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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery, powerful saws, strong, what you need, call. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news time on espressu tv channel. explosions rang out in mykolaiv, two hits were recorded in the city. this was announced by the head of the region vitaliy kim. the air force warned of the threat of a ballistic strike from the details of the attack
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are currently under investigation. and in the morning, explosions rang out in kherson due to hostile blows by residents for the old head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the consequences of the attack are currently being clarified. two victims of an enemy attack in the middle of the city of kharkiv are still in the hospital. among them is an eight-year-old girl. now her condition is stable. a 47-year-old man is also in intensive care. this was announced in the regional military administration. let me remind you that yesterday the occupiers hit the shevchenkivskyi district of the city with four air bombs, damaged residential buildings, 15 garages and a non-residential building, later the russians shelled the salttivskyi district, a total of 22 people were injured. the enemy is concentrating its efforts on kharkiv region, on the kramatorsk and pokrovsky directions in the donetsk region. in general, during the past 24 hours, there were 160
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combat clashes at the front, which is twice as many as last week, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, dmytro lykhovii, reported. in particular, in the kharkiv region, ukrainian defenders moved to more advantageous positions in order to save the lives of soldiers. we are talking about separate plots in the lukyantsiv and vovchansk districts. our defenders managed to repulse 18 enemy attacks on the border of kharkiv oblast, the fighting continues. we are evacuating people, everyone we are helping, the situation in ovchansk is extremely difficult, the enemy is taking positions on the streets of the city of ovchansk, so people, please evacuate, we are helping everyone, we are on the spot working together until victory, we adjusted the strikes on civilian objects, the sbu detained six russian agents, according to their guidance, on august 7 last year, the enemy attacked iskander a lot. airfield in donetsk region,
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later the russians struck again, nine people were killed and more than 30 were injured as a result of the airstrikes. during searches , mobile phones for communication with the invaders. currently, the detainees are in custody, they face life imprisonment. and in the morning kazan was attacked by drones. this was reported in the russian ministry of defense. air defense allegedly shot down the occupiers. drone over the city, airspace was closed in the region, airports did not accept or release flights. the situation is complex and worrisome, as the pentagon commented on the events at the front in ukraine. patrider, a spokesman for the us department of defense, said that the united states is concerned about active attempts by the military russia to seize new territories. the pentagon assured that the united states persevered amid the escalation. will work on speeding up and
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providing ukraine with weapons and ammunition. russian military intelligence organized anti-war rallies in germany. the bloomberg agency writes about it. in this way, the russians tried to influence public opinion in the country and undermine support for ukraine. according to media, one of the organizations influenced by the russians is the organization alternative for the future of children and its photo project children. wars report that this platform used for companies against nato and the call to stop the supply of weapons to ukraine. ukrenergo is forced to limit consumption to prevent accidents in the power system. today, there is a significant shortage of electricity throughout the day, from 60 p.m. to 11 p.m., emergency shutdowns may be introduced, in particular for household consumers. this is reported by ukrenergo. in advance. this evening, the graphs were carried out in
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ukraine due to a significant cooling. a ten-year-old boy got lost in the mountains of prykarpattia. he carried out together with his mother. climbing the mountain the hamster, however, fought off the group, the boy was not confused and called 112. the state emergency service reported this. the rescuers established the coordinates of the child and were in contact with him until the arrival of the emergency brigade. later, the boy was safely escorted to his mother. at least a thousand ukrainian soldiers have lost their sight in the last two years of russia's full-scale war. of ukraine, this was reported by the washington post. modern medicine can help soldiers with visual impairments, how eye injuries are treated in lviv, our journalists will tell. serhii slav names the letters from the table to test
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visual acuity. a soldier from the 80th separate amphibious assault brigade participated in the defense of ukrainian bakhmut. in the same direction, the defender was wounded, an enemy bullet hit his street. we were in the trenches, it was my turn to watch at night, well, i looked, i didn’t shoot, i didn’t explode , there was nothing, i looked around, then, well, i poked behind the thermal imager and at that time it dawned on me, first they took me to konstantinivka, they sewed there, then was taken to aleksievo druzhkovka, then to druzhkovka for... then to kramatorsk, and from kramatorsk already to dnipropetrovsk. serhiy's face suffered the most from a mine-explosive wound. the soldier stopped seeing in his right eye. there the eye was open, in mine there, well, the apple itself remained. some kind of implant was inserted into it
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for volume. and well, it moves to the right, left, up, down, but the optic nerve was interrupted and, well, it could not see. six months ago , doctors from lviv began treating serhiy. regional hospital, war veterans and repressed people, he was given two at once surgery, six months ago reconstruction of the majestic orbital complex was carried out with an individualized implant and three months ago the exposure of the implant took place and plastic surgery of this defect was carried out together with the american colleagues with corresponding skin grafts from the suprabrow area. from september 2023 this year, the lviv regional hospital operates a department of ophthalmology as part of department of head and neck surgery, here specialists consult, diagnose and operate on military and civilian ukrainians with visual impairments. we already are the third link, and in principle, these patients who come to us here, that is, they can already
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be operated on, primary surgical care is provided in these primary areas. in our case, well, those patients who... we are already observing them, operating on them and carrying out further treatment after treatment. explosive and gunshot injuries are often accompanied by eye injuries, says ophthalmologist solomiya horodylovska. patients with impaired visual acuity, retinal pathology or loss of the eyeball often seek help. after the explosive mine trauma patients often develop partial atrophy of the zero nerves. we treat it. in parallel with our neuropathologists, that is, the patient goes for a follow-up examination and together with the neuropathologists, we take some kind of therapeutic treatment, that is, to restore the patient's vision as much as possible. in four months of last year , ophthalmologists of the lviv regional hospital operated on 42 patients with visual impairments and
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thus helped them see the world. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi , espresso tv channel. you are invited to join to urgent intelligence units need a reliable off-road vehicle to carry out tasks on the front. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without a car at the front. the suv carries personnel , ammunition, and drones are launched from them to destroy the russians. they are like an island of life where everything around is destroyed. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. this is good news. all that remains is to redeem and transfer to the front. a little more complicated. in general , our goal is uah 3,000. i believe, i know that we are you will be able to close this collection, because the war is not waiting. now you can see all the necessary details on the screens. for now, that's all the news for this hour, take care, we 'll see you tomorrow.
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today in the program verdict with serhii rudenko: the trend towards stabilization. defenders blocked the russian offensive in kharkiv region. but sumyshchyna remains under threat. were the fortifications on the northern borders of ukraine really ready? unwavering support. us secretary of state blinken assured president zelensky that the american help is on the way. can ukraine count on additional patriot air defense systems to protect kharkiv? kremlin castings. putin left his associate. patrushev in the closest circle and appointed another assistant to his former
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adjutant dumin, whom the dictator considers his successor? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. anthony. blinkin appeared in kyiv today with unannounced visit, spoke about the security agreement with ukraine, about the future of the russian-ukrainian war, about his support, the support of the united states of america for ukraine. let's talk today about blinkin's visit and how the situation is developing on the eastern front, in particular around vovchansk, and about the prospects of the russian occupiers launching an offensive. not only to kharkiv, but also to sumy oblast, at least that is what the ukrainian generals are saying.
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we will talk about this and other things in the next hour with the politician and diplomat roman bessmertnym and general igor romanenko. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, yevgenia kravchuk, oleksiy kucherenko and yaroslav zheleznyak. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters stopped the enemy. breakthrough in kharkiv oblast , fighters of the 3rd separate assault, 66th separate mechanized and 77th airmobile brigades smashed russian tanks and the occupiers’ pmp, the occupiers’ assault unit was completely defeated, three pieces of equipment were destroyed completely, four more affected, let's see how it all turned out.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work simultaneously on several platforms, live on the tv channel. as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether ukraine should ask partners to introduce troops, meaning on the territory of ukraine. yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple, if you have a separate opinion, please write it under the video in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that ukraine should ask partners to introduce troops 0821 381, no, 0821 382, ​​all calls to these
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numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our first guest today, this is roman bezsmertny, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to belarus, people's deputy of several convocations, politician and a person who knows about ukrainian and not only. politics is almost everything, mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. sergey, at the same time i want to invite our viewers who watch us on youtube to subscribe to the youtube channel of roman bezsmertny, the link to the youtube channel is under this video is on youtube, please find it and subscribe to roman bezsmertny's youtube channel. so, roman petrovych, today the secretary of state of the united states of america. blinken arrived in kyiv on an unannounced visit, the state secretary
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spoke about the fact that the united states of america will continue to support ukraine, and at a meeting at the sikorsky university , he spoke about the security agreement that representatives of ukraine and, respectively, the united states of america will sign, and blinken also said. about the fact that the help that is so awaited in ukraine will soon be in ukraine, and it will have a real impact on countering russian aggression. let's hear what blind said. during the meeting with zelenskyi. some help has already arrived, more support will come in the future, and it will have a real impact impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many other partners of ukraine, are convinced that you will succeed in this battle. we are also determined that over time, ukraine will stand firmly on its feet in military,
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economic, and democratic terms, because it is strong, successful, prosperous and free. ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future, and for all this the united states is and will remain a loyal partner. we have a huge shortage of air defense equipment. i believe that this is our biggest problem. and yes, today we really need to strengthen the defense for kharkiv, for the region that is often attacked, because the entire civilian population is under attack there, and all the people live under the russian... roman petrovich, how should we evaluate this visit by damn blinkin, we know the rather difficult situation in the east of ukraine, is this a sign of support from washington, or is it still an attempt to make up for lost due to the position of the congress of the united states of america regarding aid to ukraine? mr. serhiy, i would not
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combine this visit with the decision of the congress. the belated decision of the congress, however, there are several things that the state department of the united states of america, it is leading, and they must be resolved, because they must be answered, first of all, this is the approach of the nato summit, it looks as if the parties have quieted down and are waiting for some kind of miracle or surprise , and we know very well that the best impromptu is that impromptu that is prepared, and it is so obvious that we must be ready for who will play what role and what the result will be in such a way that no curious statements like this were in vilnius from any side, because that's why it's question number one, question number two - it's actually now very clear how washington, kyiv, brussels, paris, london,
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berlin, they look at the strategy in different ways. of the armed forces of ukraine in 2024 and 2025, what is the value of the statements made by the adviser to the president of the united states of america, jake sullivan, about a week apart, that something needs to be thought about, so that there are some negotiations, and then we will give the necessary weapons next, and possibly in 2025 year, ukraine should prepare for an offensive. and the statements from berlin looked even more strange at that time, therefore it is obvious that these topics must be coordinated, because it actually depends on this, and what must be delivered, in what volumes, in which at what level of readiness, and actually this is immediately here in the dialogue that we have just seen and manifested itself. the third issue, actually, is the so-called
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security agreement, as we see, and it turned out to be the united states. there is the most discussion here, and this discussion is explained by the fact that the ukrainian side, acting absolutely correctly, included in the text of this document all the materials that are currently between the united states of america and israel, between the united states of america, taiwan, between the united states of america and the philippines, and the work turned out to be quite difficult, so it is necessary to advance here as well, because there are already up to a dozen documents, they are of different weight, of different content, but in this case it is necessary if we were to reach a certain result, well , it is obvious that during today's meeting , certain issues of european politics, initiated by paris,
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initiated by london, and so on, were also discussed during today's meeting, which in certain issues are ahead of today's day... washington and i am ahead of the curve for the reason that both president biden and his team, it is clear that they have to react to the course of the election campaign, which separates them from active action and interaction with kyiv and with other partners, and here it is necessary coordination so that it does not happen that due to the speed of traffic or france or great britain certain collisions occur. i'm not talking about the fact that today there is a lot of demand, which is related to the coordination of certain informational messages that sound, which are clearly not coordinated. and their nature is clear in that that contacts at such a level between washington and kyiv have become rare, this is a set of issues
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that must be paid attention to now. roman petrovych, in parallel with blinken's visit , there was information about the report of yermak irasmusen's group, in which it is proposed that nato invite ukraine to join the alliance at the summit in washington this summer's anniversary. summit and cemented the commitment to accept kyiv into its ranks no later than july 28, the report also suggests that allies spend 0.25% of their gdp on military aid to ukraine and unblock frozen russian assets worth $300 billion to support ukraine. blinkin said that the united states of america is bringing ukraine closer to nato, and then they will introduce it to the alliance. when it will happen, blinken did not say, but this is the date... which yermak erasmosen's group made public july 28, how realistic it can be, how much the situation
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can change in general, that in two months some cardinal decisions will be adopted at the summit of the alliance decisions that will affect, including the course of the russian-ukrainian war. mr. sergey, the issue of ukraine's membership in nato and actually the washington summit, it is so ... surprising, actually, why i paid attention to it, because the course of events can be so fast and unexpected that i do not rule out that not only but the invitation may be , as well as accelerated procedures related to ratification, so you have to be ready for everything in this regard, and in fact, if we talk about current assistance. and the prospects of aid to ukraine, these issues are very closely related, because it is not by chance that messages about tactics pop up
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defensive or offensive tactics and so on, because all this is related to volumes and supplies in accordance with strategy and tactics, it may happen that even two months before the summit, the situation will change radically, as on the eurasian continent , as the interaction of ukraine with the europeans in relation to the assistance of the european community and individual states in ukraine, that the washington summit will have to catch up on the issue and push it, fight for leadership with europe, and healthy leadership in this situation, firstly, secondly, if you look even on internal ukrainian documents, in particular, which... within the framework of the ukraine-nato program, the parameters of 2028 were already indicated there, the preparation must be completed
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according to these documents by the end of 2025, and there are even points that must be fulfilled there until the summer of 2028, so this is not a new date, it has already, let's say, appeared in circulation, including from the ukrainian side, but... everything will depend on the technique of interaction between both sides, moreover, it is necessary to understand well that the answer to this issue may one way or another affect the results of the presidential race in the united states of america, and therefore, as it will affect, so will the initiative and leadership of washington regarding the possibility of an invitation. ukraine to nato, but i am very excited by these words, especially by rasmussen, because they seem to announce some serious progress. i am not
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saying that such a decision might actually be reached at this summit, but that this is a very serious announced progress, by the way, which coincides with internal ukrainian normative and legal by-laws, it is very important and important. that this is actually being heard during the visit, it only confirms our theme with you that this issue is being discussed as the number one issue during the current visit of the secretary of state of the united states of america. roman petrovych, the time publication writes that the head of the foreign ministry of great britain, david cameron, in closed negotiations with donald trump, a potential candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, says that he said that the new american aid will help ukraine hold the front line and provide the best possible conditions for concluding an agreement with the russian federation in
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january 25. to quote: what are the best conditions, the newspaper writes, from which you, as the president , will be able to conclude an agreement in january, is when both sides maintain their positions, pay the price for it. commenting on this article, british prime minister rishi sunak emphasized that london's position has not changed, that the british government stands by ukraine. what deal did cameron talk to trump about, what trump will negotiate with putin in the event of victory in january 25th on termination. russia's war in ukraine? no, mr. serhiy, here we are talking about creating conditions under which ukraine will dominate the war both by force and by the results of battles, therefore, while david cameron is talking about creating conditions under which the initiative is both positional and tactical, and
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strategic will be on the side. ukraine, moreover, the results of the situation on the front line will be in favor, completely, in favor of ukraine, this is what david cameron is talking about, and at the same time it is clear that having a dominant position, london admits the possibility of possible negotiations, who will initiate it, of course, it will be decided by ukraine, including ukraine will determine possible mediators'. or, let's say, an organization that can conduct this conversation, the subtext of this article clearly suggests that the aid needed for ukraine should be such that ukraine achieves its strategic outcome and forces the kremlin to accept ukraine's terms. this is what is important to emphasize, it is not only the actual material that is voiced, it is being talked about
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and in that... and materials in the guardian newspaper, including separate analytical, british editions, have already been writing about it for the past three months, and one must give credit that cameron is gradually changing his position, from that frightened gesture that that nato should not shoot down russian planes and nato should not shoot at russian soldiers, you can see how cameron's position is strong enough. is being transformed, this is explained by the fact that the united states, and especially great britain, pay enormous attention to helping ukraine. moreover, i did not accidentally say that between london and washington show such healthy leadership and competition for leadership regarding the amount of aid to ukraine. but judging by the information coming from
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the russian federation, putin... is not inclined to end the war or sit down at the negotiating table there, all these personnel reshuffles that he carried out after his so-called inauguration, after the fifth the beginning of his fifth term in office, shows that he is trying to find the optimal formula for how to wage a long-term war in ukraine, and, by the way, the spokesman also speaks about this state depot of the united states of america, vedant patel, and this, too, they believe in washington, shows that putin has no intention of ending the war, let's hear what vedant patel said. we believe this is yet another indication that putin is desperate to continue his proxy war against ukraine, even though it is causing
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significant damage. the russian economy and leads to large losses of russian troops, which according to some estimates reach 315 thousand people. he could end the war at any moment by withdrawing the troops instead to continue to carry out brutal attacks on the ukrainian people every day. roman petrovich, it would seem, is in a russian gang, because it is a gang, and it lives by the rules of the gang, it doesn't matter who holds what position. he occupies there, because in principle there is some core there, an aggressive core, which is waging war against ukraine, shoigu replaced the chair of the secretary of the security council, patrushev became just putin's assistant, the new minister of defense is andrii bilousov, who was once an economist, but now a stave.


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