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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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people rework, rework, this, if they are paid, it is once every six months, and they are not paid, where they work, as they say, on a volunteer basis, this is also, well, it is also possible in wartime, but these are not the amounts that people are given the opportunity to live, that is why there are many problems, i hope that with such joint dialogues we will try to at least point them out and try to change something in this situation with joint efforts, because again, this is oleg simoroz, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, thanks to him very much. because it is very important that we may receive the end. the result, yes, that the economy works, and that there is replenishment and renewal at the front, and it is of high quality, yes, but many things must be excluded here, and many things must be added. ah, literally in a moment of news. good evening from ukraine. well, as i already said, today the enemy struck many cities and regions of ukraine. let's start with the consequences of enemy terror until 19.
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the number of victims in kherson increased. the attackers were chased around the center of the city from the air, they did not leave the dnipro alone, because of the fall two men were killed by the debris of the rocket. there is a 63-year-old wounded. another victim of russian aggression was a local villager in sumy oblast. there, the invaders attacked the esman community. in the middle of the day, they also beat mykolaiv, six people were injured. it was loud in kharkiv oblast as well, four civilian attackers were wounded in small danylivka. on the sixth day of evacuation in the kharkiv region from the border area, where active hostilities continue, rescuers and volunteers have already evacuated about 8,000 local residents, the state emergency service said. most of among them are women with children, pensioners, people with limited mobility, they are being rescued from seven communities in the kharkiv, chuguyiv and bogodykhiv districts, resettlers are being resettled. mainly in kharkiv, but in
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sumy oblast i will add from myself, i just read the interview of the mayor of bilopol from the bilopol community, local residents are being transported to sum, there is a very active evacuation of the population, and for now they are being resettled in hospitals in the city of sumy, and in the ministry of defense denied the information about the capture of the village of robotyn in zaporozhye, about the alleged capture of this bridgehead, russian tv reports. channels, our defenders claim that this is a solid gray zone that is completely under the fire control of the ukrainian army. the united states will provide ukraine with an additional 2 billion dollars to finance the production and purchase of weapons, he announced, anthony blinken announced this at a joint press conference with his ukrainian counterpart, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba, also the secretary of state. and the usa says that
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it is still looking for an opportunity to protect ukrainian skies. anthony blinkin placed the wreath against the wall memory in kyiv. at the ceremony , the us secretary of state was joined by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba. earlier, he visited a grain transshipment terminal supported by the united states agency for international development. blinken is the first high-ranking official of the united states of america. who visited ukraine after congress approved a $61 billion military aid package, and what blinkin said in kyiv, that the united states of america wants to completely control and, i would say, monitor this logistical the chain from the supply of equipment across the atlantic to the european continent to ukraine and even then from the places of base directly by us. where these munitions,
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equipment, other forces and means will be distributed among the troops, that the us wants to control all this, of course, it is clear, this assistance is of key importance at this very difficult stage of the war, and the states, understanding their intelligence, their capabilities in intelligence, in the provision of logistical, transport, any assistance, of course, they are huge and the usa is interested in this equipment, this weapon, it... really influenced the course of the war and got into the golden hands of our soldiers, who know exactly how to hurt the enemy with this equipment. unfortunately, he died during a parachute jump. the state bureau of investigation is investigating the causes of the tragedy that happened at one of the airfields on may 14. a second-year cadet of the faculty of military intelligence and special operations forces jumped from a height of 600 m. according to preliminary information, the stabilization
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parachute caught on the helicopter and was damaged and wrapped around the boy's legs. due to which the main parachute did not open, the 19-year-old cadet from... died on the spot. the investigation is checking whether the instructors followed the rules during training jumps and whether the parachute was properly stowed. the case was brought as a negligent attitude to military service, the culprits face imprisonment from five to eight years in prison. in memory of the legendary fighter dmytro kotsyubail. a pre-premier event is taking place in lviv. screening of da vinci's documentary for freedom must be fought, our correspondent kateryna is there oliynyk, i congratulate katya, tell me what this film is about and when it will appear in mass distribution, please, you have my word,
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congratulations to vasyl, congratulations to all the viewers of the tv channel, indeed, now we will see a film, well, about dmytro kotsyubail, the army. .. and a fighter for ukrainian independence, he went to the front at the age of 18 and became a commander, the youngest commander of the duk ps assault company. unfortunately, dmytro kutsyubayev died heroically near bakhmut in march 2023, and the creators of the film actually decided to create a film in his memory, it will tell about the birth of dmitry, and about his military career and career, it will also be told, the film ends with his death. the entire film is constructed. on archival footage, on fragments from dmitry's interview, as well as on comments. the film was directed by volodymyr sydko, and i suggest you listen to who he involved in the shooting of this film. in this film, da vinci's story was told by his
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relatives, mother, sister, teachers at school, who were taught by teachers from the construction lyceum, where he was studying to be an artist. in addition, there is comrades from the times of the maidan, who told exactly about the story that he, well, who remembered him even at the time when he was a 17-year-old boy at that time, are also comrades in arms, who fought for them as from the 14th year, as well as during a full-scale performance, the tape promises to reveal even little-known facts about dmytro kotsyubaev, i also want to note that our ex-general valery starred in the tape. and currently there will be a special screening in lviv, the film has already been shown in other cities of ukraine and even in the united states of america, and regarding the date, when the film will be released to the masses, unfortunately, it is not known at the moment, we talked to
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the director, he said that the issue is currently being resolved, and he hopes that in the near future all ukrainian viewers will be able to see it, i also want to note that part of the funds... which viewers will pay during such special screenings, will be given to the davinshi battalion. that's all the information for now. vasyl, i give you the floor. thank you very much, catio. katryna oliynyk, our correspondent, who attended the pre-premiere screening of the film about dmytro katsyubail, the hero of ukraine's legendary a warrior yes, you have to fight for freedom. we will wait for this movie to appear. on big screens throughout the territory of our state, but yuri fizera has already appeared in the studio, which means that he will talk about events outside the borders of our state, one of these events i even announced today, which concerns robert fitze, but i think , that is not the key topic, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today,
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i have not yet appeared on the big screens, but on your screens, today in particular about this, the parliament of estonia passed a very important law for ukraine, sweden is not yet... going to send its military personnel to us, but, well, restless georgia continues to talk about it. my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine, and i'm starting in a moment. i'll start with what was announced by vasyl, because it's probably the most important news in the world today, it's... exactly, an attempt was made on the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitz, fitz. this happened immediately after the meeting of the government of the country. sometime in the afternoon, mr. fitso went out to the people, after which he was shot several times. it did not happen in the capital. it happened in another city. according to
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preliminary information, he was hit by four bullets, one of which hit him in the stomach. robert fitz was first evacuated from the scene of the crime, then taken by helicopter to the hospital, his condition is ... serious, the attacker has already been detained, his motive is currently unknown. from the last i read, the operation is now underway, the doctors say that the operation is extremely difficult and they say that the next night may be decisive for robert fitso himself, the attacker, as i said, has already been caught and it has already been reported who he might be, that is, this is still unreliable information, but some czech mass media, citing police sources, wrote that it is juraj chantula, 71 - a year-old citizen of slovakia, he is a writer and he is such a very strong critic of... everything that robert fitzu did, well , let's see if it's really so, well, well,
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we see that this is some kind of, i think, a stabbing of the special services of slovakia, who allowed it to happen, you know, here i once watched a movie about all these espionage things and about attacks on the heads of the state, the most dangerous story is when in reality one particular person who does not prepare, does not have connections with any special services, a terrorist... organization simply has weapons, something got into her head, and she does a similar thing, although , again, you are right about the special services, well , it is necessary to protect the head of the state in such a way as to make it impossible for a person with a weapon to get at least to the west, well, yes, well, there are some frames, metal detectors through, well at least me i know what it is like in ukraine, when there were such measures, then it was like that, and it is difficult to smuggle something there, although, well, we will see, i will monitor the progress of the investigation and inform you, and... let's go on, while others continue to talk , in estonia continue to operate.
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today, the parliament of this small country, on the shores of the baltic sea, passed a very important law for us, which allows ukraine to return frozen russian assets, that is , i emphasize, not only interest, but all frozen russian assets. this law was voted for 65 parliamentarians present at the meeting, there were also three of you. opposed its adoption, from what is known, at this time, the law allows the use of frozen assets as an advance payment for damages that russia must compensate ukraine. the decision to use these assets as a down payment is made by the estonian ministry of foreign affairs during administrative proceedings. so that you understand how important this is to us, in the west it has been repeatedly said that we do not have any legal grounds for... to take these, well, they could take it, freeze it, but they could take this money, and then give it to ukraine, or
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use it for the reconstruction of ukraine. a few months ago, estonia told the minister of foreign affairs margus tsakhna that they were working on, well, the draft law that would allow this to be done, that is, it would provide a legal basis, a legal basis for this, and he said even then, i remember that we let's show an example to other european countries. and maybe they will look and follow us, now there are reasons, it remains to monitor that how they will react in the west, whether they will really take this draft law, this already law, as an example, and whether they will pass something on their own, or continue to talk about the fact that something is not right with them, we will see, well, estonia, as always i say tananteit vega weight, thank you very much, ukraine. it is getting closer to the european union and nato every month. this was stated the day before by the secretary of state
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of the united states of america, anthony blinken , during a speech at the kyiv polytechnic institute. ukraine signs more bilateral agreements in the field of security, strengthens its defense-industrial complex, produces more advanced weapons, strengthens its economy, consolidates democracy, and now kyiv is, according to the head of the american foreign policy department. unique situation, which should be fully taken advantage of. it was, of course, about doing business and attracting foreign investment. by the way, the day before, mr. blinken did not say a word about corruption in ukraine, and what should we do about it? but already today during a press conference with dmytro koleba, he admitted that this problem is we are there, and it is necessary to fight with it. ukraine is putting pressure on the administration. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, so that he would allow the use of american
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weapons for shelling all over the territory of russia. this was reported by politico journalists with reference to several ukrainian officials. in particular, there is even a delegation from ukraine currently in the united states. the purpose of their visit is to convince the leadership of the united states of america, in particular members of congress, to lift this ban. for information. ukrainian high-ranking officials motivate the publication this is because the aim of the armed forces of ukraine is to strike russian military depots, precisely on russian territory, in order to delay the advance. of the armed forces of the aggressor country, in particular in the kharkiv region, however, unfortunately, according to the information available to journalists, the position of the white house on this issue has not changed, it is not possible to fire at targets on the territory of russia. but i already mentioned that today antony blinken had a press conference in kyiv, so
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during this press conference antony blinken said, the secretary of state of the united states of america, said that ukraine itself should... what are its goals, but we do not encourage it, that is, we are against what i read about 100 km beyond the border, on the territory of russia, as they say, in general- you can't, but a little bit is possible, a little bit is possible, well, or you can always say that it's not us, well, let's be honest, it's us, it's us who will do it, because, well, because it's a great pity, this war is ours imposed, and we are fighting in it, and therefore we have to do it, from... didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either. sweden yet that it does not plan to send its military personnel to ukraine yet, but when asked whether they would consider such a proposal if it appeared, the prime minister of defense of the kingdom paul johnson said that yes, according
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to him, there is currently a unified position on this issue among the nato allies there is no concrete proposal, except for words. president. french emanuel macron about the fact that in some period of time the sending of western troops to ukraine cannot be ruled out either, but there is also a quote from the head of the swedish defense department, if it appears, we will consider this proposal. well, that is, this approach and position is completely different to what is happening now , unfortunately, in ukraine, from the representatives of these northern countries, from the baltic countries. from the countries of northern europe, they well understand what russia is, they perfectly understand the threat that can come from this country, and they understand very well that putin can take some completely inappropriate steps at any moment, and you need to be ready , and if swedish troops are needed on territory of ukraine, then maybe they will appear,
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when the russians are already being beaten, it is better to help them be beaten in ukraine than to wait until then, well , it is clear that now russia does not have an adequate one. forces, well, at least ready to invade, for example, on the territory of sweden or estonia, well, although, because these are nato countries, but of course, if you can help undermine, as they say, this power of the russian machine in ukraine, well it should be done as much as possible, i think that they are the most important thing, that they are ready for it, that is, if the nato partners say yes, well, we ready, they say, no, never, in any case, forget it, and it pleases vasyl that there are countries in the european union, in nato, who talk about it, yes, he did not say. yes, our servicemen will, they will definitely fight in ukraine, he did not say that, he simply said under what conditions they will fight, there will be a need, we will, not as some in the european union and nato say that no, in in no case , not one of our soldiers on the territory of ukraine, and as krysyn said, if there is a will from our partners, he did not say that if there is the collegial decision of the nato general assembly, relatively
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speaking, the partners will say it themselves, and we will then think, well, at least it inspires. yes, and now to the czech republic, we need to be realistic. unfortunately, in the near future, ukraine will not be able to liberate the territories temporarily occupied by russia, so it is necessary to stop the war and start discussions about the future post-war system. the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, said this in an interview with the british tv channel skynews. he emphasized that nato cannot accommodate soldiers in ukraine, it would mean a conflict between russia and the north atlantic alliance, further it... quote: no one in europe wants this conflict. at the same time, mr. president added that first it is necessary to cease fire, and then at the negotiating table representatives of ukraine, russia and the countries that will be the guarantors of this agreement will reach a compromise agreement on the settlement of the situation, but the west is giving weapons to ukraine in order, says petr pavel, to avoid further escalation. this was the statement
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of the current president of the czech republic, and here... one more the statement was already made by the ex-president of this country , milos zeman, he was the president from the 13th to the 23rd year, so he believes that the mediators, which, by the way, peter pavel also said at these negotiations, could be , and here attention, china and turkey, it is necessary, he says, to start with finding a mediator who enjoyed at least the minimum trust of both sides, and he considers these two countries to be such mediators, and about the negotiations. agree, recently they started talking more and more often, putin also talked about them. before leaving with the worker on a visit to china, the kremlin host. today said that russia was never against these negotiations, in an interview with the chinese agency xinhua, the main criminal of the world said that the kremlin would be open to
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dialogue even now, but added as a mantra that this dialogue should take into account the interests of all countries that hall involved in the war, although he called it a conflict. at the same time, putin approvingly mentioned the chinese peace initiative, which , it seems to me, is already being forgotten in the world, and said that the ideas recorded in the document and proposals testify to the sincere desire of the country's leadership to contribute to the stabilization of the situation in ukraine. this chinese peace initiative, i will remind you, after all, i reminded you this morning myself, because i already forgot, it consists of 12 points, and there are three points that definitely do not suit russia. first of all, there is the first point - respect for the sovereignty of all countries, well, excuse me, what respect from russia. to the sovereignty of ukraine. the second point is the cessation of hostilities. all parties must remain rational, show restraint to avoid fanning the fire. but
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there is no question here about the withdrawal of all troops from the territory of ukraine, only the termination. well, the fourth is the resumption of peace negotiations. therefore, there is this point , especially about sovereignty, which, well, i don't know, the russians will probably argue very strongly, if and... when there will be such peace negotiations? china and moscow should promptly resume dialogue in order to end the war as soon as possible. this was said during the meeting of the security council of the united nations, said the deputy permanent representative of the celestial prion, gen shuang. at the same time, he emphasized that official beijing will continue to make maximum efforts for this, to end the war. in addition, the chinese envoy urged to do the same and the other. world leaders, and geng shuan's motivation during the speech was as follows, quote. history gives many examples of how to stop conflicts, but in the end they are always resolved only
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through negotiations. well, why not only. well, for example, at one time russia, deceiving china in fact, seized part of its territory, so stop the conflict in ukraine it is very easy to start the return, as it were , of the historical chinese territories as part of the russian empire. it was the 19th century, then they simply said that we would not, well, in a word, there was a very cunning idea, the chinese refused, they thought that the russians had transferred troops there and gave it back, but the russians bluffed and china lost its territories, let's say khabaros, for example there, so you can start simply taking territories, i think that putin will definitely not go to ukraine then, a very good idea, i think that in china, they are thinking about it, but they are silent, we still need to give weapons to ukraine, a lot of weapons in ukraine so that we have a position of strength. sat down, if this one is for these negotiations with russia, and the most important thing is that we are not being prepared for another black council. well,
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after all, how can you sit down at the negotiating table with a country whose representative speaks like this on the un security council. let's listen to vasily nibendzu. sponsors of the kyiv regime. sponsors of the kyiv regime, in particular, those who are lining up... to join the security council members from eu countries are practicing horror stories about the situation in ukraine and are trying to create an impression of the unbearable suffering of the civilian population as a result of russia's actions. it is quite difficult for them to do this, since the strikes of the russian military-space forces on objects related to the military potential are of a highly accurate nature, and the life of ukrainian cities generally proceeds in a normal mode. two points from... the speech of this miracle, the first is the highly accurate nature of the shelling, which we know to our great regret, in the dnipro, in kremenchuk, in odesa, and the second, the life of
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ukrainian cities generally flows in normal regime, but yesterday the whole west of ukraine, kyiv, kharkiv, the south of ukraine sat without power, it is quite normal, today and in kherson 19 people were injured, russians entered vovchansk, by the way, one was shot on the spot. another person disappeared in the kherson region , in the occupied territory, a woman was raped by the occupier for more than a month, she was hospitalized, well, the regime is normal, in principle, they have always lived like this, it’s just that the russians have not changed anything, i think, so we need to do our own thing and move on to victories, support those who now at the forefront, join this victory, who can, well, for today , i have everything in the world about ukraine column, everything only for today, tomorrow there will be more as always, well , as always there will be more in our future. so don't switch.
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let's continue, and now oleksandr morshchyvka will talk about money, money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, i welcome the audience, in the next few minutes i will talk about the situation in the ukrainian energy sector, you will also find out what to expect on the fuel market, what prices will soon be for gasoline with the changes proposed by the cabinet of ministers, about the ukrainian economy, the world does not really predict the growth of our domestic product, we will talk in detail with... wait a moment, i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. the situation in our energy industry is difficult, but blackouts will not be used in ukraine yet, they will be limited to emergency ones, the ukrenergo company reported. now there is a deficit in...


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