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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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veterano, which was founded by military ostaltsev and where veterans of the war that began in 2014 work. yes, yes, well , the symbolism is absolutely present here, this story with the guitar, i think, it is more of a story to er to its electorate in the united states of america, i looked through the american twitter, it was accepted there to a greater extent very positive it's such a purely american vibe, well, because, listen, they're coming to us with some help, we're having discussions here about that security agreement and so on, but nevertheless, one should not forget that they have an election process going on there, antony blinken is one of the main people of biden's team, and he, among other things, strengthens him, strengthens his electoral support, and well , i am more of such a moment. than sure it is
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aimed specifically at a western audience. here it did not lead to such a thing, well, there it led to a heated discussion of appropriateness, inappropriateness, but in the states it is just such a class, when there is a candidate for the presidency or someone moves to a bar, to drink a beer beer bogs, play guitar or leave darkts, talk about motorcycles there, about how they ride there in the endless expanses of texas, see the sunset. purely american picture, so i think he can be completely forgiven for not working for his audience, using such an information pretext. well, you know, i just wanted to say at the end, i read to you anatoly oktysyuk, this is a political analyst rotschuld and company, also rotschuld and company, as you understand, a banking company founded in the 19th century, which has under 80 billion under management, he wrote that he actually studied and works there at harvard. americans, he
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wrote such rather bitter things, but i will quote literally a couple of phrases that i read the reaction of the rest of the progressive community to blinkin's visit to kyiv, what in their opinion anton, well antony, should have done, come on julian's f-16, go to the front and personally lead the attack on vovchansk on bradley, bring a patriot and, as an assistant, shoot down several iskander daggers, at least shoot with a javelin, take a picture, i’m sorry, this is the language of the original by the rogue kubrakov, and then to release ermak and scold the government for corruption, defend service in the church, handcuff himself at the baptism, eat kyiv pastries, bring a suitcase of cash and donate it to the armed forces fund, well, that is, he takes it to the point of absurdity, in fact then he says that if no joke, then the ukrainian , ukrainians often do not understand and will never understand the united states, because in fact the state secretary came to support ukraine in an emergency situation against the background of the escalation, and blinkin was also
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covered up for that... so to speak, and he says that ukrainians and ukrainian the authorities are ungrateful, and this thesis resonates everything is louder in the western establishment, somehow, and this is my opinion, well, such a position can really be, but it seems to me that it is also a little bit overheated, because, well, just as it is important for us to understand americans, so americans , well , americans, yes, and americans need to understand us. er, in what context are we and should we treat with understanding , including sometimes seemingly emotional reactions, let's say so, but it also shows, by the way, how traumatized we are by the war, that sometimes it is difficult for us just to look at the optics normal person to turn on and look at himself from the side, we are already, we are already too much in all this, that is also true. maksym nesvitaylo was with us, thank you for this conversation, an international political scientist, we discussed international events, as well as blinkin's visit to kyiv. unexpected.
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dear friends, we are going to take a short break now, then we will come back, we still have one conversation ahead of us, we will have a guest journalist from radio na dotyk from zaporizhzhia, we will talk about what is happening in the zaporizhia region, and whether it is because of the fact that the russians are pushing on kharkiv oblast, it became a little calmer in the zaporizhzhia direction. stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface. the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a tope for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose toperic, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. it can be used within a day after removing the factory film. a unique case, in which you can hide your topper will become
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veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more anal. even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when... there will be a liver alohol, but what about the gallbladder? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. dear friends, we are returning to ether, lesya vokulyuk andriy saichuk, this is our final one, well not even half an hour, we have 20 minutes left, and
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we have a guest, you have the opportunity during those 20 minutes, while we are talking, to join our meeting, as our viewer, mrs. olga lisko, just wrote to me. if i correctly emphasize in the last name that she just gave birth, do the same, dear friends, i know that she is a pensioner, but nevertheless supports our meetings, 11,000 remains until we have half a million, half a million is already an eighth of the four million that we need to collect for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, and presents our guest olga vakalo, a journalist of radio nadotyk zaporizhzhia is in our studio, mrs. olga, we are glad to see you, we congratulate each other. i congratulate you and all the viewers of my favorite tv channel, you are now in lviv, and it is calmer here, surely life looks like that for you? you know, i'm only here, well, it's the second day, and before that i was in zakarpattia for three days, and it wasn't just such a retreat, but it was just a transfer to another
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planet, really, a place where there is no, not that there is anxiety , there is no curfew, this cannot happen in zaporizhzhia, it cannot to be, you know, no one... talks about the traumatization of journalists, although it exists, because journalists pass through a huge number of human stories, and besides, journalists are just people who also live underground. with alarms, under the threat of a missile attack, under drones, and they also have their own life, and here you have to hold yourself back, and somehow do the work, and somehow do this work with quality, like being a journalist in zaporizhzhia, how do you manage to hold on, how as they say, keep your cuckoo, i hope you succeed, and thank god that there is such moments when you can leave, and it often happens precisely at the moment when it is most necessary. and according to you , the whole of march, well, for zaporozhye, it is especially
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march 22, when there was a massive attack on dniproges, i live not far from the largest hydroelectric power station, and it was, it was a very difficult night, well, after that march, all of april , and i left on may 9, on the morning of the eighth there was another massive shelling all night, we have already learned. understand, well, zaporizhzhia is located on two banks of the dnieper, i live on the left bank, where the center is, but i i live not far from the river, and therefore i can hear the right bank better, and we are already orienting ourselves on which bank the shelling is and who we should first call, write, ask how things are going, and then our team, which was leaving, then everyone has their alarms set, we constantly heard on the phone, this spring. well, in fact, and march, and april, and may, 7, 8, 9, 12 alarms a
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day, that’s for us, there were days that between alarms, the distance was 40 or 30 minutes in a whole day, that’s when therefore, in zaporizhzhia, unfortunately, but in a different way you can't, all shops are open, everything works even during air raids, some checkpoints and some banks are not working, everything that serves people is working, what about this? i have now come close to the topic, our radio, a very important radio station, works with this topic, and it is a great honor and a great duty and responsibility for us, the topic of the disappearance of missing persons who disappeared under special circumstances, that is, during the war, and the support of their relatives persons, and these are continuous stories of pain and grief, i will say, here is the case, we were looking for a heroine for a story that in ours, well, among ourselves, we call it... lucky, because it is about such an algorithm: the connection disappeared, then the status of the missing
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soldier, then he was found in captivity, and then the exchange and he returned home, and we think that it is lucky story, because the most terrible of this series of stories is when there is no information yet, and it is an unspecified loss that is experienced the hardest, and here is this happy heroine i agree with my mother, i can’t get out of it at all... finally, she comes out and says: i won't talk about it, because it's a very painful story for us sons, and it's the first time for us we are faced with the fact that what we defined for ourselves as happy is also a very painful story, so, well, we already have these stories somewhere in captivity, and there is not enough confirmation, so it is still a process, it is very difficult , how do these women behave, how do these families behave? it is surprisingly worthy, and it is worthy of great honor and respect, and we are also
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learning together with them, i felt that my journalistic knowledge and skills are lacking, despite the fact that i have quite a lot of experience, especially interviewing, and such sensitive content, we always have a radio to touch and that's why it's called touchy-feely radio, because we take on sensitive topics that need to be touched with care, but touchy-feely, well, it's also about certainty and assertiveness and... that's when i came across the fact that when i talk to such mothers, or even i miss grandmothers or wives, i climb, interrupt, i so want to support, i already know what words can not be said, what words should be said, i went through several trainings, fortunately there is an opportunity to psychologically support myself, because you are in in any case, you pass through yourself, and that's it i feel that after this project, in which i am now, i want to even... take local journalists, discuss this tone of voice, how it is possible, how it should be, how it cannot and should not be
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, because it is a new experience, and well, it’s scary that we acquire it, on the other hand, we grow up, well, this is such a relief, we become stronger, of course, but here are these tips, as you say, which you listened to as a journalist, which ones you want to share with other journalists , they are for people who are not in journalism, they will do, of course. it should not be asked of a person who waits and does not know, whether or not her loved one will come back alive, i think this is universal knowledge, well... at least what is given in such trainings, this is the basic level, like what not to do, what words not to say, well it is considered that it is impossible to talk, i understand you, if you are not going through this yourself, even if you are going through it, here everyone has an individual and special story, here it is more to talk about the fact that i want to be with you, will you allow me
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to help you to i helped you, can i hug you, because here too with hugs... it is necessary be careful, i have one, i go to everyone with hugs, here you have to be careful, understand, always, can i ask about it, well, these are the moments, the most important thing in all these tips is that the person with whom we communicate , did not become an object in any way, but that her subjectivity was at a very high level, that is, to show that this person is very important to you at this moment, and you want her to feel better, and you are with her. ready to experience and sympathize, i have already heard several times, thank you for what you do, thank you, in fact, those who they are looking for us in zaporizhzhia, in this sense we are a unique city, we have opened the first such center in ukraine for searching for persons missing due to special circumstances, its uniqueness is that
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specialized groups work in all regions, in all cities, this the gnp, the national police, and in general this process is overseen by the ministry of foreign affairs and it is... the ministry of internal affairs of the ministry of internal affairs, and there are those authorized on these issues, but here they have gathered in one building, in one center , all those who directly, these are operatives, and investigative investigators, and the uniqueness also lies in the fact that these people work from the occupied territories, they are police officers from the occupied, temporarily occupied territories, who are looking for their own, they know what it is about, or they are looking for their land, which is now temporarily occupied, but there they understand what and as it is said talked to them, and they say that not everyone can be shown there now, because relatives remain in the occupied territories, we have a lot of restrictions there, however , they say that we know every name, despite the fact that these are piles of papers , there found we are so happy, we found there in three months, we opened this center on december 28, 2023, and already in the first three months there are good results, well, of course, out of 400 found there, only 33 are alive,
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however, it is important here... to find for that , so that you can bury it, it is also important, and very important, well, i see it as my task for society to provide information about what to look for, do not give up, it is very important to search, when you search, you will find, there are algorithms, there are ways to search, the police here act very creatively and interestingly, that is, this is very important here work, and this message is very important here, that you are not alone, because in such a trauma and loss , a person... lies, shuts down, does not want to communicate with anyone, we also face this, these relatives communicate only with those who here we work with them, many search for themselves, and there are dangers here, on the other hand, there are also opportunities to find more information, the topic, well, we understand that in the best case, after the victory, which we will certainly win, this
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topic is still for a very long time will reverberate because the war ends when it is found… the last fighter who was missing, the actual topic of losses, it is probably the most sensitive and the most censored, since the beginning of the war, there was an idea of ​​the government and which was supported by society as a whole, to close the data on losses from the very beginning, nevertheless this president zelenskyi violated this silence, or rather broke it, and for the last time. at the conference, he called the number of losses 31 00. there was immediately a lot of criticism, because even from open sources, there uolaz, for example, they had at that time more than 40, it seems that 4 thousand have already been calculated, this is from documentary confirmations there, well, when they appear, for example, in the local media about the fact that the heroes were buried and so on, that is , about a third, at least it was underestimated, but he
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also said that regarding the missing, i do not want speculation, i will not talk about this topic. so what does the word speculation mean here and is it worth raising this topic in principle, whether you or she does not demoralize the society, which is so scared and terrified lately? it is my belief that it is necessary to violate, but here it is really necessary to know how to bring up this topic so as not to cause harm, and even when you know, you can still do no harm, but here you have to go, because this is the road we have to ... go, when this topic is not voiced, it still comes out, but it comes out already distorted, and just then it can demoralize, because there will be either exaggerations or understatements, and this will add to... that distrust of the government, which is already a huge amount, this is our great trouble, and the government, unfortunately, she does everything to make sure that she continues to be distrusted, that's it therefore, if there is another topic, here really, when you
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communicate, i have, well, that's right, the tip of the iceberg with those people who are experiencing such a loss, and the fact that their society pushed them to the margins is wrong, it cannot be for that they, because it's not just people living there, it's... they can and should be active participants in the social political process and the creation of the victory to which we are all approaching, they are all now rallying among themselves, but also they understand the need to create public organizations, i.e. exit, this is a very asset, at first it's oppression, but then it's active and people take such actions, i think it should be said, here the speculation can be because the information needs to be confirmed in a lot of sources, for example... now by law, i think, from the beginning of this year , there must be at least two dnas, two relatives must pass a dna test to be able to confirm, there was no such requirement before, as
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well as confirmation of those who are in captivity, one testimony is enough that you have seen this person, there are portrait examinations, is already worked out, with in the 14th year, this thing, it was spread very little in the information field, well, in the 14th, as for me, it was not there at all, well, at least i did not feel it. since the 22nd, due to the fact that many more people need to cover this topic, it appeared, but also, well, here i am in this topic and we are taking the first step, even though i am interested in it, and i want to know more , the majority does not know, if we are talking about local media, where only news remains, for journalists, they do not even feel the need to know how to communicate, how to voice it, there is a number, they showed, squeezed tear and have already moved on, this cannot be assumed, here it is necessary to learn. this experience must be worked out, integrated, and then it will be possible to jointly, well, with such synergy , go to another level, we literally have a few minutes left, er, you know,
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journalists, two, yes, er, journalists, military, volunteers, activists, they all live in such little bubbles, and to them, it seems to them that this is how all people also live, but if you go out, get out of that bubble, then there are people who are not involved in the war, except for the fact that they ... sit under missiles , example, so do the air alarms hear, how do you deal with it, when sometimes another bubble penetrates yours and you hear something about how this war should end already, or ukraine is just a training ground for the united states and russia, or so , or we believe in the armed forces, let them fight there, but don't give me this negativity of yours about some missing people there. i often get angry and it's not good because anger, well be angry, but don't sin, don't let the sun set on your anger, be understanding because people
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go through different stages and let others be as they are, because the fact that we attack them with convictions, unfortunately, it does not convince, here everyone has their own experience, in zaporizhzhia it is the experience of the same shelling and constant changes that take place and of the need to fix something there, to patch it, because they are flying... at best it's flying glass, at worst this is what happens, so here at the beginning, i remember, at the beginning there was much more unity, much more cohesion, zaporizhzhia even now we have such political processes, we are left without them regional council, she pauses for seconds , yes, that is, let people be who they are, and it will turn out the way it should be, i believe in it. thank you for your wisdom for your work, it was olga vakalo, a journalist of radio nadotyk from zaporizhzhia , and they were talking about how journalists work. with people who are waiting and hoping that their relatives, who have disappeared alive, will return to them. dear friends, thank you, lesya vakulik andriy sachuk worked in this studio for you. 40,000 you
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vitaliy kim. air force behind.


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