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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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in kharkiv, the russian occupiers, a number of german politicians generally consider it expedient to involve nato air defense systems, in particular poland and romania, to help ukraine destroy the russian air force, but of course not over kharkiv, but in general over ukrainian skies, and this was stated, in particular, by a deputy from on behalf of the cdu, csu bloc, roderig kiesewetter, he says that this will relieve the ukrainian ppu and permit. them to defend the front, how the situation with air defense systems in ukraine has changed in two years, i know that you know well enough how it worked before air defense, as it was built 20 or 30 years ago over the skies of ukraine, and now, as far as we are now equipped with the ppu system, as our needs are greater than what we have. well, in the second year
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of the war, our capabilities increased significantly, from the point of view of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, in general, in this war we became a state power in anti-missile defense, when we entered the patriot anti-missile complexes and that, but taking into account the fact that the enemy was applying intensive air strikes, these complexes, primarily anti-missile and hail defense systems. used quite a lot of missiles, ammunition, anti-aircraft system in general, and therefore at first the effectiveness of these systems was very high, up to 70%, then as the stocks of missiles decreased, it fell to the level of 50 and even 40%, that is, we see that our soldiers learned.
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this technique and the question behind it lies in the fact that new opportunities and capabilities were provided to perform the relevant tasks, including in the kharkiv direction. in this regard, the issue is considered after the corresponding means of russian air attack also flew into the territory of poland, we remember, and the citizens of poland, romania, and moldova were killed. not nato countries, but nevertheless, especially the poles already took the initiative to participate in the annexation directly on the territory of ukraine. we talked about this from the very beginning of the war, and here the thesis that we will close the skies of ukraine, including our fund, well , the implementation of this principle in general, but it is postponed in time, if the consideration of this issue is at the washington summit. to whom nato, where should
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a decision has been made and the appropriate permits have been given, well, it is still time, unfortunately, although from a technical, military-technical point of view, it is an absolutely feasible idea, and we must prepare now to work with our allies , the poles and romanians, and after the appropriate permit . to urgently implement such approaches, because the need for this is, in addition, to lift the ban on the f-16 entering ukraine, thus significantly increasing the potential of the anti-air defense system, these directions are very powerful, necessary to increase the potential of counter-narrative, anti-missile defense of the defense forces of ukraine. mr. general, discus. which is currently ongoing in
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european capitals, will it be necessary to send troops in the event of a worsening, aggravation of the situation, i would say so in ukraine, and we have already heard over the past two months macron's statements that french troops can be on ukrainian territory under certain conditions state the head of the ministry of defense of estonia, hanno pevkur, denied the information that the country's authorities are considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, according to him, neither at the... national level, such ideas are not considered at the eu level either. earlier, the adviser to the president of estonia spoke about the fact that the country is allegedly discussing the possibility of sending troops to western ukraine, which would take over the indirect combat, rear functions of the ukrainian military, in order to free them to fight at the front. well , against the background of these statements and these conversations, we are conducting a survey today and asking our viewers whether ukraine should officially address its partners. ask our
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partners to introduce troops, do you think it is permissible and whether it is possible to be such a practice when the official kyiv will turn to separately. states that are members of the north atlantic alliance, not to the alliance, but to individual countries, so that they help in the event of a worsening of the situation on the russian-ukrainian front. i even said, moreover, not to wait in case of a deterioration or a change in the situation, but this should be dealt with now, and the criteria for this could be, well, the approach that i always propose, which is connected with the fact that everything that improves the situation at the front, everything that increases the combat potential of the forces defense of ukraine must be supported and developed. it is clear that if the troops from our allied countries took their functions, say, to fulfill some internal
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needs, and you thus freed our units to conduct hostilities directly on the front line, then this direction is correct, it should be considered, it. .. it is necessary to justify and, if necessary, resolve issues with official documents and requests in relations with these countries, that is, such an opportunity is necessary and maybe it is possible to forgive for tautology, yes, there is such an opportunity and we need to implement it. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was ihor romanenko, the founder of the charity fund we will not close. of ukraine, lieutenant general station, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you
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whether ukraine should ask its partners for input troops? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, on tv you can also participate in this poll, because there will be a second part. of our program and telephone numbers for the survey, if you think that ukraine should ask partners to introduce troops 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382 there are intermediate results of the survey, here we see on the screen 93% yes, 7% - no, in the second part of our program we will continue this survey, and our guests in the discussion will be people's deputies of ukraine evgenia kravchuk, oleksiy kucherenko and yaroslav zaliznyak, we will talk about the new realities of military state of affairs, whether there should be a war economy in ukraine, or whether the economy should go to the rails, the military, as in the current situation, in the conditions of the escalation of the war, the government should act,
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in short, we will talk about a lot, a lot more in the second part of our program, ahead bbc newscast, we'll be back in the studio in 15 minutes, don't switch. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saws from unpack tv are for you, they will cut trees and shrubs with ease, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for of your house or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose the basic model. or a model with a telescopic handle and order now, free delivery is available, check with consultants, cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with strong saws, just look how quickly they cope with even thick branches , strong forks
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on thursday, may 16 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on espresso tv channels. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is about? two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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your place is waiting for you, the lights stay on, for dinner, what you love is warm the bed is made, there will be... walks, swings and bathing, they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we do not we gave up because we knew that you... are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard
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it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family, we are... a nation that has rallied around you. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the espresso tv channel. my name serhiy rudenko, and in this part of the program we will talk about the following. close the body. for the armed forces european countries are discussing the possibility of sending troops to the western regions
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of ukraine. should zelensky officially apply for help? protracted war. reshuffles in the russian government testify to putin's preparations for prolonged aggression. why ukraine still hasn't put the economy on a war footing. reformatting the government. after kubrakov's release. the ministry of reconstruction plans to divide again what results can be expected from the government reforms? friends, i remind you that we are working live. tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether ukraine should ask partners about the deployment of troops on the territory of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion that does not fit into a yes or no answer,
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please write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you... think ukraine should ask partners to send in troops 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will summarize this voting. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio - yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy from the servant of the people, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, chairman of the parie committee on culture, science, media and... sports, ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, good evening, oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and utilities, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today, congratulations, good evening, and yaroslav zheleznyak should still join us, a little later,
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we will wait for yaroslav zheleznyak and join him later to... to the conversation, and for now, mr. oleksiy and ms. evgenia , i suggest you give an answer in the format of a blitz poll to the question whether ukraine should ask its partners to deploy troops on the territory of the ukrainian state, let's start with ms. kravchuk, well, this is a very hypothetical question, because there are also conversations around this with many conditions and so on, it is necessary for sure asking for what can be given and given quite quickly, like today. zelensky said to blinkin that we need two more patriots there to protect kharkiv, and this can really help on the battlefield, and we can count on this stage, someone will go to the front line instead of ukrainians, well, i think that it is not worth it. thank you, mr. oleksiy, is the presence of foreign
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troops on the territory of ukraine, regardless of whether it is on the front line or not on the front line, to what extent can it ... sober putin and create new conditions in the russian-ukrainian war? well, unfortunately, i did not hear the answer of my colleague, mrs. yevgenia, please ask the studio to fix it somehow. my point of view is that it is a very difficult question, can it stop putin? well, it seems to me, hardly, in the quality of the instructors, well, probably yes, of course, but as for combat contingents and in general. legal procedure, legal grounds, grounds for this, it seems to me that this is a very difficult decision, so i do not think that it can be implemented so quickly. thank you, mr. oleksiy, the day before, the adviser to the president of estonia on national security issues, madis rol, stated that the estonian government is seriously discussing
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the possibility of sending troops to the west of ukraine to cover the rear of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time, estonian defense minister hanno pevku. stated that the idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine remains relevant, but there was no concrete discussion on this topic in the estonian government. there is nothing new here, - said the minister of defense of estonia, when france came up with the idea to think about whether europe and the allies can do something more, this idea was sounded in various discussions, but it did not go anywhere, because nowadays there is no clear among the allies understanding what it will give. of course, ladies and gentlemen. that the question of whether to send troops to the territory of ukraine or not should be decided by us western partners, but well, in this situation , perhaps it is worth talking about the very step on the part of ukraine, the address of the president, the address of the parliament to our western partners, whether
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or not such a question is being discussed at all in the sidelines of european institutions, and whether it is possible... at all, a public appeal of ukraine to western partners, because in the end we do not lose anything in the current situation, and on the contrary we gain, because we appeal to the world community, well, after all, with such a big monster as the russian federation has fight the whole world, not only ukraine? well, you understand that these statements on the part of france and there estonia, these are actually not so many countries, it is... a certain probing of the ground as one of the allies will perceive, because no one wants to do it first or alone and in the end. that's right, and the minister of defense said that no one understands, well, what exactly it can bring, well , we know that 200 estonians are coming to us there, this is probably half of their
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military army, and that they are stationed in lviv, can the supreme commander- in-chief , for example, somehow this to be used for combat operations, we are talking about combat operations, that's right, we are not just talking about putting someone in the barracks. and well, to think that what will fly at them, and now specifically there is an aggravating situation in the kharkiv region, an acute situation in the kupinsky direction, in the pokrovsky direction, i don’t know how concretely, theoretically, but how decisions are made, this continent can help in these directions , moreover, there are some appeals to be made by the parliament, i don't think that it is within the competence of the verkhovna rada, of course it should be checked, it is definitely within the competence. of the military-political leadership of the stake, well, the head of the parliament is included in the stake, yes , the question on the insert was not discussed, at least, that it
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sounded about it publicly, so let's still get out of reality and ask for and get what we can get, and now everyone is asking for artillery, well, i mean at the front, we are waiting for f-16 aircraft, air defense reinforcement and, of course, joint production projects. own weapons, this is already an introduction to your next topic about the wartime economy there. thank you, mrs. yevgenia, for the eyeliner, and i want it to include in the conversation yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy of ukraine from the holos faction, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, well, since we are asking our tv viewers and conducting a traditional survey among viewers and tv viewers, whether, in their opinion, ukraine should ask its partners to introduce troops into the territory of the ukrainian state, we did not start this discussion, this discussion started by macron, and therefore we simply continue
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this discussion and ask whether ukraine should initiate such an appeal or ask western partners in case of worsening of the situation, well, in particular on the eastern front. i think that this is a very difficult geopolitical issue, and here i completely... agree with my colleague, who said before that we should ask for everything necessary for victory, referring precisely to the fact that now all of europe, i will probably correctly say, and without exaggeration, the entire democratic world is protected by our citizens, and who followed the course of the discussion, which sounded even between the representatives of... the democratic party and the republican party, in particular the speaker of the house of representatives, mr. johnson, it was mitch makonov, the leader in
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the senate, he stated many times that, like other high-ranking officials of the united states, that we should support ukraine and vote everything necessary, including military aid, precisely so that the united states military does not have to fight on the same ground in the future. to the baltic front, god forbid, there will be one, so i agree with the statement here of individual european politicians, mr. macron is probably the most vivid in his rhetoric, eh, apart from his this statement, he recently gave such a rather resonant interview for the economist within europe, where he emphasized that the perceived security of the european continent, which and it's so fragile, it can very quickly... collapse, and that's why we need to help and think about strengthening just the military part. it is good that they are declaring, i think that ukraine should stand on its side on the theses that we
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have now, which is the involvement of partners in the summit peace, this is both european integration and integration into nato, and of course this is all necessary for the front, there is a long enough list, and the more, the better and the faster. thank you, mr. yaroslav, in the meantime , major personnel changes are taking place in russia, although these personnel changes are taking place in some small, conditional group of people who are fighting against ukraine, who are fighting against the whole world, they changed the minister of defense, shoigu went to radb from the russian federation, shoigu was replaced by andrii bilousov, an economist who was economic advisor to putin, and... putin, as western analysts say, seeks to create all the opportunities for the development of russia's military-industrial complex, for which, in fact, the shoigun was not at all suitable,
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as he himself says. bousov, who is still a candidate for the position of minister of defense of the russian federation, let's listen, because we are talking about a state defense order and the fact that bilousov obviously has to restart this big military-industrial machine that is in russia, apparently, according to putin, it has produce far more weapons than there are now. let's listen to bilousov. i would like to highlight two key tasks. the first is to ensure the full integration of the economy of the armed forces into the general economy, taking into account the objective increase in the scale of military expenditures, which have already exceeded 6.7% of the country's gdp. everything that is effective and advanced in the country must work for victory, so that the armed forces can fulfill their tasks. mr.
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oleksiy, russia or? who makes it clear that they are included in the arms race, and obviously the arms race is not with ukraine, but with the whole world, well, it is absolutely obvious, what can ukraine to respond to russia? well, a few words about russia, about the fact that i understand the concept of bilousov and the reasons for his appointment, he proved in practice in his own country that... the military industry can be the center of economic growth, and indeed, at one time, i read his history of relations with putin there, he convinced that it was necessary, well, actually, not to be sorry, not to be sorry, and to invest very large sums of money in the military industry, they were too neglected, and they led to the
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rise economy and... unconditional growth and the quality, unfortunately, and the quantity of weapons, which today we, first of all, the armed forces feel there on ourselves, and what to see, the missiles, which should have ended, as we expected, and other weapons should have ended, it, as you see, it does not end, and unfortunately, planes fly and spare parts also appear for them, so how can ukraine respond, well, you know, here we have a discussion about the economy of martial law, wartime, i think , that no one fully understands this, well, just like the wartime energy industry, martial law, but nevertheless i can say that we have, well, as far as i'm concerned, not a peacetime economy, but also a non-wartime economy, you understand whether it can be and what it is to the end, well, as far as
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i'm concerned, not to the end.. . understand and the maximum that they can do is the relocation of many of our enterprises, from kharkiv oblast, from sumy oblast, from other regions close to the mykolaiv oblast, relocation, and there is a chance to really restart them, to bring them to new technological rails, but when i read banal things about the fact that in fact we have no drones in two years of war, well, absolutely. unfortunately, they have not moved, and there are calls all the time, and now there are calls for volunteers, for mayors of cities, any way, drones, drones, anything, but this is not our industry, not our public procurement, quickly , they cannot provide this, well, questions arise, questions arise, what ukraine can really do, well, at least, a plus is that our economy has not collapsed, and it where... shows some
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growth, well, at least they are going budget deductions, at least jobs are saved, and overpayments go and suppliers, that is, at least the economy is breathing, well, this is positive, at least, this is what i see in the two years of the war, but a radical change in the model, well, unfortunately, i did not see, maybe yaroslav saw it or ms. evgenia, thank you, ms. yevgenia, does ukraine need... a wartime economy, or a wartime economy, as it is in russia, and will this change the approaches to the economy and, accordingly, the approaches of politicians to economic policy? well, i think that society in general will not like it very much that we have such rules as in russia, and we are still a democratic country despite the martial law, yes war and aggression, but
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let's really talk, so what? we mean economy.


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