region in the northern regions, or increase their fire, fire presence, that is, they are not physically present, but can fire at that territory. the biggest danger is approaching kharkiv at... a distance of 15-20 km, this will then allow the russians with just guns, artillery to shell the city of kharkiv, turning it into aleppo. yes, now they are doing it with missiles, ballistics, s300, fabs, but artillery is chavuni, as they call it, they have this good, unfortunately, there is a lot of it in quotation marks, and they will do it with this, so far the situation is difficult, difficult, people for a serious advance to encircle the city of kharkiv, there are no russians, but for a creeping offensive, unfortunately... it turns out that there are, and here they are using it, and literally 25 seconds to the end regarding sumy region, we included a representative of teroborona, he says
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that everything is under control, everything is calm, the russian federation does not have the strength to advance en masse in this, in this direction, as you assess, i want to believe that this is really the case, but mr. budanov warned that it is possible that the russians will be able to refocus on sumy oblast and thus draw our attention to kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, and then use these territories that they seized as an element of negotiations. that we are you, and you , please, recognize donetsk, luhansk, crimea, zaporizhzhia, kherson. mr. ivan, i thank you ivan stupak, military analyst, former employee of the security service of ukraine, guest of our broadcast. this is the freedom of the mornings project, i thank you for your activity in the chat, share this broadcast with your friends, with your family, a lot of important information about the project, in particular about turning off the lights, when there will be schedules, these are the questions we asked those people who understand this , who are responsible for this, so a lot of important things were heard here today, subscribe to the radio network freedom in order not to miss the most important thing, my name is oleg galiv and the entire
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either live broadcasts, or later watch in a recording, if you suddenly now you don't have of time, sofiya fedina, people's deputy of ukraine is already with us, mrs. sofiya, good morning, good morning to everyone, you know, i would start with this, if i may, lesya, you the secretary of state blinkin visited us, we are discussing in social networks whether it was appropriate or inappropriate to play neil young, blues at the time when bombs are falling on kharkiv, probably the discussion is also important and necessary, but i would like to say about something else that although i will say well two words literally, if the audience and the ladies will allow me... sofia, you know, maybe if people knew better who neil young is than who kirkorov and baskov are, then maybe this war would n't have happened, i would so briefly, i simply indicated my attitude to this, but i am talking about something else, mr. blinkin paid a lot of attention to the issue of reforms, corruption, and he said that it is very important for ukraine not to become a second russia.
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here i remembered the rating of the economist, the index of freedom from the economist, in which this year , ukraine is marked as a hybrid regime, transitional, we are not even there some kind of imperfect democracy, and on the map of europe, if we do not count belarus, we have such a mark only with bosnia, bosnia, which experienced a very serious war, how should we treat this , what do you think blinkin meant and are we talking too much about corruption, which only prevents us from receiving american aid. well, if i may, i 'll start with a little comment on blinkin's performance with the guitar, playing neil young and singing. if blinkin took up the instrument, thank god, as someone said. that he was wearing pants unlike the other who played the instrument, and you are absolutely right that knowing who neil young is and in what conditions
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that particular song was written, it is very symbolic for the ukrainian state as well, and it is a pity, that ukrainians have these things in general most of them do not know, if we talk about the messages themselves, and many analysts comment that there is very little... information about the reasons and course of anthony blinken's visit to ukraine, if it concerns the meetings at the highest level, then there is essentially there was a race, we have the main information there from everything that was covered by the white house, we have information about the polytechnic, about the veteran's pizza, well, that's already from kuleba and we have about the speech directly, but after that you can see what the impression is. i will say a small detail like this, for example, anna hobko, former deputy of the people, hanna gubko, lesya, that's right, but we are talking about
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the highest level, not about activists, not about public figures, not about anti-corruptionists, but anthony blinken is still the third person in the united states and far from being the last person in the world, and his unexpected visit means something very serious, what messages, what happened, why the meeting did not take place. directly with the opposition in the same way, whether it was the conditions set by the office of the president, whether it was another tantrum in the office of the victim, or whatever happened, that the messages that are covered, let's say so, by the official parties, but in fact i remember the previous visits of antony blinken and they were about very specific things, but often we recognized it after the fact, i really want to know what happened here, because i think that it is the same... it will still get out, the second point, and very often the conversation about corruption in ukraine is exaggerated and corruption is often put as a bigger problem than war, but in fact
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it must be said that the scale, embezzlement of funds that we observe the extremes five, even the two extreme corners of a full-scale invasion are characteristic, well, they go beyond all possible limits, and already people are laughing that yanukovych is probably asking, what is it possible... there were, well, i apologize, radical road repairs where hostilities are taking place, precisely in those directions, where the muscovites go, well, we know all this, and here is the latest example, this road through vovchansk, well, it is also somehow suggestive, and what is wrong, we are again after all, we do not have answers, but where are the drones, where are the fortifications, where are the protective barriers buildings for electric and thermal power plants, well , if ukrainians see this too, then why should we think that the americans are absolutely stupid, their leadership and intelligence do not see it either, accordingly, the messages are the same, and what blinkin said that so that ukraine does not become
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a second muscovy, and so that it does not become part of muscovy, so that it does not become like muscovy, well, in fact, these are the messages of the european parliament as well, and these are also the messages of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, many government officials of different countries are already saying this, this is european the journalists' union is already talking about freedom of speech. and about the oppression of the opposition, and about the construction of an essentially dictatorial regime in ukraine, and to be honest, i have been thinking about this for the last two years, because i am well aware that the boys and girls on the front lines are clearly not fighting for a totalitarian state, but from blinkin's speech i was particularly alarmed by the ten-year cooperation agreement on security guarantees, as far as i can see, the administration, zelenskyi's office is completely failing the euro-atlantic one. integration, and it aggressively fails, and is trying to replace all our euro-atlantic aspirations with completely ephemeral, blurred security agreements, and i am very
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afraid of this, because we all understand, ukrainians understand, that nato is the only guarantee of the security of the ukrainian state, and nato does not have us, it should pull us to itself , but ukraine also has to do something for this, but not to fight back with all hands and feet, as this... happens at the highest level, well, they often say that we have fulfilled all the so-called conditions, not that to nato, in principle we can at least now even run for, for example there, if there is a vacancy for the position of the pope, if there is a vacancy, of course, yes, well, zelensky would clearly apply for it through the mediation of yermak, well, this is simply a total inadequacy, but i will once again remind all our viewers that nato, and the essence of the map to nato and the terms of nato cooperation. it is not only the armed forces of ukraine, it is not only the military component, it is the law, and where the law is in our state, far away somewhere it will save the rear, it is the economy, in particular the fight against corruption
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prose. schemes, there are many others areas of cooperation, this is also a conversion, and , let's say, bringing us up to the standards of cooperation, not in the military sphere, the military is one of the five components, and when we say that our armed forces have already deserved to be in nato , i absolutely agree with this, but what are we going to do with the other four components, well , in fact, no one will want to take over a state that is not in a state of war. but a state that does not live up to even its own promises, a state that is unable to keep its word, holding state leadership, which is not only rude, but says one thing, does another, steals a third, well , you can’t either, and in fact, when all these things happen, it’s to the detriment of the ukrainian state, and i, especially from the parliament, with negotiation process, i do not see the desire.
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leadership of ukraine, so that ukraine becomes a member of the north atlantic alliance. on the contrary, i see an attempt to completely block all negotiations. you know, actually, when blinkin was talking about, about the fight against corruption, he was talking about what that means in particular, that there are no such people, for which the law is not written. and i'm just looking now, that we had a history with igor mazepovov, when for some time, it is not known what year, some incomprehensible business was going on. what are the masks of the show and so on, i.e. somewhere they get some sporodnivils, some such things, they get them, blow them up and try to investigate, while we see everything that, for example, a fresh story, a director, the 95th quarter, a russian actor, by the way, i don't know what he has to do with russian citizenship, he has already proven that he does not have russian citizenship, well, the situation is still unclear about this one, but this man, for example, suddenly became a serious player on the market...
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now oblenergo sells energy to everyone for 700, there are 40 or so many million hryvnias this year , he only signed contracts, how is it in principle is it possible and how to comment on it in principle? well, zelensky announced the end of the era of comity, then he announced the beginning of the era of friends, neighbors and relatives, because everyone who is now close to the government, they... are all engaged in total bullshit, well, come on, if we talk about energy they mentioned, what about us and rostyslav shurma, and where is the matter, where is the responsibility, in general, he and his family earned money by selling energy to the occupied territories, and they received compensation from the ukrainian state budget, and nothing, the case against tatarov, the case against tymoshenko, and as far as i know, there are currently about 50 different criminal proceedings involving
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people close to zelenskyi, and nothing... no, our law exists only for the military, for some reason for veterans, for volunteers, and also for opposition, and for for all the rest, there is absolutely nothing, and the fact that even now on the roads there are terrible kickbacks, money laundering, the construction of roads, roads, bridges, where they are not needed, and where the military denies all this, where we have a situation in drones, here i am , one of these days our faction is supposed to meet with the leadership of the ministry of digitization to find out, and what about drones, why again, oh well... the military appeals to volunteers, to citizens, to the mayors of large cities, but where is the state in all this process, i apologize, last year the verkhovna rada allocated more than 40 billions for drones, now we recently allocated 15.5 billion shells for drops for all these drones, and the brigade says that the maximum provision is from 10 to 30% with state funds, and then some of it does not take off, so someone made money from it, someone these
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essentially stole the money, and the questions are just like those. to actually return the money and it seems the best idea is to simply mobilize everyone who still pays taxes, this will probably be a very nice cherry on the cake, and what we will do next, i don't know, ms. sofia, thank you very much for the conversation, sofya fedynina was with us, we have the news on the line, we watch it and kateryna shirokopois will tell us about it. greetings, colleagues, in a moment we will quickly talk about the most important events. news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. one person was killed, another was injured due to an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted several residential quarters.


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