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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 11:00am-11:29am EEST

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call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only 999 uah with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. during the news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi canceled his trip to portugal and spain. this is reported by cnn portugal. the head of state did this in connection with the serious internal situation in ukraine. earlier, zmi reported that this week zelensky will visit madrid to sign a bilateral security agreement. corrected
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strikes on civilian objects. sbu detained six russian agents. according to their instructions, on august 7 last year, the enemy attacked a high-rise building in donetsk region with iskander. later, the russians struck again. as a result of the flights, nine people died, and more than 30 others were injured. during the searches, mobile phones for communicating with the invaders were found in the suspects' possession. currently detained. are in custody, they face life imprisonment. one person was killed, another was injured due to an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers kissed in residential quarters of several settlements. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. a private house and a warehouse were damaged. the enemy concentrates his efforts on the har'.
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kivshchyna in the kramatorsk and pokrovsky directions in the donetsk region, in total during the past 24 hours there were 166 combat clashes on the front, which is twice as many as last week, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine dmytro lykhovii reports. in particular, in the kharkiv region, ukrainian defenders withdrew from the military in order to save lives the most advantageous positions, we are talking about separate plots in the lukyantsiv and vovchansk districts. our defenders managed to fight back. 17 of the enemy are on the border of the kharkiv region, the fighting is currently ongoing. beautiful elimination of the enemy. our border guards stopped the column of invaders in the direction of vovchan. the border guards hit the first ural truck, ukrainian gunners defeated the other invaders. another 1,510 russians became good because they underwent a course of deadly re-education from our defenders. and in general, from the beginning
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of the full-scale russian invasion , almost 487,000 occupiers have already ended their miserable existence, taken care of the defense forces and advanced equipment, only yesterday they turned into scrap metal, 14 tanks, 48 ​​armored fighting vehicles, 23 artillery systems, 48 ​​cars and seven units of special equipment. naviki landed 30 enemy drones and two cruise missiles at the general staff, all the data suggest. indicative ukrainian intelligence attacked a fuel base in the rostov region of russia. ukrainian pravda writes about this with reference to sources from the main intelligence agency. the object was previously hit by two drones, there is a fire going on there. it was loud in belgorod oblast. the occupiers destroyed several aerial targets, and debris hit a residential building. after the failed operation of the russian anti-aircraft defense.
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power lines were also damaged, two people were previously injured. eurovision organizers fined the ukrainian delegation for wearing t-shirts calling on russia to release the captured defenders of azovstal. this was reported by the singer alyona alyona. according to her, clothes with inscriptions and any symbols was prohibited during the performances. however, ukrainians managed to demonstrate a call to save ukrainians. on camera, for that they received a fine, however, according to alyona alyona, the delegation does not regret anything, because it is more important to remind the world about our prisoners of war. and a ten-year-old boy got lost in prykarpattia. together with his mother, he made the ascent to mount khomyak, but fought off the group. the boy was not confused and called 112. this was reported in the public service from emergency situations. the rescuers installed. coordinates of the child and were
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in contact with him until the arrival of the emergency team, then the boy was safely escorted to his mother. daily. people with reduced mobility face various obstacles on the street, in transport and in restaurants. they, like all people, want access everywhere, universal design can help here, it is architectural, interior and exterior amenities for all categories of the population. educated people in wheelchairs from five regions of ukraine have already checked lviv facilities for accessibility and will later provide recommendations on creating a barrier-free space. how was it? our team found out. 10 people in wheelchairs checked lviv institutions for barrier-free accessibility. for this purpose, residents from lviv, ternopil, rivne, volyn and ivano-frankivsk regions underwent online training. this practice was organized by the public organization
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all-ukrainian association of persons with disabilities, a group of active rehabilitation. for participants could expertly conduct barrier-free audits in their communities. this event is. the practicum in essence, which concludes our training cycle, which has been going on for almost more than a month, it was in an online format, where we actually learned together what accessibility is, what norms regulate accessibility and how to actually arrange inclusive barrier-free spaces, like inside buildings , and in the open air, so to speak. inspection of establishments was carried out on the territory of the shopping and entertainment complex, at the request of the residents themselves, who want to do their establishments. accessible to everyone, the auditors in particular inspected the bookstore, science museum, food establishments, they say that the space must meet the requirements of safety and accessibility for all groups of the population with limited mobility, i.e. people with disabilities, impaired vision, hearing, the elderly, parents with baby carriages,
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that , that we saw, almost everything is fine, there are no indicators for people with visual impairments, there are no tactile strips, there are no certain contrasting elements that... people saw where the entrance door is, so that's why over some at times we will work and give recommendations accordingly to the owners to make this space truly barrier-free, and we hope that after that we will be able to provide professional services, conduct surveys in all cities of ukraine and accordingly make our common space more accessible and safe, interesting and so that it is useful for all, citizens of our society, the participants carefully inspect and measure the height of the racks, the width of the entrance passages, the presence of handrails and ramps, audiovisual elements and tactile plates. there is little room for u-turn, you can't drive at an angle to move to the toilet, there is neither one
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nor the other nearby, a garbage can, here you have to push with your foot to open it, so vasyl is alone. from the participants of the training course on accessibility, a man came to the audit from the volyn region, he says that he has been in a wheelchair for more than 11 years, he uses his own car for personal comfort, but even here there are problems, in particular with the availability of parking spaces, i need at least one near the driver's side meter so that i could move, move to the car, fold my chair, threw it in the car, in fact there are no such places, or if i leave a place for myself to... move, someone always parks in such a way that i cannot move into the car, there are also cases where there is a parking space, and to leave it, for example, there are no downgrades to the facility. after the audit, the participants will prepare reports and give the owners of establishments practical
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recommendations for creating a barrier-free space. they all hope that the number of available locations for all categories of the population will increase in the future in the cities of ukraine. that's what they are for. advise business and government institutions. natalya stareprawo nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. i invite you to join the urgent collection to perform tasks at the front by the reconnaissance unit, a reliable suv is needed. our soldiers work in extremely difficult conditions, without cars at the front - well, no way. the suv carries personnel and ammunition, and drones are launched from them. they are like a spur of life where everything around will be destroyed. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, you and i it remained to buy it and transfer it to the front. in general, our goal is 300 uah. i remind you that you and i closed much larger gatherings, so
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i believe that we will also close this one quickly. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. to learn more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our website., as well as on our social networks. we will see you in less than an hour. and then my wonderful colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. don't switch. in the last minutes of preparation for the race, servicemen and veterans from the nezlamni rehabilitation center change into t-shirts, put on their running numbers and warm up. defender oleksandr ryasny. one of those who will overcome the symbolic distance of 70 m on a prosthesis. in september of last
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year, a man lost his leg after being wounded in the zaporozhye direction. it's very cool, you can feel the support from people, such emotions, you can say. the impressions are wonderful, the emotions are so good. thank you for the support, some motivation, of course i want to run, because this i only have an educational protest, i want to run in the future. this marathon is at least a kilometer to begin with, and then already 10. this is the second offline running event organized by nova poshta together with newran since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the half-marathon under the slogan "don't stop" was dedicated to all ukrainians who bring our victory closer every day . this is a marathon of unity of all ukrainians. today, 300 runners from all over the country joined together, today 1 km long, dedicated to everyone who is in tough election battles. freedom and independence of ukraine, i i wanted to thank all the soldiers who defend our country and all those who are currently at
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the front, i ran for those who cannot, and for all those who somehow give themselves to our victory, it is difficult, because i really do not like cardio, but for the sake of the armed forces you can run, and thanks to the event, 2 million hryvnias were collected, and the organizers will transfer all the funds to the physical rehabilitation and adaptation of the military. from the center are not broken, nova poshta plans to hold the next marathon in kyiv in the fall. dear friends, this is our final hour with andrii saichuk, lesia vakulyuk, and maksymnys vitaylov joins us, joins us, until he joins us, we want to remind you that you are ours today in the final hour. on spresso you can donate and join all those
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who have already done it, and it was a lot of people, a lot of hryvnias, thank you to all of them, now i will say more precisely how much 36 00 our viewers donated this morning, and there are less than 37 left, i just said , has already been added, less than 14 hryvnias remain, so that we have half a million hryvnias. then of course not the whole amount, because the whole amount is 4 million, but it is already the eighth part from her, and dear friends, this is what we are collecting for, for atvs, with the help of which they will evacuate the wounded soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine from the battlefield, as well as deliver ammunition to the battlefield, so join in, you still have time in order to become one of the donors for a good cause, a necessary cause for... our military needs our help, and we really have to ask,
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where to donate and who to help, which of the brigades, which of the defenders of ukraine, do you have the opportunity do it for the 93rd separate of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade, you know, when they say why ukraine became independent after the 14th year, it can be recalled that in the last year of his reign, it seems that this president yanukovych at the time before the 14th year, it seems, traveled more than 20 times to moscow for... a meeting with putin, that is, he went there, in principle, as to his superiors, to bow to the chief khan, to bring him koumiss there or something else, i don’t know what they did there in the days of kiev’s feudal fragmentation, well less with those, but if you look at what is happening with putin now, well, someone is counting how many times he has already gone to xi jinping, probably every time, it is possible to go to xi jinping, today is not possible yet, okay, i will call you back tomorrow, okay, okay, hello, but it is possible until, when in a month... they don't count, they don't count, says putin, well, well, putin has finally counted up to these days,
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he flies to xi jinping, happy, satisfied, in the meantime, he already, already, he already gave an interview to this, the chinese people, ugh, here we go again began to say that he advocates for peace, for negotiations with ukraine, only to take into account the russian ones interests, and their interests are known to be to seize as much ukrainian land and people as possible, then he came to them and said the tractor is digging holes in the field. well, it's not like a tractor, as soon as some t-90 is knocked out, maksym nesvitalok is already with us, mr. maksym, congratulations, congratulations, sir. maxim, here is tomorrow's visit, the chinese press is already writing that putin is talking about peace, what does this mean for us, how should we interpret it? you know, i would probably start with the way you talked about, you mentioned yanukovych, how he went to see his superiors in moscow, and i didn't immediately understand what it was
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briefing on putin's visit to china, i thought you were talking about blinkin. who came to the authorities in kyiv, but yes, now to the serious, well, how serious, how serious can it be called, m, yes, putin is going to a certain extent, i think to bow, because china now, the jade rod is as powerful as never, the red dragon rushes around the world and tries to defend its geopolitical interests. i think they communicated very fruitfully with emmanuel macron and ursula fonderline, not so fruitfully, as with the same antony blinken, there it seems that they did not come to some common opinion, but with europe they are building a separate communication. i think that xi jinping will strongly advise putin not
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to brandish the nuclear warhead and china in general. it seems so to me, especially against the background of the statements of the same macron and fonden will now take such a position of de-escalation in the nuclear direction, precisely in the nuclear direction, because they are very much not interested in it, and i think that europe could somehow additionally motivate, and that what what putin is doing, if we talk about his statements about peace, about negotiations, well, it's nothing more than attempts not to thwart. peace summit, throw a destructive context into it. everything that the russian federation is doing does not in any way indicate that they are ready for de-escalation, for some kind of peace negotiations, but their rhetoric, their rhetoric is completely different from their actions. and in this way, putin hopes that in this discourse, in
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this summit, there will be a discussion of the fact that, look, russia is ready, russia is talks about negotiations. and you refuse, but it seems to me that this is already such a well-worn topic on his part that it will not lead to serious results, to the expected results, by the way, if we talk about those peace agreements after all, some believe that it after all , the very end of some kind of russian offensive is looming somewhere this year, when their may... they wrote about the fact that allegedly such secret negotiations took place between cameron, the former minister, the prime minister, and now the minister of foreign affairs, and trump , as likely the future president, about such security guarantees and a peace agreement, as well as about
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the ten-year agreement on security guarantees, by the way, blinkin also spoke during his visit. time to meet with students at the kyiv polytechnic? i am extremely skeptical of such stories about negotiations, and i know that some of my colleagues are leaning towards this thesis that some negotiations are planned for the end of the 24th year, and now there is a warm-up to these negotiations, to be honest, i i don't feel that it was really such a trending warm-up, it's the first. secondly, well, still, it seems to me that until the president of the united states of america is changed, there will be no negotiations, that is, if they also bet on some negotiation process, then most likely they expect to start it in 25 year, and now they are simply trying
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to avoid further escalation by whatever means are available, their task is to keep everything plus or minus at the current level, to deal with their elections, with their political situation, then come back to it, i don't i think they see this same summit and any negotiation processes there as processes that will lead to a final solution to this situation, this war can only be stopped in one way, by defeating the russian federation, but the russian federation can also be defeated by... two scenarios, i begged for myself such an analogy of the victory of two victories over germany. the victory in the second world war, it happened like this... in a fairly familiar way, germany was destroyed, bombed, occupied and signed a capitulation, that is, destroyed by the military
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way was, but if we recall the first world war, then germany first of all suffered an economic defeat there, there were actually no special military actions on its territory, everything that forced germany to sign with... again the capitulation , not to negotiate, not to come to any compromises, they both signed capitulation both times, both militarily , when they were defeated, and militarily-economically, and this is what can be done with the russian federation, if the civilized world unites, he can just now introduce a complete economic blockade of the russian federation, and very soon the war will be stopped, because without money, if... there russia did not spare its people and so on, without money they will not be able to fight, because they simply have nothing to do will manufacture new equipment, buy equipment, and
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so on, you just need to come to a common vision that this war can only be stopped by a victory over the russian federation, and then think exclusively about the scenarios in which this victory will be achieved, putin himself understands this, otherwise, how to explain the appointment of andriy bilousov, the economy minister, now as the minister of defense, unfortunately, it seems that they really understand, because one of the key problems of the russian army was corruption, that they irrationally used the resources they had, and it was extremely good, the shoigu in this regard, the shoigu and his entourage were our close allies, because they did not allow the military potential of the russian army to fully unfold. and if indeed, now pilausov will contribute to the fact that resources will be used more irrationally, this is bad, because as an economist, unfortunately, from the information i
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managed to research, he is a sufficiently competent professional, and this is not good. by the way, about the peace talks and about the change of the president in the united states, the sunday times, referring to... a high-ranking source writes that the british foreign minister, david cameron, allegedly met with donald trump and convinced him to approve an increase in the military help they say that this will help ukraine hold the front line and actually give trump the best possible conditions for concluding an agreement between the countries if he wins the elections. now the decisive action of the british prime minister is somehow justified. says that they support ukraine, and their support is unchanged, well, but nevertheless, here is some information like this, which has spilled into the public
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domain and is available to everyone, how to evaluate it? look, i think it could have been a conversation anyway, and that's okay, because it's being discussed different options, here you need to approach the assessment. such situations with a cool head, because all options are being discussed, absolutely all options, and which concern ukraine, certainly something may be unpleasant for us to hear, but we need to understand that these are such realities, such pragmatic circumstances, i think that as one from the options, just establishing communication with donald trump is, well , somewhere somewhere to play along with his ideas, and then try to... put him in the right direction, or was it formulated in this way rishi sunak also gave candy, but if there was such a conversation, it is not surprising
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in the context of the fact that we did not receive help for a long time, we conceded certain positions, and in order to possibly motivate ukraine to receive help now , such an option was proposed, and then ukraine will receive aid and we will already... we will see what to do next with this, there was another visit yesterday, the visit of anthony blinke to the us secretary of state, and it is hotly discussed, and what is not discussed is what anthony blinken said what messages sent to ukraine, and it is being discussed that he played on stage in one of the pubs in kyiv, and there are already all kinds of conjectures, images appear, here... with a guitar, it turns out that it was impromptu, he was invited to the stage by a band that performed there , and he decided to play, but nevertheless said that ukraine is currently going through
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very difficult times. and that especially kharkiv is suffering and he said that the world, the whole world, america, is now with you, but the ukrainians did not hear these people, they were terribly outraged that in such a difficult time antony blinken allows himself strumming the guitar, others have already begun to see a different meaning as well, they say he played an american bluesman who opposes trump, and they also saw certain, certain some... connections with the united states and with the political situation in the united states, well, after that, everyone did not hear, somehow they did not sound so loud, actually the messages of antony blinken that he would not like ukraine to turn into a second russia, and that democracy is very important, and that corruption, she prevents you from winning, and about that ukraine has finally taken such a difficult,
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difficult step in terms of mobilization, that... that the military, who have been on the front lines since the first day of the great war, need to be replaced, all this has not been heard, unfortunately, what do you think, why, why yes, in the end , how, how mr. blinken now has to react to the reaction of ukrainians, how americans react to the fact that he came out with a guitar, is it really so bad that the secretary of state said that we do not have such an unambiguous reaction in the public space, actually , a lot i wouldn't say that someone who really didn't understand was defensive, there will always be someone who will be defensive for some reason, let's be honest, people will always find a reason to be offended and why to be angry with this , there was never a problem, ah, someone did not really take it, but in general, i would not said that it somehow falls out of the general canvas, american
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public diplomacy, then... a speech at the kpi university, well, really with a high-quality speech about corruption, about the fact that we can win over russia, but so as not to turn into russia ourselves , we need to defeat corruption, important, important message, it is important that he met with anti-corruption officers and public activists, it is also an important sign, including for our authorities, that we are in contact with people, engaged in anti-corruption activities there, and we have various information about what is happening in the country, both from the authorities and there, i don’t know, the opposition, activists, conditionally in this way, they showed their unity with the people by eating pizza, well, also a classic, here, well, pizza in the veterano pizzeria, which was founded by the military ostaltsev and where are the windmills still working...
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of the war that began in 2014, yes, yes, well , the symbolism is absolutely present here, this is a story with a guitar, i think it is more of a story about er, to its electorate in the united states of america, i just looked through the american twitter, it was mostly received very positively there, it's such a purely american vibe, but listen, they're coming to us. with some help there, we are having discussions here about that security agreement and so on, but nevertheless, you must not forget that they have an election process going on there, antony blinken is one of the main people of biden's team, and he also strengthens him, well, strengthens his electoral support, and well, such a moment i more...


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