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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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well, at least deductions go to the budget, at least jobs are preserved, and overpayments go to suppliers, that is, at least the economy breathes, well, this positive, at least, is what i see after two years of war, but a radical change of the model , unfortunately, i did not see, maybe yaroslav saw, whether ms. yevgenia, thank you, ms. yevgenia, whether ukraine needs a wartime economy and... whether a wartime economy, as it is in russia, and whether these are changes in approaches to economy and, accordingly , politicians' approaches to economic policy? well i think that society in general will not like it very much that we have such rules as in russia, and we are still a democratic country, despite the martial law, war and aggression, but let's really talk, and what do we mean under the words economy? wartime or
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a war economy, and every hryvnia, every penny that the ukrainian budget earns, everything goes to the army, to the purchase of weapons, to salaries, well, that is, completely to the provision of the security and defense forces, we do not spend any of the funds that we borrow or we receive as non-refundable some kind of grant aid, these are all customs duties, some excises, taxes and so on, that is, we do not have a peaceful economy, because all our peaceful expenses are borrowed funds, which we will later be forgiven, something we will still to pay, but with the understanding that we took them there on partnership terms, and regarding military production in particular, i will allow myself to disagree with my colleague, because it is precisely in drones that we have great breakthroughs and we are happy there. and
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we read the news there about the next information, that is ukrainian drones are flying, or ukrainian naval drones are shooting down the black sea fleet, in terms of quantity, there will always be a shortage of fpv drones, that is, small drones, that is why everyone says that there is an additional need now, and you know why there still won’t be enough, because in in fact , the munitions industry, including it is very good that these are private manufacturers, it should be like this, there are such all over the world, in america it is... large private companies produce weapons, we do not have enough of these funds, because we do not earn enough to buy out all the guns which we produce in the country, but just for the 24th year there is not enough to buy from or plan some longer contracts with ukrainian arms manufacturers, it is 10 billion dollars, well, if you multiply it by 390 billion uah, it is a large amount, obviously , that there can be such an additional plan of cooperation with...
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cooperation with partners, this is when they give money and we spend it in ukraine, of course, it is more difficult to sell, especially to the americans, because they want good people to work in their economy, but with denmark, for example, this is already the case the first contract or rather the memorandum has been signed, that is, they are allocating funds and these funds will be spent in ukraine, canada also allocated a small amount there, by the way, specifically for drones for ukrainian manufacturers, this of course can be an additional way out so that... we had more of our weapons and they were coming in quickly, because you don’t have to think about how it goes through poland or where, and also these were workplaces, because in fact, in the sector of the military-industrial complex there, if i’m not mistaken, 300 000 people now work and this one the number is constantly increasing. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. yaroslav, you can definitely say to what extent it is expedient in the current conditions to reformat the economy, or is it necessary? from the point of view of taxes, uh,
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duties, various payments, that is, how much the war economy in war conditions can be pivotal, since the need for weapons is always there, and the need for armaments, how much it can become the generator that will constantly be to support our economy, that is , we cannot constantly live at the expense of the weapons of other countries. well, look, first of all, it seems to me that when a discussion is raised about the imaginary war economy, then this discussion is out of date by the 1980s, because thank god, we are not in the situation in which countries were during the second world war, i will remind you, even the same great britain , they literally had to kill domestic animals in order not to feed them, because there were limited resources, which ... and went
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there on a certain blockade, including to provide for the military. we have such a problem, as well as many other problems limitations on such. we don’t have the resources and the men, and this can be said about everything else, that’s why the model that works for us now, i agree here, it’s reasonable enough, and all things being equal, i’ve never even heard from ukrainians, and not from some international experts, partners, and world language leaders there, including in the military sphere, that we need something... to rework how the economy works now? is our military industry, it is developing strongly enough at those levels that it is tried often enough hit by russian missiles, there are often underground facilities under construction, there would be more of them
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and there would be more, probably wealth, it would be better, but as it is, there is what we call a new sphere that has shown. on the example of the black sea, the so-called miltec, these are the same drones, these are the rebs, these are many other things that, well, to put it mildly, surprised the world, and now even large countries with an absolute advantage in the fleet, using the example of russia, understood , which is collected somewhere in chernivtsi, a sea drone can very quickly change their situation of domination on specifically... the perimeters of the sea, and this is what ukraine does, is the production of banal shells, and here i have not heard from the manufacturers, but i sometimes have the opportunity to communicate with them in order to understand that how we can help, in that , that they don't have enough hands, well , i don't know, we have to collect people from
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the fields so that they don't sow, collect crops, send them to military industrial facilities, well, that is, first of all, we have production... it's already automated, secondly, there are completely different problems there, for example, the lack of gunpowder and something else, and here it is precisely the most such a fine line, where we have to react very quickly, for example, today the law on the development of peafowl was signed, and if our tv viewers are now thinking, why is there war and peacocks, then there are certain varieties that are produced, well, from which are produced, which used and so on for explosives, such things, well, we do it, frankly speaking, in the parliament, it seems to me that everyone joins in, and accordingly, where necessary , we reduce customs duties, we remove them, where necessary , we deregulate it, but oh well that's what it's called
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military economy, but again , a colleague mentioned an example, and i also wanted to mention it, denmark, canada, i hope there will be another country there. why did these countries decide to go by the way of financing a defense order or certain orders in ukraine, yes, it is trivial, because no one else in the world produces this, it shows that this process is built quite efficiently in our country, of course it should be better , of course there are many shortcomings, problems, we can talk about them for hours, but the fact is on the scoreboard, i'm sorry if... the whole world understood that one way or another, but in ukraine it will be done faster, even than in the same germany, in denmark or even more so in the united states. we are not on an island, we have all the taxes and duties, they, too, actually go
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to war later, 99%. we have western aid to finance all other costs. we have military aid from many countries. the largest is the united states, but we must not forget about many of our other european and non-european partners as well give this help, so do we need to radically rebuild something? i am speaking an unpopular opinion, i consider the conversation about the military economy to be more fantasy and theoretical than practical, do we need to improve the existing processes, yes of course we need to do it, and you started this question precisely with... personnel, i don't think that something will change, i hope, everything will change for the worse in rosma, but right away it is clear why it happened, in our enemies, as well as in ours, unfortunately, a huge amount of the budget goes to military, military needs,
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therefore, accordingly, they want to strengthen and strengthen control over financial flows and the efficiency of their use, i hope they will not succeed in all this. thank you, mr. yaroslav, we are talking about personnel changes, of course in russia, because there they are trying to redistribute in one circle. positions and in us, well , the announced changes partially took place and in a very strange way, that oleksandr kubrakov, who was a vice-prime minister and a minister, learned about his dismissal from a decision of the verkhovna rada or some committee meeting, to which he was invited, said that he did not understand what was happening, he did not speak with the prime minister, against the background of this. they are talking about the fact that there will be some reforms in the government and
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the ministries will be divided again, which were then brought together and there will be some center of the government, mr. oleksiy, for you, as a former minister and member of the government, you understand the logic of what is happening in the government , what function does the government currently perform, or is it the function that is simply prescribed in the constitution and everything is clear, are some... things happening, which require additional explanation, well, at least by the prime minister of ukraine, if not by the prime minister of ukraine, then by president zelenskyi? well, of course, unfortunately, in this decision, personnel and structural, i mean, again the separation of the ministries was announced, the personnel department has taken place in our country, there are now two executors of the ministry of agriculture. in the shov min ministry of infrastructure, but there is no decision on the separation itself, well, there is not yet, and
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i conclude from this that the government does not have a picture, uh, because if there was, they would instantly they issued the relevant resolutions, which acting officials were appointed and they would begin to divide, any division, redistribution of ministries is half a year of work, well, half a year is lost, it slows down the process categorically, and i... unfortunately, i can state that as they combined them, without any logic, but no one will convince me that at that time there was a need for a mini-infrastructure, which was clear there, what should he do there, first of all, the railway, other infrastructure enterprises, and united with the ministry , which should be engaged in regional policy, the same utility company, which was completely forgotten about... pay attention, because it is painful for me, the term
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housing and communal services has completely disappeared from the name of the ministry, and the state of problems there today is huge, there is a complete backlog there , first of all, the debt disaster is accumulating, debts for gas, debts in the difference in tariffs and so on and so on and so on, from which i draw conclusions, kubrakov has shown himself to be quite good, probably, well, for the current ruling team in... can build something, that is, in the position that he is he was in charge there, this autodor, he showed that it is possible to include large-scale construction in the program, you can cut ribbons, you can start roads, i don't want to go there, but construction is always some kind of unclear estimates, always someone is dissatisfied, there are always accusations that kickbacks are laundering money and so on and so on, well, no matter how it was to build something, whether it was necessary to build roads or not, well, it’s not... it’s more of a question for kubrakov, that is, for the highest political leadership, what had to be built before the war, we this
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analysis will definitely be, well, we will come back we will not get anywhere, you understand, the shelter of fortifications or roads or other things, and so it happened, kubrakov appointed, i do not get into the internal kitchen, but from this resignation, well , it is absolute, well, it is wrong, it is not state, it was simply not announced. the committee did not consider, the government did not submit, here is just a draft resolution that kubrakov should be fired, and the council for some reason began to worry about how they will divide the ministry back, although this is definitely not a matter for the council, because it is a matter for the government and the prime minister, you understand develop a management model, why, i think, everyone already guess what the problem is, this is a very difficult case, but the fact that it will not add... positive at this moment, well, for me it is clear, i
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will give you a small example, created on april 8, oh, may 8, created staff for winter preparations and the head of staff appointed, who do you think, minister, vice prime minister, kubrakov, the ninth, by the way, i am part of that staff as well as the first deputy head of the fuel and energy committee, and i understand what needs to be done there. on may 9, kubrakov is fired, and as a result, the headquarters, winter is approaching, the headquarters is not as if created, there is no head of the headquarters for preparing for the winter, well... i personally have no antipathies, i liked him as a person, and i communicated with him, but i don't understand the structure, it's some kind of child's play , you understand, in such a difficult time, i'm sorry for my frankness, thank you, thank you, mr. oleksiy, ms. yevgenia, you know exactly
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why kubrakov was dismissed, did you vote for oleksandr's dismissal? yes, i voted for resignation, and when i voted, it was more likely that i supported the decision on separation of ministries to have a separate ministry of regional policy, by the way, i absolutely agree with my colleague kocherenko that housing and communal services is lost somewhere, but it should be, because the problems will only grow, and this is precisely the issue of preparing for winter, including housing and communal services, which must be now we have to reconfigure, about why... uh, it happened so quickly, well, such and such is the political process, and this was part of the political process, but i am very much looking forward to the information about the division of the ministry, i i understand that old legal entities are also being sought there, and i also agree that there were mistakes in this unification, unification, the specialized
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ministry of our humanitarian policy committee also went through some processes of unification, then unification, i know how it affects, let's say , on the viability of the legal entity that exists in the ministry, and i would like to say that the humanitarian policy committee is very much against it, if somewhere the ministry of culture still wants to be involved in something or disbanded somewhere, we did not discuss this, that after all, the ministry has save yourself, i'm sorry, there was some kind of sound, yes, just please, mrs. evgenia. was there a formal appeal by the prime minister regarding the fact that the government plans to divide the ministry, or from them, there was nothing formal from the government, and it turns out to be just an initiative, well , the group of deputies who developed the draft of this resolution and so quickly passed it through the hall, well we had a meeting of the faction together with the prime minister, and he was alive in
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blood, he said about it, not knowing whether you consider it a formality or not, because it was not. well, of course, i won't sit there with some letter, but i believe my eyes and ears, and so i can say that i am a witness to these words, and that's exactly why those deputies who voted for the separation of ministries are waiting with great anticipation for when it will happen and, even more so, for some discussions about the candidates, because actually, i would be happy to vote, if we are talking about the ministry of infrastructure, i would be happy to vote for the same kobrakov, so that he works in this area, he has it it turns out very well, and well, i can only thank him there, starting really with work with ukraautor and then with the ministry of infrastructure and then this big ministry, but unfortunately, and as
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practice shows, when such ministries are created, i don’t want to say how not monsters must be so big. the super giants of the ministry, then there is always some direction that is less in the priority of the minister, or he simply did not deal with it professionally before that, he really falls out, and it can be expected that a department or some deputy can handle it, well it turns out that what can't be done, and then these separations begin again, also , by the way, you remember the ministry of agrarian policy, when it was first united with the ministry of economy. then we need to do land reform, we don't have a ministry, but the ministry of agrarian policy did it. thank you, ms. yevgenia, mr. yaroslav, what do you think about the attempts to reformat or create another center of government, i am not completely sure, i also do not understand, because in 30 years of journalism i have seen these reformatting, regrouping of state
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secretaries, not state secretaries, there were many different ones. movements in the government, but in the end everything came back to one thing, we have not had a minister of culture for six months, we can't appoint one, the information age is months, i count months, nine, well, in 9 months , a new minister should have been born of culture and information policy, there is a war, and the question is why we do not have a head of the ministry in this war, if we count on information policy, so i have many questions. is, obviously you have, as in people's deputy and one of the leaders of the faction have no fewer questions about this? look, it seems to me that our... government is pushing the problem. mr. kubrakov was fired because they wanted to fire him. everything else is, to be honest, a very
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incomprehensible creative for me, which looks nothing like, well, strange movements and a heroic solution to a problem that was just as heroically created literally a year ago, so i'm sorry if we have problems from regionals. politics, then literally two days later i saw on the internet a photo of the forum regional, and there they directly announced some successes at the level of top officials of the country, who recently also talked about problems in regional politics, but once again i am more than convinced that mr. kubrakova was fired because there was such a political will, not because equal factions, i do not want to offend the servant of the people faction here, but i would like to remind you that even... with maryana bezvukla, they could not dismiss the deputy from the post of a position that no one needed, by the way, the deputy head of the profile committee, so let's believe in the amnesty about that , which is sharply for
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day they were able to convince everyone to fire the vice-prime minister, well, excuse me, i've probably been in politics long enough not to believe in fairy tales at this level, i will neither criticize nor defend mr. kubrako, i'll say only one thing. i haven't seen such a sharp reaction of international partners to personnel decisions in ukraine for a long time, it will have consequences, and not because of what some media and telegram channels write, there is mr. kubrakov's proximity to which ministries, oh, look, embassies, it's just banal because a huge pile was administered in one way or another in this ministry projects that involved a large number of donors, and when they find out about it from... the internet, well, they gently say that this does not strengthen ukraine's ability to further attract money, how will the current government come out of this,
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well, i think that today at a closed meeting, including yesterday, they had to provide some kind of answer to this, publicly, i understand that we will not hear it well. now, as for the reshuffle of the cabinet ? i sincerely believe that any association. there is a separation of ministries an exceptional fool, which ends with the fact that we simply spend state funds on accountants, lawyers and a bunch of notary procedures because we unite them for a year, then just as heroically separate them for a year, examples of the modernity of the ministry of economy , agrarian policy, the ministry of energy, ecology, the ministry of information policy of culture, the ministry. already infrastructure and regional policy, it can be continued, i will not be surprised that now the ministry of infrastructure will attach to some deputy prime minister, well, it will be just as logical,
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like all the other mistakes the government made. i don't want to disappoint either government officials or our tv viewers, but the number of officials on whom we then spend money from the state budget is due to the fact that we combine some ministries. changes to exactly one position, this position is called minister, well, it is approximately uah 60-70 thousand, this is all the savings, we will spend much more on notary services for everything else. now about the center of government, the idea has been discussed for a long time, if possible, invest in 30 seconds, because we have it timing, it also has a certain logic in it, but it is a significant strengthening of the prime minister, i do not believe that the office of the president will give the prime minister such powers, well... after all, all their actions were the opposite. thank you, mr. yaroslav. thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in the program. evgenia kravchuk, oleksiy kucherenko and yaroslav zheleznyak were guests
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of our program today. during this broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether ukraine should ask its partners to deploy troops on ukrainian territory state so, the results of our tv poll are on the screen. 94% - yes, 8% - 6% - no, on youtube we have the following results: yes, 92%, 8%, no. friends, please subscribe to our pages in social networks, to our youtube, as well as facebook, read our news on the expresso tv website. we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. the most up-to-date information from ukraine and the world, as well as front-line chronicles, are all available on our website. also, don't forget to put like this video to promote it youtube trends. that's it, friends, i'm putting an end to it, it was the verdict program of serhii ordenko, i wish you a good night and
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in... an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, that many have become like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day from... two o'clock, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares,
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heals, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. stand up to ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we hold the line together. time to learn about the main news for this hour, greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm naeva melnyk. volodymyr zelenskyi canceled all foreign business trips. he instructed the president's office to draw up a new schedule of visits. this became known after today's meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief.


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