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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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in its report, yermak rasmussen's group proposed that nato invite ukraine to join the alliance at this jubilee summit. this was reported by the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak on social networks after the presentation of the report at the copenhagen democracy summit. what mr. yermak writes: we propose a clear time frame for ukraine's accession to nato no later than july 28, subject to the fulfillment of specific conditions. also. it is necessary to strengthen efforts on military aid to ukraine, including the lifting of all restrictions on the supply of conventional weapons it is important that allies spend 0.25% of their gdp on military aid to ukraine and unlock $300 billion in frozen russian assets to support our country. mr. maksym, how do you assess the prospect of ukraine becoming a member of the north atlantic alliance? as
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noted by yarmak and rastmussen, no later than july 28. well, in general, you can talk about anything now, but all this will be very, very hypothetical, since the main question is when and how the russian-ukrainian war will end. there is currently no answer to this question. accordingly, all other, uh, events, uh,... which are derived, actually from this fact, they also remain purely theoretical. a lot of different events are happening right now, and the visit of the leader of china to europe, and the upcoming, just a few days ago, putin's visit to beijing, and these unexpected visits of officials from america, from europe to kyiv, i didn't quite understand them. not exactly on the public agenda
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, all this points to my opinion that indeed this war is entering a decisive phase and its conclusion is most likely actually players, it looks like a freezing of the conflict, but the conditions of this freezing and actually this post-conflict settlement are seen differently. and these, so to speak, already informational throwaways regarding ukraine's membership in nato, non-membership today, tomorrow and so on, it looks to me more like this kind of diplomatic game around these conditions, freezing the conflict and the post-conflict situation, the distribution of spheres of influence, obligations sides and so on. for now, i
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see no reason to expect an invitation to ukraine to nato officially at the next summit, but the fact that it is necessary to talk about it and put forward initiatives in this regard, here i have to agree with the administration of the president and the office, i apologize, the president, and just like the peace summit, a good initiative. in the same way , we must constantly talk about membership in nato and put forward these proposals of ours, that is, you are inclined to the fact that, after all, the question is about the future freezing of the conflict and the determination of the line of this demarcation according to the korean scenario, when the temporarily occupied territories will remain under russia for some specific term, in accordance with this agreement, and this particular package, or let's say variations of this package... is now being discussed by various
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parties, xijin pin with european politicians, then putin with the leader of china, blinkin with zelensky, and obviously the global peace summit will well, part too, as it were, of these great peace initiatives or future negotiations. well, actually, the positions after the latest statements of both the chinese side and the european... american politicians are outlined quite clearly, that is, the war before victory, until the destruction of the enemy, none of our allies from the allies of russia, that is , neither china nor america wants this, nor america and europe, they seek to end the war, which on the one hand destabilizes the markets, endangers economic growth. and so on, but
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on the other hand, no one, so to speak, is ready to make concessions, that is, no one in the west is ready to let putin win, but no one... who is in the east cannot let putin lose, so there is a freeze actually the only way out of this situation, and the second the solution is, well, the continuation of the war until infinity, until the exhaustion of the torin, which actually does not bring anything new to this situation. against the background of talks about possible peace talks, or about possible non-peaceful initiatives of china, about which putin says that he really likes china's peace plan, although these were rather declarations of beijing on february 24 , 2023, but against the background of this in the rapidly unfolding events in georgia, there they passed
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a law on the russian law on foreign agents, that is, they took, copied this law and passed it through the georgian parliament, and after adoption of this law near the legislative building. body in tbilisi , large-scale protests began, there were clashes with the police, the georgian opposition expects that georgia solome zurabishvili, the president of georgia, will veto the so-called law. the reaction in the united states of america is negative, the assistant secretary of state of the united states of america for european and eurasian affairs, jim o'brien, during a visit to tbilisi, said that georgia for... which the georgian parliament just passed. let's hear what he said. i'll just remind you what the us is planning provide georgia with $390 million in aid, which
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should be directed to military support, economic development, and institution building, in particular, to strengthening civil society. all this can be revised if now... we are seen as an adversary, not a partner. if this law enters into force, and it does not comply with eu norms, if democracy is undermined here, there is violence against peaceful protesters, then there will be certain sanctions from the united states, they will primarily concern financial restrictions and movement of those persons responsible for such actions. mr. maxim, does this mean that russia is... starting to win in georgia, well, the united states of america, i mean, uh, to a certain extent, yes, to a certain extent, it looks like that, but here i would like to point out that , which rather wins here, well, this is such a soft form
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of georgian authoritarianism, that is, the influence of one oligarch ivanishvili on georgian politics. becomes with the adoption of this law, becomes even more large-scale, and in fact very little threatens him after that, since we understand that this law on foreign agents, it limits the possibilities of financing any civil initiatives, opposition movements, cuts off their sources, so to speak, income. for the implementation of various projects and so on, and in these conditions, of course, that ivanishvili's electorate, which, well, actually, the party, the georgian dream, is not
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going anywhere, and in this way the consolidation of the current government in georgia and its provision continued. staying in power, that is, in fact, competitive politics is eliminated, and this, so to speak, such a scenario is absolutely transparent, understandable, which we see in hungary itself, and slovakia also began to take this path, that is, it does not depend on culture, there on europeanness and so on, this, this path is natural when... in fact, there is such a combination of an authoritarian leader and an electorate loyal to him, and regarding money, i think that this will not stop the government in georgia, because the
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financial benefits that the actual representatives of this government, business close to the government will receive from development with russia, it is for this financial gain much greater than these possible infusions of american, in particular funds and european, and... and here it will not affect them, it will definitely not affect their decision, but the opinion of georgian society, the opinion of its active , the liberal part, pro-european, can obviously influence them, but mr. maksym, you have an answer for yourself, and why did this happen, why georgia, which went through the rose revolution and went through such a long path of democratization, war. with russia in 2008, why did everything come back like this, why did
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those who should not have come to power , pro-russian forces, actually come to power, and why is georgian society now not taking the necessary steps to protect democracy, to prevent the russification of georgia, well actually i think that again, many people in georgia, especially those who support ivanishvili's party, do not think in such categories, that is, what the model proposed by the georgian dream is peace with russia, and this is very important. in fact , georgians are very afraid that war will break out with russia, ee ot 2008... the year scared them in this sense, and we see not only the position
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of politicians, we see the position of the georgian orthodox church, but actually this fear of a possible war with russia is such a very restraining factor, that is, to remain in peace in peaceful conditions, this is the first thing, the second thing is to ensure some kind of well-being, and russia provides this... well-being even in the conditions of war with ukraine, a lot of people left for georgia, there, so to speak, soared the prices of apartments and so on, there are a lot of different moments here, and those famous tomatoes, so to speak and peaches or mandarins from georgia, which are taken to moscow, is also a factor, that is , welfare, security, and i think that... in fact , they are not afraid of the absorption of georgia by russia, as we are there, we, for example, are afraid , because
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georgia is georgia, they have their own identity, which, so to speak, no russian peace can really drive away, that is, this is the model, uh, to close in one's country, to have prosperity and to have relative security, that's what , which the georgian dream offered to the georgian layman, i would say so, and... and abstract ideals, democracy, freedom, europe and so on, against this background, are secondary, especially since they are largely associated with the name of mikheil saakashvili, who is not a good politician for all georgians, far from all georgians. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences. let me remind you, friends, that we are working live . tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please
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subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, should the countries of the european union return conscripts to ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have other options for answers, please write in the comments under this video, and don't forget to like this video so that it advances in youtube trends. if you are watching. us live on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think eu countries should return conscripts to ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings, serhiy, i'm sorry that i can't join as
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usual, because kyiv is currently disconnected from the light. we will talk on the phone, after all we are always happy to hear from you and your comments, hope to see a picture next time. let's start, mr. viktor, with anthony blinken's visit to kyiv. uh uh- it's clear that uh there were a lot of different statements, blinkin was talking about the security agreement that ukraine and the united states of america are currently preparing, that they don't uh. the americans mean they do not insist that the ukrainians do not hit russia with american weapons, ukraine, they say , decides for itself, but obviously there was much more behind the scenes in this visit than we know what blinkin could bring or what conversation or what proposals
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blinken could bring on the eve of the global summit of peace and of course, the anniversary summit of nato, maybe it is... some sketches of the future peace agreement between russia and ukraine, or the conviction that it is necessary to change the war in some way , what do you think? you know, for the last two days i have been constantly being asked questions about the so-called peace agreement, but the question is that we cannot talk in principle. about some kind of peace agreement, because russia is not going to sign any agreement that would guarantee peace, it is already becoming obvious, because all these latest statements from the kremlin, they are clear, so that putin actually repeats
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the same thing at every speech, we want an agreement. that's right, but these agreements of mothers provide for the capitulation of ukraine, this must be recorded, this must be understood, and actually, when, when we talk about the peaceful waters that russia offers there, well, it must be sifted through a very deep sieve, could blinken bring any peaceful agreement, obviously not, i have a feeling that blinkin just came... in order to really check the data that the ukrainians, ukrainian intelligence, the decisions that and and that the vision that the ukrainian government and the ukrainian president have, to make sure of some of their versions, the americans, as always, have
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a lot of versions about how we are going to confront the enemy, of course, that... the summit that is to be held in switzerland is a matter of participation president biden, in this summit, there is no news so far that president biden has confirmed participation in the summit, and the next thing, of course, is how much american weapons are now being delivered to... because they are being delivered to ukraine in a timely manner, i think that's all revolved around these topics, but at the same time there were also tracks, you probably already know, tracks about democracy, about the possibility of holding democratic elections, about the fact that the united states is still monitoring the internal
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situation in ukraine, so there were a lot of topics, i it seems that... it is still such a visit, if not iconic, then at least comprehensive in terms of the topics that were witnessed there. i have already mentioned, mr. viktor, about this security agreement, the draft of which is currently being considered, respectively, by the party and the american and ukrainian, and blinkin, during his speech at the kyiv polytechnic institute, spoke about this security agreement, which will be calculated for... 10 years, let's listen to what the secretary of state of the united states of america said. under our agreement, the united states will support ukraine's security and defense across a range of military capabilities, from the air force and air defense to drones and mine clearance. our bilateral security agreement will accelerate our joint efforts to build
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ukraine's defense industrial base so that you could produce artillery themselves. mr. viktor, since you say that blinken could not bring about any peace agreement there, does that mean that for the biden team there are any negotiations at all now about possible agreements there or about some process that will be initiated by, well , in particular, putin, when he ... says that the chinese have prepared a peace plan, although this peace plan, if you consider these 12 points, seems to be the 12 that were published on february 24 , 23, no real plan. yes, it's just beijing's position, does it mean what the question that russia should answer for
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war crimes in ukraine, for what they have been doing for the past two years, at least, that this question is of principle for the biden administration, and this is the position of the future candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, joseph. i think the americans understand very clearly that putin is waiting for the results of the elections in the united states of america, and accordingly, the plans that are in place in the kremlin are to sit at the negotiating table with the future president of the united states of america, so until then i doubt that will be signed at least... if there are any intentions for a peace agreement, i'm not talking about the peace agreement itself, from putin's point of view, he
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is actually doing very well on the front right now, the offensive is underway, he is capturing new territories, he is raising once again , he is entering the kharkiv region, it was announced that it is possible... and in some other neighboring region, that is, from the point of view of the fact that he is promoting his ambitions, he is just ready, i think, to go to some the peak level of this aggression is just at the finish line of the presidential elections elections of the united states of america, i think he still has a plan brewing in his head that... if trump comes, it will be easier for him to negotiate about aid to ukraine, or rather about its absence, and in this case, it is
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possible one of plans that are being considered in russia, if the candidate from the democrats is the winner, i think that they have another plan, and this plan will also include, obviously, an invitation to the table. spoke, but i repeat, putin once again confirms what he said in 2007, he wants returning to the warsaw peace treaty, where he will rule part of europe, this is his strategic task, this is his plan, and he is moving forward with this plan, unfortunately. antony blinken, while visiting kyiv, took part in the concert. band in one of the underground bars of kyiv, let's listen and see how it all went, because yesterday there was enough of a sharp reaction of social networks, i.e. some said that he
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was singing neil young's songs during the war, others said that neil young - this is the person who sued trump back in 2000 for that he used tracks at his campaign rallies without his permission, so listen. and draw our own conclusions about how and what blinken did in the underground bar of kyiv. listen, i know this is a very, very difficult time, your soldiers, your citizens, especially in the northeast and kharkiv region, are suffering tremendously, but they should know, you should know that the united states is with you, most of the world is with you. are fighting not only for ukraine, but also for the free world, and this free world is also with you, so what, let's try.
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mr. victor, did i understand correctly that blinken, while in the ukrainian capital , gave a big greeting to trump, i think. that it was made for something, that is , it is not necessary to say that it is impromptu, that is, it is a prepared story, look, pay attention to which side, well, that is, it is a left-handed guitar, that is, it is precisely a guitar that was prepared exclusively for blinken , i will say, i will also say that blinken was... one of the initiators of ee - the seal of approval in the state department of ee such a program,
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which was called democracy through music. and that a very big program, when american singers traveled around the world and promoted precisely democratic values, and at the opening of this program, blinken also played the guitar, that is, it is already such, you know, a remake of the ideas that blinken started earlier, but i repeat, it was not impromptu, it was a prepared speech and... obviously, the video that you showed a piece of there demonstrated, obviously, that this is exactly what we are talking about, the decision and this frame, which will be used during the possible election campaign. and the very end of our conversation, sir viktor, tomorrow putin has to go to beijing, and the day before in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua, he said that it could
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be... the basis of the diplomatic process with regard to ukraine could be the chinese peace plan, which provides for the start of negotiations on the current front line , quoting putin, we want a comprehensive, stable and fair settlement of this conflict by peaceful means and are open to dialogue regarding ukraine, but these should be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, in particular and our interests at the heart of a serious conversation about global stability, about security guarantees and about... uh, opposing parties and of course for russia, and these should be reliable guarantees, uh, in short, mr. viktor, what does putin want? i have already said what putin wants, putin wants a direct dialogue on the division of the world with the united states of america, which is true, there is a problem here, because xi jinping also wants a bipolar education where there is china and the united
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states of america. there are no others, and this trinity can make just that skeleton, which, which will divide the world into spheres of influence, russia wants to participate in this process, but do not believe what putin says, all his words about peace plans, these are simply words about the surrender of ukraine, these are words that have absolutely nothing in common. with reality, it will be very revealing here whether xi jinping will come to switzerland just for this peace summit, and for us it will be very revealing china's position, because there are so many good words, so many correct words written in er chinese chinese so-called peace plan, but this for all good against all bad. let's
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get back to reality. thank you, on this note we will put an end to our conversation, it was viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel and conduct polls throughout our evening, and we ask you about whether eu countries should return conscripts to ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, on tv, you can already see the intermediate results of the survey, 77% yes, 23% - no. if you are sitting in front of the tv. you have a smartphone in your hands, vote 0800 211 381 if eu countries should return conscripts to ukraine 0800 211 372 no, next we have news from our partners at the bbc, we'll be back in the studio in 15 minutes, stay with espresso, in we will be viktor boberenko and volodymyr fisenko.
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an attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitz, was seriously injured after the government meeting. we have collected everything that is known and will tell you in today's edition of bbc u. ukraine, i am olga palomaryuk. the small town of handlova only 190 km from bratislava, the capital of slovakia. there was an off-site meeting of the cabinet of ministers there today, prime minister robert fitso was also at the meeting. and here are the shots of fitse going outside, after the meeting, approaching local residents, as a man calls out to him from the crowd and shoots him. the local press reports several shots, the prime minister falls.


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